The Goderich Star, 1934-01-18, Page 6Witttea or %tab
1.10.# 0401
, COniffainti: aa -"the.
*4t: .tilikti4,411,1 the
It hitetlicre la t.Ozling. '<if aler
' .41310°Itest. .peaffle•fel theY,',,Aavo' the .right
:toinpalacq,(01V5. peoganas,
Are, alt 'good, but do. you kw. of
Jony•.stallori• .broadeasting ' teal:Vult
414t. 43,11-s1017trF Pro4ram a 0004 muo,
'The prOpsta9 May net all be
but, a good many ot thc very tuoat pro.
040 to he heardAre ..broadeast by the
PrOgrants la_ 'steadily Merassing, -the
fah that the U. 43. ,ohalos take .soma
.their prOgrams and give in return the
!vary Cream Of tifeix''s is proof enough
that they are • goad. The .large ehairta
.are,not 'ploilanthreptits. Tates differ to
bskt *hat: one Per,c2 may think is 4
good program leaves another „ The
complaint •ot some is that there are not
•ienough dance programs or comedians.
Tbe oltArn.isSion is. giving us dance
31C maw and at to comedians if it*
lhaVe not, ,found 004 Canadian coated -
*ant they are wise to keep the mediocre'
;!0nes off the air, 'Weenie there is noth.t
ing worse thau poor comedY. Tastes
there differ too, -/ heard: a' ytiMian-
'the :other *day that the air was all data
-toed -afp-allth -comedittes,-.She-enjoyed
...Will *gore And Eddie Cantor occasion-
ally, but how ainymie could listen to The
Barfl-et E--ifYytine.- she could net un-
eterstand, . So there you :are, Then
hereat s
*Ch speaking people in Canada. that
• it. is only lair that they should have a
•'PrOloortion. "-Or-tlfeiirOgraras. 4n-Prench.-
• 'There are a surprising- number of etherS
*Ito are welcomitig the opportunity to
• .hear Ftertett and are listening 401 the
Aellnito object of 'learning to speak •lt.
/t Is unfortunate that iner3t ot. us are
nient With' ,one langtiage, The fee of
tavO dollars has been called exoebitant.
._*tithere...An_lite-World.Sanit,you get nob
'..ente.rtalioment as we tT�r..fhat, stein
'Slam ef money? Good programs cost
.ny ni tb2 *Oa
!On CI, P79'1'1.4' Al.. 1 heardsoufei)
Onot! !viOUch for #s correettieis tii
rdt0cointiOleti 'got 043T.49.*.et
,Tie rreoh. prograissa,,*
As the SPWIes 11 Yo4,-**
'got. or' do not want to follow them,. Q
cau always twiddle the dial. The Raino
adommtsalon Med %ore- publicity .#9,
..ofnctlines odtstanding • programs . are
broadcast and are missed becante of
4,044 otPnbilcity, It always „gives me 4
.brill when X Am teinded into one of the,
tarp 14, 8. stations and listening to love-
ly amide, then hear the announcer say
that it fe bane broadetat by the Cana -
Man Radii" Commission.
Eggs" Have Different lases
v3gan atieletne, have veriouS use
by are., Wect for fialor and for nutri.
mint: 'Then they are Utect7ats
enizig. 'agent tor thickening arta it IS
theSe to uses that We Will Speak about
todaY. Egg ,eelia are elestic end wifl.
etretch when they are beaten e.nd, will
hold stirn is tit)* enclosed air which
MOMS a inixtare Centaining a well -beat-
en egg tight ae if you want a light
*Mature as a cake, a souffle, a meringue
or a light pudding' "jest Your egguntil
it has Incorporated a quantity of air and
Is light1!yOu want to use your egg as
a. thiskerting agent as 1n custards, pud-
dings, or sauces, beat the egg only until
it is Mixed and will not form ltunps
en coelted.
A itken Walker, recently.
polnted General Preis& ht
Agent, Canadian Pacific Railway,
_AvItti headquarters .in Toronto, sue-
ceeding R. E. Larmour, who re-
tiree under the company's penoion
rules after 36 years of loyal and
efficient serylee., Mr, Walker,
Who lifte eteadilY *Worked hie way,
up .to his present position, has te
, 'wealth of experience in the ,com-
Panre 'freight servIce. Prior to
his recent promotion he was Gen-
eral Freight Agent for the com-
• pany hi Montreal. ,
Shoes wilt will last much longer If. proper
carp is taken of therm, very *Item. shoes
are -not. actually Lworn- out- -but,---are -so-
badly out .of shape that they no longer
look wearable.* Shoe trees will help to
remedy this. Te get full benefit from
the shoe trees,' they must -he put in
while the shoes are warm, So each
time yea take off gond shoes, pit' in shoe
trees and you will be sur.prised and Plea-
sed at the improved, shaPe of your
Shoes. Shoe trees coat -SO little-Ltlia -
is economy to buy them and it does not
C a d . •
Turned.' to :Bronchitis
• Miss Vera &Keefer, Waterton, Ont., writes: -11 -
red with a. verybad cold wineh turned to
bronchitis. „I tried eeve ereilt-Wods-of-rnemcinei
but none Seemed to helpme until I took Dr. Wood's "
Norway Pine Syrup,' After taking six or seven doses
I found the phlegm was brought Up Witinnit, any
Ixard coughing, and atter taking two and a half betties
m cold was. gone, and the bronchitis eomplet,ely
reievcd." .
350 a bottle& large family sise, 6.5e, at all
drug and general ator;q, put up only by
burn (O.. 'bolted, Totofito, Ont.
take a minute to put them in your shoes.
Chocol,i,te Scuffle
3 tablespoons cocoa, 2 tablespoons
emick,taltioea, 1 7(aila milk 1.3 cup
°vet heat Until mixed, add tapioca and
took in double beillif for -15 , minutes.
Add _buttetand sugaEit4 egg „nits_
until thick and Ilemon-colored and stir
in tapioca mixture slowly. Cool. Vold
In stilllY beaten egg whitet.' Pour into a
,baking dish and 'bake in, a . moderate
oven of 35a -degrees for 50 to 60 minutes
or until the 'suffie is firm.
• Corn and 'Ithiney-Beans
Ix one can of corn and one
. kidney beans, add 1 chopped green pep-
per if availablet 17,3 teaspoori salt and 1
beaten egg Put -.4no_.b Ing dish,
sprinkle with -3 tablespoons grated -cheese
and a _Iayer fif dried crumbs. Bake in a
moderate oven of 3!75 degrees for 30 min-
utes. , ' •
Botanists -and -other scientific
iiiikealr. 61.
ake* Sirong
rtitell .0
Mo*s W,`Wilsout If;ee-President, and 'Oeneral *nagerio Re'44eva
SItong Statement. s
• ,..
The, annual, meeting of the sharehold-
ers of . the ItOY14J.Bank, of Canada marked
the close ot moat ,sticeigdul
Sir lIerbert Hat, Treswerst, lo,hts, ad -
dreg atruek an OPthnistio, note When be
Stated thatThe •ConaidereCtititt--0
was now definitely on .the Upgrade. Its
Progress, however, was b0.rig retarded by
too heavy taxation and the coat or main-
taining so 'Many tlovernMenta in the
country was rapidly beeoming unbear-
Morris W. liVilsori, Vice -President and
General Manager, in his address review-
ect the ontatanding features of the streing
statement of the Ttlint. The feature of
para,Mourtt ilnPOdan4e in connedion
with the possible formation of a" Central
Bank; added: Mr. Wilson, would be the
(May of ite management. *
. workera assodated with atricid.
cultural advancement are now -bit-
ter organiked than in the past for
combatting the ever-present menace
of weed' invosion. - With the inereas.
in g vigilance, the occurrence of
sonte , 'hitherto unfamiliar species
has little chance of remaining -un-
reteded tor airiar, length of time.
year and, savings deposits 'were higher b
$000,000. ' • „
. dison,S4_ ing the, propeseeto central ,
,bank be reCalled the hope which he ex-
pressed at the last Annual ,Meeting tbat
--the.7.41Overnint -,-wouldriee,j1t,..10,. _hay.
, the project exainizied by a hotly '01- ex-
perte and said: "The 1074 Commission'
on Bindeing and Currency '.Which, was
'ermatituteel', last summer coutd not, .hove
been, better chosen. ruder ,tnr •
menship'of Lord Ik/faandibin their 4,4
thig$ in all parts of the edtintry were not-
able for the freedom with which all 00s-
eible evidence Was received and for 'the
patience and twit displayed in 'dealing
With the material submitted. While I do
not gree with the Report in its 'entire*
I believe' that a properly,' constituted Cen-
tral. Sank can be developed as a useful
adjunct to our banking '. System"'
!resident's, Address
sir Iferbert SHolt, Presidentin mov-,
mg the adoption of the Directors' Report,
Said in Part: '
. ,
The 64th Annual Repert, and paaance,
Sheet submitted to you today:disclose the
'strong !position bank. White
Balance fi1lieet 'figures are somewhat
smaller thaiithase of a yearLago,:laitare.
fleets a 101ing off in -international de-,
posits-ratherthan, contraction of Cana;
ure-is-arelricreaee In Canadiairbeirifeait
and . Savings deposits during ' the year.
The liquid position Is. endnently. eatis-
-factory, As you. would expect, the Te.-
strieted demand, for commercial loans.,
and the resultant inCrease in our hold-
ings of less remunerative aesets in the
fqrn o Dorainionaand Provincial pov-
ernMent securities, has combined with
other factors to reduce profits. In .Apill
last; the dividend was reduietafrom710
per -centto a per cent„ and: the last
' arterl diVidends have been paid
at that ;rate. The improvement which
has taken place in 'business during the
last six months, has alr4ady had a bene-
:II:CIO-effect. on earnings.
Referring to the 'Situation bi Canada,'
-.president_ am glad to saY-
that since we last met there haebeen a
distinet innOrovement in Canadian basi-
ness. have ;,had Um' oPPortuniiy. Of
seeing this country recover tron“lipres-
,sions o asIou.a ocCasions during the last
fifty years and-resertt-mOv' ements
pears to be taking playa along` the 'ac-
enstomed lines. As. soon as ,world trade
commences. -to revivethere is arilraprov.
ed demand for Canadian raw materials.-
, Canadian eiports ,inerease etibstantiany
rurplus inventories disappear and greater
• activity in the:Print:IP-at exPOrting'
trles proVides _additiOnat einpleyfrient
:with a consequent improvernent in lour-
ehashig power and domestic trade. This
has been the sequence of events in Can-
ada during the last sI a months."
Note Issue
Mr. Wilson 'eapressed the 'strong opin-
ion that the recommendations in the Re-..
'Pert with respect. to the 'gradual -with-
drawal of the nle.issuing privileges of
the Chartered tanks, did not 'appear to
be hi the pubic interest. Retention of
these. privileges 'would' not hamper .the
-central panic in ita _efforts_ _te control
- 'Credit. 'In this: connection lie tiP4,:ttett an
editorial vrhielLaPPeared-ln--W1-,_
Bailc *odd be itetbaleiSt eaken-
by allowing the Chartered' Banks to
retain thetr present issues Under the pre-
sent restrictions. Mr, Wilson. went on
to Sir,' 41 think, therefore.- that we
shatild vievt,the elimination of bank note
issues not as a- step -which must inevit-
abiy accoMpany VIP rroatiha of A central
bank but as a separate matter 'entirely.
The real question is Whether the f".11)V-
eminent desire to heare banking Service
'Maintained at --,-Many email Points
;throughout the country or -to -appropri-
ate the revenue .of note issue for thein -
selves, 1 believe that the gain to the
Government would .not Offset, the. -.loss ta
thrbuirh 'curtaihnent of bank-
ing' facilities. Unquestionablythere are
many, -places Which cOuld nceronf;er sup-
= a ranch bank --if note
vflees were to he withdrawn. . The op-
eratioli of a, number of small branches
at a, bare margin_of_Profit_is,-characteris-
tic of, banking in this eotmtry. We, traye
a system which in many of its agpects is
native., to the Dominion and prudence-
mould Dromot us to be very caution's in
advocating fundamental changes."
in conclusion Mr WlIson sald At
_oar last_ Annual,Meetint I _ventured to
suggest that the prospect of further im-
provement in the Opining year was very
onfell.Mere:honeful thati it ',vat,. the -two.,
viou.s year. That prediction has 'been
borne out by subsemient develoPments.
owe 4it Wit
but Abe firm founciation ,Of
TArco-P-Quality_noirthogei-Whether IT -77
,price_s, are up or -dowit, A & Quality
tritmahcirlitgh „oit Any prlce
And of celtirse7-A P Prlorso
rTfirtca-diantik paisa3tWjavingsaidtcg
blittk Corot
ekes advantage of
t.:ot Tins
lio1/4 on,
33 6s. .
The. rtesAir to.sideji
eiad Wilsey .
orwt Beier. low 1:yes
Dealing with the situation of the Gov-
ernment railways, Sir'Rerhert expressed
the opinion that the time for half 'Mee-
sure.s---had- passed arieithat 'bold and
courageous action was requir . e e
„ that tile views aFpres,sed at the lait-An--:
mud Meeting that enforced co-operation
between_ the,..two railway. „systems would
not be a sathdaotory remedylutd teen
confirmed hy the eXperiente of. the past 1)mird6n rithcrirParthtertt ExPerl- -
. ear antrirztilror-the- ortiniott-tit-7 -ments-in Crs_a_*sirg Seagclug Atlantic
rnaxifnum-of coon ,oraY, ean- only. be ob. rch With Landlotked Variety.
ned-hr-tome lorne-of-administrative Rates -of -We --Goderk-h- Star
. • .
• •
Oth, 1934
and you've sotto have it P.D.O.
Tin them telephone
a a a. Long Distance call
gets quick action.
• la, any kind of fix, Long Distance is
quickest, easiest way to send message -and
get a reply. You can talk 100 miles or so for
as little mi 30 cents. Look in the front of your
directory and see the different low rates.
where Land -lacked salmon were already
established. All of the fingerlings were
marked prior to.., liberation E41 that as
they matureil_they_couldis
ed from the prigival population of . the
lake. Those' born of one cross were
marked by the -removal of the small fin
on- the tack, near the tail, -and in -the
eaie a those frozn the other,. cros's this
adipose ifin and the left front tin (Pec-
toral) were both taken off. Tlius, when
any of the fislfare recaptured, it be
'Possible tcv -tell Whiell„. cross -they -have
come from and to form' an ,intelligent
- -to hether Landlockedfere-
*Brown trout ana Atlantic salmon, has
as its purpose the improvement of ang.
ling resources, rather than a commercial
bject.- Most -of the_work_of brana.,
however, is concerned with the .mainten-
once and upbuilding --of commercial
stocks of fish. Sport fishing matters
take secondary place.
opinion as w
ales and Atlantic males or Atlantic fem-
ales and Landlocked males produce the
better, type.. of lish.
Whehter or_not the new fish. win be
seagcers, .if given the chance to enter
the „ocean, is not 'yet. known, but it
thought nnlikely, and the crossing ex -
For the iiist,time in years an attitude of the Fish 'Culture Branch. , in crossing
aulet but confident 'oPtinfism fs ,lp., evi7
. perlinent, like, etilere: 'Previous sr made by--
.., '
blenis_still have to be solved butj have-PC=1:1===livM.Z50141u---- -2VZ.C--IN:=C=CMC---7
full confiderree in the apility of Canada • ....---......----,......4.4.,
to share in the Continued improvement
in economic eonditions which' 1 belieVe
lies ahead ot. us."
re quickly
ant Bu
:-The President made a strong demand
and pehited out that-the-c-ott,
„er#1= 0:ov1nt1al and Municipal, was be.
.emning unbearable...dile said; tiareater
,activity in business wilt reduce *finent.
ployinent, prodttee InereaSed_ revenues,
andae'reduction..ti dielAreements for
Daigle relief. :Adyantitge should be taken
of these develeranents 10 reduce debts
rather than Aticrease expenditures." .
itor* In.Other Countries
in referring to conditions In other
eotintriea he_eXpresatd, the view that the
IOW. point in the depieSalen for inost 01
the World, was reached in the Uttar part
of 1432, and Since that time 'there has ir as 'icissible the tharacterztica of any
been ** tento4' incrust -1u. Ixtturatt°1141- 01 thege lsh%tich theY May happere to
trade. Referenee to 'the , United Stites land ot their observatigng will enable ,
was made as followat-7"wbue bUS,
iCoMparison to be, made between Hie new
n, "he reat
ted istateg ebirM'ieliced to int-
proV " abet the nilddle of 1932 it later comel,,"atiosi tsrodabni:: oliowt-theiti:'oodarent st:eek4*
auffered ,relapse due to*. nor 'llaniting
difteldties'Snd thehesitation and. uncer- The -Landlocked salmon, known scien-
mintalnistyto7thior. recede It.,%..01124‘iisogfrh*'t *ict • tifically as Saint° .9aliat •-abilfe,
Is reafly
Thaterh‘i orego:inte ""'"" ctu-", strairt of the true Atlantic ssitno,tt or
diffieult to *May* the tiled* 'of their
Polities AlldjaPOsaiblie to 'Prophesy' the t lurtmellt, has .been ',doing; through its.
DON:ate. tentrati idea that art, in- Fish Culture 4130,rich,.in the 'present e*
treate the lafite must he ;obtain- Paiment is to mix the two strains. hi
d. b 'Stand ebtoreton, iseri5e and is xioliV, th.keaine way that horse kart cattle rai47
.gentraltsP geeepted well, though eri, • for example. endeavor to improve
4114 the Wer14%*.. .At our .Aramitivieethuv---3 their stock. by introdueida now 'blood,
et the last three Year* we
seagoing Atlantic salmon, the Ddrainioit -
Deportment of Fisheries 18 testing out
ed strain of the Landlocked ,flsh throagh
at are often employee." in the ease of lilt
'rile experiment is, being made in New
tatlinswiela and as senae Ofthe progeny
.of the Waste's are noW it , -
stage the next year or so should gile
some idea, „whether the new "species. is
superior er interior to the Atlantie and
tandlockid fish in gameness and quality
'Of flesh. '„ Anglers . lisithtg 15 chamcook
..Lake, where the hybrids .have been set
free, are being asked to 'observe as Clesel .
ve You money. The
TOR,ONTO_DAILY STAR and The go4ericrli Star- • - •
- --THE MAIL-and-EMPIRE4uul The Goderich Star. . 6.00-
THE LONDON ADVERTISER and The Goderic4 Star- 6.00
THE 1FREE PRESS and The Goderich Star 6.00 rt
Godench-Star - . . .. -2.50
. •
AMERICAN MAGAZINE and The Goderich Star 4.00
CANADIAN GEOGRAPHICAL and The Godirich Star. ; 4.50
CANADIAN HOME JOURNAL and The Goderich Star. . 2.50 ,
GLC)BE and .119::•09derlill 'Star -
has been m‘de* it is;-eal salar, and wh&, the„ ristieriit De -
lit" exPlu''.' 'rim ditterent trOtte$e have been ittade,
ritett and te-enn)luOted the netessity. tor xh, the elle tase ..eggs, tram tahdieeke4
.11 Ittgher-Ptite' 1671' L' :,:r see 114)teas.°11 wbilt f t h be I ' Wised with rant
OWL es 4Ve en et
It Cannot be ach evea 14 due tOtarte.,"
ta tieei" sir iterbtrt, Holt sot: . 4 tilit litt4 male Atlattle'tisli, and in the tress
tele lot iketntail. ateittlite / eteastoett the, Landlocked males and Atiantie females
teeth* that indleattons pointed to the, were used the, eggs. were batebe4 Ont.
1111:33tial,tirittitts' ayeear Sitt"1,4tIMPOeilibtila 1ti):11; Conine ainndtli;h4:ret:Ilteintitg*syllftoungteht7Ishat :et ir eJohn t
1 step farther suct td **tante the OPthion free, m fittgerfttta. In oitrAco�k. to*.
that we are tow, defirdtely *on the upgr*.
de. If 'We deal IntelligentlY with The. .......„,.....7,i
nzatA problems tbittotatont, u* we ofil
pet Within arteasufrable time a tettnn,
t genera; prooe,iity...
. doom litiosateet Milittri
M:0W. WOO*. Viitit4reaident. and
11,14****r. in retetrboat to the
the ,hank pOtuted out,
iotitiliki ,41.0.411,00, and
SA% c/f Ottale
$*-014 4. tis
CANAliIAN:HORTICULTURIST and. The • GoderiCli Star. $2.10
CANADIAN IVIAGAZINE and The Goderich Star 225500
.,TCOlif;Litit,}1A,TEtAls vvEFIE YinsiiiitaTtniere GeoiliziechhStarSta.r.. . 4360g,
'COSMOPOLITAN and The tciderieh. Star. .
COUNTRY GENTLEMAN and The Goderich Star 2 50
THE DELINEATOR and The Goderich Star •
THE'ETIJDE and The Goderich Star -
GOOD nousticoutiNctioni The Goderich Star 4410
LAD1.ES' HOME JOURNAL aria The Goderieh Star. . . 3.00 •
,SaeLriAiviccAStar. 351)
:s yTheanTi_tmo_deti:Gtodeti
MAGAZINE and , Thi i..e..;.;ienclik Star. tO
The Oederieh, - po
NATioNAL HOME MONTH', _coderich 250
• NATIONAL -GEOGPAPHIC and Th Gstar 2.60
OPINJTARORILEARAREYIERE*"*1114[TlieThiGad.4°0dorth' : . 2.50
POPULAR MECHANICS and The Coderieh Star . 4.00
popvw SCIENCE and The God,erich Star 3,00
RED BOOK siatiavEN'TheleGG9464eposerlianaSts7,r,tive..,... '4350
Goder,ch tar." 6000 Art
;RvSSCRII8icb tar 250
WORLD wipe Tht Goderkh sok. - 00
der No