The Goderich Star, 1933-12-21, Page 341.
, 4,44,,,,A I , •
, •s-
116 g or
Very Bu.y Saint WiU Be
Santa Claus will be "at hotne" to all
his 'gttle friends at three o'clock Onstrate-
1=10 afternoon, on the Ceurt House
It tin* 'toy to -arrange this visit of
• Santa's beeatiee he has to be in•llterally
n2.0001is Or places In the next tow 'days.
has to be in Toronto And, in London
d,Detroit and Chicago *milli England held 14 ffrst meeting TueeditY night and
'eltd.,111 'OerMany. He Must find tinte to appointed Councillor C. 11. Humber as
-tat 'Own to Artstrilla .and feotatli, Africk!, ehrtiriaans A. 1,1%Th:titan. is, acting as
and to all the fames everywhere where .eecretary .C.t the Board and L. Knox
'dwell got* little boys and girlies • . treasurer..
• so you -,can tee eAtt seIs quite some, • Some Increase Was isetett in requests
thlng for *WM Zee and our council to for teller. iii -the normal ,course ' of
,esepeueee,.tsinito osmq to oesieseehs- ' events- there will be More „on -
t in.tiut,e;oa..aukeut- workbe wili be the Board as the season 'advances.
e • se - - All inetriberal were •preeeht "at the Tues -
He %skill bring with him oranges and daY, sitting,' These include Councillor
• -Candies ',and nuts andsea one Itiows; Fred Seabrook, "Mrs. Aa.. Johnston,
,!fixit,, else. • . A. Taylor, D. M. OtIkien and P. G.:Sardis
- The,flrentett,'and their .
,i-aa'On-r-Oliro=turr-scrir " 1 1031.114E -CLUB SOCIAL
; ''11M1 •
.Theywfll au -marsh around. the Square
-abet etkeek over to tite„olitigtintisseetes 4,First-F.vent-of--Ourreia Season Enjoyed
:Mee* good little bay and girl (And who by 125 Guests.
is net issgsieid boy or 'girl, just before, The Marine Club, one ot the town's best
011ar1stm4) Isleepected to be on hand to ;Iinewn social organizations, held its first
welcome him. WM. ' •sobial-ot,the-settaen -145t, Friday evening
'144So dent fell to be there. Santa Claus in theclub roeras on North St.
,is expecting yoi and Will be disappointed President Campbell, in welcoming the
• .Sr*YOn dent tante, ., guests, reaffirmed the principles embodied
Don't forget, ,Saturday afternoon at 3 in the clubak, constitution. Herniaity and
,Ottee,it on' the Court Souse Square. good fellowship among Members was a.
first principle.
,Membtrs af uprising Star ad
Wes, Combhio Vonctlies
„se The ledge reonts st Carleee will be the
30ene of 0* Year's Jc0„At inetadatien Of
•-ellicerSsOf Morning SW Lodge ITO, $09,
V. de A. Itte and Maitland Lodge
33. tiottertch, A., F. & A. M. - The cere-
mony will be held,' Wednesday everting.
December 27. 1933, ,
Right • Worshipful Hugh Ugh
D,D.Oakt. Will, act ae bastailbut
'Ceeneillee Humber Appointed Chairman
.,--simee, Relief Itellueets
The neVely reorganized Welfare Board
.greS? Persian cat, Finder
71•40-0.10e• notifstleMS:-Its C. WHA
(Mr SALE. -One tog and, wood -range;
'with viateffibrit' and warming
eyoset... Apply at. OFFICE,
• 1-4"46014,ss SALE-Electrit - washer, • Beatty
tithe ;esters in -geed- conditiOn.
Akingy 'sox a„ ormi, *mom
vio Coal -On heaters in
- -*nett eenelition.,APplY-STAR,,,Ors:
14794 • •
eArx-moick hood cover for
Viret-class ebhdition,
Inquire' at STAR Ovirtcp.
- , •
FDR • SALles-,-Three --Shia-relearn bulls
graded for • goVernment bonus;
,41u•ee YOrloshire saws. • Apply to,H. 0.
-VW:telt Durnatmons
Olte SAtt-es'A number of purebred
Shotthatit cows - and heifers in
- - . etalf -teVect, $0'ongsbetle' ,..sfentrspiaresarpel.
Yorkshir'i. sOWA farrow In December,
abet ntimber of young pigs. Apply to
•eWs- sabILISEBT,-lissItssleD1MgEM9114
,,▪ ,r0,4131XX,,t•rurt,/ tato. more
.0 IOW tilk --litottertr -0f--thAv-litU`
H. We 0: Nettel, *Misted tit the end oI
&late StreeLen_the southern boundary
elia foWn;-- Rood TheY 104M. large
/rouse , and Vern, drive skeet; workshop:
ben -house; artesian well (185 feet), tl10
very best of water:, geed , fruit trees:
Ideal% tetatkM.• close to schoohi and
Churches.. For further particulars apply
on net premises or, to VERCY4 or WILL
ood tor: Sale
The Town has quantity
of good: body hardwood dir-:
from The. Town .Bush for
late at $3.00 per single cord
Of one -loot ;Wood, delivered.
A180 1,limited quantity..Of
goed .'bOdy .hardwood 'at
per lull cord of four..
Orders left at the Town
Hall will be attended to.
L. iCtil0X,
Town Clerk,
He pointed out that the profession of
seamanship:is one of the mest honorable
in 'he world and urged On the members
t-they-isa: conduct, themselves as to
• lip old, its high traditions:•
VellOwing-the teeePtien geteetstalit
down •to 22etebles of. progressive -euclnie
,:ieeen eoraPetition marked' the. play, the
winners _of which were -e- Isadieet _first
prize, 1Virs. tikusins; consialation,
Miss DerOthy Bell; men' first. prize-, Mr.
Breckenridge;' conolation, Allen Me-
g the euchre Stewart Bonny
served lunch to 125 goests in smart sea-
• ulike style: Thesbattince -of-the -.even-
ine, until' 3 a.m., was taken up •with
dancing to the strains of ,the Whitmore
The prizes were donated by Robite
Men's Shop.
The party broke- up with many ex'pres.
Mons of pleasure at the pleasant evening
• provided by the hosts.
s •
At as,meetingsotthe Town Ooderich
Welfare Board it wilt decided that Mr.
F. Seebrooke would be at the tOwn hall
every week -day -between -the -between the hours -five
relief orders.
__Cs_11.11.41KBER_s_ A,HIGGINsON.
Ohairieist-Or Secretsflo
EnCOUreliOntt!.turn iMan
• eseeepeeieeereeeee"--e.
Ocitten. by-Itiank W04 auf‘rc 5)9(10') opypi
.1440 *hat Canada 4"w?
Father 'Dinie is abolit tet ;heck unsane
officers Elected, at lin
us a r
Goes hopping
passing of anotner -yeer in the long PitT•
ceiaien bas headed since TIMM Wes,
to.tilcanhatadais?thwe filittOrYlpaof 1.1093p.3isi:It; ;cola: torch.,
eord, Of this latest' twelve-gkonth period
in the long IniterY..stts...the'ktretleli
answer is on the w ecett enconeogitl9
ene. In stellanifl-bCliellee betareie s
ups And downs; its assets and Ilabilities
Especially * tins the caAe measuring
the pregress of Dominion ter the first
third -of -the -century, a basic. develop.
,ment not zeriettsly retarded byethe lnct
dente of a greit and devastating wars
Canadian, hanker says that 1932 was
Year -al:pout wItich the best that cotild'
be-aatd--ercestbsite itervita- posts and tbat
notwithstanding an apprehensive guts -
look. improvements has taken- place itt
-the interim, and that statement is •no
oubt well svithin Ole _mark. The fol.
lowink atticles will shove that among the
many tePeful signs at the niement, there
balance of foreign trade of•Iiceless than
221 Millions in three years, svith an up-
sWing-ln-trade-tosEmpire.komitrles.. Ex-
ternal comeaerce .has in' a word grown its'
•volume and vane.- The -same -banking.
• autarority-esof • the Bank. of Montreal -
claims that to. the better part Of 19339.
'definite improvement in business -his
beetiloing on in manylines.
„ThesCanadian banking system has fur-
thermore weathered a worldewtde storm
unprecenderited in history, a matter of
ea,tisfaction to the tifty thousand share-
holders ins the ten chartered banks as
well as the four million depositors there-
in. Comirtodity,prices sliow a net,rise.
Both internal and international trade
Conditions give substantial reascins that
bettermentssare- being -extended, gradual- 'minion schooLinip114 1,5(t_institutions of
ly. Nearly all industries have shaked in. higher learning, Over 4150,000,000 spent
enlarged, production. notable revieal • annually on, educatien 32.060 'schools.
18 noted in. the limber trade while nese Farmers' Buginess Organizatioes788
energy has been rihown iit_the xtesvsetrints compardeashave 23ter branthes and 3178
• textile and anteing, departMen4, • . • places of business, Membership 357,000.
Other signs' of gradual recovery are •
adduced in what and.that besed
upon conservatiye' estimates. Security
prices have increased with the in-
• crease indUstrial production, even
Canal:Hart farm prices were 15 per tent
higher irk 'September ot 1933 than they
4ere-L year -ago; with. wholesale -prices
up to 3 per cent. employment, 4 per cent. annually trapped.
auto production, 31.' per cent. and ex41 Forest Area, --Canada has 40 per cent.
no* .36 per cent..and eleCtric consum0-1 of Empire totat. Ninestenths of, our for-
- tion 32 per cent, detober reported a 34 est area still Crown lands.
seer cent. •Increase in general business Perm Populatien-Over half of total of
while even government retsinue have en- ten millions-. - • -
In Maaanle etteplet"-‘46"m."
The regular Convoeation of Buren
Chapter Nee .30 -Boot Attie Masons, was
'held., in the Masonic l'emPle Tuesday
everting, December 19th.
The installation a °nicer& for 1934
Was ttis priticipai buSliss of the evert-
• 10:Ex.-Comp, r. Gamow band-
triedpre-thuie vinee tinsanallatio4..cereraries in a MOet
Those elected to office for 1934 were es
follows: L P. Z., EaeComp. 11. G. San-
derson; Z., Ex-Conap, Vied Toole; H. .Pare
Comp, P. H. narrow; ExeConif.
itieset; Treas., EX-ColnP. J. ItrooMall:
A Tour of the Leading Stores
"Dad, don't forget went a sleigh for
elunior's shrill young, voice •brings Dad
suddenly to earth With it burins.
"Say, that% right," be thinks. P.Ctii!iste,
mas ie only 10. IeW days away. Ty.,.?.got
ket seTething, me see now.
There's ehmior, 'of course, and the girls,
Ond Mother and h -m.", • ,
"Not as emelt inotree-as' I'd, like„ but
maybell take a little time to scout
S. E., Rt.•Ex-ttorap. S. D. Croft; B. N., iaround / might, mike' it do. Let me see
• ExeCeenp, 0...Dunlope P. S., 'Comp, Flow." - • '
C. MacDonald; S. S., tompsblebsesesHals -Mite business of thinking deeply avers,
J, 8.. Comp. J. W. Pease; 0. as Cdraps ,Pait-startreitrettteMee what he can get
•Z, Ogle Miller, for wiset he has to get it withs
being _interest on_ war debt, Canada's, •
• 'Let me see now. That sleigh. Junior
• started this so start with • I
war loans totalled 40 millions.
diens own from 55 to 65 per vent a se-
- •
Coal -Canada uses 30 million tons
year of *hick nay are imported.
Canal Systems -75 miles' long. Total
Most Of Our reedere, Ave think.
knew the% Walter ikleltel, the pro -
Prieto 01 this piper, is
We regret, to AtirlOtilice that bele
still eonfined ' his bed Bel
wishes to exPeeta to his many
'friends his ',egret that lie 'eiennot
-greet them personalty, at this'the
most friend)? Periled et the year.
He also desires to McKee* his
deep apprecieteort of the Many
kindnesses which he has received
both personally and through 'rho
Star and to Wish. all his friends
the haespiest poselble Christina;
anti Prosperity in the Year tO come.
'for 43 lone 63 the gas lute. •
'Thote-eoatst'he VIVO. as he enters
Schaeffer's. He stops eo long to admire
the dainty silk nighties, dente sets and
lixch like „temirtine gear-traitetteshas only
asfewerntnatee to admire the furetrimmed
missere and ladies' coats, beauties. ,
"Guess I'd better send the girls in to
nick their own," he concludes lamely and
110W ow all 6 toddles out. •
A few minutes later be is in Tebbutes Searching an empty watch pocket her
picking outes, sleigh that will whizz down
But when he thinks of such speed, he
wanders 'if he shouldn't drop in and -buy
tome insuiante on the boys -from -Ham
" • ' •
cost .4236,000,000, incladirigs new Wella.nd ' •'1
"rll do it right away," he decides, and
Canal -a $12a,000,000.
starts uri the street. ,
Clay and clay Products- A growing ine
dustry. Population 1932 io 16 plants, -Hairy 18 agreeable -s� with a lighter
heart he dips across the road to see what
$3,650,000. '
• " Blackstone's has to offer for some mem-
• • Dairying- Production value, 1931,
bers of the family.
$161,243,000, including ,factory output
There he gets lost in a dish of ice
value of 4104,482,000; , value for 1932 •
cream and almost forgets to buy some
$86,300,000. •
candy but he is soon on his way.
Dry Docks -Canada . has two of the
"r11 Just buy Mary s present to me
world's largest. at $t John and ,Victoria.
myself no woman ever could buy a
. Drink • bill-Fustiniated at nearly 200
millions a year. see necktie," saying. which he dodges into
ridhanes. There- he -finds ties and
Educational-Cana-haa over Vivo
shirts `and spats and a hundred 'things he
Wants,' so lie gets- the tie of his heart's
desire and a blue shirt he has had his
eye on for some time and then forces
himself out of the place before • Ise has
spent his pile. • •
Ills, regret -at, -parting' SO ma
things dear to the heart of man Is tem-
pered when..he goes.,into Cornfield's.
There he gets-. some beautiful sheer
stockings for the girls and as he is -going
out Mr. Corxrdeld -shows him an assort-
ment of ladies' -bags;
He 'knows the girl want, one ,eacisseo.
he buys two -beauties. •
"They will do to wear with the new
coats Shaeffer's are showing, he thinks to
Passing Sturdy's Orobery. he sees some
• of that delicious almond -icing in the
' .
Voltune of busmess ,8145,744,181; sate
$70,000,000. • '
• Fruit -1933 apple- crop of 4,500000
bogie -IS was a Inimferis -one. Total fruit
production value, $1.0400,000.
For , arms. Value of
slaanifffitilnialg' ,t(f00:;`• tole' mil-
lion ur bearing, Anhui,' -additional and
1 11
eALhereby given that ft chelatie
WAS poised by --the-lifunicipal. CounciL.4
the Term of Ooderich, on the fifteenth
day of December, 1933, providing. for the
esti= debenterret te the iliacitattVof
$10 ,000 Ate for the purpose of. paying for
a portion of the cost of Uneutployinetat
Relief Works, and that sueh bylaw -was
tegiderg in , the, registry office of• the
County of Huron at, Cioderich,. on the
19811 day aiDecember, 1938. Aiay motion
guasli (kr set aside The same er any
part there& Mint be made -*within three'
onths atter thelirst publication of this
notitei and cannot be inedeTtliereafter.
Da.tecis at Ooderich tnie 247t11 tley,
December. 1933.
' L. L. IS:140k,, ToWil Clerk.
- -
Tat 0. F. CAlttir CO.
Mr, Accident, **Motor tar
Maionle Temples Weft St, Goderich
Phone 20 l'otELSON HILL,
autanee and Real Estate"
Ma thh, Christmat bring to you and your* happines*
*tut joy. and the New VOW good
hath tiind prosperity.
Aslimps.calheAtn. 0-Jonger...109.4.s-
bers thet. Robertson hatit petting in a
new main spring se be trots down there.
Coalport, blue rammed, and Mikado
Crown Derby„ soothe his .wild eyes as he
gets his old timepiece, ticking away as
frien:dly as ever. A quiet shop, like all
ne -rests -v.-minute to, compose --
his eeid.
When that is thoroughly eoreposed he
takes in the stock of the Dominion Store
with the eye of •a tonnoiseur. He feels
that his already liberal education is being
eornpleted. •
,He is quite Jaunty as he steps into Tat-
-bot ar Cbrnish's and Prices lamps and
electric washers and refrigerators.
"rii need- some note paper and Christ-
.1n4s cards for all the things I've bought"
He finds them in CoIe's 'and fountain
pens and books .and many things besides.
He had • already 'ordered a new. suit
from Charles Blaek, so he pauses at
Hern's long enough to buy a, pair of
shoes with spats to smateh the suit, -
"I'd better get yrooman's to clean Alp
this old suit. It needs it anyway."
He heads for his office.
*--mlf I had this to do everydiiy I'd go
into Brophey Bros.' and arrange a trice
funeral for Myself."
reflected. "Maybe I'd, better pia that off
for a while. I hate to have to decide a
thing like that."
He •feels a little comforted when he
goo mem. window. There he is lost. good Scotch anthracite in the office eel -
sees J. B. Mustard's coal wagon shooting
toyed a welcome increase in recent Governmental -Canada. has lar. I • •
months. • • ••ben; of Senate, 'Parliament and Legisla- "Mary didn't buy enough anyway," he
Nineteen thirty-three was therefore on tures, or 4,000 including munielparrepre-
reflectsas he looks over the Christmasy
the Whole and allowing for all setbacks. ,sentatives. • display. Nuts; oranges, candied peel. all ,
and slow reeoyeries, a year a encourage- Gainfully Employed -1931 census, are. there. So he takes some. Can't
tient giving grohnd for an optimistic nearly 4 -000 ON viz. aikrictautal, 1,127,- help. it.,
"Oh, well," he
advise Mary on,
to -buy it"
And ---he sinks into' his swivel „chair
with a sigh of content.
outlook On nineteen-thirty-tOur. 766; Matittifaciuring, 031,000; trade, "Here! I'll have. to go slow or be
thinks, "141 be able to
what to buy and where
• Where Canada Stands int Leadership
First in ,production of asbestos, nickel,
• bolts-trrmersl-ccioperathe-organizatio
:sheet exports, railway mileage per
oapittiss-dry-iirvirse (two, St. .7ohn- and
886.000s, trahsportation, 306,000; con-
sisisetign,,:satesenetsesforeetue fishing, etc.,
97,000; mining, etc., 7000:
Glass Industry -1932 production in 63
Vents; Sit469;895.-linaorte- 94,545.675. -
Hospitals, .-Ete.-In 1931, 893 vrith
87;05 -beds, 458 were general. 256 train
(Continued on page 5)
broke before I get started," he tells hint -
self ruefully. arn Just look ler a While
IT Verstoiter-tlitil-filliTi" or_ saying
l'Olinrhe.' Besides if I see everything
once .1.1.Lbe, better -able -to -decide'
So he drops into Hibbert's.
There' ar-e- 'fancy bath. towels, bridge
cloths, hand -made leather purses and a
heat of things, all of which he tries to
Ice -note -of:
!if -didn't know our shops had such
really fine merchandise." he thinks to
himself. .
He. stops to admire 'the chic hate fn
the McItinnon girls' shop and notes one
one he especially likes:
. Lauder's and Wigle's drug stores in"-
"Ought to have a kodak," he thinks.
"The old boy we have is'about finished."
. -Bridge cards and shaving outfita-at-
tract him. Brushes to last a lifetime.
"ill' take a lopk at Campbeirs and
Dunlop's, tcio, while I'm at it."
Drug stores always have interested
,hirn. He would like to buy most of the
things he sees.
- While at Dunlop's he decides eft end
one eye over Miss MacVicar'a millinery.
Sure enough there is just the net for
Anne. That's that. -
So he conies up past MacEwan's Sup-
erior Store and stops again.
"Gosh, things look good at Christmaa
time," he thinks. Fruit, canned goods,
nuts, raitins. Oh, boYi"
Ile's, getting Just a bit dazed by now,
This job 'of shopping is quite a chore fer
a man.
*So he drops in to'Robbins' for asrest
and buys Junior a leather coat after
which he Sits down to gather himself to-
gether. ' 4 •
Not for long, though, because he re-
members, that he Passed Shaeller'a tvith-
• out seeini those coati,
ireg off egain, meets the mayor on the
strelet and remembera that he has to or-
der tome ebal. That attended to, he
buys himself a het choeolate the
/fetus Candy Shop to revive hie nagging
energy and has a guess at the weght of
the big candy cane,
"if win it Junior will be sticky for
a month, but here's bolting." "
At the Sinitaitt Merit Market he, or-
, dere. his 'Christmas turkey and a special
hans and feels 'Stronger at the thought
of food.
Rustling arokmd the tiquare alnust
passes the Hydra Shop but, sees', out of
the corner of his eyes, the 'shrine of a
gorgeous eleetrie Pereal'ettots
"Meg it all," he think% "Mary bas
*anted a he* Orte for Jelti* Hero itOW
, adda tartest el IstetPe fo the or.
der tad esSMIntig *tit 'tout 1)04 to
Ziniaes to *et about those r tubes fOr
the ladle,
Ire le in high gear
A14:1 ,11441,
The East 't.„ ont
win the Town Council Re***
County Rates This Year Amount
to $11,353
Well Received by, Goderich Audiences
During. the Past Week
The concert under the auspieeal of lite -
The rand meeting of ,the 1933 Counc0
Was held last Friday night.
The politie,a1 situation- has not in raft
been as obscure ASi at the pretient time.
Unitas wine dark horse cones striding
Over the political.borison irt the rieSt day •
or two it looks as .though the Kesent
council will be returned by acclamation.
Opiolian „ on the street .seems to fever
There -1 sheremator issue facings -thy
peopie at this moment. The present
cOUncil seems to hold the confidence Of
the people at large and there Ls the ale
asays present desire to save motley where
possible -
stated, if another 'able to take Ina place
aceeptablY appeared biti no one has Made
any public Move to that effect.
Reeve J. W. Cralge should, it is elaina-
ed, step up„ in the county_ council ba the
normal course of events, - which would
Victoria) exports Of. paper. torja street their on Monday evening was
,Becond in prochiction of gold, platinuni, •.. a real success. The church was filled to
reelifes. cat reservIes, 'Wel •trede per rapacity and a splendid entertainmen
capita, telephones in- use per cap 0., • , was put on by the Carolina, Jubilee Sing-
tnanufactttre per eapita, flour exports.
Third in production of furs (farina and ers. The program was given in three
trapping), Wheat production, 1932, flour. parts..the whole cast joining in the open,
silver, , • d•• , tog number, "0 Canada," whioh was se
Fourth in exports of autos, wood pulp, well rendered that they might alt have
silver, lead and copper, foreign trade per been Canadians. The Negro Spirituals
Loses Action
Fifth in total trade, auto production,
butter production and rtibber goods,
• Sixthin zinc Production, '
.SeVenth itt steel production, exports
per capita and in attual value of export
trade t1932). •"
Eighth lie cheese. Production 1(19-32).
4Aglaistog-.4932 production- Value over
'milifen in' 13 plants, leading all °trier
Autornobiles-Cartada, had registered in
1932 1.119,803 cars -one for every' nine
of the population production Sallie from
18 fplants 843,000,000; capital , 00,000.-
000s -
British Population in cities -Census, of
1.931---Teront0 80 V c. Ilatailton 79.6,
VaticouVer '17.1 p c, Ottawa ,01, (Winni-
pee 60.5, Montreal 21.8, Quebec °/.4.
. • B. C. Selman -Una -pack of canned
taliton, over: a nsillion cares -a record.
Boys and -Girls' PisTo Chiba -In Qin-
ades1,200 vrith 41,000 members.
• Blind peplation-lie Canada 7,000.
' Bible di,stributhan iti Canada -In over
100 laeguages and dialectS.
%Branch industries -4n Canada, chiefly
U. 71, estimated et 1000.
Oheinieal Inditsteiete-oterserere.duetion.
1932i,$95;000,000, decrease of ten per cent
in year.. . •
.ConVersiett Zeane-Ctetober, 1938, for.
$225,000,000 was overscribed.
411111611 tut art -
Meetly in Canada, Mostly sold in 41,:.8.
'attutdiatt.txPerta..,,480 per head; only
$3,50 irt 1832.:
Citv itges...In 11933: Halifax 184, GitleA
flee $05, lYtentreal 01. Whirdeeir OS, Vane
toter Torisert0 99.
• Canada's ItAtiOnal Wealth -Over 30
Millitere, Or Oaler. ONO per
of the'hitheit in the world,
Centifteet-Itirat 18041, With *,000
Canada% "torstlialoti tepresetats oVe
Mei hone
•61' OM W eatI 1; It
Conti Him& Down Decision
it Davison, of Bengali, lost his ac-
tion against Walter Roie of the same
place in an effort by the former to coin-
pel Mr. nose implement a guarantee
of the .accoOrit of Rohr. Pierson, also of
Hensalls • -
The case was heard by Ridges M:
Costello in county court -here and the
verdict was handed dein On Monday.
The plaintiff is to pay the costs of the.
It appearsthat Rose operated a poul-
trse-fariii Ilensall, dealing -with the
Davison's Hardware in qulte a large way,
The practice had been to allow the ac-
count] to aeountulate ttt the winter and
spring and to liquidate it irt the summer.
Rose sold, out to Pierson with whom
Devisor& centinued the practice.
Unfortunately, Piersan was not able to
inake„ a success a the venture, although
assisted by his aunt, vita, 'Holborn.
• Bose, aprieers,did provide for a pro-
visional gearantee of Pierson's ateount
but declined to pae, as the provisions did
not become operative.
Davison 'Matted that there were no
Judge Costello titled against the plain-
tiff as the defendants' evidence appeared
to be Well Substantiated' by Mr. SUMS,
• indulger of the-es:11dt= Bank of,Comi,
mere in tirutsette
The annitint- at istue Wes., Weil -over
J. W. 730114.61d represented the plain.
• while D. Ifolnies, Croat Attorney,
appeared for the defendant.
An unusual feature of this case was the
pltts for each other.
' Ortert 'Olds& tornMented on the fact
tillAt itstetted, Us bets tetet Of en hotetat
difterepee of opinioi on the part Of 4e70
met% who 41,00eatifit to toped, tuft
I4o further, 59l be on the
Or*Oesit talotWi tiht41 Nattialta
MAO ootelkt, bo.vitsg thttivitil a rettss
*ter it* W1441.
idlrig_11142antasmime, and wers solt-
tingly put itt that they were much more
impressive "Swing Low Sweet Chariot,"
was worthy of special mention, the sole
part being taken by Miss Lyle, the con-
In the second part the program con-
sisted principally of solos. Miss Alberta
Pope, soprano, sang "Danny Boy," with
so much feeling, that the audience was
spell bound.
The basso, Mr, 'Russell. brought 'down
the house with his splendid "endition of
"The Big Bass Viol" and "When , the
tell in the Lighthouse Rings Ding -Doig"
The contralto. Miss Lyle, sang "0 Don
Fatale," 'by "Verdi, and as an encore
•"Can't You Hear Me Calling Caroline."
eliminate him as a " contender' for tha
mayor's chair. • • '
The nominations to be held next ?t.
day evening may change the Whole ,coee.
plexion of things but there is net.'''e
rumble of anythtng approaching a 'se:tt!
prise at present.
group of interested eitizens urg
on the council the desirability of a con -
mission to handle Maitland cemetery, ant --
has asked the'counci1 to conduct a pleb-
icite to determine the wishes of the pea-
jili- °Th. c-ouncil is in agreement with the '
Idea- of a commission _which would be
similar to that handling water and Ught
• Are likely -to- etibmit the slue:glom 11.
an election Is held. Otherwise the mat-
ter will be handled by bylaw. -
The reports of the various- committees -
weureridiedroptromatintehnedoetwounnt m 01 tueettinting.
coMmiitee, a grata of $225 was Made
-the- Goderich, Van Yedelltaliert and 4iO0
will be transferred from the temetere
perpetuity fund to town general account
as payment of eosts of upkeep and care
ot endowed plots.
Comity Payment
A cheek for 411,353 will be sent to the
county in settlement of 1933 rates.
The Payment of $100 to the library
board, balance of 114 year's grant was .
approved and 000 was passed for the
separatfe school board on 811. 1933 levy:.
An item covering' power precured froth
the t3oderich salt Company was paid by
0":1'reetanneeratatirms-oe-the-cemetersti - -
and parks board. the park house lease
will be.extended to Mr. and MrS. TUrner.'
for another tem yeanT 8t4 rental or 810-
a month for the firat six months And 1130
per month for the final half -ef -lath -
year. An option was allowed the lessors
• vering a third year if desired-- - --
._ An account' of 422.8o submitted by Mr.: -
Turner covering work done -and material
used was passed.
' Chriatmas Tree •
Oederich win also have 118 community
Christmas tree in the court house square •
1,__Arrangements are being com-
pleted. The candy, nuts and all the
trimmings designed to delight the .hearts
of childhood -have already been ordered.
Those entitled to participate will be :de-
signated titeougn the usual channel*,
McKay litvs. have teciired permiasion
through the water and light committee
to erect. a new fish' house on the street,
allotvance on thedock. They will pay
$1 per annum for the ptivitegestand 14111 e
remove the building at the request Of OW
Work necessary to put the foundations
of the ifon-covered freight shed at the
docit in good 'repair has been coMpleted.
E. Leonard and Sons, of Lohdon, were
granted an option on an Unused conk -
Miss Lyle has ti. very sweet voice, and at- pressor now in the possession of the toWp. ,
traCtive. manner ,,ein the stage. The Salvation Artily was 'granted per-
- 'Mr. Shaver ,s(the manager), gave two rnissiprt to establish -a fire pot for Chi -1st -
very humorous readinga from the negro mats donations ots the Square. .
poet, Paul Dunbar, "The Rivals" and
"Calling Litate't .which were so well eat -
ed as, to be itimoit realistic.
Mr. Stokes, the tenor, sang two num-
berg, "Homing" and. "Tramping." Mr
Davies, the accompanist rendered..ise in E Minor" by -McDowell"Pol.
4 1
. .
The quintette sang "The Ocialins'll Git
You," and ea' erreore "The Calliope,'.
which was a wonderful impereonation 01
an old-fashioned steamr Calliope.
• part three consisted of a plantation
scene in which Old Uncle Ned Mfr. Pats-
-eel; and Mint jehilina (Mits Pepe) and
the family allgs Lyle and Mr. Stakes)
were enjoying the everting singing ?tonge
and reetiter after Wier s Work, and as
they sang the old plantation tong, "sifting
Along," the old parson came *lot* to
call en them and listen to the singing
and suggest that they woudd sing for his
pleasure, "have you (lot Good ft*.
Wan." 'rhe tenor sang, "Weep. Ken.
tacky Babe" arid the contralto., "Ply. rly.
,and the .basso gave a veryItalistic
imitation of "010 black Joe,'. singing
the soot in splendid voice. "bre eluting
umnber Wits "Aright Mansions Absve„"
After 1s1 *11 jOhted in singing the Na
'to* moilem. wok ,ftwitlies,of,
such hatitvotir and lint are in hist**.
and goOd, Mt to 411. these WhO hear Mehl,
• .Cominh Events
latta-minute shoppers will find many
pieaeing gifts neatlY:boxecifor Christmas
at SCI1AEPER,73.
The pies and cakes Jean Walter makes
Are lueelous as can be;
The care she takes in all she bake,
Will please you perfectia. „
Yuletide ptiogreisive bridge at the Park
House, Friday, December 29th. at 8 pans
under the- auspices `of tile Maple TAO
Chapter. LO.A Conte and Itsge
Pad titre. 9
mit regular meeting of the Sanford
hospital AusillarY rill * lie,14-101 ',the
home of , Mts. Willitth .16weirieit Thurs.
day, December attth, at 2t30, pfta.
WM-Mit-Oh Elittirday, Decent
Illtit, 1933, to let.f., and Mre. Alfred
Winriter&fl R 1'i.,1341teld, aSoo.
V9tWLO1t Tuesday, Deetraber 10th..
103 to Mr. and 11.44;0., rifts. 400(1.4
riete 4 delitibter&