The Goderich Star, 1934-01-25, Page 4...11.,re0f0 g
• 41' ".4.1
hat beensrette
former. tinier* in i)tinaltrillan
sud laStinitY. 'She left. for Ctederiels on
ZSP41Kr. °
HeberJ /4.• Eedit bad .Th0 misfor-
tune ett .falling on the lee And i'eceteed
*Overe 4111.1arieS neetesitatieg the useof
erutehol, , -
'The *Waal .00421egatiOtte1 tneeting'et
PeeSbytetisn oberch, which was
to 'haYe been held On Ittoldity. attermem,
hat been PoOpttned until next we,ek.
'Ttte 'WoMen's intititide Wie. hold their
Saida meeting at the home of Mrs. 0.
.4tt sl'releaVen on Thursday of thtsweek
et 'pan. s
Ur* R 4. Meleenzie retu.rted. on
Monday from Wingham where he had
event a fortnight with/ her sister, Mfrs.
Jtinathan Patteson.
atr. Charks A. Robertson, 7. 4. for
Serth Outer', and Mr, George SpottOn,
M, P. for 'North. Huron, left on Tuesday
for Toronto and Ottawa, respectively..
_ T'wo games of hockey were played at
the arena Monday night ',between the
" Nationals and Grey and the High Dellool
and .Walton. The Nationals won 5-2,
, and a tie of 44 resulted between the
,Iligh Sehool .and Walton.
. Her* Itowler, 'who left- to with the
'Intention 'of going to England in charge
or'ca-ttre;:-ha-s---orrived back -from -Mori,
---treatswheresthere wee spniestlelay•-betare
than and son, Scott, are in charge of the
'Tbe joint meeting of the Junior Far-
mers and the Juelor Institute will be
htdd in the parish hall on the •evening
ef January 29th, to celebrate the organi-
• *Miens -of these clubs and the comic"'
tion of the ontles short emirse two -years
--agess-In.ssaistitletflo the membere of the
. Junior Vaemere-.and Junior Institide,
who participated in the :short tourse are
asked to attend.
The annual !congregational meeting of
.t-mitannon Itinfted church was 'held in
• the Senda tehool room on. Wednesda
eveningwith a fair attendettee. The
sneetine opened, with singing and prayer
by the pastor, Itet 33 A. MacMillan. Pert of the Women's Guild wa•s given by
ie Mintites of the last meeting were
read and adopted, On motion of Messrs.
Culbert and?, 0. Baines. The re.
ports of the,. different organizations
showed s ft very , satisfactory- 'year it'd
thstests.The _elettioes astir. _boardof-•
stewards resulted as tollows: Messrs. B.
float G Ferguson. b.- E. Andereort.
loom, E. Flanigan. and W. Petrie It
tess...deelded t.hoidsitnntientary _Service&
'thla year -the -la* eitridtty in September
and as this IS the 25t1z•triniversary of
the eiellin$ 01 the present ediOes **
d.clded'to inake It* 41Veit anniVereery.
tint *dosed, 'with the belleine-,
I* the *
Dear the M *era
4 St. Paul's •Anglksit ,Olitireb, Dinisert-, ...,.........,*,-.....
non, iiii"*°11"Qr4MttY °t **riving 14 111,1RON COUNDICOUNCIL
some4,. Illat Taw *Mich have '
, , , , , . ,
. fated rig woc as Oriterdet in OW . Mind* 040141.4**4"4034 '
hureh. We stole' ebet. le ,eneef ;often KeeMitiveseft W. Scotts 14,, ' 0,0 14,44.
int * Veil istssalVerilinee tO Yen ning's, A. MelllOt, L. Ae Cioldt
tz:74.14tAxiM,thistt,..)ve,,11*Ve# -
w*ya been Setts 'eltdeftit ferstbe.'nnielt: MoNatt, 0,SMalehlm1-70-Y8a, 11;011 .
R. turner, WI
antler In Neihieh.3Nitt biiite'itiveli .0i' Wi. croierpi ' .
. ,
*Our time, and, talent. S Wit,:.., tbereefere, llanessaes,,,e„ lies iteeerts P. u pateldson,
*O. you . to .Wipt, thii wrist *ate& wt Si, Bit.,_,...'' MatheePaS 4. , Dalerityne, si.: W.
alight/ token of Mir 'aPPreelatim and Qt.„.'4'414 . _•._
usgra,tewflipinetrutS4 Steroalsrhat tiiiyuO.Uw'uhr be
'4.oittnleef,ti‘or 4rfirtweir illst40,.luttlohin,Ayy,1(1:0:/*aorrererr4
otfontinue being' our organist, 'a pos4tio."f2A : virtelYoma...:, Turyner.- Is,', L. Davidson,.
Mc -
or whiell 3rott4.. sire. fier e1100.1e* of tilflui''" '' : 7Slinuct.14. 44. 'Pel4r1113114 j't Med
Wishing you and tstber. MeMbere of 1 teteeHlttslIefeeeweejs-Wsi-GaMble•0,
tandly the yeeY tOeit. or *loth and pap. Ballantyne 0I' Lelper, W. Arellibald' R.
*elks in 1034. Signed 'on NOW/ Or the 4040* t.' ' ' ." •'
urnteT7hje.rsu.„00eof Stg.htaegaUnl:smAnrsfrijieo*n.,;..phChffurehHam, moZricaodroein,spitra'e, wiD0h,:illirott„ .:.......v0., 'B*1_,..,licoattr,d;43:
uton. • A. Meillek, O. Ifeed-ngway, M. matheison
tor the gift and also expressing her W. Seteitzer, W. G.' McNeil. J. tif. Eckert,
a ;eatable reply, expressing her thanks old Ate Pension -eft. O. BOWUUM W.
Mrs. DUrninp in ' if neat. address. made ,BJ., l'ivo:ma iinnamb: 4, '
thanks to the `choir for their support.' ta..
ardene- j. Ballantyne, Ws P. Satins
• Rev, 'itie. Geoghegan closed the meet.: 4,,,tuottwoads.,aariert, ke.;iLs. ,,,oie, Criailitifft; w, J..xxiseattelpiecre.,
ing by prerteuncing' the betediotien.
Tile 04114 Meeting Of he ; n -
nn ' Astrieultural , beld In
Dungannon on %VI* OttaRoll.
ports PIVented showed thatsthe past
year had been s most e*tiSatetaty one.
The pritie$ ,tunetniting to!tleS•were paid
100%; this ifteletYsbettigsele of three out
of:fifteen, Whiele had Ante so. 'Me. des
404 of s few Teat* ago vats. reaueed be
$10.90 ad, 'with another ittreeeettit
year, will; have dieeppeired,entirelY...The
dates for the 1934 fair were set for
-TheredaY and ?tidal.. October 4th Itnit
5th. The president and secretary Were
appointed as delegates to attend the Oita
sttlet convention At Stratford on Feb.
rith. Improvements are to be, made in
stabiles; alocoMmodation and also to the
race track, as races Are to' be a feature
of the fair .5f 1914. Ofdoerg Were elect-
ed as felkOWes, Honorary president, Wit.'
para Baine;"iretiderit, James. Lyon; 1st
'vice, Ross MoPhee; 2nd viee, Arthur.tads
ber4 see.-treas. Charles W. Alton; dir-
estorsk Dungannon -S. * Swan, H. J, L.
Eedy, Culbert* Aehlield-.Arthur
Culber,t W. A. Culbert, Samuel Alton,
JanieS Alton and Ji*Colt Reed; Wet We-
wanosh-Willlent Watson, W. J. Thomp..-
son, Albert Johnston and lienrysLeish-
man: Colborne -'Reg. Glenn, Prank Wil-
son, Frank atellwain and A. E. F,rringe
-ton-Lady directorseeUrass31-1..
arcl. Mrs. James Herten, Hyan
sand -Mee; 'game; culli-er1;----Iroxietert
directorse-ThonntS-Stetherasslantei #01-
. erTr. nrutViriVetkilVitirireir enn;
Frank 'Wilson, Frank arcIlwain and A.
E. Erringtlin.
The annual vestry meeting of St.
Paul's Anglican church, Dungannon, W8.5
b.ekr insthe parieh hall en Monday alter -
noon, with a fair attendance. Rev. J. II.
'Geoghegan, the recter, presided,. . -The
meeting opened with prayer after wie..h
Mr, 'Geoghegan gave a lines address
thich-was- very enlightening intistover-',
-ed the work of the past year, also mak-
reek. Re • le One
ine Mention of the, provisions 'made. for in. Stratford this
the future. Folissiwing reading' 01 the -14'-'-•01e offig%1A the -11u-rQn •Presby-;
Minutes; the report of thewardensse-.0,-s- terv ,Y.was thuS*.eligible -to-
attend this year. This .sehool haa
eeerne speolarssel_s_lerat * -was sfoend,
-.'rotar teeeitits.. $500.50; -expenses, $483,- neceimairtirnetoit,re:otrictprpe--itteitridarce
20, leaving, a balance of 07.30. The re- by
ecutive officers.
• The P. S. will entertaht Auburn
young people to a soelal evening- on Fri-
ril:0,h,J, titulary 20tit. EVerybOd3r bring
'-ars. Wm,- fl1I of Goderkii, spent
..Mateod attmuled the fimeral_a_the,on_ Thursday, F.elg-110.17-1.14,--At
the week -end lvvith relatives her&
early this week with a shipmrit. of
eaattle. ,
/4r• 0* E''EtTatt was in Toronto Meeting -at - tinder ' the"
late. Mrs. Phillips last Monday. after- - to discuss rural ecortomies.
Mr.-obinsort and Kis 'held:lit the Wernehlti Carlow,
• ment the regular meeting will be
auspices of the New Canada Moye-
Mr. and Mrs. R. D. lVfitnio cultS..aCanad" •AO;
ureve a.
•daughter motored to Sebringville ;
and spent Sunday at the home of Mr, ASHFIELD
and Mis. William 'Strausser.
The Goderieh high school pupils Mr. Wilfred 'F.-tirrish had the
andothers who motored out from misfortde to break his leg last Fri.
Goderich for the teeek-end returned- day. We are glad to hear that he is
to town on the 12.35 p. m, train on progressingfa'v'orably in Goderich
Monday, as the roads were in bad hospital. ,
condition -for ears. - • The Y., P S.,' of Ashfield Presby-
te n chureh held their weeklY
Mr. ver Anderson is attending nrreatingiaat Friday evening with the
the London conference winter school vieespresident, ler., Duncan meicay
•Mrs. Lorne Zver, showttg a balanee of
$30.19. • The parish hall report showed a
balance of 838/8. R. J. Durnin. Was itP.
pointed- as rector's warden and Raymond
Brown •afas re -erected .as people s. war-
. ..
- den. - -Campbe1 wu aPPointed:
as lay' delegate to the, Synod with J. B.
Young as alternate; Messrs,,..- J. B:
Voting and • jos. Ilamilton- were re-elect,
ed- las-auditorsv.sidesmenst-Victor Black
and Elmer, -Bleak.' Arrangements were.
commented for the- eelebration of •the
751h .aptivereary Of 'the founding of the
' totigregation; to :tiike-plaee during the
'emnin.g, tunmer, ix-e---Alraut-• July
lse. The follovehtif eonunittees were ap,
floLnted In etittliestion with the celebra-
tion t Ilistorical.---misa' Alma :Frei, R.N.-,
)atre. ,,Lortes lyers, Mrs. D. Glenn, Miss
Durniti--andstass-L-, Dreertas e
MeMber' contmittee, Mrs Zt 3 Durnin
and Miss I:women Parishballs commit.
s_teei Mrss4se-Ivera's atre.- Joe.-- Hamilton
Lorne leeraind David -Glenn. A pleas-
ing feature or the tileetIng Was. the ire-
SentatiOn. _ter Met, R.,J Thienin, ,of
Wrist.wat4fas a tokenof appreciation
- -bees-servieee-atesorganiet- and. ehalr,
leader, the addreei being read by Mrs.
-V14:ornOt-- Service
in the chair. • • .
's The Women'asinsttute gave an
at -home -Mr JarruarY leth for • the
members and their families.- The
evening °was passed in euchre an
Mr. G. A. Itabertson
GODERICH. TONkiNSHIP daye in Toronto:last week.spent a few
Miss Dorothy' Robertson is, visit-
ing her cousin, •Miss Josephine Weir,
of Auburn. , •
-Wise- Irate -Stoll, of Stratford
On e
ThursdaY afternoon o.tbisseeeek Ltoormrhettleszent the week -end at her
Mrs. Wm:. Marbinney has return-
ed. home, after, vi'eiting her daught,
er,Mrs. _Turner, Of ..Exeter.
Mr. and Mrs; Robt.11urner and son,
had been for treatMent. She is itn--101ardyt,sx.eptearr,enstpor avIt r!untulddaY Mrs. Wm. wtmhe.
PreVing, . -
Montinued ireni'pige
for wardenShip,„ mat
,�e�,Alliott; the :motion be1n 1000!
by VV. 1..stewart. it here being no
' tions eloped and
,• ,The new Warden was. Wartedto
chair 011i 14* ,'Predftsgg' s.ilia otrieTe'e.1.:
Ballantyne, an.'914..194tign. 'being adhere,
,, , . ..
As the ti4 new Wardellvaa ibeing Seated'
, nage J, M. Colletiti4titePPed forward' to '
administer the,' oath or' ()Mee, ' this
simple but **missive cereinoni:Perform,-
,ed Otx-Horterroaddreissed7thel400.4neil°
'Ile remarked that he WiShed to ere-
phasize 'the seriousness of the oath, not
only to the Avarden hat to the ceuncil.
a, whole. • CeminentliMe the .latter oi
thele eholce of a, warden hesteferreci in
eidegistie terns to the splenaid ser1dces
.Performed. by the late warden, jas.
laityne during' a most trying' terra 4,
-office: * He paid tribute to him tte a
painstaking energet14 and faithful ,-oftle
Now Playing. -GENE GERRARD In LUCKY OM'. with
airs GREAT TO BE ALIV"E" Lot of
eheerta tOnie eertute tilting just when you need -it. s
• ,
and ,joy yvith * east calculated to dowse' You,mv.Now
GLORIA .8TILAIrILRAI114, 0:014111 AND itEROgr
pine MieterY,,a0nie diaMa AM .11' risiali aft)* ,
.4104414,,,MORGAN7iMellOR .IORY
• England's fun4avorite, eornei high stepping in the pieture,,
that is called. his best '
Ming•---Lianei-Atvrill-in--a-Technicolar-4eeiak-qrVterY ofthe'
Wale MUSetint" _ _
Matinees -Wednesday and Saturday at 3.o4 m 04:
the satisfaction 'of the Coupe'', on. the
activities Of the:Cow:4i Owe.. ''.. ...
_ . -
, the- warden burst ,tinto imPraniP.
...',tn'Verse„.mitich to. the .enjoyment .of the.:
Motions, were preeented and ;carried
ghee._ , xtemarking .on the...epientud Without, much disoussion as follows
Port gtr.on their warden by t -he last ceini- BysAlltert Goldthorpe - and L. -E. Car -
ell he hoped 'that the sante would rbe cliff that Wilmot Haake be- epPointea far'
granted the preterit ineunibent, • -L-
theee years .as member of the Good
Piero: what he had been eble ob-
serve of the new appointeeS, the clerk
and treasurer, lie felt that se wise selee0•
.Roads CoMmittee. '
By R. Jt,33rowlrian and B. C. munnings
that 'W. J. Stewart be a member of the
tion had been Inade he their •Cases. He 'Geed...Roads Connetittee for one year.
DT-Issil.; Wright and -R-D.--Davitikoli
that Miller Prootor be reappointed trus-
tee of. Wirighant High School.
Ha,akesand NS_ Hanley
judeect. them- both- energette and. laith-
fultth their duties. - • -
'It there Was any advice he esjuld:Pass
on tosthesnew--hodiessit. 'would be that
which -he .had tried to eel:Ivey to the 116W that Albert..Groldthorpe and J. M. Rob.:
iitheials- When :swearing ,them in, that toi erts be appointed members of the Crim-
I'1111,11eLSN'te4s0144etitiosgssYS8.4410:s Anditrx
• .
Ey Teter Scott and Gees, SVIoNall that
the striking Opflifriittee be, competed: of
Messrs. Munnings, Cardiff, Ilaake, lial-
lan'tyne and 'Ecicert. •
• That -the -meeting -a di uurns-until
rmsday morning.
WaySof-assniing-that thefr-piebile intsie
ness would be well 'handled.
EIeelosed by wishing an a -very pro's.-
perous neW ,year. •
The Warden opened his address in
happy stein, Claiming that this was the
'first time be had. ever been brought be-
fore a judge. He. hoped for lenient
treatinent. Be -muttered- that, -the.ap
•pearance orf so nmny-pf last year's ireeyes
at this year's board was a sign of the
good judeentent of the voters. However
hes-tvelootned the new -Men; four of
whom were appearing for the first time:
Last-years-'a-most-mosts-streintons-os ,
het the touncii, bed etood be, their colors
anck had. done their duty.. He was sure
'Variatts accounts 'were taken up at
Wednesday -morning -sessions -
An application by Mrs, ,Marjorie Wil-
loughby of Winghato. for mother' allow -
ane wat referred to the Board.
-A number , of -aceounts were passed,
until one from the Dardereiood, Ellliott,
This coca.sioned detailed clicussion,
that the new body watild do their duty . eliciting the information- that' a large
dilually wen
proportion of county printing and °Mee.
Hebespoke the cooperation of the supplies had been pUrOhased in Toronto
council for the two officials, in by'the ' former -clerk.
whom' he had every eenfidenee. Clerk J. M.*Roberts explained that he
J' 3e was sure that. 1034 Would prove a had endeavored 10 clisoo' ver the 'Cerrept-
banner year not Only for the county but nes of the present account but could
for the Dominion and the werld as wellnot make anything ef it.
Margiterite 'Falconer, of Gode-
rich, sPent 'Sunday the. home of her
-parentsr-Nfr. and Mrs; Geo. Falconer.
the annual eongregationel meeting of
trelon church will.14 bela in. the chtticla,
Little Lille -Elliott returned from Lon --
don on Monday atf last' week, where she
.--1,--aeA?Tott-stbestrnions-Dramettc- SiotillshOldsa progressive
Club of Union church will hold, a jointi erokinole tarty on Priday evening
meeting at the home'of Mrs. J. B. Orr in the township halls ,Everbbily
on Monday evening Of this week, ' The come and enjoy an istiononevectereninugr'satefrhis
je.leontierona 01officers'4Iffilteerarepryfor_gr. ,be held: IM-rt's-Air:etrrn 4nansr Impprreturns or
eighty:seeped birthday 'on Sunday.
present at the eomMunion service •in the day and hope Y11-3°Yhe may e many
Ununionchachurchon'birthdays. Sunday. The Paster, more
Rev. Ora*, conducted _the service The Y. P. S. held their meeting on
and., delivered an interesting address On -Friday evening' at the ,home -of Mk;
the text, "But the wisdom that -is frOm ['and Mrs. Edr Hardy. , The president
Ware Is ilrst-pure,..then peaceable, gentle-hadschirgesof' -the.. meeting, whi
and easy 'to be entreated, esej, ed- mercy' was oPened • by singing the tlYtnnt
nd goo. trigs, Without, Partiality, lituttlitartakaoristirtmgleansPleUZ
Down to Business it was tabledforfurther discussible
. , • Dr. J. A. Field. and Ali. E. C. Bea,goin,
' iiollowing the addresses of Judge Cos-
- . :school inspectors from . the east and west
_ ..
stello- and 'thesinaugurels-address- of the sections of the -.bounty respectively pre-
' new warden the touncirquickly gat se seal their' reports. These showed that
to business. • * -, ...- . t a high standard of etficiency Was being
and for,_._tentlng were, referred to the:.--itpitit°--p-tigrooetrio-ythif-depression. , .
Sealed tenders for supplies Or the jail Maintained in spite of the shortage of
executive: , s _,.' Roy' Patterson, county engineer, pre, ,
A letter from the Canadian National sented a•detailed and highly informative
Instittita.tor the Blind was teed and its
..1 report which will be printed in full else -
sponsor, .6.,E. Campbell, was assured Ity_is.wher. • s /- .
.eration of. the council. , • - - - ' the aileg' ed
'the Warden .ofsthe ainpathetia coed&
. --,-Sofite'-diecussionsstook7plitee- regarnin
thatthe/ grant to the Institute for the pores. . ' S,.„„
ati this connection it was discovered - traffic officer's ear for campaign pur-
use by the warden of the
--!walinrdtiedPbaysis-etith'elatt'irteaLrearee.1 The council quickly exonerated both
as 'never „f...erh I 7-e;aedee and traffic male- 01 any 'blame in
-A reauestsfor supped to the -Salvation-, .the -matter. 7-
4timi. was passed' to. the executive 10
- . .
7441.101)z_ ________ ____
Ifospital 43eani• pr. 1634, Carried.
stt 2,30 p.m, when eonnen Ireasse,rabled.
.Mr,, Darr Blyth adaressed• the 'COATI**
ell in the .interests..of worean".• lilytle
who had missed being admitte'd to the
care of the mothers' allowance board bei.
cause her application papers' had not
been forwarded, The. executive was
asked to deal with the case for whom
.ali felt van -410=131e syrapathy. '
Mr. H. T. Edwards...Children% Aid In-
spestor, !presented liis report on the
Shelter for the past year. • Be pointed:
• out that . juvenile Court cases had not
4glost,,,,qiesounty a penny during 1933.
road -from ,Ian McLeod, agricultur-
al representative, Clinton, was presented'
by L. E. Cardiff. This' asked that Usual
•agricultural.grantS be continued' and was:.
referred to the executive for action.
Dr, J. Whitey, Ccroner
• By (Wilmot Ilaake and A. X. Gold-, •-
_thorpe, that Dr. J. B. Whitely be ap-
pointed Coroner. :for Goderiqh and
• tit.' Carried. " . :
By J. trowis 'and- R. Turner, that
we pay to the ~Canedian-National
tute for the Blind; the account which
.Was not forwarded last year and az i ad-
ditional $100 for this year. Referred to
rxenutive. •
Treasurer's. _Statement
(Mr. Erskine, County treasurer, PrP -
seated his statement of receipts land,ex-
penditurei for the years the col'inty'reads
Statement and the _Provincial
Highwair.- • A:14.•
The financial statement is presented
elsewhere in this issue. •
. Warden Elliott-congratulatedthe trea-
surer on his presentation of his report,
assuring him that it was unapproachable
for clarity, ahd simplicity by any mule
ii.urittg eXperi6nce in the council.
• The clerk, j. M. Roberts, then report-
ed in detail on the 'Conditions Obtaining
in his office when he took over hi&posi-
Without, hypocrisy, 311, gall, The president gave :the topie rur er matters In comMnnications
irsies-wass'Whatsies your attitude- .
toward Wealth and Poverty", follow- Managers of Homes for Aged and in.
eci, by discussion. sThe journal was atm, a -letter from- the Canadian' Bank
'read by AmehiaIddissoia and some of Commerce requesting nemesse-sien.
intereetingg current events were ers of cheques, and an appileatien for
en by 'Wilmer Hardy. ' Meeting was
dosed by. *gins a hymn and. gi2., the pesition of Count Corn Borer_ In -
path benediction. A* dainty luneir trbm• Ross Johnston of Zirriell•
was served by the ' tut- were tpassed to :the executive coin-
mittee for action.
sse Educational Committee was ask-
ed to deal *with a letter from the ',Board
At the inaugural meeting "of. the eotm- tit-Eduation; lamdine-re Centity •puPils
The bagains are exceptional and now,'
time for the thrifty buyers to purchase.
oit listing the many re�
ared to offer, so dono
o visiting our store and
e great vings you may
ef ttieular Wens
vii .or tWtov,rns-hip' of rwest iAiowanosli Da London schools, artd. two resolutions
the neeetsary deolaratiOns Of: °ince were -covering petiPosed antendments to - the tee
it'POle* Wmantt by Palms' Aitchtegn, - Albert' Werth Cminty and Middlesex Comity' that we grant $800 oath to the Clirtton,
iFtibO... ribed, se, ini , ,s, Stewart, ea acts governmg schools pas.sod by Went- , sy,a, c , airtmning,,a, et. int To. I., Davidson
Oaltunie. joins Mogoillbis Brown SmYtil, cotniees. ' , - ' s. •• . Winghat4, Scott Motored, Seafortle and
as . contietilOres Mr. Dintrth Was-wel "Mt- *--frhe , 45.iiittfio Ass,odirtfori of sweat Alexandra •Getteret and .Marane -srsapStee
Munielpalities invited.„ reltresentation at aotierith.
ed to.the Board by,tho gther naeinbers , -.:,, ineTerrect tO Bseetttive 'Cent-
er:el:the 'council ceinnierice,the business the.. forth -wining convention, ntittees • •
. .
E. Turner_ and. 'B. J.. Bowman__
that the Salvation Armyr be granted
$100 to assist in carrying on their....wor.k..
Referred t� executive.
• By Geo. McNeil and W. D. Saunders, -
that L. E. Cardiff represent the council
on the advisory conunittee Of the Agri-
cultural Advisory 'Board. Carried., "
ons werrnresented as foTtews:
hat Om Lawson be Appointed to the
ri).34td of Education, Exeter; High' SebbOl.
.--Roferred -to--Eduvatiort -Committee..
• By W. liimuidets and W. 3? Jones,
thet the usual 'grant be Made, to the
'Spring 'Seed- Live Stock Show at
-Hensel'. Riferred to Exeouttee coeurilt-
tee. • . •
• BY W. W. Crozier and. ItS, It. Alibi -
bald, that the Bet; Oaten Appleyard A
aPPoirded to 'Board Of Seitforth High
ferreirta.,Eilti=lon Commits
at 3.934 by aesepting the, minutes of the ,Governor, tteytoitig, et , nur6t. „IV* - Archibald .alett j. DO. W.,
Pr,e,y1011.1 theetingt 'itotion coullozt. vain:1W aaol, subreitted his report biri n1„. thdt. the council itteistigate yearly,
lors:*Ohnittlie and . letter, ,?,This Wu received, and :ordered 'ander the etatuteS, the zederitY 'Men by
. -The ollteiats *41410inted tor X931'.. ate as the County SI-reit:sitter, Carried.
follOWA: StateStor;,sItoss,' Metter; -Clerk,
Itteg:IstnWs Report
auditors. I' H. Taylor - ' - • that 'the ebuncil Make -the lisual grants
- . . • -.11.eportrof the activities- of the IlegistiI ' ' °
?ma NV., ttO
Orate, received treni A. 11. geeb, • g e44
p„ Merrset, W. j., Steiett AstoolatiOn and 'tither similar soeleties
strar, showed total receipts of $5 487.26 • *
SaiiitarY InsPeeterst Nret#4tiiiiiii,' ' leferiett to'Iteciitive toramittee.
nerhnontil he vAluntort t. °rant,
..tUdets011; tt Tlfel1grOrt4:
Pound •keepers. A., brown, It Taylor. It.
'Held, 3 3 1Vs3eli, Itinahtin
ItuniPhril, W., A. 14311er, Alten
Iere,,eviewers. VV. A. flirser, Joiroten
riarnin (lontatiou ti),.
Armstrong, P. Watterii b. A. Otter.
the couectektizne feittenpleting• the
Altai:et01 triatee fatended to Matelt
Otte. en Motion Or Conritillora Oa ',.'nunle
and 4.: 4aiiittten isat
given PerMittlart to teenOet iteVerttl
*Seders. fret* the ,readaide. the counell
ded*„ On motion: et &Oneida* Alt.,
Wen and (ispotio, that the rot* and:
alionid Meet 'With WO.'
Ho1m* to arrange a sale of standing,
Puttlen *as inlaid.
litiest road itsperittenststit,
"Oeuncitiors Aitchison *nd
Ink in* tostotiert to,
tookno* **Ube, 404
an gross expenditurei 014224?.2,5o, This
shows a telling eft of about .a,400.,from
'Previous Year's rerelPs• ••.
. .
Letters tram **Set COnntY 'Couneilsait4
iitiddlese* 'County Countil, the ranters tc
t:t3r R. turner and P. bavidsori; that
we give the usual grants to agricultural
taira. Iterated to Hitecuthre Committee,
Audit Or Hooka
reSantion.tegarditit ionen4ill°11t tAY Me Hy 'W. rt. Archibald and 'W. Sweltzer,
Istunicipal *et and the' latter calling for that the clerk be. paitittiett4'te 'find out
the abolition of the federal Sugar telo, tht. ost of. imilig ,fyiluty bolts anditid
wort veterred - tO the TheMatien r,Cimil': ,yeatirby thattered twountants and re -
intact,. ,‘ port to, the „tune Sessiot, tattled. ,
A• letter •Treni the chairman a' the - ay., 4. aaearatie 'and IL. teirlar„,
Mether**• Alltitritnee Connitittet, toron- that rournit employ to. 1,.. Gibba to audit
to, remittals that Iker. HOlniten be re- the 'belies from' ambit sale sgsa, tel
Weed. on the te4014 tonnnittee *** or Desetither 3/:, 1022.
deed tabled. The COniteillors kopuent- „Arlo tsetioned, considerable dbelite '
14" 141/45 4 let theY *Pt. to s11.1 *bout jit: In 'out Or Windt fittally twtie instrue.
A letter '1,trom the Departnient •ot Aigh.. tieria tit 1. I3atitintyne to photie- trif,'OibhS ,
way i regarding a Convention et Head. firm mut 41*w/et eot of such: atudit.
uPetintendents was also erdered, ta When the test was onally atoirettha
_loather diset*sion. . ....._ - . ' 1.40, the atternotut 5 ,.. maxlinum .price
‘• Two letttrs we* retored to: tue„Agri which thb toot* was *41100 to PIO Irct
tul_, ttold 'committec halrtelir. one • : &Mot on and Olt owsoodto, was
'tn. 0110440 Airritiatirat Council, aue' ' *tided titt tetntininteate Win, *With tlw
dirsditst the sastgritment 4 * represen rttrattertt lirin. the coot% feta That
bittits 40 that bo4, and one Stem the 000 should 1* ili*Ote tot, this .ioti,
* fatawbintiel Witted, '
liArritet, that
' ' iiiiiiher 01 ala
Someone pia ettra WaX on, the floor
Cluttdance -and card'
,party _Thursday evening, January 18th.
The result" was a lot or fun as some
etistile iarlies-hed trouble -keeping their -
. The boys enjoyed the 'Special
-smoothness and are all for an extra sliP'•
Pery -floor "next
, • The &soling opened With : euchre
-drive. Some tiatesen gamet,Tiiragres-
eive, Weee,pleyed and Mrs: Ernest Craig
. Walked off with first Pr*, while Mrs.
Black toelt- the 'Consolation.
Mr w-esiliad a pefeet. store in
fifteen games and so 'was awarded firet
'place while Jack Love was winning 'the
lowly boolta by cutting the cars -Against,
seyen other, la* ones. •
* :Stewart 'Bonney -tette ,cat band With
nipper at 1,0.45 and everyond enjoyed it
ettd, Wag ready for the dattdirigWhicb
eoinraeueediiminediately, lasting Mitil
The ,W4tera oribestra • Supplied' the
atitsio and Oak, one hundred and fifty
glie,tts-,said-they-hact a-goott- time,
Presh Maros . jet
Veal Loaf "'aid': 23c
'Seated' ,CotiageR11. 15
,Roast Beef (Shotl1der) .1
B6ii Beef .
Shoulder Pork Roast.,