The Goderich Star, 1935-04-11, Page 1itors Disclose 1 WILL SPONSOR PLA
vy Shortage
In A4cOonta of Former .Taz Col
tect to Finance
•Committeffi---440kx fith Celebroi
Medical Relief
• Att interim 'report of the town, midi-
torS ;show that there is a shortage in
the aecoanti Of ‘ther• late -tax colleptor,
Rowe,* Robertson, imdiutting to nearly
0,000, and that atdditions nmy be 'Made
.to this amount when the final° rtudit
the books -has, leen .1seMPleted-
Town council, at la,4t Vriday'e meet-
ing, voted 0 make Public the letter from
Auditors. Harry Long' and A. M. Robert -
seine • •
eThere was some discreeSion as 1» the
.4,02TectueSIS of the prOcedure, the letter"
. being' Siddreseed to the finance commit -
:tee and not to
,of letting the 'albite know the exaet
ettete, 9/1.1,eifti'e eeeeee.4nte_ tee
nearly as -can bee Jleterminect at the
The report covers the years 1928 up to
and including December lath, 1934, the
last date on which Mr. Robertson wag
It reads 'tte follows:
To the Finance Committee: •
Gentlemene-Wehave made an exam-
• ination' of -the tax collector's- rolls for the
years 1928 to 1034 (December 18th) and
• find'a balance due the town of 91053.28.
We also (find that a number of ad-
vance payment certificates for the year
1934,to the amount of $230had not
been redeemed at IXec. 18th, 1934, and
this _.anactunt has also •been, charged to
*the taX colleetore • • •
A. list of- arrears. was made for the
above Years and;notices„iint out to those
lei arrears. After a considerable num-
• ber of Interviews and an examination of
a number of.. receipts and documents it
has also been ehown up to date. that'
51.88 -Old the tax ' c011ecter
e And notecreditectore-theerollse
Tharrearheve, not all been verified
And there are still a mintier -44 easee re-
quiting adinstment.
e In order to kayo time and duplication
-of work, we suggest that Messrs: R. W.
•OCOrttinued on page 5)
VOR SAIIE.-A Whippet sedan -car, in
good, condition. Apply to MRS.
RMS, Dungannon.
VOR SALS.--:seed barleY, •Beniniller
cleaned; 850 bushel. Apply F.
VELLOVAS, 'Hayfield Read.
-.Used lumber, e windows,
doors, hardwood eloorihg, sheet-
ing, etc„ all in usable. tondition. Prices
right Phone 656. Re' J. DOAK.
0LBT.--Feont part of double house,
.- No. no St Dairld'a St, Kingston
'St. end. C4oed references required. Ap-
ply.- at the back for terms. K. C.
'Lee house at corner of Regent and
Britatinia Road, being the property be-
longing to the late Chas. Walters, Good
earage. Large garden. Terms 'reason-
able. Apply 0 L, E. DANCEY, Bar-
rister, Godericle
The Town of `Goderich has for sale or
vent a farm of 57 wee, , part lot 1 and
;part lot 8,-01liceise10u ire the Town-
. *hip- Of Colborne.
- Foe perticulate apply tet. °
L. L. KNox, Town Clerk.
FOR SAM OR 114INT;-The residence
• of the late Russell Reid, Palmer-
ston' Street, ttoderich, including a 'beau -
Val rose garden,. double garage, and
ereeleekert hot*. Far Particuktrs apply to
con= B. Ann. Ripley, Ott;
VOR SAL M OR R.ENT.---leseture farm
. near Semniller. Easy ,fierins. Ap• e
Pler'fo /4/19, RUTH THOMPSON, 13368
</haft St., Detroit, or to MIL HARVEY
'mum R. R. e, .4.1oderieh, Ont.
Bedford Ifeeldelitee.Cobourg St.
Apply. _
F. I/0.W% Executor;
Phone tit
0111$0 t
°Weit4 Mt, ttiskSdelt
VIM- tit BIM itgy!,
* C
I• 1
0e4eekte MuiicM Fetelely Will
natio,. Under tool rneeetten.
iefoi,at -04* MOS Out—j%
v9iieert In .Clinten.
" At a deferred vectii'llrikt the ocoeticii,
';oeicel: society, helcl in the teeWil hall
on Monday evening April 'Ilth the Pre-
eldetet,'WR. WIgle, ,In the ehalle it was
deoVed .to explore the possibilities, of
•epoasoring a eiley under the direction of
J. E. tMutch• ".
NiPhi1e 'thb society Iivestor favorable.
consideration • of their request to tbii
council for itinartelal qtesietence, it was
ogrdzedethat addfl1oar Ttilide would
be,. needed to parry on the attivities- of
the band. It Was hoped that it would
MVO. Pc's/Able to stage a play about the
middle ot May,
- The bandMaster was given permission
to prirchase Music and Clarinet reeds re-
quested at the previous 'sheeting. The
pteeidenee-andeateerenter 'wereeinsereeted•
to ger In touch with the town council
and clarify the underetanding under
which the bend L being _pe_riWtted
occupy the property On Brock St.
Water and light will be necessary to
snake the Place usabletonumber Of.
' Sketehei At. W. *fete 44ltie
etentstrY CitatsoetOttstits Savoie
Just lg
et Out—Seafoth Tl* 4at of the
erciiset;,s, edarPe4eatee-eh45"tit' eld;t1APrii' 41.1414c'te44:1:.4.0;
• listened te Mie Ma W.. irtossitt, Bditor-ine
Plead* Gwlty. .4bniet of the London Advertitser, tell in
a. •
graPhie manner, the historY 'of the Ori-
Danalti. Dale, •Seafortli truelt driver, gin Of the political partietieltiCanada.
oonerine:ed Magistrate J. ,A. Makers that The. speetker, recognised lee one at the
best informed ewC-
his truck was behaving Welt Properly ditorialriters inart
ada emtlined the growth.— 44(044
Oen it Managed to plow for nearl' eout"ies.eeene the eau' ete tetolee' °I:tor Seine
1;000---feete-aiong the-ditehebeside---tk own. thek laR the he-
hightV'eter just :civet of St, Coltneilean, habitants et the youtar eekenetele ow**.
spilling its load and knocking a tele- 1/, E. LeYalkstif via the reeldie of
French left after the econtrdest, were of
phone pole kfor a loole•e' „ one political stripe; Diffeeence erept in
An engagement to play a concert in
Clinton on August 3rd, at the time of
the lelst Battalion Reunion, was ac-
cepted. aii the'reunion eortrinittee noti-
fied aecordingly..
All Set For The
East & Doll Parade
,Children Entries -Divided 1 n t o
Four ClassesTo, Meet on
- Square On Afternoon of April
D: -;,E. Members to
Judge. -
With a continuarice. 'of fine weather
the dols' parade arranged under the
sponsorship of the Lions Club for Sat -
:Urdu, April 20th.,, shoUld, thiS Year ex-
•ceett in itetereet ;VOX Of a year ago.
Arrangements wee completed on
Wednesday by the tonna
owsuca sr tit:solo* tcovine'4Qvr
Muntiolpoili 'Otis* nringat
1112 4401090.4' 0*, 01100 Ot
ity Which the 'PeOVIAleitel 00vernment
ought to eXerelite Over employee* of
muaicipelities ctiene up at leet ,*eekei
town couneil Meeting when Mayorif,J.
A. MacEwan read `a letter from the De-
partment of Public Welfare etating 0140
the Province "Mid hot consider applie
catione for old age Pensions from the
.toWneetutleis the , Ogle woUlci ,*complete._
`toms in tteterdanee With itratructions
from 'reroute* 'met without provincial
tMr. Stnox explained to the council
that he did net feel that the. province
(night to issUO inetructions to him as he
Is not 4 provincial employee. His sale
ary is deeived Palely trent the town yet
the new regttlatients **Manatinel. from
Toronto Insist that the municipal clerks
do Govertunent work. .
ItWai-lieintecreint by the Mayor that
the issue wee. an impertant one but de-
clined to comment further until the
matterehad-beens-threshed-eour 14 core-
The letter has aroused a general dis-
Qustion locally of the many protests
which have been forwerded. to Toronto
regarding, this eame ruling from other
towns and townships.
Township clerks are in exactly the
same position as is Mr. Knox and their
protests have been -loud ever -since the
change in the Old, Age Pensions regula-
tions became effective in JIMUftry.
While there is a saving to the Provirice
In the new,methods, it Is pointed ottt by
one obserVer, at, the expense of the
clerks or of the municipalities where
these have decided to pay the elerkse '
Mr. Knox .18 eompleting the form's -
presented to him in the Meantime,
pending some tedjustment of the matter.
• It took nearly an licnir of last Thus- with the rise of such influences as the
day's court and ',the eloquence of J. J. Family Conelaket and new party ex-
Huggard, his lawyer, to do the trick but :pressed the view* Of • Wee absenting
It- eget „came and tlie ,OleargeSereee10,9ess .,froneetteeeteetaexteteefeAtheOtrOtif 402.143691'
eileag was . dismissed. A , :nether The new party beeline known as the
charge of failing to notify the Pence of Re:formers and became -the parent of the
an accident was not so eirsily clisPesed peeeent-day /4000- afr, ,Rossie ,sketche
-of -and-Dale paid $10 and cost s of '96.10.
Dale's truck was found by Train:- pi-
ncer Callender on the morning 474,1f Nra11011
-28the bogged doWn inetheeettiticli-Vith ali
the debris of an exciting trip scattered
along the greensward. The offieer mea-
sured the track and found that it had
eft- theeroactenearly--1000--feet fart er
east. He:explained the situation in de-
tail and it appeared* that the motor had
a lively tittle.
Dale, through; his lateryer and witnes-
ses, Dennis Maloney and Kate Rolland,
the former of Seaforth and the latter of
St. Columb, showed that while the
vehicle had -gone off the road, it had
been stopped hnmediately after hitting
the pole. The further tracks were the
'result of hia. driving along the ditch in
an attempt to find a way out of the soft
ground, only to settle more firmly in
until a wrecking car came tet hell) him
out. -
He got off the read when ehe swerved
on the dark road, thinking he saw
man loorn up ahead. Dale was found
by Constable_ Callender asleep in a Sea -
forth bake shop and areartged, to meet
the officer at one o'clock. Thie he fail-
ed- ixi derwith the reseilt that a viatrarit
ued--enctehe-WaS-teleked-up. '
Oa%••, Alvide. the . events into .four ,elaimed that he had left on a trip to
clasees;• yin •one •for bet -decorated Toronto. and -had mot been able to get
tricycle; one for best decorated dolls, back.
carriage and doll; one for best, dressed
doll in arms and one for best rag doll.'
All little girle In. town are invited to
participate. There will be three prizes
in each class, which will make a total of
at least 14 prizes in all and they are to
be dandy prizes too, all worth' winning.
The ladies of the Maple Leaf Chapter,
I.O.D.E., are •to be the judges of the clife
terent lasses. The childrezi are or col-
lect at the corner of North Street and
the Square lit three o'clock. 11'hete
be a number of Lions present to look
after the little ones. These are to par-
ade around the Square under the Lions
• direction and are to be divided into the
four classes at different corners where
there willbe a chance properly to judge
the entries.
There .is to be a nice surprise for
every child whether a winner or not.
The arrangements are under the dir-
ection of a conunittee headed by Lion
I. D. Eestrrian, with a coMinittee of the
Maple Leaf Chapter headed ly the reg-
ent, Mrs. D. E. Campbell, prepared to do
the Judghig,
"We're in the Navy now." Navy Blue
Hose, Gloves, Scarfs, Blouses, Hand
Bags, Etc, Smart aeceseories for Hester
Riding bicycles on the , 'Sidewalks is
against the 'Ibwn Bylaw. Take' notice
that offenders will be prosecuted.
Chief of Police.
Sealed tenders will be received by the
undeteigned until six o'clock Wednesday,
April 24th, for the purpose of crushing
graveland placing in•bins, alio for the
hauling of this gravel on the tovmship
roads of Colborne. Gravel supplied by
the Townshles.
WM. SA/LOWS, Clerk.
Sealed itocire for the construction of
the iGirein Drain will be received by the
Undersigned up to and including May
*flth, 1905. •
Ali tenders ,ntitst be attorripanied by
tta MOW cheque for 1O% of the arnount
of the taker and must he marked
"tender." Plant and specifications may
he leen at the, elerkakofficee •
-Vire kratest or ini tender TM ifetiii"
Airily eteeenteta. •
Nirawatiosh Twp.
1 frEm0111,13 WANThre
' Staled tenders for. the repair of the 47.
It Vint* drain Will he tectiVed by the
undersigned up tet and -including', MaY
tith, Iglaa ' I
All 'tenders Must be accompanied by
a Marked thereat for 14% ot the amount
f the tender and . inint he Marked
, rido," Plans and ivititicationa May
bc. seen at the le.lerk'S office.
akIV. tender not teas -
Horse CaseN4,0
orman MapDonald, son of Mac Mac -
Leslie McLeod Of Howick laid a cliarge Donald, opened the local swinnning sea -
of horse stealing against Wm, Divideon, son on 'Wednesday afternoon with- a dip
e horst dealer also of Howick, but the
tatter proved,. as sem as he had a
chance, that he had paid for the animal
and the magistrate dismissed the case.
• Le E. Dancey, representing the aocus-
ed. Immediately announced his intenticra
of starting action for false arrest.
Wm. Rutledge, of Brussels, represent-
ed by Frank Donnelly, pleaded guilty of
having been making a disturbance after
having imbibed a few drinks. He was
charged on the drunk count and not on
the matter of a disturbance and paid 910
and costs oe e7.25.
Erie Johns of Hayfield, pleaded guilty
- •
to conversiair-of the client's money to
his own use and was committed - for trial
at the next court of judge ahd Jury. He
admitted taking about $6,000 11X.,011 -11:1e.
Will be 'brought before the next court of
competent jurisdiction at date ,to be
set. He did not ask for bail and waste -
turned to jail,
• LOW'S IglIrocsd Of Stephen Township:
against whom.there is a charge of reel -
less driving, was again remanded as the
crown witnesses are not yet in shape to
appear. - This Was the third rerna,nd and
• Prank Donnelly asked that the case be
brought to trial next week at latest.
'The. witnesses, occupants of a., buggy
Ellwood is accused of having struck, tire,
still suffering from the effects of the,
enesh but hope Is expressed- that they
will be able to testify on Thursday, April
ed the career of the: new body down to
the present .436.'liteing 18 aorne detail
into the_ teetione afeeheepromet_GoVern-
The speaker was introchteed by W. H.
Robertson after the. clieb. preaident, Mr.
Douglas B. Nairn, had opened the m
Claude Savage-, proldent of the
201the Century Club of Lendon, canvassed
the .sitaatiort as It is today in Ottawa,
condemning the dovernMent fer its at-
titude on, rttany of the problems now be-
fore the country.
The vice peesidena'of the Club, Mr.
Fred Crich, regretted the small turnout.
explaining that the Meeting was design-
ed to educate the youth pf the town sin
Matters • political and la line with the
Polley Tthe Club inebringing the best
obtainable speakers hee hoped for
a better attendance next meeting.
Waterfront Active
As Boats Steam:Up
All Except tilescott and Burk
eady lor-Serv40e—Superio
Saila Soot MacDon.
ald Starts Bathiiiig Senors..
North St. WWI Hear Rev, C,
Logan Two Fine Sryic
.SuPP•r on Tuesday Night,
'Worth. Street United Ichureh celebrat-,
ed its anniVereark en Sunday, April 7th,
with two.,glowing sermons he Rev. C. F..
Logan, MA; lib., of Trinity United
duvet', Kitchener, and With a large
flapper on Tuesday evening. eee
Large congregations heard Rev. Mr.
Logan both morning and evening. At
the mornirig service he took as his text,
Luke 24:4, "And when the morning was
come, Jesus stood on the shore, but the
disciples knew not that It was Jesus."
It was, the old old atory of the Lord
commareilege the nshermen to cast their
rifie other side ot the ship"when
they made a great catch.
The speaker pointed out that Jesus is
In every measure of progress'the world
makes. ' •
In the evening, the speaker's sermon
was -�n -the subject -"The Land -of -Me.
ginning Again," a subject he developed
in a most able manner.
At the morning service the -choir sang
-anthems-Irredelightfttanner ,whIle
Mr: Ralph Henderson rendered a solo,
"Forward to Christ," in eMeellent voice,
The solo parts of the'inthems were tak-
en by Miss Esther Hunie and Mr. Arthur
!Curry, while the quartettes were sung
by Misses Esther Hume and Mary Buch-
anan, with Messrs. Geo. Buchanan and
Arthur Curry.,
In the evening Mr. Jas. Corran, of
Auburn, sante, "There Were Ninety and
Nine." A piano end organ duet by Mrs.
W. P. Lane with -Mr. R. F. Player, feat-
ured this service while the choir sang an
anthem,. 'Per Not Ye, Oh Israel."
The church was beautifully decorated
with spring flowers patticularly the pul-
pit, which was masse1 with bloom.
The supper on Tuesday evening was
quite up to the high standard set by the
church on other occasions with more
than 500 people being served. Mrs
Robt. Johnston with a band of energeeic
re.sponsIble for tte- tetecess-
of this affair. 4,
• The annual "At Theme" of the Ifuron
Lodge, X.013.V., was held on Irri-ciay
eV -ening Of last week. acr. M. 1ob1us,
ma., In a brief speech, WelcOmed the
guests, after winch cards and daneing
were enjoyed. The winners at "500"
were Mrs. P. Saunders and J. R. Wheel-
er, while those at euchre were Mrs. John
Wiggint; and Mr. M.
Now safety feature approved by the
Ontario Safety Letigue.
This new feature • is most. effective.
'The lower half of the rear -mud gaud 18
'etAttlene.0-ilivhit6-10114414Krbclaw the
On a highly -Ay et night or on a poorly
lighted etteet this spot Of white 18 easily
pieleed.111) by a motorist's head lights,
Make 'driving safe by Mirth* e your
bicycle ft-Petoetilde.
EnttMelled While 'SA watt for
nominal thugs. of 25c.
.D.ANNEttill *AIM* ,STATION;;•-
Naytielet Neat rueftei 341
01110104 AND HAT47111S
Baby oblekt, batdling
om high treducii*
1 MA beaded with
se danis hate retor411 110
T, Oodetkb,
tie It•
YOU but• X: fl
Ont.ox 201. 'MOO 571
In the lake ?rem the beach in front of
the ,nathing pavilion. •
Norin didn't like the idea of a dive off.
the pier into the harbor, the water being
a bit. dirty there yet, but reported an
enjoyable swim.'
At this time laste,year, the lee was
still thick on lake and in harbor and no
one was even -thinking about 'bathing.
The ice did not gei out until late in
.April whereas Hydrographic reports. state
that there is no ice left anywhere on
Lake Huron. There' remains about 14
to 18 Inches at the Soo, aecerdIng, to the
same attihority, with Mud- Lake frozen,
The Superber is loading aboute-700-to
of salt efer Ooderich". Salt Conipany:
She expeets to open navigation,- here-
abouts,- by sailing for the south ort Sun -
'day or Monday next. She 'will keep the
salt in her *holds until she has of chance
to get north through tlie ice. •
Three other freighters, the Saskadoc,
the Jas. B. root and the Wm. Sample,
all have deem up and will leave. the
harbor at the first opportunity.' Of the
boats in barber, only the Burke and the
Predeott are lying With cotd boilers 'add
no sign of- life about yera, other than
the shipkeepera' Are.
All of them will cam oomet Goderich
mon when they eleave in the next few
weeks, while some of the local boys
leave immediately to take berths *beard
the dottlhax in Port Dalhousie. Lorne
McCartney is to go as mate aboard- the
Coalflaic while Chas. Stowe is shipping
its second mate. Other IOW men to
work on the same boat are Geo. Wilson,
liorinan MeeDonald, and Bob Groves:
• Frank Young, Howard Kirk, Carl
Claeke and altie Blair° all have :secured
work aboard the Superior and will go
out With her When she calls.
mforat.stomast WANTED.
The Childreres'Aid ilecietY of, Huron
Ceunty have several children tei be
placed out, and are appealing to the
citizens to take a good cha into their
home. There are at preseitt, in the
Shelter at Gederich one baby boy ef six
One baby boy, etoven Mohtlei: 'One Shit
of three naresp,Orte boy Of thre years* One
WY of Six years', one a eight And one of
ten years; and tire girls, ten, elelentiehd
twelve '+esis ot age.
in* thildett: are all healthy and *eli-
Mainierede and would At into any toxkli
AnYorie°Wishilig to take it child, is itt-
vited to get' in toticht with Mr. 114,#.:14.
Wards, ettperintetident„ or atm Olver,
inattchi;', eillidteit's Shelter, Gederiele.
litUtnnutite 'Sealeeefeteetle Leaf Clutieter
,,ete a 40,Maea stay' d
.J; 4 Hall,.,
Hockeyists Ccme Out Short it
the End ef the Season
"There is no money in Junior
lieckey" is the opinion of the sponsors
of the Marinas, entry of Goderich boys
• in the Weetern Ontario Hockey Associa-
tion last winter.
The boys played three games and
then, disgusted with the lack of system
In the new league, dropped out. The
financial report submitted by Mr. E. R.
Wigle, who has always taken an interest
in junior hoekey here, shows a defielt of
$2.41 on the season's play.
While no one was hurt, financially, it
will be seen that no one got rich. The
figures are as follows: ,
-rize-Draw '-
Dance: '(Marine Club) 6
Seaforth at Goderich game
St Marys at, Ooderich game
Junior vs. Intermediate game
Entrance Pee
Tratielling Iticpenses . .
Storing, and cleaning uniform '
Sticks, tape. laces
Hardware . .
Towels ..
Rink ... 4
Equipment (players')
Sharpening' Skates
Ticket Selling
Equipment (p1asiers)
Telephone, Postage, Stationery
$ 67 25
15 75
11 60
14 35
44 95
3 35
$157 25
$ 000
• 21 55
2 69
• 70
24 90
42 16
5 55
2 50
$159 66
Audited and found correct,
April 8th, 193.5,
J. M. ROBERTS, Auditor.
MacKAY; Treasurer.
The lire preventionexpert for the
tinned ;States 'Department of Agriculture
in a recent address stated that fire loss
on farms would be substantially re-dueed
if a ladder were part of the eOuipMent
of every farm. A ladder kept in a con-
venient plaee makes any roof lite quicke
-.66ii1onal*Iiiiiieetiori-01 -eliinineye and
e Weather'
April 4th
aa eth
.00 '6eh
" • /tilt.
Mart, Min.
. 52 36
.•04 31
43 30
40 31
452 3.0 • "
tOtti 59 38
'141. Min
40 24
41 31
41 28.
45 26
52 -95
Range from 30 Cents to 35 Cents tor
Whitefleh-Trout at 18 Cents
It is a' pity thsth arc scarce as
buyers are paittieg tip to 35 cents per
-pound foreofferffigelerotwei •Fn by Focal
The Grahams and MweDonald boys
got the latter price on Wednesday for
their catch but, each had only a few
hundred Pounds to offer, Buyers waif
eagerly at the dock for the boats to come
in. Asked for the reason for the high
price, one. dealer said people are hun-
gry for fish after a long winter and will -
pay for the few that are caught Not
nal MCI
ears' Rey.
Knox Presbylierism "
Hold's ,Large Congragatims
The fifth end last of the pre -Lenten
services, sPonsored by the youth let
teocierieh, Was held in Knot -Presbyter -
tan church on Monday, April 8th, with
has marked these interdenominationel
meets in iettendanee.
Rey. Dr. A. J. Vining, of 'Ilorobto, pre-
sident of the Ontario -Quebec convention
ror the Baptist church, was the *peskier
end he held the attention of both young
and old throughout: His address• moot
ttettAditorical• -and- reminiscent nature
and covered the develepment of religion
over many centuries. '
B. J. Smith, president- of the Knox'
Chureh Young People% Society, was in
charge of the service and the church
choir uider, the direction of Mr, H. lie
Livens was responsiblefor the special'
All of the town's clergy participated
in the service, Rev. J. N. II. Mills of St.
George's Anglican church,4ad Rev. W.
P. Lane of North Street United chure.h.
Offering prayers, while Rev. W. T. Bunt
of the Baptist church introduced the
speakiir. ,
the -scripturel-'esson was read by Miss
Marjorie Prouse, while on the platform
• were Mr, Carlton Worsen of North street
United, Miss Mair of the 'Baptist church.
and Walter Rttflle of St. George's A. Y.
P. A. The latter announced the hymns
A much enjoyed featureeerasetate-sing-
ing by *the quartette composed of Messrs.
lilltIlla, Walter, Greene and It•eilly. Miss
DorothyradeneLf4no and Mr. Herbert Greene
sung- .
iRev. D. 3. Lane, pastor of Knox
church, pronounced the benediction. •
many are corning in anywhere and the
market is eager for these that can be
The fishermen don't know whether
to hope for small catches at high pr14
or large catches at pet:es which are
bound to be 'ewer. All feel quite pleas-
ed so far, however, and hope that the
willingness to pay well indicates •more
money in circulation and h prospect of
continued good business.
One el •Resteeof- Year---anatu-etsfffite
More Opporturdtles Than the
. United Stateis
Last, but certainly not least, of the
0, C. I. "tits." for this mason was held
last Priday evening in the assembly hall
of the sch,00l.
The program was cleverly armngedby
Miss Mildred. Anderson, who presided ae
The school orchestra under the direc-
tion of Mr. Munn, played several popu-
lar selections, which :were very much
A group of ten girls. with "MattY"
'Mathieson as cheer leader, gave the good
old 0. 0. 1. apirit .yell. The.same group
of ten girls sang the popular Song,
"Take a Number from One to Teti."
Ray Lawrence played thee accompani-
ment. - -
The debate which was on the resolu-
tion, "That Canada offers more oppor-
tunities to emigrants than does the
United States:" was the feature of the
evening. Vera Mcteod and Ituth Rob-
ertson upheld the affirmative and Mare
garet Mero and Catharine Barton the
negative. The judges of the debate wero
Dr. GraliatiC Rev. ati: tatic' eild. Mr.
Thalflrrnatjve .pide won the debate,
although both sides oftered very good
"Ruth Robertson -and Ruth Doer took
Part Artette thlia0W pla17.
Baekyard•-rente." s" • '
) A "rata" dance was nicely given by
atiesei Vie/et Henry and Nonfat Ala,
The journal, edited and tem by Mies
Margaret ateatehen, was one of the best
Journals of the year. -•
The ehameters in the play, "The
Orem lamp," itre as facies: Ken-
neth Cutt, Garnet ttathieson, 'Bud
Worthy and Ititistit Oath ithirwen, Bar.
but Thomson and Dernfee Durnin.
The evening ended with the National
..Z.Vatil1t1ate...41074ntnent. sitilatia;d
•trtength. Vole Olen, bottle, f84) the ib
0A141I3lit.piti /Auto -atom
arrangements Completed in Spite of
Short Notlee---Fine Prograni .Ar-
The school concert arranged for W-
eight and Pelday zight is complete in
all details and bids fair to be one of the
best yet.
It is anticipated that the basement of
Knox church will be packed to capac1t4.
as usual, as many turns with hundreds
of children participating are provided
for Mr. Player, the school 'musical in-
structor, hae".been working on the, var-
ious events for some weeks and has some
prette surprises' In store for the and-
The proceeds are this year to be div-
ided with the Home and School Clubs.
The Iocolite, tanker belonging to . the
Imperial Oil Conipany, is due in Gode-
rich harbor tonight with it load of gaso-
Her skipper, Capt Knight, is to be re-
ceived by the mayor and other eitizepe
and presented with ehe customary silk
hate--The--semertony- takes place it the
'town hall.
1 Com in Events
Imported Kid Gloves in all the, itpring
shades. Full range of sizes. Special
$11.05 pr. at SCHAEFER'S.
The Central Home and School Club
will hold a home-made bake sale in C.
M. Robertson's grocery, store .Saturday
afternoon. ,April' 13th:
Presh shipment of Laura Secord.
Chocolates, Easter Egge and leiddlea'
MISS- SUFFERER had an aceident.
She cut her corns. Now she uses Cress
Cern Salve. Sold by
The Canadian olds in Training of
North St. United church will hotel it
Salad Tea in the Sunday School room
on Saturday. April 27th, from 4 to 6 p.m.
Catholic Women's League "Easter
Petty," 500, Euchre and Dance in
aiteeshle nistcr Montig4i. Altr. 44x1d,
Red -Ruh' Orchestra. Admission 40c.
The monthly meeting of the W. 0.
T. U. will be held at Mrs. <leo. John-
ston's residence, 'Stanley St...Thursday• .
April leth. at 3.00 p.m.
-The,regular meeting of Knox ehureh
, W. S. will be held in the teeture room
.rtiesdV, April 4dth. at 300 P.m.
Ws. A. Taylor will give a report of the
provineial meeting of the W.M.H. being
held in Twonto this week. Mrs. R.
Walter will give the Easter message.
Mfr. Prederick Nilson of Toronto, aid
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Itkletedeon, at Dun-
gannon, take this opportunity of expres-
sing their lwarttelt gratitude for the
many acts of kindliest and sympathy'
shown them during the illness and wile-
sequent death of Zatteh loved son and
brother, Itt the person ot Otvixe, btwon,
11M7..,Nith to.iktt.4(1?, t -,41,11%411k, the V
wen Poi* tam blook-is
tor-tficao vato eapreseed'
.1,,5 18 do so if yoked.-
ete ,