The Goderich Star, 1934-01-04, Page 34.v •••?..4 0
If Ca,nedi. to.he produce wbtch she '
*he* Ike sale t
It be over
0 ten ountry,
cstries ,seeti0f1
�mthor the benefit of the
of that neighborhoo4.
in the toha0e induso
('Ise Uef�ners' Ise IS
ndable Wit it hoped that
nteu I Oelipt born in .csaniula.
Peek It is not
to perpetuate * 'variety of for-
, , •
PUBLIC11 tongue /
eoMetime$ 'beard . of our
• ,
14*. This, applies More par-
tksr1y to
the tendition a.ozek of the
ot are 0004'
aM dlit7 and look like st.,inenace to
Ou: (Orp Hebert BrU00. tleittentilt.
yernor Of Ontarkit 'ha* lately taken
Advantage or itariOnso0001004.,,t0 sound
tete of *Oiling on the 'subject of rate
degeneration, and to, make a 'Om for the Surplus.
oiterilization. of .mental defecthreL.--.,Dt. rou07.44 a complete audit of the .01-
Btu:tea high standidt In .0* 'rnedleid fairs ,of the 000004)7 now being' made,
:profession iends added- *right to lit* the bolsinte sheet:and- full information
words, and his pleawill be Warinig en* as, to the ypar's operations willgo for -
dosed by thoee, who are ntrOWIt 14t0 *Aid 101:0110140111.
particular touch with ouOsa
r ge • folic' Ur. Carlisle points out that' the Om.
• ,set flltered a, cedga:nslethrolot ugartud 40104174e tooramie Pronounce
ene lwuttige not
and Our mental. defectrires. pan* y Use not only earned and.paid did- Of 11001etYi-iv ' • :
- show the worldna„ " of the 1*! of of , dads since 1020s. init each year has Then- *ilk age of the Sealia-14nnx".el-um-
,beredity.,..00 likebegets :woe ito ths eurp,bis no tub, vosttion, 4 luuj Nou,ourtheir wjtivite'ette* .40,4% VronPunce, J00"leroi "
Bruce gutted two historic record,* Am goring ual ni°1handlln";41401 7t,rati* "111-'4' flas,;c1'nlirt,ratatai• 4.14ebtoaftir.!Pie:4°."474:-P4;a4War' .1.4ut
Vont one Unidtt eir'* and WOnlan "as oneofthe 3°,114; ea' 0"artaMdlanr' 4:41:4101711310-ei *al* eart.117i 111‘ and second Ws as in aik, third a
_. • •_ _
Baptism ,trOneUrsee bePotis'rer,' not
et *m4140010 there'll -Rye .destent.:-, to take an Active -ihterest-in 'Paul"' • jio stoo* zoo it *41%441: accent 'on )ast syllable.
14..perhapa. unfair' fo be sevtre board .*.ta. _conga*
tre the-104-0Ullt,74.11140---- An'
1011 t . which to pay "seleries, 7e7i0t of
upkeep, pay far -'suiscrititione t
and tettpapers. and to pur-
ten' beehe • A
• c,
4 *canine, are discarded as quickli*
ble,,but-4heraPia; 400'144*
certain 1Worio iteePa-thein..14liger
thari There 15 zo_nioney °witit
rent new tett= as
' 01 hop to the .11brarY
-perha*Itot before thought
Owlng'0 tremendous smothers of
new booa turned' Oa' iktinuaUY', -to-their • - *
"she should jitit • have children are bear- ' '' ' t"
Mdualcost - • — •
dtt0:--0,07_11-4:ect4a-t_ ing4note-ott.lierojihurAhotereet,:litted verthis-
O. . .0nd ,read .t.,9KLei.1-41Pet tar-saising4astilles, and he sitio_adriai;i; -ter to Cleorgei-'-` Selected',
nothing front public libriSsy few peOple. sterilisation as direct Way of
. , if.- • -
ataintairt the privatt-librartes-Which-were Irentkig -
, . •• . . .
-!"!,..(xL-4,4eneratt.04--ae0,,' Ank dren— Sir Robert's Story
everlona-bas- A4me ta,ittable books Ot the 3,721stamilies who :have .0ace Sir Robert Borden used to 11 a
' are 414 away ln dark cupboards -in -Green's -"Who's, the average -01totbe story -about -an occasion nistlieri.
. . .
. _
never ,'read. than (moo Atunaber of children per famili-is 24% was to Address a picnic In Nova
p,,'y,iivy would t his percentage -Is gradually Increased in Scotia. There_ had been si 1411. spread assures us that 41t october- and, 'Noverno
us -other clasSesi-beltig-4.0--ter these-And:the-rusUal gables; Ahastr-Itobert-vas ber -te• -0,61&=-11,10,1:firtilty;..-.January--and.
in, the School for the Deaf, 4.44 in pro- sitting: on CI iinProyiSe4 pititt01121 February are likely: to be open and
re seems to be to gOodireation, arbY vineisle,health in . the School int 'to be called On. Presently the chair- tilid," 'Doesn't commit., itself too ther-
volutnesih01114.- libt offered to forj-the the...-ntarto nian
'goy pC000 -*Teta l!ospititi far " you wish to speak..110W, or *Shall we -let
--fsPitircecbed---hinv-and hisc-there,
-them- enjoy -themselves longer?"
an'OPe. .„. Ota" '
weirtvv'et, artf::!1.:$.4000„ Wic.rt: IC • tioirt14.#, i4.1.44eitHo' seettothderaoot
tbat dwelt
Co. 01 j4ft jfl It 1* ,tbe
1r the SrsitcrWal
• ',
ter to
e 0 re1141,4hildrinift144***,,,,,„ thPr,...tYing .,,,,i'vve to*,oure for bugs. . 0,teroury and orsentc .1001.1/2" sat "I 041114,11400' likiTtif 10-1*.!
„ .. lifilk6— ' Out. any. satrini. As tothe
''' 7 ' 7.7'"7.'77"7'. ''"''' '''''. r''''''''''"'" '40 the Oil% 0: g 4034 #10 11.01,441 4.01 ' DO net :say'', '4We ball Passed thimuiiis --7--- out
OOnlinon stocks for the bog- (aorto It be well rubbed into the o es of fur Several thito ffrisee.ts the plurs4 form .44t4144444 "44 44 "1144trwtt°4' 11*Inc!Y4
, ., , . .. , s - of.fur- c ''' • 1 $543,42a,000,it ,00010 be realain*"41
rof the.Yeark, ' sobse) '' '' -
Mr!, Carlisle states that the. dividendil
37°' n't, Milf" '1* 1P44.1.19114tY sleet wilt, not exceed,thia ektigulte#'1* U011;t4 et
-*mow 0. Ivo - AtitheriV the '• The
tient bad 'debts, 441X0,4' 414 ;there .1141.13:4 [judge sto.„ cwt. . plot. „WOW. 001104 vronseted,vot vout $80,000,60
101***bi0 ' balance .carry terivard, tso. howsde outside the pages ,ot the "New woo wig kusoroisuppoi welhuut ,09,114 +no tor eost 940,000,o
°i/lEgil44 stc'ckik 1141" b4i6;4' "ii*It "4 AnOther of these InunerOna Storiegand - Is tue kis , f t such Pro have a ,Uatilt of fAulaig.
., 'Angulo iublecto Soli, , Wor 0 To t voile ' 04234 wee tO 0* id -'
after Making allewantee' for Om**. thki 1100,10144 inunerous, . we ire 441' . . ''. . . n ' 7 , '
14)ricer" t/T put/t4 4'44 4:14nticirt"!; 444 ih pronounce 000 its completed Cost eXoeeded. 4121ter.
.yet it obT.1001Y nOt'iecklisidered Ar-,, _ ab, ,000:00o; ,iNtriar.tut' .Ditust4 estirast„
unpr9per. - (not as* ate), serer:4 4 AS in ,I4tatail 04 to cost *150 000,000, but Its cost Ny a a
littntOr WAS l*r004er in these days. , otteeeed, ,,a4.peut ill*
" eterlasi • • More than 4001e. that Suni.
They-, had. not; )ret' entered .tbe Plossaisti: Pronounce peokstrit, e. as ,
era with. lt,* ltarrOw l*Wilahnelia. The, , me, a. to, it; Can iiriatreased, accent first %Path' transpertsitiOn fatties, sufficient
' to stevo 500 *IMO bushels of wheat,
. .
',and 'lintued Air we are by the "London'
wheat agreement' to a niaSixislini yearly
export 20.,..,01nsion, bushels, with, 0
'ed 12 college presidents, ':tomPanri -affairs; such as the ourclute, loth slatitand loititote th6
dnates, 05 'college prefessore, 110 phy ing of your own product.; your funuertoe whitow's ,0.3t the lady's bands i;.tottr her
siclaus, 100 clergymen. 75 aro* Offloerti, among your friends` and in yeiii.letality„
and: the brewiiess ef the
.60 Pronil.nent - author* 1LO0 lawyer*, St!". XrtY, .orAtiotents or C'enunente--rwhioh'*04 'dogalthr
Judge* 00 ruhllo otfleere-ltate govern- '.roay, have to offer to the L Ofiiters. Audi Pants Was In no sense ,designed --to shock
AtitteOitleiet. staff ,will be„,. of great assistance, We the !sensibilities of. the prat pure_hl_ihde_d,'
ongreSsiten. 2 United States senators havo aPPii0lated your to -operation 1 It's air.'ainusing's,Oterz, 'viewedhi the
and out . vieeii'presidesit,:.:of,„Lthe„Attited the past luid, it, has been a big /actor it riht light raid ersery/l4ch dee* throw an
- .your tenspant. Business interesting, the -tran1tional,
sli0I1.1.4?..P.r.0„veme4t. and we are 100krig”. is1Ir°7-4ri 1411 •
front national glori tO..naticinal;
$eici• Dr. Bruce, in: telling :of the descerio 0-bogag * arsons,„ a hundred years 000, oret
min6e words when they really : wanted.' tor.
diints, of a degenerate vagabond,... -(if this ' . "7"-**--
uutuocr,, A04:- died .in. -,011n,e; to - her 'hii.oloand- in -tears., et an 'idea over. litre's' what. One say
Professional . paupers, 4404 were Avree!Eeo 'Tye, been litsulte41"- she spluttered. about a drunkard. "air' rW4niag-
ite*that. the geed padre had had 'a hit
bY' '415asei. PrOtItilt*?fio :were .“Your 'inethori.haS insulted. i;l1e.'"
tMevcs.-we-tOvinurdereri,--53. Wore-erim sx.u,tistro, 4134#,, of a run lit with the t.oViti, derelict the
day lic„.,petted this -tifild little-thoughtr
.1halo of :mune kind, many .atereliabltual,
'drunkards -and; addi3O.ted event:100i of' 4,".1.4cle7:.,ka*hoe;,.. 11:14111.4e: .4a711;14:torr.,,t.ime for you drunkard is in -_-_annOYar_tee.-. ot
6-An4A0civilety, the
,.r..1.Wrti• --thisr,snorning,.addressed4ii-YOUr- mother's„,roolvaioclefttofta, r 01,t4tre4auttrr,bleot44:'
***sires of A similar nature were -pre.
handwriting and OPexted
wealth; the aleoh,oufe :benefactor, the
e --tunnel -o
01'44d to the Public %School Teachers':
Associstiozl recently by Dr. w.L., Be looked' 'turn, ,,./L see. But where 'beggar* companion,,, :the conttaltle's
BrantfOrd'a, ntediell health ,Offieer, '4"a the hiehlt eenie 111,” • trouble?, the Wee of his wife, the feet!' 'of
'Ttit went to Show how tiut. Pee*, 'Alice wePt all the store the ---the his neighbor, his . own ,fluttne,It, walking
./willottsb,-.*e.piOtisre: of -a beaft, and the.
Hero ,(eingular)-4, ,144414411;leroes-
Obaerve the 14, • Martyr,.
Observe the tyr„, prorteuncea ter..
ffin„. the .4., tkeisurek.. not he,
Prat. Fron-0117-.CO--
oieverness, deit,erity, aptitude, ingest-
Persevere, persist; Continue, endure, be
.constant, 'be, -resolute,
DIsPa„rage,- 'cleCry, depreciate,'
discredit, sitidertativ- Undervalue.
• 'Slow, dilatory, -gradual,
nioderate, . '
deride, mock, taunt, *niter;
laugh -a , °
rersi)leUitY, lucidity, clearness
tie:is; distinctness, explicitness.
Word :StUde.
otlar W. -mord three tiniest
Lvw,ds.• ••it • ._Yeurst" Pet us increase: our vocabulary
It 'appears -to -A1+01 that If the accused
dld not straighteit'up 'after that blast he for this le33°.1-
was -pretty -wen sunk ia Ina -own -little VIVIPLY-t: 4711r.----lesng6r"--
well of iniquity,
• * . thought about:- It, the
- More -
, 7,CHRON010,0010AL; arranged in the
Our Althanack-u.--inelined to 41t -edge- rder: tinte;',44The -facts- were placed
-bit Just Rlike prot,otypes, It ii1-4,thrutuogleal
rimarrtrETY. conforming„ to oest*Ii-',
tithed rules or '-':1t-isaiit.g.---aco
-oordanoeLWlth- the -IMO of propriety,"
, •
OTEPIPPENT. 1- going. 'before in.,
"It was a period antecedent fia 'the *tad
'Want" '
1VE0lS;- to lead astray , as if blind,
...--qiis_prosnises___ ..isot_litveigle Ane,.!„
(Pronounce theei, as e itt
----,AUSterOIOtr* ieYerehlel-1:4111
good: "Today is an auspicious- time. tc
begin." • •
housmida at
Ibair vas, A .VerY hlgb
booki ari" deetroyed, 7h1ch
than ArtanY weelr.-
ake way re
,-Onterio-spendt- lour Million -dollars-
Annuity .to .maintainthoipitals for the
war.. Ainelteelied, end unrestrained, : and
,they propagate their kind at a rde;
4th1eit requIres that etiery twenty months
a=new.&Z$1t 'Mil,
It -appears -04e thoroughly Jacobite
in As tendenties., Year by Year on Jan -
EX40.ei- from a speech by Sir E. 40111. veisary- of King Charles' nurtyrdbm, and
Russell, Director 01 NothaMated Expert- -with eouil fervoUr on May 29th it r�
mental Station, England; . cords the feet that OhariesU was tit&
0 /NM ri4 ilpiStratect, dal, restored to his rightful tivone'.
• omit lot* i Vitt !..!li.1.1111/bal"ArrilliriTZTI
11aive:1i 07fivinglivrivaskont rtimmear+ 1 t a n
charge* of $300,000. ,At The present rate west of Velars& 'There iv*$ a great stir dred _years 'age.' the lifiti: of the stout
Of Ina*** in, rcental defectives, said Pr.. because- alady 4-:if-ee-ieiitY aii:goirig toAcihgs--waS stinT'gvo-iiiiitice; Mit 'Olt -
ISAW-A-Wit Vitidt,* sPendi01,e-lialt- roman ,msrry scientiemailTilt seventvone._ lillt fetit. pretender .ius:_dawdling '0,•*ai -lila
'dollars -annually tor .their maintenance. - the matter was -explained qffltii sirit'Y time in Paris and on he Riviera. -nen*
an& have tivice as many'Ins,titidiOna for by-. one 'of ?her neighbors: ,"The- winter le -contorts:et*, a ',good part -of the title 'oxi
their axe.
mug on, and the -peat .has to her get. re tancer from the Silent:L.-
.. ................ ,....
- iThe-retrie... , , or-fneb-alld-thepotstoraliave. to *1100 -faithful be stilLboped--ageinstc_hope
-*aye us, --thellorrel -rsAncidenititI-
-Oonthultit afiread .-of • defie1i910i,18
.v„ Vitt Star
_.,..thasinity,_ mental defiCienc***.erUsi
*,)i4n4 $1‘Mil3r
*bould 1* Sbj.0444 10 thorooth psych.
tattio exiM411004 and Sterilisation ado
the din:100'0f their progeny
-e waSn --of-elt- that a thuriderbeicliont. heaven., wo ,
et nursling it buyingleitioye -the, oeprisit usurpers and
e_rightfuLitiot_toma_to his long
•-• • 6, -:AS--: sitterao1-thre-11
* .11,, • „
ing, PeOplew bad lust abontlorgettert the
The siltation • _ _ .
Stuarts, hiving 400reatik-troublet earn. -
A. Stotsman and threetriends hadjUst : irlg a.• liVhig ht ' the herrible depression
nished , chimer in an etpensive hotel which eushrOuded this land Sifter Water -
n tlit-isitet.tuilar- arrimvitt,wtist tfte,tiili.; arltOiri. vot: Butteittha fapxotta ..raccsttobWe4 howl:
es from. the Scbtsniall__10 he asked' in • Pfttlienlent 000 their
,ainleared in a 1001 neWspeipert ."Scottd oddly enoutif,theie ire 4111 Juthites
'Tile next' day the fe4t*Iiit beeitithe letilatiee•
.-P*4-.0trimglea Ventr1.104n1etol`f in Itisklat- '' d ' clingingtenacioudy to .tliell
;ancient WrOng_but_bardlY helillig. any.
TIIE ST. riAVititE,NC*7-14ATERWit
SPealchlicat a 4Se awat- Conference std.
Celebration",? held „..sit Superior, %seen,
WiseTs -1s-"i-aursiber:oiSF-An'itk- teafOis
were 1 attendanco Hon. Gcorge Dern,
Secretary ot War for thellnited 'S
strongly auPpOtted-the81. e,
-the, next 9Ongressienal sesalorr the agree-
fled. it; --EC-Sensittif-Robert
M. Latol-
lette, advocate 0! the
project, demanded early! action, e*pree-
shy' the opinion that thousands Of
,Americitiss timid -116 usefully eMPIOYed,
open newera tit transportation for the
landlocked Middle **fie,
On July ibth, .1,94-tho ' Lawrence
*aterksVfioni the Atlasitie Ocean, to
porta on the.Great .f.4Les, was signed by
AmerlcanSold Iditnatilats representsitriee,
it Washington, 1)0. The 'treaty is 10
nattl0tal debt exceeding „ple for eV'
Matt WOnlart-'and child iss,' the ,cOuntry,,
it would, bi'au 'set of follyfor Osnada.
'under present conditions to engage in a-,
project which would add to- our debt ,
,ProbleM.S, and IFOIlld be a ...destri!ott00.:.
"9020Petiter:cf our national: raliwaYs.
Relief o n t.,4s,thmar•Mrho can 4e. ,.
se_ „, COMPlete •rellef, from tlui!Ongg,
''Whienlelkiala' the Use of Dr. J. P. 1.Cei.;
,Astbre0,-. XtenledYZ Who. 004 .440'
the feeling of joy that comes.:whini
its eoft'and gentle intluenee relieves
tightened, choking -air_ tubes!. tt
made asthmatic 'Affliction a thing cif
past ler.thotilands, It never fails. 000li
druggists everywhere have sold, it for
Nervous Wreck
Iad- Bad Dizzy ° Spelis
nervous wreck, also ma dia.;
Veils and shortness of bmath. I wss so nervous I
could not stay alone, and would. lie • awake moat 01
the night. I was not a bit better after -consulting. a
doctor and taking his medicine. „One clay a friend
inliNerfrilsortlimethey xriscle-greif-diffetenee,
(4-regth7"relibno. kspeak-toorliiglil-rof.themit
Por sale at 011 ctruag slid general stores; put up only by
The T. labutsVO...1.istitsdo Toronto. Ont.
All1111111911$ 001 NAWe aryafut11ine - of coal -andDCoke
can :make prompt delivery. The
Alberta Coal we have is proving
very popular and We are "getting .a
0.!4)-177tepe-ftt4)rderlt4or_same-. _
Aera you, barn ,Alberta Coal you are fiirniihin-
- WOrklorXimadians. _
Plumbing, 'Heating, Tinaniithing, Eaves -
troughing and Roofing, .we . give . prompt
.service and WI Axiiiik 44 TOY
- •
e have some goo. itiialaes in Secondl-and-
, ,
oh Stoves..
(Tara Leader),
Tara has got enviable record arid one
tdrt ire doubt it any mmtleipality Iti
the County can tom, in the feet Um
theft I* enly $72,00, of -Outstanding
or Ott and It 18 expected that prati
• every tent win be collected, wltlxt
dil* tett alekt.„,..The Villectort Mr, Win.
COIL*, dcserVeS great ciedit tor his et.
ilzieg$ OP VOlOttit
iStlevcc ittormer)
It' .Hugh 'reriipiln 01 04 retto
flood. *ho het heth writing orut,
otot tatresting 041tor114
the weekly neentspers
the put ,fiftean
to tile %um DooentlxisZtL
pittvotoeioastitseux tMt
tut *hoot Imo,* oil*
6 111.1‘
• •
Snutet,Ohlid :mote, tor 'Miracles Which do tot' luiPPen„.
Mother (readily inscription on tomb.
etql04. "Hero Ito 11, -1046r $114 " Oro is another of those, otales retitled lirst by the Senate Of ,the United
- • labelled ""Itunettue stary'2, : stoles 44 .atteriard Ity the
lutt . 01:tu, niumtuy, yiny usa trier
- t414k ,outilor, law 'tumbled, hy, sooldeut Po,r1hutent of the Dominion Of Paned*.
-Wry two men in the same grisiVe?"- ate Otimated .cost is $54349;000, to'. be
ftini the thrombi, ot a vessel' in the
1)0vMs, arid itt 1tt tall tine # his
Help! to, the deck. Vie latter; recOrering th
e (111, SWiss hotebWiist le 'WU teet" 6tAltik,11'6(V.!vp-11146-11t /VIVO
range Chalrig';' the.
delling or else 14. visitor' has jest ed Att. Very ootnPoted1V!'• '' •
Ober peesant north oX Ireland 1°0t. rh°n°1•1r" Ette,#er's
his bull" •This seem to csi,try /sups or thesit*.
aggeratetr comedy ot the "Itattenjommer
'Welt" SW the cheerful Wife, who vole&Of„ flttY
The I
labored 'Under the dehision that sliet had :or seventy-five feet from the shroud t 'of
an Olielatie tOprano 'Velte,„ -;"ff VOA, Vet** onto *bard deck mut then wk.
were' to eon* tO Word 1 Wit keep th&',, ring in * cohitgjeed, totahoir to the altlik*
tt. away t om the door by Pal% 004 On a Veloenth the,,ebtootE
uttnatomeakol was theinitnt ea ht the teMie Strits ate tali tit *
SPOnte„ ' rileiliStain and bob up, mrnewhist 'ono -
• hid the flyiti
lit on the hire.
IEm oral* and POWPb
Vet* be*Itpted in part
WOUld ra
ed IAA het Winch tbe *Tose Tor area.
�aUnt 'the opt:tart *lour honour,”
od4 t*uh too. 'this prattlee lia*
dboae. bt t* :mercantile
and • now had, moat vogue itt
Yeti A whole book (4mM lie vit.
to mi. Odd tere01 01*Adroit
inlho„psti*od *heti the tptre was Mt"
ibe1 b* $ ed by Pare.Afristalaert Porled Just
tottering 10 or itigictiotat end
borne equally by the to nations aftet
makix' igr due alloaiente for eXpentilturesi
already,- made ht Oath COW:its:Y.'
1,11,43.r...4 the little -et bave 4001-
:iif 'Wit i' iiiviiie -or Ili' Oents per 'bilahol '
,initentriOrtatiort losif will be thistle 14
•iteeorx of the .billidbit Of a utePtior 'a
etitilcient'tteoth to permit ,Cieesn steam*
OS 'to navigate the entire' dittatee to
Zort William and Duluth. 'to ilevt of the
fact Unit -the netto*Inliet rati-for,lake
oarosge- fs les thait tyro-thirft of the
net •tonostile rate charged' tor oce*n
etespo$6004, it u Moult 10 !Wader!.
vsso.. AN0 Ittigviv4ps.