The Goderich Star, 1934-02-08, Page 5'•A. • 0 / fi itifit§x) 't5x I 1 Pet'• New Whs. 5.0 on They' me lee The aloclerieh 0.411earre 'Met defeat. fei • the •S*rszt time In eight, etart4 When they lest, 5 q O t the NeW IlainitUrtt Dutearnen laan Internlet4t4 gante at .*'Ne4ar HaMItUrt On Viredta:sday • # night of last week„ The score doesn't' tell the tale 1* anIr means: 'The locale' played iicald at hockey bat the Smallness of the rinle spoiled lilazey .srimothe aiiPoWerti tetaIndetesteret , Sailors, was the tierzsation, of the game h plaYing his first leaanie game he display- ed the cocine.sa Pt a veteran. The, first Period was fast bat Seereless. Goderich had the (*die blit time and again were thrust back. after making te *1111 *ant „rush. The -defense of MUrney and :E. Robinson was .amost impregnable alai the back -checking of the forwards. was a constant menace to the atutehmen. • In the first peeled the „Sailors la lour times US many shots as New Ham- burg but Goelie Frame was on his game :- " Mrat-Score .-...-Botheteamseplayedea-vsimiltig game In the see-ond, theskinge kernel and Sam Bow- man combited on a brilliant rush and Bowman scored -with a sizzler feora In. A' I'm ..i,ninutes later L, 13oWinan • dropped one in frozn inside the blue line ors a; pass froni Hetbstlatiel. • Goderich turned en the old power pleyand slipped in only to be robbed by !the atterney starred on defence and Eeeltobinsen's shots from 11.1-Tfen' • blue line would have triekea the raajcir- lty •tif goalies. After. a smart play by McKay and Stoddart Roth triPped 'McKay and was sent to the cooler: The locale played caw .men alp but ecouldn't beeak through. Saii013 Can't Score Early in the third frame Hubert'sciloed, 3rtilliantly and. countered With a terrific lapthand_ fromabout ten feet out. "The -Sailors camo-baek with a _rush but Tor .All their smooth. playing. they couldn't score. Black was saving sensationally. :throughout and he didn't have a *ghost - .6t -a. charica-,4th tho-se that did go In. . Sam Bowmen scored again on a solo effert with a hard, sifOt from close in: - -Theegenee rouglienecteuie a bit aninsev- 'eral penalties -were handed out. New Flemburg 'messed up many 'plates by being off -side. 'In the last three min- - nteis Hubert aetted-one-frorri elose iion a pass from Harris, 'I'avistock to end the scoring. Roth and Hubert' both got chased for roughing it in a ecramble just before the ifinal bell. Firste-Period2--Galtiesate - Second Period -O. Bowman (Hamel), La -Beeman - (Hanle!). Fattitatteat-lrooth:' _Boblnzon.. • - • 44,- • Hubert (Mrria). tiehattiet.Mur qtaafaRoth, oottqrierb,-9044, kterehte; U. 1PrneY., 3C, RoWnsonl wings. D. ICay W,*N0v435onalt4, ,centre; R. Stod- dart; 'alternates, R. snaid, ele*O. New Hamburg-iaoal. X. 'Hamel; !Onset W. Roth, Singermuit wings, L. Bowman, 0, BOWIrialt; ° alternates, W. Fabere L. Harris, N. Hub- ert, E, Kalbfl€lseh. Ocferee; "Speedy" Oliver; Oalt. • The Gods of Winter Frown on Sailor0 BE:CODERMO R SYS TM WITH • „ enslar Palatable Tasteless tod Liver IF you #AVE A cooGn THAT IS HANGING ON USE l!ONSLAB- gYrOMOSPIIITES oIrrmil" REAK IGX e , 110•1/7-nr:1) R PENT:I:11T1S, OLD WITH PENISLAR COLD IIREARERS xr TUE PENSLAR STORE.' ' rnpbell'4 Drug .Store P, Oderich Phone 90” ' PORT OF VVEST HURON PUBLIC -SCHOOL INSPECTOR 14/ 00.4 4,S TsetheaWarelenearld-Counelle SlaanVarifttas S1101,TIlle *Inds and crentleznenr:-.M has been OuttonaarY Worries on New tbniburg for many years, I beg to sUbMit the fol Trip lowing annual report for your informa- 'tion concerning „th4 condition of the gclux)1g- comprising OW insptctoratel of • 'When the sailors tratadea New' Ham burg last Wednesday the gods cast curse on then without a doubt. In th lirst place it was game postponed from Monday becante of stormy Weather. And then the regular. Tmalle held out, at the last minute but that was remedied when- Bob -Black-pulled-on the -pa rVithen--40-Y. started about two .1aours lite a gale was blowing snow across the 'highveay and banking -sip -dee groUnddrifts. --A-touple--of theacarsegote ntired but a tew -of the "huskies" lifted them- Out acaitheaft stratelfettaialire-•:-. .... "!. West MIMI. for the 'year 1933. . a* While ' the -7. ba..sie--71ashitti Of illti e county, farminkf, has Continued to yield Inadequate returns to the Urge propor- tion' of the population engaged in this occupation, . yet the 'vital IttnotiOns per. formed by tilt:schools , of this caunta inie.elreno way:been hripaired. Operate ilea expenses and teachers' salaries' haVe in most eases beerL'reaueetl to flie.mlni- mum:,nAtalkei_tias_it."4een necessary for outside aid to be stilicited, eorderette.carrefeenerataaaciaeol. face, many sections have; incter.tsed their balances daring the year, tint' In a ber of instances had sufficient* !un band at the end of the year to ma -the „school for the present year. determination ;of our people that, ever other services may be aftecte'cl schools shall conttnue to ottek the educational advantages', as in timesels worthy of the Illghest el) dation. - - As indicated above, all schools been open throughout the year. enrolment rem.ains radically 'Went I with the former year, In keeping the times, the nontber of trangfers f echool to school has increaeed great there being 263 such cases in 1933 compared virith '227 ili 1932 and a d creating number in former years. is readily accounted 'for by the fact th in the lest year 'many people liaie.bee ,forced to vacate the farms operated -b them. , Atterulanee and 'Teaching The attendatice 'in the schools shows a marked imProvement over the pre vious ye, the percentage having risen from 88.4 to 91.1. 'The betterment Sit this regard is due to the absence of any serious epidemics during 'the year, such as- was-, the case during the previous twelae-montha. It tannot be- fore - My impressed that; next to competent instruction, regularity of attendance is the most *ital factor in cietermining the; -progressemade sby -the pupils ---In ()nal cb.00ls„--,The teachers- are 'constantly -1 being eneobraged.tto avail themselves of every means -at -their disposal to promote,/ remlar attendance. 'and to their zeal in I 'Mt regardIsdue the satisfactory Mien*: dance standards achieved by all but a few .. sebeills, The Godericle entblie eeheol board are now aviercllng diplomas thOreaterfteteattenctelateeeatieeaaMIlle _that might be well emulated by other boards. e aneenbere of. teachers regultaly erne `alloyed In the eel -tool -A Of the inspec or e -101 in the rural and 25 in the urban wheel's, is the same as the fermer year Melte Men eie con-Aarittir being aarect- ed to the profeesion, On account of the leak of opportunity in Other lams, there now 'Whig 2p inale teachers In the in- spectorate as tompared'aSith 17 in 1932. The number of teachers holding first- elasscertificates also shows,an inerease, 56 teaehers, Or 45 ner cent_ eow,holdill'a thle. Oboe of certificate-- Annountement baS'. been Made . by. the 13epartment or ;.iviateation that 'The e-bUrge- for teaorid- clatet eeitincates will be cliecontinUed at -..the 'N•orrnal thhtiolg• after 'Septernbor. 1:034, the_ course. for first elass cert. tetet only ledirig- gleert. This_ Is in ac- cordance With the policy et the IDepart- Mmit a ''Leilucation irt dethanding highe't emailfications' for teachers, In line with the practire in other etnuaties. 'While this. Way iniolve hardshiPiin tertalnatit- clividpal _ cases the tatinlate ' restllt thread be an ;net:ease in the character of the Instruction given °In Our schools. 1 • teeing -Horne', „However the down trip was merely a 'slimmer cruise,compared with 'the home rides Byrd's -Antarctic .Expe.dielon wetild have been ashamed te „thew its face if stacked up against it. It took from 12 p.m. Wednesday' nig. tat to 5 am. Thurs- day,to pleuith through from New Hare - burg to Mitehell, five hours to 'travel 30 miles -six miles per hour! Snow floated down on the wings of a high wind and drifts were heavier than ever. It was dig and shove and push and. drive, ,then dig again all the. way. To "Rosie" Stoddart goes the orchid for his unparalleled work on the shovel. Drifts 'literally melted under his attack. Several Miles, out of Mitchell one of Beec.hler's triicks Was stalled. Trucks are bad enough to. pass at any time but on a highwair piled -with drifte -and the truek sitting comfortably !n the .ceritre of one it wais a nightmare. Motors roar- ed. Rear :wheels whined through the Icy .snow while men heaved and grunted till the tars were once more irie(he alma, eetStalledes. A mile or so 'from Mitchell the lead- ing ,car stalled and a wrecker came to the .rescue and towed It in to the out. skirta of the own where the wrecker it, self ran out' Of .gesoline. At 5 o'clock two of the cars pulled up to the garage but the other delver was ambitiouseand tried •to crash through to Goderich. Be met- his waterloo two milei old of Mit- __ 11-and:the -carelmd to 'be abandonecl in a drift.- The ocCupants footed it back to a hotel trretelitchelle- -- e ,- - A note of ,thanks is tendered to _the, owner of the garage in whose office seven weary Gotierichites tried to snatch forty winks before dawn. Some flopped the floor and others _slumped in chairs UkA11-slept,-,and-overybody--snored- whistled. - Any early Morning motorist would-eprobablyehave-mistakeneehe Ser fIce -station for -a aoller factory. 'Third Period -Goals. Hubert, 0.''Bove- Friday and Saturday. BABY BEEF - Round Steak,' lb. .....14c Sirloin Steak, lb... .r. .. :17c _Po.rterhouse Steak, Th._ _2Qc,_, Sirloin Roast, lb 14c - Shoulder Roast, lb10c Boiling Cut?„ Pure Pork sausage' 11,. 15c "Home maid", PorkPies, 5c Sauer Kraut. .3 lbs. for 250 "Liver, per lb.-. .. `.....10e. Legs Lamb, fresh- killed, not frozen, -I9c Shoulder Roatt Lamb, Per lb. LaTrib Chops, lb.......20e Sallitary Meat Market WE DELIVER *PHONE 485' Your last chance to care you,' Suit or Overcoat Tailored to your measure Icy Pip roti Wars for Prices are .advancing. in *the .near future.. SeCtr,fte your* flOttto 0 0 Stenog. Tarim Minn' itit - -The enaaority -slept -till' the best came in and politely announced that his sten- ographer was due to arrive and that they 'were in her 4o:flee. ' The lads there- upon stragglea out and some of. theue. moseyed down to the nearest hotel to grab Off wale breakfast and Incidentally to wake-ifp those fellows who bed taken a room in the hotel. A couple of them evert rolled in when the others rolled out and slept till the gang left. abe4 10.30. The made port atnoon lifid most of them called it a .day and -wntrlght to bed. ' ". • • Goderich Sailors . Set For Playoffs 4.4 .tesul Group in Reiplat Schedule, Now 'Expect to 10inith on, Top . The Cioderieh tailors have earned fleet Some in ' their Inteilnediate 0. IL A. gyouli by taking five:games out of tt pea- sible eight. ,New littriiburrfollowg close- ly With five victories arid ;Mitchell, and Olititort .deadloeked for iplace with three wins ta,tni. The, t� latter' teanas played horne-and-horae games on Mona day and WedneSday With koala to count. Clinten winning 'the 004 The Wark men will visit &titan thia.Priday evening in, the ilist game 'to deeide who, *tit zilay'friiii flambutg iai lie group rdiidetwo, Clirittin are at the' to or 'their tom no*. and 'tne Billets Will hate taz plaY• onto l'Ast hookof to WM them, Under the piloting of Norman Vtarki the locals have perfOratied ratite' tleere a team theft foknitrly# BotbfOrvitard lines •plaY WOO *** Hon' and there Is tnnelt less 1.90giont4 t robber. to the $allota. in other oart t, the - Canton luo pooped to 1* onahol botts, ere Intritinae to• 'utinder litrArta#* 'ono- 144 h Itew thunintrg It , on ain The at - the • • ••• Pattnenteotethisegran when this condition Pat fulfilled. Grants The Department of Education found it necessary daring 1933 to make a fur- ther reduction"in the anmunt of • the legislative grants payable to schools. The reduetion was 20 per cent. and, ap- . plied to all grants. The total amount of the general legislative and eounty grants received by the schoills of the In- spectorate was $17,893.25, the. amount for the previous , yeAr being S13,1172..35, representing a drrease of spproximately $3.880 for the year. The a of the grants will be on se sameeteels_foreetheemeents s, ceneetea That it will not ,t9 make_tir3 extensive...en 19s4. veer ere are the policy of the Depertme teas.. in this' regard has s made, however. , Xt has leng" been ee'alize einealiets that the rural E small attendance hag not b trig very suocessfully, but t 4.4 V eceicallf the eareakad it e necessary mcnt that tncement of of'Educa- far been adcli 'the 1;41, ted tor Tae were four thoo1sfalra apin in tie dL,trlet thia year, theta* E Oxiinct **OA. Csrlow 11t,..,Ite2eao" ,cu,t111.):09r1Atr*, 24104 001"01' -1# *1•11414- •yhtt the ‘07,thibltS, aiv:1,tht,t att1.1144nee Vier ,an *m01104(114 llatnt•e, "It Is., regretted that; Interest, In Oa glove, *ea *PlieEti to low ebb • In MattY t'etiOna of the (10Unty.' no MoVOnellt froht 'Which ,the Puglicin the lin** school* ,a4u: "derive more edu- cational benefit and.. believe there Is no valid -reason why every rural 4001 in this conntY, should not be participant .therein, It Is to be hoped that it will be feasible this year to revive semi) ot tlie fairs thatforaterlY h Were sueeess, fully held each Year. . - For the first time in possibly twenty- five or More Years, the. WO Inspettor- ates•of East and West IllerOlt met in S. aintr-teito)ieiitL-t`Orl'V. Maolca.Y, aU, Pederich, • All teachers In the two districts were in. attendance and the large number Present added in- terest and stimulus " to the .sessions: With the exception of two addresses given by prominent educationalists. the OraftraM was provided by the'teathere. and the papers reed were varied and.ex- cellent. It was, / believe, one of the most successful minventions held in many years. s In conclusion:- woad like to express my appreciation of the tIme and energy given by the trustee boards of the coun- i ty to school affairs. No remuneration 4v. is -1 -possible,. -is expeeted for these ser- . sge-the OtiW reward beitiirthe tion that they are Participating in the 'Meat week.- Or proihialria'-the lietrealiff:Se:af tional facilities possible, for the young people of the; county. . E. C. /11‘iiaCom, I. P. S, Huron, West. • 4,, I A s rc Pink, peach and wIlite, 'withbeautifoi Iecetnm Silk Crepe Pyjamas in pastel . shades, one and two piece. by milieu- , ool with a n function- rSeaforth re has been derided -opposition, .by theii section in- volved, to the closing of such echools. Legislation has been, passed this year, however, to the effect that where in a viral sehool section there are, for two,. coneecutive years, less than sight per- sons between the ages of five and four: seen residing therein , the- annister of Thomas ClovenIoce, young aeaeorth . --Education may direci, that the school nian. appeared in -police court, _here On _shall be closed. . Provasion tor the trans- Monday. morning,. February 8th. to ans portation„ of the eiiildren trout such a swer to a serious charge laid by a 1? 'School tie a neighboring &Camel could lee year-old Egmondville girl. Made and a coneldarable saving effected. Aocused ViltS arrested by provincial 1 It seems probable thin eta_ s amendment "pollee at the little schoolhouse at Rav- o the •Pualle Behool Act, iriayi affect ensweod, in Lambton County. where he e Schools In this county in the near'. has been teaching shice tha,first, of the eture, and the: eitstente cif such legis - *I t.•10P stanild be realized. To Face. Charge T. Govenlock Apprehentieti on Complaint of 'roma Girl alleh School, Work year. , Goaeraock, WhO is only .22 years of age. comes of an 'old and very highly As Is to be. expected iik,this time, there father_ owns_ a farm in McKIllop Town - respected Htnon County' family. alls aas been a rapid. entarlslitte ilifithe num- ship where the family has been domi- bee of fifth classes' In the rural school& 'cited. fer,many years. Hntsletto have not been able to Bead The offence is alleged to have been elr ohfifiren Away to a secondary committed last Oct:Ober at Egmoadville# et - but' who -desire- thatetheeErttrance Govanlock -was hot asked to plead but , , 4 ...,.. .,, , ation ehoUldenot mark the con- siort of their chtdren's education,' ebeen turning in increasing num- es to the adjacent rural school. This .true to_waship.selike'eeisle- and 'West 'Wawanosh that are re - from the High Eehools. In al1,1 -dosses are being maintained in 34 • tellitiartash-le co this year valth an atittead- 67 113 ,pupfla In the great major- , - Of these- -sehools. competent instruc-s rt\ IT'llttillat-Vveffa in the School STOVE.,t1°I,ODES tee While th worr accomplished • 110110111111.1.11111110111111111.11, These garment ars made froM good. quality 'zi-drorw-gn ar wa from $3.75 to $7.00 per garment. We'affer them at- each. These samples crme • in small and mediura We also offer several lines of piik lingerie from -our regular stock at greatly reduced prices. Seel alor window display of special Lingerie values 4=.' = F. E. HIBBER PHONE 86, • Maple Leaf Chapter. I.O.D.E. 0/ rtta, "Report for. Past Year Shows En- ( cottraging Results from All .. • Undertakings was allowed freedom on bail -of $4,000, supplied by his , father. Prelliainery hearing has been pot for February' 12th John M. Best, prominent Seaforth lawy- er; -is ltoking after the interests of the young man. , Ancused; graduate. af Stratford Nor- mal Sehoole hag. some eVerY laalefrlerlda who state that his reputatlon has al- ways been of the very best. • I ' 4- , _ ., _ t of coiiiie compare with that Chas. Ruffle, West, St., Narrowly Escapes iil 'the sedondary schools, yet the.-- . tire -receiving an advaneed OtIra---•I teas. nuffie. , west streetnarrowly. ahet would not be possible other- eviup.ed serious, injury 'Thursday morn- ti w e. They likewist are developing a ing when the frozen miter jacket pre ais 50ror self-reliance and -ability tostri----iteve exploded from the -die gorier lish for themselves, that will be ated by an especially hot fire. ‘' 'Valuable in later years. ,,I would He came down stairs to light the fire adlste that p,a,rents rnakeenee of the Pre- ',without r,ehlizing the temperature out • tinit fifth .class work must be side wits 21 belai zero. tateght, iterecinired. Insarae-rural. schoola- 'The stove -is a wreck, apparently of no • rather; than have their children stop ferther use. Pleres of iron flew about achaill 'on reaching the pge of fourteen, the kitchen narrowly missing Mr. Ruffle, ortio4ii,,,Iteee'pes' sing the entranct examine- , who wa,q in the room at the time. His 1 friencie are congratulating him on his During the year t933 ten meetings were held, with. an average attendance of ten, thi tete' meniberahhe heling 28. Our famous rummage sales, spring 'and Sall., were a source of revenue, as also was the colorful elyp3y Carnival at the Pavilion during the summer. A very -fine hopeachest was -drawn for at the hlatter event, being won ey aLondon lady. Among- the sources of revenue was the annual (we hope) Yuletide bridge held at the Park House just be- fore the New Year, Our extraneous efforts consisted of boOk prizes to eeeheofethe-ttireeepubl schools for the highest marks in history. A -school in. Denunitt, Alberta, was _supplied with a library; baseball equipr ment, and at Christmas, a victrola, and records. The Chapter presented each graduat- ing nurse with a hypodermic syringe and e-iesteril I ear; andeaLChrastmas., ,cris and plants were sent to the hospi- tal.- Den/3116ns of $25.00 each were Made to the Navy League, /pm E. fendewment Fund, the Susie Soralett Memorial Fund (fee the furtherance et the work in •In- dia), war Memorial Children's Hospital Fund. Further. donations were made to - taw Central and Victoria Schooii for the Milk Fund. A pair of Benmiller baby blankets were presented to her Exeellency, the .Countess of Eiczaboratigh, on her visit here in October. A wreath was placed on the Soldiers' War Memorial on Armistice Day by our regent. Tiles ends a very successful year and we ieFi forward with high hope and •iour.v,ti and laith in our new officers arvi in our Chapter, to the 3/ear that now ;tret..lies before Its. Iterert 0! Monthly Meeting praduations • ' harrow escape. • ' 1 1 The -character of the work being at- , etnnfiltstied- in .a group oleeschools can to , HOSPITAL Blt*T4DAY PARTY a great. eRt,ent be a_scertainiti ' by the'. . Tim annual birthday peaty oi the 'fllitit*of pupils .graduatingefrom -these Alexandra alospits1 vall be held Saler- Sehotzle each ytar, Measured in the: day, February 17th. 'Afferneon tea will ' alatitter the last year was a particularly . eta:ease/tit tine for thip _Inspectorate, be served in the .sunraom Everybody a.'1, is cordially invited to visa ths hospital out Of In • entrance candfdateS, some, 310, of 89 per cent. were awarded en -1 • .....44.444.4.4.444444.6.4 trance drtifieates. This repreents. a 1 CU -THIS OUT I. dininct improvement ?ver the. previous' year whert 246 only were steaessful and Excellent Reek:a for Catarrh. Catarrhal the iniMber of Candidates' fell to 304.! Deetnees and Ifesul NOIcel . The teachers of the district dtserve eofn- If you know -of some one who is tratee suns attained this year. . - 210.ECS "Or ordinfr.7 ta,tarrh cut net tles bid ' With catqrrhal Deafnessi, :fie'il men‘tion on the vek7 satisfantory re The **dice Of utter:ling High School ' formilla and hq:d it to thrim and vlii ntrah.ti,e JrcrtMeate5 oti the year's work 1.1r(1::, May have been th. mealy; m ..aving porno Fliffse,icnertir,77!iffins frisrn tf,tal deaf- , . . q a eon- , Salarfes The salaries *paid ' rural schools have abOan a sliaibPs aurteilnaent.oVer the pretrial:1e Year, the general average for all rural schools being $050. a, decrease of altnost $150 over 1932. This teore- renta the „lowest ebb reathed by salaries in many years arid it Would -seem fried, vistible to intake any farther reducticins if the proper typ4 of person Is to be at, trieted the i isrofeesion. salaries of $450 And $506 are fairly comrtion and in, 'one tate only $400 ietbeing paid. This latter instanee would appear to be en- tal4110-0' vantage ok the toinPet,itivo conditions retuning trornythe-over-tupply of teach - elm The sharp tiocilne salerits can he attributed ,part to the fact that for the years 1033 and 11)34 the township Ortint to rural sehttois has been lowered from $600 to $450. and from $400 to $300 Ila the tate or asshuktits„, Ae restilt,Of, Wit nicuure, it has been 03,,,Atge to rt� dna the towattan r#46 for •setiobls in all townt1414, /tormenting A coritidirib taviivg '14 inftryil'attyljaYtiv. it4 borne In raind;( her. that at leitt theAMOOnt, Of the toViliship 'grant *Oat ' *dm% fit ta*r that,412/$ reeatoiat That* la siot* pit trove ,examinations withltit the necessity of writirg the en- have remanized 'ha6tr ttinle was continued in estitutioraldI'i - - ard ' -'arily re- foree 'tinder the seam conditiorts as for- Inert%S• year /06 pupils, or 34 per eget.. to frrftets the delleate air pas -4 At -the meeting' ori Febrzutry 1st, a eonatten of 123.00 was made tO theertee Fund c2 the TOM. C Hays, tonvenor of the n °tn.! r. a Lee eetntnittee, 'tellis the chair - and presentad a list Of the °lilt...ors ap- a elated for 1934, ass rOliOtys: Mics Reynolds; Vice-Regeat, Mrs. 'Wet- Pr-eetary, Mrs. Graham; Treatur-1 aline; Preee Convenor, Miss 171:ria's et3/4Clefrrse.tarYM' C100M45'.1, Eeduotuantel ali aes M. and oh Watecn, P. Ciramick.' Sprays, inhaler: and ere e I Present for Lady Besaborough Donations - Navy League 25.00 Nationa Annual meeting 8.60 Endowment Fund, 1. 6. D. E. . 25.0a . Susie Sorabji 'Fund, • - India • War Memarial - dren's Hosp'1, London 25. - Milk Fund at SchOOlt )72 oo' Rresented Mrs MacD0rnj!' 2.00 Miss Aitken 340 - Matron, Children's Shelter . 1.25 Crippled child, Ciodee rich Tarp. 1,55 7 IR 8 Nurses' Oreduatioa 13 Ikes . 25 LODZ. cards, ealendars, seals 8 Wreath Cenotaph 9 Balance on hand 473 r. 10 00 601. 36 60 • .44,40,44444.4.4.4•4 -$-T2F-95 HEALTH OF CITIZENS, IS UNIJSUALLY.-GOOD---- Board- of Health Reperte Tcwn Free- • Commu.nicable Diseases :d5leSeti:ZIL'ill:::71•CV4Ye;tr:11:;3"1-, *It V eagle disease. 'Mere is no cases, of phokj fevn- r'r. any or nif. aliments e.hich ually Lerve to worry riari,nta ani F.4,11Thcoilq aptiteezdhang ..ifeacdtoavr.uas. brought Out at the year'n fir.t MR.tillf; of the .Bciard of Health held m the Town Hall on Mon- day., February 8th. . rt is an. =mini, condrion and tip F o art e qf a great deal of satisfaition to the Board. The tow., witer. too. en se:f unuctia.!.; !vie of baill11, from whinh ailments- are u4ia".1i• filiitri-ted The severe weather,. VIII- iinPleaqant in. 'A- gri'', 1; 111-10y stat? afrauF. hurnari.. don't -fret • abr >ad 'A' 1th the temperature hoverire; below tile zt:ro mark. firo. lf the board ••,;!%.-aa the appol'ntovint. of A. D. )1•1 221 chairman, the (AC:1;r m natii.rs be:ng J A. m Ewan, Dr W. P. Chldow and, Mayor c, c Lee. ( or,oratior in the. harbor, a sample was sent to Londo:1 n• anal7, arri report on bac- tertoltatt al tontent. app nn•soent. ef Dr. J.' B. I,Vhitelv Medi. al 0211-er nt' tva4 • J! , was 1.1.str to bring in • r.TAI cln•• .ry eendition of tes proprietor of whi • -ctr.pta:'!:',* CANA:DUN , J. atfttiri. PACIFIC Whattly wig asked to be auditor or .1934. , t FEBRUARY 16 A vote of tha_,._t? lid_ced to the re -1 cent. Of the candidates, wer_s grantezi sales and tome the tif!ease into the' f cerklAteS1, in this manner, Particular middle ear whir.11 fi7Arinenfiv mean.; total care IS Oken bY the entrante boar' % &herpes% or else see dispeee mqv fhb 'privilege is " onla extended to driven dowel the air ptesecree towards t PtIthaitltha WiterlitiVe gene, eirieefally .V^fter'41rig fbihrrli* ev; the lungs whieh is couallv m deneereue v WOrk Aitrii?e. the year and eoncerning, eetRivelv is a constittit'onal trvatrrtent ring regent, to whith she responded , colitirapkoteraIptifoiltts:. A coimnittee was form- eti tck InIke arrangements for the annual ItECZIP'TS nalaeb7 28 Ikea ..,„ --------------------------------14 00 Sale of I.Oatt.E.. cards and cal - /lank intac,ast 8 16 endara 5 so Preeeede o Rummage Sales (2) 123 111, Pi3CCT13 0 ehest 330°23 Proceeds of P k Rouse bridge 14- 60 who -'61 -to take upe•fdrax reheell-and sho•uld prove espetielly work stuns? no doubt can exist. rt t6s6.t.ufftirreentioni Your druaeist 1 entice 6f la felt this eystem not only re' Heves Paanint (Deetele eteencaha Telt() title hioltf etitiohe mstraakiens ofofrtooryinntznueedx- aendd aderd to it t-4 pint of hot wst./.1. arid 6 little granulated anger: stir until many U4¼. during the whole Tear. times a day. This (*111 often, bring v ake ^le toslesneerkful pen' This 'Mar u fettrier tehool Mon. These a1 atsS fel e.; is being offered again this mit^if ren.t rfmn dtcztvwsinq head noises.' he t400. .e011ditiOn& at have qi..c.‘F40 PC1-11411,g Orr" tl.l'el. tireatb/*!4, ted. 1 beeoMe easY and hearing, imurove al t94.1 i inflaintriation in the eustvhian tnbes Is' sure di 60511011M iOtO 1-Tifzii. redtteed. Pittalint 0504 ift that wee oete tioeCoptrel 'Varna and cit.' '''''tr i"vtn t1/(h hilqd and inue.,ons deLil ili11't'itret :/oftz Pvnl'.;elh#avitfutht;Wi.1rtIt e.t;-,,,,;(riA e eel s are, looktid oteie mt. roqlots. nreoustion ruy 15 tO et. ,ateth,ce, tontrttatt .iovo, root, tel.* find1004.fitott, to fore, titvotir „5:4r*1014,%Alt, ootAtif/4' 61} try/ MI" et no, Xer hires of ithstait Etre • 1117.111101 ai)Ie teat rAnnpolent ,eent to nay IA *boot fIltationarie $ 128 03 . to ANI).TLETURN . $7•65 from CODERICI-4 Equally low fares fi.torn Intermediate, otation3 GOING -PER, 10 RET11.1011NG,...14aVing Ottawa not later tharir evening, reh. 16. Fail putieularg from any CANADIAN PACIIIPIC A(413NT M. 113,