The Goderich Star, 1933-12-21, Page 2-0**
Vire ,
of 11**heetih.0fl. prfsr hat'
eUbser Intexvnyx$,
we r. btifledo
de by reglatered letter, rnoney
the4Or paYabls. at par In
sttitu4L hi
may Hem to U3 costrafl?
t 144 ,
£t he doos believe he Del
t Indlsputsbls 01 fs.ct2t
in humsn
glnulng w tht Word and , the Wocd
• ctod,',;014*the ',Word
same Av4:'14. the *WOOL W.Ith Ood
d the ltiOt(I'her-atne, llesh and dwelt
,among us" bourne *,ritillti Mirt Mara
itself' on the 000:SeibuSnesa *nit' heart
the World. .
, A New We 'Came Into the ,W04*1 on
the III'S VlitistM11,1?*y!./dien 4 Power
without Us end above ui Caine ,Inboactive
relation with. the Whit or Perfehellti
'Within us, in such * String', new; MI
trierVellotis via*, that we are lifted 4ho're
our normal levels into a new world of,
human possibility • of the .ways 01 peace
40(1 0041'w111, •
Nineteen hundred year* ago and mer
"there ivaa he toOM in the Inn" :In
Pesafhistick, dreary, bankrupt world; To-
day In thts:Year or grace, through 0401/*
tunic disturbance, rnuch thirknelf, still
haters over us, and many of our tellOW.
men are being' told thit-eime thing.
Still there shines: that light pt_Sethle,
her;la by which .we need not grope our
'way through problem that beset us
iktimue,,,A4.4.104.he future vdth tentage
and hope; •
The meaning of this great Festival of
afl Festivals may be. summed UP in one
word -LOVE -the greatest thing:4m the
- Akti
les, amt_creeds, and adopt that '81Mple,
method thatinntkes, things Resir. The
love of 'Cliristinas, centres around the
faintly. RS it. Old centuries* ago. It is
love= that looks for no rewardibeyond that
of the *nor and ,privilege of ,serving.
utiti the Permanent advent into the
World of Light, .Liie and Love, in. the,
Person of Jame elitist out Blessed Lord!
and Saviour, be the abundant. experiento
of. Chtistniaa Day reality, of countless
readers' of The Oter.- 1033. •
0010N 'BILL -
t 1* elpeeittlto lit *otn
the earl,ydaya ot ;February.
One•Of the questiona vthieh will Cottle
Wore the House *will be that of'war
Action wail started last seision by the
.0overiinient tO reduce the pension 141
'bOt the atteMpt Avaa headed off bY re--
I:resent-141,m- or the veteran bodier-
ast year's -rirrarigernent
'rhe !Mottle*. Minister made it deal
however, that l
Was 011 teniporary nature and that. .fu
ther •ectlori would hi :taken at a later
date. • ' '
The veterans have adopted the reasori-
.itttrtude that they are ready, as al-
irerrevAtiserfotheirshateof thermal*
Aces which ratty be itecemiary to'euonv
the ,itability of the. country's financial
structUrebut that ell Claises of citizens
should- be.aiiked to do likewise.
hove,hecit,comditently moderate In their
dernindi cUi, the Public treasurY,. that
extreiniekelereelits in their' midst always
have been proroPtlY 'tletteci and 'tht4 tbe
comparative absenee.,of ctvfl disturbance
the pestfour years has been tine
ibt no small part to the . existence of : well
,Orgto0041' bodies of veterans in all com.
• Anyone,. with, OM knewledge of_ the
circumstances Atilt .**,eadils acknowledge
the truth of the*, contentions
, • Mcc1 yLpensIon.bftt,is a Ai'
some $45i800,000. per 4umum.
Acveryorie knoWtOtionieLindivkilisl_-whose
Pe -0011.1 feetfie. to be unneeesairily lam?,
but to* know- that the vast bulk of 'Veil
than .42,,
mth The,mari . on .10...littge-- Penske:1y
teo. may have *ere wrong with him than
there impairs on the surface, and it is
-:-ceitaltrthat 1dz pension- was granted in
Strict liktectridatzei with the law.. -
There ,clin be Ifttle . doubt that *part
*PM, 7thitl'hitiate
10 disibbied Men otir Pentiojt bill hes been
In the nature of an insurance
' paying for thebest-Intiirance this coun-
try could possibli• have purchased.
lona ,
'ourth Column
. Inhas
his ''
„lentlt, , 000 t .
h., have, ' sni phiee.:ifl tha
world sine, Its , •rat printing. ' And let it
zsw- the'light' 01 44' 001,1r4. 14t.4-ii:'more
than a ,„, 411**40., *
It 404%4 Or.* Ix5und',,09110e
The-' - --7.Xir14**1.:, 141.7-. aniV'''146.7:1**X4:.
,Cily thrc4 al..1.,k; inP4Xna, u*me-Wtoe
for the a 1,11X0,, 1820*04 . 11 33. '
, 0 Ottlii0t help ° Wondering 'wnst hap.
kaned to .those' three.jnisibiir-ii,
, 7%0 'Must Ave *a, valued *hi,' ',011.
,M.Y..**T4tt. itre040400,te;,..PrObably ,by .the
tifita*Of the great staudoire.
It is imlikety-that, mere Man *Cod:
have saved them and 'bOitted them' so
1 eltraftill,1 together With heavy' linen' and
fastened on the 'hero,* reolYn paper *;orq'', ..
,• Obviously ,4 "lien/0.0*de job.
,1r inOst At.* hundred *late it AO
,lain in Old.::Walnut sideboard drawers, On
'dusty shelves, , his travelled Ok1kAlt from
Place 40 PlliCet I/041Y lieilleetked4 irr,,
CUT-017119Vit 131;010. REFERENCE
The dkstrict meeting neld. 13eaforth
drew Up the following''setiedule. There
Is some doubt as to Exeter's grouping at
Hamburg. Tins, however, will be thresh-
ed out at'a later , •
• CklliOrtliA'S _
predict what the-tonihnrweek-heId&
Even the sophisticated •ten-year-eldoi
re -glad Tthat -Santa- Claus -Ai. coming -to-
town. •
, *
Dec. 20-.;--8eatort1-st itieterf="----
Jan. 2-IVlitcheU at Getlerich.
Sesiferth at New Hamburg
elintOti Exeter,-
42.-oo4erich at See4srth,
.5 -New, Hamburg at 'Clinton.
Exeter at .Mitchell.
0--Nev-/ Uarriblitt at Mitchell.
Exeter At Seaforth,
10-Ood.erich- at Clinton.
12,-Seaforth at Ooderich.
Clinton at New Irambhrg.
Mitchell at Exeter,
fil,..-:New!flamburg at -Ooderich,
OlintOn at Mitchell! -
lo—Exiter at Ne--w-10m urg,
, Seslorth at. Clinton.'
Ooderich. at Mitchell.
Nainbuig_ atfies,foOlk
Exeter at ‹toderich.
ititchelt --.7-*-
26-p-Sea.forth it zit -to -hen,
Clinton, at Oiidetirsh.
Nei/ ,Hamburg at Exeter.
2D --Exeter at Clinton.
-Ooderichat-Iresi Hamburg,-
30-1‘1.1tOltell at Seatorth.
-For, 71-4.1inten-
at New Hamburg,
aoderieh at $lteter.
17 -leading leshrente eomPeny comPar-
g its reiord$ -in-Oinada-- With those in
the _United 'States has' -announted that
Canadians live longer than white /tined -
The 1141Wa Is 110i :SUIVISing. Our ging.'
Stet crop is distinctlY smaller than that
Of the -United States. •
•* tr" * •*
' The weather this year is not unlike the
local political oltuatiou. It is untakii to
By the, thrieour readers 'hive an op-
• VortUnity-of perusing this week's • eU-
continent, the "Festival of TOM.,
• Vale VIII ha* **est reached Its height.,
how inimersed--wir-haVe
been *1 the Maim: -of littoeli4liet•it be
, or playli every
,grfhittriallit, Chrlit-
timecomet once ,rueleffichlehlit with
11 an Spirit., elir• oby, with 41..
must Samoa tenderness, for one *Olden
day,, we *rein* to humility's .deatilleei
ilTraaa. that 1041t rules the attairi
the id andrnen.'
°Y:ewe'inoitt-ingner-Irr -our le"
a peasant man and his wire and
SivinOett bsby, the greatest inakiition to
thatlannlylife 14 not the de.
tirtkw into would hs've. us
Bililoos of duilam have been Spent this
put. ssr In *001101 tontrlyencts„ for
the SOO of burnin Ilto raore-ruth;.
er before, and in the Midst
ot rumors f wars we listen gladly to the
cc on. earth. ood will to
end Of the .tettli to the
on ChrIsbnaa ew *Ad.ohilstrais
nq aurthurchea will lie flooded **tit
dew* and, 'kneeling people who in their
,bilarts lazow that the, inner
tthritimas ls the oilly-sphit bf
which men can resfly live, and altbonith
•reptatioite the highest *td hitt that
tor three hundred and shtty.rour
one tr. day, we Must nog.,
* *1" *
• Year 'after year the mellowing
fluence of Christmas ivoiks its miracle
on •man, 'Here's the itge-old that
oirne. 7 -
- -One anuptr-
members bf thOie-*cliing Mobeln, tye
-1,1iiii-statet jeer thattliey.liave- earned
a Merry -01wiitift4713".
"Peace On es.rtli, good will toward men!,
* * - • •
1The tablet* of this. town 0! •00det1eh
are1 itoOted stioUp it; OAS time bt,mtgiiIted,
known *dna* 406e deStitute,.. Peace
and teriiPatatiVe;Plent$ shot -mit si,ParC
thought t4 ChtZstlitai lor the ivorld"s
destitidernnitiont4 -
I'. I
t f
*re being
Were ft thousen4 Year* 0
°Here 1* cop
!nsarlir Yie
s 4
front ,
ND Tijir;RY
FOR, Tffp "i'EAR OF, .0U,R( LORD
1 81 ' " •
Being the iirSt after Bissextile;
or Leap. Year:
old and brown and worn.- Zelintes during the yearr-4rulgae Nam
And yet when one pauses and, examines sild Movable rest*-D*7*• of the Monti*
the • old Pages contains much to hold Oa Weeks And Remarkable Deare-ra'he
the Uttered,. , sun'stosit4 and 'MOO
'It is history in' a sort of pe hal way'..
,It firstvolume was printed. when
'Napoleon: Was not yet fully settled in St;
Helena. '
There are plenty of retereriee,s to hint.
1!Aitot* tit&JIIt begun , to feel tree. -to
spe* diarespectf011y of the little Corsi.;
can whose mighty *figure- bad • hovered,
over the 'nation* for $o many years, a
'dark and menacing, shadow.
• first two Velumee, those for tile
years 1817 and 100 -are-printed with the
old'V in 'Piece of the LCtte 8•
Thitmust have been when the change
was made, as the later volumes are all
as We Use them,
;There- Curious. explanation. of the
.origin of the term."Johit. Bull," used to
designate England- and we learn - that.
207,050 *mare miles, which is nearly AS
and -'Switteihnid,':-all of - Which. contain
207,483 square miles," ,
Which, , of ourse; - reminds us that
.Planders.watonee a separate country and
that less, than 'a century age the Fiera-
Inge and the Walloons were joined
together to Mike one Country Which so'
thlthY:0 US greW JO know quite intimate -
1$' as RelirittM.
'chose* old age for every ,day of.the
year--ecot'S Fairs -Complete State of the
Weather-Itoyak Family -Hey 'rabic" Of
litampa Or. /Milt and Heceipe.--An no,
taph on '10'anik HO -England Conquered
-Wage• anti Miller--One-eyed
Rats -Cure for 131,104-4414 and
Fish wives-trietis-'plyte, 134110.404
'CaPtaln-citinmeyEweiper and Baker -
Bonaparte -Man Ix he Moon -Chrono-
logical .-Cycle-Receipt for
Murder -.-Etc.,, eto.
PrePeredfor. the „Meridian, of Belfast
whefe?Zititildels ,48 deg:, 0 min. mirth
and May terve for *11 other Parts of Ire-
land and Oreat.Sritahi,.
' PEXOE InnEr-rxt•Too
You will hear more ahout..tnis queer
wise Old book from time to time.
\ 1
•,4 : ‘ 1 -
— DODD S six
4, ..„..
- TO'
0,0 ') \,
rs,,I• ,,E3 A C :A A C.,!) 10
* T k- , s 001 di
I jl
Ni A 1le l',111`
:Mr A1do 1Zast was,lrnrne Or
Mr, kayniond F'Innigan ha gone
into the pure bred stock lately.
Mr. anti Mrs. T. If. Culbert'M,ado
liutinet5 Pip to Clinton ,litt Thursday.
gr. *Matthew " 811'0101ton 'made *
business ,trip to Dungannon one day,
last week.
' Vh* hunters front Dungannon were-
oVer our Way and got lot a rout*
lot Saturday. „
The farmers ,' are all getting their.
fowl .out to, market while the high
1)4 1rrfvoil.
41.14,1 :ars. It epenifort ottifAits
*mils wet* reek -end guest* at the
home of Mrs, IL Crewe.
Messrs Albert and Will 16wri,,
rom near Port Albert were over to
newt and pig tor Ike qauley
Mr . /eat Mello& and Miss Agnes
w-tkre ,guiets of Mr; and Mrs John
Witt neer Lents last, Week: one even,.
r.'and Mrs. Sherwood let on
*tot, for mtrlum tO' MO**
Andrwer's househ<0 leffeete tO
non,whet* she h** tom* hq41,1.
04 winter.
ha storm last *outlay, tied up
trsm pretty moth ,We will have to
Itt4414 fetie* WV I** 'Or thsi�
40044 •
Perfumes. 25c, 5ec, sloe, $2,0e
Bath Salts 75e* $1.10 and 0.50
Lavender Soap. ,3 rakes 4140
. Toilet Water.65e, 41.00, $1459
race rowders.44c, 50e, '75e, 41
• Dusting • Powders..4L09* $1.50 '
Sznelling Salts. 2 500 $1.00
.414514 gawk.
CombeA w .* • • * • • .250 to 550
Nall, rate ;
Manicure1.52.001 $1.00
*Soap ••lioxee'.....25e, Vie* $1.00
Box candy. $140.
astlinitC- Suggestions
ave You Fotgottes Anyone?
Visit the Drug Store
10-Vish Alt Our Friends
A Merry Christmas
_ r°
'whShalnielizruonislis!.. .50c 2ttsit,$55,..00,e
-7Teoth-• Brusheik:-.415ti.:25
Military Brushes
••42.00, $2.50,- .43:00, $5.00
tigargb Pffar,ettes. Lighkre'..
sPEctit, AxecorsittsitiA.
torino...04.3ftolur 4/It; 896-
Dead'slkdney boxes
Chases *Syrup ' Linseed and
Turpentine* .
-Citstoria 4 I .4 4k-- 4- ib -4* 29C"-•
HOr,h0Unfie 4C*11-4344 lb• 4 ..190
-Buy Your -Gifts-at the- poi Store
A. Campb
is ing All Our
and Custorrie
•••••••••, vor
3. .SCOTT sMNATH,___
Word has been received of the
death of J. Scott McMath at'ffuin-
Oldt, Saskatchewan, on December
4th. The 'late Mr. MeMath was born
87 years' ago in Dungannon and lived
in Goderich some time but of late,
Years, he resided his son in
Saskatchewan, havIng. been bed -fast
for over two year. , He was admit.,
-ted to Ilumboldt_lieftpititi-140veinhe
4th, .where he, died one month later,
tind---wai--liurriechin the Veteran's
, Plot in Humboldt cemetery; December
6th. He was a plasterer and; brick-
layer in his earlier days, later be-
ming- -tan and cburti.,police. Ht
was ,a Prepbyterian, It. Liberal and an
-CtrAngeinan of tat and
ing. His -riv le;formerly- Elizabeth
Ann Johnston, and one daughter, Mrs.
Thomas (Carrick, having" predeceas-
ed him He it survived by two SOUS,
janictlfumboldti lind-Jesep ,
of ,Regina. *
r. grst..Jhat.
pciaizn IC rt. '11011:4, $Johto
.There'i* * real deinret ,to the Can*.
dian export 'cheese tragein permit-
ting the volume of cheese to decline
*further. - Some Oilers in the United
Kingdom ' even now qtteetion the adt,
visabillty of' dealing in Canadian
Cheese in Vievi of linalted TUMMY
4v,ailsible,. and the ielatively. *bort
time during whielt they are available.'
IN CiltiNTA •
• The' proportion of ,thetrade ix.r.datot.
robots "hitherto, estioYect
Ilion producers i nNortli
the Canadian Trade Commiesiofler
ut Tientsin* has been an extresnely
small one and entirely out of pro-
portion viritti, Canada's position In
other ever*** tomicet* for sueh
goodv This situatimi can he ontedied
with comparatively few.
Sweet and palatable, Mother Or*Vee
'Worm zaterminator Is acceptable to 44-
then1 and it does its 'work surely and
ou th6 Season
Once again th Joyous Iloliday
ea.son returns with retherribi. 'ices
plea,sarif business -P. associations
anopportunity of wishing
IOur Weekly Lesson
, inert- ia Often AV.eueed
.00 not 'say, "Walter is 1 very 'smart
child." =Sat- "Walter-- is avery,
' *
Do not say, "1 never saw anything to
equal 1t" Say "Z have never seen."
go."' "-
Della paY; no.t.:4114*,:rite to
low colIoqulal breviat for:'“Irizitle....
-� not
side." Say, "a severe (orA ,,acnte
in," _
11 you than." Sat, Ht shall .;et,te#I1 the
*orda OtteD Alatirenelibist.
.Tahiewhat, ttuniluntie
0 in *sic. 0 in no, accents nriet
lazt syllables.•• „ •
Ulice 1 -urn nob 1-ron.
Monroe (James).
accent lalt:syllable„ • •
•Cup1a. Proneurtee kuoixi-14 ha at hi
ask unstre*ied,
au*".:ecent rltti1r1!1
"-I:aquarium, -. Ozone/Uwe $44,W*4.1.,-UM0
ftret $i-ae in ask unstretted, seCorid
..WaY tat:ln it, acenlvolsotosit eccond
Mien "(demeanor). " ttegar 0001Slei,
-AbertAtithkr two Per/malt
one 21, ',Personnel': two t,1** •tiroky.;
fatted to greY, bon' birrier). Damn
(to.adindge 'guilty, Or to ire/earl,: *IS*.
not. cel.
Oyniasima' „
Associate (noun), - companion;
teCb*stnititrapde.:put"01,100,,u, tprott.r.. friee;ii,d44,1',...Ohrrol;n,
Inallbbiscele*;04,11badist‘tinguise* h. observer PerOel*
see, behold, 'recognise. .
' Perplex, pupate, beWlideri-ennfizse, dis-
bet177 700.
Sentationt emotion4, feeling, perception,,
Atitunte, presume, pretend, affect,
el*IM, feign.
• hate:* weett7:11reetli 1"..tirees, and it
route' Let us !Oct*** otir 'vocabulary
•nasteting Mit word eitik day. Words
•••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••
,poDERicil, 'ONTARIO
A Finishing 'School 111*".fi1iftere
We are enrolling -students now for our second terns, which wat.-
gin On VEDNESDA:iror JANUARY .3, 19344
a 441
Ye d
,4 -
Now is the begin training for the position you hope to secure
* Year hence, 130 your Uainiligmust be thorough ;and OemPlet.;e; or
competition 18 keen.,
Our method of Individual instructIon".#11.4 8,4:PerAtott t„.
*dant the Couree'to*ur"needs;--andithete--yoU.-may-,iidvance,'.4e-ro.pialy.,•:,
OS you are capable of mastering the studies, '
. 01.04ssEs HOW rti
MISS mARsoitiro B. A. . RONALD MacLEOD,
„ *-
Hoz 396., clPhssie 429.
. atttient Vats* or
rbuttY Itsztlee. "the memor3. pursued
int like sNewts*"
10itgitiTATOA7.111r:, diftetly
t ant dI*1net$0sfl pO44 to'Mtclt
mer eat
10:er Peas
- tiff
. 4
%No. 4 tin
Satin :Mixed tliim
Rays' Mixed
chocolate Drops;
Cut Rock Candie
ies 150
ib,Ib 111199 cc
aI unkistldeditura ize 25c and 3
Naval Sunkist Large 4.5c atitd
1 for
I 21