The Goderich Star, 1935-04-04, Page 1timed Success.
Lenten Meetings
Cross2ey Hunter of, Haniil-
t Speaks
at North Street
lct fitosuloyi,
. Eit, trrOslile? Iii,inter, DAY,770,
First Trolled clutrch, Hamilton, was .the
epeeker at the tempi . interdenondos-
• '
tional Meeting of' tha Lenten aeason,
tidd 111 Meth street fruited 'onnroh on
IN-ntl, everling, 41'111 let,
Tatini-bis text .trotn,. tile book *
Revelations, 'Behold X OW call things
new" he referred -to the .flood, saying
that Set ,that time people thonght.,the end
.'. or the world lead eeMe, wilereaa It Was
Merely the beginning of new things.
0:4,keWise many People now feel that
-events are tending' towarde, the end of
1 -and. detesters. and. :Maori of' trouble
elitive 4411 passed way theee things have
c _ ' been onlystite. „ harbit*Oas,ot, new th4ngs-
The meet.. 1126•Vas a large one, Vete in
' f iand better and fuller time.%
-tAe.'.1aege--eleureb-eleing,,,, iltelLotatepie
Rev. J. N.'1.1. Mills gave the invocation,
Rev. D. J. Lane. gave the scripture, read-
ing. while Rev: AlleslItint 'offered up a
'leaver-, ..
br: 1A,. X. Vining, Toronto, was. an-
notmeed as the ,speaker at_the next and
,concluding meeting Monday, April lath.
The choir of the church rendered an
santheta in after which
Retri F. *T. 10ralk introduced the
• speaker, - •
Rev. W. P. Lane, pastor of the ehurch,
gave the benediction.
People waste a lot Ortime trying to
',obtain things -they' have .0 early Use for.
IMI,E,---Seed.oate. Good. analltY•
Price reasonable. Apply W. L.
F� SALE. -A boy's bleysile, in good
condition. Price 01500. Apply
to =MGR IDOWIC.E1R, Nelson St:
Fat sAffia---.4A2i_el e lot r 'gingiva
-Meta= cleaner. Used only a few
times. Cost when new 05. Will sell
cheaP. APPly. STAR OPME. •
BECTIC75,blets. anew made -
in -Canada COM. bicycle same
price as mail order. IBtly at home.
344 Goderich,
•a-- good yieiding variety. Vries 24.
ciente per pound. B. R. hatching eggs
from. Government inspected ---fiOck, 2Ste
at per egg. D. C.. 0ALS3tRATI'FI, Bay-
field, Ont.
POE- SALE telt TO--KEN'r ,
1130 LET. -Front part of double house,
No. 12, St, David's St., Kingston
St. end. Good references required. Ap-
PlY at .the baek for. terms. K. Ce
tIOR SALE.-"Tennt Home," corner
Ji• 4Hlgin Ave, and Victoria St. Must
be sold tosclose estate. For particulars
. apply to MISS IllieetcaTT, at the resi-
dence.. , .1. • -
1POR. SALE OR. RENT. -The residence
.4' of the late Russell it-eld, Palmer-
ston Street, Goderich, including a beeu-
tifut rose garden, double garage, and
chicken. house. For particulars apply to
LORNE B. ItEID. Ripley, Ont. .
. .
Von SAVE,-eted brick bungalow, tor-
"`. her of Wellington St. and Elgin
Ave. Six robins, moaern. Improvements.
106 'feet /mintage- on both Streett.,.. At-
tractive Jawn and--Vegeteble garden,
/Malay to JOHN We SALKettaa,•Exeeutor,
ratharine Templeton Estate,- R. R.
ooderjoh,o phone -000r 2.
rc age on RENTeeellesttue farm
neer Benntiller. Easy Urine. Ap-
py. to MRS. RUTH TtECOMPt3ON, 13368
,--ehoswelt., Detroit., or to UR. HARVEY
cioderieb, Ont.
F04 0411.110.41ftiltirr 'O&M On BIU
4Water 0 lltightTty, 'Inside town Us&
?eve *tree, of ,lands- With dwelling
and enrelgie 4.ftell Waimea tinder
Pon*, funtlek Albin for 500
-We& ineubittoree one 240 -egg and
fwo 400 edieh, ',NMI sell separately or as
* Mint ceni. ,Apply li1ett3, W. A.
Itaytteld Road, Goderich,
k4arke ,
' Iwo '
Bedford ReSiAdepn:ley-,COhourg St.
• **AL leSTATIC;
Schoo neer
le Ileki
ktilidt at Kite*: riresb
urch.N.1J$ of„,Eaperleneta in
c npe'444Arto c'ouicretition'
Jenetbart. 0oferth,DD, oat, oi
'tile best knoin Mitailettarlea Of 'the' PreS-
Oterian chinch, °Whet liae.eerved ter 41.
attire in' fere* fleldsgOrinelpitlist in
Otiinte spoke at the morning service at
4Titik Presbyterian elute* last Sunday.
' A ,ver3r lame congregation listened
withrapt intelest to his aceoutits of his
J001'101100' ha *nark and: in Manchuria.
He delivered an imPaesioneet' appeal
for the spread of the gape], among the
denee, that the 'Christian 'faith brought
til04- happiness” and, ehange into .the
lives at ita conVerts. Many incidents Of
his personal life among the Chinese
were told tto einbellish his plea, ,Ile also
t.old wha: and hoW he had gone into the
church,' and how he lued, met ..ancl mar
lied *hia wife.. Aenterred feelingly to
telq •91E7'talitealliVirtig9W
sloti neld.
Rev. Mr. (Worth lot Ids sight a year
:or tWo -ago and eme coMpelledetet-give-Up
.his life work. efe is engaged in a series
ef sermons throughout thecountry and
'di -advent le -"eagerly letekledelereetiret-I'l
wherever he appears.
The choir .sang an anthem. Mrs.
B'rank Saunders taking the • solo part in
unusually-- line -Nato-. "'Together- 'Mill,
IVI,rs. H. C. Dunlop and the Misses Heist
mcI Somerville, she took part in a,suar-
tette, which was greatly enjoyed.
Rev.,1p). 'J. Lane introduced the.spe4-
reinarking on the verysgrea,t honor
which had been conferred on the church
by Rev. Mr. Goforth's presence.
The successful man is the first to re-
cognige his oein mistakes.
WIANawsu.---Meid, for general* house-
work." About 25 years of age.
Must be .thoroughly competent. Apply
PA. Bent 309.
. •
AVANTIED.--A good used piano. Apply
At his late residence, BrItaiinia Road,
Gederich, on
8A'rU1RDAY, APRU, 6th
commenting at 1.30 o'clock
PARCEL NO. 1 -Lot 2, "Concession 2,
00de-4c/a Twp., 40 acres.
IFIARiCEL NO. 2 -Lot 9, Con. 2, Gode-
rich Twp., 84 acres.
PARCEL NO. 3 -'The pasture lot in
Colborne Tem, 102 acres. •
These lands are well known and can
be inspected at any time before the sale.
Implements and effects, con/stet of the
following: •
1 grain binder, 1 seed drill, 1 team
cultivator, a set disc harrows, 1 set drag
harrows, 1 manure spreader, 1 mower, 1
hay Take, 2 'Walking plows, 1 gang plow,
2 scatters, 1 set -sleighs with platform
.a;ck, 1. farm wagon eaid rack, 1 ear
trailer- 1 set single sleighs, 1 'buggy, I
set scales, 1 set single harness, 1 set
team harness, 1 cutter, 1 grindstone, I
barrel sprayer, 1 hay car fork and rope,
I fc'e plow, 2 wheelbarrows, 2 iron ket-
Ike, 5 20 -dozen • egg crates, 2 grain
coops,.icetongs,._2_.chicken crates, 1
stove, 4:1 evfes, 14 lambs., 1 buck, 7
chicken houses, .1 (Dodge coupe 'in good
condition. Household, .furniture -Marble
top table, 3 tables in cellar, wicker rock -
lag chair, rocking chair with cushion
seat, jacket ,heater, i Iron bed and
springs, 1 pedestal, a bedroom suite, 1
large mirror, a sideboard, 1 baby car-
riage, -'wooden .stenel for flowers, writ-
ing -desk tee), farcy lamp, 1 dresser, sew -
Ing machine, round green table, square
green' table; iron floater stand.
T=VMS-Ori fartat properties, ten per
cent at time of sale, balance in 30 days
or Arrangements can be made with the
..xeoutors. Terms on Implentents, ete.,
cash. .•
• muramr, Executors.
T. GUNDIRT & ppm Auctioneers.
AND OrlIngit EQUIPmittNT.
Mrs. Tremblay will sell at her tam,
S. W. Se of lot 10, concession 2, Ashfield,
on • '
THURSDAY, ' e' 0 llth,
commencing at 1.30 o'cloek, the follow -
One brood mare, general purpose, dee
to foal Junem2nd,-tinlet and good worker
in every way; chle Dufhant cow, fresh-
ened MarchVitli; one red cow, three
years old, good milker, freshened in
February and supposed - to be in calf ;
one Durhant heifer, coming two years in
efitne and supposed to freshen in Nov.;
one "roan' learlingshelfere one 'yearling
atter; one purebred York sow, had last
*the in January; two purebred Toulouse
geese with gander: two Mammoth Sratise
turkeys with gobbler; two purebred Pe-
kin ducks With drake; fifty bred -to -lay
:young tent,' Legborms and Barred
Hocks, with Rock oocketel; miecellati.
-eous-'-enie .300 -egg hot vette incubator,'
aletellower: one 06.•egg, capacity IVA air
litienbitter, Acme:. one. cabinet, gratotiolte
With fedoras; one chest 01. drawers, four
drierms; one kitchen lounge; glue
l&tint: Urge -sine clotheshorse; Milk
ietils and crocks; . trait Sealere; .fifty
.ile've Sart Pail*, tett atatrie, With" Oiled t
one 041or ]amp; forks; eleavele; grain
,eieltei; new oak barrel, 43 .01160 taPace
a tiimiber of beehlets; two ehlekeh
A ',Mks: email 00)0tlY leettse elixs. ft.; a
niuentity a seed oatk New ItaldwIntand
'IrettlaV Other Articles t00 Ittlintroile
°Whir, tet WI, *Tretobliy44 1.114e*Ith
there will-Iiie, 00 mere, leseelite Is giving
up farmlng.
84""lplide4 °IEariaer
ProfitsoWsth IE
S. chths—sch..ERIti‘Odt•
irhe school peaseert will be iteld On
rrit'tirsdaY inul 'tidal,' (wettings, April
Ilth and '12th, eccordine to the de41idolt
of ',the Scheel Board at their meeting
last Monday night.
xt was thought at first that' the *Aide
avaseteso- short -but a it wascen:ddered
desirable that the cencart tee 101113;5U
month and as •thee latter pert., Of the
month bas no ipert tiAtot, the early
dates 'were decided on mr. rt:r. Meyer,
school intesical histriteter, has mealy or
the PrePosod events alreeedy Inptiittio
among the children and anticipated no
ditneultae, ' , •+.
Knox Piel1bYterlan thb1011 AS was 0013,0'
last year.
es.As."-*-rertulte.teli-at; -request of hfrs:
Calvin Cutt and of •Mrs. V. Robertson,
presidents respectively, of the Vittoria
-and-of itte-Central He &-13. Vittba,
surplus, profit gained as a „result of the
concert will be divided three ways, the
Szhool Board retaining one-third' and
-the two clubs each -receiving one-thik---
, ,Mr. Player has been, authoibled. to
tune the pianos in both 'public schools.
Both principals of the schools put in ree
quests for bats and balLs for the use Of
-the-children in their playgrounds. -There
will be round bats and large soft balls
for the boys and net bats and rubber
balls for the girls.
Victoria school reported a total enrol-
ment of, 359 pupils with an average at-
tendance during March, of 325.57 or91.6
per cent. ."
Central Seheol reported an enrolment
of 230 with an average attendance of
197.79 or 85.99 per cent. --
,Fanny bank deposits at iicteria num-
bered 864 for a total of $104.86,, while
Central had 271 for a total of $64.80. •
Chairman Rod Johnston occupied the
chair for the meeting, while other mem-
bers attending were Geo. Schaefer,.
Howard llercHee, Mrs. D. D. Mooney,
Mrs. Johnston, Dr. Jim. Graham and
t.• ••00,
Town Milk Supply
Varies in Quality
According to Board of Hea_sltli
Report—Water Still High
Class—Regular Meeting
Goderich water continues to be grad-
ed "A" by the health authorities at
London according to a report received
from that source by the Board of
Healthand reported at their last meet-
ing Monday, April ,Ist.
The milk report received at the same
-time is not 'generally as good asiat, the
time of the s last report in November of
last year. .Some sources ef supply have
Iffp-roved while° some haire gone back..
The table shows the following results:
" Dealer Bacteria ,Butter rat
Cliff molvlanus 5,000 6.0 .
Goderich Dairy _eel:A/00,000 5.45
J. rt. Orr...-. loo,000
Jno. Beattie 10,000
J. IVeeManus 1.1.; Sons 10,400
Con. V. Bisset 35000
Johnston Bros. 110,000
'Cliff McManus 6,000 27.0
00derich Dairy 250,000 27.8
J. R. Orr 160,000 37.6 •
'Tao. Bseatt41- -$0,000-- 23.6
J. MeMantai & Sons , 600,000 27.5.
Con. le Hemet 2,400,000 • 21.5
Johnston Brod. ...SS. *0,000 28.0
F. Q. -Weir, *latent sanitary inspec-
tor,-siihinitted his report for the moxith
Of March together with his expense ac-
count. The latter was paesed.
Dr. .1. B. Whitely, Medical Miter of
Health, reported a decline hi the Mule-
ber of inumpe in town. Only eight eases
We„re under nnarantine while there had
been as many as 12 at one time.
A. D. McLean, chairMan, had charge
14 the 11eetIng,,While...0thera attending
were Mayor IL J. A. ateuiLewan, Dr. W.
10, Ciallow and 1>r. Whittle'.
rungervsk Repaired, remodelled and
• upholstered. Cabinet work a ape-
.car tops 'rewired and recovered.
&Abrades free. GEO. tieckAlt. OM at.
Dayid's. at.
mitmAtacto WAVBS-43.50, $6.60,
4- $614, ategitlier OW for $7.60, All
Work guaranteed and done by %testi
Smith Once of Stratford. it British Be.
change VOW Weber *bop, on APril
10th. make appointerietits early *all
Mr. Mutch. •
hie &Wog
eggs trek high produeln"t
(ieghorns. Alt pens headed With BOO
eoelterele Whole stand toe root& lip
to 000 eggs. our Awl.* Met Wore
you hnire
Preethelet DePtielterT"
Deposits in the Penny Bank *st On.
'Owl°, are eloWlY Ocetitroliathile1 theelateet
mot frOM the dilepiteter .0heediag that
they now *Mon* tO,41,00,64463. fee the
whole Pecedneee 4irt likereaael In a..Var Ot
.41ghtlY '11Xlret than a2t000.4t ,
Pf tine annentet 00eleriele4 ,resPontittla
for• $$458,30. *leo aninOtliam of 50°10
$123, *- •
VlctorJa solloof 'oontinues to lead In
nreMhers taking edeantagel.of the tier.
eke, 5$ per Cent: or the #npile making
seine sort, Or ttenealt dhettle lrelernarie ita
compared with n pir ceilt'from Oen-
In.nlany-ohools'Or ttie'iiro*ee snore
than 180 per cent :tit studeOta make de-
posits, s much -Itigher average than Ia
'enetOttiarr Wel*, •
J. It Uttielweeld the irovialelal in-
aleeetior, in hial;lneatiege:
Pendedto. thereport, .that'?fiettele time
0444754i 074W- "
Clients' FUO Ainouni of
About $6000--Aiipears Befoire
Maistrata on Thursday.
Ole Jahn* 01 Theefielei, formerlY
manager of t•he branch of the Canadian
Dank of Commerce in that xillage and
latterly engaged 'in an inmtment beide
**east autrendered to the police in °ode -
nett today and was placed In lali here
TO await a hearing on the (Urge ..ot
"'UV n'TIFOOnverted to hie owiT use moneys
belonging. to his clients_to the Amount
• nearir WOO.
•Johns signed a statement before
Craven Attorney D. E. Holines making a
'clean Onset of the affair.
ApearentlY, ace:Ora:1g to the state-
en Andreve--•-----
1t. Moffatt,s*. farmer
but that habits Or thrift inetileated'eet in John's old battalion in the war,
in llte ire reeporisih:le tor-entob the 100th. a3ruce,, .perstuided him to en-
Sueeees--'lleter- Ofl ter -into a iiihenie ifatifitae-ranA
eee around Bayineid and to develop it for
COW" ges-
Exchange 13enches
1*e T. M.'CostOo Takes
Court ,in GUelph1-11YhileJudge
Killoran Cern**. e r 6 -a -0M
Rule, New Fracticei •
As a result of the enforeement by the
Attorney Geuerars department of a
ruling long on the statuteebooks .but, so
far as known, hitherto *mired, County
Judge T. M. Coetellet -tourt itt
Guelph on *Tuesday, while Judge J. N.
Killoran of Perth came-terOoderich and
• took the court here. ,
Other county' judges did the same in
other counties withthe it . is
claimed, that -probably fairer deelsions
were rendered, the jurist in each case
not knowing any af the cOntestants and
therefore being). entirely impartial..
,It is"said that this-proCedore ought to
have been in force Iona *go: as it has
been legal and the esigittitt intention of
those responsible tor dtiiwitig up Our
laws many years tap, but had been lost
sight .ef. It is likely to be enforced
geaerally 'from now on. •
His 'honor Judge leilloren had little to
do in Goderich court. It was a nonjury
sitting and there_were no actions listed.
Two men applied for naturalization
before Judge Killoran and two before
Judge Castello oti-Wednesday.
These appearing on the Dist day wore
John Spacek, a farm hand, formerly of
Bolerat, •Czechoslovakia, and °John
Heinz, born in Reichsdorff, Austria.
Both are working) on farms in Hay
tis Honor Judge Killoran was favor-
ably impressed With their apparent in-
telligence and welcomeds-them, -expres-
sing the hope that they would become
good Canadians. • •
Wednesday's applicants ,caused some
liltle,amusement in court. They were
'LtigWig Laudenbach, a former Yugosla-
vian, and Hans Ja,ochira Schreldt, from
old Berlin, Gerrnany.
• When asked Judge Costello, the
name of the premier of Ontario, Lauden-
bat% promptly answered "Hepburn,' but
when the ham° a the premier of Can-
ada was requested, he was stuck.
The court :was somewhat puzzled at
Isis favoring of the colorful 'Mitch" and
was greatly relieved when, after mueh,
head-sciatchirig, he litirst -out with
The German, Schmidt, is evidently
opposed to doing any more flght4n1 for
Germany. He mild that he thofaght
Germany to be s, good country to avoid
frotn now on 'and that "Canada is the
best comitry in the world,"
There being no dissenting opirikm on
this point •both were reconunended for
their' papers, f"'
Averts PalIkr eleratteas, Town Hall
When Fire Alarm Ring*
'Brussels, March 25. --on Friday, Mar.
22nd, the trine& town hall Was crowd-
ed -to rapacity -to see the 47411Ye- 'Vete
Comes Olathe." Suddenly the ilre bell
rang, and, Iry the mane Meta' nt,
40% .of the people met, to their! led;
Bealieng the seriousness ot ft *ink,
Reeve •BoWinine Was on the eilatforni at
Once, etsuring the people that there was
no :need for attain, that the lire was
away..and that _preentyot
heIP: was on. the way &lett it out.
this matter the Reeve nerrearly 'everted
whit would have proved a pet* In the
theieded hall and deserves much credit
for (his protaptrim atul &might.' -
The lintslielie teen hall, when' trowd.
ed, would hate betel a frightful plaec
tor & ttrie,, The tint wooden atreiettirei
Weald go like kindling Wood arld
eletidder to think ot the peo0e, taught
to ati, ,e11,11. 4;1411,11 any Mime than ile
minutiae homes.
The-s-e-hen--i-F-was no suet u a
though Johns, in his enthusialiit had
invested money entrusted to him, in the
venture in his Mien name. Ile vas
:treed to borrow from succeeding clients,
without their knowlegde, in order to pay
those from whom he had dirst taken
The matter came to a head with Coin-
-plaints' from both Hayfield and Clinton
registered with the Crown Attorney.
The latter 'investigated 'with the result
that Johns confessed and expressed him-
self as being „glad tei have .the worry
broughtto an end.
• Those whose Money was used without
their consent were, ambit others,
Samuel Cleave, T. II. Errant, Jno. Ste-
phenson, -Miss M. R, Snowden and J. T.
Stephenson, all of Bayfleld and vicinity.
Mr. Johns has a good war record, hav-
ing entered, the arms; in 1016 as a sub-
altern in the 160th Bruce battalion, and
having been transferred to an overseas
battalion in England. He married an
English eeirl while overseas.. There are
several children.
Accused will appear before Magistrate
,Makins in Thursday's court. .
akee 14 Oft Side er. abed 'and
itkete Itterite.Xittai Ott _
.11141$4 2'Wein.'01PPeOlh4 Maff‘treteia
004 lest Thinitlity It ie fine of 440
and ic oetS Ter driving Ver
Proeinel4 .Ootiatable $OCier explained
the -Wein Wes driving along the road
neer DeshWood on the night of Mseth
21st when, soother Vet** lootned up
*heed of Idei. 4110 eaverved sharply to
the left to *void an aceident an crasb.
ed heed on into a heile Coming &weed
him. the *MO was "killed altheUgh, fts
driver Waited SerlattaInJuw
(Magistrate Makins teld Wein that it
is best to stick to the rig•ht side of th
road; The owner Of *Ws' car had it
insured. etideettee dalseitge$ are being
cared for.
Ed. Becker, owner of the ear Wein was
driving, answered to 11 charge of per,
*Wait his car to be driven with impro.
Per lights. The ,eharge was withdrawn
*Jt 0nst
Bertrand -Kerebnie, 18 -year-old /Math
youth. Paid' $5.00 and costs for driving
without tail 'light. He was told to be
-euretur to obsiiritet* Trairliflavis-ii
was meta* lose his Meuse,
Arthur circie
Pleases Audiences
ocorne Out of the Kitchen" Well
Received by CrOWtit
Citureh—Two Pelifonnariies.
The Vielsaltudert ta tlie lives 'or the
Members of the Daingerneld fam0 and
of their friende and employees, Were ad.
mirsbly portreyed by A strong eiet
kneX Presbyterian, church •lecture roan
lest Thursday and -Friday in a play.
"CoMe Out of the 'Kitchen," staged un-
-thee-auspices-of.elue Arthur 04rele,,
Mee Madeline Lem is general* re -
pitted to have been the star of tat per-
forMance in a dual -ale, that ot 5t1es
Olivia Deingertleld and of the family
cook.' Use Lane played with an cue
end naturalniee Which brought many
expresilons of appreciation from the
• ,,,,,eleeetesiwireseeyeeeee....e.•
The east as :a, good one, and dual
roles, were a feature of the play, with
e!etneiRedAlttrser.Yinik.u.Pulle 11,441,1"e_
field and as the boot by Brindleberry;
Wilson .MoCreath as Paul Daingerfleld
Gertrude Heist played. Elizabeth Dein-
gerfield and-Araminta, the maid, '
All three Members of the family were
carriand__thefr__ lesser roles ta
well, their:naturalness being a feature of
the show.
-Other members of the cast were
equally good and carried the three-aot
play' to its logical cenclusions amid the
applause of the large ,gathering. The
others of the cast Were Douglas Nairn as
Burton Crane, millionaire friend of the
family; Harry McCreath, as Solon
Tucker, the family solicitor (especially
good in the third act); Mrs. 11.0. Den-
Iop, as Mr. Tucker's sister, Mrs. Falkene
nor, and her daughter. Cori, Midst
penile 'Bell; Fred Weir. as Randolph
Weeks, a real estate agetlt; Dr. H. It.
Hell, as Thos. Lefferts, the poet -editor,
in\ love with Cora, and Mrs. R. 0. John-
ston, Who pleased as Amanda.
Splendid audienees greeted the play
on both occasions.
• Rev. D. 4. Lane introduced the players
after wItteh the play carried Mete
Rey. A. C. Calder Is
To Be New Rector
Last Sunday was ' boys' day at. St.
George's Anglican church, -the youth .of
the congregation figuringlargely at beth
morning and evening services.
In the Morning Jno. iluckins sang the
solo, while 'William Riley: read the ser-
vice and Walter Ruffle read the Orayera.
Robert Barnes and Harold Taylor read
the prayers. Rev. J. N: IL Me:Is-preach-
ed a sermon specially her yeah.
During. the _evening service Herbert
Hredle, president of the A.Y.P.A., sang
thie service, white irthur Dowk-er tang
the prayer. Albert Shore and Ross
Kneeshaw read the lessons.
The April meeting of 'The central
Home and Hehool Club was very largely
attended on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs.
F. Saunders presided. The opening
number, "43 Canada," wasfollowed by
prayer. It was decided tos 'have a bake
cabs on April 13th.• An inVitatiort was
received from the Clinton Home and
School Club to attend their meeting,
April 10th. Vitoria home and School
Club and also Sertforth Club are
intited. The visitors are responsiblefor
the program, which Mrs. N. 0. Lanaway
and Mrs; E. C. Robertson were appointed
to prepare.After the business a duet
by Mrs. W. P. Lane and Miss E. !fume
was beautifully sung, accompanied by
Mr. R. F. Player, and Mrs. J. Roberts
rendered in exceilent Style two violin
solos accompanied - by Mr. Bernard
Munn. An unusual item on the pro -
grain *as a reading by Miss I. Sharman
on "Chief Cities of Europe," accompan-
ied by 75 colored lantern slides, which
proved to be exceptionally interesting'
and was greatly enjoyed by all. Miss
Ball's class won the .hanner for mothers'
Mr. Willialn Young, Picton street,
died in- Alekatelra Ifospital op Monday
night after an illness of five weeks.
Mr. Young was , born in Ashileld more
thatt 82- yeare ago. He leaves a wife
and sister to ratairn him.' Further par-
ticulars of the funeral, whith is taking
place thth afternoon, Will be given next
ii...mmatstautftiore4=4 •
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April 1 ' 64) 03 42 30
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3fa ftn. Sfax. 141n.
1014. 1*56
Of St. George's Church—Takes
Over His Duties on May 1st,
Suceeeding-Rev. Mr. Mills—
Has Had Wide Experience.,
Announcement has been made by the
Rt. Rev. the Hishcp of Huron, that Rev.
A. C. Calder, rector of Holy Trinity
church. Chatham, has been promoted to
the charge of it. Georges church in
Goderich and will take over his, duties
on May lat, succeeding Rev. Mr. Mills.
It is stated that Rev. Mr. Calder has
had wide experience in various parts of
Canada, having been stationed in 'Sask-
atchewan for some years before whieh
he was located in the Maritimes.
He was born in New Brunswick about
55 years ago and got his preliminary
education in tise_echisabe ifthe province,
afterwards attending the provincial Nor-
mal School. Hes„ entered Dalhousie
Universitk and after obtaining his de-
gree was entered as a theological student
at University of Bishop's College in Len-
noxville, Quebec.
His early charges in the church were
In the west, at 'one time being associat-
ed with the St. Peter's Pro -Cathedral en
Q'Appelle, Sask.
A number of Goderich people became
acquainted with him at that time. He
afterwards was moved east, halting
charge of the Anglican church at Wal-
laceburg but tnoving to Chatham fifteen
years ago. In Chatham he has been
actively identified with public affairs,
serving as member of the Legislature for
West Kent from 1926 until" 1934 when
he retired from public life. He has also
been a member of the Chatham School
Board and has always taken a keen in-
terest in educational matters.
No successor has been named for the
'Chatham charge as yet. -
ITeople We Know
Mrs. Chas. Robipreon, Jr., of Toronto,
le Visiting her hoine here.
Mr. Elwin Young, North street, left on
Tuesday morning for Sarnia to join the
Stearner Laketon.
Mee.' M. Clark has returned to her
home after spending 'two months with
her sister in Clinton,
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Clark, Brock St.,
attended the funeral- of the former's
father at Stratford this week.
Mr. Wm. Weir, of Knox 0;ollege, Tor-
onto, spent a few days recently with his
parents, (Mr. and Mrs: F. W. Weir.
Mrs. A. E. Price, of Toronto, has re-
1.unied home after being with her son,
Mr, W. F. H. Price, Who has been criti-
'catty ill.
Mr. and Mrs. II. McGookin and hil-
dren, of Detroit, spent the week -end with
the lady's *parents, Mr. and Mrs. R.
Ryan, Albert street.
Mr. and Mrs. 1. Lieveray. of Toronto,
and Mr. arid Mrs. T. Price, of ,.Gueiph,
vent last week-erid at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. 'W; Price.
Among the taking in the hockey
march at • Totonto tonight (Thursday)
are Messrs. Harold alurney, Cliff Mc-
Manus and Thos. Taylor, .
Aubrey Pettite,• nepheet .of mese
leurktiolder, 'inie been etteceseful ein se-
eming , position . with his tingle, Mr.
HOUMA Pettite, RCA., of Toronto.
refen and Mts. John Roherteon, who
baye been visiting at the home of their
son, Mr. 4, Robertson, Toronto, have
returned to their home on Park street.
The April meeting or Vtetbili Mine
and School Club lute been cencelled. A
-glrW.otatorlial contest was Planntel(tor
April tith but a - the pee& are peeper -
lug for a °to:wort eponeoted by the
eehoel Wird it, was deelded to postpone
tiat vintest later date.
Dr. J. M. Graham had the misfortune
to break his arm while cranking his ear
on ISunday morning last. He carried on
his practiee for a short time* with the
assistance of his wife, formerly a trained
nurse, but left on Monday tor Toronto
to have the fraoture reduced and the
bone set. It is expected that he will not
-be forced to lose any time from his
Sitting still is always the most trying
situation -In 111e.
1 AND Bustrnmss zuFeEs
Comir0 ..8vents
The Central Hoine and School Club.e.
will hold a late -made bake sale in
M. Robertson's grocery store •Saturday
afternoon, -April-13th.
The Woman's Aezoolation of North
St. United church will hold their an-
nual supper onpTuesday, April 9th, front,
5.30 pan. till 8.00 p.m. '
Reserve the date for the public school
concert to be held in Knox church lec-
ture mem on Thursday and Friday, Apr.
lith and 12th, at 8 pan. conducted by
Mr. R. P. Player, musical instructor.
There will be- it program of 'choruses,
readings, dances, .selections by the Har-
monica Band, and the Kindergarten
Rhythm' Band, also a Japanese operetta,
"0 Cho San," and other selections. Ad-
mission, adults 25c, children 16c.
Permanent Wevineee-Starting April Stli
18 .West Street.
We are now equipped to give the very
best service available ein the outstanding
well known Eugene Permanent wave,
belt knowil by its beautiful, soft, lasting
waves and supernattiral curly ends.
We offer you these regular 410.00
Permanent Waves, including two free
oll treatments and two finger waves as a
special introduction at only $7.50.
Oth WAVE — $8.58
AReilISTSC OIL WIA,VE - • - $5.e8
GLOW OIL WAVE - - e3.58
By appoititinent. Phone 5:55W,
.W. J. Mitchell takes this opportunity
to express his sincere thanks and grati- -
tude to thoee Who assisted during the
illness and subsequent death of Ills wife.
He else Wishes tO thank those who 'Sent
floral tribUtes and those who keened cars
ter. the_sfUltetehes,„--„,,,„-- •,--
1801tN .
McLAREN;*-Af , Alexandra HoePitai,
on Tuesday,Aprit 2nd, to Mr. and Bites.
Jaa. McLaren, ealelson elt., a daughter..
• .0
JOILISTOrti.--an loving thernory of
Mrs. James Johnston., who passed Mame
April 3rd, 1034.
Surrounded by Mende we are /entwine.
In the midst Of oar joys a't ire bine;
A =Hie on our face but * heartache
Longing, dear mother, &it rote,
You ofttltnes said vee'd tatsyeu.
Your words',haviti Prated toe, true;
We loet the best and truest, frietid.
Dter niether, when we kelt Wee
eeldtv 4:14.&*(1'