The Goderich Star, 1934-08-16, Page 110111 $22a Vans%
Pool Roo* Operator
Up In Police Court
soitsopt sirEas , 1 ThellSan,
---":004,:cito. 'A, Rik"! ForTlerry Day
Visit to lgineardine
Magistrate 'iteid WOnied tip' a, quiet A C010r101 r 11A.. r*cle—PetriOtie
week with a personal eXperienee in theft Speeches and Music Mark a
while visileix)! $13: Ichl,eardlue on Wedn°Z" Great Outing----Viaitors 'Have.*
day fer the- Inter-elub golf ' tourney. Splendid Time.
. Ile went inte one ot the local hotels
Goderich, Hanging his hat on a Stand
thousands of people to this lakesidatown
just outside' the dining room ' door he;
went in. When the inner man was sat- On Saturday, August. 11, including tile
titled he- cemit out- and, -picking- up -the men/Ws-or the• Royal Black- Knigh.ts It -
only hat left on the rack, Proceeded to self, togethec with theit friends and
his car, carririhg" the head g!ar in his families.
Ile droveskome without. putting the heti • ..
Middlesex, HID= and Perth were re-
presented by a number of preceptories
on, in fact diaosot put it on until Thurs-
anel, ledges ar the orange Order. A col -
day morning. When he did se, he found.
orful parade beginning at 2 p.m. entered
- thlt it fitted like the proverbial, wart on
„tue.,,aunivionv,„4,,folvzoiie.:41ad traded,ats the Square by the South street entrance
"." and wound its vvayestrountletereeeneletheeg
with him. He bOught a new one.
,,street, dispersing to 'listen to a numbered
patriotic speeches, to patrontee the var.
'No Typhoid Here . neath the walls of the Court House and
lolls booths which had been set. up be -
Charged With Having Licluttr-for
Sale -36. Bottles Seizedt Lose*
Car, Fined ip Stratford
M. H. Mater,. well kn'own .00derich
Pool room operator, is confined to the
County Jail hate,after 110:11118, Erpixared
before Magistrate leeld on e charge at
have been disposed of on August 13 but
was postponed e week at the request oi
D, R, Noirne Mixter's eolicitor. Bail was
set at $1,009, but wee not forthc01111118--
The case c.briginated on Friday, August
10, when provindial police raided ,Mixter's
pool room and discovered 36 quart bottles
synthetic gin in the furnace, room. Pro.
niade the seizure, Mixter not. being pres-
ent at the time. Information sent out by
picked .up in Stratford during -the c6urse
Alkk, of the day, thieStratferd "pealed finding
..eight more quarts of the same liquor in
. the car Mixter was driving, a car with a
Michigan license number.
'S---Iitenced' in Stratford '
Appearing -In Steatford polite- ceuete
Mixter Was found gUilty of having, liquor
in his posseSsion not porchased re -Per-
- mit and was fin,ed '$.500 and costs, witb
the option of three Months in _
Magiserate J. S. -the preeid-
ing officer. His car was seized.
Immediately following serttence he was
,brought to Goderich to answer elle 7Ixtore
if he. had- been _ able to _procure the
amount of the .bail, he 'could not have
been allowed . his freedom without the
consent of Stratford officials.
Police state theVehe' a.rrest should stop
a flow of liquar which has been taming
into town ot. the_ snore of Lake Theron
Efforts have been made during thett.time
to secure evidence_hut_without success
until- Friday's raid ware -staged.
The case evill be up, 'fbr final disposal'
DIES IN Tottono
Flowor Show -Prizes
Feemee 'Cie- and Lova Barrtstert
Abe. Served in Oreist War' o •
ed As Result of Rumors—Kit-
egi_mp_ Water ' Infested.
was preParing to leave the hospital. last- ailoom. All of the usual varieties; were oh
"There is absolutely no -truth io, th.e , Wednesday, but suffer6d- a rele,pse which display and many of them excellent spe-
cil u -as herd on TuesclaY eientng to dis-
cuss the final details of the We of the
National Shipbuilding Plant to the Gode-
rich Salt Co. The town solicitor was in-
structed to complete the necessary docu-
Iva Corn has broken her .engagement
strith Mr. Foot, since he is lining -Cress
Cern Salve. At lettniop'S:Drug- Store. .
OST. --,-A round- gold breech, Japanese
scene on facing. Finder please
leave at Mrs. lefole..Egrel residence, 36 Vic-
toria street, and recebte reward.
WANTED. -lo rent, from September
1st, two, downstair rooms ttiefur-
Northern part of town- preferred.. AliPLY
non, Telephone 64 r 14. .
WANTED. -At *We, a bicycle. for a
" ten -year-old girl, Apply to, MRS.
girl for. housework. No children.
Apply to MRS. J, BRODIE, Port Albeit
second Concession Ashfield.
WOMEN WAITTED-TO sew for us at
" home. Sewing' machine necessary.
COMPANY, .13epi,"268, Toronto 6.
poor SAVE:Le-Par
eow due to. freshen. ApplY to
cession 3, Asleteld; „
-Or-bagpipes. •
Great- preparations had been -made by
Goderich Preceptory, No. 1034, for the
entertainment of the Sir Knights and
membere land although not as many as illness of some weeks. His many friends Gladioli, roses and dalhias were fewer in
were looking for hie return shortly, as he number but the former seemed well up
• re expected came those who .did make — -to-their usual miality-inecoloreand-e
Suaeiterall *t MacKay
itY Were Shocked to lea* Of the death cif
a former eitizen ef thi,Ctown in the per- Spite of Lessened Enbiev.
sea Of MarShal a Johnston, at Toronto,
on Friday, AUguet 1001, caused by a Dry weather early in the season was
-cerebral- henverrhagee Deceaeed war responeible for the loWer number of en -
born 70 Years ago WeSt WawanesWon tries in the annilar flower show of the
the farm now occupied by David Hamill- Goderich Horticultural - Sailety according
ton. For some titne he served. as clerk of to_ the president 9f the Society, Harey
In spite of this, however, many lovely
blooro.s were me display in MacKay Hall
oo Friday -and Saturday, August 10 and
11, ,and some were exceptional in their
coloring, the dry weather apparently
being to their liking.
Fred Barker won the sweepstakes for
iety. He won ten first prizes, nine
seconds and one third. The reward for
this excellent showing is possession Of the
Herbert Waters Co. cup, a prize donated
by this Toronto -firra tor 'tolripetition.''.
The salpagla:sis came in a wide variety
of shades and Wa tone of the plants Which
seemed to thrive on (warmth and aridity.
raster of this town,
During the Great War he served his
countrY overseas, and since then had re-
sided in Toronto, where he was engaged
in newspaper work. He was =married.
Two brothers survive him, atonuel, of
West Wawatiosh, and James }L, of _Aub-
waa held on Uorulay Afternoon, to_ Dun-
giumon cemetery. The pallbearers were
Messrs. 'Those Riddell, E. Phillips, Jas.
Medd, Peter Patterson, Wm. Thompson.
antr'Chase Asquith.
The death occurred,at Toronto en Sat-
urday, of -Benjamin H. Evans, after an
the trip enjoyed a splendid day..
The toene was in gale attire -for thein=
vasion, with banners and streamers resulted in hie. unexpected death. lie
story,". stated Dr. Whitely, when asked
ass manY streets together with a great- was born in Birmingham England in cimens.
if there 'were any typhoid germs in the "I' ' ' . Chas. Cooke of Clinton, ected as judge
deal of bunting and enany flags on dife. 1858 and came to cloderich when quite a and had the usual difficult time in sel-
harbor water or in Goderith drinking F ferent houses, The inembers and their young boy, He was married to Elizabeth
. &Teri& arrived -by bine, nediar and- train; -EPreadberiar about -fiftY- years -ago, and -
ecting the. best among nurnbers of fine
Water. blooms.
goinie and early in the day the colorful sashes who still survives him. For more than s
A, titorY to this° effect has been
,,Theee of the men and the white dresses of the twenty-five years he was engineer at the The Prizeeteist
the 'rounds for the- past week.
ladies 'caught the eye A travelling show. pewer house, of the Water and Light Asters, 6. only -P. .Barker. Collection
are no cases- of typhoid in. town ,and. I
sentampieeefethe .wa.teretaeT,rontoet,peiad been instilled on Victoria Park on ec1.6nernisSuireit'wbere he was a faitiefel and of_oht flowers, ,,,,arrangement to 'couret-R.'•
Friday tO take advantage of thee-ipected earnest worker.
b ted.e'rh -re ore came back shows.
•Stonehouse, Mrs: Hartwell, Mrs. Kershaw.
crowd and to add to attractions provided He was -an highly -esteemed citizen, a Calendula,--'12 only -H. Edwards, F.
hig it to be Al. There is no foundation
e for the visitors. --
• member lef the Canadian Order of For- Harker,' Mrs. Kershaw. Dahlias, 5 only
whatever for the story."
On the other. hand, Dr., Whitely as! The Parade esters; also a member of St. George's --V. Barker. Dahlia, 1 only -J. Cuth-
M.0.11 for the Township of Goderich,' The parade entered the - Square with Anglican church. He is survived by his bertson. Gladiolus, 9 spikes --Miss Swaf-
went down ^to Kitchigami Boys' Camp: the inevitable niotor cycle Police man •in widow, son, Exnenersone of God,erich, field, Geo. Bowra._.J. P. Hume. Gledio-
lus, splices, named, 8 colors -H. Ea_
wards, F. Barker. Gladiolus. 2 spikes,
red or scarlet -Mrs. C. Worsell.
his, 2. spikes, white, named -H. Edeirarde.
(Sus, 2 spikes, striped, flaked .a:ir
blotched -F.. Barker; R. Stonehoute.
named -F. Barker. Gladiolus, 2 spika
salmon -J. r. Hume. Mrs. H. Newcombe.
Gladiolus, 2 spikes, any other color -J.
Cuthbertson, Geo. Bowra. Gladiolus, 1
spike, named -Geo. Bowler, H. Edwards,
R. Stonehouse. House plants, 5 only -
F. Barker. House plant, 1 only in bloom
end took a sample. of the water there.! the lead- closely followed by- the equally
also five eisters, Mrs: Geo.
This was reported by Toronto to be Un-: inevitable white horse, Xing Billy's harsee-Hamilt°11*
fer human c9nsumption• unles,s-pro-1 which. has led every Parade of Orange-
perIy treated' as it contained certain hie! men since the days of the Vailliam and
testioal germs. As a result of the report -Mary themselves.
Dr. vvhitely agairirVielteel the Camp and Perth COunty Preceptor] won ilrst
gave instructions that the head of the. prize for the best dressed men, all of
Viell from hieh the camp drinking wa. them being in silk hats and frock coats.
.tcr has beel obtained, must be removed They were a smart looking outfit, but it sidence, McDonald -See, Tuesday after -
neon to the Maftland cemetery. Ven.
and the Well cleaned out. After that it : was Clinten ladies' lodge which took the
eye of most people. These were -a good Archdeacon Jones -Bateman officiated.
should be, satisfactory, the trouble pro=
looking lot who, in addition .to their The pallbearers were Messrs. W., G. Wil-
bably arising, remarked the doctor, frcm I
white dresses, carried orange parasols de- son, D. Sproul, A. Barker. R. Needham,
the fact that the well le not used from
corated with red. and blue. They would H. Mew. G. Stiencombe.
September until the following July.
Geenis would thus have ten months in I be fetching anywheee.
Wilson, cif Detroit, Mra. H. Seith, Mrs. A.
Beevers and Mrs. Geo. Ysile, of Goderich,
and Mrs. Fred. Hanson' of California -
two brothers, William, of Northern On-
tario, and Arthur of Goderich Township.
The funeral' took place from his late re -
The children were well represented al -
which to increase and beco-me danger -
so by a junior lodge from London, The
, Pride of London Lodge, 75 strong, were
11 h iso- 'rdered that
ganada's flag by quoting the -well known
airs only an old bit of bunting,*
It's only an old colored rag,"
all in white and very attractive in ap- 1
the Well be thoroughly disinfected:
pearance. They were given a special'
This' action was made necessary owing .
to the fact that 43 of the 72 boys there 1
prize and well earned it.
tonteacted a form of summer flu and had gther lodgee were .present from_ Sarnia.,
London and Stratford, while Goderich
Preceptory was very much in evidence..
The Cloderich Town band, a group of the
ClintotoPipers, and -a number of life and
drum* bands provided tlie music and ad -
the °sand of Lake Huron beaches froin ded to the excitement ef the day.
Kincardine to Grand Bend. This organ- On the grand stand in the park, the
ism is quite new to the district, having ehaitman of the reception committee,
to be treated for slime.
Dr. Whitely also reported that a pecu-;
liar, tiny red bug has been discovered in
,never been netted before. Many people, Edward Mole, Grand Pursuivant. of the
old and young, have been snfferirtg from Provincial Grand Chapter, welcomed the
a form of skin irritation resembling acute speakers. First calling upon Mayor C.
hives. The little red' bug is believed to C. Lee of Goderich, the latter triode a
he responsible for the condition as those brief but happy address of welcome, hi
bathers who keep to deep Water and which he extended the best wishes of the
the irritation. them the freedom of the triwn.,
The condition is not dangerous, but is
most =comfortable. It readily yields to The first speaker on the program was
siniple treatment of Epsom salts fol- Sir Knight Jos. Carson, Past Grand Mu -
lowed by a fees doses of baking soda. ter of Ontario Wed. In opening his re-
marks he first extended an invitation to
Hold MacKay Picnic the preteptories to hold their 1935 gath-
ering in Sarnia. Ile then went on to de -
On. Victoria Grounds scribe the siege of Londonderry in 1689
and quoted the passage from the works
of 'Lord Macaulay Which lie. claim
Annual 'Affair Will Be Staged on that it was the most important event in
British history. He went on to reiterate
Sept. 7th—Boilers Need ..the stand of the order for equal rights
Repairs for all arid epecial priVileges for none.
The Speeches
House plant, e only, foliage -R. Stone-
house. Marigolds, African. 10 only -P.
Barker. Nasturtium collection -Mrs. C.
ce$ et Cement Peered at NeW Water
intake.;..0, E., Fleming Going Abeed
Goderic ar
Brings New Prices
J. B. Nelson, SSeel of Milk Con -
Clayton Leaby, the Dublin dontractor trol Board, Visits Town
who has the (work Of building the water . Starts New Deal ---Price Nine
intake in hand, started to pour cement Cel t# per Quart, Five Cents
last Saturday. All but the to five feet -per. Pint.
had been -poured by Tuesday nightwhen.
he knocked off in order to get some of The mild form of milk war which- has
the lower forams out of the holes;
Two or three 'large springs makes existed . in # oderich for some months
_ -
.August .16th„ when
and adds to the difficillty of the job. it a new seele of ,milk Pikes went into- et -
that, the contractor expresses heraself aS fect.
being satisfied With the progress. While All distributors will in future charge 9
styled a two-OOMPArtment, well, it aetual- tents per quart and 5 cents per pine for
ly is. a three -compartment affair, the milk, and 12 and 15 cents per half pint
third compartment being one into which ter table and whipping dream respective,
the water comes first and from which it .e.
may be directed to either of two pump- 157 Larger quantities will cost more pro-
IrefetiallgerifrinfieFstriatfleteeseeeetoteneesreeeeieeeeleme eereeemereenosemegsaresseateeteseeeesstaesseegaosesesseases
Mr. Loeby liepee tO /lave the work of Mr. J. B. Nelson, Secretary of the On -
completed before Septertabet.;
Fieh House Being Bunt -
Worlr On the building ordered- by Mr.
0..E. Fleming, which he has leased to A.
complainte received from the fOrtners
D. Brown- as te fish house _and which es
producing and selling to local dairies.
located on, the dock .ote ground claimed
He explained the provisions of the new
by the town, is being proceeded with,
Milk. Control Act anil set forth the
Mr. !Brown returned to Gederich on
tiest maaeateee aa abee.e.„, changes which he proposed to institute.
of some weeks. Asai result of these changes, the farmers '
will receive materially lnerea.sed price
n support of his contention. Worsell, Geo. Bowra. Novelty pot plant
, During the intermissions between the -Geo. Gould, F. 13arker. Phlox (Drum -
Various speeches, the London Bell Ring- mondi), Geo. Bowra, F. Barker. Phlox
rendered.. ..sev_erai woctfons, _Two (perennial) -R, Stonehouse. Geo. Bowra,
Mr. Kershaw'. -Panales (colrection)=7
unique form of music was heard for the
first time by many present and was much Barker, E. A. Salkeld. PettMias, single,
applauded. The Musicians, all men,
gave the Bells- of St. Marys and other
similar nuthhere in a masterly fashion.
After the speech making the visitors
spent the day at the lakeside, visiting
friends or -listening, to their own baeds,
.many of whom gathered groups aboet
them in any odd nook. One party was
observed in. a refreshmeht room
where spectators entertained a - large
gathering With real Trish jigs performed
in best professional style. Othere visited
all remained until a late hour.
The regular monthly ineeting of the
Arthur Circle wiII be held in the lett=
room of Knox Presbyterian chutch on
Monday, August 20, at 8 p.m. Mrs. W.
G. MacEwan will be in charge and papers
wilI be given by Mrs. Malehen and Miss
Donna Berl.
Seevicee on Sunday, August 19th, at the
Baptist church 4111 be conducted by the
pastor, W. T. Bunt. as follows: Bible
School at 10 a.m... gospel service at 11
aene subject "Bearing One's Infirmi-
tario Milk Control Board to Goderich ore
August 4th. At that time he called a
eeting of the local distributors and ex-
plained that his visit was the result of
for their product provided they can mem-
Str. Phiches sure' up to the 'eequirements in quality.
- As a matter of fact the price paid them
__YaehtAgainst Dock lion as milk is substantially higher. than-
( for milk which is intended for consunip-
. the Price paid when intended for` cheese,
Some. Paint Rubbed off Kay Mar candy or other form of cooked product.
1 This is expected decidedly to improve tl -
L quality of neiiie Sent in to the disteibutors
Again—Wartirl Water in Har- as most farmers whiatry for this class of
the •higher price. Cleanlineas, butter fat
business will exert every effort to secure .
The water in the harbor has been content and freedom from flacteria. are
to determine the Milk suitable for the
warmer lately than ' at any time, this
1 higher price.
summer: On Thursday. August 9, it
The distributor ill b fl
registered -/2 and ha.s not gone lower th will pay More for their milk they
than 67 at aay yme since August 6th.1 will not be hampered by the uncertainty
This is- in spite of prevailing northwest resulting from - price cutting ' 'It Ls gen-
wind& which afre expectod to bring the edreamillywailglregeidv_eemthoenaig athebmetwthratchtah;cenetaw °
cold surface water. _ _
. Temperatures since August 9th have i make a profit.
Aug. 14. 69; Aug'. 15, 68. 01 a fair price. While acidotic -1i has been
Last Friday. the cabin cruiser, Kay happily free of epidemics it is recogeased
Mar, owned by ,the Cassiar Boat Club of as an ever present possbility that one
Trent, Mich., :ID. A. Dada aboard, was coeld start at -any time. The carefully
pinched agaitist the dock by the steamer i Prepared new milk should make that pos-
sibility more remoie.
Hibou as the latter wae leaving the dock
I The price ie to be the same for all
on her downward trip.
Some paint was rubbed off the cruiser's classes of milk whether pasteurised or
I not, it being hoped that the new regu-
rail and she commenced Co leak -badly.
The Hibou tied up again and a settle-Ilations will make for safe milk in ail eir- .
ment was arranged with the owner after1
which the Hibou proceeded on her trip. .
The St. ClaireFaenny Goalie' I:Band AIM
conduct a' program on Wednesday and
Thursday evenings. oleust 29-30, in the
8 only -H. Edwards, F. Barker, R. Stone- t
to have been necesaary as she tightened Baptist church, The erogram consists of
house. Roses, nine only in one contain -
up and quit leakma ,iate at night. Some religious band sele -eons, solos. duete.
StOnehouse, IT. Edwraels: Rose; only -
Mr. Baker. Mrs. Harts's/ell. T. H. ,Mitchell.
Hartwell, E. A. Salkeld. Scabiosa, 18
blooms -F. Baker, J. Cuthbertson, J. P.
Hume. Salpiglossis, collection -J. Swaf-
field P. Barker, H. Edwards. Stocks, 12
only -F. Barker, .E. A. Salkeld. Sweet
peas, collection -T, H. Mitchell, F.
Bert MacDonald ran the Kay Mar into,
Snug Harbor to prevent her sinking in'
deep water but the precaution proved note
FOR, BALB.-Ohoice pure-bred Short- , , ' Ile reminded his hearers that the motto
-horn bull. 'Alio two pirre-bred , The MacKay public sehool picnic will of the order %COS "No Surrender", and ties:" 7 p.m., public worship, "Elijah's
Yorkshire bo -ars, 'ORVILLE PREZ, Dun. be held on the grounds of Victoria school urged them to live up to that. Se.arching Message to _King Ahaziah."
. oti Pridae, Septetnber 7th, teed. Sit Knight W. Dawson, Deputy Grand Services at Victoria street "'United
ThtS decislea Was arrived at eluting O. Master ef Ontario West. brought greeting/ church on Sunday, August 19th; will be
meeting of the public school board at the frora the head of the order ha Anieri-.=-ca, conducted as follows: 10 aen., Sunday
town hall on MondayeAegust 13th. The
/Aortic is ate anneal affair made Posspale
by the terms of the will of the late Itobt.
MaeTtay, who left a stunt of money for
picnic was the chief item .or bitsbiess of
Ramon. Teletthone 14 r 13.
*or. ....rarsworsoivark.
sALB.-Cksocl 'frame house and
property on 'Wolfe Street. Apply
to MRS. JOHN WF218. Cambria Road. 4
TO RENT.--i-Modern apartment, kin
REAL *STATE AND orsuittotas
-AtOkteflt SW Motor
° Onkel
Sir Knight. Sno. E. Walker, Grand Mu- School; 11 a.m., the service will be itr
charge of the Woman's Ats'9ciation. Bustn. eas
British "America. ,; There will be no evenlog servite. Salt Co. Makes Farther Source
Sir Knight Geo. Spotton. M. P. for Services at Knox Presbyteriaosehurch
of Supply Necessary
North Hutton, spoke next. ile gave an bn Sunday, August 19th, .wilf be as fol-
• e - ___ loviss 10 a.m.. Sunday School and Bible '
tract for the drilling of a. fifthy„well at
their ;property on Maitland Road. 'the
jordan Roberts .Co. of Brantf#1* have . . .. , ST8eae.-At Clinton': on Wednesday, -
secured the job and will conainenee.opere Overcharged. Wear our gla.sses-youll
ations immediately. look better. see better. and. feet,, bettor. August 15th. tie Mr. and Mts. Wm. Steep.
Jr. (nee Annia Edward), a daughter
in expanding markets has Made neces- 24th. BMX A STOR .:-Gederle / • -
Table bouquet, not more than 12 in.
high. arranged in bowl -J, P. Hume', T.
H. Mitchell, E. A. Salkeld. Verbena-
er. Zinnias, 6 only -Mrs. C. Worsell, F.
Barker, B. Edwards. Dominion Road
Machinery Co., special foehaeket of any
cne variety of flowers with any foliage,
arrangement to count -Mrs. Hartwell. F.
Barker. 'Geo. /Rayne. Silver elm donat-
datilage_eavateeelelent atoms. her keerebute quattets, a reading easing with a gospel
afterea wait of a couple 9f daye it was, message. The family comprises the
found that the leak did not start up, father. mother sea eight- children, all
again so the owner decfded to proceed on . playing instruments and singing. The
; bass drummer le a lad of eight yeara of
his cruise to northern points.
It is understood that a satisfactory 111- age, and the youngest member. a lad of
surance adjustment was arnranged. four years. also takes part CO:, both sing-
• hag and playing. This family, has tray -
Some Yachts in
eled extensively and rendered programs
The cruiser, "'Cradle of the Deep, of.. in many of the leading churches of the
-Pointe -with her owner, T. D dinereed 'services -ere Wen—
Burke •aboard. caree in on Thursday last
to all. A free-will offering will be Lifted.
boat owned by Albert Peck of Chicago.:
called in on the way south. The Dan-
, The family of the late Mrs Lome
ora. of Detroit, J. Eins owner, the Mara- ,
i Fisher wish to thank their many friends
I and neighbors .for the kindnes,s and sym-
the Pricilla D., Capt. Gillespie, werel pathy shown to tlfein in their recent sad
mother, also to Orme° who loaned cars
bereevement through the loos of their
brought a quantity of coal for the Mlle for the funeral, and to those who sent
ed -by Herbert Waters Co.. Toronto. to
graced the bridge of the Hibou on her The family of the. late David Sproul
the seeinfilrig greaten number of
points; first prize counts 3 points. second.
Tuesday trip This boat is having more w-ish to thank their neighbors.. also mem-
Prize counts 2 points. and third pritze
counts 1 point, first prize -F. Barker.
Fifth Wens To
Be Drilled At Once
, eat , of the Victoria Home and Behool •extolling the virtues of the trade treaties H. Bate -eta DD.; 7 retire; publie worship.
Club,,ancl lifis. ,(1: roft;arid- Miss -E.- -Ruth.-- resulting from the rinperrai- Conference
Allan of the' Central Home and School in Ottawa two years ago. Ire pointed
Oblb, had been, invited to -attend' the out the value of the tritish conneetion
trottiftrurdoeuctlieltititte.- '.•. '-- -- in-inatters- of ' trade 'and -explained- ths,
Same 600 children will attend arid when other nations shut out:Canadian
lutist -be provided with AO, lee cream goods from their Markets, the nations of
ased Other *Mit ttetht. let the oce$A1011. the EinPire got together and arinriged' Pnblic worship, subject, , "Talking -to
. The ehairtaan of the, property own. ernotg thetatelves for clioserrrelationsi t 61` C"I."
imam )1101 te
feelle/Wsese10.A.,m, Jeun day_ School; 11
compardnients .01 Salvation;" 7 p.m.,
raittet, HO& JOhnston, retorted that with the Testa that our tracle with the the regular meeting of the Women's
oars to the boiler at Inam:fa achoo/ British Isles had largely increated. Missionary Society of Knox church will
be held (in Tuesda.y, August 2Ist, at the
home of the Misses Stewart, Remitter.
Mks Lily MacArthur will be the gnat, of
the SeeletY, and will sopeA of her work
tended to al the Biome Helpers, Cars
Will leave the church at 2.30, weather
perMitting. IA ease of .2. the meeting
Mterleary. The trent ires authorised.
CI. Carrie, John Outt, iiiickstooe, it.
aohitsoo, and the thairtriail, (leo.
.Se hatter.
He dwelt at length on 'the necessity for
PreServing the HniOn: 4Mk aa the able
fligr of Canada, &ono* that he lied
fought Uwe meMbere Parlbnalent, of
both partite who had sUggested that a
Iday. not huh* 'hunts, you this
Arigligeti The '''YkaUtrengifit"Zrqtg [4;
success in securing passengers. rep much
so that her owners are talking of putting
on a bigger boat next year.
For expert optical work. and up-to-
date glasses, rim dr rimless styles, In
shell, white or pink mountings, a,t lowest
possible prices. consult our optical spe-
cialist. M. H. Hughson, formerly optome-
trist in charge for Kents, Toronto. and
Henry Mdrgan, de Co.. Montreal. with 35
yews eXperlerM Who has. been coneing
to Goderich for over 20 year* 'You may
come here with,eohlidence that you will
obtain, proper glasses.; tend will not' be
',leers of the Orange Order. for their kind-
ness shown to them during their recent
'bereavement; and to those who loaned
cars for ilia funeral.
000D -At Alexandra Hospital, Gode-
rich. on Friday, Auflist lath, 1934. to Mr.
and Mrs. Harold ClOod. R. R. 4. Gode-
Goderich, oil Monday, August 13th. 1934.
to Mr. -and Mrs. Elliott ,McVittie. Gode-
fele-CABE.-At Alexandra SWUM. oin
ItOnday, AUgU.St 13th, to Mr. and Mre.
George McCabe, Benmiller, a daughter.
carp' a further source =of supply. and
addition to the well started some weeis
ago and which will soon be produc-
tion. tittle difficulty is anticlpeted in
removing the broken bit from nib latter
well, the contractors having the work
iii hand.
Mr. Chas. Wert/ale, President of the
August Oth 78 50
Co-1E060Z reporta" business excellent and
is optithistie regarding general business
throughout the country.
Are .yeete iso.t.liered with Belching, Bloats " .13' 72 57 81 05
- . . ,, .r:,:rawisiiief.,:::,41unent i ,11,,..,-, :::..44t:Va;:Cra-41V-.--,- - lit.z.:;11.3,,,,,,,..-......41.„,tik....,-
47amphewe Drug store. " 15 . 11 53 7'5 51
M1LLION.-In loving memory. of a
dear husband and father, Wilbert G.
Million. who died twe years ago, Auguat
Never a day but I need you,
Never an hour biit• I see;
1023' 1934 The wonderful depth of your awl
82 ,87 And what it has meant to rrie•
75 52 How precious yar Were and how true.
And how meth of Ood Went,
The heart of a hettband ltke you.
MS WIPE' arid tymrotrrtn., RINI;
aid the thatch. •
`J: toomittaA.