The Goderich Star, 1935-05-16, Page 8i . Mlililir, .
and 4
itil fittest
resseielile prices,
East ,leaner
norie ;mocha*, TorOnto was held
• rePreeented the 9000 -
;Of the Associatien.and'abOnt
'sv,tre Present,
or: the
0*.hre'04404fitonsliiii- of the 'Association,
'The .ifoand Moos. sktiotn„
Stowe, Forbes And. Brooks eompeting,
and iooked to --:100/0 the„..themplonalifp
kre4n. TN,
unison. 'Miss 'Wort
Devotional Leaflet, Pralrer bY the pastor.
versa duet, "X10 and, Tell" Was reSer-
ono. and * liolo by Mrs. H. eandersoa
Was tendered r
work of "%Tato
the gads'. or the r
ilvarikv *wrote,' ''Tt,ke dials
Phillips, for the b04101** Peals*. The
11,0 ,titowei. in whirlwind. finish, copped ABM. -
the . traphy. - McLaren claims he
needs `starmer,westizer atay the route.
Iter-lt,tylutoDrivnid mad bodyguard att.
".very., interesting :Meeting of ;the The people of .Ooderich and vicinitY
Was haid ih the church, . On Monday 00ilielving la 0.„ tangible-waY their ' appro.
r ' n .iit. Litt Dicier*, with Mrs. P.,. elation ot the tOwn band. which-doei:;0
on ,rnesdal ahd *ednesday 14nts. as Anonymous. 1 dozen' glaises; Mrs. sy, dOth.,' .11045;•, Mid went ti live • at :go-
'71,- 5
,h4h4 hehent, the_ ihreeilet coin. Bissett, .2§,q, __00.:Viii Oriellw-• -_:l Jare . Isubt sti-Ottirreit. :141164rds:,,,,ilti'1454t of -..siO.P:ittietn•ce t6'..
,pr000t .),,ir furs, woolen, b,lip.. - prepented at Maclay Hall by. ,the ltio- . t i . f it. ivir d avir a ,,,,,aa engaged In : thi. teaching picteakon
'Utak etc., !fronv.,Meths. rack torte.. Players, and every000y .is asked to
a Dunlop, two het water bottles; Mrs. 0114 In P07.41008' ,eharge of p, 8.'No.
.thern aita$ in a, Cedir phoiq this: tuta 'out and see a. good, play and at -the
is the -month* that the moth pita sante time help to swell the band 'funds, 33:4, saults, dom. dlaper,*siirvert„.i um.' .0.',ce*arlit.......the raw, op sopol:,, . ,she
in hit fieit 'OP;
. ...t 40.1:Bur. Tsay; Ivor, zo,asp;iimr7s5. T. 'Mts.. ciwgostellsos tr;;;;Itiore!;_tittati:°:44ttei,dted. t)iitotta*y.a .''t'llutinit'rin.ea
We bole a Wee asSOrtinent Or
:. ''ofaighthouse Nan" is a story in which ,
remote aad raYsterY, with a sufficiency lianis„ $2 and two jars jelly: Mrs. I,. C.
D- Omit, two Jars fruit; mai. 040, wit. ..c.eurstaiirteees4.4ty;tahr: Varilgor,erssibt1re... at4:eh4t4retire,,, thed
04 tomedY, are skilfully. inferwOren. Th '
:times the .Prite.... rWill Can
lir .1st - Win the :old lighthouse-ittepert draw her and
iorturtes Of Nan, the Attie* datighter_ Of.„ marata, 111 1,4;3. (Dr.) a. m. otiham, teionr:s.,:;e•meaFixario' heoItwitiniaberzittedr . att. cip,,i, 4.1448.t.0,
hain4r- blanket; Um. r.,, Donnelly,' pair
' .tik4Ins, msoiiine i*r stitioliteg, into sisety a tangled situ»: bath toweis; was., 0. 0. 0is,06141.s. ..twf., ,ther,,,cluirlea Spene,tyLbOth'!'01- -.43(etterieltj-
14 , ' tioatibutzliwi ,.ataarl,4,i..'attr.,01Lail,sodieperlstriee ilx,,,o_kd7oti-con" .-.4! ,-.14rs. -film. mos- w: Itair,-*iii-batii ,-1,40..w.,.
i _ jecture as it wilt -1411 --thin rilit,'. -,ml.c Edith maker, si; 4,11.s., B. 0. Bea.
"I'llt144,A" Ilintinitli'CtrCrES In the tast, COM; Jar' fruit; Mrs. (Dr.f 4. It paylor,
, flia. LE and all have ttieit POt to Ploo' 14 ',di:IV:. two pot .11ftens and, tWo dish, 'Cloths; Mrs.
isr filsral. frix tut taut ,t.urouou,.4,/ tangkd courses 0.* A*, chteloltri, Jar fruit; MS., tg. gem,
two baby hibi: Mrs. 114 I, Acemehen, pair
lbwnshiPlifospital.' AuilliarY. r 41Phel*, erOafieitt.
skid sun room furnishings; lie,fiss, ' g.
A. *Ott prestilent or the /X i
t r. *only *Mott the nninerous
44 brolACIA fb'Y ttiveot* .,
nil 0. cirrie *n4 Mrs, lose fs*Ikel4
Mar1200. Urs.
dotuttiens were received frOm
Sturdy iiverot as, follows;
Miss Thaghlal,, 1)14 lineal Ur44,41un.,
ter, two .joirs fruit; Mo. 4). .0010* three
jars fruit and Adder );tre. G4°. E4w.
of Mr, Anct 104, Oabnitten.
or. Stiirlothi
. ices at the Baptiet
*Der l• miss
district Mr, ton alWays look
1;4qt:et la' Pa ;gaits of the corioti4),
11:4t 'active MeMber Of the L. O.
.B. Zoiltei;;Cordoll, *act ditrinir 4.40.
,10040'0004, thttt,
41100 tesid.keer, the Cord** 01iStriet
at two 4$.4(1000 ,tituilia/ afternoon. 1Ret
Will • 000144,
Aolls .404' Pro: ..dsvili4
The epeeist Services which are being
„conducted in VfacKAY Ifall by Rev,' O.
'Friday eveniq at 'ff 'pin. and on Stinday
At 4415 pan. Then begiiming. Thursday,
Mav "234 services *111 lie held' ever,'
night excel* )44ndki Oil 8*tortlaY.
low; Kiss Aroells Megan, SWAY; Mrs. ... Services at BOrth street 13 ,nited-cirtut
A.' 1°' Sturdy'. auiraielade; Mrs:.A. roVf- Aut almdaZ 21117:42t40 *411 be Conducted
lie, Jer fruit; Uri, Tsai* Salkeldo two bY tber. pastor; *v. w. ' z Line, as fol.
'Jars JeltrP lifr4, C. A'. Reid, ,frigt,.$4illy, lime: 40%. .414.npic !Len's, Oink subieet.
"Dieltles; 4.fiso Doran. date ...MO. n« '114;74er. nntf6 Pular the tliIngs -that are
'0A/tilt Maralalade; litri. W. t. 1100021. i „DAY'. Service"; tsithent choir. 2 p,..144,
Don,. tape; Billy Beattie, 1.1v4". for obit. irto-6whifir ... brief 11140es,„ -
4311' **en wit* 441is; lat!,...:11.' rr' 4' C°11'. . 11 $ ' Ell" 8"11C:,; death ,;;.;414:1;5')!;4'. °°,,luiZtlf:Ti'pif" e'47.!bit*!: ''' ""
illlit:-*Ii*, -4'..' 44:',:le:'..itai,"TsTi• 1114CA-a .VgiaiaitI was -horn: In 'Orkney, and at , miss, .011ve 4/ifterson,.. rt*,.,. Ot Wood, .
pair 'pillow_ slipa_lor 0,..._%14 -1/.. A,,room; 41%**10.0f....six'Went.t0 rnilan& 0 -been. stock :is 'ci2Joying a few *Oka* bOlidaYS
Nos. "tL: Ninrilion, SI; Miss' Mary Salkeid ber '-'edneatinn; 'Attb - her Parente elle nt he bailie ;here '
25 eent$; IVEris, R. Phalen, soap and c came to: Vanans. la 18.67,,,_ nettling t -Vs: and Mrs. Broest-Doeir-werej
Oh: Cathelle ,Woinen's tONPO,* .4' Pairs Winaithi and 'Ater moving to .doderieh„. •uky., visitors., .with: hei,1).•-arentei 14.r.- an
pillow . slips; gra+ 'futile, _sr,. su miths She *AS r th eldest daughter' of the .late mrs, lt, clionne,s, - . " ''
xennth .334 oiltigis;.- 'wit" ilitsio, Ben, litirgb,, , Et.:00,1.and A.ugust ,l, 1823, and with' her sister, , krsLCliiii. 111116,1_hi
Brown, marmalade; Mrs, J. S.' Platt, :c aloe ,gogus,' Devon, .England, Deeenther ill:moon and., ure.,_johit 44$9,12.,14it
sauce; Um Phillips, jar fruit; Iitrs. tit, 1035, libliember *pi. &laughter spent "Sunday )ti.,,h:.ttlr.te..34S* on
WFAILt. ail A battle,
It not 00144 Itetu,.**
bottle Asa get.
tiuunvitPTosRE CitiTes:ll's Lauder's
mot' On .1iTithiesilitri.' May.- -*stir at the
borne .;ot: '143.14, 15iva 'Kearney: Mrs. Bert
7,214:Mips?il was 0044 •P;esident' tor the
Mrs.. chez, Jegnrso the presidmit.
busbies* Itart::t , Meet The
,chapter in P.00k WAS 't,Akett.bY
Clinhihe'Y int*: .151,t 'the elOse the
.S r-PAROT-0
iweek-end guests with
Burrows on Sundslyi were: lir. and
Urn- Gordon TinWes, Mr.; add il.a.±1.40-
Mi/WhinneY, and' Mr.
ite new patterns in Grass Rugs are
int* range Or ei2es, suitable for
able at • 43041ARIFFIRIS;
l't, le thOnten;ori: Th' AirStf' e4Y, Mar IncL
Urs. ilas„ Itainuton„fiewgato street. is
'visiting relatives this week at. Avonhank.
and 0. WorAy spent Tuesday in Lan -
Mist Nortne .04,194 it, of Urea-.
te. Dr, as vest at the hoMe her father,
Ur., and, Mrs. deo, Barnett and 'Son,
ot Detroit, sPent the. weeks -end'
with Ntr. and Atm Om 33rMiheZ,
Wesitieldo spenLaunday with mil_
anct Mrs,. botdford and
4, visited on: atind,a,y mt. and
W4 and: -Nits. lrhan4 muhvi-vi snit
west *twits ,or0. the „Weekend.. w
Vr. And Mas. Zurtk4 "and,
and, lalskiluriitt., ;were Londen las
Week Sk the .ainutal W. 4., pi
404 valets with.
Oink A. it. Oolk
.$1;itbializirig in
oloati,:Pirmillelit Waves'
,Poputo':Ati pRic
Angora and Crepe*
and, try to- patois itt, There isn't another est , " "‘"4"1"0"3"Allusini • 'hir
Oat ON* You so nitle.,4 fat so, snuill
sta this. sensational. Studebaker 'at its,
even the lowest in stsite,
.00 ordinary automobile. This is istattale-
is 'ned