The Goderich Star, 1933-12-07, Page 2• 1461.414 rs's , • ,••. 4111141. 40410411,41 'Isstitt In 001,010; Itellt*Tiert t Much Of its paPer.initlitnif iu&ehtn ery and OitUipment la Obsolete, As the bOith INAS eut 4OWn and north *ger and better' until now the Sturte�fl Is too 0041,1, Of OperatiOn. 'better Plant* ean •211114- ch40041.1r4„-• a 4 *WS LInIPIS we Sr* SOW to caneL the subectibitr willies the ler' 11.148XITANCe$ahouZd by cct-1etLei, Mone Citecitte, la Gode Trontstwir, ozo, 704 1.933 "MEL* tRITICISIk, ithlrlr*cotton ,to the..grection * 0110dOlpe near the 'Public 'tsibrstY was voicot at Friday eveningTOVin Coon -l- oll meeting by .1levera1 Of the CoUnelllores The *Aggeetion tante from the Pttblic UtIlities 001nntissiOn, 'which 101 1* TgannIng much-needed improvement to the Waterworks systern. The point Was inadet that the. town now owns InttnY viola lets Suitable: tot ansch PneOse a t hitt poptixotoyvon,quent upon'ehanithlif .up these atatenlentl..% OW "I' holt* -The 'lumens*" that Elsie 'rime' *to' this wee i'14 vet collect'' Xn- dt.strial SOnditiorte Sallies.rds , you Will suppOrt (Or Uphold)„*MOS". otineettew ieeefirsed recentiy in Toronto, p; even 1,6001. ,daYa and 'Oeubly 10 Do net sayoi !That .1s a ha* suit sion A nis,4ueskin los wring piece the city , To draft the prOgrant'for'liiat meld- iodot, tlosting emotions, But sturgeon Are wearillil! isaYit StYiSsis (or neat), c,,ounell 01 the sovistibmir 0$ banding e. tOd• • .10WiAle were Wein • )d1ra s . • , hew hridoe.. , one of she sideman ex- ington, 1.0*. 0441Lchftn' ZOO loAr.,• • 'unity 01..,;,•;41.,.' ee aglis (Sy W. Golden) "cgs Often, Msua , • . Pct. not 1*Yi s",That''La all ti t," Yi-t111.0.1t itt tar Do t sat "He Vgaule jeg Say e hes,* VrIpPI*4 ' the swAgea t • ither. 40' OD= wlfl not prove sa ot h, its cttleik con** 4, tis rU *ot continue* lunch , heIg1L, and huX14tob 7710 vOietc.ollit:4fremikuia te estunple OS. usit lot SS 4 I, nalso,Y ' ' every" ciutdtdate :tot ualneu mali .we get church -i ' n raft ,-101r,40,11104*-4047Milett4fa* .14-470, •are( #00% I Pa 1. doosned. The tit* **Att. 'Or., the • ,„ • :0XaminatiWO0 sub. O'er_ tePorted, t.lus; t`thet., „sm.., cunt • rece„.. . • tliern." Bay ',HChorles-Stid• saW t :2 • • 1)0 091i4.**7* l'OPe• WI -04144 Me jest of "What 'Canada :Produses'1, • (twin the year was ae2ti• ' Pece • ce ° rani ti not okt *present/tore or Nor- thern,Ontatio`i inchistriAl centtet * large eXtent If is s141,t an ahandoled toWn. :EDITORIAL NOTES The port of Churchill is OW Mown On the lap, bUt that doesn't make it Port, * * et Right now the municipal pot does not Oen feel luke warns ts * * The season of. Christmas trees and, 04 no, flexor jo•.corkipieueugy• looatelt•: [concerts, the most gladsome of the year Apart 'from any engineering Tv -maiden; ter the ithitlia, ttot far ***Y. tions the oritletoni Ote ligtilled. An * * *, •unsightlY standpipe and public librarY• • , The Canadian National RailwaYs want timply isn't done. why it is that passengers 'atter ie Iterfiritiuglit of Itis equiiitleritlii -biting into spoonful ot sand. It is enot*h to cause Mdrew Oarriegle. tot= over in. hie graVe. It is to biiisTIT-ed the ast has been 'heard Of iii)s..*OPOItitligii". s'"--s-±sssss scssississassrsas ',to... • "so, . 614,1014 ,CHRIsTMAS, SHOPPING •There never i Christmas that did not damar on, the unready, but Merchants of Ooderielt eannot bes.ineluded in this category. NearlY all holidaY WindoWS are nowin, there has already been saint aulostmo. 00014, but with only tow, ean 4,a)so past their taxes in that manner., teen daYs remainlitg the grand rush is "4 8030 SW is lois- It is corning to, vet to cote. Are you ready, ois hoe Judging j'O ese»i developments in you thought about it yet, UAW Untnicipalities, -..41hrtafraS this year May not mean all 4' * * 611ktfit itti9V10 49 'Vat,- bUt it 1$ Cbrists'S Ooderich's school.. children of both links Just the same, and for the ludo, primary and .Secondary age ate getting; --txmate,mozYsjitt make it a seal break" in 'the way of Christmas', Mks. dap -.1933,s.°Thitsyeartlie--Chr18ts. ` It -Won't be 'Ong IIPW. 'Make your We' mas lidos are the minimum reOldred ParationiSsatronets-foisthe 4,4 n'etig +Ale 42t life.' Pre", e4 °re 604)4 00 the 4414 gsret RObertson, Mr& Molt*Y* Mrs; abiobut „work, thiot - - to • Words brit* 10.47rimounce* P ---roxy- -1. Officers for the coming year were , ....2.... _a w given0, 4. Tiffin isna- mros W. .7., 4334rearit ' would not tionotint -to • • . • .. e more than. 35 per .cent of the cost. AO a , '01011otister (Maasls-PrOmozteett sglos'; litreSTPrOPortiOrt Cr the' nietiCY 'WOO go . • ter, 9 as in of, . to the United States tor steel. • Masculine. Pronounce the S Is in ink Now there Mai- bare been inan.f"good flO tas 111 Une • reason* why this bridge project should COlibia• rrOn01410? ite141-1*-4 a " not be proceeded with, but the auump- in both, is*as In It,* =street", tion that ,$t large portion of the -Mono,/ cent first syllable, would leave Canasta was not oult beside .A.pparittita,Pronouns* third a kts in she -point but 'it. was' irtaielliate• TwO or, *WA Eni accent third syllable. • tht1argest bridge contracts 'awarded Vehemence.- Pronounce ve-Isequenst Cense in recent years have been 100 nut' e as In me, second e as in Me Un- Per cent etinatUart in 4014414 and in the stressed, third CO in men unstressed, particular *Oct that was under disd aceent first i�lable cussion, not 35, per cent but more than Penalize. PronoUnce the e as in Pea, 82 pessoent ofs the cost of .the SirOlect jot as in Pen. -• Would have fond its way into the pocks Words Often l'altspelled et s of Canadian Workmen. a (Pl'ormailY; two vs; :Formerly; one -1. Porehead; fore, not for, .theugh the o is 'titer of the diningsoare -6-i-irwgilaisTits-postrounced assinsof. Plaintiff- twoils that they are shdrt of cash. 7tist1-4714*Ws,444.4.0111,s, colsvlase the ia, Height; not fl,efghth. --le- * • are iniproving is the stateMent just Ss- Character, reputation, person.ality, dis- stalgo.A.44e.,s,.,evVertce, that tinea sla107The• ehririardif:bliFirtiOa 4*4=1:-It-Z-17.sAZtirir assurance, dls- dain, insolence, P,resumptiOn. Serious., 'grave, Weighty, dangerous. * * • Difference, dtscrePane,y, discrimination, 'disparity, dissimilarity, divexsitY, con - pay for tbclr antemcs trast, unlikeness, variation.. on the monthly instal" Virtue, goodness, ptuity,. \rectitude, Winter Fair at Ispronto was the most suesessful eifer held. It People can biles, radios, etc., merit pituS .itsgoeSs wIth:011t saying they chastity, truth, weir hot -tors Perlifetetik deadly—dhtrilet/ie sinjurs boas, ruinous. - rider-thesteguia#911*--.91-4.11e:(1•ePart4ne Word Study "Use a word three times and it is yours." Let ns Increase iur VOCIOUISX/ by ZIABStedliir on word eaeh, daY• Words for thia lesson: REMUN/aftlaiWil; profitable. 4Z is rittalliaerative 01/1.01§OND: to rise above or beyond. region of the c1outh0,-,-Ilowell. INTRIGUE; to contrive by secret arti. . wisheir-p Y- • . ts lose, If you haVe Christmas shOPiting of,edneetien and is Ali happens *ante _ It searlyssand- do sit-iti-Oode Deeeesitter 45 IsMond Therefore *IL BUYING AT HOME *Itineardine Review -Reporter his ,-.11i4i4Sstts handiSViltia7the V0114_17411-, ties CoMMitaion Sit that, town over tate PaStet,et sending Oticof town for prints ;kr. What the com-inission has • 144114111:1SMO!.4-14.41.4kt.-ille-csah --afterilan 7,77 the recess commences it 4 o'clock on Priday, -December .12,,. and 'concludes 9 o'Clock on Wednesday; Jarittitr3r.3. Acs cording to the department regUlatiOns,, if the 22n4 13. a aehool day' and, January 3 ssrichopl day the belidatisloginsiinti end on these two datee. Otherwlie the vaets. thin cortintences as neskthe,'12nd as pos- sible and ends, the nearest .iftlhosol day 3. - - - • 40,14*. TA Wofi out 04 it tri '0,------... r, 1 gal& ttiltit '110114,4 00: ta -4144- Mi l'Altat; Nothintr, 'could be more ButiEtireardine rot alonetnAhis spect. 'The County of Humus for ht. -stance, sends --Own:ands of- _dollar* _to • toitnti, litintert or reason* . that are weflknown and, bette-figttinsaid.- soh -ot asssAixterican- . e_ ions-1,....t*,,years ago the order - i1 printing was Mien' county printers have been out tif, susX, SintI:TorOnto .0140&rho•-ve 14"ttn itt- , clover.- „AlthoUghthe ceuntY bas been *Ong to etOrionase, it can stilt SOO , -the-lusurymotiM,boised And litliogrohedm stationers', vith whlth • ant amaicisktes hroutrage houses and the like . Its Is to 'be 'sintettely hoed that .the new regime _torroct this %Wait *Vractk***4 tmposttOn .1* Rintirdiiii newspaper. has nur sympa ,0 • t 1 'ttNtitt TROIAL •• " The town of Stnroni FaUs tn North- 6ntat10, tehere 'only _ 'Year ;Ito Mitt scandals IVere unearthed, is In the news ag1itt- 'The her* or five, hun4red. !irate% it stems, luViti gone on staike he?cattee the tete )14111th 14 bent handed Out to them Is Considered instil.' Adept. Thts, 13 nut surprising, coming from a 4.torritmUilty Where it wisscort- chltivelY ;holm, a Stst` sign that ti*IW on relier Urn never so well or( in their as (lilt:eased by evidence at the In. teetleation. $tuntedn rats tAs. *wog the °mart) veratottit * tot of trotible, but it St ties fr$hlng to relied, thst tonditionS -h-ttenadian papers•nialfhig tpWfl, Where a' large .atttion t the Iv*** Or yearitnadel• It s pricti-Os.tO-foll* tlt Ii02143Clan's and, the 00Verratient ist goOd Dar, Said bad, SO U4 APPlicable Whet* .Site 41t ibia tsta'ed Proyinve. ot the •Vtrst newsprint mfll In tibern With Stilrgebti Falls is unt pit14040 is er000t 1l pet Preuch-Oartadia0 and Wroth of fti o�due1edthe FreSith 1*11 *OA .cluttilt st h ,corsaat school. 'TRY iiiITELNVAVEIALEY NEXT VISIT . CENPVtls_ ECONOMICAL 5POTIISSIEY CESCM.1::: '11401t0U6HLY M00004 ROM *AIM m4 PNVATt*M1 wswoiNwo-wArotst- $130.i• 100,41 0 GODIERIC11-.3V1.14 TRIED IT -(Stratford ileaconslierald) ists.RobhissaistGisslir*soughtstos1ind a new market 'for 'Lake Enrols trout. They are good fish, it Is doubtful it there 14 anything better taken -from fresh water at any place, so Mr, Robins had a ,goed satielesssiths_whicliAoatartsi Ile figured New York would., be the Plaee to try for a new outlet, It is a city of millions and there should be. a demand there.- So far- the idea seents quite all right, but let us see what hap- pened. • , , • Idthe- shipment there were 110 pounds of, fish, Which were caught 15 miles off shore .on one of the cildest daysotthe season. . 'Then they Were oleested and packed in ice and trutked a mile to the Station. It was then that the great ex- periment really began, and is near as we can make out the thing worked this ayS • , RECEIPDS „ • 110 pound a at, JO per pou4....$11.00 EXPENSES New York .1:65 trigueir, \.(Pronounce • the' second i as .e jr-tree}. - SOLLCII (noun); that 'which cheers or -consoles., *The solaces of . age. are wisdom and !devotion." • ' sugmccrsr . that which' SutChne. wrhe inbilmities of igture."• - Alkt010011iI:, doubtfulness or utter. taints". ''',14o shadow or ambiguity can- pon, -the course -to -be pursued.S."-s- Tailor. • ' wont Fos multi HOTEL WAvERLEY 014NTO ComMission.in Express Ditty entering U. 1. .. . .. piscoupt aud *11001..., xy• tripet- TatlItttuAt;pi. 104 •••144. ole'ageht for the celebrated organ, Ltd. guaranteed hut. te e* fel ro iali:mr in IiandTaiorittt'marig in our own s hop in hint, ch'arge.0 *tr. .1 S,747AS - , The OW* Ater, t 11 11 WORDS The King's lenglish has been'igbught -01$941*te --*Ith the Publication ot.the AuPlgeMehtsIT ,volunie et the Oxford 119h 41191400ltrY, Needless to 210$ there elected as follow: Honorary presidentS0,- ares hinidtlida of Words in this taipplement „ _ Uri., J. H. Volbaum,'Iltris. Jas; StewartACS Th Oelnuton° was ignorant. Um 4. 11„,.Tom, Mrs, f4L. PeavidsO4P-wesi. dent,. Mrs. 1. Ifetherintinn• dents, Mrs.' Jas. 0.1010011, Mrs 0. cor. tars lartt. G. T, Watts, Ws. J. St. or*. ham: ,recording *sadist, 'Wt.' William Strachan; assistant secretary,•Ats*P NV•, CUrrie; '7corresponding secretary, Mrs, Wm.Rivers; treasurer, Mils Margaret RobertsOn; Pianist; Mrs, 4, Fel; '111.10.1* -Cubism -futurism, •robot, Pacifism Mifflin; movies, talkies, tenk, hooligan„-broadesuiting, lOudePeak- tr.' lip,44.1cko sUmpilng,-P4V.hCaPalist5, pussyfoot, :photostat, profiteer, ga-ga, bubbly and :slapstick. , • _ • "It gives the byres -00n of very tal- ented, very nervous, AhighlY-etrIng gen- eration, equally harassed by its pleasures assistants, .Mrs. W. Hem, and Mrs. P. 41. its, 'by its pains, and eager to pass front Ogntelon; press ,secretary, . Mrs. Iitt, 1;‘,!: Howell; assistant, leas 11.• ot• Recheitcen. Secretaries of :departmentS aPP0Inted Were: Christian stewardship, Ws. w, J. Andrew; strangers, MO. W C. Pridhani and Mrs. J. J. 'rifitrk; supply, Mrs. T. Johnston, itErs, R. J. Howard, with Mrs. R. Matheson and Miss. E. Rose as assistants's,. aSsoelate helpers, Ufa 0, M..RobertsOrLand„Mrs, lit- erature, Mis. 1W-garityrlopearovary Monthly, Mrs. T. J. Anderson and mrs. W. .1•„ .10,1sTevin; temperance, miss Annie Davidson. 41.0„,1EAWBuehanan was again ap- pointed ,superbitefidde-ZilArigibr Circle; 'Misses M. Bailie and T. Cheer as mssesdperins_sten,,d1seniatscifoOrfiLthuot4r... Tdrew aia.aanzO: 000par of the Mission Band. Mrs. Fill - ford, Miss' A. Jenkins and NirSi P. Cantelos continue as Superintendents of the Baby Band. To the finance com- whicli_ frh.ert_hoieuegrrattlit nwyas. of British growth . raittee-Mr11 s.-.-WsItyan, IVirs, H. L. sal-. ,getually, have keld and Miss Mary Robertson were ap- come 85 ..... .... ...... .45 one sensation to another," ,said the.pre- *lent of itlagdelen, GeorgeGorclon, at a luncheon at Goldsmiths Hall 'in. cele- bration Of the conspletion of the, supple - merit. • CALP. TO S *OM 04.rirsE On Thursday, POceiVec X41.1t;i; during the -week of their annual, cOnventten,, • United .Vailners of Ontario will throwtheir, (loons open, to all 10410,:,Peel* '1Or the prOVince. who are desirous Oa* 'lye and OPPOrthtft * vigorous indepen4... • dent agricultural program •deelgliecr roy assure immediate ,rellef.' and • bring about' Permanent, recoverS; . This .farmers' rams meeting which, is not ,in,,any.sense A part of the t7F.O' Consentiess will be 4ield in the Misr *I.,. ward Hotel, 35 King Street East. Tor9A- besinning promptly at 1;30 SS more than one session is required 'the meeting will be allowed to eontimte intss an evening session. 'A cordial invitation is extended to all: independent thinking farm people to .Present. find many words expressing con:, tempt S`a age. -dodderer, bkk-ntunber, and so on I find, too, a large vocabu- ry-for a virile natfon-devotert-to-di&. tinvisIrmvss7wp0sAble kind- of- oomfort at every hour of the day arid, night," - Mr. Gordon added that however rude or aside -were American terms, they were so expressive, so impudently near the Arnthssthaytswassiatrdsta.-xesistsAtaltiss place- in. any honest le.xicon. Such terms were , graft, once-over, . dope; fools proof and step -on -the -gas. Holiest son- tributions-from `Australia -were to make a bloomer, barracking and no -files -ca- me. A laminar and modern phrase, pointed. WS. Aitketi and, Mrs. M Mo - McKay were elected auditors "Mrs. Heth- erington was chosen . representative' to the Official. Board; and.Airs, AsItuch- anon was made W. Sf. S. representative on the tower committee of the 'church., After the business Was completed Miss Emilie Buchanan took charge of the de- votional progra. 'Miss, R; Rose read as p uresiesson---the.-1)-eautifulsCluists: mas story from the gospel by St. Linke, Mies Of Band.", A, Buchanan . offered% prayer and Mrs. W. J. McNevin. read the evo ona - — wr-yrsIdp *vies- folio- wed; read by.Miss Buchanan, the members respond- ing by :singing 't,he -refrain, "'Ct Opine, let sus offerifisby-liiss • Total poem ..... ....... . ...rtm Amount left ,over 2.02 what it wOuld cost to catch 110‘portds of•Rsh 16 miles off the 9oastsWe'do'not know,but Oursgtiess--lattiats-lesmiiild-Oss more than the $2.92•whioh was left over ' after 'ail other expenses had been paid. :the- tkpetiMehtAtaViiying 1:4Y IllitOn2 market-tleniOn-4 strafed that it cotild itoebe done, There Is another. tulknOWnStosteStriind #10...1* FIA -T -la. ER - -the rrrite paid irt New York by those who finally ate-the_fisits-If thitstould-bi de- . termined it Mightsbe- known dOnitelY 1 ..MITORS SAY whatertantd°p1r;d1MUS:krsriact4amtuntwie:1,1 teo,o11". , . . .... ., _ : SPEARING, OF ItACK—ETS - When(WtiinrefirsinlemAdvan'and re C:Qui•le ties were thrown Open for a 4 -day 'deet hunt- about forty -tour men around 0ratt. Wing bought licenses -at-St-e.ach;-• •NOt, one of them thet r‘,", deer, , the deer stilt e -Govenunent-it417 .411 4 For the first nine Months of 1933, the amount of branded beef sold ,in Canada was 23;243,872 lbs., an increase of 1,063.- 813 lbs. from the e,orresponding period of last year, • , Useful in Como. -Explorers, surVeYerS, prospectors and hunters will find Dr. Thomas' Eclectile Q11 Very useful' * camp. When -the feet and legssire 'wet . and .cold tt is well to rub, them' freely . „ssts,...thesoissisasthe resultswill lie the nreventisusorsgains„...insIllemnsclei should a cut, or contusionssonssprairtsbes-7:- ' sustained, nothing could be better 'as a dressing or lotion. ' Geo. Williams DEALERS DT DO1VIINION, PROVINCIAL,_ MUNICIPAL AND COR- PORATION BONDS _ Fire; Accident, , Automobile and General Insurance Agents Office, next to Bank cif Com- • merce .. . Phone 53 Goderich Asthma, Can be Cured. -Its suffering is as needlesssas-itr-is-jetrible- to ,' endure, - 1 After ItSsmanysyears „of relief, of the most stubborn cases no sufferer can dobbt the Perfect effectiveness of Dr.. J. D. logg's Asthma' Remedy.' :Comfort of -body i and peace of mind return--witir its use and nights of sound sleep come back for ill, •Ask your- druggist;he an supply you. 1 sCAN-XIIK,Q.N---_,W_VALLOW•Sit • (Peterborough .Y1 xamlier) Mr. irepbtirn declares solong- as he -leads it 'the- Liberal party will never ,be 'prohibition party. That. statement, while 'consistent with Mr;'llepburres‘at- titude on the liquor question may cause barressment When meeting Softie Of .dri Progressive tollowcts. 4441. If can give you prompt goittisteketoji stoke at the tins: --Letteas a grat1O118-SIONESS-2 (Fergus Itoivs-ttecovd) • . . Att analter 0X.Htiron OonntY, who was teund guhity ot aceepting & bribe at fifty dollars to over up a shortage' it the, treasurer's books, was giver'? sentclite ot 'one 'Month:'; •APloreritlY the 'courts over that way take the kintfes of atiOnt .as lightllr as the unty,„Conticilt dcwhen they make Sp. pointriients. WIIERSDO wurrit otoile$ cot mliotoo Newtpatteacro ° A :ratePlyer luiP itt Initterin ,CtfulitY 1st raising the Miestion as to What toiirt judge t do *nth, all the w.hite kid gloves Prete-Med to them la ftOOmatt theY anike the totunis ot their circuit We have vaguely 'wondered soreethlhi Uke that outselveS. . • ••• Ot tow*, we to losgioti the Itidgt tiding betattion to *at * palt now ana- lint if he i1tou1 get, sorest Delta a atiOn.b8 mlgbt easlizst getmtetebtlted* omIIItt ustle one ot two pat*, et tor Wit ot 4*ara gold stick or tootle - nine Uke that; of s'Butthe'but- teri.n.sheritt Salta tbs4 M`,41.t. aa been handing them out n*-IWWW4 *117:enthem both ot the* I*, bind; thot, *lova tiate theiti Iwo, loath theft ..44.ciimottoraisouinto - itrilincet ttetotraeril '• t„ .444444.044444440.04444044040044,4.0•440.*.onoomommw•i0.4.4mr4.044.444....,4r..440444.444440.4.44444.44.444...444.4.4.4......... , • ,. n ominercia GOPERIcH; 9NTARto Alinishing School That is Different •-"VVe--it;!-enroll,hiritfudetvdo-novr-for_our_sacolifch will be-, -seisms WEDNESDAX. tlitA1WAE1( 3,1934. _ 'Now is the tinle to begin training for the position you hope to secure 'A year lienecOntt your training must be thorough and convict., ,for,"; competition 'is keen. - . Our raethod of individual instruction and- supervision efiable.s us to - adapt the course to your needs, Liza thert you may advance as raPidlY as yod Are tenable Of_mastering . BEGIN THE NEW YEN% stitliGHT, 71: ENROL . EVENING CLASSES, NOW _IN PRoORESS. ' miss mita.loarg nEvouti, B..A. prinesMacipat"LEOD, 'COmMercial Spe.efallit. Box 396. 1Pbone 429,— Seriously Boils Ali :Featured items for Thiirs., Friday and S • ars - Pastry' Flour 744 16cBagi ItaboilloOn LARGE PACKAGE CLAIK LltitGE, TIN 141100 Y AVALI rit CEM PION e lineoi dies iu St NO u STONO ivi tuts 2 'RURDuCK BLOOD BITTERS )ve!BOdy Mr. D. Stein, Leduc, Alta. writes: My arms, legs, neck, in fact, my whole body broke out with them. I tried mates, ointments, poultices and many -different medicines, but • they did not help me. Then tried Purdoek Blood. Bitters and Wks surprised at the. remiti'l.. St yea* I Only look *6 bottles-. and' the aiitivaajac1rDOHL1n1flt- - boils disappearcd-and-f-laNite never tlig T. IMILBUON CO, Llinited been tronbled .4fith ttieni-since:u - Toronto., Onto " • . •••••', s ttroduch:.,.iiEevLabour've How do yogi keep your ,Floors Waxed and Polished? If 14 'the. old ha4 brealiininotlio4 of tiOtoing by hand, let let us' demonstrate how easily and ,thoroughly it can be .dnie ith oir new nine" Household -Machine - ielt :Ivo deliver to you at a very —low 'rental, Per' fuller particulars *atop. in at ors a Girt „ _ T itt CO NIS14 zercTRIC4" Phone I