The Goderich Star, 1934-01-25, Page 3•Pe t* * V?, 414,0,0, •*11940#,41*, 10.;•:) 4,151,9'Pr4C.Eti, • .g4r0h, P400.1044?1, .Mr. 'and, Mrte:j„..eo •, 404 Thameaville, tt.laUg4ter;,.-3904ella .:UarY; (110,11,1e),,,. ,VrAuels. TzerylA Laue, Awl* at Ma', and Mrs Thos. 1Xfabei;, Of Seaforth, the We 41440 to take piece -0e latter, part Ot the mor#14: mikkgi ,1144:0PRO,*01.0 , ountou news itepor41,, The • chapel of the pueo.rok of At. Jelinthe Evangelist, 1011404), was the lieelIe of a pretty, wed- ding' on Vitedhee4aY'ot laat Week, when Nelhe Mae, daughter of Me., and Mrs, 4ceriewoltie o MeihoUrne, was melted Iii zaaviage to Robert H. Marshall, Port ccgbdne,,Sana .ef 4tri,„- Marshal1'. and the late R. Mar:S*1, of Clinton. net Catl- ett% C. E. Jealrite officiated. • um= asuaivs rosatorit • LucknoW Sent1ne1 WIIliarn -Hynd- man, Bruce ICeamtY Jalier, Who took ill Iron strAlmine•Visoning on the eve of an investigation 04 lataliterton, into con. ditions at the jail, tendered his re.signa-- lion last week. Turnkey A, 1geadman has, been appointed temporary. governor • .of- the. jail._ .11mimate isnow reeovering „frora the effects of the poisoning. .The 'probe Was ordered by the Ottario.'0ov- errniaent;folleiving a charge ...-former inmate a the jail, and is ad- eiour-ned peiding Hyndiman'a complete re - every. • •-• , ,EYE, EAR, NOSE, THROAT - Late House 'Surgeon New . Yore Orpls- . ehalmic and ,Aural Haspitak, tw.sistant at Moorelield's EYe, Hospital and Golden Scivare Throat •Hospital, Londone, Eng. 53.4vaterioa-tat...---13., •Stratford. Tele- phone S67. • At Botelt Bedford, Ooderrich, secoed • Wedriesday, from 1 pin. to 4 p.m,, - • LEGAL CARDS HAYS & 11AYSe. at•••••••••••^ • --- Battistero and. Solicitors. R. C. _Hays, E.C., and R. C. Hays, B.A. Bainiltozt street, GOderich, , - - Telephone -88 - 1)OUGLAS R. kAIRN. Barrister and Solicitor - Office; Hamilton St.. „Rhone 512. FR"K. DONNELLY, B. A. Bantleter, Solicitor, Etc. - Phone 282., HAMILTON ST., Goderieh. F. R.• DARROW. • , Barrister, Solicitor, Notary. Public, Etc. , Successor toJ,. L Killoran. • Phone 97. Office, The Square, Ooderich. ERNEST M. LEE. ' 'Barrister and Solicitor -Sun Life Bldg., Adelaide and Victoria • Telephone: Elgin 5301 . Toronto 2. CHIROPRACTIC . • Dautnicss PRACTITIONER. ..,-CHIROPRACTOR AN D.: DRUGLESS GODERICII.- • • .Eeilineed _witleleelectro-tiagnetic batite_ Electronie eleetric treetment and. chira- taractie. Chrenie, organic and nervous- -engem. eSe' 'Lady hi -attendance, Offite- hours 21to 5, and 7 'to 8 p.m. and.by ap- , )polntinent. dosed" Wednesday from.. 121 to 6 pin _, • A. lc •A'rlt/NSON, residence arid • Wilke,, caner. of South- street'and Br- tannia. Rea* ,Pluine 3.41. " • ---NUCTIOitilitelaiNG 14.11,6.4StalpRY Ss SON. : •S Liie.-StocisTarid-TGenerAte Auctioneers:;" fintretn vie"' 6"cb tieran" a •e rywhere aud all efforts . angle to give' you satisfaction. Farmers! Sale Notes discounted. Phone Lit' , , UN SYNT CRflICALLY ILL Jahn,Joyr 91.'-fer tbe pazt feee-,W alli111;10111, elate* or ,rcovery Mr. Joynt's dition,..,:lta*OVer., .to ,ette*".much .thalege One ,day he Will be ed.'ia a 'Itttle hri.altter and the next 'day not...se well. With .fecolt,PY ,13.0hirlh,ir in the bale ‘anee, at IS Praving• a traduce time for his fir011„Ye and •reeldenta of the ‘411age. and ConinranitY In. general intieh concern- ed' over the welfgre.„.•ef.„1110...aebenne,thp$. ali *du:11;1,1;4.nd ,re,spects, , •67TH W$1111).M0' ANNIVERSARY. , , taCirneive Sentinel: and. 'Mrs, George GUhies were .67 years Married on, lPOw,' there are who can edalm aneh* 'an7'.iiiiiieveinent, And • an'. eVenirof life, such an anniversary has more than usual signiftcane.' It 'meant; that this aged land God-fearing couple have been spared to each other to And happiness and contentment in their de - GRE TEST ,VALUE TORONTO , 1, 1 AlTRAOIVE: „ ROOMS WITH pATI1 2400 -WITH RUNNING WATER, st75,' . ExctuttNr. foop. erliktiostoom .• ,sc Lvnchton SQ,e *ad 60o. Diner Ape, '1,501'.09 wToottothf:NfolrOder. „Oral Years, later Melting .to„a ruin 111 borne retiring a 'few Years later to 10erte trail*. He is =salved bY a famPY Ave Soll3 and three datightere, Wed and Arthur. tTsborne; Grant., Centralia',” AP; mid. Detroit; Lester, •Snowflake, Man.; Mrs. J. A. !Pollard, Centralia; mrs. R. Man. ,rtint, Mich., and Mrs T Broelee, of Olandeboye, also by his, tvdn brother. OeQrge., and another brOthereafelirto 'both elhlinif years. Mrs. • °lilies is 030 more Ing,4ineterw* etntedi,..;ioncae- nsaisdtaer., ThWireun s,,fR-ernai active of the two and still is able to care f was held from the home of his ion , .Ar,. or their needs and perform her house- -, Ulm.. with interment in Exeter cemeterS. -hold duties. fact in the passing ea the year little choose can be noted in litIOHWAY NAV DE PAVED ( _thke .011.1?1,•e, ...Mr,„......4:4111,ee /_?e Ple Kincardine News; _Much satisfaction first ,claar a April and Ls still able tO 'be about the house each :day. Mrs. Gillies ineeeliIew-rieeembereatheamifeltestill re- markably active. . DEATH OF MRS. CHARLES WRIGHT Seaforth 1iews: The death of one a! Brtieefield's highly esteemed residents, o'cicick ayn1ngjan 47 Itterer-CiffitT;Wriglit;"‘teeeurred *bind" eiga afte. r an extended illness. Mrs2•Wr1ght, Is being expressed by towns in the vicin- ity_ of- the Shiewater Ilighway,overithe recent announcement by Chief Engineer R. Mutr, .of the Department of High- waysto the effect that within a very short time official announcement will be -109.•theD"epartment -tkatt"the 1ue- :waerflhwayffl be- taken- over by,...the t,PitiftWatz24-4-retniiiiiirk-f-7-711its---7=aeeorrp. .Plishment has long been the dream Of who Prior to her marriage to her late the. Bluewater Highway Association, who hubandhas steadily advertised the 'convenience s, was Jean Ferguson; was in her - and scenic beauties of the highway but 84th 'year. She leaves a" family :of six have been -unable to -keep-the -highway- sons ahttwe daughter: 'John, at home; itself, it the perfect condition that a James, Mitehell; Rdbert, 0!prominent road:, should be. 'The may& Charles,. Mc4illop; Alex., Mill Road, C f Wallaceburg, Dr. Stanley A. Richard- Tuckersmith; Will; of Seaforthi Mrs. son, expressed his views on the matter Chas. Riley, -Erusgels; _Mra. ffirt, Stanley. She was predeceased by her daughterirwho lived with her last Year.: A private funerail belteld at her -late Jesideneeon Friday, January 191h,:t� the Maitland Barik cemetery, Seaforth, Mrs. Wr1gjLwts been jit the ,;:31d Country, and lived in McKillop and Tuckersmitli as well as Brucefiead. DEATH OF WILLIAM FORD by saying, "This iS one of -the best bits of news that we have received for a long time." Better times are,not.-far distant and it won't be long until we witness a tlatiate tr So Uaznfltcn aa Wigle has gokeI' After, eltinit 'the iirnmea ef #1a, *hie 'per*ality And, tharapter ,M44'Pletee4 MittiM he has , been 104hered to .lils *them In, one of,:, his MuSiagsr-rand 'hh* .WOAAY ittfereee' .44e4 he Oothred friend 'AO hearer.4•Wttlli,4fter reinark- Ing ' abeuttkaeld ots 01 9titailii. he went On to .),!.4k 'Nearby. the graveyard, 'Where loved ' parents he,. -Whata ,eheiter and. , delight they Were to inc. in the bygone dairel „They, are ;one) but arolMdthe brOlren. cOltinni Z atri trying to Wine a 4111e of MY' , life; outor the 'nourishing Loll Of *eh' dear' hveS. that their mem- ory - be perpetuated 4eAll through the- passingeyeereifte4he-Vine4.0-hialife' was elleeeseftillY twined, Walla* far bet- ter than he knew, to the Vory Oed and to the, honor of hti race, In We old churchyard at 'RntiiVen he is laid with his parents.: Some or 2.11Y reader e may have known .)1m through many Years. Perhaps some will recall his 501001 days at ooderieh Hie: School, MI knowledge- of .Hauntl- ton While only extends back about eleven .or twelve years. Bet- in that period. I came to admire him in .the home circle; X Was ,fascinated 'with thin in the pulpit; also his. wisdom, sagacity and =ministrative •ability in responsible positions were not lost on "me. The yriter spent three years of his life in New Brunswick. He has Much to thank New Brunswick for, but one of the outstanding New Brunswick gave to him was the knowledge and friendship of Dr. Wigle. As a visiting minister Dr. Wigle came to the writer's home. Will the young chil- dren of that home ever forget the even- ings silent with him? What stories he character. ;punishment attached' to could tell About East and West of this, _ .76-Ifirr;r°11-he 1.5eIr 87r4'e'n;'4ij'a:tiir""V2'itnM31P74C4"C!9.that exposure 0! t.of thtirtvr4'1*ong ain to velled so much! How he could fascinate ruin their reputation. He could not at would with little word sketches_ of scenes and happenings that had come un.der his ob- the moment decide What to do. servation as he had passed as a tourist Would have them before him again in his _Oflice_next .morning. . He said that through Europe and--Palestinel Little !night he could not sleep though he was poems he would re -Cite; curious condi-urns very weary. He prayed that" the Lord he. Would apring; comical sayings he 'would let him sleep but the answer 'he would Pass over to the merriment of the got was, "Over there fn the maids' ward boys and girls around him, absorbed hi' What he has to tell them. 4 are two girls' crying ;and asking me to I soften your heart and you cannot have , .Then, it will not be forgotten how he, • any sleep turtil you prOmise to be merci- / in thg blind -told game of putting the tail' ful unto them." He said he pled to be on the donkey picture, pinned to the wall, entered into it with' greatexcused from considering their case Just, zest then. But the trofee Said, • "Settle it the young: lads. The same family saw He settled it and fell asleep. The him the dignified, efficient first President now." next morning the maids. corroborated his of the Maritime Conference el the United midnitht• spiritual seance as he ShiVeel Church and mister of asiembliee, and so; them mercy. often a shining executive °Meer' in some; I great convention, ibut that night in the No wonder in conventions and confer- enceehe- rang truly and intensely with loving greatness. ,He crowned a glorious home Hamilton Wigle was great with a I. profound convictions on such questions. ; as total abstinence, purity, the elimina- evening when he led the family prayers' after the play.- was over. tion of the 'betting evil, etc., -etc. For I Few Canadian preachers have satisfied Hamilton Wigle had a training in a home 1 of the best kind. Then he had the Inc better than Hamilton Wigle. His faculty of resPonding nobly to fine mu- ' pulpit ability was quit•e marked. He hadi tur.no and excellent ,discipline. What_ .pleasing 'Way of declaring truth. He i about that' story he told about faking could be winsome, humprous, fascinatipleri I. the Wine out Of his father's cellar and ly interesting (yeti lied to be tired' to the issue . of that act. The wine jugs sleep. under hini) and oratorical as occa.!., sion. demanded. He used all these to; and casks; so his story went, were kept in the -cellar where Milk -was' carried serve.. a deep evangelical passion. He every night and morning when he was a drew on. the realms of nature, --travel, qy , at home on the farm. He would biography, and, particularly, .science, to, illustrate 'his themes. And this he did: often go to the cellar for a drink of milk. ' cleverly and to the Point. Here is a pul- One day he discovered the wine and drank f it Eventually,about a gallon I . pit extract: "The latest scientific find - disappeared, and at length the father Ings declare that the lime deposits and Iran ore seams are the products of i noticed its disappearance. Each one of -rnieroscopic plant life.' The theory 1.the family was questioned alsapt the associated with the calculation that this missing wine and of course thelbt fell world is at least' oneon Hamilton. Was there a good lecture? years millions of4 - years old. 'What conservation of energyNo,the next morning after brealciait, 15 this! ! every wine jug and cask was carried out (Howlow it magnifies our -conception of the province Of God!" , . i of that cellar and tnere in the presence - I of the family and . the hired men the • He adorned the -pulpit -as 'he graced father drive a sledge hammer into every --t case and let the liquid -run down the hill. 'the home. ---Both-7.were-aifted a a 'tneresin notch by NS presence and, influence.1 Then the team was brought out, and There was no man in the Maritimes in i With .axes and chains and spades, the -the years spent there who was more i work was not stopped until Mk lacres of sought after as a "special." Fortanately, the finest vineyard in Essex County was the_ fairly long. (principalship of the 'I torn out by. the roots. .The lesson was Ladies' college at Sackville left him free4 given_ without a word. At was burned on Mist Sundays to go here and there! and prezeh the Gospel in which his soul' into the boy for life. To some people it delighted. • may have -seemed foolish for a father to have made sUch a fuss, but hc tscia-,stung In iving leatlessinip in ler& churches ,_to action•as he theught howinconsistent where organization counted so Much in he would be to raise wine for others to institutions like the 'Ladies:- College and drink when his own boy . was being en - in conferences and conVentions he made 'dangerect.-by it. no small showing. We are told of his The last time I saw Dr. Wigle was at great Christian workatZion Church,; Preston, Ontario, labt winter whete he .Winnipeg, when pastor there anii at his; was staying with daughter, the town if -eat interest in the foreigners gathered. clerk ,of ,Preaton. He was unwell and in service he could point t hi, and how after the Sunday evening feeble condition, not having' good use of —7o aisn of 110 77‘71 his IlMbs, •Blit how his spirit soared ,l Chinese who4 .received special education above the weekness of his body, and with And attention, It was with pride that he what "radiant charm and zest he con-. found after' an investigatiOxi was made, versed about past and present things of nvaryingv aality - 1 f0110W1ng a raiding by Police ot •bler's joint bY Which' 37 chirosmen had come tutder arrestthat not one 'single man of that number arrested Vali Mont the menabers of his Sunday evening class. . His work at Sackvilas Ladies' 'College'. was not a bed or roses, I know, that( from -what he told ine. But no more fatherly, kind, Christi= eoutisellor, With patience and tolerattce„and an ability to meet, problems and untangle „difficult saceins of life and conduct could liaire been -selected. to have. been the admin- istrative head of StIch•an institaien. He . , had both a head and a heart. The qua - Mies, hard and sett, he •applied to these pespective orgariS in an exquisite Sense. He told a story of two sereants there that-wereaguilty of a serious crbne while he was principal. He .was perplexed What ta do with. tlaen. He investigated their home life and training; he pointed out to !them _after this was _..done _the steadily increasing Influx of tourists from -all -pelts of the Dominion as well as the United States. Although it is probable that some centres derive more benefit than others, it is a; -certainty that 'Kin- cardine 'and, other resotts to the north Clinton News Record: Another pion - will find the improved highway a valu- I :' eer has pissed to his reward in. the .per- able asset in attracting tonrists- son of William Ford, whose . death took r place at the home of his son, Fred, on Tuesday 'morning. The deceased was born in USborne ami was, in his 73rd NEW MINISTER INDUCTED Huron Expositor: Rev. S. Moore Gor- don,' B.A., of Cookstown, with his wife and family arrived last week and at a year. His wife predeceased 'him by a largely attended service in the church on Friday evening was inducted into the ministry of Caven Presbyterian clrarch. Ree -W. A. Young, B.A., std., moderator of the Presbytery of Huron, preached a few, years. He lived in, Exeter for sev- eral, years later, moving to a farm in- Us- lsgrne and -vas in hig 73rd year. His wife predeceased him _by a. few years. He lived in Exeter for several years later, most inspiring sermon on the =Wed, molting t10 a_farm In.Usbortie,__retiring_a_._ The Adventure of -Faith.Tr The -rector few years. He lived in Exeter for sev- of Trivitt Memorial church and the min- isters of the two United churches to- gether with the minister of Thames Road United church, attended the ser- -vice: A reception -was held -afterwards in the Sunday school auditorium when Rev. • Mr. Yotuig and members of the session introduced_the congregation In- dividually to the hew Minister' and his wife. A special social 'gathering has 'been arranged or the evening ..of the 23rd inst.,„ in honor of Rev. Mr. Young, th-e- interim. (moderator, and as a recep- tien to Rev. and Mrs. Gorden, On .Sult- - 'day large eongregations greeted the new minister when he Preiehea inspfteand timely sermons appropriate to the new year. On Sunday evening he also spoke at -James street United 'church spe----- cial invitation after the service in -his own church, and on Monday evening oe- upleif. the pulpit: of A:that-Mem:trial- Anglican church,'on the occasion of the first of the union services Of the Week of Prayer.. In these first services in Eice-' ter_Revr, -Cordon- has_madeaa ,splene did impression and his, congregatiOn is being congratulated on his seleetion. HEALTH MEANS CHARM AND HAPPINESS anSrri !flag ezes veal: of 'Left' and vitality. Cleft. skin attracts.'rhe healthy activegirl bothhapprat Po Perhaps you are not really 111 y e t .w henthe' „ day's Work ii done you aretorktired to enter into the good times that other women For extra fuer try Lydia E. Pinkham'sVegjtable Compound. It tones.; up Tour general health. Goes you more pep -more - charm, , -Remember -thatz-98---41* tit-Tof--1:00 --women report benefit. I„er it help - you tOw. ° .• 7-7-• --NOTART PUBLIC. ETC. Nvliz., Balla . • , NESTAltr PUBLIC • Genera Coinfeyanoing done. CloodeCOmpaniee Represented. Phone 298, OoderichOnt. ' INSURANCE r NECICIUtOP .MtriVAL. Mal* =SUR.. ANCE 'COlitPANY VARA& AND ISOtATED TOWN PAO- , 'prittrzalsagotri, • Value of .i.O•opiity insured up to Jan - Om, 1910, $3,648,975.00. 0117XCESS--A; laroadfoot, President. I. .R. 3; Seafortb.; - Jas. Connolly, Vice- lPiesidette ifloderich; Menton Reid, Sec.- \ . Treas., kkatorth. . , " , InitE0):911,13.-4as. Shouldice, Walton; WM. Eno*, Constance; Robt. Perrit, Oar- lock' Jelni Pepper, "Brutefield• Cleo LeIn- „ hardto Breadhagen. ,, AO/MITI-W. J. Yee, It, R. go Clinton; Leltia. Watt, Blyth; Ed. Ifinehley, Sea - forth; John Murray, SettfOrth. - ' Policyholders can pity their alsets- metiomaceeein Cat's store; 00deri.e; h ; • Ile R6yal BankL Clinton, or J. a Reidet. tayneki. IRE iNgURANCE aVe it attendeft.te ..1;y the ST WAW.s.$011 10111A*, Ilnityt ° SlOtANCE .Established 187 ;MO Dinonno, oat * itoocrt Davidson, Dungannon, *est. dent: lernett Aektre, 1101,YroOd, %U- r:x*1460; .iti" additiott to the President and Vitt Priladent, t'he tolloWlrig are Atiburn1 1 Auburn; Vat Utquifian, Lc&now,W,. P. Rod; Ult. 2, Lutirrierwt tiodelith; Dan Mit. Vto,'1 It. No. 3, AiSer , I JOHN PINDER kUMAING, itiEA,TING SHEET II/TA!, WORK Phpne 127 •P. O. Box 131 , •I • • •••-* Wheeler FUNERAL nutscro* AND EMBALMER • ALSO AlattilL,ANCE SEIVVECE oongraqr, Oki/taw All calls promptly attended to day Or night. • Phones . Stosee 335, Ho* 355. - Br0.0liOsti. BE Goneittot.4 -xug.1„tertiNa V.ONERAI, DIRECTORS and ,EIVID4ALAI1RO • ALO AlplItANCE SialtVI,OZ AT A 110trAS wq 71 Ott DAV Potash is of special importance hi relation to the production of •starches and ,sugars - in sugar producing crops like p oes,‘ sugar beets and mangels. Mother Graves' Worm.- Voiterminator Will drive worms from the system with- out inen.y to tbk child, because its ac-• tion, 'while fully effective, .is n10. 4,4 Fre the Gardens Smart liea4 Otte upon * time the was a Wise bashand who beetirlstIsts wife such fine elein_athat Ithe wouldn't trust him to wash and dry the dishes. Douglas' Egyptian Liniment is unriv- aaled tor speedy relief -in muscular rheu- 'matisne lame back, inflammation, burns and felons. Dog distemper studies in Eng- land, Spread over ten years, cost ap- proximately 275,000 dollars. The sales of branded. beef in all 'Canada for the month of November amounted to 2,780,187 lbs. ' • sawilt!x • • " "And you don't know' anything *bent- - religion?" queried thse Missionary. "Well, aet got a, little taste of it when the last missionary. was bererepUed the cannibal chieftain. ' 4•408004144404•444.441•1414414/44444.444,44444444414,14 • Disposed Of , • "What was your plum crop like?" "Well, a heavy storm blew down 54 .per cent of it, and wead hardly gathered that when., another wind blew down the rest." "Bad luck! Could you do anything with them?" "Well; my Wife ate one and 7 ate the other." THE'...GOPERICR HEAT FOKS e ALL ABOARD • THE t The Sunshine Special, •our SUNSHINE SPECIAL. a "Crack" train, leaves these yards -every day for pointe south. And the Heat Folks who run the train, take all the responsibility for a pleas- ant journey. • you. have tor worree about is getting on board, ? I ' An orderkelbre eoal from the BeatVolks' ',yard pays all / your expenses and , puts you tut the Witt. Let's go'. WE NOW CARRY GENUINE SCOTCH ANTHRACITE - ., CALL THE P. vt • B.MU Jiipaorifi 98 , ODE1UCI1 anutunl Interest. His was a ripe soul. He was company for the. great and fam- ous, frequently they crossed his path. .But the lowliest souls -could approach • him; and they found in him a Christian father and rare counsellor, whose per- sonality was like a great shadow to thetri in a Weary land. 401111.1•••••••10•11.1010141.411.1••••••••••••••00:01.0461. ! „BALING SHEEP PELTS When sheep pelts halm to be shipped a long iiisiatice to market, they should be carefully spread •wool side down, PaY- irtg dose attention to see that all I wrin- out in the head, side and leg pieces. Salt kree" e'r" foTde are Xarettilly etraightenedi -about a pound ad a half to a pelt-, 1 should then be •evetily twinkled over the pelt, which is left spread out for a Ow days until the alit melts and soaks in, It can then behung out to dry. Drying may be hastened if the pelts are stretch- ed -by tacking to a wall or fete°. in a matter similar to She practice in hand- ling the lee1t9,. of .. fur-bectrIng, aniteals. When the eheep pelts are thototighly dry they may be shipped In safety. by plac- ing one on top or the Other, and bated in iOtsief iti to 25 wording to ere and Itnt seritetau"114.1ttliettitlig' M..mit,,, 4111.:.",---10,ttP6inirSttntL41.1:111: Taki OW 41N, o Stp_ Cold as You caught -it - 3 41) ittbrostis-sortctrustrand---- Aspirin Tiblets.Mir* la alas ot vatic dissolve 3 Aspirin Tablets Repeat treattlleat iss 2 in a halt glass or water hours. and gargle according to directiOns in box. Almost Instant Relief in This Way The simple method pictured above is the way doctors throughout the world now treat colds. It is recognized as the QUICK- EST, safest, sUreSt way to treat a cold. For it will check -an ordi. nary cold almost as fast as you - caught it. • Ask yoUrdoetor about -thiadwhcwyuy, see that you get As- pirin Tablets. Aspirin Doss Nal Harta:the Heart is the trademark of The Bayer Company, Limited, and the namee • Bayer in the form of a cross is on • each tablet. They. dissolve almost------.! instantly. And thus work almost . instantly when you take thou ,t And for a -gargle, Aspirin. Tabrera • dissolve so completely, they leave no irritating parti- cles. Get, a box of 12 tablets or bottle of 24 or drugstore. VIMMialmmilnlar DO NOT LET ONE OR TWO WEAK TUBES MAR YOUR ENJOYMENT of the Beatitiful Proararns Now on the Air • AIN1111111 ?ADULTS ARC • NADA IN CANADA Let Us Test Your Tubes FRE With the New i. ‘011; • Art "rit ice " ..,11 • Radio Tube Checker - TALBOT ,$E. CORNISH On the Square Phone 81 Eczema Broke Out On Her Face and Arms BURDOCK BL liLOOD DRIERS rot Y. 04.1.600114,0-644,00110041 WOW% Mks isrlary Ens, Have, Sask., , writes: -"My blood was in a terriblo condition and my face and arins. broke out with eczema. started using blood cleanser* `at various kinds, but -it was of no Seta ,Ckne cl,ay, 1 ,r,4,10 ab4Kt Auv 49* mood Bitters, but beinK stiti dis4 eouraged, bee:moo ill other methods had tailed, was loather akeptit4 about trying it, but Alter tiering token six bottles I Als satisfied iO3 tl!go?, 1,!ws kft (Not