The Goderich Star, 1935-05-16, Page 4WSAWOP
lae tv*erity-ftmt 00041 trotting*.
004 fiteSbyterial itio*tY Ot
S. Of the Preabyterlen (10110
poostota own! br ow 1107,bottlia
nt. airg. ft, %tatuitoxy...whitt.qty,
een1n sou,No,4413. vg, bed ',MAW
th the o PreabAelli!wis
TV", bk XOlv, fl 4Uan paiator
•-leatei Ohnroh,
114,0110w1nt the .opeplq, ,devotional ex -
erases in] the 01Oroltig eonduetett
inefribera At 'the Eadithe' Auxliitry, Um-
ot JtitertUort read* the minutes of the
theeting or 1034, 010,10* the 41ibilee
year and was held et liancardine. • In.
•Seresting and enema:aging:report* Of the
' yeses a'ork:1 were giVen bY the seeretaries
of the various *patio:ten* Miss titellie
Ataleolni repOrted tor the Voting Wbm.
• en's Attsillaries, Of Whieh the are low,
with a menibership of 00, with a total
itivinga Of stem, an Increase of 810,00
over the Prev10113 year. Mission Bands,
'With ISO Members, contributed $23931,
Or an average ot 85‘ per niember. The
Montt Relpers' !Secretary, T. Gimp.
on of Molesworth, reported a gain in
with many bright spots inthis
departMent •The spirit of prayer is
much, in evidence among its members•,!0;,11s..L041109.4%1 $141.2Ati.S
reported for the life inenthet.ship depa2,t-
Inent--4 new hie nembers during the
•year in the flenier Auxiliaries, 8 new
Ones in the Ouniors and' Seven seals.
30d, sidgeribers far this Valuable month•-
ly'. Mit Ida McQuaid reported for- the
supplies departnient that a kebn
est wat manifested, he articles donated
-were -of---ttliigh . quality and larger quail-
"titY: and wore valued at $388 '10 Miss
olive itscctt„, of the Literature and 14b-
rsy reported that 14 aux.
VII Ilea 0
The newest sport models and
*nateri*1s can .obtaiht-04 here
I* ext•ra•Ost. •,
at 4ellre
sPaOS tQ the oik o the tre.04$.
Oponding 'Secretary, In e�mprehthth
report, anmatett
which . had, ntenix en0
Mrs. R. Martinetise,.treuur, reported
il3t34.05 as the bfltrIbuon'Of the Melt- Agee. t teeTIP Top Talk
lsnd Phone. 384
l'4.14147tes. weal 041001 -----------------:vine ; '4,40monommummrimipm....
woman for the Optei0
reported the Wings f
by 1)edrinePgPing*6.191n4e4;;Trt.
boxes. .
The dedicatory praY0,,was offered. by
'Mrs. A. Leggett of MOleaworth.
In a pleating ;Sicktre#1..'*8.• _NOrge K.
Armstrong tietsViter, extended
hearty welcome to 0111 delegates
als, well WI to the ret Missionaries,
of whom there Were present, and.
Isitz.„.„5$0,wenv. agag0=01****10044WarIP
.1. • .
:Whieh was enjoyed by *IL
Ing prayer. The cielegates,then repa4ed
to the Sunday - $011001 Where' a de. In her presidential' address. Mrs. Me-
licious luncheon, WO serVed by the Tees- Whinney voiced her ,appreelation of tlo•
water ladies. , •
splendid repOrte given by the secreta,rie
which need no cemrnent but tell ef-
mint, Pield Secretary, addressed the fort Well inuitaineu, by all, Maitland ,Pres,
la111147eet*ri:i'rall:elltwtit' the seriPtere, and Mrs..Kenneth
Mo -
eek ,t4 the mite Lean, " who, offered prayer. Greetings
irOnt Presbytery eaPressiVe Ot their aP-
predation, of the accomPlidunenti of the
ISMS, ...were received from Rev. '1.. cf.,.
Burgess of 'south Willow, Moderator of
Presbytoy. W. A. Williams of
Crenbrook, who was ;the Presbyterial
delegate to the provinCial' annual meet-
ing -held in KnOX: elnirehp.terQute, gavfl
executive, ,..when she iMpressed upon A•S
members the value of paliamentarY PrO-
ceedure in all our business of the W. M.
-S., and- lased: that-Aftkreased member --
ship" be the Slogan for the ensiling year.
byterial being one of eleven auxillers
of' the provinee. which had .advaneer
through. the Past year. "Practical chria
tianityaichshe, "the-need-of-
ilinitY.," She urged, more individual et-
. fort in securing flew Members. We
The devotional perlocip the'efternoon phould face the future with a spirit of
was led by %IIo read: vIspunnAtn.,, and. _go forward undaunted:.
1 she ecincluded.
iMlsg -fc.'11"-Tiartiont brought greetings
from the Provincial Society, and Made a
•strong plea for greater interest hi tins.
Omit* Work, systAnnatie bible StlAdY, and
definite platiS and alb*. .
iteSointions, dealing with gratitude to
God for his great goodness hi past year,
Aorrow tor death of Miss Frazer, editiOr
ot the !Xiisid Tidings,", thanks- of Fres-
, lbyteilal to Rev. Mr. Allen, the -Kirk. see-
" sion, the ledies oi 'reesivater. the .Press,
and lb". 411 who_ had- c ontributee-
Slice* of the -gathering, the abolition of
[beer - Parlors, the apPreciation. of the
Work of the Bible Society and the Lord's
y ^mance, and'iT.pledie of greater
during. the, comingyear* .,Werct
1/4endorsed by the iire:sbyteriat
A Seating ',pert, of the afternoen'S'e.
erelsei , was the introduction to the aud
'fence' Ot Bite returned olissieniiiies"
...the Pastors of the various congregatimis
'from which they cattle: Mr. and Mrs.
Angus of Jhatisec., India Miss
Catherine Campbell, fer- O'Ver 40 years a
triisskinary. lit *much, India; Miss Mar-
lon 'Williamson, Of AinhkUt, India, and
Mit Dorothy Douglarq of Temsul, For.
Moat,- traM tiotiegations "within' the.
bounds of the Presbytery Itather
ec Offered the dedicatery Praier following
the °Sexing; and Ihe Mission Band Of
Ladies' Approaching, Putting:1;nd
Men's 18,ho1ei Medal Plav Competition
(handicap) . G,
Mixed Foursome Medal Play (banal -
"*$ DriVing Competition
Luncheon will be available at -the club 'house
cordial invitation Is extended to: all golfers
part in the piooramme
White Woollens in ve and polo do
made in srnart -sport styles,.; Iined or unlined) swag
fitted backs; carefully chosen'6:?ats that will stand
in roarit stead for the sunine months AO come!
oung Pastel Frocks
A real buy I In washable 'figured
Crepes! Theylier summery and'therre
practical y in pretty, peppy styles: few
in :navy with white dot crepe:: sizes
14 to 40
Women's . resses
,say. ..,owere
H bs What
Sten 'Looking for" when you. 4e.,
hese:' lovely dresses. in sheers and
rough tcrepes; one...piece, dresses and
•„jacket „dresses; navy and White figured
crepes and combinations of plain and
figured: practical for now and :later.
Sizcs 1854' tc42
14 v
ingltant,1 2nd Vice rr t,
tegott. Mroicoarorthi,*4.,Vjce
14, Mr's* unwer, Telawaten
41h Vlce. PreOlitlent, '
0110*13,„ Lineerdlrisn",
ttY Mrs. 04.) 0,„
BeeAirding Secretary, trrti,
31Ortli4ri, ''ittincerdine; • Treasurer, %Os.
R. Usrtyn, a!iger: , 'Mind Siett.
liela 4 •lie.*r ritish Agen
,ireono, 4440411:
etaty..310a. , ShiVion,
' meitt>41.4140 Secretary, Ur*.
(Rev.) Crimbrook: Glad
Tidings ;ONO:tail, MrS, Itraiiter''
Illt4741; Supply"it,eeretam Mliss 'Ids Me-
4a04.,White4bUrcht-Otoicome and Wel-
fare SteretarY,.. cfruthrfe It0d,
•Teesriater,:: Piteniture 'and a4brary
Se -
retry, Parker, Ii!rintscatq, PressSeA,
Mrs., R. Davidson, Conven-
er of Nominating" Commit*,.., Mrs,
,(Bev.), H. McDonald!, Ltieknow.
of was appdintied
as the delegate:.,,,to' the Sumnier School
at *IMAM .
In moving the adoption of,the nomin-
ating cominittee'S report, ',Miss Atleoallimi
added a.`irote appreciation for the ex-
cellent Services as rendered. by the re-
tiring president, Mrs. MeWhiriney;
after a five.year term of opl0e, winch
was heartily endorsed by the gathering.
litt the e'vei!iasestion.
Teeswater church,Mr." and Mrs. A. 1C/fc-
Kay o aitinsi, India, and miss Marlon
Williamson of. Amlikut, itriclia, were the' t
latest speakers; and Portrayed NOT vivid-
IJi_with -the °idiot* for the. future, and a
s,4 lo In tbe viIi.e to
eekunnytiehtor. ,
;,••' fi,6";Z
0C,''sh4JIMS*.:„who has bi
Dorqnto' for ieverat 'Mop* 11,04
.treatment for footsoct*befsde3.,
Pett iiiinerhome °11$obert 01 4!"t-ar4i4P17004alePall'illini*lZlula
for a hOlkta`f at •PretientMr. and -
Oren,f. Xliffe;404r.T49141were P44*,irtteatOliatttcl .*Ithes'
home or hts parents, Mr, and SIM.' W.
' ,ThomP1100, 'VW the week -end.
1,114e#,' 111::1;1.1e144:111:X 4)7.$: 42.41/.4:14itereLi*
Clinton, VIalted•the. aunt, 'Mrs. 41.'
to',StUrdy, CarlY-,...;t114Ftsveek. , „
meeting of the Womente Institute will
be held in pie hall. - Mort4nore
will slanveo: the jibe tgelk...:70 call, "Old
The boy e have preps their ball *
ittrtIONEL'IlAftRit,MOROw.-Eitelvs. Arnahle anil Atm L'04.
houlfitta-,,entortataing story of 00,44 nth *n4 the
.„, ,
Tlatilf,Star `PIRIDAY and °S,A.T.;..Viii, IfolklaY Special!
. and STSPIN
Again traVerse 40,1#011 and rustic path In a situ* *tit 2,4
rn rull0 witiaO„
Coming—,toe E. Br -Own as:"The Six Day4ke Ityler
mattnee* Friday and Seturiav. at 3.1,* Peni,
grmind eae f the house occupied bY
Turner on the IL L, %Andy farm, and
win begin- Practice this week,
Mrs. 33. Stanintry and little son- of
Goderieh 0014 11, few days last
week.end a he home 01. her, parents,
Mr. and MM. * BAP, - * •
The lecture anti' picture* by Mr. Storey
On South &Merles on Tuesday evening
at and for ttie knoWledgl of the
The $.^Y.P IT. Will Meet in the Rap-
ist church on Sunday evening. Miss
Rlkin will give the topic.
StrathroY* Were vPitors with Dr. and
Mrs. Weir 18,st SimdaY.
tAnd-thirs Was brought to a close one
fthe-matt-sticcesSful-nieetings ever held
by the Maitland presbyterial in its 21
years'. —
„ Mrs. Ilurtkin ' Roach is a pa -tient in
Alexandra, Marine and Genera
tal, 0**,0614' 4v4fire she is undergoing_
rin-opera, n.
Mr, and'iMrs4 T L. Bogie, of Midla
Who recently ° Pirithased the home
Miss Piebella Greep and pavid (free
near Shiiipar4iii,-, are now ocupyi
-their-ire* -.1i*e-.;Titiltillaf •Green and h
brother have.„,pineherd the dwell
house. In ClOderleh belonging, to Mrs.
Girvin, and liave Moved their bouselui
and MIS: R. McWhinney, .Mrs,
(W.). A. A. eSiniPs'orit- Mrs, Fred
Mrs, W. IX. Mrs. Stoth
Mr. and -Um. R ThividsOn, attended. t
,meeting of Frei/0)1;4Y and the Pre.S.14;
teriar iittem•—iiiteion-^seitlaY.
11/4ifx. and ,Attiz,t140irton Rbacir•have mov-
1"'the„it 4,0 on** vi4go.
teiltYPP., PlirPhaSel
Thctous&liii undergone a eemplete re-
novation: inside,: While a. verandah. -has
been built at tht front inicflurt"her
provelnents r1l1 e thaap, f0the exterior
In the ;leer.
;Ws, 40bert. AlinolStmog Is to be con-
gratulated *upon receiving a $3.00 prize
In Ooderieh'last Week . in competition,
with Dollar
Harvey Finnigan Was home 'from. Pe...
treit for the week -end Which he spent
with his parents, Mr. and .-Mrs James
Arbor WAS observed at the school
On Friday .last and the atliotil garden
Was Planted" On 'Monday_ of this week..
Mis;piacctia and sOri, Donald,. are
visiting Irk& in LtieknOw.-
liott, at Toronto, :were recent week-
• 10..Pit 4 and daughter,
nd guests( withs' the, former's daughter,'
avtr., Roy Roberton, of Detroit, motor-,
" ed tip last week -end to the home of. his
Parents, Mr. and, Mrs. Wra. Roberton.
returned' en-Ittinday, lideOinParded.
his mother, who Intends to visit with
Mr. and Mrs. Wm..RobiSon visited with
1VIOCool4 of 'Clinton, ream:41Y.
and Z Taylor, Mr. and Mrs.
Itaithby' and Mrs. cibrden
Spent a day in. London theipast,week.
Mr. Jno. 'Wagner, retired N. R. ag-
ent at Port Dover, las 'coine to -Auburn
.tintke hitt home with his sister•Miss
AC. Wagner. •
Mrs. Win.' Thomson visited recently
vismitedisa jainaittr. an4lu-nogrs. Bintap. Ie)nh:haps.
tew days
In Clinton with Mrs. Vitro. Mutch,'
Mr. and Mrstttaboa ti7d daugh,..
wre visitor!! last week at the home
lady's parents , parents, M . and Mrs, R.
• The high, school arid contindation
• pup2s lire busy with, final test exams
,thireese days. likrormaao
lt• _
road to the grist mill and also to the
• llisawmill of Mr. Ed. Lawson fin.
ished the season's etit last Wednesday
Ifter good 1:o212
The ofxio
ielast .iV--gitel:iiin
• eiurhnetTld;;wttodrttendanee.was7c7c1det o
Mr John INcEe$Iieells 414.A.1 well as his
many friends 'would like lo'see. -
- Mr. Arthur Newton 12 spending a few
days with X. Currey at
---sfr.--Wtnitiv_ is at pTe,se, er
,doetioe.s- care -suffering- from a very
severe cold.
0.1 • •
Mr Mis Mr. Clifford Brindley has moved to
ng tloyd the farm vricattui.:by MilLArrendriay 011
er *fr. P. Steel's farni, A.shfield, near
ng '
. We are very sorrY to hear that one Of
a our old citizens Of Nile iri ;the '•perbon of
I• d Richard Ryan, who. on last repo is
not Ina verY leVorable
with her daughter, Annstrong,
'West 'Mawano,s11. children were proinOted from' the (kat* ,
Mr.' and Ildr,;. Alliston and babe, of t Roll o the Beginners'
Mother's "bitio at "Nile aittirelr tunday.
Iseheol .wria,- fittingly olitTery_ed. .6ix Young-
, e
Mrs. J. D. Riehirdson.
it(3. -Wittig and two
44110-enogPort A1berj, .Were"gueita•�n
Sunday vIthiMr.... and: Mrs, David Glenn.
Atr,' and Mis, Wm, *batten, of Ripley,
who- were Sunday guests wLt Mr. and
42ohartt:tfrute, of West-Ivawanosb.
also called on their; illielle-amfatiniti"liiif.
and Mm, ;David Glenn.
JamesTitetAll Is attending branelL
Meeting at st..04rys this week,
Mis J. E. lis is **tint her Sister;
, .
Mr, and ars. 'Mn.,Carter and tunny
were Auburn visitors on,,,Sunday;
Mr. ituiltord Crosier and his triothr.
Mrs, Wth. Crozier of Crewe, • visited on with, the lattees parents, Mr.
and Mr. W. 11. duiipbeit
Ate, end Mr*. Oordon :Snell,. Messrs,
nest and. Alvin stoent Tueeda4
at the • belt* Of lkira. Sherif brother,Nfit,
4olut 10unghltit;01 ttbtn
Mrs. -PtemY Vineelit and, tam -
visited on:Sunday at the borne. of
is VincentuflGtber Mis Malden; et
itechUrch, '
aridMelt. deo. Oak and Miss
an spent Moees Day the tor*
;mot** civic, at the hone
•• and *r* MinAtebovell,,
hite and Pstel Witylk your summer, prints and silk
suits, tattering styles in beige, ptnk, powdet, yelloM Ana' $1 lig
white Spcsa1 %IF
operating wri the gravel eriisher. at W.
Watson's Pit, had a narroNV eseapt 1.1,rhich,
might of proved seriouscire.v*. hit bir
fly.,ng crowbar, throwing hira several
feet and rendering' him • unconeimis for
some time. Re was hit on the mouth,
driving his teeth through his -tongue.
Lost repoeg are that heis (Whig fine,
although unable to tall . the next day.
v. Rourroy. •preached a vex:4,4
'Or orgfiirtraePainitl'et
text, t'She was a Virtuous Woman" and
urged very strongly- the necessity of
parents to insltruct their children in the -
right way and to .avold in any way -to
deceive ..ttlreir children_by_
what he 'termed white lies. The „MUSIC
and singing was very befitting, the choir
being- made up of:mothers:
eur, and Mrs.. Gordon Pearson have
be-enspen4ing a Tew. days around the
tparental home at Nile prior to their 're-
moval to•Goderich where lie has bought.
out the eff business, of Mr. goal
vaure-hoine he-aold b face at Nile to.
Mr. Kingsberry,: of Landon, . who has
ediate' possession?, We viel--
conie Mr. erid,• Mrs. Hingsbeary to Nile,
_ • • • yr •
'sent taking care (A dhas.MoPhee
end Mrs. b. Atamilten.,
who not as well ee..lier nw15; crlerida
mr. and Mrs. XX Phillipsa„of Heleo;4 *child like to
+,*1 25r. '114-.;i,40;. Palltert 41+ *fighltniz9---- 1 Germ' *nab "' Vliti
is hlprng
,progrets wherc niinutcs (vita •iti
Ontario, electtkity it Y714/fly/TOW With Phdro
--the great ehtetprise whkh you *tie a pottier.
TODAY, after twerit;‘five years of Hy5lro progress,
your mother'your wife your daughter, move about
their neighborhood in hie security of better -lighted
streets. Whether in urban or rural centres, theyhave
been emancipated from housework drudgery by dec.
trim( appliances. You enjoy cheapetand More consis-
tent electric 'transportation. You participate in the
advantages of low-cost power to ineinstries of Ontario.
” You share in the savings to the municipalitie,s in corn.
*flunky point' and light:
NOV17;-Hydra plans t� bring greater comfort and,
safety in the home to extend. the advantages of low.
cost power,by inalr:ing it easier to own—easier to pay
efonrio--;:yinatInl tooftthlitoesetodapapyl.iiintes-that contribute to the.
Hydro is yours ---use It Remember, when you tuy
an appliance or pay your light hill, you are investing
money int your avit company, money that will tome ,
back to you in dividends of stilt lower power cost.