The Goderich Star, 1933-12-14, Page 8tdi
itKr. ' Mme" Wihi#. 'flag.
of ,;lex. same K «•
b over qday.
_Cudm ewe 'vim
the u litar# 4344.1"40-
y:- sy..0Doo
104 WOO' lush
1301001 Mr. Bobs." to lee' pr tltecl
May .�c
'evening et the, persom e
!�« ,�tlz�►1� te .w ,art �t�ald
YeoKenneth Trewartha and= ` wades 'Mair-
,4tlidiloa incompardedRevs.
000 to Pieter' o
y 'eve
where theY attded P. it, Office
Team' -;'read' 'report an excellent Meeting.
A**meth* h8 letter M eived' fr
one'our g., Miss �r
`. Bra
,tett.Ch� � �°�`#�11�`lS�rr.� atelrridg.e.
vor* .` n the work
t r... he brio
in 1tluskoka4 t, iCt ',She e In
hone' oa r •o
aN�hC o • i n. YrS� Work � p�n'1ng.
a' . S� 'School • in • the ` .r�ommunit
,Y y
he • home cernmenity wish ;her suecesss
The Y. P. S. on Thursday .evening was,
in charge of the pretddent, Nonrian
.y t �.. ,•�nl�l .
tarit. atictivi ,Ar ire 11111
1» � i*i' . arrived, "•Y a
ve " 'the Wires ` hear o
' we bad'Waited
had +
e, *
oaf err,crmad.averf
gal with 'good thing* ►elf by
tam P4POP4 to their brothel** nand • in
signed s'; opened e►t
'ttf stt"xli"aer} *at
ache". :n was this
distri t
Po n.!Attintiont
Ora* Oro Vie; adeviatngt
Why keep a lot ef-non-Wing
;mak of
wine* you . can h*ve your
o} hen cu ed.,,,,, eee of
° chute. by an expert wit t year* of
aaltamlence end'hundreds of WU-
Onstenleri to hes credit? M.
with Year neighbors to have
your culled the saute day:
. paid for the cull
aa:xs, Por particulars --firefir
n .#4 .
thilrell,.1-i has hecll the , chief ,*dint of atc-
traction ,for the t two • days.
. 'ear , heart ood could your,
It would da7'.� tC
,see the, children beam With ' ,Ply 'as they
sim their teeth IMO alt Ontsriro a e;,
the Resort ' thankfbl Smiles as_
or e ,
to tee r
. .r,
older' folka�, tsalk over their lare of fruit,
e ab d ie .lei of ` flour or
'..�k lino ,r p �
apple labs of
t`ni �, ,` era ofl�� s
cheese, polls of honeY, packages,ot
W, lmda> 'Many otherer
tiroin . �
� e"
1*et• Potatoes, t
� and o
Many hearts and 'homes- been glad-
I ":don t :really know nOw tv thank all
those good people who gave of their time,
talents and Roods in preparing this car.
load: •When 40 tons of Soda bleasinttrs
go Out *Mont the people, ,much good is
done. I "can only pray that your all may
be: richly blessed for your -wholehearted
consideration of folks ' who are in real
I would like you to convey to all those
wtao. lisve cooperated with you in this
Peculiarly great service £o people 'who
ere in 'distress due to crop failures the
heartiest thanks from the ' Strenreer
people, Yours sincerely, R. M. Wood;
Ont,., 38, -Suffolk -St, If yoou are ever in
Guelph, Mr. Patton, call1 my. folks,
,Vothin moe: m r Etat d t o Choice kflouT ks'
,� ��p a +� -
for the occasion
1 Will have a largestock to choose from both an cut Flowers,
rind f. w e► rel plants, Icon* the ls,rgest ' stock outside of the
larger cities .Worth your whale to,call and see the display even
ifsW -d Come
and -look -the sto
ck- av
er before
you deckle on anrthiing else.
t♦he work-
�cap*blea one. a of the ; 'ice it
plvthat it w0014 Vie' a better
plan to 'sleek, out, the needy thi4 o go
On 'theprinelple±; of first COO b ..seri►
The ` wet*. 1 isa Soniettinet"
slow to make i self kknow ...Fortunete'ly
e . set In n ..
t aC r W
� �. IMS
Galbrl is in IMMOdlilte toritset with. three
nmun cipaalit1es where, .drought,:heti -and
opera ,Conibleati 10. PO the erOPO
- case --After " caste'' 00,t-* singler. 4iusbe1'
Was harvested.R
e m?astmreex *ere
imjar iv TWO ear off t -and
�tT. R +'. �R Y YAR w/
pe � .
oleic- were Sentthrough_central
to relief 'volun. rY . ell t conhznlSsioni 1tt •',iteeine.,
one from. . lrlgliton, ` Oat., the other from
Theodore, ,Sank, A• local committee was
appointed for the dietrbutiori. and this
conilliittee gathered 'a11 the information
possible as to tIalQ . $ize fwd ages of chil<,
dren,' of families,, over awide area, This
information is. available for Our. Ladies'
Aid ,committee, 'one of whom- (the "preel-
dent) was: on the car distribution, eom-
Will you please convey to all who conn
tributed ' to the pauckages our ;'h'eaitY
-Oat** and appreciation/ " It will, 1. am
sure, meet with :their 'approval that the
need of families and not denominational
sittiliatie/90X40, the basis of distribuq
tion. • .That 'haus so 1n the' case of .the
above mentioned' cars. Both ,were sent
through United church enterprise, -but
all shared in their -contents, Now, there-
is the third evidence of practical sym-
Lhty ,from the Milted church.. It_4usti-..
es the name -I he-tTnited .bhurch...:
Canada. , ,•
�:.. n 11""tYf�2YlEiYI i3u'"'�Cl't, '. - SCO
'Ration for your labor in the Lord on our
behalf; 1 am, 'Moura sincerely, D. Bruce
Millard -
Herschel, t3ask., ' Nov, 22nd, 1933.
Mr. Geo, _ Raithby, _..-
Auburn, Ontario. - ` r
We notice on some of the boxes rel
ceived' in the. commutiity car of vegeta-
•bles, fruits, ete., your name appeared as
chairman of the inter -denominational
committee, and therefore take Oita
ly-rtunit y of writing you. F,trst to thank
,you most sincerely for the donation
which, we have • received, Secondly,' to
.advise you that :same. was- received An.
good order with the exception • of the alri
tales, it would -appear -that- too such
heat had been turned •on in the car and.
e--apples-were- int -very—=bad shaper -but:
morn p�
`t'?� �' tit- iUiC
and + rs
MOOitl� purse
the trent of the :Content carne...
a R
cisteti6ritnwhyhcarof <t-
Olga ; • received, I want to state. ,that
itnancial 'conditions in this district are
very bad. Due to the continuedt depres-
sion, coupled with, complete ere P failure
t'his'year, the farmers are in .is bad war
and ettousbr depressed, The receipt di', Trewitwrtba. After the devotional ' cervi+
Mr. Kenneth., .wart a. .ail inter-:
.Kenn �; ha gave .,.fez
esting nntsaionery ' -tbple. Two 'musical
nutubers, Were contributed. A. voeai vduet:
by Misses Norma Potter, and 'Edna .[i'tiIM
ler, a piano sola by Miss Charlotte „'A
wartha. During the social hour, hind/
was served.-
your ;valued donation -was just what ,thy
needed to pick 'them up, something to
make them feel .that they are, not entire..
also ant to make- mention of Rev.
h; '
W. 3 Tate and, M+Ir.:1C. Worms,' pastors
of the Vntted chUz' h. at Herschel said
Stranr ser respectively, who gave us val-
unable assistance " in the distribution of
these goods;
Finally, we want to extend ow sint=ers
tkiatia-i AMMe l ed 'With this
The �iundslyr •wool will Bold their in-
.,• dual krises tas' tree . and 104ncert in the$onatian, those- responsible for organic- ,xtclaoal on P,Iridayr evening December 22nd.
ing,` those responsible for the actual; don'
ations and those responsible ssd
or the -dis- The` WomethIasi 'srween Instat%ituthe t e•anhomeet...ofu o»�fW'Mrs.-..
tribut on, and 10 YOU `Mi Raithby , neay o
Chairman of the ceMintttee, we want 7°111
ou Hugh Klug. 'In-tlte. absence of the preah
d nt th ih•St uric pre id t Miss Md
to know that;the: council of -the rural
municipsitityr of Mountaizr-View No. --3/8i
and the ra ayers, of the staid. unici-
lity, are --,ever :so ; 'gratefti ".ta ,1011 or
your efforts,_
As we are noirtic. pc,sseron:of:'-tiie
names •and-addreseea-of-:all-thoseLL Spon-
Oohs for these di nattoils, we again, ask
you to convey ta. everyone our sincere
thanks._ Yours.. faithfully, . tsgd.). ; nary
Churchill;' Secretary • .• •
Word hes also •just~`arrived from Dr,
Geo.. Dorey, Emergency Relief` Agent,
Regina,, that the ,'bale shipped on Nov.
20th by the Auburn ccrnmunity relief
ittee": had'come oto hand. On be-
half of those who would'share in,the' bale
f' he expressed warm; tharikz. '•
a$114ited Chotoitttes,, lb.„„,.., ,....
v ,
d�elineat,lb.' u.
42hocolate Coat
clffistmas 4per. ib...
ut Britt!,,,
u n
*S O, ♦h*+k*iiiS *4,ril'+Ariii�ILY+�+F,.W:'i:i
it#, M#1.MN4l 91+ti'I1ti'4(* 4 4#4.*"M +►1P+iahM1K4�14.
44*r rwesw..wwr.i4I*raw.
.* *fw44a, * ,Ir4irkr 4*w'4 x$**,4'
PoOs keep* owl t
ates t
eel. Spices
y not let
p c
0 �.
basketive U
things. to eat.
have your amount W
,�d� � will +�
�P •
e s. elm._ , r :that Mrs; Jas.
Allister, took Cheese -of ge.••of _tIlie.. eoeeting. _ We are pleased to hea ha
paper prepared by lira, Will;`%es was, ?ot11 is" improvirg''trs 'Yreatlth:~-
We • are sorry t0 -1161X ---that
read by;'Mispr' Lb�i,,ettsc' �hacrxR . a. recite- :. . pre -
tion was given. by little Gwendolin :Flail- ylor is under the doctor's care atp
b+�ii�-the:,xoll;�i+vas-ca7led-3 stew red .....::..... .. -.�-- .:. __, .-._:
e me .. ,. ..
"Chr�atmas 'sugBesticiits.• X,.. short time'Mr. and_ '�+irs hack Buchanan visited,
on Sunday -at the home of 'the forme
was-.epen in communikt singing► At the , -
uncle, Mr. Mark Buchanan, or Brussels.
lase t
e meetin -lunch °vvas b
C of h eery
y !Mrs. J. E''Ellis returned home on•Sat-:
the hS?ste*ses,
t s n .sou le -of weeks
.. �urday�-atter, lee tling-,a-� P .
The :Owl; peonies -Society m o
..:. e n with her sister, law R. f:overitry gf
Friday evening, meeting being led by Wmghamrii and her daughter, Mrs. J g,
Marjorie Campbell. ' ' The scripture lesson...
. Isley, •of Tuberl'y Township.hip;
was read by Jean Robinson and the topic win nomination in East Wawa
d wfn;g• 11.
-ed by Misses Hilda Slack and Winnifrect .
Campbell, and, .readings were :'gi'ven by.
Miss Verna 'Vincent• and . Mrs' ; Ray
cent: -• The election of officers took• -place,
and stile} new.offcera-for193 e►. as fol-
lows:. President, ,Miss Madeline. -Waken; -
Christian Fellowship, • Edythe McDowell;
Miss%nary:: Wliinitre tCam ell; t zcn=`�;`
ship,_ Ray Vincent.;:: --.Literary and Social, •�
Bill Bush; a Secretary -treasurer, Edina
was .i iii
Walsh. The meeting •d s issed'; 'fob.
Rev -.~Dr. Mortimore..
given by;' Margaret ' Jetierso'. , A• . re rt
of the Y. P.' Convention at Auburn
OVen •by Elaine Barliford and: Marjorie
f*t the'"clatee oi` 31ie Meeting
thefollowiiig..offtcers were elected !or the
coming jar: Prejldent; John A: Thomp-:
a - TOWN- :.son; ,'sec'retary-treasurer. - Morley ..John.;
` Preparations- are -being--:nacre--dor � : -stop -convenore_oreommittees as 1oIlows
FellOWsliip, ,AsnoI'd • Craig, citizenship t
concert to be held by the pupils or iJniomi
=boy oh. --then•: at moon --of - December
(From another correspondent)
Mr' 101ert Davidson -attended the
I eeuron Presbytery held in Sxucefleld last
21irs...John. A eli'ng._and faintly -visited
-1a eel in =Alintor •At<• -:tile lome -)ire
and Mrs. ' George Riehl.
Mrs. 'Robert te.Allister„Jean and Man-
ins visited 'alit .week at.the home of Mr.
'arid Mrs. Dave` If €amiUton► at 2tuburn.
'Next -Sunday the Carolina jubilee
Singers WMU tsake'Dart in the regular ser.
:trice: These negro singers are touring
-Western- Ontario,. •thrid cortrit steer r• -:bight
recommended. It•' to be hoped that a
large congregation. ' be 'present:
Time Decemm r_ 1. eet g of the W. M,. a.
win 'be held: on Virednietday afteriioott ot”'
this--Week, ;thefplrome''of Mrs. (ftev.y.
James Hai3ailtsmrf w ei gate:' t�, 'Goderieh.
The guest .speaker.` will be Mrs.` ° -(Rev.)
Wardlaw. Taylor, of Godericii. Rev. P.
ik:.wiln•eonduct the election o1 or
cera or li3*,
. The annual Christmas tree and con-
rt 91 -•-Un onSur day..Seheol. het
in the; church on4 riday a veniing, ,Dec
-emnber -22nd. - A .tinef`ptogrant :1s be
prepared. Coyne, and bring the �ehiidrerr.-
Rev: F; W. C ik . occupied the pulpit
a int n on_iiimida..31 de1iveringg sin im,
in -the-, hjire Stand
the heed of Prayer;' from the
text,, 1„'Where#pre I also, after >t.heard of
Your ' faith ,in, the `Lord Je8us, -'and 1oV
all • is c • not to
ths. -for you, shaking mention of you
,Mit t:praYerta." • ( esia ns,.�y�1tt15.16).
Ha�wood.. satin the:. *oho, ',`The: Beatutiiul
Garden of Prayer,"
.the":regular- nieettnil dt the it ; F, ,g
vme beld, . On Pridayr .:evening with...forty,..
Dent. Arnoldr' Potter was ° In •+barge
bncl• opened the •meeting with the.
"Come,. tett 1* _Bing. of ' ati. Wonderful.
'tovs� " followed 'hit' the; tcriPti. re . n
Com; , taUke 0:20-15Y which Was read, .by
Mirka Calvteil.. R1I
v'erett M w lint read
%'I . Tro 'ix- ie.20 erP' ,fie.
hymn, "Reeoue the' Perisilioi ' 'iras stint.
followed bY the' toptb, ' "Wh*t' Are 'ov •
erty and 'Wealth?" whklt- 4' is read by
`Y1d .r .The s ,te etur'e '
1ha meeting was s humol-oi a,'debate,'ate
that, # _ gidinati*ed; untidy~
tat inure
to be 'desired than a $ eras•. ttdlr.
» ` The . *mittiYe , ►+s taken • b
leverelt 'Mcfl *i t ride :l erne± 'i iter,
the negative wasrupliela N`o aX
k . and. Orval I Pc a`eh. The, *Object
very well' debated" *int proved, very
Interesting acid, ttrovoked nu ch 1a lighter'.
The .tom we At* IlerdOn ». fob';'
sit Daand net. to.V.. ,Mr,
i►> ye -the deeloilon of the ftmdge+ In
i914M�1t' of the **math* by a; e
amity': The nnoih ' hand; p
two while the ludo .werede,
tiding. the ram of t • debitt«
r ,"Distal '740,!191 -
Viable Bamford, inissionaryr; - Marierie
ihmpl li, ia'1-•std iterary ; "'Verna,
chimney : and Gordon- Naylor. The next
meeting ill be held on;. F'riday,_:December
,29th, kand will take -'the form of,. a pro-
gressive elcikinole social;
nosh being on. Friday. afternoon, . Deoem-
. S 6
d er
c nc a.
2' • ':the school
ter 2nd,
has been changed to Thursday afternoon,
December The school concert on-
the 9th concession of East Wawanosh is:
to be held Vri'day' oveningF- pec.-22nd.:� ,.,_.
-The Y. P S. meeting 'held Iast -Wed-
being about 35 present. The meeting
was led b the 'vice president, Mr. Nor-
orman, McDowell. The meeting opened
with a songservice, followed by payer
-hy 'the ,president, Mr. ,Doug' Cairipbell::
The topic•,ivas given by Miss Edythe Mc
Dowell. Instrumental ;musts was render.
fes �►
RLL iunudsfiers, Coal Blowers;
TinsmPt:`thinbig,ai�dr Geller t
_ P
Prompt Service ; Phi r
'ViAri "17E0 pkgs.
DOMINO 5EEDL,ESS tS ox, Pkg. 15
MALAGA TABLE• • - lb, Pkg.
*V'egetablee. Tosaitto rCliickeit with 1i-ce
,may, ;
1M `111111i11111Iw 11 0i1111111
tARSCHIhidi. W m-8-0zi- Ilo>t.
MARASCHINO s.- 3-oe,: Bot. 2 fer'2540
E1D D1UL - 15-ot. y Pkg. IIt
lb. 17'-x,
MON` AND- ORANGE " , - lb, 2
CITRON . ..11
i EADyY (UT MIXED . -1bi '?kg•'2 for
COCOANUT.. Shred. or Doss. .. » lb,
"SPICES, 2 -oz. C1ir. Shake -ase artsd ,t.31,0t
MOLASSES, Aunt 01,14 19s
ICING_ 'SUGAR2` , lbs.19*
'I'A.S Y ALMOND ICING4'« 1.1b. Pkg. ,
Yon ozltrolle N e
�'. � w • �`� ear.
111111 0111*wrir tiwlltiwiiiliJ
44 *w.4 44*44*4 *4 **CV