The Goderich Star, 1935-05-16, Page 3r embleieVetee, ereeeeeee~00240 see *seseeeesesee,"eseteseteeseesselSeesSeS, Sele,*tessel SateVrms!".sessece.:. ICA* 3'4 litho 1.30, -44,000MP WITH MK 4hei A tracklead .44,40 Ash; firat tSene4inneent'o o tOtai >et L'05tt, *OS pced itt a lake int'tP01 -14.."-evtiehipeeeeentise The fl.slt tEre Untie Saltnell,. Of Otittlaehtt, an eXeentlene ,ally fine ganee'll$11. OtestiShi OA Itt fine Atalthlr tentlitteili *re 40;044 eette., ye.4 „old, and range irt.410 up to rtioo •4400 In 1.0401A,. U atioNvect to ,r;mtaitt Itt tho. lake for tWa nr thr44' Years they eltaula hesetstrai pounds itt Welifht, ¶he orey. ouo Bruce Ogiae and rat Vrateethet 1)0,F. J R. roam*. - )304. •WAtieNCO:,STAMP'S' IST. • • 1,40eetfoletio: Stitgeett New York Orph thainele'and Antal, Hoapital, eaststant ,at 300orlilelcra isTe nosOlt411- and Golden 439.141te 'Threat elfiStaShal, UMW* Eng. 453 Virster100, Eit, 8., tet110014. ' *role' sallteneS7267;,. • e Next' vielt; TharedaY seething,' May 1001, OillY 001 .940 to 1 9'0100.. * wOrESSIOX:414-VARI., • CHAVeleigtED AOOOttNTANT. ',.269'Ontario Ste MO Star Building; ,Otratford, Ont. .T9iNhtte, tint. AksocI*tofl. -Wh4; was lnstrwnental Oing Abi;.4*#flb brosight hete is auIous1 that, tt,41t tto.„ Iett *lode ferea eeanie sot yeers itt order tO prOhegate And etettirak Pod 4orol3 And tbe future. They aie ,tho first flsh In a rc-stockthg program . or this distr4t, fitlEOUTtlre ..17 'LEpAla,cAlitss 11.AVO ItAYS., Banisters. and RAM 1{-, ;$11.e- and Os C. Ifaise,"Be& -1Jamiltontrcbeseesesese Telephone 88. jrudi.As $AzatN. . Barrister Solicitor. . 'Office: (Hamilton St, - Phone 512. rat= DONNE:VIM, B. A. EBIltcr 1,1 liV1Xtg4VM#440 T414W1--, ^004 4,0014S 04 (11 sandbar 0014 1,9,P feet- out Iron the StlerS'at Kincardine; the ValIey camp coal Compaq trelithter, Johi lettsOttithey „Kennedy, Of '01eVielen4, was waiting arrival or the tuga,,Chansplaln , and International to pall 1144,114? , Kettle. er *eget nor erew..wae jn danger. HAS OITH BIRTHDAY Seeforth Exheelteri On Sunday, UaY 4th, Mrs. Burdge O1ebritted,4h4t Oth birthday IterY, quietly at the hatue ,Of her .daughter, lire. D. Potheringliain, 11401rentanith, Her children, Mesdames Thos- cluv-Pman• Jelin Watson, Rott. Watson and Win,*IViillan, and one,,s,' Fred, irere all able to be with her. -Her grandetrildeen,, numbering iiiteelf, and great grandehildren, ninnherilig films sent congratulations with gifts- and cards. She, WM also remembered by - many kind friends and by the Women's iMiselonary Society of Brucellelde • • 4taigii*Vrf44'4744/0 *ow tuRstiss - . • iti oardine-Re'view-RePorter: It seems that late, fortune or whatever controls Man's destiny has decided that Rev, Dr. J. S. Sliortt , of Barrie, moderator of the general • assembly of the, preeltyterian liiirch in anada shall not open his summer home here. when he comes for , that: pripoie.- rDr. Shortt had -manned to open his cottage on Saturday but Fri _day night reetived . a telegrant---wh nesessitated his return to Barrie. This is the fourth successive year that he has been called home by the sarne method -When he had planned to open his cot- tage. OOdeticti. HE -MISSED - iFincardine News: When. in the city we've often watched the news boys de, liver papers and admired he dexterity with which they tossed them on the deer steps. This last year or so since the daily piers have bsen delivered by motor we have seen the, drivers toss the papers with little effort and they would laid right on the .a001* steps. However they tell us that all good thingl must come to' an end and the efficient tosser of the dailies erred on Friday last IVIten with .a crash he shattered the lplate glass- window -in Shanlieldl.s steref CoMplettiV. Next anorning IC- London firm demonstrated 'how efficiently they could .rePlace such dainages. ENGINEERS' RADIO BROADCAST • Picton Times: 'IV Canadian engineers went. the credit for presenting the out - 7" F. IiARRONV. ROurister,, •Solioltor, Notary Public, Etc.. . SUccessor th J L Killoran. Phone 97: Oftlee,..The,.Square, Ooderich. ERANEST •-144. Barrister ilia Soilogok. Sun -Life Bldg- Adelaide and Victoria Streets. , . Telephone t 5391 • Toronto -2. •• caraorgis.cTre Daur.Ams8 POA,OrktrIONiEit: biliztoi41,ACTol/ A NI) *DztuoiADSS irgErtAPurr, GODCEMOH.• BO‘liPped with electro-ma.gnetic baths. Electronic electric treatment anti °hire- practie. Chronic, organic and nervous hours 2 to 5 and 7 -to a p.m. on Tuesd.ay, Psiday arid- Saturday; and on- Wednes- tiny 9 to 112 a,m. only. Consultation may- be had by appointment. Monday and Thursday at M2tchell. A. N. AT SOI,. residence and office, corner of South street and Bri- tannia Road.. Phone 341. AUCTIoNEERING THOMAS GUMMY f3; SON. Live Stock and General Auctioneers. EIglfl Ave., Goderich. Salese „Made everywhere and.all efforts. Made to give yeti satisfaction. - raxutere Sale Holes discounted. Phtme 119.4 INSURANCE witTeo.A.L` FIRE INSUR: ' MWS 'COMPANY. _ *rim AND ISCYLASIEM TOWN Pito- • . • Value Of property injured up to J&n- uary, loin,' $3,646,915.00. OFFICIIA., Bread -foot, SeafOrth, Pteeldent; Jas. Connolly, Ooderitte VIcc- Preald�nt M. A. Reid, Statorths Seere- tkrieTresatarer. _ IDIRECTOBSseetlex. Broad/loot Sea- forth 11-; Jas. Sitouldiee, -Walton' WM. JKnott, LOndesbaro; Geo. Leonlistr4: Bornholm /40. 1; John -Pepper, BrUce- Iteldr, Jas. 'Connolly. 'Ooderich: Alex. agetwIng. Birth •R. R. No. 33 Thom erstorth No. S; WM. R. Archil hold. ,1,10;."4. ,.4.L.Itero, B. R. S. Olin' tetn Jas. sitt, Blythr May McI Ober, Seaforth; John Murray, &Worth. -folieYholdtra esin pay their Meese - tames at 01vIn Cutt'a stare, Cioderich; The Royal Dank, Clinton. or- J. -21. itfelsrs: . FIREINSURANCE gari it attended to by the WEST WAWANOSII ilatrUAL. FIRE s' INSURPICII CO.. Established 111/e. Dead Oince: Dingaansts, Ont. Vineet 'Ackert, /follreod. Preeident; Dan merCATo 111Plet Vleit-eresident; in addition to the President and Vice Pre.. Went. the ,following Are Direetorti 1. Watoon, Auburn: W 3 Thbniptsim, uhurn; tudkriew; Oar veer *andergon-rtueltridirT-Itatirr 14r-- •-_kiild:Modeirortt •doderich; Bobert-DavidtiOn.-OUngan non. OEM 'MactilliAVEN, Bee. • _TOPA;wzom, Tress, CUTS & SORES a-14ply weird's ftst1r. ft' wasfres put poieon and cleanses. Any wound huh quickly after its we.. 20 - Thoro's ;Sifting bolter, We can takexareA ot your requirements in FURNITURE Stoves, and in fact anything 'fot the, home. -WE -POSITTVELYSAVE YOU MONEY 4erow.r....rtmot L$LACKSTJN thI lize04..),, et tiettoieti; eeler. wurratat. DIRECTOR `AND EMEALIEER ALSO AKEUtANCE SICInfloig (10104liitlai. ONTARIO M1 cans promPity attended to day or niglit. runies Ataea nava* sts. GODERICH ortlig LEAD/IVO Ohl ZMItilattitil ALOO Tow 4 1111,0 Witintlt•S of good body liardWootl direet°4010 the Town ,I3nah for Sale at $3,00. wpeot sidnellvetrede74. One400t Miie limited quantity of horlY hardwood at 48-00 per ftlii 'cord of- four loot Wortri* Orders left at the Town Hall will bo attended to. 'Cash mOst okeeplaVanY Order. L. ttiOX, Town Clerk* standing .noVelty, of, the *jubilee 1road- pst4 Ialoining together of different parts -of the lErapire itt tharacterietle.contr tlerai to the 93.0a1east Was aniMpreSsive feart4 bit not. without :Precedent. tft was /eft to ,,Cianadian engineers, hOWeVer, to ,4000enplis1i Sp-Chr011ir.441671 so Perieet FrOm bee it is not far to. %ewer Bill omit emus eentteli oarate, eeSen woe* hleterleally one a the most interesting to 1444094ter, *ere u.bi‘ to produce, 0, sPOts itt Xanition At one time It was the syntheituditioneof,etweeposeotee seeS; Plate. of Public eXeelltiMe and many eacli, playing: $V few. bails furs turn. law 110131e and ignolole heads !were "severed at she warlog of .:Tieloaeathe. the rangiest a spot noW 'Dirket' by a Slab of merble. Qhaltt'began at *alit's* 'atsith Use 103tinct Zord Lovat, h *AWAY might he classed Of 'Lite snare drnins and ended at Van- sogsnentese 01be'41elseleretbdillee' 'wan" tiheancilasin P:hr; the the 1a4 'few bars. 'The Pro- 43eaS was "*"ed for the "Maple Leaf e,,a."u41741/107w, we' Me at the historical Forever,' nek ViitiverL beginning . and 1404thfraomitrzg,MM44,Wedigtx:4020F fOriMit, .4•M**gq#1400tratraTfallialb* tract:10m of,a /mod iiivolved, alert en7 IIas #erYed ##_aPntreas. a Palace, a'pet- board In Montmal throwing the sWitches linters Sat heftre the -central 'tontra 4nai:ellradbiennttilimteloit Yvatea:$ Royal g o y ( f o r)46eonma that bronght in one oitY after another. geleor:irdwi at An 4 a, othert :te; ialsortniwnd siramosent o!siliyoz • wp:r8 *ffin-9Q41, 1EDAL '414e-tr-the• ##Ying-Of---Tricointrto-see-the' Esteter ThneseAdvocate: Mr. Harry. lions," 'The Tower dates fiorn-the time Hoffman, of, Daslewood, has added an- Of WIUlain the Conqueror but has been ether gold" medals to his, collettiort of added to by several -English- Kings until medals, and is to be congratulated on there are now a dozen or more towers Winning -the, finals-for„ba:riUme-sOloiste surrounded by a wall and a, deep moat in the feature class at the .-Stratford now dry, Before the menagerie was re; Musical Festival on Monday. Mr. Hof!- moved to the zoological gardens .it was man was accompanied by WA musital the chief attraction toethe Tower; today lnetritoto-r,'MeS W;n. ricieurdiati: Zn the the- -chief draN are :the Crown Jewels past Scar years. _Mr. Reffautn. has_ been few can duplicate. In 192 he won the As the visitor passes from Tower to gold Inedal and a WM scholarship in Tower several of the Yemenis Beefeaters ees class at the Stratford festivalmay be encountered dressed .in quaint lase same year he won a $ite scholar- old-fashioned unifornt he bright colors. ship at ,the Toronto- Exhibition, • Tel 1933. They are .the wardens or guardians of be won ethe silver Medal in the bass the Tower. 'Wear the entrance is the' clats at Stiettford.- 2n 1934 he wort the 'Tes.aitors' Gate legding from the Thames gold medalln• the baritone class at through which state ixisoners. were Steatford and this year 40 Won the gold brought into the 'rowerlirough it medal in the'beritone'open class. came Anne Boleyn, Lady Jane Grey, SHELTERSir Thoinas More, the Duke of Mon- . TO REMAIN - mouth and many others who never came out again. In the' White 'Tower, the largest and :oldest, we are In the Arznories where is men a wonderful and very varied 'collec- ton of all the machine,* of death, arms of offence- and defence sine- the 14th Century. Men in steel clad armor, horses steel clad and every conceivable weapon the arts of warhave brought into use. Leaving the White Tower we pass into the open square where the scaffold In olden times stood.- The exact spot is shown Where were beheaded Anne Bo- leyn and Catherine Howard, two of Henry \with six wives, Lord ,Hastings, Lady Jane Grey -and Many oth'ers of whom our history books tell us. Those beheaded within the Tower were "pri- vileged” by having a private execution instead of meeting their fate publicly or Tower Hill outside the walls. Axes are shown by which the heads were severed and only Anne Boleyn was "pri#Ileged" to have a sword. It Is recorded that as she left the prison to go to the block she exclaimed to her lady attendant; 'But Oh-;-iny pretty neek." In the Blciody Tower Sir Walter 'Ral- eigh was confined for twelve years 'and occupied his time in writing a History of the World which was never completed. or b41.1 Stre"tete., dare atzacontrolled the .aailora an rl Iinpoied .* fourpene4 Who met', had. liingnage, init( Jack Is free'to' langnage" it he 11kes Alt al* t#0. Alter rront . 4 prr,.. lacers World. .1Va sal•IzOtit41tite recall hla tunny sor aailomnon 'and ikftt Might' e3Ptr4t. -ineset the offightwatchnian",, or . Gfr telt and his pals as you „wander *be e wharves 'and ritre$0 of the wo front; , Not. let, from Billingsgate Is %merit erected by Whit tfi. ',nark paee where the cAreai Fire of • Lon broke (RIO , 1040. it destreS,ed t greater Part of the city to the Value of Over ten millionts" nts, X1,01.1, rii,* and swept „away -13,000 hOhse# and 50 Cluirehea. The Uonurnetit 4,,if fluted Poem Column; .200 feet high..Writli fi." caged ,galle0 itt*' the top to prevent would.be etilekte-S from '"thr4:. "Wing themaelvta down, - Winding atoll' within with 300 stePScalt he elhnh- ed for three pence but, 6111Y those need- ing **dots*, badly should undertake the A ow .44 AP ..0towus §40p4e,a. Aw(irt4 and' 1'1014, Tiler 'are ,hfhelled "s0 Yen', Ian gle:: 110 wX0haPes.trxr4:41' CiLtotewAlacking , p 04 0 ,,ottuldeil with .6vor 'POO diaMencia. irti4 ter .hics. War4 and' otner precietts stones,f, It 'is stirinonnted by. a- tiro diamond' the oss and under the Cross ls'llie famons',, fa* "Stir of Africa" pre to d ., to Pon Jewels are n a ,eire,tilar room O.- about )3 feet itt ,r1:ttivaer,* hniex „room about feet in ,dlaniettir'.1s Isertitia041 1T t *Ork. harrierfdes,;aliriest, IIk a great te0e, One Cart, eaSily vt tlit Marireiletss "tolleetten-eir glittetint4' bias. 0" ea, Ward, by the Transvaal. Is an - he, other large diamond, the largest in, the world, weighint over 400 carats in the, ,head , of the Kin& tileePtO, qtleelt 'Marra State OrmVit Is side by aid4 with the Rings end various other crowns .or P.Igilish 'IOW are displayed, There Is "abowfteinamatIngwy vss3. ilitittla):4410tf-ce`gl4 plate, "orbs &nd anointing spoons. It Is a truly wonderful repository a wealth—one might almost say ostentation—hi a. emit space ranged tier upon tier like a great nuissiveir ornamented ANVOIng cake. Fox' the WWI alUiee eceup*t It cptitains more riches than any other treasure room in the world.. On the whole except fov the room containing the crown jewela„ the Tower of London is a gloaroy, sad, depressing spot where many unhappy mortals lived' and died In ndeez7. ManAuleY well may -say, "In truth there is no sadder spot ont (earth tilan this," bigarai _Port, Eg1nTIinest As fiir as Bruce County Council, especially the Children's Shelter tomnlIttee Is ooneeened the pro- vincial government can leave hands oft the children's shelter problem In this county. The committee is not at all dis- posed to accept the department of wel- fare's plan that wards of Children's Ai 'Society be boarded in homes throughout the County, instead' Of beteg kept in the helter. In' reeelpt,of a communication bat the government intends to take over nninagement of the Shelter. at Walkerton nd dispense with the services of Rev. ., Perdue as inspector, as well as re- laxing other officiali -With new ,appoin- es, the committees representing the so- iety and County Council met.--. Their decision was that the work would be tarried on under the county organiza- tion, with Rev. en. Perdter maintaining his position. The Spell - The Lure of London (Continued from page 2) crewel of women buyers. The ,selesman Was "selling some .ladies', intimate gar-. itne.nta which he deecribed as "lydies' lingerie" and "ff they was too large or too- small they amid be easily thinged' to fit any eydy." The • group of '10ies' -CoTnifietifori- `and 'fie- so -on bleared' his stock of aydies' lingerie' at dprices'rangitzg from four pence to nine AtenCe a garment Yee, Petticoat 'istne is a strange old vuriosIty shop, attratting a .weird assort- -Merit of Itteniabitt eyot far from here is St... Dimstan's • ehineh with many old tombs and brass Imecelptlort plateS destribing ancient worthies„ Strange steeled are connected 'with some of theml'he torah I'of Dame atebeceit Berry: Is. neticeable for She it, Avas 'who gave .rise to the story a the, atsh and the Ring." 'A Knight was engaged, to marry Re., beeea but' he (repented his engagement for she was of in Inferior station In life. life decided to escape by, .drowning her but at the 'List Moment he relented and In her presence threw his ring into the sea and commanded her never to see hint Again witil she could produce the ring. She became a. cook and finding the ring ire a fish she married the knight. - In Otepney iCaittlieway is the headOuatt ters of 1)r. ziarnado's Home for waila arid strays, there are always, between "seven and -eight thousand of the Poor tchildren maintained by vitatrsubt At/POOP,. , ',•'*11*-etiiiriffig--ciestiiiiiriVeliiiir Ourselves' iri the very unsavory neighborhood „ of Billings4te, the prineipai, fish Market rnf•-tottdott-trtd-sonte*htt-notor;otir-f its i!fistie, langtiage or "Itillinsgate fret, dam of speech." We SoOn, ate at Tthrity Itotise; the' headquarters of the irtifilty Station, which Continis all the light honors, the buoys and the tiOnsing et #4 pileht on the Britian •Ooffet. w minded * the reign 01 atettyvixI * the title a the "Onfid «Otatetisitly ,or. tile 1O6t '010rious and lindiridaige trintty."1 11 tenshits tionty4four HiCkWCLASS INTI 1100111111111111 We can you prompt and satisfactory service at a moderate price in the folk)wing, lines of printing: * * ---lettedleads Envelopes .—Statennots —Private Cheques —Circulan .--Cards --,Dottpn --1414mon '-'4riretkory Fount .i. -Society Stationery ...Blotter* - .11losikleta • Cards E. -Invitations 0 • scoinniercial pei,ttktg Plant and iire to , ont 4mint fa job work. Proittit * • * GODERICH ,STAR Piton* n - Birds of Canada .... 11 Characterizing it as the "black rob- ber" and the worst enemy of some of our lit erner, ornithologist of the -National *us - emir of Canada and widely -known _adiari authority on birds, shows no 'sea- 14113nta"mhnintr-thcrowin tee _Aasuminit_that this bulletin was. with- 431erdsafCtarti :ea°"'pufb°1Isheed by the Na- entle, all the political correspondents on tional (Museum, Department of Mines, this. side now have to do Is to caculate Ottawa. "The ertrar Is about as black what this means so far as the active as 11 13. painted and friends of the. bird- leadership of the_ party -is concerned_ need have no fear of its extermination. Of course nothing speaaeulltr, at all -able to survive even should every man's Bennett may continue to lead the party hand be turned agaiti.st it. The most both in the House and on the political strenuous efforts Practicable will never bustings, 'taking inatters as easy as he imperil the species, and as for active can for awhile, drawing upon..his lieu - methods of control, probably the least tenants more, using the radk) for point - Satisfactory and ,most expensive one is cal addresses, and making public appear the bounty system." an9es at infrequently as poasible. In Strikingly in.contrast is -his opinion of such event the choice of a successor to the robin. ._"This. familiar harbinger of the prime minister may be dtferred in - Spring, originally named by Englishmen definitely. in remembrance, of old home.-ecenes, has, As a matter of fiat,. the most likely on its own merits, carved a place for it- course of events is that the prime min - self in the affection, of the North Anwri- Lister will see how he feels after a couple can people." Its worst enemy Is probe- of weeks back in the House. He will: bly thedomestic cat.. -A weltered cat unquestionably, keep hi -cIoSe. touch with will not effect the same destrustion as specialitts. If he finds he can carry a one that has. to earn its own living but fair load without difficulty. he will be not even the best and fattest and laziest inclined to try a little More and see how cat.-ean resist -the Stealthy stalk and ra- that g'bes. -It is not inconceivable that pid pounce when the occasion offers we shall see the old R. B. with all hiti even though afterwards it refrains from fire and vigor in the coming campaign From the viewpoint of the spectator, this would add immeasurably to the- drama one of the most undesirable importations and color of the election. , Any Liberals frOm Europe. "In Carracia this bird has I have -talted to on the subject would multiplied ,beyond all reason and though rather have R. B. against them than its ebjectionable features hare increased some other leader. The only leader they its cohunendable (mei have not." j seem to be secretly alarnied about would The Canada gooes is described as one, be Hon. H. +1.. Stevens, juslgine• from of the most tntelligent and wiliest of comment 1 have heard. birds,' Which exhibits occasional bits of &ty Behind the Scenes ,stratigy that are astonishing. "Domes-: tically the Canadian goose is a modeli exe Ithough Cttawa has not produ:ed any for man Geese en 11 ng new stories for a couple of or e. --weeks. there is quite a bit doing behind mourn a lost Mate and are not easllY the 'scenes. 'The legil draftsmen are comforted. •Both sexes assist in the re- wi iting Ieglsration, nd the law officers sponsibitities of the, family life and ithe crown are stUdying the drafts to f neceaSetry share the supreme sacrifice. in' eee if they will pass muster; 'When the of ita behalf," 6 ItOnstitutional angle is discussed. The How migratory birds find' their way is, cabinet is' dealing with public works ten - still only vaguely understood. "No sense] ders, with unemployment relief agree - With which we are familiar explains! ments .with the provinces, with the how sonie .spec es return • unerringly to; drought, problem in Saskatechwa.n, and lonely oceanic islands over wastes of routine. 'The two political camps are monotonous ." The Arctic Tern, manufacturing and distributing aminun- neeting from the Gulf 'of St. Latvrenee4 itidn. The Conservative workers are to the polar regions and wintering as}(getting u 11tUg anxious for Some clear- :far- llth as the Antaretic continent, cut decision about the leadership,' and doubtlessly performs the greatest rnigra- the rank and file Of the Liberal party tory- jotuney. are wishing that .Mackenste King. would "Birds of Canada" 'strikes a warning ip out with a program a little more note in relation to the protonic% of tvila i engaging and dynatnic than the old one. fowl, "In les early daks the Migratory' A number of members come and go. Birds Con.vention Act WWI a potent tae -getting caught up with their correapon- tor tin the eon/saltation of wildlife, but dence, or taking care of other odd jobs taday we are not so optimistic, and un- they permitted to accumulate during the less.. means are found to reduce the an- session. In another , week we shall b; n _ nual kill, or to 'materially Increase pro -1 at it again, full blast. disitien, the, /tame of North Amerfca to sincere conservationists and thought - game will afford deep concern beT:nenin.6tigg 117s3-protelne: 11°2"i:id-against tue (pert:pi: tut /saialstetoinsetdusutryd.'What with the Reform six or eight boards to regu- portsmen alike. The only factor that seems .poesible of direct or itnme- Program 'Be already diate control is the legal kill, but this, set forth and the new measures to implement the Price the -generality of sportsmen,..seem most relactant 18 apply to the practical needs spreads report there will be six or teven of tite case." P isw000loto.A CUMI ikamor *viz Tool* Ht cumovi A, Ntrit4 k*k4 2:41,4 Phone $11 uro4 baste.. at tm .0 Yen')s' ftirtteee'.'tee treat 4404zigbI Mai* 11, With: OAS Olinker4 CVOifeo is ecial iftatt $1.01,# auti sure., ,sIts do* ,an easy on Yaiir peeket hook an ' sure ,fire with the hcat., tan ,/get, hap,pinms tth your coal if, Vitt CALL THII1 'neat FoUs lkiow.cAttILY • SCOTCH Al4TH4C1'111 USTARD COAL CO WM. 0. MaCEW,00 Manager 0#401to Oat .....riodi.•••••••••••.•••••••••• "THE OTTAWA SPOTLIGHT" by Wilfrid Eggleton 400 .rgi,.7,40.04WZOAcelake.FOrfirkornin tees health has tsuch a vital bearing on the whole course of politics in Canada foirTriii next cave or six. months that the most important news atory last week came from London rather,, than Ottawa„ ItWa to-the-effeet that Preiiiler Ben- nett nad consulted specialists, had been teld that his heart was constitutionally sound, but that he must have rest. - eating its prey." The English sparrow Is denounced as • ary producer which were disclosed. in the mass buying commission. $0 It: woiild. The acid test however, will these new commissions end the abuse? The advocates will„ no doubt, argue that tileyy will. But there are a good maw sceptics, in business cireles and else- where. IDiaorhIngo .cok.AW'DgMtA..44Ift4028,11,,,r`auzixtPtuivzit e repos front Japan on trade re- prisals are xiiit reassuring. We, are ap- parently going to permit one of our best enstomers to +start a trade war against us„ because we are not prepared to buy little„, -.more. every dollar's worth of nods we buy front Japanwe sell four dollars, and yet we impose on Japanese goods a cur- rency dump which In many cases sends the rate up to 150 to 200 per cent. 'this 18 an issue which Canada, as a great exporting country. will have to face seriously before long, If we are not Prepared to buy we Cannot hope to ,go on selling: and such Aomori as. ;that -of --Japan-viast-•'wcek-giW,NhiidTtiWdiifc'e'or' •-• 1 DUNGANNON - Miss Margaret, Ryan gave her home or the May meeting Of the Dungannon Junior Inaltute, over which stip as the newly elected- president, Presided. Roll call was responded to by giving sug- gestions for the ensuing year's prpgra.m. Arrangements were .made for making the - layette for exhibition. at the iniron Connty competition' and Achievement •bitY to be held in August. MLst Eileen Treleaven gave ..a report of the two weeks' sewing course held at Dungan- non recently In which fifteen girls par- ticipated. with Miss Passrnore, of Rock- wood. as instructress. Miss Cora Mint-. gan favored with a piano solo, and Miss Bern1ce4Roach sang a -pleasing solo with Miss Margaret Rya -n as accompanist. Miss Mary Million offered her heme for the June meeting. , Dr. Brown Durnin and siaughter zeta, of Great Falls, Montana, left on Satur- day by motor on thetr return rto their .homeatter visiting relatives and renew- ing former acceteintances here and at i Ooderich. Hamilton, and Toronto. 1 The 21s1 annual meeting of tlte Mait- land Presbytereal Soteety W. at. 6. of the Presbyterian Church in. Cali:rade will be held hi Knox churtth.- T6espater. Tuesday. Guest speakers will be: Mr. , ' and Mrs. A. M'cletty. Jhansi, India; Miss i C. Campbell, Miss M. Williamson, of !'Amhkut. India. and Miss Dorothy Doug. I las, TM/13UL Formosa, Miss P, fi. La - Mont, field 'secretary, will also be present With greetings from the Provincial So - 1 elety.. The meeting will be presided over, y Mrs. R. MeWhinney of DungannOn,- Presbyterial president. It Will Prevent Ulcerated Throat, -.At the flest symploms of sore theoat, which , presages ulceration and inflammation. tfike Lb spoonful of Dr Thomas* Eclectrde I Oil. Add a little sugar to it to Make it 1 palatable. It will allay the irritation land preVentlift.'ulceration and svvelling that are so painful. Thme. Who were periodi:ally subject to quinsy have thus made thenteelires immune to attack. Published to awaken and stimulate an interest, 'both aesthetic and practical, in O study of Canedian !Ards. "lairds of Canada" Is a popularly written. exhau- stive iteedunt of all kinds of birds known to oe.cur in the Dominion,' their distin- guisging features, nestings, eteshOinic status, and distribution. �niflIar Althea are used and technical fervid are aesekt- ed whenever possible. A "Key to Birds of-Vanada," presented- ht-the-introdire. ry• pagA- 'WVides::e.- ready -tor the identifkatien of unknown species. A distinctive s feature a httirdg of Canada" Li the use of Canadian mhtter.. Irroughts-pubteitio11.---- SOS; stantiallY bound in cloth and illastrated by some e90 colored tones, and elose to 1300 SWAIM 'the Volume compriimi 410 pages of text matter, lind includes hi addition, a glossary and a colored map of Canada showing bird distribution. Copies of the new book may be obtained it& eost 01 00 from. the Acting Dlr. *dor; Deartment Ottawa. thousand additional civil servants re- quired, and a tax bill of, at least eight or ten millions a year will be incurred., Since the budget has not been balanced for years, this additional money will have to come from borrowing, or neW taxes. On the other side it may bte argued that even ten millions a ,yeae would be a small price t� pay to get rid of the trade and employment abuses, the sweat shop condItionsethe exploitation of the prim - VICTORIA DAY LONG WEEKEND • FARES FARE AND ONE-QUARTER FOR, THE. ROUND TRIP iktireen° all points in Canadian and to certain destinations in the United Staten, Tickets &soil going front noon Thinsday, May 23rd, until 2 p.m., Sunday, May Sath RETURN LIMA* to leave destination oat leeer, than midnight, Monday. May '2Ith. MINIMUM SPECIAL FARE Adults - 5e Children - 25e Full information from any agent. Canadian Pacific .1151.141.r Olistilite CHO ph WOOdP1 Thd Keeps You Aiske 1/4,4.1r Nom* Pine Soap trd3 d it's the cough that sticks;.tho cough that angs on, in spite of what you do 10 Oet rid of it that causes the tilkt've mid throat wracking coughing that keeps yon wake*1. Why net got bottle of Dr. Wood's llorway Pina Syrup arid *es how qblekly it will, rolleve this cottkh. Ing condition. • It looffens the germ carrying phlegm) soothes the • trwrobrineNnstrongthens the bronehial ergems, and when this is done there is no more lying toralte, with the irritating iough. rot am at ell drug/find general stores. ' V