The Goderich Star, 1934-11-22, Page 6f V4itte O1iE�ODJ ,leasia Mien BrOWn (!01,11 Preeaitifattal %Ike* 1N-eet9iire, .lralatiee net. Only Ilea the" ecofld .4.Pifferent VieWpoint an Mike • p reed stinger JAv-goat hoard in, the world, but thaigrea, and ''grOO.tallitS 'have ;0 121U-F.'4.**t 4114,P' 'fol'Itr°114;t1o' itore42011toe."4"o44144.n. Aleut Votepoiets ateee AO Marty ,4eking Candied .ginger ef tht Irold 'yu'ii•-tt Of CIPSerlOtIlet ion' T1044 o;lei it eftezi brbl8S nil UK tf.YrOpoolsloite • et. Syrti.0 ot 2:,.pArtS, '$ttgar 0.arrett. 4,1,21,/reeCe.v°'' Mantling. a)hildreu to let ea to ti e 410441;4o .trY, eleitie'te r-g'ia,7-1.:• we ore , sty waterbed ever yitees and cook slaWlY. ;Mete 00:40010, Oef: Wig it :ter lOt teseeree flut 4AIS tree Mary nicely illUstratee their' vGalo.:401:04111:44t.dvb1:4V, ou'lueocppeahriinreliny eiYvtrit411:6°Irveltiegtei.daeintld t-r()%114:re10°I4.•(!th.S°44:144,(ft . wildermente A seven-yrar.old bo C .00$ InOdelli array CQUId Ii bad oiled too jather rotate. The and sprinkled over batter acing, as break into it father svos quite' upset osier It. After. 'centre 1344-.SX'CLIII°11 .1*4' f°4thrit °rOgrist 1*()141lifPis 1)19‘"( the 14;11'44' ' of Prange aWay with laaMbe' and it Wards. the boy tame to his mother and In 111•111L-P4dIngs. atwatizo creams tad , can see y• , 'wouldn't be mad ,if he had called _Intl m°'mel.'", ki4 LaPPI/olEi a PU1nPkin We, Or, . terta with Whipped cream, lightly sprin- •"0 'Int,' is tartar feet 'ef water which, wanen sheoid prepare for an Election, Med Mat chopped candied ginger. . 1:30raral`uakeaell' 41A2'1:,1,)ythdaatvtlillnowin: toil:floe:1)h.; ;that name,' • There -Is an election in the offing and go wotild be 0,11 the eater. 'rife chaMber lo fruit ecaade. iroe a spepial OceaelOn Is two mid a half urea •in are; it d is d' 1 Hee 200 feet deep in .the earth, Over' Paris; and. then above the water is 6.0 Steeking Stretchers feet of aolid rock. The way to it 111 It is time that there were more women Ste:kings which tutve been dried on through six steel towers with revolv“. In tbe Rouse of Ccmmons. New is the ,stretchera look better and wear Much Ing pars moved by electric engines, - t4me4O 1IIY „the_ foundation and _the longue That last seeeie imeati000me, thO PCOOPOge_ Of Allieeent ocan be flooded oit a moment's notiee. At the signal of alarm a detail of defenders would instantly vanish •through this passage; pull the 'water in after them, and be forgotten,- safey forgotten tor an indefinite time,' or for the -duration of the war, because everything has been thotight • of le ferehand. • They would find in the gold chamber a kitchen, •provil eions for two or three Arctic expedi- thole, dishes, linen, beds, all the fa- ellities for comfortable bousekeePing. France. twice invaded within lift3' ,Y.„ears, 4,i,eV,arjo it the toss Of tier wealth by women of both parties should insist on thirtgbettause anything which will save 6 all the help Pesslble of the higher-up3. darning b worth considering OVIost in their organisations. It, does net mat- stretchers are wooden but they may be - ter whieh party they adhere to. We • heed beth Liberal and Conservative women at Ottawa. • Government is, in a great, measure, housekeeping on a large scale. , Well, you know what kind of hoUsekeepers the • average man is 1 They say women are hot accustomed to politics or to govern- ing. It would not take them 15.irtsto o-octrtorriedotoopublle life, -flounder around 4'. ---hopelessly at first and in a i'itify•ihOrt :time acquire poise and the savoir faire --attach- comes. of .knowtog orligootekoott opan_d, And women are just SA bright _ soften theedesired quantity of ere= • as men. It 1.s..)ust another Sort of job: cheese (1 prefer pimento cheese) with When-irediffetto" sLiancTniTiffezi are •ta rtirafeasing airriird-ChWeirger apt to do -their -retrenching by cutting to taste. A quarter cup of ginger to a • off e4tnpletely whereas women tan take anall, amount aed by-platining an substitution make a, smalll amount go a surprisingly long •way. As for substitu- . tion. they are used to it. When eggs are • watching. your guests try' to figure out high, they use an extra teaspoon of haloo just what is in therto A Ing powder or a bit mare corn starch Ginger pudding and °make an acceptable prdduct and tablespoons quick tapioca, I table - women their. eves,. Don't tell me,. that if 2 spoon ginger syrup, 1 teaspoon butter, 2 •women had more to any in the Matter tablespoons sugar, 2 cups milk, 2 table- , th,at the fivanceS of the country would. spoone chopped preserved ginger. Mix J.),e tOso,oppollingAaero,Ootteyoareonow. Miss MePhail has played' a lone hand' TnireillWArrtrid coak'fri o-rdolibTe • toe long. One of the things I• most ad- boiler for 20 minutes, stirring oocasion- .mire in the aforesaid lady is her adapt-- ally. Add. 1 slightly" beaten egg yolk *shinty and her towage in changing her Ind cook while beating the egg white blind. It takes a big person to publicly until stiff. Fold in the egg white. Pour ehange their mind. .She went to Ottawa made at home from heavy cardboard and renewed as necessity arises. Last • year a man tame to the door with some • he had made and they are most satis- factory. They could easily be made at ileme. Draw, an outline from a well shaped new stocking and bend hea,vy stove wire into the same shape, leaving hanging. If you have ever usicr stretch - era; you will 'never -again be without- therh. GUARD FISH. STREAMS. Cheese anti Ginger Sandwiches NAttiraily superior", rrteanS that Our fainoits ft.eltOitut AtithraCite Conies from richer - mimes has More 1.beat IN it. 4fS.ti Clean" means that this better hard coal saves you mortey by cutting • down waste. Learn the big meaning of • these three words - try* a 4044. NOW! Fish ell c a -110w toes- on-NVa-teh to -Pea- - vent -Injury to- FiAb Life. , -Salvdsiseshiteeits'eplsteee---butenote4st streams frequented by .fish. and part Of the work of fisheries inspectors holt tr cream cheese is about right for 'tinder the, Dtitninion Department- or • y taSt, 14 1.t OUraelf-abont-that Pialieriect ifeLto see_to it that -sit -eh waters In tDeir respective ter,ritories Spread on white. or brown 'battered a.re not polluted with mill refuse or bread and then have the _delight • of other substances Injurious to fish life. Into serving dish and chill thoroughly. t how." ds sawdust. for instance, do hartn to fish life? It has evil effect in two ways: By covering spawning beds it prevents the hatch - log of 'Are fish from the eggs and, in ' the second place, it kills live fish by getting 'tato their gille or breathing apparatus. Other kinds of waste7- for instance, seepage from 'certain olotOes-driPainitritils Mite -are • !nit:thous to fish life. It Is because of these injurious consequences upon natural resources which it is so im- portant to conserve that the Depart- ment 'of Fisheries requires that its officers in areas where the fisheriee are under federal administration o with certain theories firmly fixed and i Serve with pour cream or with whipped shall make careful Inspection Of . when she found that they would not; cream garnished with chopped ginger. mills, -etc. along streams frequented vf04.13mYayilailthoalui:aghctIllecessi"ly • 113"lbe aillIerllorwrn7-savfliw! -work. Aw -theories se -often- stiaL K BLOC TRANSFER OF CLEROY1 .cheerfully throw them overboard, and acquired a new set of workable ones. i The following from a recent issue of dust or other refuse to faPI foto tbe Men and women should always work to -1 e a mp e w ren w - gether and it is time that the men saw interest bY many+ friends in Goderich. 1:1 Rev. R. M. Weekes is a son of Mr's. W. that' women had a chance to do more _than_niendothe -back -fences: ' -r° W"ke8-Hurn/1"1/Gad::-' ' - . 4 Bending a delegation to Rt. Rev. Ginger -• . Charles A. Seeger, Bishop of -the Diocese Waiter is Just ,One of those Whip of Huron, to -express their-oppositiotr to . that you either like very much or that the transfer of their rector, Rev. R. M water. - In most cases where refuse from an industrial establishment ,fif reach-: ing a fish stream the condition is illingly and promptlyersem.edted the operator when the fisheriee 'in- spector draws it to his attenion. If this does not happen. however, prose- entions may be instituted •under thee Fisheries Act. you canl, abide. There never seems to/ Weekes. to Dresden parish it being eon.: be any half way. If you like It there,. sidered by wardens of, the three Angli- • IIAD VAIRIED• VAREEIR. are so many ways of using a little to "an churehes of Morpeth parish, includ- - give a fillip to your cooking. Candied Mg Clearvillee Trinity •and lVforpeth. it ginger when stored -in -bottle or tini was reported tochge Instenetions have will keep fresh for a long titne. The been received by the popular lVforpeth clergyman to -1111 the vacancy left by the ap130-intment a Rev. O. 11...lohnson, formerly of Dresden Anglican 'ehurch, to Burford parish. The Dresden Anglia. .eans are favorable to the appointment of Rev. Mr. Weekes and the bishop has glisen Ills consent, but the Vorpeth mentbers do. not want their rector to leave, it was stated. Rev. Mr: yieekte.,_ has just completed the fourth year ofhts ministry in aforpeth district. He is chaplain of Kent Deanery Council of ahe Anglican Yonna Peeples Associa- tion, and Seeretary of the oplerictis of Rent Deanery'. preserved ginger, in its wont squat Jars Is delicious. 'Have you veer been guilty, of buying something because e'en liked 'the Jar? I guess i1. the truth were told, • Most US ban, have found 'that I el .mnisssinsMitenimmemoimemine Ask,,,Mother- .h,,,.KitiO*s 1 - it gave her more strength Mother took thistmetlicint be, . ioreand after the bibles came. - energy When she was nem tars anti rundown .._ ,., .kept irer On 'the lob all through the Change. No wonder shelve. • otrunenda it. LYDIA E. 10,1111(11Afil'$ liECETABLE.COMMID Sir Lindsay Represented Old Coimtres In Many, Irlaees. • '• Sir Ronald Lindsay, who replaced • Sir Emma Howard as Ambassador to the United States in 1929, is a true bred Norman baron, of the type and breed of Kitchener. „ Sir Ronald is theeeyounger son of the Earl of Crawfoftl, who was the , moat erudite member of the House of Lords and scion of a, grand old -Scottish 11011tZ; adtftellf. We British Foreign ()glee; he was sent to • Washington 'where. in 1909, he mare tied. Miss Martha Cameron& daughter .of fortner Senator Donald Cam- eron. 'of Pennsylvania. In 1920 she died of typhOlds fever in Egypt and in 1924 Sir Ronald married Mies Elizabeth Hoyt, -daughter of 'Colgate Hoyt.. a Now York banker. , Miring the preceding years, Sir Donald had been stationed in diplo- matic offices in Paris, Turkey', Rusala and .Egypt and had become one of England's greatest "career" idiplo. mats. In 1926. he was appointed ambassador to Clermany. He is tall, and imposing„ with a stiff, heairily hp utd' an occa- atonal theft Of a genial snille under Jutting eyebrows. Don't be without Dottglai. Egyptiain tintmeet. Keep it always handy. Re- lieve,* tbothathe, neuralgia, sore throat, clUirksY, and croup. Invaluable for burns; torn, Barbera Mb and Ring - 1" Few Minutes Eases Neuritis, Pains Now! , • micoyEld siiiNpiNd QUICK RELIEF .PROM PAIN TO -MiLLIONS ...aaamomoilmapers , . fiernember the *tures lieltri when Practical 611eoon vulY(Riellnakoilt. .ou want jast relief from pain.. Equally important, Astarte is " and tot the method doo. see. For scientific tests show *hie: • Aspirin flees not horn the hear4Msl• ' . „ Aspirinand ion* love fogad that. Aspirin Remember those two points: for iheeroattit oldit taut an tt tow And see that You et ASPIRIN. nuke ire madein Canada, and tit druggita In Ike atomic:if es la the ghat have it: Look for the mune Bayer heft, 11111,44SPiiiit tAlkolot, itartivto di*, in the . form of a atm on eves), WV., or dialatespate, almost the bin tablet. 1 .inatatit itlitooeht* misdate. it bpi Get tin ot latablett ortieortoMical gine 'Airbag- hold" bottle ot 24 ot' 11)Oat say drattsikes .3 11 3 • • ' 1 1 1 MAN BY ltAlitoELg POST.. InNorthern 'Rhodesia, South Af- rica, 'whet* spaces are wide and open, men may not be men at all,, but nothing More than parcels. This Wail Proven recently' by WilIIam Iti(tditigai. a constructional engineer. Mc. al(le dinga was employed on a bridge con- struction job over the Luang** ilver at a place named /Amick*, . He wee bark r home In England on furlough, when ,something went wrong, Ori the, work and an, emergency *al Made for his iminediate returr. Tha airway to Lusaka it litentied only' to carry mall matter, pommtcets Wog strietly forbidden, SO Mr. Itiddittea promptly sank his manhood, went 10 he Otefort/r-Tterininsttesie-tieeydoue- had himself duly weighed, • paid the postal charge at so Much per '0-Muak. was lifted aboard the mall plant atiit Soon was on his way to the Rhodesia* altnort,' Where he was delivered to the, postmaster, The AlOard Directors ot t .-Amittricart- Om& Association • Omuta - its president recently declared that "the future .of Water fowl hunting depend* 'upon the_ ;Leave Interafit_A snertstiett 10 restoring and yerPsititm • Ming the water fowl aUpply." Alato number or the wfld fowl that Inraish 'shooting for Abletioak sPortareek are bred In NI/eaten% 'Canada. Ilitooktot nod :hi****. triteie are eatablisbn*** Mida-that nrnket'biottinai iota ,Ivioloit.* *tot * total ,Prodttat talatt.ht Over $4,0060,000°1et year. 404,-,410440400.443101304441104.04100040143 1* loony. SI* would be ** inotry tile ixtraoto he totkad 'Oat troop! ovoir tliroa tit The . -Dean Coal-CoTGderkh; Phone 95W itchener Team is ° Winner at- • 444A 044 RyliSbAY; NOV. 2204,, 1934; THE thhiAtOlAtii IRCII l'oraltotvo4MaoaOto totio Popularik. Viarn001,,,,44747071,1t,'iq,vg:tp,ttici4,ntli:Idort,1404 been ,many different ei;yle, 004 talifi'in thrniture. IteteionoeS:, „ to t,heVO have oeentred in the iverkil of, ' claSsic atitlinrs, and articles 04,tornt.. ture ,frequently :appear in household and teclini.ortL, inap.zinePi 14.4auesa siieh:as to1,11S;XiV., Letil*S. XV; and Louis XVI;„ Queek4une. VtrIntam and Mary, ChIPPendoe and Ileplilewhite ;..411 survive for all time.. It IS ie- eC'fliz'd .that different chistorteal.Per-' (oda were oftenrimraeter"ted by In- iioVations in fleeerative'effects, and that mai* furniture' designs were named atter the reigning. =Pareb. or tho originator of the'idesign In question, It is quitenatural,. there- fore, that the woods commonly asso- ciated with high-class Parnittire. manufacture to -day should be the woods, such as mahogany, walnut and.aztak,, which wera,.used-by-famoutil cabinet makers. Blreh wee never ' used exteneively by any of the old :- craftsmen, but the time seems now by Wilfrid Eggiesten to have arrived when the value and adaptibliity of Canadian yellow birch for high-class furniture should be more fully realized. . While, a considerable, part ofthe hardwood 'used. in Canada's furnttore industry • is traportecl, -the Dominion possesses a hardwood in its yellow birch that, posably; has not obtained the recognition that it deserves. This beautiful' species, known botanicaffy 40t.r.dally„.xogaia* ed in Canada as -a. superior decorative mood, andite_present_Luse-is pally in lower and medium grade fur- niture, as well AS for backing, slides. drawers and partitions of articles of It is significant that more or less. the same woods have been 'used for the to the present tinsels; so the difficulty of in- troducing. Canadlaneyl1pw blrch in' to the select eempany of mahogany, walnut and oak is apparent. • Cana- dian yellow -birch possesses the re- quisite qnalificetions but it lacks an historical background. No niche has been carved in the public conseittin- ness for yellow birch, and little in- formation concerning fats properties has been distributed. Moreo-yer, both to use and to dernatici yellow birch In high quality furniture wOuld, be departures from established eustoms Pure, wholesome, and economical table Sinlp Children love its delicious flavor, "THE OTTAWA SPO Goderich Comes Fourth in Both Teams' of Folurrs and in Pairs Play , AllelesSWINDLeE, Winnipeg Man Lost Two Autontskilles In a Few Minites. People can only be just so laaky and if they are any luckier than that It makes police Officials suspicious, - So, when a filling -station propel. - for went to the Winnipeg police eta - tion told of buying a punch board on which two men won two autos as prizes a short while later**, police thought it sounded fishy. When the two winners demanded their prize autos the service station man did not _there them to give away. Sp he com- promised by giving a cheque for $250 lirateads The Story started with the arrival at a_smoothetongued =gentleman who had planehboards for sale. The punch - boards advertised autos as prizes for those who punched the right tickets, but the right tickets were mighty scarce, it was explained. Before all the chancesonthe punchboard had been palst for the operator wetild have. enough Money to make it well worth his While., So the filling sta- tion man bought 'a board and left it In a conspicuous position. Not tong afterwards two other. gentlemen arrived. They asked what the punehboard was for and soon be- gan to pray it. At first they were un- lucky and the. filling station operator was maMng Watley fast. But then one of_there puliched a tieket which statedhewas entitled to a'prize auto. The filling station man had not got over hs astonishment before the other man had also won Si Pete ear. Still- bewildered, be was talked in- to settling.the matter With a cheque Air $250 before he' heftily °realized what be was doing. But not long at - On, the two winner's had left he de- cided there was something' strange about the Whole a.ffiir and went to the police With his story. . "NO men could be that „lucky,'' said city detectives, When . they heard 'hit tale. They told him to stop payment on the chequ,e, which he promptly did. The next. move' is up to thew,in. tiers. if they think they have been cheated out of their prizes ,they have to interview the detectives nra convince those cynical indi- viduals that it is quite posaibla to win,two autos in 10 naivetes if, you are lucky enough. Hoc; Blitsttlo 'IN The breeding of b.ops in Mani ,aartre or the 'Province o Quebec has undergone great changes in recent times. A visit to the 1041fairs some years ago showed* preponderance of hogs ofthe lard type breeds, but these • 'have largely 'disappeared 10 maw localiti* until One Ands now 001081 eXeltUdive.13r. 110$11 Orthe bacon Ono. .change is equally tope, r -L ent at „shipping .pointa;districts that produced ,short, thick hogs some years ago now sending to Montreal Taffy YeeitiftY''Ca'fliiiia's ,type bacon hogs, . Kitchener stepped t� the front in the second monthly meeting of the Western • Ontario Bridge , Association held in Woodstodk on Saturday evening, Nov, /7th. • • Their team of fours composed of Messrs. Israel, Denison, Dinkel' and An- • derson won the team- of. tours Match with a' percentage of 305 of hands play- ed and won, while they also won the north and south high, with Messrs. •ler aet affd Dente:M. The Goderich team of fours composed of Messrs. Taylor. Hume. (Patterson and • Carey, came fourth in ,the fourstma • and splitting up came fcauth in each of the twrth and saath and Past and west boards played. 'Me next- match will be held in Lon - den 011 Decentbei 6th at the Loodon Betel: As only two matehas have been • played no standing of theeclubs is given although London won the first and now Kitchener have gome out on top. In the second. flerore condemning a writer's work because it isnot original; just think how much worse it would be if it were „ ,111...1101.;011.1•114.11..1.1.1101110. HIGH.CLASS We eon give you firomp. aed aotithictor,y sativirieer at * ,ntodortite. price following *es of printing: er, ,-,Lorttorisnads ....Eatvalopott .4tiotticannta 4.-Billlsoikds , ' .4,Cireitlars - Ir*** .-Ctartis .• made by) his etore, thus InViting MM. te • slash wages to the minimum. . 10. Without chain 'and departntentaa stores the consumer would in many parts Of the Country have to-par,coneitierstbly- • - 'more for certain articles and' dung the . depression few budgets have been ear,- . able of being stretched sce,as to pay Ottawa, November ' 20 The ehain • higher prices. These are some of the . outstaltding ' -.. ........., store As been)"on the spot" the last facts. In al/ fairness to altoperties they. .facts have come out. Until the ether deserve te be considered together, , week or ten days. eome uglyllooking side of the story has received equal pronlinence, there is a danger of rushing • Pelir''ettireeltiftireoleVIVIVM1iifix-Vilie;4P '''''' 4'''''':'''' '''''712 Pz,Ea' fown ty act trfitd, to balitleLand iniwarraneed conclusions. ' C I tal and chain stores en masse without . (By Phil. Carey) _ tpreads .inquiry, Mr. Stevens, seems* in- clined at times to condemn departnren- discrimination; to condemn the system , ... ich therrepresent- as-avelr -as-the- re.- This _etyleeef,.....bignalge is very ,,,effective THE ONE OVER ONE -prehensible- practices of certaba indivie. especially when there is no lefereeeee ' by- the appontntses--The-lekt-is &talt times forcing until one of the, -partners In order te keep a felr :stand open mind signs off by bidding N.T. Every bid un - on the subject, it may be well to diS ie the sign off is arrived at Must _sheer entangle senile -dr -the 4311eAt tete.te.earsd additional strength. Therefore it netes-' set them down below one another: sexily follows that on ' -most types e'rf 1. The growthor chain steres in tha hands the correct, contract' will' be arriv- . . past decade has been -extremely rapid. ed at. The •main thing for beginners to This- growth has been' aecomplished in remember` is that regardless ofethe dis- a field where there was the keenest corn- tr4 ibution do not. make a free bid' or a. petition and in whicle the indieedual re- positive response unless you have tne re- tailer _Was well established. The infer- co .._-_- ured number of trick g to warrant' it ence .is that thechainestore brought cr unless you, have at some time signed something which the coriturner desired. the banit' off. lied, • . _-_-__ . ' NOI-fiTH-DEALER. 1 . • . - 2. The chain -store has succeeded hi . NORTH -SOUTH -VULNERABLE, many instances in reducing the pri3e- spread between the sue= paid' the pro- ; * A le . ducer (farmer, fisheernan, manufacturer, 'iefleJ1 04 etc.) • and •the price . charged the con- 0 'A Q 8. sumer. , One grocery- their' has been 4. s able by modern merchandising methods *we. * J 4. to sell goods with a nraik-up" of only ee 7 e 5 3. • A Q9 2. eight- or nine -per -pen -re the -old saverige oSee 6 2.„ VC- r • (iTo 975 in the small retail grocery sthed to be 26 • A 10 9 3. ' iii! di 86 6. to 30 per cent. In other words, it can ruipurrehlaw buy a commodity for $1.00 and let the consumerhave it foer,, $1.09, and still , . C2 8., make a profit on the transaction. tinder. . -04.4.-3- the old system that artfcre would- have i . se 7 4 2. had -to- be- sold for $.1.25 or $1.30. - The Th'e, biddi.ng4..- consumer gets the same article•, and gets N. E. '' , S., fresher,It for a cogs derable reductlon. 1 Mari . Pass 1 N. T. (1) • . (Pass 3. Some chain stores have exploited 2 N. T.(24 PEVA .4 Spades (3) Pass their .ability to reduce the Price -spread .0, Pass . . by hogging too much of the saving for '118s ' , (1) The usual response. No heart sup- themselees, and by taking too much out port and a trick -or iess. of their.., employees. Able to undersell (2) This bid shoes 'tremendous strength their rivals, the individual retailers, they when bid over partner's 1 N. V. re - have gouged out too much in the form of • TO gAVU NAPOLEON'S VINE. . The histoile Napoleon graveVitte Is to be Sated for posterity, The reefteh Government has declared thia *hie, 1.located on the flastialighwayin tor, 1 Idea, to be historical object and that it is not to he deittroVil bY' Man. This is the vine Nirpoleonsitt4 Inside -his tarter oottihtt, bec*us4 it belong- ed to hit patents. and Prothice from it en*b10d tbern to send. to.school- Origin of VIP* The earlieat history olpipe organs COMO be bared eravily, although It it *mowed that they were develop., ed from bagpipe *ad an Spec litiekeitoe the** Dnmp1 Cleattlids. Ioe Angeles Sifia -1`,040 tone ot tincans and Other meta/a froas 11* tap boo* sroath' - Old al 011 11 abould 414 it Vett ets 0_ ea• a Q6 7 6.a 2. chain sent over eleven million cicillars to grouse. It, as much as says partner if you can take'l trlek I can take- - - eicecutives' \salaries and ha profits. One its present company in five years, in- about seven so if ,you have any'fur- . eluding the volt years of the depres- ther values sion.. One chain store madh as iimeh 112 (3) "AftereNat =all Old to game orth's 2 N: T. the 4 Spades. profits as the totaLsum paid_their-seles •. conies as a Matter of course. atorth ,,.. stafi. They could have doubled the has Shown a big hand and "must ., have top, honors in every tuit. wages of their help, and still broken '.. even. They could'have paid 50% higher In the play five spades Is madeIf Qatith does net sigrr oft originally with , wages, and still showed 'a profit, of seven per cent on their turnover. • I N. T. the hand could quite, easily be ' 4.. While the 'chain store thrives on bid to a slain. small margins arid 'quick turnover the NEXT WEEK'S IliND idea that they make only small profits *A.11011., . . on all articles has been thoroughly ex- ' e2 6. pletied: Cni many . articles their selling 0. It 2. price is over double their' buying price. °.. *A QX9 5 3. evident here and there. --the of the .(;• .165. I ' , *K 42 ' s - ' 0 10.9- 8 7 3.. 5. At a time when al/ Canada has 4.4 3. """"'"17-7 A (O 9 7. , peen suffering severely frtmi the depres- C7 AICQ- W r sion, with privation and --,,,, starvation J72. elutinghave einade increasingly htege .4, 10 7. i profits• * 6 4. , 6. The wages paid ensployees. parti- r It 2 e, T10 5 4. cularly sales girls,' .have f'rectuently been 0 A Q 4. ' to low .as to break the minimum wage , * Jaws. In two or three cases the waged -are appallingly low even...for depreation HUNGARIAN' SC013TS 'IN ,ENGLAND , Vali. , oa.....iimmondroo.ortermorrawormoimisenr;6.4 Numbers of individual` litingarian 7. In this connection it should not goy Scolds ',dere entertained Eng - be forgotten that whtie 0.0.5o a week lish Scout families this summer,the for a salesgirl (average for two or three r9e3oultotefrnfaiteonnfriendships Scouthipsforoitnabot rteh - stores) is. a very tow wage, the price of ,1,1 2in farm products in 1932 and 1933 Wasatch fit Hungary. •• that the average farm Only yielded" about all, a Week te the farmer and his INTERNATIONAL BOT ERIENDSIII? an( that 'adult fishernien, t has Carrying' on international friend.. been disclosed in the Stevens >illeary,, Ships established at a Camp this snm. have- Deen;wwkint"-46i-"48-little-lur $ibirmetherl;VAixetricbrimdIsr/iltTrgoi.723°Lhiffinuts'd -°arte to $300 per season, the latter' slim beingcestresportdings-Vilth Se:elate less ihan $8.00 it week, land Yugoslavia, France ani 'Den. s. It has yet to be 'proved that the mark. extortion and *age -8100j/. complained. ' " 41'.1n the 04,S# of chain stores has not, been tittall,LAti9vgeit;_t4M9P.g . 4,04 .tet tailers, although In the latter ease there Is More opportunity for the display of humane feeling br the-riplOYir toward - his staff., . - *1the Vie WU /*WOO Of iattylag a manager ,4 tome_ ebain:..ttoics-have-adoptea.,. ori the basis of Pit tentage of l'ootit itt 101 z wits, ittistmt4ristA4 tit-soktaor.'retpaid---quickri to itibtACItra. -4 t4MPi1brosost.. UMACAP 00IPS DIIIt Blameo er For the Childroa's Co 440.01iite;41 the *lotto ea* de the yoringtera win titti 00 Of &tem n�t properly 41ressod; totite tee meth elethieg on get Overheated *ad cool alit too and* deftly; get their toot wet; tiek nif the bed clothes, and do dcosen ether thing* the *ether 'otertot pfevent. Mother e ;fin, iota few doom at :Dt. Pialk iii'0111644 the tells bet a mot,, tretshie tnalf rieve 'rho ehilarest to., it la so 4a.nt to, 'Par sale to g ead igtoottl sato.