The Goderich Star, 1933-12-14, Page 1, . J
An 414014fling . v443/40 tgi: 0 4 (Iet l'h In
the P004. of V. W. V. Storey, Mie4,194.'
, .
ari- has delivered ft aeries of lectures on
; his 011esen Acid, South America.
Sr. Storetr OeCtlieled-the pulpit et North
St. United church; on-etiudtheyinernblit
;suet Ittetttria Ste United *.enntoh be • the
On Vendee' the etndentl, kthe 'Collo-
ltifiei:Institeits heited hie „addreee, whieh
he Illustrated eiltat ,sliciee in color at his
evening "meting In the I.0#4 41Xee. edee
. fiee.
The; lecturer elaeite 'PrinelPallY' on Ar.
.., .__. . _ . _ ,
gentinfretriestllivia 'where he has Spent
Most. ot his tin* ' •, ,
ratniingli-attio on on ei; vast. ;00tile,
the lecturer declared, Partici/164Y in are'
. &entitle:: AS farm of 13,908 acres is not
I/nine/ate Oil , vast etretfIlie of Isla. are
iViStl#04,4itha'.0•T'thO.h$4,11.418 0!-:iattle. and
: '. 4,1ne chief, Market for the grain atta.;
meat of the, isouth is England, who 'Dile
one-fourth of her .-meat 'requirements in
• ,Argentina.. . , .e.' •
.• Great e Britain hie more money invested
• the AfTentiree-Ahaneein_ any .ot her laci;
"Minialle.' Menet ' Millions. were. invested
in the •cltiVelePillent, of ,Argentinate trans-
portation *facilities 'whieti now are as
Ittedern as these of .1sTortla America;
Grain ISA:Allied -fro% the back eettntrY
to the railroads in huge , wagonS some
thirty , feet ; long... These .have wheels
twelve .feet - high . -alit when loaded with•
.250 packs of wheat eetniire the newer of
a flfteell-horse.tearoeto .rative them. ,
'Afkr-. Storey'leeenthusiastic. With eegarcl-
, e to. the_ futurelot. South: America. He
befieveathat. it is the tinning. continent,
-commeretatie, when. new population from;
' 'Europe •ies. procured to deitelop , its re.
Easleetball, the favorite 'whiter !pert of,
the Collegians., is in tilt Mint at the
Wel leeletning." major and
Minor leagues haVe been iniMiebtated ,,fet
the boys'Middle and Upper 'ScboOl, and
ComMerciat forms are in the •Meter.
league '1 and LoWer. School forms the
minor. A pennant willbe awarded to
league winners and another pennant to
, The echethile is elm*halt through
'and to date Mine fest snappy 3asket-
bali bas Material, • is
plentiful, and last .yearta tiara Is'Itttact
except lerr. Pat Page and Jim ,lohneton,
speekreforwardse The 1934 releivelurre
'opened up the play eonaiderably and. At
ea fester than titer.
Lso, Arbeads the Miner league
, • • „
with four wine out 'of fire starts.. 7.0, the
major. league ' IVB leads with leer
'Straight ,wins. ,9einneercial.and IVA ,are
eintV* lase 'SOW A, I:Lowe/variety& lete
ter .part, of the 'schedule may tell a dif-
ferent story. The biter -school etunes be-
tween Oode,rie.h, Clinton and Mitchell
will commence after Christmas; '
- Basketball is- undeniably'.ene of the
world's''.fastest-games altluiugli some
lineeine it IS only a gime for girls.
Spectators witnessing a Contest for the
first, time are amazed at the speed and
• action displayed. The Public are
to watch the games at the Cel-
le bete •
sources. • e
es: e declares that :it Lot wonderful field
for enterprishig-canadfans Who are Able,
peak ISPanien. •
/1/44selenarl.4*, are• understood on" other
.00leeitients, eee rare hi this.,eenthern, /and
• ealuteleaanysof the inhabitants are Without
the-be.negeentitgiSitMt •
-Mr.-Storey IS a fluent and witty speak -
es' terrwliate discourses have
' "IOW, ,tt •••T•,' r•V; , ;
tinie saver, in good condition.
apply Box 8, STAlleOFF/OE,
FOR Ev4,0*.-'-.Tvio cold 'on -heaters in
geed' eontlition. Apply 'STAR OF-
,FoR SAtageeelelack hod cover for
' automobile Ft.rsteclites •condition,
Inteuire STAB' OITIGIE.• • .1
'On Veiday. December 8th. the Courety
Colincil• announced; the -appointment ste
A. IL alerekine to the poaltleni of 00UntY
Treasurer and 4, M. Roberta to that of
OettlitY Clerk, hetheoffleials to cemmenee
their duties on January 2nd; 1934.
These gentlemen Were chceen:ottteateee
"Yes, Emily's young Man is in a good
nosition. Bets , an artichoke; one of
them men what draws 'ouses, you kric
Fire -,Accident and Meter Car
Plifasolle TcnIpie, `Mot St., 004 -rich
P#PAO 23$ *Notsotkr HILL; 'Mgr.
Insurance and Real Estate
thoughtfal deliberation on tbe priet o
the Menthes* - -
field a ito $,pplicants and after Pea; and
' Their action has Met wit it the appro.
val,of the whole 'county and particularly
..efe.:theee ;residents -who servecteevit'hethe
. Both appointees have splendid war re-
eords, but it Is understood •that • tneir
therMighness tor the -vacant -posts was
the deciding factor in the final ettelee.
The town of Blyth is particularly
pleaeed arieit is claimed. that Vele AS the
frs appointmentOf A resident of that
community to either federal, provincial
or municipal office -in the memory of liv-
ing man. ' -
Erskine has been a resident of
• Blyth for the past eight years wilere he
has been- engaged, ih the produce busi-
ness e acted as treasurer of- the
town for.flve years after having bad ex-
tensive experience as a bookkeeper. in
Saskatchewan and with the:Studebaker
Corporagen in:Detroit, •
He was born at Atwood 4 years,: ago
and went overseas ateeheeage-of_ 16 with
the 64th field beitery. Forming part of
ie--*att to the'1tlrCai4FSeigeBat.'
try he served in ,Prance for three years.
While ifie Tewii-•Of Ely-th ii pleased at
his appointment tierY general regret Is
expressed that his dined will necessitate
his living- in GoderIch. • - -
The new County Clerk J M) J. M. ,Roberts,
was born1. Dengannon, Barer! County,
in 1891. Hisfather, the late 3. M. Rob-
iieis there for niany Years hnd bricl, a
lengtley. eeryice as, treaserer of the West
aliogh *Maim' Fire Ingutance'Coe • '
The first twenty-1We, years of , the new
clerk's life were spent hi Huroir County.
ere lie- Medved -hie 6a:ae1rah and 1115
first banking experienee. .
The war intervened 'and he went over
t� France with the Artillery, transferring
to the Air Force after being wounded in
action. Ile spent more than three 4114 The events were closely contested and
a half -years in the- two iiiirifes.*liselnil-'elicited great. erithwsiasm fronithelalde
-again dieabled-while a flight officer.
He returned'to the Royal Bank at the lennicee.
'winners of the various classes
close of the war and was moldier promote. were.. Clan 1, Harry Schram e Class 2.
the ,e/faritinies he remained there until
, Allan Schram; Class 3; Alex. Moticona
and Class .4, Wm. Hyde. .-
ed to branch manager. tltransferreet to
his experience, he became aasociated medal donated by the High 'Court 0.0.v.
ese o theneplatted-for-theesliver
1925 .wneri, beingedestreue.of br
--with,the -Burroughs -Adding-tfathine
Re has beers in this Company for the
;Pia 'eight years, a trainiter which has
When InotheMove :triake$ all things bright,
When „iiiy comes with the morning light, ,
When Children gather round their tree,
'Thou, Christmas Babe,
We sing of Theo I
When manhood'S brows are bent in thought,
To•leata what men of old have taught,
When ieager hands seek wisdom's key,
Wise Temple Child,
•ttW're-leatin- Of Thee !
When, i;loubts assail and perils frght,
When,,.grophig blindly in the night,
, We strfre to read' life's mystery,
Man of- the -Mout
We turn to Thee
When stadows -of the valley fall,
When sin and death, the soul appal,
One light we through the darkness see,
Christ_ on tho Cross, -----
6 Cry tci Th'ee ! • •
And when the world' shall pass away,
• Apd daWns at length the perfect day,
In glory ghall our souls, made free,.
- Thou God enthroned*
, Then worship Thee- !
i!ill.'' Pay POO tie Verales444
In Mt *WO brought ass.tusti Mis
Helen Stott 07 Mr. and SO* Wm. '11(1110,
tt,„ mow employees, Judge Ow:
touo aw,awctut the puttattts 04.13 and
cost* -
Bo* mat employ04 tro, nought; owl,
1 -wavictix -witardepor -And- aouackeeper.
Disagreement arose and they were Ole"
missed While 'um goat was coasiderogy
in debt to them for Wages and for yore
hals item* pu.retiSsoct "14. them for her
and for ,hor adopted son, Oliver Ofelde
there*. *
They entered • a claim' for theta
moneys eind ler $000 ter Wrongful dis-
The ease was given *needy hearing in
thescourt -j* -opened. -
The 'Waal fifteen dare stay was ((ante
• ed tballteee appeel.
New Installations Noe. Efficient
, rine Fir?incial Report
'me. annual' iiiiitingeof th-e--AlrecteXra
, The vs -triter session- a tbos oonnty
Court an.d General SeSsiOns " of the
PeaceWas opined Oederieh elVDec,
l2t11), With judge T. tiik testae on the
bench. I,
D. R. Holmes, Crown Attorney, addres-
sod the court stating that there were no
eriminal easea to be tried. Huron Veetinti •
lies been fortwutte in this respect ita this
tuts been trite ett the Iii*t several emirts
mcludhag the Supreme,Voutt, ' •
Mr. Holmes- also -commented on the
1ga-that. doeurtheeteeperattion ot court
onlelats• and lawyers s considerabte save
jet in expense to the county had retul
from dispensing with grand and petit
juries. This expense amounte to
some 3600.
Judge, Costello - replied in jocular vein,
arkttigettme-he- wasenoteeertian-that--------
INS was an uninixeetblesslritaer Ile Wonkre--- '
Marine and. General Hospital Association, have to assume full responsibility. for the
1;took piece on Monday evening, Dec. 11, cases entered. for trial, HoWeVele iee .• .
in letiteltay Hell. ._ , . congratulated those responsible aiidefelte-
In the absence of G. L. Parsons, prase,- sure that the county would appreciate
their efforts. . "
The lirst case proceeded with was that
of -Rough vs. Stott. Tas- is 4a case of
alleged unlawful dismeisal. Riddell &
Murray for the plaintiff. V, Donnelly
for the defendant, Mrs. Stett's defence
In this case will be either that the plain-
tiff quit or that the defendent was just!.
Ailed in her agtion. , • , •
1 Phe Second cas.e-that of tdcdatitheY
and -Morea vs. Benne, is- an action
against certain executors for recompense .
for , nursing. This ease was adjourned,
date et-heartng- to beset- later. - --- - -- - - - -
L. E. Dancey is appemang ter the
plaintiff, Hays ,end Hays for the deferu-
• The third ease,. that of Beattie vs.
defendant- and F. Dcranelly for the plain •
tiff, was also adjourned, date. to be set
later.• •
_ .
In the fourth ease, ,Watson vs. 'Johns,
n-whielverietion is being -taken -against -
the letter to secure wages alleged due,
an atilt/unto/ea "eine die" was deeided
The Town.has a ,quantity
of good arswoo , 15-
oct from the Town Bush for
sale alf $3,06:per single cord
of ,orteafootvood„delivered..:,
Also ra 'quantity of ,
ioed body hardwood- at
• $8.0 --per fult-coid,pf,four-
".foot*wood: '
Orders left it .the town
e •
14. *—
' Town Clerks.
- --Natier,--TO-CREOTTORS___
TITCV __• IELZitagarL_QMEN- to all
persons. having any elainresgainst-the
estate of George B. Hunt, late of the
Town of Ooderieh, in. the County. of
gentleman, who died on or About
_lave 24th day Of November, 1933, 50
send - itiME tertfwailidereagfeed .or
fore December 16th, lie on and after thee
date__TheAstrainistrator herein' -Will jr.
eeetietribution of 'thee eelven---himise.neeexeeptional. ingeffeeanto_
of the said ,estatee r iira7shref-to--eese;teeounting systenis, '
•-Tfie-fiddlere eelitest I stionsered
Court Goderigh No. 32, the Canagan
Order of Foresters, was:held in,tiaeltaY
ttall on Friday, Deo. lat. •
After all expenses had been deducted
a balance of 5144 remahied to -be
to funds for mueicipeit relief,
by the Court provedietioiit reiccessful.
The events were divided into three
-Clitssee, •Clus-1--21--yeargeantiaine
der; Class 1-22 to 40 years; ,Class 3-
41-60 years; ChtSS 4-41 years'and oVer.
-Thoie ente;red for thee-write:et
Harry Schram, John Parrish, similes
To the Editor -of Tfie. Star.
• Dear Sr: -Ma Y I- suggest, throu,gh
eraer paper that for the Chrlstnias sea-
son, instead of festooning lights A
straggling Manner on one of the bare
trees in the park-ewhich is anything but
• table -sts--a* Christmas- treee-why not
have four, of the beautiful cedar trees,
that abound Mich- xi -umbers-- hi- the
nearby country, and place them"at each
of the four cornerseof the park. They
-would not only- brighten and beautity
the park and town in this exceptionally,
drear and 'wintry ,,season, but ,4 wo
aiso cheer and gladden the heart of the
litile obikirele endegrenen fellesstoOreeeleeee
lives 'are cheerless and homes devoid of
the decoratfona and "bounty" which
Tiderrrance-ialess the -homes of -the -more -
fortunate. Our town enjoys the repute -
tion -the "prettiest in Ontario." • Let
----inatify it at Christmas time -surely
season deserves honoring more.
Reperts presented. Indicated the com-
pletion of a satisfactory year.
The president's report as presented by
•the eliairman, proved most interesting.
He said in part:
-"-hIn reviewing the annual financial
statement for the year ending September
30,! believe some comparison with, that
of the former year would serve to ini-
prees you that the affairs of your hospi-
tal- are -being-properly eindsecormmieally,
hanaled. '
• "You will have noted that while the
• nuni_Wee• nitients. 383; cared for this
year was saltiest identical t
patients SW 7,347 as against 6,062 for
the precediug :year. While the shine ex-
.cellent standard of food and service was
maintained, we have been able to reduce
lent rem
$2,22 to $2.03. This, while partially at-
tribete.ble to the extended, clays' stay pee
talent -thus -Wing stiffemeirc &Mit
stantly, has been materially' effected by
• an economic purchasing• of food and
medical sup--Plie-s;'%-a-which-orfutieles
of food have naturally decreased in cost.
sieelherly-acenennies___ have • been accom-
D, E. Ilolmes is aettng for the defen-
dant and Hayti and Hays for the plain-
Jamieson 'vs. Irwin, next on the list,
plished by the installiftion of electrifaTylvas7; Adde""°' th Emie-1114-4wing--tfte----
Lindsay, Allan Schram, James Denomme; , . , eett P e Two other actions,- namely those a
Yours very truly, tion of food. More convenient arrange-
Zuriele Met MeDeriald, Kinteil, Wm. Churchill vs. Mickie & Son and the Jas.
AN INTERESTED =law- ment of kitchen facilities in our new
Hyde, Bengali, and James Black. Cowan Radio Co. vs. Ille Clinton law-.
the illness of the defendant. .
m nt for cooking •and the prepare -
the ciaites then filed. • • • His, wife, a native of Ooderich, is a
aOoderich this 27th day or ineraber of the well:Inv:me eer SgeNovember,fam-
A. 0. 1933. ; •
tee. She is a cousin of the Right Rev.
• . . BAYS- Mid 11.6.Ys„ "-• Chariest Seeger Bishop of Huron.
• namilton Ste Goderich, Ont .
Solicitors for the abovee appointment of the new officials
' ' ' Th
tioned .A.dmiriestrator. closes a most regrettable chapter in the
wing,' automatic .refrigeration, and the
tric Sales (et al), were adjournect, dates
-MEETING -OF MAPLE LEAF CHAPTER insiallation_eofe newlaundry equipment, set- later, T -
At .the regular monthly meeting ef the have proven most efficient in service and )no action will be proceeded with on
Thtirs; Liar. Dee....kith, that of • Davison vs.
Ciii_iwasapte_rnaintesuthehaltibraary. phoonntlea,Decephmbsetrd7rteh., economy. In the _wisdom of your pro -
cords (maraes, patriotic songs, ole.),
had been ordered ,for the. Western school
•); $25.00 was substribed for 'the Susie
Thiswas won by Allan Schram. , Min -Memareale-Fund for theeworkeof
The occasion was graced, by the prese the Order in India. A similar -donation
enee of Organizet P. E, Perrin, ot Lon- was made to the Children's War Mentor-
,- who aetedeas-master-ofeceremondese Baspital_ineLondon,__OnL_
W. E. 1,4eng, Superiritendent of Organi- It was decided' to hoicle-r-nitogressive
eaten, C.O.F., Brantford. presented the Yuletide bridge, the same as last year.
when it, was a great success. . .
Medal to the winning- Ilddkre .,
PollowIngethe ilddlere ontest_o, sirgw 46,00 is to be given toward the Milk
was held for a iniantlif terfoirele- •This rand for eaeli of the two public wheels.
proved to be .most enterteinhig. •A conunittee was appointed to select
His 'Worship Mayor et 0. Lee, presided our usual Christmas gifte.. '
at this event, reading the lucky nuinbets -le e c fase o '
and names of the winners from tiekets showed pictures and gave a meat inter -
drawn from a receptacle by Misses Helen esting address.on the Peace ativer Dise
and Mildred Videati. trict of Jamie where the Demmit fichool
- As a-resUlt of this draw- th13.. tollowin located, The, Mane- Demitt was that
prizes were distributed: Tarkey's te Wm. of a settler. Three heMeS are: sent in,
Merritile and Prank Lawrence, 4 goose of witch. one is chosen for that particle.
each te Fred Littlecchild, MrseeTohtelPare lar post office. The district has-been
rbill, Jas. -T. Itourceend th- It: Nairn" a opened,- -up- Only about-threee years-- and -
duck' each to 0. Oman, A. tier', 0. Searie the settlers are busy clearing Meth. The
lends, and MiSei. Helen -Drennan. - majority are Canadians, with *few from
A. ehicken. to each cif the' 'M1104410 the Northern States arid some Scandi.
Chas. kills, Wm. Drier, letrg. A. Taylor, navi. The teMperatnre reaches 52.
G. Plantte'W. b. Saunders, F. H. Jenner, degrees below zero and cars are put
.W. U.,. BOOISelW. Dtleliie-rilf,70rOd Prate away usuany- from Nevember 15th to
gie and Fred R. Price.' •May, There is a good dirt highway ,from
A hearty, Vote of thanks has been exe Edmonton, the neafest tity, 450 miles
tended to Mayor Lee, the Misfits Videan distant. It is a very healthy climate and
and the chi:eels for their assistance In the people whbee pictures we saw ap.
making tile affair a success. peered to be bale and husky. The
Of the sum 'realizea $50 his already
been „banded to ,the Relief Board. The
bidartee Will'be turned evil* sitar the gist
04, the new year.
The statement of receipts arid expend1.
tures fellows:
betation, loco. Spotton, Mb'. .$ „e 2.00
Donation, Ooderich star ........ .. 1.60
aaie a adinission and draw tickets 201.90
• • se
Ncyr;oz.TO citErwrpits. that with the experience of the pastfew
Months to guide future councils no such
NOTICE- is hereby given to all persons situation is likely to coneront our citi-
heding any claims against the Estate of tuns again.
John CaMplon, late of the Town of •
Ooderieh, in the County of Huron,
died on or about the 27th day of Nevem-
br A. D. 1933; tosend same to the Un--
Verileined -Mier' before tiler aixteenth•-day
of December, A. D. 1933, as on and after
:that date the Executor hereirer.will pro. -
geed to make distribution of the awes of
theesiild--eetrite; eregardeendr-ter
the flatus then filed.
' Datediloytmber_30th, 1033.
Oederieh, Ontario, - •
.Solicitors fer the ID/reenter
, tteepiee •
•••••••./...• I. SI. • •••••••••
reetakiT.'--11 grey -Persiiii °cat. Finder
`notify MRS. R C. WHATEe
tit, Helton .15t.
.WANTED TO RENT.-OrnaU house,
1"-e-mciderne-conventence5e- eneare-tile-
Sqtrare. Ciere full particulars. .Apply
_ Deettilbet 15th ip the lastday on which„
.o pay; 2nd yistallrani a. 1033 taxes .' -1-47-14Oitt penalty
Pay early 'an4 ivipokl.aciditianaltcosts,
- •
ROBERTSON, . Tax, Collector
ail Ida gssurapoe. ompang of 0111186a
Ogn you gee the old. Sliart, whii he Yourself; twenty', thirty 'or forty.yeari ;
from now iturgletini through ,thet butinees, districts; ' to Moen=
trying to look" young, uutting valeta!, lietehill't 'tett reatiettiible petition,
and eVeryii,htot denied?
VOA SALE. A . number of purebred
Shtirthorti tows and heifers in
tette 'also tieo young bulls, tout pure-bred
Yorkshire sows to far.row in Deeensher.
aleo a =mime of yeting pigs. Apply to
W. A. clY1,113B11T, O. It; 1, piingatMon.
volt sktX.—six -pure-bred 'Yorkshire
Al+ sows, Bred to 'advanced register.
ed het. Due to !arrow between Decem-
ber 25111, and January, 15th. 'Choice,
quality and breeding. Apply 4.C. WES-
Ltty poutiotxt, it. It 1,, kirieardiner two
/inlet west of Pine River.
&mum 10015 SAL. -Forty acres, ;;;;;
or less, the property a the late
tr. W. D.' Irate, b1t-bat-0 'Wens erid el
'soutu Street on the southern boundary
of kW, toWtee of good city loam, large
eetilie and barn, *lee sketle (Workshop;
hetienauset; artesian. .Well (125 feet), the
very best of water; rod fruit trees.
Meal location, close to *hoots and
ehurthes. rer further particulars apply
4n the Prenittes or to PERCY Or ,WILL
'roue riirircz
flout for 1teee d C
Cur 1, bet
$, I k P,m11
tdritifted, the election win be
amistir Igo 1044
.perty-tommittee, and sanctioned by the
board, an -automatideestoker-aga_"been in-
stalled in connection with our heating
oiler. This wilt permit the use of a
cheaper fuel and should effect a saving
of 20 per cent Per annum. •
"You building arid equip:tale have
been kept in proper repair. Several of
the .rooms and parts of the halls were
year. Linen and other furnishings were
replenished. Another room has . been
Completely fuenested by Mrs. P. P. Rana
0y -of -Detroit, as -re -tribute ' to. the mem..
ory of 'Mary Challenge.'
'A most valuable addition tO our oper-
hat tit a modern operating
table, with full equipment, was presente
by the brother of the late Dr. Ehuner-
ton In his Memory. •
"tit- June, the.' wiiinents Hospital Aux-
eiliene-enterteined the -Western Ontario
Nurses' Associatien at their annual Con-
• vention, with representatives from many
points between Toronto; anti Windsor in
attendance. • „ • -- -
"On Oetober 19. we were graced with a
• elan 'to' the hbspital by Her rite:enemy.
the Countess- of - Bessborough. durhee
which the presentation of an illuminated
address conveying a life membership in
our Miaciation formed- an Interest!
part of the program.
- • -Fight For Rights. .
"Notwithstanding the afereseld satis-
factory progrese whieh has been attained.
we are confronted With annoying ob-
(tontinued on page 8)
For your party or your luncheon.
You need not have a care; .
Telefilione Jean Walter,
She will eve,rything prepare.
Special displays throughout the store
h peYou solve the problem of "What tee
eive Hundeeds of lovely gifts at prices
you like to pay at. SCHAEFER'S, the
christens store.
FiddierSt prizes ...... .
Rill ;relit' •A '-...................13.50'
Printlxigedraw tickets, hand. bills.
and postage . ...... .. ..... 11.26
Medal by ft, C. o-iTiit.-6,i -.:-. . .....
Total disbursements - .. ..... $ 81.40
Balance on. hand„.......
ciistouRA JU1LE funikiluat
You wilt want to hitt the Carolina
siubitee Singer* in victoti* *trite, united
chin* on mond*/ evening, Member
Ifith, at g #.0%. **to sphltnads,,
mentals, teiding$ and
Mu melodies which VIP the heat
gum noieett f the oh*.
eta •I '0 I
homesteads are built of legs and heated
by gasoline dtums converted into What
are known 'is air -tight .stiives. • The
water has p. high iodine eentent and is
Very geed, which in -part ateounts for
the health of the settlers. A vote of
thanks oinks • eitended to Mrs. Nfoss for
her informal address and it thernfortert
was mueh enjoyed.
Rose. J. W. ,Bushfield is acting for the
epleintiff an -this -action and D. E.` Holmes -
for the defendent. , -
*The many friends of Mr. and MIL 3.
A. Howe and faridly will be Pleated tet
hear of 1113 inertia -km to the Stratford
the internationst lianfestei
co. -their ”PleasIire Win be tempered by
regret at their departure frem Gederich.
Mre. f4cMurphywiti accOmPlOY them
and will tetdde with them at the corner
sti Vineent end tterin*rt Sts.
• Cornmeneing thiS issue. tbe
position IridOr The Ooderieh
'Star will be OctiaPied
▪ The new osiitot ttinett his **Jo
001100 of riewitpaper ivotk, 'with 54.
't'oudon Advertiser and list cOeitil*
fehuted to * utimber of the 1arges4
1:Cana41an atia Araerieatt PePetie ifer
hops for, * &ounitook 4,46
'Wooly 'tetetko* "Nth bare= Stew
betwo the fito and *4.
084efirlt and
People -
your Christmas greetingcards ie. Camp-
bell's larug• Store. I • -
-Yuletide -progressive-bridge _at. the Park_ _
House, Friday. Deeember 29th, at p.m.,
under the auspices of the Maple Lest
hapter, 1 0.D.E. Come and have a
geed time. Thealwaye acceptable gift, "traeyser
Hose," in service weight or chiffon, at
51.00 per pane* The new Crept) Mist
Hose at 41.50 a pair. All nicely -hexed
for Christmas at SCHAEFER'S.
The Saltiord Sunday Sehool wtu bola
their annualsChristinits.coneert..and tree
in the school on Wednesday' evening,
DetembelelOth, Admission 25ce
Mason's Cough Syrup No. 49 at 40c.
radio advertised, at bang/bears Drug ,
Store. .
The ,annual Christmas concert of Vic-
toria street tInited ehurch will be held
on Pride)* evening. DeCereber 15th, at
7.43 o'clock. Admission, adults 20c,
childreri loe.
Youwin enjoy doing your 'Christmas
shopping at Schaefer's, "the Christmas
Store." -See our display of:Christznat
novelties, something different at a popu-
• lar price. A stere full of Cbristmse
gifts at SCIlialrforft'S.
(Being Ilandkerchiefe thte Chrletmas?
We have a beautiful range of hand em-
broidered linens, initialled linen hand-
kerchiefs for Lidice Mid gents, and fancy
boxed at popular prices. F. E.
BERT, the glit'shoppe.
'* For the:gre telt variety of Christraaa
cardg At mpictell`5 Drug Store.
. •
The -cantata, "i'110..Creefiling Oheiet-
'mat," will be Presented in the Banta
Math- On 'Thursday De -e. 21s1.
The public are eordielly invited. There
is no admission chug* btit voluntary
offerings will be. accePtied.
WRVS CA:NOlf 81107 cONItsr.
CAri yott gua the weight of tl* giant
candy foie in, the Window .of the Whitt
Candy Shop/
. Zits enterprising 'business is givingthe
tane itSellf as a pekoe to the. Person; adult
or child; Whose guess. is IA tarot to the
aeigltt disekssed at the official weighing
on fiatuVisy nightbetOte thrlithist
,U that .lit littesaarY 15tO totty nte*
eent$ *tor% or Mete of the Store% met*
to astute YOU bile WOO.
le * Ietotid. prtse Of a beg Of
*ndanda third of a Wet d to
KEYEEC-On Serido. Ieeember 3rd,
in Owen Sound *trine' and Oenetal Hos-
pital, to Mr. and Mrs. IL H KeYeS. of
Tara (nee Witinitred Murray). a son...-.
Villee-eitn. Joliet, Illinois, on Thurs-
daye November 7111, 1933. -Arthur C.
Witte beloved husband a Otnems, Orgee
Morris,interment st OUe5, 31111101%.
5004T.. -At Tadao, on Wednesday,
bomber 13th, 1031 Simeon tester
'Scat, belovW huabsuld ot non.
ntr Soo, In Mt glith year,
AVM Oodetkh on Felday, Ott.
1651), 1$33,. Hobert, ft. iteet.'10 tie etteth
Year. 'rho funeral 'Service will trito 040
tit his late roddeno, Itsgt flt to.
Dee. Mho *5 41, $clock, IntergatOt WAWA cemetete