The Goderich Star, 1934-08-09, Page 5'h s tAYs AUGUST
ikitisb Buyers tar.
Lou n
orters, Who eAri *.*rester in
kVia' t Will Have,
. , ,D ttautitA
.. .
Chance iia See, •: �'he
• . • ,.:.,--.rte. , _.. over one lwndredq British buyers
from. Great Britain Avill visit London,
Canada, Friday and Saturday, Aug.
24th aiid 26th. Details ira e'o. nnectioila
'with the visit 'to Western ; Ontario
are beingarranged by • the 'London
Chamber . of commerce. While ; in
the CIss 4y of London the party of pur-
bhasers' will 'be guests of the ' Mullis
• r eipal. Council 'and of the Kellogg
Qompany of 'Canada,' Limited, .and
their visit to this part of the Prov ince.
will be of great, importance to, pro-
In the party will be ,principals and
representatives of the biggest buy-
ing organizations in the British Isles,
Their, visit to London ' will enable.
, them to meet leading growers, pack-
ers and producers of- food produets -
in !Western Ontario.
The purpose of the tour is to give
to representatives of the distributive
food trades of Great Britain an in-
sight into the methods by which pri-
mary and seconds foodstuffs des-
tined for the . British market are pre-
pared: packed and -transported. Thus
the visit will prove an important
practical application of the principle
that the expansion of Empire trade
*lees away : below previous
years. -
r T
98c and $L:98•
L,4,1l►1 S,. 50c per Ib.
and 2 Ib 'boxes,
TLES r, `$.
22'The Square•
'hone J
Id Soldiers �ad�
Frain; �it_�.
l e' 'R suncs.
tory it,
By cenielas R. cdivea ,4n The Mail And
a mpire) .
' fit, was just as, ifthey'd been arhiSke'd
aWay like bread .crtunbs from.a table.
Store One Moment,' seemingly.t youhad them
with you, *Al all their bannetted appeal,
QL. and .with: an their „eurtously-elioiring
throats„ The next ":minute, • they Were
gone—and there Was no
somehow the scree . seemed sunset glow, and
eniPty;" and
up the -western hozizon, and from bandied by tl;ie. chief and sergeant, Sergi You •wondered if they'd ever pass- this
afar conies the dull,- dreaded roar ofi .
Ross said .that the amount' of fines col- way again,
a seething inferno.' The demon -of lee, ted. by provincials constables covered .Well, . it will never happen is.raging. tete • t linty' or furor • while the PPolie6 of Never? No. 'never! -
Fear of the night is nothing to that Ooderieh were responsible for the muni- They have put away their berets and
which note lad's hold of every living cipaiity only. their brassarde with and
old gas masks
thing, The one idea 'of all is to .11
Chief Postlethwaitb promrimsed a month- and the tin -lids . and the saw-toothed
escape,' •end in -a few seconds the ' ly report and the bylaw was referred to
Jungle becomes the scene* of a wild, 1the especial tonurtittee: for, eonelderat?on.
uitcontrollall!e stampede. See how of length of holidays for ' the officers.
they run! shoulder to shoulder, girr The bylaw, fixing the hours of the clerk
affes, elephants, leopards, gazelles;
wart hogs, rhinos, zebras and hut-
dreds. of .others --all feuds forgotten.
Even the king of beasts, the lion,
must submit to the indignity of head-
long flight: Reluctantly, perhaps, he
1 �: y r' :zr� x. scv br u i �i tikteil S'.; , 3 sed bb° thbr pr r ti4 �},»• Mo pA e• ttLgu.�R' liA ?4316 j
I of fart -hand knowledge of contmodi- famished, utot ting Will induce him to
ties and markets by those concern -break, the unsigned armistice.
ed;* that Empire market can only be Fora day and a night the beasts
retained by the exporters of goods
which are of superlative quality and
, produced under -the finest conditions
— --_. _ -which- seiene+e-a-nd- adniinistr-ation scan
. first- mg . nothing and leaping streams, cheque for $213.89 received from the planation nor- e
son to Worthy, Rab !sen to Curie
Additional- to learningat
p emphasis, despite popular i
bayonets and the flare -pistols on cellar
shelves and Tn attic store boxes, They
have gone back to the dull, cramping
vocations from which, they shirred four
and the assessor .was also sent to the spe- .days• ago when all the bugles of recollec-
cial oommittee. tion called them together once • more in
1 TOWn Clerk them Was Wen 'two weeks an • undiminfshed and undying camarad-
higidays and Mss Black will be :acting erie,
clerk and treasurer during his absence. I Change and Decay 28 9 8 18 6 5
'The standing committees' reports were, • - "
. .y,--, -.,,, - Q, a1 A. V reY' i` Er. ,+l i�tl�r.alidvt�ii}tro mona.v.,aluis. azip-,.2.43yu9a�'s. s„w•• ,• . ,,, ss zsi ers
l I
' be no. returning. For time flies fast, and, Goderich—I 2 0 0 0 0•-•:31-u
•, oO►IC $
M Zurich oltl �t1.�4 � Aui st 3, 'lurk h
:,*011 ”: ozn'040444.11 �►, .ocore°„of
si* •n e. ,Pen J;ahristr ti
�t irted"; ilio,"tno ?r d itiz _Pen
War retie'+ by It ley In the f'ot#rtk,
1IerdeMen: also o waS relieved bY' W! tela -in ,
the third, ,
Oeste r*h: , 11.11. E
ilnsoti, , if. ,.....°!..°,\,.. 4 0 1l , 1 1. 1.
Miltttleson 2b _ w 0.. f -0 0:--6
1 0. 4 1 1
Pitaleit, ct. ,........ 4 0, 0. 1. 0 1
CU roll, c, ...,.,, 3 Q 1 .4 0. 0
-K1 k, 3b, ,...... 3 1 3*. 0 2
l�Curdocit,-rf, .,,......• 3 1 1 1..0 0
Johnston, Q, ..:..:.. 1' 0 0 0 0 0
Worthy, lb. 2 0 0 3 0. 0
Fritzley, p, ......... ...., 1.. 0 0 0 1 0
• 28 3 7 16 3
Zurich AB R H PO A
Prang, 1f. 4 1 1 0 0
Stade, 3b, 4 3 0 1 1
Cimho, ss: 4 0 2 0 1
I. Youngblutt, ci... .,.. 3 x 2 1 0
O'Brien, 2b. 3 0 0 1 1
Welch, p. - '2 2 1 0 0
'Oesch, rf, . 2 1 1 0 0
E. Youngblutt, c 3 0 0 1}• 1
Wagner, ib. .. .. 2 2 1 4 0 1
Heideman, p. . ... .. ., 1 0-�' 0 0 2 0
Pinance Committee , j the hair grows greyer, and the hand be- Zurich-- 1 0 1 6 2 x-9.
The finance committee- recommended, ghjs to shake, anti, the limb too brittle_, $L)i14MARi�' j •
are on the run. Meanwhile the that .a further grant of $175 be made to and. -."there is no • health in las," • Three_base hiss, Birk; two -base hits,
mighty fire, 'caused by no more than the Dominion Day celebration Commit -1 Sixteen years it took to rendezvous this. Murdock-Pxen - s Ki ; two
bce hits, Phone 86
the ---friction, oL tw _dry -grasses_ -in _ tee ta' ra • costs of theMen. g - --. . .. ,.._-. w .- _-.-_, __ - _�-,-T-_
� � y EXgln l�enixnen?r; � tlmg Whateffect-another- w#ll __ ,._.>,_- ._.. .. .ti..� ,_z.w-� ._ rte. __,._._.�. ..� -...
his- all..before it,. spar—and. -that-:4his :-amottm.-_-together- with -1 hatre 'iiili"'Currie s: roved neeOneither ex=' Or°schas,,lohnston;.double_.playrs„Mathes.,,._._,:"""'""'"”
sound sweeps -all i
All Wool Swrn Suits $2.25 to
$3,95 each, Clearing at .�.� ...:..,
White and Blue Shorts and SlacksII)Ont
Clearing at.-...�..............�.._..._......,� �..e %
'.Avc»i Knit" and "Ballantyne" Wool and Silk and
Wool three-piece suits at Greatly .1educed Prices.
White Pique Skirts clearing at
98c each
hand a great dear of the actual and .until finally it dies out on the bank Regiment pe used in ming local base on balls. off Johnston 0, Fritzley 1,
potential productivity of this •part of of 'a -great river. - cotztuts for tz
_the Province the --British-rdistributor - is o�isions aYfiotthtin to "old Soldiers �- r The snakes come- off begs They •
retire into deep holes in the ground,_
while -the locusts - rise in their hordes
into the sky and blot out the sun.
And there is tragedy. The vul-
tures do. not hang above the. scene
of destruction for nothing. Some
animals fall out through sheer wyea:k-
e nes, others are, overtaken by the
fire. The youngsters, too, are help-
less, their frantic parents sometimes
perishing by their side. The ants
pouring out, of -their-bills are extin-
guished lin one breath. -
In Canada airplanes watch for for-
est fires, and •tr�aetprs and 'rangers
are engaged to - fight them ; in Aus-
tralia biidlimen protect their 'hold-
ings with fire -breaks "-clearings of
burnt or barren ground ; but in the
African jungle the fierce. fire rages
The 'Cash Store
y g oca ac- theory of mess -room and of march that
Heideman 1, Welch 2; struck by John- 'T
clition has been worse than usual. The
g o sa ers never •die.
1 - ctonc, '1. _^• - - : - , McKay booms explain this as .being a re-
. $388:8 - i And so the hav one
will he able --also to -give the Western Y e g 1 -suit of the heavy blows from the north.
The Provincial be 1 9; hit by pitcher, Fritzley, Oesch, Wag-
partmentQ.of Health i .,Good-byee--giocid byeee,
Ontario producer personally - the
benefit of his -criticism, specialized
knowledge and advice. This will be
of incalculable 'value to officials of
Koncerns in this region. - who are
anxious to adapt their, products to
th : p:-.ia1 needs of the British mar -
Those who desire to meet, the buy-
ers from Britain are askesi to com-
municate with the London Chamber
_comm exce. _may ' be
arranged. -
(Perry B. Prior in Our Dumb
(Darkness !descends en the jungle
without warning, for in Africa there
is no twilight. Immediately the
dwellers of the wild are on the alert,
awakened by hunger and fear.
Hunger possesses the lords of the
jungle, the mighty , lion, the dinning
leopard. - Fear - possesses- their- -prey,
thesmaller animals, though these are
fleet of foot and • clever, too.
Fire ! '
Somewhere in the scrub a lion is
stalking a gazelle, while crouched in
the bough of a tree a leopard watches
a water -hole. just below.
Suddenly there runs through the
Jungle a new' mote of terror --a fear
which seizes 'both the strong and the
weak together. - The wind is hot. A red glow lights
0o ase uggS. s'—
that your 'gifts be appropriate
to the occasion' which they are
designed to eorntnemorate, Our
displays will prove. rich soarces
of .inspiration. • They include
"giftie" things - for weddings
and anniversaries; for beautify='
ing the home; for personal
nt. A.11
sore- L1C ed_ s
Tow 'al 'hi'h giAliiy :permits.
Gordon rebbutt
at will.
Council Approves
Beer and Wine Here
• (Continued from page .1)
Reeve Turner," Mayor Lee said no com-
munication had been received from the
Federal Department of Public 1 Works
abduct any work to be done here.
Town Hall Inquiry •
Lengthy reeding of existing bylaws
Covering the duties, hours and salaries of
civic officials and discussion of same -con-
sumed more than an hour. That ap-
pointing the auditors, A. M. Robertson
and li. R. Long- at $111 each, the Medi -
Teal Offieer -of- Health !t-1$92.50, and the
treasurer at $275 were accepted.
'has issued a certificate approving of the
plans_ and specifications of the , new _suc-
tion well at the waterworks plant, and
we recommend that the debenture bylaw
be prepared as soon as the cost of the
ner; innings hitched,. by Johnstone 3, by
A heavy wind will pile the water down
"There's a silver lining- in the ,skyeee, F`ritzley 3, Heideman 2 1=3, Welch 3 2,3. { towards the south end of the, lake where
"Bon coir, old thing---Cherio, thing'. UmNi:es--Mister and iteith.' i it cannot. escape owing to the narrow.
thing. • ness of the exit at Point Edward. It has
"Napoo, - - ! to come back north again thus making
_ __.,_-.._�_..-_�- Toodl-e-oo____- _.__- .._..
-work' is ascerta fieri; •`Good-byeee." - -
We- have examined the county' notice To -day, quiet Jones pores over a ledger
of levy for .1934. While -there is some in some musty bank vault, heart burning
variation • in- - the rates the total Of. still , as fiercely as burned the bonfire,-
$11-3la,.aO-1 the ®sa'trtestat; -Iag't'` year` and--; which lir -a- •sir_rgle-�•night's back=fii' ltt'",tn'
we 'recommend that the notice be a careless . •. Much -1N — o t c Accomphshzd in' water does- not -pharm the nets.
p- i youth • he touched off at busy -Go k the harbor is at
proved -and placed on file Tor payment in
'the usual way.
- We rectfmmend that the sum, of $180
be paid as the town's share of electric
ala -'unnatural current in the,aake_. ..This
current stirs up old logs and debris of
Held In Toronto j various kinds on the lake !bed, which gets'
1 into the nets . and tears them.
. - the --natural--southerly--flow__ of _. the_
the huge 16 -inch pipes through which
water flows in from the lake end., There
is no - hope of immediatti completion of
the installation,, .however, as- the original
estimate- of August 7th has already been
exceeded. It will be September, it would
appear, before the new intake is in op'r-.
street -corner.
Today, the dignified Peterson mouths
a velvety , "home, driver!" instead of the
"Scram—like' KeilV' that he got out of
power -supplied to the Goderich 'Salt Cosi him, in pilfered cab only an evening or
Limited, from January _ to June, inclu- t so back. -
sive. at'$30 per month. •
The auditors' salaries to June 30th
amounting to- $111.00 Piave been paid,
We find that - the engineer in prepar-
ing the road 'oil• assessment roll made
tassessments in error on Bayfield Road,
Britannia Road and "Elgin Ave., amount-
ing to $1 $:73, and 'we recommend , that j
these assessments be struck off and the
roll be amended accordin''gly.. --.1
The tax roll is being made out, and as'
far as possible the day notices are being
made out also. Every effort: is being!
made to ' complete the woi c• ` as soon as
b loans will bee retired ines thec 'usual,
Public . Works 1 1
side of L• ll,.;, l , - • . -d & - ---- - -- --- .a,
To -day, pious Hamilton, looking down
blankly from pulpit, hums not to the
Print of liyinnai,. but unconsciously to
the:, lilting appeal. of that number he
learned in a 'ming Eddie beverage room.
Memories Only Linger
and tens of thousands, . like
Jones and Peterson and Hamilton, have
'gone - hone. Back to grocery, to truck,
to finance, to farm, to , bumming, froth
which there. will be no return—ever.
Their berets --remember the glow of
them as they bobbed 'long -dusky traffic (three days' session was productive of -as-, lanes Like manderins' lanterns -11e bur, -1 .
great deal of expellent results. Brig.
led; now, with rusty treasures df old. Oen. Ross roused the convention with, a
French and Flemish battleways. The
Canadian has splendid address, outlinig the ideals of
Corpspassed en;—an in- the :Legion and �n commenting on what
imitable blend of humanity, which „play- had been done by Ottawa to dispose of
ed as it fought--=)oldly, fairly, always the problems _which had, confronted ex -
unbeatably. service men since the v�ar. Most of their
• i.owaa ug Isle aqullrt ea. uveal se,a . , None sitall-'forget 'the heartiness 0! its difficulties, he felt, were on the way to
ed. the ui41vluuai PLOl.,;lt,1,;o w<ll handshake �r the sunshine of it's smile.
being permanently solved.
The bylaw .' appointing the cemetery rneasurect-.anu accoun. 1ttluelea au ',.tic • - The following officers were elected for
motion of Coun. Humber and Huckins,
WESTFIELD. the homing year: President, Jules Ferry,
the ro:,t cru.ruia• punt has been cl.s-; M;ss Elizabeth Good, - of Au -burn, is Sudbury; First Vice Pres.den"•.- Ben Allen,
referred to the cemetery and parks tom- ed clown. the couar�y new uuyauieu s ,...v' .visiting leer aunt; Mrs. ' Gordon Snell. { Ottawa; .2nd_ Vice President, Ian. Camer.-
mittee for consideration. Discussion 104 yards of crusnect rock nor the hay-' Mr. Donald F. Richards, of Blyth, is I on, St. Thomas; Chairman, Leo. Cun-
brought out the opinion that the sexton field Road, and will be rendered an a,;- visit :,g at • the home of Mr. and - Mrs. ning'ham, St: Catharines; 'ce Chairman,
should live in the house at the cemetery count, Fred J Cook. ` Wm. Caswell, Toronto; _Treas., Col Van
summer and winter as long as he holds The last'car of road oil contained only p ' Soneren, Brantford.
the position. � � .. Ijev. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm, of New
about 6;100 gallons, and weare a, Ycrk, visited last week with the latter's 1 - Those attending the convention frdm
When the bylaw appointing the chief wagon load el road oil from the county - Goderich were W. Ward, R. McLean and
sister, Mrs•. J. E. Ellis, I
to nnish up some of the streets. D. E. Campbell.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cook and family, •
The cenfieter`y and parks committee re- as eatsaYe seessed--on-assessesees a-6= t 7
ported that, calcium chloride had been home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Cook. Summer Activities
applied to the roads . in the cemetery to Mr. and Mrs. J. I- . Hoover, .of Gore Su�n� ner Activities
prevent dust nuisance; ant! recnmrrtehd- Bay, visited last week with Mr. and Mrs.1 About 41. Harbor
ed that a garbage iincurnerator be in-, W F. Campbell and other friends. l� i
stalled at the tourist cam _� , •
p• • : Mr. and Mrs. J. E Ford, of Comber;: -
The special committee .reported: ' are spending a few days at : the home of '
Subject to riot aNot So Many Yachts—Nets y approval, we, have ax- the latter's sister, Mrs. W. F. Campbell.
ranged with Mr. A. E. Cotton to - place i The Sunday School picnic was held on' feting from Blows—Some Pro -
his Merry-go-round and shows on Vic- Wednesday afternoon of last week by the ! grecs on Water Intake
toric Park for -one week from Au `
August 8th ; river at Mr. Marvin McETowelTs: ' A '
to August 15th upon payment of $100, good crowd was in attendance. i Motor yachts have not been as plenti-
We recommend thatA number• f •
the sumof$27.50o the young
apeople enjoyed ed
p p 1 Y port t during the past few days as
be allowed for each police uniform, bathing in he --river:-- hesaft�efneori s1 ' ss s
� �tiiey w"ere iCi July:
the same as last .year; the chief and ser- spent in playing games. Tea was served The Government tug. Murray Stewart
4 from Port Arthur. carne in last week
chairman of this committee. Mrs. J. Bell. Miss Mary Bell. Mrs. J.' and _on July 29th the F1-Fi of Toledo
The chief of police has been instruct- Cobb and family, Mrs.' Wit. Knox and called. On' August 3, the Little 4Nel was
ed to take the- necessary steps enforce f gamily, returned , to their • respective a visitor, while the Penelope II or , R3a-
h^meg in the West this week..- in on August 6th on
strictly the dog license bylaw. . • ton Harbor dropped
The water, "light and harbor committee Mr. and Mrs, E. ' A. Maskell and her return trip 1`rcn the n^*' h as did the
,x t daughter, of Benmiller, visited ,on Sun- Evelyn of Cleveland. On Tuesday the
recommended that the flooring of the
day with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. M^Gill. - Mary Bob -Roy yof • -Royal O k with Own-
lt+awrr freight shed, Which has settled in Miss Kathleen McGill accompanied them er Johnston aboard was a visitor, anile
one corner, be repaired. _n their .._a_:_n 'home.
The . fire committee reported hav;ng
the last to call was the Chineda' of pc -
Three -Day Session --New Government work on �e r r
- a standstill, all that was authorised hay -
Officers i ing_ been finished. No authority having
been obtained from the DeparimenTt of
The Ontario ,,Command of the Cana- , Marine for the slips in the -dock for the
than Legion held their annual convention convenience of • salt shipments; it Is not
at the Royal York Hotel in Toronto on i thought likely that this work will be
August 1-2-3,, immediately prior to the 1 gone ahead with this year.
Corps Rte -Union. ' Clayton Loopy. of Dublin • is -making.
While the proceedings'were - somewhat : reesonable progress - in installing the hew
overshadowed by the impending gather- double sectioh • Water intake at the bar-
ing of the Corps, a great deal of work; bor. His gang is having plenty of trou-
was accomplished. Many notables such f ble with water coming in from springs
as the Lieutenant Governor, Dr. Herbert ` but a gas pump appears to be handling
Bruce, Hon. Dr. Sutherland, Minister of I it.
National Defence in the Benhett Gov- - The forms Inside which cement will
errirnent, Brig. Gen. Alex. Noss, President be poured, are all in place and some
of the Dcminidn' Command. of the Cana-' progress has been made at' connecting up
dlan Legion, and Mayor Stewart, of -Tor-'
onto, addressed the convention. A • full
sexton at a salary of $832.50 was, on cos& per roo,, Irania,ge. 1
of police and police sergeant was read,
the former at a salary of $878.50 and the
la 0,- Coun:--Humber-reiterat
ed his assertion that the chief should
giVe -a report at each meeting of council,
At the request of Coun. Huckihs both of-
f, ficials - were requested tocome into the
'Meeting,-whereAthey were interrogatedby
Mr. Huckii'ls as to what co-operation'ex-
isted between them in respect to 'a rob-•
bevy ort Vidtoria street two weeks ago.
He had been told that the Chief had not
Oven the information to Sergeant Ross,
and asked for a report, from Chief Postle-
.G f. was no
said __.there -.
.; hwaite � The hie d
clue as yet: '"dash. gum, candy and ceg-
arettes had been taken. - Sergt. Ross had
not been informed by him. There was:
absolutely no friction he said between
him and Provindial Constable McCoy.
To a - question by Coun. Seabrooke if
$10 in. fines represented all the cases
geant to select uniforms suitable to the at 5.30 p.m.•
Wc have a'. Dirge stock 'of Ready Mixed Paints which- we are
offering at, 1 O. per cent..Cliscount, _tib rea.y'ze our store is.1"1 1 _.
,as convenient as an uptown store,'therefore, tile 10 ner cent,
i$ n _ evil _: a ,;, .cl :: to.make ,lutr1 .ta . the ..har•tio
Varn.O-Lac . (manufactured by *tale & Co.-,) takesthe
same discount.
We carry a complete stock of
TRO,UG ZING and TINSM'iTHIN , give us a trial. ' L
Now is the time to Thy in your next• win fer's 'supply of,:"ofi
Place your order and buy at summer Vices. ,
22 c
l 1 ARA TiltJa,•ATT
'passed all applications for building per- "Hojlvwnod' needs real a�.tor.-- • : iron Tuesday. the Adam T' Cornelius -
its referred to it at the last meeting of who, for instance, can impc.rsone1e canis upfrom Chicago with 255,000 butt-
the council. the n ' - g
y , , perfect gentleman. f"ecil l3. De, els of. gran for the-•Cndcrich Elevator
The 'tichoofmistres was bush-
Co. Ske unloaded arid left on Wednes-
giving her -.—_....._, a , r
- • '. day. Vast week_ tile-_ r.,.nuide. ilei:.,
class of young pupils a test tsrr it remit The four fourmost ' frofessional , regular trip for salt.�frc.rn the Goderieh
natural history lesson.
in theworldw'
will race t
at e
flow, Bobby Jz�nes;"' he said 'tell.-me-'C<tfb diaii NafionaT Ex']jibii or g {,'hie - alt, .o,_�eiles ay. Ilii ti.anmde the ...usual,
Where the elephant la. found." year. Bob -Pearce of Australia will.. Callon Tuesday.
y 1`as't weep the water in the hatter was
The boy hesitated for a moment; them defend his title Against W. G. ("Bill) " co er than usual, registering all the way
hi3 face ]it up.
!Miller of Philadephita and pert Barry I
"The eliphant, teacher," he said, is and ''Erie Phelps .01 England. Pearce 1 from 63 degrees on July 30 to 68 otl,Auit-
stxch alar a animal it is scarcely .eve's barely unaged to beat .Miller at. the ust 4. Here ee a 1trt of the figures to
Olvmnic games; the margin being August 9th. all being taken in the bar-
lost,"—Montretll, Star. , half~ a boat letlgthr. Pearee heat 'red.-bor. July 3 . E33: July 31, 04; Aug 1, 05;
Phelps, brother of Erie, at Toronto Aug. . 2, 65a r , . Aug. ..
�' laet year 3. 64 : Aug4, CO: Atag.
The indications of- worms. are restless o , 0. 60-: Atilt. 7, 70: Aug. 13, 70; Ana '6 70.
nese, grinding of the teeth, picking of the ;Water en the beaset has been a couple of
conditions the best'r, MisunderstandingsMisunderstandings will degrees warner consistently.
rerptedirhat att be g
Miller's Worrn,`Uee w' even between individuals: finis►! Caitrrerut Tearing Nets
Powder's. They will attack the wow more to bet, 'n nations." Ifirosr Saito.'
i 1 Commercial machos of fi_h continue to
6,5 seen as administered and will grind' Hr; "Did it a .. ar u rtrtaua Burin be only average. A now trouble has beers
tn' csms t1 w
F p 8
e tat to a in tote
�t..,,..,,:,:... ,� ._. _ � ....,....,..�... s .. ,, � �.:.b�.�^ . sra7�;:.�::c:exirerienCcsd dur�ethe past few daps•
#i�-�tlrt ? IV
evacuations. The little su rerer . till f e ,v
the deep w
. 1 Bradf aides"A little int first, Wit notR e siert fltlheritnert, namely that
immediately cased and a return of tl.e
• of torn nets. `7ttiese, of muse, are alp
t be likely. t aftf' rad i»'i'cl 'yea.' � wways getting tin d' but lately the eon -
Crown will
O'illy the truth will survive.
• •, • •
Bad thoughts are boomerangs. !
• • •
A little sympathy will do no harm_
• • •
Learn ,to congratulate without envy..,
., • • -
lll•gottep saltie are worse than to-ws..
• • •
The whole tart of selling Is the art o[°
- closing sales.
• • •
Lift your eyes to tho hills, but remem-
ber t he valleys.
• • •
Nirould you have "love"? Spell
wards. and add V. IS,
Superior Stores..
More people are dealing with the Home -Owned-- Superior
Stores each d!ay. . . They appreciate - the low - prices and cour
tem* ' service of the owner.These features mnke`shopping
an ' economical pleasure here.
Send Os or Phone Your Order
C. _& B. Tomato Catsup,.BOTTLZE LPJ1. .
CORNED BEEF gRANb 2 tins 25c
TOMATO JUICE 4 tins 25c
PALMOLIVE SOAP, 3 cakes 14c
CRISCO, -1 lb. tins 23c
Grape -Nut Flakes, 2 pkgs. 23c
Minute Tapioca. Post's 2pkgs.25c
Butler -Bar Biscuits; "'t� �e" 19c
Jars, a":11 $1.09 Jaz• S1 23
RoyaltYork Matches ftViLY 3for25c
Gillette's Lye � 2 tins .2Sc
2"ri'112 oUz�� � ri 29c 1 lb. TtNs
J. CALVIN CUTT, Phones 116 and 216,
J. J. McEWEN Phone 46