The Goderich Star, 1933-11-30, Page 8,
r it
tvas letteleal
.444 4
11. rIfrnfl4L and G 8.IenVY
1U b. tht &pSk*rL The b*nquet
*In tl* WnIc rem
t& 1
t$ it. eary tIdi w�d aitd kld.16
,,-. t irtle:t o dation, latd, wh.n, tbe,
AMC Wltli pmapect$ ot culd.r-
v the . work will he resUitied, ',101
cb.*lrnLait. 1r3p0Ee3, openint et the earlieet*seibie
d *II Meintiers WCDreetnt, Dmonti The , *aunt and tbrebg sea.
,.J rcte0reinit,sion. Met Yeeter* eons .have elreedy opined Oil nat41+4 lea
ee 4., pert:. Of 'the: Meeting in Fergus .end some Other -teWnS :
belng taken
upifhth the PesSing Or
t, wes. aie had it The ,01401 blis1iies4 Meeting af the
U1IY in vraeleay Haw oe Vhiltiteree Aid. SeeletY *ill he held tent
T etie et ; 44,,,eseese "WAY, December 18t, at 4,20 pm. in the
1 f , D*,.3. t$ic111..,4tV re an address bet, Shelter 011 Cerneren street. The onleers
. e 800 of Cletreas,', and tee Tee for 1034 will be deleted. A: cordial -1hVi•
I will be responded to by. 4t0ne thing Wien i* given to ell who are Interested
girl thould put in her inn* obeet" in this wg4t4/4 attend. '
. Omit events will be givenby N11111. Ban" UPPER CANADA mow somair
Itiersen and a amonitration of.* Ohrlst4
Tim annual appeal for the funds of
the Bible Society is being Made this
month, The Society has accomplished a 1
Wonderful work this year, in SSW, • of I
m0:r*.tinit 01t, the Liberal -conservative decreased linaneial support and closes it,
Association, or Western. Ontario, to be year with * deficit. A generous reseeese
to its sppeel for funds is greatly desired.
'WOMEN'S IlOSII,ITide ittgit4tOnt
. fd , ,
The ,regularineeting of the Women a not siouroy, will toe , no ooneczoil
rens pudding by Mrs 10. 0. itoberteon.
A lots' nUniber town have, received
invitations to Attend, VIA 10th annUtt
invites one all to come in and..
tee their lovely Ore of Christ -nut
*Ana at. prIeca to sait the *viol:
:-;4"4041;,,C.!tateilfreM Dc UP.
Beduilfier fiamtelL4iitUres at 25e,
° OF+, .$.,0
-Artistk I -Wetted Etchings at ILO,
The Most eppreciated gift, there Is
-Clirlitmas Cards from lc up to Vic,
Can't tell alljuot pep' in
and 'tee fee Te'i.reeit
perfr 00014 WO 'the '
tY :10a441i* ifeloets 'W004
.rr&ing, when fr*it, ototer, -He
xie' 4"40
lit ,, , 4 A t
ver,0 at putoc --i• ,•-, t Y.
- , 'Tlnited .', cluire
Pil$:‘ n _ K 4
.0p. eucjisi
,, her dress or tIcbub blkuptrinvostent
tile b . father . :Ivte pretty in
Ors arid Toys,, iSo 10 up. velvet . viltk" ie140 yoke of eneher crepe:
.1301(0-Note ?Ape Se. and and fagoting,. ;woe *wet turban, bine
Ladiee , Leatile'r a
. ...00pers.,,and eggehell WO ..glov.
completed ."the eneerrible. She carried
net -0 ;Selltieee 444 litellae be Y'
n4 u thentiMle *4 With White tt010,410
e ,' i and up. The' hooloitit, sylkif los *tor 4
e „titter or the bride. she Were jade
Get plut-.,pliristina,s' .Cards .,....L..
litt.14C-VatVeti trimmihg, black .velvet turban,
*en Verge* with 'Week transparent
, • , -
an 0 . Calendars, . TIS$lie.$ v7117 braiirdePfle 1400.1Pmiiit;eant . dtellPlAtited'ICI4bg;"14.*
Seals, Tags and Cellophane Maxweti Hudson 0 seaterul, roctotg.
now while,our stock Is COill, the ceremony and congratulations the
Ode. guests Who were the inunediate relativest
of the bride and briclegroem, and lase! *
Mildred- Allmarlet ' tendon, . and H. 0,1
CCOle$S Gift. Sho ..,ite.,t, Clinton, sat elOWn to a wede i
ding .breaktitat.'sAti breakfast table was
decorated', with ,stzearners . of pink and
white crepe ,paper . and, a wedding ball]
A fouiestdrer. °wedding_ cake formed the 1
centrepiece, and pink candles .in silver
holders OomPleted the effect. Itte. bride -
awe* gift to the bride Was it- holtd.
nospitio mouunik'iwoi Aeld: In. the Pub- with .the fund appeal, Which will he, tome black , leather aerePaek traveling
-Ite.-librarer liabeday......_ArrangeertAe_its_yeere _
... ,e., startecLat .eollie .guturc time. ,,,.._ e.ase, to the, bridesmaid a tiOuble cam-,
Made -40r -the, ustial-thrlstmee',Aheer 1°F., ' - pet, and to the -best- merrit 'Silver eigar-
-the- nuriese' titerature .eent by UM, TVAFfittfIiit47.0.1.irAtiMiLTE effir.".....AftetOrteakfask-tlelesPY
Myer Mynas, provipcial president, re- .142.ereyth: street ein.lted thuroh on sun. vouve lett I* e„ honeymoon to be soot .,
lating to the annual ineetieg. of, the --Ore, ear morning. a •epecial, dedicatory service at Niagara Fells, Viffele and, Cleveland.
Ited, ,HesP.ital Aida 'held recently in Tlr• was held when e eepteona gent the gift The 'bride's going -away costume 400514'
onto, Mrs. 0; A. Reid. the President, was / of the late Dr. A. T. Emmerson, was fled- ed ot,0101c. crepe .4ress, black felt het,
In charge of the meeting. There wag a ibeyatRecle.v„.144rit :wytras4tprets, aseonoteredquieive4thewel:tzch* b eok suede Oxfords, black kid gldve5
.geoci attendieke, and two new members _ , mitern theyeivilimere
wereenroUed. There will behW1ett1fla441taiet--17-ti5ir2Oirlielitti1;0141ie sillien:- "-Mr. lide'bri` li-bigegrOMiit-lattliear -1313!tha-
nsepegernliiir. - - ' ' • ' '0" Robertson paid ,a linetribute fo the life ..........4... ---;:...,.----.4._..........-44,.:„,„------.
of Dr. Emmerson and to his work in the --
HURON COLLEGE ANNIVERSARY ' - ' nnmlerpal ;Orates from walla& to
.. ceurch, after which Mr. Watts dedicated
.Mayor, and was at one time county
warden. Hie fellow .Grangemen, during
their ,Visit of feTicitatitin, .took the oppor-
ttinity to 'present. their . veteran brother
With a beautiful °pillow on 'Which WAS
-Vilattt thrierafiellla or. the Royal Arch
degree, '
The lOtli enritveriarY a the eere' the font. The sacrament of baptism was
*monies marking the opening of the pres- obierved. vshen Mr, And, Mrs. Arthur Pill-
ent Bunn Oellege will be celebrated next forces infant on, Ethirarcf-Watson,-- was
Saturday at the -college, it. is announced. baptised. The eubieet -of W-Watte
it --wee December 2, 10115, -that, the+ sermen was ,eChrbtlaneSteViardstdp,"
teremonies Idol; place; and the -miniver- f -
say next week will be appropriate of the; ON WINNING DEBATING TEAM •
oceaSion. 84:thOP Seeger of the Diocese' Miss Peggy Parsons„ -daughter et Mr,
of Huron aud president. of the college and Mrs. G. L. Parsons, Who is attend -
board, Will preside, The progeant will be ing Mina &liege, St, .Thoniss, was a
made up" ot 0..dinrer a 7 Noand a
number of toasts -and addresaes. . The
ceremony is to be purely historital. A
Site has .beeri thoten. for- te new ilurort
College , and funds will have to be raised
7fee liettremonse
A. srnarticollection gtnew Winter gillIrtery ereote4.
m fastiOnable-st3iles in fine- felt--.--and--velvet,' 'a-itd,-
offering V.11,010e the new shades.
-Ritillar Sii .00 .1traltteir;:-..-:-.-:. .-; .4.--„ ‘'....
Regular $8.50 to $4.00 values,— - .... .$2.00 .
Regular $6.00 to .00- values......\ .......$2.95.
(-01111dretes-- Hats... '
.... . . .. .. 'PAWS--;
You are cordially invited to inspect. r stock..'
ae C
partieipant in a debate held at Kitchen-
er on Monday ifternoon of this week.
Miss Parsons, with iSttise margaret-Sh1113-
trine, suceetsfully upheld the tettlrmative
of "Resolved, that the speed: lawiln....the
ed." The Alma College6 Pair defeated
Misses Alisoti-.Clement, and Elizabeth
Simon, of the Kiteherier.;Waterloo
• glate t was a .schedul'ed senior liVossit
debate, tdilidgeel-be _Inspector McNabb
.of the Guelph
A - -charming silver tea was Were, yes-
terday afternoon_by the group Of Alrathur
Circle members ',of nox chiircle. under
I the. :leadership, if Mrs. •N lesnawey, at
7-1- bete -hob* eirt Trafelgare street,. ..At -a
r ----ouriothiatfor attaillett 'titirtaimpro,
era yellow chrysanthemums and candle
of the) same shade e Mre. D. 3. Zeno , and
lkfre, W. 0, lvfacifwan were the tet -hos-;
teases._ _,..Tlitee.sverteAtseisted:by_Mis,
Bisset, Mrs Mason, !Art Mageheri, Mrs:
alias, Black, Mrs. tieeirge Schitelet' Mrs,
O. it. Saunders, Mrs Heine, Mes.''
Tebbiitt and 'egies CcinStanee !Cermet*,
CoctinesLcidwierittie the , incleinent eVirtlerthereiviner
*s. LaaWay Mrs. L L ..leniocand_gra,
AleX. Bnilth." .1404s Ziar#41 tiaritWain the
little deugh,tee of the house, opened t,he
.118!0.4k VIMMENT trf
,.0:1010;THE -NEW MO:
STORE,;•00'101TTER ,.$11titi. 'VET:VS
`POW— - :---
Exeter=--Tintes-Advocati; .-A,pnlications,
re being ' rot through the press -tor
liepositionsot:-Olerk 'and -treasurer-for,
the ,beinitY or ttitrin: It II quite:Pic
sible that se couple of epplkatiOns will be
mad itont-this,:..toMthunity.---There- it 4-
rumOr that .Mr, Venice Bitllentyrie, teeye.
of tisbo.rtie ind. warden Or the ',COtett3t,
Will be, an:applicant for the position. . of
treastiro, it -4 has • beep -_-0.111013#41,10
theeiigh, the untiring -end detennined-tra,
IOU of Mr. Ballantine that an, exposure
has , been. Made ' or the :finimeisit condi.
tiOns 0 , 1 0 **Mitt
epolcen to last evening: Warden Ballan-
tyne sidd there Were ninety -lin 411:41)110-i
tiont for both Positions already reoelve4h
However :the time for applicationsdid,
not close until thbrivening, he added.
. ,
Ooderieh' brimelt 100 held. 4 very eh'
jeAbie Sed4i.l.' evening Monday - last in,
their toonit on liiillton St; ' Cards were
enjoyed 1dr_ the *St -part of the evening)
when the 'pile**, for euchre and live bun. .
tire Were Won to/ 4. Ainitaet and 4« ste':'.
evin :respectively, Atter Cards :in ex-
cellent 'tuna, was served by the intinber*
Or the branch atter *high Maier ,4#41e..
the: preliderit. was asked to be thsinnitti
for the remainder ot the evening. A
Splendid *Otani WO silk?: • consist
or cominuntty Anent* 4.with Mr, Munn
at the P1a0110:„ litter aolo by R. Penning-
ton; and a vocal 4610' by WM. diilli044
followed by a tew speetliek which were
Ali Veil lien reeeleed and ,encored. Tbe
program was tolleled by several trench
sone,' after whkix*,, hearty Vote or
Wilts was extended to all those Want
11.0t Urtetting Ur, Munn and tt,
Penntngtn . for their kind easistance,
Tbe evening wet then elosed by the Out -
1 the National ,filltheni," *
VETftAK OltaiNtilttit,AN 110N011itt#
On Viorulay evening at Minton a num
bet ot tilt 'Wits and MOTO** Or Kur
phlt ttO. to No. Ilk ritlioni at the :hoina
ot * veteran aserabor ot the
Mon, It lat
1. Iteoldente
• 4
Presli ilatu (*hole or half), lb. ......„
1reh$ide Pork loo 'rib), tb. 4 34 4 14 It 4
ish Picnic Hams, 16,4- .......
Loin Potk Chops, lb..........
Loin Roast Pork, lb.„ -.v..... ,.
Pure Kirk Sausage (no liner) ..,'-....
ound Steak, pe 444.
Slrloht Steak; per 1b4. .4.
Wade Roast, per'ib 4 * 4. 4.. 4 6 r *
Rdutul Bone Roast, per 11, ;
004Ing- Oeeti per th.....„4.74 01 4.4. ....
4 lbs. Fresh Hamtsur. Steakfor, 8. „ *
lbs, Pure La 4 for
flett, Rib Root Beef. lb...". 4 *
r 46 4 4414
IS VI -re
Write hitatl per lb..
4. * 4. II'
The *Women!s Association of North .
b4tzettltr tlinnitedthe b.thslernelint hordthelisehure.4111111110%.1 ffeilpeaeseingliWasessarelitegaarteseeletwalAssitietsfUtia 100911.100eVailleefriejewl0Oesieel10046.10010~4040
setereee etteenocet and; evening, Novem-
AO. ros
stockings this
fFhnneIette Yin
est qua og
splendidly made a,114
detosell it
all *061 and sill
hecks an strij
colors,' 10 to
Men's- Gat Ties
Pure heavy silk in new neat. pat.;
ter.ns, many are silk lined, regular
• 76e and 95e, boxed if you wish,
Special, each- . • .50c
Wool Blankets
Grey,. all pure wool, largest double
t t e
ne e
ull cut sizes..
nd Wool in oma
all shades an
'eclat. 6
bed slze„weight about 71/0 lbs. and,
finished and whipped singly, regu-
lar value, $6,50, .at per pair.7.$4,5,0
Women's Coats
ase "Sae -
beautifully fur trimmed, silk. lined
and interlined, sizes 16 to -44.
SpeeiaI prices, $15, $19, $25 And $27
Penman's Merino
Medium weight combinations or .
two-piece, 36 t� 44. Regular $1.95,
Per suit.... , .
• fashione
SIX Jeaulg
*e. ovea
O splendid sewil
Seams, and Natrubt sizes 3 to
ift trandkerchlek
Ruitid of.dozen, bought from
Brilde4s;"o elfast, Oing out o
bnsins.44 -
Wleri'sitemstit large pure linen,
6 for.,, • Joe
Women's fine pure linen., hemstitch,
6 for..... , ........... ,50c
Women's Ane 'white sheer linen,
beautifully embroidered corner in
soft colorings or white, 3 in bo,
at. .*.. .... 50c, 75c and 95c
Farmer's Satin
-50-inch heavy .English farmer's
7:ssuatill;31itablefoltrAitcOs aciteelPininitigsat:be--104mters
or dresses, regular 95.e, at per
yard..; _ ...59e
Lingerie Sets ° -
oa e 014. e,
n o n -r u n silk, beautifully- eat-
broisteiyecl, all Set
$1.56 and $2.00.
her 25th. The main thuiday school' room
and rooms adjoining Were beautifull3r
oorated in .yellow, Mauve and green.
The 1400iintek .'10,0rer-whithewas-direz.cted--
by mrs. ?I''.:,40,1100tori, and Mrs. Bar-
lose, was yell.patronized-as_warealSo the
home -baking table, which 'Was In charge
Of Mrs. Lewis. Taylor and Mrs. le -C.
mand throughout the afterneim and a
goodly Jena :wee _reported by Mrs. T. R.
Mrs. Buchanan and Mm. Bishop.
Mrs. -Geo. Gould, Mrs, Wark and . Mrs.
Geo. Matheson had' care of the Taney
wcok. tole. vitkich 'Ntras. beautifully ' set
_teeth, :OW .,01491:4, of women's handl,
werk.-Tbe_4911,-.table.' charge of
W. Moore .IFheeler was the
Nene of Intlekattraetictii by the viiitiirs,
there ,bebut soine bealitilla knitted dell
.410010 on disAa.V.. Miatt IohUstori
- and MIss Mary Buchapan sold many
bexes and httekete tandiee, these -being
so prettily. arranged ei. the table that it
Iva* temOagou to eve*, passer-by.
The „many pests throilghout the after -
neon were -made welcome by. Mrs a T.
I the jehurch here and Nhigura Falls. I inf,the business or. the tate Hugh, ,Dun.-
- eo-p " -e— w -TKO are: ilohn-7071,Yez-other freitablislientrititessii...-7---
Sween, of Niagara Palls; George M.°Me-
Sween, of St Catharines, and Villiaxrr
eftSween, 'of Gelt.: Mrs. William Wal- ,
lace, 'of Goderiche,Mrs. J.. H. Bell, cif
tettler, ortiV;714,48s-, Marten- Mee -
Sweet, Of Niagara "eiralle, There .are also
fixe grandehildre.n:',..The_rernainsi. _were_
brought by mot& to Cioderteh on Tiles-
-40. The funeral Will be held , -on Thurs-
day at -2 -130 --tem, front. the-residenee or
her daughter, Mrs. William Wallace,
Wellineton street* in.terment_ wilt_ be.
made. *the _family_ ;plot in -Maitland. Boultere Iti.oey end Londou,'; and a
cemetery; ' . brother, peed, Hunt, of Chicago,. ,e3sci
siu'vivel, The finterat took place' IrOin'
George's Anglican church ..on thin-
le'W K-120- she is eurvivect by three sons and:three and later folieWed, hie o*pcupation
f a retiring ,dispositkore Mr. Hunt was
111F,rhly esteemed for -his tionOr -and hiteg-
'r:ewy, and by his death Ooderieh- lbses one
of her 'inoSt highly respected citizens,,
-Ile -was ,an tacti:ve mentberoriztorgew -
church, ale. of the Godericte Octogenee-
lan_Club.. Mre-ituntkilermerliTilartnele
Seoore, of Whitecharch,.1431andp_rede.
ceased ' hen by five, years • is eurvilred
by two, sons;_..Cherles, Torent4, and Wed,'
Goderieh. AnOther son, Henry attiO,„
paseect away :M. 1931, A sister.„. Mrs -
4 ******, 14*****************44•4404464******•••44444******44444,
Mr. ROA. Ferguson; of West Wawa -
nosh, is visiting friends' in Ooderich, this
-week. . • . • ,
Mr. Sanderson, of Toronto, VMS
it visitor with , his mother at- the week -
MSS Macara, 'St. Vincent street,' left
last- week to spend the winter, months, at
`Winona. ,
Arnisteozig, who 'is ill
Alteian4a, fiespita-1, IS reported slightly
*Proved.. .
Mrs; Herold Voting, of Kitchener, was
the guest' at the Week -end 01, grs.
Yoting......SouthLiSt.: • .
RuMber hat returned tram, tamale Road, on Thursday .of lest week,
In his 84th year. -:Mr Hunt was born in
Whitechurch, bevoesinte,-. England, the
sort of the late, David and .Ann, Symonds
Mint and pamp -to- Canada sixty-orie
After an illness of ten days,. George, day afternoon. The serviee Was „eon-,
43yrtiondt-HuntediecLat-hithonies-on-Br2-- -dueted,. -N. H. Mills, sestet --
ed by len. Archdeacon .ToneseBateMan.,
The floral tributes were many 'and beau.
tkful. Four grandsets, Welter Hunt.reor
Geiderich, and Jamed, Ernest and (r1
Hunt, bf TorontO, acted; as PalitiCaTers.
uade in -Maitland eau-,
a visit to her daughters at Nelles Cor-
ners, JAW Hamilton,. •
Mr.' Michael Plicic, nis "friends wili 'be
pleased to learn, is onsiderably Improv -
and MISS X4itgieWattee-Mrei_I-sWeiemiltent4frsealeinz ed--th..netiltu after many weeks•of'seriOns LI"
rsitgo-ttrsettle-in-Oodericif Where "to
e The laigel et :the. EvertinAlocillesi of thW. M. S. Under ' innegg, - twelify years he was employed as a tailor.
g .e -•.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Leonard and child
the convenephip Of Mrs. D. D. Mooney
1.erVed, a very .dainty afteiluxof
later in the day the guests enjoyed a hot
supper . served_ by these ladies. Very
gratifyirit-rePOetS are heard from the-
tenvenerte-of,:the_ different eommittees.
whole feel it,was:a splendid sheeesei $470
all from the whole 'bazaar
taing the servica
of the
ry Cleaning Works
P110$11` 122
*ma 0
3 r.
ro v., .6 n
Ara 3011*eip shipon the str. Brultn, this
Winter. ,
Visitors to the. Winter Fair 1,A't Toronto
included 7 DArs, and. -NUS. Gordon Bisset
and Mr. and .gr/..$" B444-
Cliildien. • . • • - . ' .s -
. .0.
Captain J.: A. Carpenter Vent Tuesday
-den rer-th
J. J. Manley, vice -President ,of C. 8.
i Boone.,Drectitkng Co. t ..
I. Mr. A. ivr, :,Metnietti 'thief engineer -of -
-the. W. C. reran*, was a VigtOr siti townalb, -Week« He 'propostvi. to spend the
winter M., the Cid, Country.
........ .........4.4o 4 ..—.4.64r• —.44,4, 4.44• .4—
. , 0 V, C . . •• am. Jean Lawson. of
IlOderieh, -spent the week -end in Toronto'
virith' her. sister,. Mrs. V. H. Veartiont 'en
Witte to New :York, Whentethe eitils to-
....morreeLonAtirip arena& the _World-
0 • 3"...
• You are .pIttilllir, erife -1.:0;eri you eboose 1"SellITNIOIST ROBBER
letter_lorthsear .4411,AX,ipd
F�i variety OfaylelcorreEt-Attii-----ig, for genuine, value and -dew
dependable wear.. .
DOMINIONltilBBER FOOTWEAR stands. in 'a class by
-and le the Bret choice of leading she deeirs throughout, Canada.-GEV' THEM AT .
r11:14- t, oir-e-r--
*4-- *AGENT -FOR DOMINIQN, atatspn$ rag pol.)•wtc4
Our store, vz11 be open, Viiday et/ening". Novo 1.0th and oloset.iiit.
day rieineinbratos
' ;OM CAMIlioN
' -Atter an illness or taltir#a weeks ' of.
., picuro-pneuthotot„ ittlin ounpion, *MA
t his home on Nelson. street In his 54th
1 year. Ur, ,Ctinpicei was onthe road to
recovery when he . suffered a ' stiapee
.which, despite tire*, tin*, -resulted In 1igs
death. He was a.' native of "Ootterieb.
Fend seat the son of the . late ittiward
tampion, x.O., and Margaret Nturitot
i Oontpion.i NO was educated In thestill
J *tate: School and ,t011egit0 hots,' and .
tearit'iri lite, entered the Bank ° Of COM": .
torte. Latterly be held ' a responsible
position tna bogs In Northern Ontario.
• • oar* tbsa year be returned to poderich
on .Ieate of .abselice orbs to the ittnesa
, ot his mother, whole death occurred Iasi
• July. Ile nu tuunirried. and la stirsiy.
ed by two sbrothers, cot ot %wont°, and
10410eid. In Weeblirre Beek: The funeaij
took plot* Olt Wednesday ZOOS,from.
PeAdes chlireilL .Requlein.
wu *tit by Bet ft Lowety. The pall-
be8r,rs were: Or„ }Ate**, Arthur Enatth,
Atex. irit . 0
.You p;omisgd yovIrself-to read-theerit14--
uraggiste Co-operative Advtevery' week
'These prices will orivail for the week of Dec 1 to 8
iranitera Shaving
Owes Ointinent
Doti , bait 1eata
VI* 0.214.Tabiett
itillamte Sets got
Hot Mater &Mks
skews atii Salts
ci.rieeo mut 1.4
nu, 2to
thriatinial COI
6 t fev $e
and , lk each
101#schen Salts
CATM#N# Shiorbit
'Cream', '25c
'S'irtiONEV P