The Goderich Star, 1934-09-06, Page 5M
r ,
The 'oungsters on' .tile present Vie- ' h+o2� prenn'ses p Ite. fru returned to,
team. iave been Sling some of the l •
o s;,ofohrears j
haw gam'`vete s Three
ae,n d
'hattheirou sa'
,N M, Mister ,a a dnontinter.if .t a ev r.
'aha of l time; ' .have an, idea that Thursday miming` and changed. b1 :'i?re ,
used to lie> ppett34ba,"t ei selei•.an l iitstt.:viot' pies 'of not.. guilty to one pf ty,
r be ratty g `4rowe''Aiir'lVa't 10er
bio 'siting'liquor: iIii'- t;OtXTIia7 IiItR1ttXpIS
argument' resulted in their 'arranging' a match ,;At be -held, fq;!lgrl tadral rook
Nairn asked thsrrt,sente sentence be made to
next Wednesday,. `livening atc-six- o'elste„ :. . in di 1 *I it,: + ... . 7 ' 1..rsncip,
Atter the game it may be better known posed in Stratford. T1IS the Crown At-
t-w'ieh is the If the old tim4- torneyy'agreed to as the'1'iqudr in question
vers are. not .quite as fast on the,`.bases asirkboth cased was the �eame.. Mixte, wall
bheY used to be, It Is probable that them`
batting • eye has not gone, `beck much and, therefore serve out the balance of three
It is possible that they will make up in months commencing from the date he.
batting what they lack in. running. In' was' first placed in Huron County .sail.
any event .an interesting. and amusing_
game is likely to result • and a lot of peo- •Court Jurisdiction
• ale will be there. 4, • " Provincial Constable 'x'egenza was cal-
The old timers have Itned up .a num- led doWn to Bayfield, at 'th0 'instance of
ber of players and have one or two more. County Constable White and intercepted
in mind to round out the team. a ear ,containing R. W. Sturgeon, his bro-
Those who have agreed to play are Bill ther, *m. Sturgeon, and the former's
Barlow, Bob Bissett, Bill Bissett, Cliff. wife ani: two. children. Beer was found
Webb, Ernie Pridham, Jimmy Wiggins, in the car and the evidence was to the
Bill Lumby and Jno. Pinder. I effect that there Was a strong smell of
Bill Lumby will pitch and Bill Bissett beer and some moisture , in the +car. One
will do the catching.' The old battery case had been opened and the charge
will have a Chance to show their stuff as , was that the contents had been consum-
of old. If tilez are still -able, all hope to ed in transit.,._
be�down Io work next day: Mr. Vincent Foley, barrister of Lon-
don, represented the Sturgeons, who are
u VICTORIA ST. OPPOSED well known residents of Bayfield.
He based his initial defence on the fact
Grantirg of Beer and Wine License that evidence showed that the offence, if
"emirs of Victoria S nit l.-any,�.had-been-cotnnritted Lon onr-and_
Church report that they protested, as did 'most respectfully drew the attention of
two other- churches, against the granting the -court_ to the fact that he had no Jur-
of a beer and wine license to any hotel isdiction in that city, and that the case
ire coder ch.• j' would have to be heard there.
MOntiuued Froin a 1) .
Artist Collegiated PublicSchool
'/Onnte • ,.Loo►se i of Re I,ti ,'a1J..:Public School Ttxt smooth , fixe crib ►ler 'rte
Largs Exercise :%oke, smooth paper, lined or plebe l,Oc
4O. a e Exercise Books 5c value for ':1$cmm
When -the cungregation tad- assembled
for Divine Service on the morning, of,
August 19th, Jne. H. IVIWian arose and
to the' fact that there was a possibility
thnt cstsh lisense might be granted and
urged those present to gon on record
as being opposed to° any such move. A
,rnotion. to that effeeC was duly put -and
The regnlai service then was taken by
the pastor, Rev. P.. Craik.
Wake up -your Liver Bile '
You ore "feeling punk" sunpl,y becauee your
liver isn't pouring ite daily two pounds of liquid
bile into yonr bowels. Digfttion and elimination
aro both hamesered, and your entire system is
;tarp): need is a -liver stimulant. Soma:
thing that goes farther than salts, mineral water. .
oit. laxative candy or chewing gum Rr roughage
which only move the bowels—Ignonng the real
maw of trouble, Your liver.
Tajte Carty's .Little Liver Pills. Purely veg.:.
,,Ask for t era Iv' name:- Refuseroutontutes.
that It was his sinderlitanding that his
jurisdiction_s_was....province, wide, Mrs
Foley bowed to the ruling of -the Magi7
)strate and proceeded with the case.
• He then brought out in 4vidence that
the beer had, been consumed in a rOom
`secured °for the purpose in the Bellevue
' Hotel in London. As the cam came un-
der the new liqnor regulations it was gone
#nto in detail, there being, apparently,
:some doubt in ,everyone's mind at to just
how the .ftew rules applied. As there was
no 'evidence produced to Show that beer
'had been drunk any place nut' in the
hotel and as Mr. Foley demonstrated
tnat, a hotel room was a place of resi-
dence under the Act, Magistrate Makins.
dismissed, the charge, at the same time
'making it clear that the constables were
' quite justified, in the circumstances, in
,making the seizure. ,
Earl Mero, charged with entering the
residence of Father -Lowry last 11/1arch
and stealing some $30, the collection
from St. Peter's church, pleaded not
guilty, Given the option of trial, by jury
he elected summary' heating. At -the re-
The Square G9.40,Eidai , Phone 90 .
quest of 'Op Clown t.hor„case was remand:.
ed -one week,
R.C.M.P. Constable F. Ct. Muscat
brought in Fred. Littlechild Of Goderich
on -a charge of brewing beer without a
license under the ExciSe Act. • Magi-
strate Makins charged hint $25 and osts
*after he had pleaded guilty. The alter-
native waa two months in jail. Little-
child Paid.
Henry Kerr 'of West Wavsanosh ap-
ix* money from Thos. McNeil by false
pretences,. He pleaded guilty andc
reIllarided one 'Week for sentence.
Council met in HolnieiVille on TuesdaY -
Pro.vincial- Direct Relief, *rote -referring
to the new method. of distributing relief.
The Clerk was _directed_sto reply. Mr.
Adam Steep requested no. tax on his dog
that was poisoned, no action; he to be
allawed- to- -get -another clog;stag to-- be-
furniSted ,by the clerk. Owing to the
number of damage dents for sheep, and
judging froin reports there are a nuMber
'of dogs not assessed; which is not fair to
those titat are Paying, the council, by
unanimous resolution, decided that all
parties owning or harboring dogs 'without
tags and not assessed, must notify the
Clerk before October 1st and get tags or
tett dollars and costs.' Mr. John Mc' -
Cline requested the usual grant to Bali -
held Fall Fair. $t5.013 - was granted to
Bayfield and $20.00 to 'zGoderich Fair.
The following accounts -were paid: W.
W. Wise, sheep claim, $17.50 Geo. El-
lott, sheep, $6; Oliver Weigh, sheep,
M• iddleton, sheep Claim, $4; Harold Mur -
sheep, $5; W. H. Lobb, valuing sheep,
$14.40. Council' then adjourned to meet
on Monday, October 1st, at 1.30 p.m.
Services at Victoria street United
church on Sunday, Sept. 9th, will be
conducted by thi pastor, Rev. F. W.
Craik, as follovts: 10 a.m:, Sunday
School; 11 asn., public worship, subject
"Christ's Method of Prayer;" 7 p.m., sub-
ject, "Looking Forward with ROM"
Services at Knox Presbyterian church
9n' Sunday, Sept. 9th, will be conducted
lows• 10 a.m., Sunday School and Bible
Class; :11 a.m., public worship, subject
"Exchanging Truth for Liei;" 7 p.m.,
subject, ",„Teremiah's Timely Wisdom."
t_essiegsseststile_Bantisiss.hurch on
Pastor' "W. T. Bunt as !allows: • 10 a.m.,
Bible 'School; 11 a.m., gespel -Serviee,
snbject, "Corn ;on the Mountain 'Tops;."
7 pans subject, "Tne Widow's Oil In-
Services at North street United church
on- -Sunday, -Sept: 9th-,• will- be- conducted
as follows': 10 'a.m., Sunday School; 11
a.m., public worship, Rev. C. A. Malcolm
public Worship, Rev. "C. A. Malcolm.
Arrangentents„. are being made for Rally
Day -in, ih‘'`SittidaY Sehool on Sunday,
Sept. 30th. Fuller - particulars will be
given lter.
• The 1"Good 'Hope English Evangelical
_Lutherin Mission" shoids its morning
worshiP (harvest festival service) an
Sunday next, Sept. 9th, at 11 am., in
MacKay Hall; Ooderich, Ont. This ser-
vice will bc conducted by the pastor, Rev.
C. Ziegler, subject, "Our Good Vrovider
and Generous Sustainer.'" Ashearty wel-
come is extended to all inelined, to wor-
sinip with this congregation.
hew, issue of *Why. +;toe k,' sport +
Oneaster * r s .,, LTtd1 o onto,'
is beoffet d the POW- who are;t
given the unusual hane^e .+ a tour4oid�
v, nture.:
{1i.B : Unit . Mines kited o four
'dist t WIMPS of *Petite.; each, of
them exceptionsliy ioeated in fou `at tha
t„pv�tEstandi gold ,axeaa ox' Canada,
tat �M1i+ k' -.ale t.�+k ine ay.d
Swire, At the ;t'nt enrt; work is -'being'
;•I'Sagheivari and Tiblemont, Both. are
It is reported by A. Carr !lards, min.
ing engineer, well known; hi Cloderich,
who was formerly of Norandso and now
engaged by 1.0./3., in a coMmunication to
.TOronto headquarters, that work is pro-
ceeding with exceptionalkir good results
at tlie Mattachewan pliiperty of the coin -
Mr. Harris definitely declares that the
Mines are infinitely more encouraging Ark -
their 'initial. development than were
those of Noranda. Surface indications,
he declares, point to the property being
of major impoitance with gold ore of
good commercial value over extensive
Drilling machinery, includilig cotnpres:
sor, was, sent to the property and is nbw
being installed to give to the eempany
sufficient equipthent fOr the extensive
program of development to be carried
out under expert direction.
This company is capitalised at 3,500,000
shares, of which 1,625,000 shares nave
beerc--issued— for the " properties ----and
Stenog—"I think I'll just walk off this'
noipdy: is holding you."
Suits and
kirts, Etc,
1,000,000 has been taken by a New Irsark
SYndisate _for distribution in, the vsmseosi
The bala-nce of 875;000 shares are
being—offered in _Canada_ ny Lancaster ,
Bros.- Ltd., a firm which has prospered
in the realty field where- it has .been•
widely known ' in Toronto for more than
a -quarter of a century, Mining men -ex-
press the opinion ihat the 'esitnpany's
properties are well located and that Com-
petent engineering supervision has been
Secured. With efficient management it
is felt that the company has a reason- I
able chance of success.
By the score 12-8 Knox- Presbyterian
church won elle C. C. Lee trophy in a
6VS innings" game played at Victoria'
Park on Tuesday evening, from the Vic-
toria United. church, Knox winning., the
first, second and fourth game of a five -
game play-off. Bill MacDonald pitche
a fine game for the winners. The
Knox—H. Stoddart, c.; W. MacDonald,
p.; M. 'MacDonald, lb.; R. Stoddard, 2b.;
'R. Black, ss.; Naftel, 3b.; V. Elliott,
Victoria—R. Phrinuner, c.; A. Fisher.
The new Monarch in-
struction Book for lad-
ies', children's and
men's giurnents, show-
ing a wonderful new
range of styles in knit-
ted wear are ,now
sale, also several Eng-
lieh and American
knitting boas.
We carry -a large stock of popular Knitting- Wdols :
Monarch Povt
"Mist Canada" Andaluslan_
Monarch Down
"Sea Shell" Wool, 15c fall
Monarch. Tweed
aeger-._ $.01y _Wool
Baldwin's Bee -hive- Wool a
Scotch Fingering 4-pty
Angora Wool
Benmiller Yarn in all colors, at
50c per lb.
E. Hibbert
The Cash Store
B. Smith. ss.; C. Larder, 3b.; V. Smith,
If.; C. Miller, cf.; A. Smith, rf.
Peevish, pale: restless, an.d sickly c h IL -
dren owe their condition to worms.
Mother Graves' Worm ExterMinator %-A
relieve them and restore health. - •
• Word comes from the 11'LATACHEWAN property this week that drilling and tench ng machinery, together with compressor
are now on location and -the crew is busily engaged setting up the machinery."Bill" McNeely, discoverer of McKnzie Red
Lake Mines and now in charge of development on L. B.'.s MATACHEWAN holdings, in his latest report states that the machin-
ery is in fine condition and that work will be speeded up eon"siderably: Mr. McNeely is enthusiastic with the outlook of property
Work proceeds on the TIBLEMONT holdings with gratifying results and officials look for big things from the property.The four properties ' UNITED MINES LIMITED are all situated in famous producing fields-1VTATACHEWAN
.1=';T:11LEMOORCUFINE_-and SWAY& vittcomprise a`totatat�,,560 acres it alIo
The enterprise is backed by over thirty years of business, administration in the city of Toronto and the management is mak-
ing a determined effort to produce a mini.
Lancaster Bldg., Toronto 5.
0 Please enter my order far shares Of L. 13. United Mines.
Limited, at 25-e per share, for whileh I enclose rny cheque for