The Goderich Star, 1934-01-18, Page 5kt,r, ,S**tir,144.00.410$'
^0, tom 44)14'4 4"f 0.1 „ 44'1 , •
St441,1,4' i7•4141
$0044,64)1% for Seal
The ,gbOtilich • 0490 '104, their ,flrst
'tipsine',Intout ist4rt*,10# FrldMy ovitzur.
JarniarY /2t1i, when Seaforth Beavers
beld tbe.tik to sifh eenet betorea large
eitted in the West St. arena.
A week.lityl‘usIy: the local's triMined
.the 1Beavers to the tune « # to -3 hi Geste
. letersaedlete Group 'StOding
XOrtie, but on 1rIday,Inglit "Lady Luck
IteAft% '
• • t
XttiliOr COOtre.
4100ter "eutt cfA
SOS 44*
. , to and Remedies
ALL pia ApyraTuaro Romp* ,Atti, t
AltElr$4011 iti .iii0eVOia c,, ..y, ..... 44. lesuir$11.00
10- i 0 1 61 I.,* * 1 4 4 ,4 4,
ITOSE.AR PENUrPTUS. -, , ...„, 4.* "V .. # A
GAWAGIIPAM 001.1Gli .:ebtVit
0,401024 OrePWrit4.0*,_. •
Cal), BREAK 13.''
L'.8411.41):t44 ' A
1$110X1A111, t
afortle•-•., .Gotd, R. f3todt; detens�, 0.
Itennie. V. Trott' •Wings. A. )lita
0. auamtb. 0,oft1t1, o,..sratingbzut
Reeret-Bore orfo1k,*Stratfo
• noW IT )p#2.210911:0,,
4114 Woods blitInes the loSa of *rider*
fatale ,on Skil) MacDonald's sweater;,•He
014tits. that ttkiliPer Started Off with the
"7" on his sWeate.r stt the Writ and then
reversed It. But ',Skip" bellevea "that
whole flock of Sevens wouldn't have
‘1.011)0..4-ia&Y, 1.14 ret0Wilvhether theY were
on the front or lisle,
SIM: 4 4
Buildup: your eyeteru *kir Wimpoie's.
Watorhu' Coil-I.IVet'01.1 tea
Park .Davie,And Mead's
„- et
• $104terten.
Re W.' . rsittOn.
R. No, Oederich.' Ont.
.Piktte4,4044-,41, rstorce
uld 0 0000. hoer 1
ii1114-A 'co? Itn4...t
01 thfillti,;04109114
X ,iliat• reee/Vid. lk'letter frOht Dere)*
on the la#mill,regerding tha other ltiatk,
one He said had been *044 to write till
he had received the -clothing from ,10
Oaar and he had looked At the labels :Ye*
caretnnY but found nothing in it 'mark.
o eheeld hove Sent it 6 US but 1 WAY
naa writ ed for 'wool', 110 hilVe 00410
Give• %imp here, Whieh he gave So - also
4`Un pnctf-lvished Penni$11194 to use the One already
o said, "i am .ijiap, 'to, hear good 'aecounts
- • of the car which came to, leoktert0A."i
FOrt$ **41,49111 .1W07 .*!"1 vvAtti *poled; 'tlitit 'sack 'edstitained un -
„ in Local UAW) derWeArie very 01•1441 It • W004 and it is
.Ross surely a blessing to some troubled , With
rheumatieln Or in smile sitisy not strong,
ENouGH, who require wool nest the body. The
SAYS THREE clothing orders frOM the GoVetnnlent
• were 'Such -a diSappointment did
Jane, who has headed the Code., net know how they ould get along on
rich Branch NO. 109, tangatit Legion.. $9.00 an adult and then to be out to $5
for the 13104 three Alms, annOlinn at or less was 'a blow sure ellOgull. New
the braneh Maker On 'ItIondayi iLta: this other sack comes along and fills in
oandidate for re-election.
the Club Ram= that he would not. I some Places left' pretty short by the
* other things, and the people are sure so
Election or °facers for the coming year glad to get the warm underwear,
bet held early:in Pebruarr and Pres.
I that at lad. the
,3`ane urged that all I
things frora theearhave been dlstrlbut-
oely for the election but to prepare
! ed. They had to bring pails, sacks, jars,
resolutions for ,presentation. to the com-
etc., to get their portion of the- rice,
Ing Donsiniort covention in Ottawa and
beans, apple butter; -buckwheat, honey,
to decide as to via is to be. done regard -
ate., and it deemed: " dritTraTong for
Ing sending it brawl]. delegeee.
---40417;grpi•44:;W:ritiy9r4,,,#) uitereae."7.1,)-tic!#t-iFYii-ea w
Have you folks been wondering why
apples were sent to Haslet from the
Fostertam_ car? was because the peo-
ple around eere.had all been served with
all they thought they could use before
they would spoil.- They did not want to
take more than they thought they eould
save. Alt thesealersin this district are
full of good thinge to be Used later,
They have been making apples into, all
- sorts of things, _ --jam Jelly rese
ting 'PR
„Anet .Ave.
and r thwenated Seaforth team MAW
1.4 Ptts;
4ni,.....„. ... ....4 3 1
t0 'tater the OM, visitors had !Our
/junior 'playerk in their •lisiel•uP. o in..Ie, 11 .„......„ . .. - 2 2
St44%. 431; 4upluouta anigl
tdunibuit. oeaforth, ;—.3 • 1 2
mitobeu3, 0 ., 2 1
aftvr -HarnbUrg 2' 1 .eett.
0 0-4
.0 —2
Re• iramped Sailors
'Mit New Hamintrg
,t Pato% ,14;de," 17-rear-eld,
tq.ed'Y,o.'be ieroation of 4he. fatale'
nonchalantly turned a,side, au
shots ,directed at him. Rennie anti • ,
Auekman," nOt.4401, the goals and theYF
MariEx-Prafessionisli Were Not . Good
Marine Drop One
Nth had numerous othe•r chances but • 'EnOtigh for Goelerich FAL -Cliatton
the ,loCal goalie, H. Doak, was 'on
game too and emUgoessed them. Mae • a Local Juniors' Give as Good
Sailors Were playing 'hard all the may . A They cat But Lase ,2•0 °
but thee didh't get the "breaks.'" 'rime
after time either one or the other ti,f, the, By p. M.
iorward ihies Wzotila here in 011137 tO have ' tJa•
On Tuesday nigh, nuary 1th
e, in
the ahot sPelleli. She _anat. • '
. Seaforth gained-the-Ritrailf, in the /11.e bere
first ,game when 0.1 nennte,_ Goderich Sailors blanked New- Hamburg
fen,se, scored . after A. lone 'meth at Ex Pros 2 :to 0.• The victors were a
scramble In 'front 'of the net with 'Doak totally different teamfrom the onethat
dOWflOflth0tceAlpWnihiutes later lost to Seaforth the previous Friday.
Buckman.;,seorid_ca. pass Iron Bart
w• •
.the -heat ,and got in close -but .Stdde was,
:"Ixon•--rnan. Murney 'created his . placeon the second line. •George
thrdligh =Ione rushes but he -elicha't-get Allison . dropped back to the alternate
The -breaks -either.
" .
This may have been due to a ehange to
at Clinton on21V(onday 'night Jew 15th;
the Cioderich Marines eame out on, the
shed end. ot •a 210 0 score. The ice was and it was a rang -a -tang' battle rail
the way.
The locals -though • outskisted an
with-a stiffknee- and -1.. ,itobireson took .
• _line and W MacDonald teamed -up With
fri the -Second- period Goiterich had the
D• NIEteKaY said R, Stoddart. J. Wood
edge. ,-,•the .ss-sk, being o down ' the
Played regular defense. 'The. lines :bal.
—13tater 'territory most of the time. The
alternate line of W. Robinson, Snazel
and "MacDonald, worked into scoring
positions • on numerous „ occahions but
• Stode mantra be out•suessed. E. Rob-
inson And J'azik 'Wood--itiekehaociled-their
way through the oppotition on lone
iushei but their shots were •alWays stop-
. , •,Ertaael.Thert
• In theeilnal-period Seaforth, contented
with their two -goal lied, reverted to de-
feneive tactics'and-hoisted the puck down at every opportunity. The Sall.'
ors ;Wed four Men up but luck was
-still against them. Gtode handled six
-boarding.-- Ali -Aping,- everywthing went,' reduction of -pentions unless could be
thir .
s‘y Clintonites; BOdying, cbarging,..) ion Command' in its stand to prevent the
and both' teams took it and handed It shown that allclasses of the nation were
out without res'ortlpg_to fiats. - - :ta accept equal sacrifices.
Combe scored for Clinton in the first Geo. :Schaefer; as chairman of the
few minutes. of tie -gamer batting 10 evening's, festivities, - took occasion to
thank- President Jane Tor the able' and
-Vnselfidn Ieadership which he had given
the branch during his pod of oftice.
The 'hearty' good -will'. with. „which the
sauce, butter, drying them, cooking with
Or thanks leaves It not impossible that
the President will Mid considerable op -
eery little water arid sealing it bot with -
ration to his stepping down. '
out sugar to save the apples when they
evening opened With cards. Both had -no sugar, until- the goVerriment re-
anced perfectly and plays clicked con. rebound after H. StoddNt had blocked a,
sistentiy. The local defense of Wood ''shot -by L. ;Brown, right wing. Htilmes-
and Murney was as tight as the pro- PlaYs With •tbe Minton Intermediates
verbial drum. H. Doak, local 'goalie, was and was one of the bad men Of the game.
right on and saved Miraculously TAG tioderichl-forwards-of-Asoth lines
• throughout the gime. 7 T iking bard but their passes just
Wouldn't' cliCle.
Ex -Pro. play Wen In the second Pella Cook tickled
W. Roth andHerb /Israel, reinstated tie-twine-lor-the-Second cotmteis-ot the
._Prefesetertel.s pIayIngdrfense and ling game -with-a-lard shot from the Gode•
respectively, Performed brilliantly._ •_New . rich blue line. Both teams started to
-HamburgsPeeializinir*Tforwardimuze. rough ft srp and the referee Was set down
between the blue lines, was dangerous on very neatly if Unintentionally by Arnold
the attack but the Sailors were Checking Doak., • • . • IL
hard. • • - the Tina frame the Blue and-Gol
The first two- -periods-were- scoreless: 'Nreht out to score, hut even with all their
that to
Time and again either of the 'local- for- speed and hard' cheeking • they lacked
weryone :Doeit's "in the last
fraine/t anbe said that the locals -
ward lines worked in ,close but'falled ,to that final fnmeh to avert a shut -out. H.
weren'ttryingBob Stisigel suffered a ..7 - ant
beat the New Ilaraburg goalie. Murney Stoddart handled/our difteult shcits-fro-M
, ,
freak injury when a nerve in
and Woods made numerous rushes .the close -in in the last period. Both Sides
• • his ee
was strck,
, tempararlw varioying ills whole length of . the ice but 'Itotittand' mIssed 4soirie glotions chances; Missing
was lielned off the ice but Binieman on :defenie were hard 'td tlie''open ,dubbinetheit'Slieti.
•;'Was able toTh
walkby thendof the e -Robinson brothers-, combined .on fast Altbotigh they miasect accaing th'e•
' e '
Marines weren't oniplayed by any meana.
Time and again the forward lines Would
bore in, only. to be dopped or . to see
passes go Wild. The defensemen made
us rushes Nit falled:to score
_Totals had 'twO
new ,players in the -lineIleisils, beth of whom are ex -service men
lights went out and A ihre-1111Tillte delay -
game. 3at :wood took his place at left -rushes but were stopped arid a powerful
wing. Stade blocited shot after shot offensive was launched by New Ham-
• from all angles in the .last ten minutes burg in return. The locals played their
of the gameIn one scramble,dovm
positions and broke up all their rushes.
-Lhic handsand-kneesf_minus his stick,.
turned iside three shots in quick suc-
cesilini. -Sea:forth, players devoted the
• final *minutes cif the game to a driving
contest, vieing with each other for dig',
ztance.--4-That-progolfery Walter -Hagen:
would have been ashamed of himself if
• lie'd been stacked up against the Beav-
ers- ire those 'last mai:netts; -
S •
In the first period one section of the _ _
.up,. Bill -Rabinton of the Interrnediates, and Legion members. Both' responded
was -necessary to replace a burnt-out and Art Dowker, .alternate defenseman.1 to the welcome with brief addresses and
fuse. Bingeman and Bciurnian broke Firs. t Period -Goals, • J. Combe, L. the party wound up at an early hour
through but the'_local_cleferise_SIOWe Brown. Penalties, S. Cook, W. lyest,-
r ,
then down._ Then the Sailors drove roo C. Belmes.
koo and euehre...were ernalred Itmch. lief checks came. They assured me that
• Geo. Ross inabitainW an _unbroken those .apples were ee good and Sweet they
•cord Of wins when he • captured the prize tasted good without any sugar. Those
for the. former game. apples were a God's bleising to the pe.
• ,After .a, splendid repast beo. Schaefer ple in the country around Fosterton. So
took over the post of 'master of cere-
monies and a pleasant. hour of songs, in-
• strumental numbers and storierecalled
the old days. Of France and Belgium.
.2"he..yOunger generatien was Well re-
presented by E. Fisher aid G. White and
' the Pennington- 'boys/ 'Ronald Aid,
Kenneth. • These capable,. artists gave.
Several selections and songa to the ,evi- of •apples unheard Of. -They thought
dent enjoyment of all and assisted :by W. they surely had more than their share
Grinrod and Jim Melville of the branch. and did not come for more on Saturday
pleasant feature of the evening was so towards evening the committee sent
the welcome- iextended to ' Comrades word 6 towns a little further away to
ineand-Robertsi- the--neounty of: -come- and_get.---the - rerealnder-ot_thu
• If you people who worked so bard to
get that carload of good things gathered
towther -could have seen how the people
withthejsjial-singing -431 the Nati°ftailloolleinmrealidunit-"Pecy, enjoyedthem,th
Authem., / you
would have felt that it was worth while.
kf you could have been at this -end for
-the distribution- and beard- the remarks
'passed, am sure you would have enjoy-
-ed-theni, -Men and-wonierr were start&
frig around and you would have heard
hem -•trying to ggee out n' way to re,•
turn this kindness, but they always seem-
--run-upagaistone wall --,of-
• sonie kind.- They admired the way ..the
, •
tY P 8 WILL N . IN 1934
Ittoul the interest:tot mild(' on this BubSoet, V. Ifrori it tun
ET 4010 of "Tile banner'?" hliostrr "CiknaAlian Countryman,
January 4th "Fait -met
• 'Semi NOW VRKE booklet. -'The *Highway to ,Poultry $uevesa in
Virat 'hatehes altatlY oft; *tolling regularly from now on.
breeds. GovOnment Approred;• ••
All Or 404, hateherieE be ezien for • hheitteal..":4rillary
alOth to '410,, they-will!boolt' order*. shitscl"..sit litke$, quo
"Early. Order" price Wats e hrmtvy, tole*. MaY,'
advanees, for the 'whole .season. r. in 40111,14.0 and gatV6 mi
.4 -St; * 01:16iK
:Or *44 .0100 at
tet To et the 'EV booklet" Just tear out 018,44, ant,mail it to
our head Ortleo" with youx 'name Abd. addINS0.011 the xnargin
oar wee 10004, the vao taken that noth..
Mg be damaked, EWA° ASS* Wasted.
TheY triedt0 the epeueration-an,
'organization that mot have been and
they speculated. as 'to what kind of job
we woad' Make of a similar venture.
They 'veived it they ever gild anything
Win They *raid *Ink ot. the other fel.,
low and I arn sure =u voila be *iv
. you knew etkich aermen you ever
preached had etcoMplished as, much
Pod as / know you.liVed into the sermon
that ear preached (if Yen can ,rigUre oUt
that kind of nibuip, In language) aui.
trying to tell ' you that car preached an
eloquent semen. that will never be for-
gotten ,arOund Fosterton• azd, for many
,miles around and beyond.. 1 wish Z could
thank you both for 111 you have demi
for Us out here. I know you: are getting
many letters !rani the people here and
others would like to write eon but do not
feel confidence in their ability to do it
in English. Is there any one there •who
• could 'interpret •Nerwegian? Most of the
families bete are Scandinavian.
kindness and please thank whoever -don-
ated those things. That snow apple
for ofistaxma iostteities,
tullY, we will understand a lit
Si'viour, And how bawl, he li'lleede4 10
the world • today. We 'all. pray
richest blessing en, Year home and *It
the bellies that have lielPe4 to Make our
hordes happier.
k 'wishing you all a gerry Christmas
and a Ilamy New Year, I alaf •
Sincerely yours,
1 Town, Topics
The • Women's 'Missionary Society of
Victoria St. United thurch held its
January meeting at the parsonage - err es,e‘e
Monday afternobn, the OM inst„'at 2.30'
o'clock with 34 ladies present. WS. ••
H. Phillips was in charge of the Meet-
ing and introduced 3 X.1):90 Intereeting
Program APPMPriete to the NM Year Os
Ii4,iritTiTrafiliElelszZir,'Titilin as read
by mra. L, Westbrook'. Prayer was offer -
preserves was wonderful and a great
ed by Mrs. A. Allin. The -president, Mrs.
Many people .had some. Arse the -cheese
B-. Wileon, took -charge of- tile buiiness
-everyone who tastes it thinks it so
period, after which she read the rais-
good. I am givingas many as pessible sionary creed; reading, "my Ship," Mrs
k little taste .
^ '
Pcstlethwaite: piano solo. Mrs. H, San-
. looked -
found none on the fruit Please -for names but
derroo; reading, "I Had a bream," Mrs.
the kind donors and tell them I enjoy '"-een; solo, "My •Task," Mr.- Craik
and appreciate it all, and will give .a ;
reading, "New Year's Resolutions," .4ers
taste to asmany as possible. I enjoy ;
C.' Young; devotional leaflet, "Jesus ot,
00 g -at- the- little---larui
s of frt- th-ey-:P4Pkr-c41,trar----CkergoAbieehler-;--readwr- -
are so perfect, Please thank everyone in, Four Parables; The Clarden; The
for their kindness. Who donated the Forest; The Home, and the Church,"
. . - .1
pastry noi4r, salt. apple butter -,etc? MrsRII, MewThe Pastor rave
short but
was dumb ennot to•mention' 'the
brought to a close with prayer by
men and women down In Huron who
1 car in my letter to Becca but maybe she :ft"! 1934. After singing hymn, "mut •
,would up- for me-, . at Our Fathers," the meeting -
, .,
I have thought that if the folks; both Cratk. The tea _hostesses- " were. ),Its
in connection4t
Sonley presiding,. assiited lierA .M.avr.c -
_planned and_ worked - 9h
Mene•bad never seen, sucen-iib-, unthrice
of apples. In good times the most Of
the families would have a box of apples
for. Cbristmas but for lots of them that
vta, all the arplet tor ti% -t, year. tro-yon
can imagine what a whole sack would
teen like and then anotler sock and
another 'arid .:ariOtlier; Why it was Wf•altal
for a shot but Hamel was unbeatable.
Gicond Period:* Goals, S. Cook. *Pen -
Th . .
-e sKennedyArnold Doak, S
etond period- was a 'repetition of• ler C., • Holmes-, It -Serinigeout,
:Pfeht Peniod.F Ctoale, Rerin.te, Buck- the first.r.The play see -sawed up and
man. Penalties, Allison, Trott, „E. Rob:. down the ice. The locaLs-contitiued to
• leteer.Antemeneete.- - keep the edge.' W.Fa-ber;--Itevr-Hani--
Second Period: GoaLs, O. Penalties, burg loft winger, scored. with a shot from
' the blue line but the Play was ,0 -s • e.
Murney handed out a stiff boclY 'check
Set • ,
- ,Keays St.
Plumbing, Heating,
TinsmIthingand General
Repairs ,
' Niiiiipt SerriCa. Phone 475
• PHONE 290
• Sells,- Insurance of all, kinds. 0 -et
• rates frcirn him v before renewing or
planning new Insurance. •
7 -
Metes Mete lined Shirts and
Drafters • Of good' Weight, sizes
84 to .14 Clearing atper /car -
went •
MOWS Pleete combinations' in
•Mottled color, sizes 34 to 44,*
Clearing At
• 98c
pi 1)410114
his head and while the injury wasn't
serious,: "Butelv"--was-sent-to theooler
•New -Hamburg tore to scOre but
"Skip", MaciDcinald's checking bothered
them, and Stoddart and Mackay broke
away. The goalie out -guessed " them.
- -Two- Goals -In -Last' Period
• Both teams put on , pressure in the
.final frame and displayed fast, clever
hockey. The e* -pros, Roth .and Hamel,
weie ar e
• but the Sailors were not to be denied.
The first goal was scored when E.
Robinson, stick -handled down the side to
the. bide line, "Tiny." Allison. took the
rubfier on a rebound from the boards
and drove hone a hard shot, $e*
retaliated with ° a brilliant of-
fensive but nifty weight -throwing an the
part of Wood and Murney broke it Up.
,Skipper 'lifae.DOnald -Upped dovrn the
• licr to the Ne* Hamburg blue line was
• checked' but Stoddart snared thi Putk.
Faking a Shot he drew the goalie out of
the net and lifted a neat backhand for
the final goal. The Sailors resdrted to
defensive play and hoisted the puek
down the ice when things- got too hot,
Doak earned his shut -out by some clever
saves in that Iast -period. Don MacKay
followed tlio a leleg hoist but the goalie
• came out abOut la feet tO clear the puck
in time. In the, last few minutes the
Sailors cOotinfied to stave, off the deter -
:mined attacks of NeW lIatabarg, 'cf3
First Period -:-Goals, 0; penalties,
• Harry Hamel, Allison: 6 "
Second Poled -Loci*, 0; penaltiee,
Murney. Bingemiti, Weed.
• Third yiertedes,17,. Allison (E. Hob-
inson),„ Stoddart; Penalties, Plingefrian
(2), E. Eobinson, Wood.
Vie lineups:
tioderichif4,idal, H. Doak; defense, ctr,
murnoy htild.Wood : Stod.
. •
dart:' wings, "a littOcay And W. Use.
poual4 ailteniatest F1 ltobtnaon,
llobirittert, Oiarge ,A,11140M sub, tt. Enarel
l/eiw ttarriburgimMed, nowt; 46,
tense, W. Roth mut P., Oingemaii: entre'.
0, Bowman; wings„..*. Ubilleisth and
Inett*, Hainel; alternateso
'HWY Hamel,-
• .
rd Period -Goals, 0 Penalties,. P..
Warnock,' L. 13rown.•.
-Goderich-line-UP; „
Goal, H. Stoddart; defense, D. worthy
and_Flettacentre. „..,11.-Scrlingeour:
wings, Arn. Doak and P. Warnock; Al-
ternates, 44, Doak, pin Robinson, -W.
-westbr7oCk' and Art. 'bowler. '
Clinton --Goal, M. Dale: defense, 3.
Combe and C. kennedy; centre, M.
Lever; wInge, S.*Cook• and .0. Mimes ;
alternates, 'F. Bingham. F. Elliott,
Brower-atutle: MecOsentiltt• ---
Reierge-w. GoCierich;
Before the giallo on Monday night the
lecal• lads were. warned -about fighting.
Hal Scrimgeour was an burned up after
taking a lot 9f roughing'and not selling
in With Tits Slate. • •• , .
* 0
• They even had Flettery, right detente,
talking to
•° • * o 0 •
Imagine AIM. Doak's surprise- when in
a tangle in -a corner ,tt Clinton player
tailed hfin -•ct•- 'nasty marl.' .'
0 0 • *
•- "Wee Willie" Westbrook topped the list
with two penalties. .,He Was • feeling
• * .41 *
The Clinton players were given lemons
in between periods instead of oranges,
Mit evidently this had no special Signifi-
• 0 0 ,0
Abotit half the local intermediates
'iota down there getting pointers?
Even if the local kids haven't won yet,
get behind them and give them some
entouragetnent Remember • they ate
just itartieg, they.have beep outweighed
an average of ten pounds per man and
liaveret quite struck their stride.,
wont& bia initaZie if they cleaned up
ie first year. But they are all voting,
11: getting 6tottiente and j 1.4410VA ,for
ortie time to -otiMe.. Some Of the boys
• the other teams ItOok as if They WOuld
through with, kinior hoekey this Sea.;
son. Neat Year, With 2 whole tegilon't
eiperiente Under their beim, our young.
dors ,may be ath* OederiCh OP the
- We regrefto say that Mrs. Joseph Tig-
rt-is- not -as well -as -Irma,
Clifford* Hoy is spending a few days
wItirblrcous10, Earl IfOy, it Walton.
Mrs. James Hayden, who has been so
-seriously ill is, --we are pleased -to say,'
improving. It is hoped Mrs. Hayden will
isoon.k. --a gain . - -
Mr. Richard Hoy and son Earl, of
Walton, visited the former's lather, Mr.
W. W. Hoy, at the home of Mr. R. 3.
Hoy on Sunday last.
The -Anglican Ladies' Guild uf Christ
ehurch, Port Albert, met at the hoine of
Mrs. George Adams on Wednesday of
last week, January 10th, With a large
members presei•i-Eristr
1 TIsItore.- The meeting was opened by
the president with hymn and prayer,
scripture reading by IVIrs. Walter Tigert.
The minutes of the preVieus meeting.
. _ . . _ .
were read by the secretary and adopted.
Several businesa diseusSicnas took place.
It wai decided to hold the 75th tatini-
versary of the church this coming siMi-
mer. Partitulara later. It was also de-
cided to make two -quilts. Election of
officers then took place, with Rev. Geog-
hegan hi the chair, as follows! Presi-
dent, um -minim l'ester (re-efeetidi :
first. vice president. ;Ws. Roy Petrie;
se-corid vice president, Mrs. Roy Fritzley;
secretary, MrS...; Elizabeth tester (te-
eleated):, work committee, • Mrs: , John
Poster, Mrs. Harold Tigert, Mrs.. Roy
Fritzley, lefrs. R. J. Hoy. The meeting
was brought to a close With. hymn and
Prayer by the rector. Lunch was served
by the hoSters and a delightful after-
noon spent.
1) 01) D'S
the _bales of clothing and the car could ps, Mrs. osewa te, Mrs,
know the menand women here who
Yotrng and Mrs: eraik. The Petruary
some. ting
meeting will be held at the home of -Mrs..
helped to distribute the things, • they. T. ,ravo.
vaiuld _enjoy_each other very muchi
..................11110,0 . ...4101.0.1••••........... . i
'Christmas is coming, and the end of Wool is said to bo unmerchent-
• {
the year draws nigh, and as you both able when it has been poorly washed.
- en waithed.
look back -cher the events -of 1933 and uPall the sheep's back, or thewool
allowed to remain on the sheep for
hope you can get a glimpse of the Mir
shearing . alter
think of what you have accomplished, I
dens you have lifted, the baying be'men, worn= , ....._ ......._..-.....,—_. .
and dear little children you have made Search for 'a panacea to end 'the chew • ,
happier out here at Fosterton. Your pi:ession smacks of the search of mediae-.
efforts -have rnade_pos.sible good thilIANA___ Nal athernist& for_tht„--phipsophers tone,
So Bad With Her Nerves
--Became-Sicidy and Run !Down'
i 1
• ,
• Mrs, D, Carlson Lilleave, Man., wr• ites; --"Sit -
__years a,go I was veriblid with my nerree and beca• me-.
sickly and run down. A friend told me about Mil -
barn's H. tic N. Pills, so I decided to use' them. After
-fiat)* one box I felt Seirie-beriefit, so 1 continued:
uatirl had taken five boxes, and I can truthfullY Air
41-mver-telt, as good as rdo new: rid*, well; inr
• appetite is good; 7 put on flesh; gone is the tired,
Woril out feelijT."
7-71-01 r— ana-ionorol stores; put up only by
The T. Milburn Co., Limited, nava°. Ont.
N-6S_FOR JANUARY 18, 19,2(
T MATOESStandardLarge tin 2
If" 17e" ° 1111751 JAM &oz. 29c
any -Flowers ToOtt Soap Se
Cia4sic Cleanset 5c
Richard's .Carbolie - -Powders 4'14 19c
minge" CHtESE pkg. 10c rttaera PEAS 2 tins 23c
IINSO LARGE PACKAGE 19c snownakeAMMON144pkge.23c.
• Baker s Cocoa,1/2 lb; tin 15c
SAG bile, lb. 10c
TO DY, 8 oz. 31c; 16'oz. 51
MI6 Mainialade 16 oz. 25c
• dis
FLUSHO, Per tin 19c
-pq lb. Se
per lb. 10c
0; 0. SEVILLE 11armalade 33c
1, V
• •.
p l•