The Goderich Star, 1933-12-14, Page 2, utpi
Wok.. k
IF YOU 00, YOU Wlioto
EfOOYI tiOnt, W, A
.• ASO tin t10144.4 -KE
Warden ,Ballotyne and the meMbera
ttie<teunty„ Council *re tObe conipa
handling of the eatremeir difficult situai
Oons WWI, hint. been Confronting them
' far some Months.
Their new. appointments **sir to
have been dictated by no 'other maid-
et-4ton than that 'of the fitness 01 the
applierints for the two positims.
• It is particularly pleasing that both'
epPeIntees are ex-servIte men wfth,
Wendid war reords,
Tire totind ternmori senie which. he's
'Usually characterisedour rural teuntlia
. hots /OM been denionstrated. _--
1Viesarars-Iteberts and Mrskine should
Prore"*'100--oys1sz tmcIent servants
of the county.
In praetically every tity and town in
the ObUrit4riiitildreda ot living trees are
ferdoened with t Olored electric lights as
.the 'Vide Tide season COmeson. ,
- 'The 'result is Vent beaUtifts1 in the
Majority of_cases.. and _IL.A...coristant-
Ught to the YoUnger generation, especial-
Zast year one of the barest in the,
park Was so 'decorated'. The result was
not as Pleating as. it would 'have been
'had, one or two of the large spruce treeS
been used,-
torrespondent suggests that *ceders
be brought in!fixon. the t °mini -:and post-
ed at corners ot the &Pram.
. This Is a splendid idea but a possibly
,12ret doom:tie-4-ot trees is not neees.-
earn? confined , •to the municipality.
aitankorivatercitirens wire trees on their
lima The cost to allY individual is
trifling COmpired to the plestsure it gives,
Our old friends, the pots on the sun,
to whlchihilVe been 'attributed teen of
of the -Wat-COUPle Or
decade; Aredue to annoy '41S, again.
eltister of those is Peeping over old
001's TIM and Will be staring us hotly in
the face. itt 1034,.._,
Meant41teit tompArstive OP!
zizt_y:h 0-nritaiiia exceptionally good}
.'..--,tiettkr--1.:Tettrt#014-11,arAviartz .over torg.
of the reception'et. Admiral, SYritW 'Ines4
picked up at iterieluin Or Buenos AlreS,
relayed to NMI/ York Where they are
he istonitotrig,tht4 1, that Admiral'
*Yl‘rd la" despatching hii-mesgstge4 wlth
asinatint al PoWer-tibbildralent10
in muth 1.0. t
Wben the s
on it* '010
ilowa And aitOtile; them
4Ost now the ann"1 cleat contplealOn
leave. thla bealairlir Oiling in. OftetlesillY
perfect e.0004100, s Act of whIch the
radio experts *re taking.'
In & Year Or two, however, this Will
have psued and We may Again look for
souls t few short .yeers. *go.
Vukt is, m*less the experts" discover In
the Mean thne, how tooVerome, the
handle*, of & spotted NO.
Xti, spite Of OM der:MO.3,44 VOnalt1911 01
trade, Canada still leads the- world in
ProdUction, of 'itsbeito*, • nickel, Cobalt,
tanners' co-operative organiaatienai
wheat exporta, mliege per eipita,
'elevator capaciyP, Wheat quality, *dro
PoWer °development Per tri tar( elrY'decks
Tri4 exports of piper.
• Ts Errierton's law of, compertsa.tion
working? Freedom from...Snow lest' year
appears to bavgassuredirs, twit, the: us-.
nal, quantity this winter.:
An exchange says that t a Man can live
without work While he cannot liveh-
. Wit
_ .
out flied. ..Tott many men in our levier
citieshave been .forced to,prove that they
Can .do without both foy too long petted.,
of time.
* 4 t-•* .
Our ,good neighbors in 'Myth are ex-
periencing the pride ,of achievement.
Por the first time in their history a, resi,'
dent has been chosen for. an° important
...county ofilee. Tf, as Is claimed, , goo4
fortune comes in threes he should not be
the last.
Althoughthe itussian pea 'shrub has
Velollege--as-a----hedgeTit-haw th
weakneu. of remaining-tnishapely for a
Mlle, :each year, _Wogto its' branches
being too pliable -and bending under -a
*eigho. of snow. Trite Pell shrub. Is
own sa-Cteragana /niter.
tha 43.lber1an. lata tree (CamAxis
_shoresomo Is. perhaps the beitrten, de-
-elditous hedge -for -the-roldetiatirts -ot
Canada. It resists beth drought and ex*
tre teld, very -well. 'ft' will: h
height of 18 feet it desiredand allOnld
be locatect in fun Sunlight for bett re-
tome too open. Speeimens may be Seen
at the principal Tipp:anion UPerhnentel
Stations from New nrunswkk westivard
to Brittch Columbia, together with
hedges ot the direr; 'pea shrub (tlie
linfirirearaganalT7One of the hest ,1ow,
Tror all Canada, the 'proportion of land
been: Ploughed at OetOber SI; 1933, was
orgilhilted,AL814,,net, ent„,:al“etiipitre
with 37 per tent In 1932. By provinces
the proportions are as. follows with last
• ear'sfigures itt brackets:
td- Island-41r'$Tr'INTOVIC'7050
(60) New Xtriitislvick 89 (88); Quebec 65
004,0;40W 42 (6) ilkitanitolAi 73: (/0):
SitkAtchewim 22 'OW 4+Ortilt 24 (12);
British -ColuMbia-.3$-(0).-.-
$ole int for, Obit ottlebrata
Morgan, Ltd. guarantoa
KdetoMeassre Suits fr*
P.,‘STY,/, UsiI,XtIL14$1-Vtv
IMAkillik)i._01;4144 RQDM
Ratio\ $,00 40*
witis too rOtato,
r, generallir
ter 1c .1 hi =CPI
i» not SaYt ***either
ap*bIe of doing the Work."'
oy dy brother*in•laWS were
tuerth;tt , b hers-ii.AW Were
00 riot ' self "The *Ciente speaklng
oerreetlY,'!. "'Icier/CO :Of.
(a 3.16001.t, or "itilCia),.'"thO
*Peaking correctly" .4411 Of .de
*-1)o net. .$111, deset tukriony thin* 'so.,
Omit don't or hardly.
Do. not 40Y, ast,,the vase on the.
thelf,!' Say, ,"She set , the vase on the
IOUs iYolce, _
11,00.13011014„ of no.sub.tanUaI e .
saqueneet; important. "It ina-
Matinial Whether he does.
Dow .altiorAms; oistailblia, to repo.
WOW, dbireputabl,e.: *Ito znan can sue-
Oed by *nob disoradi. table pri14100'
rSEPIIinT9,0rIlr.. .; the . state ot heft*
vebement * 4414; nu* energy. "flle
sudden iraPettiesitst in , his mOvenients
surprised Me."
- ,..,......----..,—......
wsefsioften hitsPronon Peed
.1:0011'Vens knianationed..Addreso On: ifiethi,
e9 'et the Werden'e C*Inittee0011:444n, ftuflbeeilligastwilliinelt, krurion-sini-me", 'act
Triresda,y afternoon Wove Albert, Gold, -cent second syflstte
thorpe, chairman ot the warden's tom- Passaic (New Jersey), Prononnee
nlitteo, spoke to County Council as fel- ‘fitst & as In at unstressed, Second
lows: • a as in ;80, .t.ite in liek, accent Setond
Xn Jtine It was decided -to be charsyUabe
toed accountants audit the hooks. 'The Aradteet. /*Monne& ii,,r#1114ilit, a is
tesPonsibility was thrown on the warden's in at unstressed,'Seeond a as in say,
committee After that ineeting in June in lfek, aeoent seCand
met the warden'a. committee here and Arehlteet, Pronettnee :iir-irl-tekt, a as
they inatreeted me to employ a charter- In .ab, 1 as in It itecent first syllable,
ed aeeoesitant anti Mr, Gibbs was em- Illustrate. Preferred prenunelation
ployed, IVIr. Gibbs tame work 711,thuldatpaittecent; onror,
on I atiended at least
on ,lune 2lith. 1033 andontremn ti*that "date
On bear as in It, first a as in take, actent
July 4th I called this war; a day'
OA Mr. Gibbs was stuek. °ilea Ive°41nninteretoe Etiquette. ProztaunmetlfUkek,bnur
go beck to 1032.. --1/116 granted hiln per- os hr bet, t as in 11, accent first- syllable:
mission., Mr. Gibbs and his , learned -
staff got no assistance.' That was hist :C". Often '1"3"• Pell°
emnigaint from dayto day and it went I Monotonous; feur Movable, pre
on- from-0rue to tiree".". ferred -to-moveable.- -cerifectleneryt eryi
.Mr. Goldthorpe described- the ary. .plainnesm, - 'Miter:ye the--tw
experienced In. getting 'vouchers, etc. "If! n's. Eavoo o k. Phlegmaticz-Observe
Mrgolinan was in ,his office, I didn't thij,b•
see him. It went on and on at4 Yfr. . -•ynonyins
Otibba wast getting verY far and he AsSembly, asseroblage,..centereneTe; con-
cadspellaexerus dinestooriunsebeditt dAeutgusaa l5The groetrah:ittlnitOO, (00vorniavrt 0,:kiaptil,ivibrattr ittse. te, de.
Ieading_IIP_Lto_Mr.,YourileiLarrest.,_:.".7.1e-ught„ -enchant, entrance, eritapture:---
rteXt man was Mr. Iloirnan."‘.he oPritin- perpetual, .permanent, constant. ton-
ued, ."who appeared With a lawyer. We walla, ,ceaseless, eternal., endless,
dichil get anything out of him when it obsoltteold, ancient, antiquated,
came to a question of invelees. Why archille,7disuaecip out 0 date„
were they not taken 'care otr The
corrunittee were told from a
Tyepwriter Co. were M London. when
London eommunieited' With adVited. they
:were in the ,beadefilce itt Toront0ancL
from there referred to Montreal. "I sup-
pose we voidd have been toldtlie,re they
were '' in 'Undon, England p said 71cr.,
Goldthorpe, , . '
"On September 8th we were caned itt
of , $25,000,, andanother for $15,000 which
feri or ott Company to pai $7,501)-
tokwi:eni-tgli,000::erh:411";. w'teat,p7 .4esentikribe4tive:.athef boni, decdingts.
Ttee*e GoldthorperuetCtharwh n
the now treasurer 11 aPPoloted that be
be requited to put up a;pertenal bond of
$5`,000-1031A000-.1Vith Seeltrittliehrtirit,
"Don't blame your former auditors tob
•neb.,_ It took „Mr. Gibbs and..hisle
ed staff seven or .eight weeks before they
had Young cornered."
Reeve-Haake 01 h--TOWnsThili;
asked, "What is the cost of the Investi-
gation/ Di4'. you make any arrangement
with the auditor after the first 'Ave
inOriths?" _
" Mr. boldthorpe--'116, he said he would
do t as reairiably as he tould"-
Iteeve tuts Account been
Paid yofr -
dollars has been paid. The total bill is
$3,208,60." •
eport ,ot the-wardeiructei-fir
Will be read at Weeinesdate
othrea-adjournertto meet ar,9:30-1CM.
and Empire
. Amos. says-loarMers •Ilejii Break Main
Own Moireta. Headline -What -dees
ristrtias put to. t ,Prailiesr
y Itevi Bert Howard. Arcola, 'Saskatchewan
HESE-are terrible days, and gloriout-
1:),31s of tragedy when the soulis harrowed
•:and, left pitifully Sorel.* but days also of Ito!.
lour -challenge 'and 'opportunity, ',"Seekest thou
• ,great things? seek them :Doti" says the wisdom o_
•the past, for In these herc days,.thellittle 'things
l�ecothe the great things. And the most gracious
, privilegeaccorded man* is that of helping God an-
swer pryer, also that of assisting-Ilitiflifthat
• ly task :of bringing the' Christmas spirit to the Prairt
ies. Messengers of "Santa,'" a. btlnlble tt,,tsk Yet
beautiful one. °
What large numbers of homes ,,Santa would have
to leave out of his itinerary, and what o'greaf inun-
bet' of childrett,woOld Miss his kindly ministry :were
it not for fhe.folk who seek not great to do,
but gracious things to do. Howmany umgic. par.
• eels given by kindly People .woidd fail to reach
their goal but for such hilluble ministrations.
But letinchurry on. It was two more weeks
to Christinas and 1 found Myself in a home "listen -
mg -in' to three kiddies as they talked of Santa's
'proposed and ofcourse expected, visit. What
,flights Of imagination as they , talked about this
visit of, their wonderful friendt They were posl.
.tiie he would ,Come—why„,,,,stirely he never would
'fail them! I looked up and caught for a fleeting
moment on Mother's face a tragic doubt. It was
but a momentary picture; yet One so full of pathos
that It registered itself Mt the, mind in such * way
*.so haat me. How helpless one. seems at such
rimes, especiallY when demands are so, great and
so attn. Doing the days that followed I Could
not 6:1 myself of that 'picture', and .how futile and
po4ent 1 fiat Of course,. I could ,give them
possibly a pair or two of stock.
rill a pair of mills each, and
It great need...tut, well*, y
nd they' bad the &Sires and
'Adm. lia4 I not 411,atert.
Our younir.oeople hAre vaelted lax*
bale for SoMe needy' families In liirth.
ern Alberts, •
n Jo* somas Sunday; beeember-24th:
there'1A Who a baptisnial service itt the
Nile) thurch and during .the Sunday
*herd SeSsiori follotving a wbite gift ser -
Nice. : , 1
The first 'of a series of ,prayer services
was -Well,--attended-Ort --WedneadaY4Ven
ing last. These are god .live helpful
ineetinge,' Verne .on Wednesday evenings
and thare them.
A splendld Ohitstinas entertainment is•
being prepared - fpr Friday, .December
22nd, It Is to ,Incinde a play by the
young people as well as recitation4.dt
41ialegueigrofffive- ,heruses by the boys and
Mr. and Mrs-.41ohri :Tabb, who weer
'visiting. *tem of Mrs'. rrabb in Innerkip
and Ingersoll ler a _fewdays return
lieine: through -the---stermi,on Mond
irlfey enoonntered no particular difileulty
untit they ran into some. snow banks
near home when they called' iritu:service
thik ever reliable quadtripeds.
Miss Kathleen Williares, the convenor
of the missionary cominittee, was chair;.
mart of the Y. P. S. on Sunday evening.
-iterna4n-the--program-were- a paper - on
Stewardship by Miss %Beth McPheea
talk on current events by Harold Squire,
and a ieripture reading lay Edgar Shep-
Perd. A committee was appointed to
prepare; nozdn. ation.s for the arin,<1
•Meeting htch Is to be
beI4 nxt Friday
evening. •
Fifteeni lsdles emultituting the
and 'ladies' •Okidi00.detieS: met At Nile
panponsige on December 6th. AncvonsWer-
` ed to their rierneii with a VerEe. Of loriP.
t Uwe containing the 'tinailiht' o: Go"
' Christines ,hvmns, were used,
throuahorg, the nieethig, Mrs. T. Mc-
Phee rod the devotional leaflet on "The
Rand," isKI gra. W. Watson gave 'a .talk
On the roll Cell theMeS used during the
year. The annual- Mode were 'present
vcr. trf 41* treasurers. . This was the -Ano.
;Mai meeting or the W. M. 8. and the
ficers 4:4 -last year mereall re-elected.
Mrs, IX McPhee and gr.* J. H. Pentland
served refreshments.
A proverb Is but anothe rnaine-tor an
inidlaPuted'irekrwitla whiskers en TIC •
The. , great, realOritY• Of Da
are small, due tO the Ora, WAIT
niere than 04 per. cent, nt t! 4a2
hod* havini lees than fifteen ow5+ The
her owners are eompelled .to Use .001,1*,
Inco-opeAtion with. neighbOia, Thee
AM now Mae-44WZ200-:O0-00,erafthre-r-----
tattle breeding Societies Which have7
m40 11 POssiblefor the farmer WitheVelt
'smallest herd of' tvr&Ows to haVe.t,
the Serviees of as geed a brill of stiPerlor
tYPef Pedlgree, and Weeding Pellerinance
as u.sed by the largest breeder. 'These'
societies have been a ptimeageneY in+e-;
dutinti„..the' total znimber of btills at the.
same tiMe effecting the.. disuse of scrub. -
and interior aniniala-Day NOWS Let.
ter, Dominion • Department of A
:OW tile, POO' Wiffirli
Toronto' Ont.
• When your sea�l w put in,
-proper condition yoT,can eat whaC
youlike .without having to Stiffer for
it after. Mr M Kadyball,, rast
Kildonau Man., writes:-"Soine
time age'I suffered distressing pains
in my. stomach. After , eating my
meals the. pains would be something, -
awful 1 decided to try a bottle of-
finishing it 1 felt Very much relieved,
and after having taken tbroettles4
found the pains had completelylefb
'Inc."• _ .1
ne Broadclotljjr_R6Yg! Leather Alija--
- . .9r
With .gogges,ALliaak,
75c and 89c
Men's, Fine Leather
In brown, grpy or_sand. Warr*
lined- at
shades: -or' stripes. Separate*
coflar pr collar -attache& Sizes 14 ,to 11
in Silk and Wool, Silk and Lisle; at
19c, -25c -39c -am if desired
0:11 -en s Brateg-andOarter
en's Bathrobes t .
A ndir and large assortment to choose ,
from at, per set •
SOc *15c and -95c-
Choicest of colors • and. qualities.
„ Priced gt
and s'ornehow to. nie such things WrOlita not
.set their little souls singing and say to thefe-Vee
folks„ 11-1,1Werry. ChriStmas.,!
And- there lay, the ',paper,"Five more days to
'Christmas:in. -It 'might just as'well have.Said
-far:there was-uOltipe of rnoti4y:aud no-presentiin
*1 -4 -thought- tzlithattSted-every-possible-aveilne
trom which help might Come... And. I. hadall
°but one—"The ,EaStsu, „I had forgotten 'that;
“wondefful source until in my mail box Was a "Ask
for a parcel ticket," And I surely asked and re-
ceived my parcel. The ".‘Eastn again came.
• through.
What a parcel I Purses—thrie of 'them' and
in each a shining neW penny, two picture' books;
jig -saw puzzle, two boxes of crayons that had evi-
dently colored some pictures, previously,a scrap.
hiook,, and wonder *of wonders.. --a box of home-
made candy! My hands positively trembled as 1
retied that parcel. Oft I went to this home --the
wee bairns were ,asieepbut Mother was still
Working: hard. "Santa's" ...messenger SoYfilibt, de*
livered the ,precious argosy, and saw Mother's
hands also tremble as they, untied the strings, but,
kalSo; 'Saw soul:410g eiSt.4-wit was another
g took tome over that face, not of tragic pathos
his time, but of radiant joy. ialsci, two pails left
those radiant depths and dropped on the parcel,
"Santa" messenger,Nent mit into the tiitht
with bisSoul tingling and thanking God for the
wnniterful privilege of helping Him 411SIVef praYer,
0 beautiful trustful prayers of children.
That night every star $tettied to in ts 1 wend -
\d my way homeward, and they sang to Inc as
never before
"Glory to God in the highest and on earth
For in another mothees,head there WAS peace.
f n
With initial buckles rn black," brown 3
and grayAll neatly boxed, et...
SizeS 8_ to • 16 • years. •ChriStmas
en's S4n#11 Neckwear
fancy checks Or 'Plain. 'Special
• $2.69
ceptable* gift itt plain white,
nd Paisley designs., Priced from
black, brown, blue or, red kick,
leathers. Sizes 6 to 10, at
0 .
$149 and 0.0
Boys' Leather Coats and
ChristirtaS Sale.
$2.95 and 194.
wide aSsortMent (If patterng•
Ch OS6 from All sizes, a
A splendid assortment of the latest de.
•signs,, put U 111 fanCy Christmas
boxes. ExCeptional values at ti