The Goderich Star, 1933-12-14, Page 10I S. ir
annu*1 Ohtistntso tonne*, or
it it, 4.111- &hoOl w11 be Iid
h , Deember 3st, int�.
r 22nd,
Vie0 sutt 140., IffitiOsOti Wet 40*
V2ntitt10:00, local Nitelfare **VI in
,late0f. 8. . 'Volt and lf, Tird**
• at * Meeting on Monday everting. The
latter .inentbers *ere An -
ether member v,7111 be appointed In the
ace of Contillor Brown, who has de.
Oita Ori'rellef will be
Sere fti oder that Chrtstrtia$ cheer
Reprt1tt*t1%eS of, *I1 *forested.
ganixatlonS are asked -to submit' their
'i4ts at the next meetIncof the Welfare
` The regular monthly meeting of, the.
Victoria 'Helpers of Victoria, St. Vatted
church was held. In the seboolrooth ot.
.the ,Chinalt on Toesdart, Dec. lifith Orith
:nine ther*rs 'repent. The ,meeting
'opened by -*Ong 'Ithet ef. Friend We
, Save ;In Jesus," then the Lord's`, Prayer
was repeated in unison. 770* mintiteS of
last Meeting were read and adopted4 The
scripture tear% was read by LW.. JO=
Sproul„ ,The were
eleeted, With 14r; Creilt In the chair: •
`President, 14M. Rani Sanderson;
prefdent, 'Mts..' John Snell; seeretotrri
Mrs, john Sproul; treasure—cidfss-Italet
HaWal4s; convenor 1.10Wer .
Mrs. Prank Dunn. After discusaing ind
deciding the amount to -be -given toward
U e, new tauten' and the Sunday School
Pund, Mr--Crelk;',04!)sect tt1t-
et, with nia
Ageielly. (hu, Bell
lee *plot
MaiLstrate 'Reid to
days in 1*1L Bell
1ii, wife, !rib° Was '
Wm, was freed when Sell
The, ease was heard on 'Dee
'rnetty group ,otstho 'We* younger
Misses desethded on; the tiOnte ,Of J.
.4srrison, on Viet**, ,street
(0 conjrat1t-
1at Miss Lcy HisstisOn onthe
Inent,or,* Uow bletbdOty' on Xsee,
It wa an old.fashioned. .00ePrifie pertY,
;an.d is reported to Itewe !been' *Olt She..
ce13!u in its POrpOr4 Uls* Prikrrileit
was the reelPieht of * runnber 'Of; Plea*
sant mementoes Of the ,..0ecikafork as, Oita
Of the .ciestke .0ontes, 04 40004_ were
carried, on until.* late hrete, Tlioee par-
ticipating *tsport- .olighttui
414400g :the goog4 were Uts.e. Audrey"
POWker, Mary, Asquith, Jerry Saunders,
May McMahen and Betty and Agnes
Campbell, Mist Men* Harrison ;Ikalet0
in reeelvinit the gisiatt.'
The annual trkeeting of the 'Eureka Class
of 'Victoria etreetlUnited Owe+ vms, held
at the home of. tits. Robert' 0000,Sr1.4:
ton* Bead. A batitliiet Was held for
the.....0**0 *Mitt' and terenty4wo .10
down, & sumptuoUs goose *met it
-11,10.-, The table- weicliei Wont
wit/Cheesier* iind-dieg.---to Mike every
, one feel the Writ of Chrlitm**; Alter
the lsOPP04meeting
1 11* ,rett,14; 01114114 vote c! thathot was tendered the hostesses.
Vrie Ott, The ToOe'r were id -
niterf*1 frosell $1,teletn** it *WY
$1,0 °
flubjeets to suit est/ 0,
fitIPS assil SAUCES% fret* 120 *114
01PT NOVELTIES hens 'Ile stp.
line et ebrigthiu Csi
le:4 *St
CODW in all She laielAr frolook
9P!** st*elo'-40 *Kroh'q
ain't toil you 411—Just pop in and
see for Yourself -T. -store open nightso,
tollOW0,-;Preal.denti., Worthy;
vier President, Mrs, It Goodrirestmer,
Mutcht,---esseretskry,--Mrs, P.- Wil-
son: Press Secretary, 14frs, J. B. Mint
Afrs. TWO*. A II exty
was Ca .* -
by the secretary President, showhige, .or their. Itospwwity. . A 'very' pleasant
, ; evening Was spent by AILMr
_ - Oa
. ,
*St 41.4.F.!*L.....-r.4!fPTAlv Tfr thetr- Aotieft-1110,61,4e*
• embe.. *prayer. Press- Bet ret ary
19 3-3-41Ifekiti:viere
.c.stery thernba of the .tairdlit,
CHOI& •0iirATTERS0X_ and alt
ASKBTS, TgAltS and SIL*Elt
torso) CUnnitighard,'
JI*, sp�nt the Weelkhdalt-
ovng. old aciptaintatic
MIss Oertriicle Virbeelet is * Patient In
the Aleitandr*,,Matihe and General
pital reootethiii from 'ePtiendke0
Friends of .1*Inee,tuliteld will be Seg0410
ed, hear that be /IS`040.401 a sittisfec."
tory recovery from his recent illnezs..
, Storey, nibodOinsey in
,Soittlt America, has been isit‘ guest at the
North street Vzilted ?,chureh, Parsed**
IDon Line, soh of Rev. and Mrs, D. ,1,
Lane, Is In the local **Ong recuperat-
ing from an operation for.apperidititiS:
3.110; Margaret MeLear4, fOrruerlY of
Bodertch and now in training at 13t....tos-
eph'S Hospital,' 'London, is ,seriously . III
With aPpendiettie,. '
Mr. Wililam Sturdy has joined ,the op,
Ace star of Western 'Canada Flour
tout* the position recently held by Mike,
Sandersonbefore his transfer to head
Bit Many, friends vidll be please& to
learn that R C Postlythvolte, thief of
Police, is ImprovIng „in health. he
iit-has been confined to 2115 !!O1
some days With a aeriOUS fflneu-
• Mr. ithdi, Nrrs. Thomas '24falpais,
tractor CftseviUe, Miob and - mr.- and
Mr% AleX Ot *ran,. Crown' Attorney, Sid
bri17413a.AiexM&Xpssand-left, for
bexutifiit ekuisitely
OrPridertd , and nicelY boxed), sit
Made totnn bestl:no,ish ritunel-
ettel 414 trplendld4 flubbed and
full Mee. Men's, all $
04e3 • ‘.
ON. and Mossilced • RevePsible
Bed 'Covers, finest wtol, satin
bound, green and gold, 'green and.
vetch, blue and g°4" etc' $5 '50
Large size, special,. eath •
:s are est',swine, We
$ ht and ' nnet d
checks,stripes ' and, soft A4eisalog
eolotioss0 sites 10 to
,11%. Pair
A, table full Or ErtillsIv011is Ties, •
'WO are SW lined and every
*Philtd4111:00,7514,141*.,...ecl„..,!..,.'.1!..4,.!" 75°
large# sleep ali W901 0.0,3e
fated "singly;' Todar s value 11#.50.''.
rIn e irlsh unell' Table cloths, "
size axavi yds. **Amoy- hem-
stktiohed, Choice a de. ' It
signs. Reg, 15,00., Each 00 1U
isnle44 1', to -N. •Iiilested.:,4
:Ohilcireta Lined ILK
*4 to O. • .
Never before such ar,large choice
ot,tne 'Linen. And tiisiise,15404
Men's, initialed, Ore 1.02b2
Initial,' 2, 2 or 4 boxed;
Women's and ChB '5, 2'
Per 1;007C -
FLOOR ,R1.108
, Barr3Sore, Sawn*, Iteversible
Wool 'Bugs. They' give alinost '
endless wear and new Patterns and
derigns are very attractive. ;Ostia
, about 30x60.: Special, $g
been jbrust upon u,
the atopiees of .the slarston ,Amy was thoudlle. A* 713W:nd*ri jrlstQLtl, S4iltaleilel *a.r70:11PitAlla.:
that Of a deteridn' ed effort to deprive the
A special' IniSsiohary meeting under
,..04.that to Cheese
ROM: 00t1Litowitnis_c0mo,
POET; alto *linty pieeei:itIONO.:
*LISII CHINA, at 28,e, .
Parker and Iiiraterman's.
PoliNTAIN FENS, rcNcit4; and
_DESK 8E01, Ilion OA. 102#11.0*
ke aur
471:414arrea ent— I
14.4.:•'TCOS and GAMESi. Cr!, , LADIES"' TAA'Illitit 'HAND BAGS
25e stP.- * - - --froti---111:4-ii;-A-iiiiiiieftil-ilir--
. .
6 .
eatItifully boxed NOTE PAPER and. CORRESPONDENCE
00040 in the new ,designs and colorings,* 080 to $2,00
UIRISTMAS cARD4 Se, al; Tag$) iissueTaper, Cellophane,
-c olor$,---41$0 the -Christmas decorations,:_itnd
lovoly selection of Artificial Flowers to brighten the hnnie.
Thee is something Jewelry and
t gifts .sold in jewelry- Store dice has'
POodied -t0,1 the - of ;Uinta. nity
throughoit the years. Such a gift from
our *Ore siire appreciated.appreciated.iated.
. many' gigift*,
DiDiamondnDiamondWait and,Pat. WOO**
ii.the *out *Ole*
sitoirwars of
China, -Peri*
I()oiat Cr
tho 24$1 bl
torn* '
oubt Rtigtora,
Toga Sit*
It is with interest we read- of the atte-
lieltritiTtlie, !eh001 teeth a 110totia- EWwho heade.d 'the Poll for school truistees Plet4g thera nurses* turn& ccewse•
d thUS- psalm it
church at the clese offlie regular•PreaOh, in London.- Towiisenn is -a nephew larger hospitals, an
lug service.' lostit Sunday evening - Ad.' ot mrs. A,. rfallitlaY, Victoria St. •
, •
intent. Preti sOwerS, 404 baS labored for , .
live years in :Nigeria atid the Gold Coast AlV1014G Tirg -C11110C.11,ES
of West Afriea, gaVe an "excellent ad.
dress, Adintant and Mrs, 14,wers; were N:olth. street Sunday. School 'will have a
stationed. in Code:rich; thhteen yeara ego, °Whit& Offtr Service, on Sunday, 'Dec.
R0v. Pr. tientwelcomed the visitors; after 24th, at a ci•dnek. .
which devotional exercises were tonduot-. "enisi..Sunday Club wl_Mget
the OfffOlors ort:54 iocar Ma*Pe+,.A,C1' North street -.united chnrch at 10 o'clook
jutant Bowers was ,intrOduced to a laritej Suntlayiniiiening,4utdeet, 4"If .a_mariLdoeS.,
.a. Most-.1nterestIng;-manner :ritie'iiest-herosxt-wurhe*rto-heaveree'---
the ofair spoke of his trip. to Africa by The 4r4-li of..North Street United
the steal:4314p Idetsigaine and ,then pre.
Chureh 'Meet On . 'IllonclayIn th.e
teeded- inddress-o ureh Parlor at # p.m. The executive
ocPeriencei at the Ovid C" ,of the Y.. P. $. met On Tuesday evening
speaker referred,to the' great work ac. in the parsenage , outlined a 'floe
tomplishedg, by the Salvation Army In-. prbgrain for Vie yearra-Workrafter which
d•ustrial•Sehodi for boys ere, he 'Wed , Serrideivat North Street ITnIted- 'church
is*-1111)4:-"vrlit-Adijitti-lit luta atliPre-11-. 04 Smidaz December-ritirvil1 be:. -40dI1:
did Collection of curios from Africa, and
ex-pland the 41140131%-stYles-of.
dresS and conditions In.:the ,,country In
.-which he labored.-- -ilowers.4von,-:
iikted the dteittled,-410480,, VA* lever*
and "ptioed away a& they Were etraugiiig
to ram% to Canada On furlough, The
address was ;veil Much appreciated. Ad,,
Intartt Bowers expects ,to„ give addrOse$
Salfation Anny;
WpmElkrtil 1NSnuiE_
_The December meeting of the Wonien's
, Institute wart 4014- ,111. -MacKay Hall on
ThursdaY,. December Preildent:
:Mrs. James Bisset, was In, the Chair, The
Meeting OPened by singing the Ode,. 01-
Phis or $64,024.07. , eking, fever, ,,billoushissi '1088 of. aPPot,S4
,statainent or the ivrtom-, , sleeplessness,- and other, ailments. that
P. Sturdy shOwed total receipts , stomach and bowers
•andit'halehee o bando $82:02.. '
T.107WCA-riireSV'r17-" c
Citeard of.-(1avernoralOrn,--14341.-7-RtOei'.'
gent, parsons; George
0. WhateleY; Mrs., C. A. Reed,. Mrs.. A.
P. McLean, Mrs. W. L. Horton, Mayor of
- Town oriVrederieh, Reeve of Town '7 of,
• clOderIch, ?representative of , Medical
niore difficult for,the nurse to ob,tain, het 'A:otrokiaitat,ciatioine, aspuot7inte, Itvliniaatra',thLeal:0,inl., hon IziT. *nue, through the ginfie0:enpcoeutatenaid i,naelueae::: •Ah: 7:9. $41:0bertiR!'" Con' ,gaat:70/;t::: 47* ,..7,
.energy ' at some ot ..Qur
friend% we. have been able to defer the ei:eirtesd, MaLesia,-7.: ConliOn and Mr.
'action's0. fir4as it affects our probation'', w:havmsott,3 'orreziti::::nt:bextrs; a Nyder: tr.:-
.. . , .
ers, w.e have noassurance that our privi-
leie-hrthis-respect will be; continued -be-- Board by 'W. 11, Itobertson and Mrs. P.
Tond the Middle -of the approaching` year R. Redditt; and, rePIied . to by Mr. Wil -
some concerted action WO have-tti liault,_ -
.,be taken by the ...tospital .BoardS, the Miller's* Worm Powders are a prompt
Municipal and County CounciLs through-
. relief from the attacks of worms In chil--
tY0 the . province 'tol secure a warranty dren, They are powerrur in their-74dr=
that the smaller hospital will be Protect'. ,
and, while leaving' nothing to be desired
ed: The capital -Investatent ln smaller as a worm expellant, have in hinvigorate, ospitals 'Ls fully as". large, in' proportion -
Ing effect upon the youthful systemrem-
to pepulation, as that of the city hoot.
tart and the service Afforded- iiythese
smaller hospitals . and their attendant
medical rrattrnitris-ollitf`ar effiel
1;hre,ip,athRAir..ubige4..T.0**0Wurattsvas; iestbet ettreore7t;oii, :isptheitot. 1! the lyreinotestheictozt1144_
d%r saLo.olt- 7 P.m., eveAhlt =bleat. ."A nursitig .11a5, been so oVerdone. In cltih
twaegrp.":,(uy number
were present at that „lirtaihn"ac is „collars, the Throat.
the Usual prayer service of North St4 shouldrehinedotb%bindy dimIcte?Illiraupitgh.Pter•°stnal*till°1:
thilted churoh on 'Wednesday everting; hospital., Our 'safeguard 'is to exert every
-1;21ese-aertliew-are,very:-.4nteresting-ar ---ocitsbltxtitmgeer-ort -Lktertkbera--4ofthe.
It 'it vicod too Mote wili niake in effort, 00yernittent to 'seethat the 'rights of
to attend ,priyer 'Meeting, on- Wednesday smaller ho.spitals are not preempted.
evening, at _ - Treaa--iireva Report --
, At the Baptist church on Sunday Bible, R. a whateley, treasurer, presented
*11001 will be' held at 10 shm„, gospel
tor. Rev,. w, Bu4t, will or:death; t,c1tepIns.„_ttaheial-- s..tatenfeniits22400 5f05.110:704g-74;
4ervi4e at 1"14:4‘ and' 1*;:114* 7rile t Maintenance and treatment of
.Aferninir sub t, *The Beat proof of Love Patiehts..,,,geemirratl-mn,4„.ts, .103,3 n47027.74 ir
..„ 1032, tert-x4"'', " k
lOwett br,repeating the .16rd's wayeit_../ti_10 ',Testis 011Els;', veiling subject ants!, ..$20riNgertinersitip- c
vtitrao•'drectolderacito tteslimake s extitilit,iLrinsee_chargewinl, vtot;i:., lietr8s7:1:titieertalt-iatiealia-aectrwe:outitrutosT:,!"engbd"er:i"..iti viciorti IatIttooro;.00rerintirdiebt. fracoona,rxd .1.0,. y. roam, 4125:
of the. quilt, The Theatute also decided: . lith. The 'plitOr Will conduct ootiefir'ger:tb.111.12inir; :.34,:::oulif twir'oriblitrifielcir,e_bai-dit' trter1-144$14e.O.Orre"04a::',
to::purehaie a .piatiy-lor-Age--in . their --rkes.-- -it start.'i, "the Patir-of--Itedemp4 i.
. °Irvin iYoung were appointed to bny_th Alite- T.. Miner , endoWment- tuna, VIM, ;
Meetings. Airs. Gordon •IllisseV and Mrs,
tt.--- -the-Xttiv,41r,joant-gave,C*Pleti;•.
did talk on the Spirit, of Christmas. Ile
*aid We are celebrating tiod's kgreat gift
r AO -fittifildtid,---"Cluistmas-luss *--sPfrit- or
Inner • lire, The spirit -of itilnlstinas
.-, silt:odd:be kiiidness not selliihnesis. We
, 'Should remember .thit 'A .thia time when
We shOuld 'plan ,t0 give and not to exiled,
We thetalCe7i110 pfni to the, nt.4.1i-in
• *1i1haVe rabid tod
bikiVit *pia gotta* Make _Vh.tistma*.,*
)0Yona tithe for all. Ma. Sanderson gave
sh- aniitting paper. on . current events.
.1011 Waa, att*Wered by "Whit *
should put int her tope chest,"
teg..Tuftord gave *Owe Teri good milli*
frof Chrlitenas puddIngs, The Moth*
*** _.__Siore jibe,
Ing-1Ainch Was -=4111fred- tky
teises tn cliatiefor the dal.
nolvitett, now AND tioto0. 5unlik
. *Oda meeting was. held irk the,
entrat *0001 on 'Wednesday afternoon,
mitobto of -the 4entril. Home
00, tilith held their regular inset*
Att. .r. :It Ors*. orrk
I addreen On -"Sante Claus." '11*.trsoi4
Ithe wiettli. of the blitiStnias heti** In
Mikity' different totintriel and: span it
tut *untet in winch 414ine, poop* tes*Itt
ttie .onntik Cukino The*. He *id ther*
or ditalueionment itt
t1Ung,thildo.n Of 844 01**, 4111
1* rteUy0041441004 the symbol ,nt„ "
* MO. Met Strath. and Mts. 04,1
In . their ,
" Oft
Wig 'e
to- thlidren, sentril
1 o14,with boes and rub
itiole 'Leif it
,O. 'to the milk
doettitlesh o S10.00 froth
" That*. was
7,ttonti' "Deere :for Time(
110 These' The Carol:irks, Jubilee) Ong.
• 8.4illi-tender-Vegto..Spirituals4..alk.,the
eNningtentlees •- '
The- .rneeting of church
vv.; '' tin-T(10day Dee `
Matilda Trainee, endowment fund, $600 ;
estate ,Or 'Robert mstita,..... $300;' estate of
britorr;„ slack; 420t 'nite0toUtiti
4191.27; total, alli,120.80; balance on
hand September 30tti, 1932, treasurer,
/gat, at be 'hadwiIr • secretaries :of tho '114275.12V snot., *5154: grand total, #ig;-
ferent departments are asked to bait
their re0orta- ready. *ember*, are
reauested to bring the '.conttf their
taiti-boxes, for the abet*, 0441Pafg4
Phnti. Ind Woo etiendar money for
-t11,* tire --Afe*therehip
The , ann_usi meeting', of the Arthur
Oliele bn held Iti the ecture, loom -of
IthoX PreabAerlot, churl:h. Monday
evening, ,Dectmber 18th. at * 4titIOCk.
tile meeting „And Mrs. X. Mason will
Tod * 13*Pet air the stud* -"Other
Stenthers are
*tested to...bring:their mite boxes the
SPeolal, omPiitin. fund to. this meeting
,vmenditures:0od. -0,907.48; spirits
and alcohol, 888.93; drugs and medical
housekeeping and eleaning.' $531,19; fuel
and heating, $02.74; light and- Potter,
Itsiaaa; 'miter and lee, $3/.50; insurance
*nd interest, ' $379.90;. ' rePaips, 4640.83;
stationerir and Office', 182.85; telePhellei
telegraph and freight, $114,8*; isistries
and wages, $6434 70 pm* of Montreil,
losif, *3400; paircellaneotis, $320.04; to.
totl. gr.952.04; Wince- on hand. Sent.
tntlr. 031. tres4., 41.095,45; supti, 81,40;
grand total 819,1149.52,.
The total assets reported Were Oa,-
• 174.4r7; the liabilities, 4,156; with a sur:.
y using the service
ry Cleaning .• Works
oat Appreciated Gifts' are Those Wit *re Useful
We'Sell.Pritotical Presents at
• *0c4 oils sr.
048 140. $3.0
tot,ss 4**,15 PIN
$145 to OM pr.
Ati WS*
witk ta. *data*
Gowns in rayon or silk cicpe, 1.00 to $2495
Pyjamas in *An shades and
dainty Color combination.
Vets rid1Qon1eset4,
Sifps, biaqloke.