The Goderich Star, 1933-11-30, Page 3- BEADY sox, re Exeter 'Z'Inze-AdvocfttC UeMr0`ar Atkinabn and Bot bufl:talk retined home frOrt6S trlp Cibat,. North 'Zirklart4--Lake Per*,ther-,04P00044-ae-oikr-100.,kor.--. reg.,' Pie AIMS( .were ,Stlirdied W 040 Hatchery ° and the '101.infr in00. 49,ilqwe'ci, the* hY,-anttiLieut__fCtUntt a ready 334 'the .northern teallee' Mg STOOL'', Brussels PDX: In the Year 102 Mft, gnerin was ".4% 'resident Or ?4tidoi0t , At 'certain periods or the Year he Went :fish. ;int. Here is a ellPPIng XrOM a paper or • May the 1.8th, 1002, Mtn Ruerin or. the Delmoniee rePeived, a flab. width, raeltatired more than 1$ res4 .1n. length, WAS sent to him by biz brother, Joe, oL .darY, and was caught In the Saugeen 'nivel', 1Qherirt 'remeMbere In- cidnt (elite distincrii4 and says, that if his memory doesn't tail him. that the Ash; which '• Was a 4tOrgeoll, Weighed. nigh onto 00 or 00 pounds. 'No fish 'istori either. chiloriples Coughs and Colds . . Go Over419111 Mathar, don't *wee when ape of the litd• onto ttaiit bad tough ex tole -Just ter * !awls of MIXTURE and sox vothaqual Pat*-14,4wheaXtrZit acIa like a flash•P Ona little pluses, des. voill oleo uuntistaktibta Oaf. Two 4104,1 Ot3411$ *1st' a•bati cold. And deter • Eargar*-- StmuLiars TU12/3 Will rd you or dad* of a ioterb,,, „.caid; latonaldtis just *a 01441Y• ligUtning* PlUfitk..**4/011 will astound, you. Pilo, *etc RI' fuse mbstaurea.-"Bucklity'a it sold svavywbacto, EYE; EAR,. NOSE, THROAT Late House Surgeon New ,Vorx Orph- thalmic and Aural' HOspital, 'assistant at Moorelield's Eye -1145,sPitcff-anerlielden Square Throat 'Hospital, -London, Eng. •. 53 •Waterloo Ste- S., Stratford. Tele- phone 267. • _ At Sad Bedford., Goderich. from 7 o'clock On tIte evening of the third Mon- day 0! each month, until the following day, 'rueeday, at 1 p.m. LEGAL CARDS IlAYS ,& HAYS. Barristers and Solicitors.. R. C. Ham ICC., and R. C. Hays, B.A ..: - • m.liton street._ Cloderil • Telephone 88 DOUGLAS NAIRN. °MI Mild Yar MOtithae*Ptao'is . an tPideide 4boligh4OrttinatmlY-OX.-, .frreat' number of the ty. sthool e are omitted 'MO hein- .ne Se laleT , ported,. 84001.. ha*.bien. depleted, *PABLO rtinuCIN SCHOOLS Exeter Tinelea441/0eate; Ur. JO, Pleeli, the 1041 health ofileerosdviSea,na Or seariet fetter .0aY Townshire szd. that the Scheel west or DasitWoolifknbwn as WaYhtini sehOol, was ciesed. and, Wee infeeted. We ainotreiy treat that this rather dangerous disease can he itePt" urx"" der control, as At endangers the WOof Pci?Pli who eenie InOentact with it. • , You. aro, *vie u Bloa• •-, let tIstavittet, stat '70141Idr-ed - Dont take 4 or task *Setif', own your Don .yst •;s.,:trgitattea retac.--lear, may sat ***e Z114ti.,1ti will same* r parslya. tb Werk ot l.sttn. • , , , And tstet b.itand eitelest waY, do' tali 1*. to fbUow oreeri.: intat *Oh „ teetspolltOf BleCtrated Magnesia •starallsam„ loaxpstisivia. • rt,Herirtforx -thigt.LInnuPtIr: naistrer, star ses dity ark* **op* Your ettomatity *emit ***'' A. ereeteltereer 'Otsurated rah7141,442741,Tigaltgl;rili:. . tba get Cent... 0 ine.r1 eterasels • distress! Se ahosentely.unn_eceoliarT- BO War. te 600, 70.1100114040 004440,00.-• -COLUOTING TROUT. SPAW,N StnithaMpto Beaccel:. The annas.1 Onsu011eOhtlao4Duely tbirottstb• ettipanyDopliletstl! MLast nrsr.t Slaillymbs:,a.hanivvingeo inwocrkaenid oseeishim the Week every tray "itt the Vane was em4.4 and he had been clean across the emus. and Superintendent McDougall eatiniated try in his, Service., Mn being It that abOut 11,000,000 eggs have been ee eharge of tonetructiotrwork tor a time. 4ured this !seasonatei, aseepougau went Bpreeshadneoynloyf the Company laetJculyraentlyMr r.edrr;oinstotit : n -10 33elleville this week with a quantity 'or ide SPaWn for the- hatchety there, sneaks in the 'highest terms of the Wilk - Barrister and Solicitor Office: Harnilton St. , Phone ,512.- - FRANK DONNELLY, B• Phone 282.. HAMILTON ST., Goderkii. R riArtRoW. , Sueoersok to Ji L K111orn.' - Phone 97. Office; The Square, Godeeich. E,R.M.STM LEE. - ',Barrister and Solicitor Sun Life Bldg., :Adelaide sant Vittoria. Telephone:, Elgin 5301,, ••, Toronto 2. • WM.*. Mies of the man and the pleastIre and RABBITS ARE PLENTIFuu satisfaction he had had. while associated It is said 'the woodetteeetions through- with, him 'I'his Mr. Stilinian must not out the distriet SurrOunding Exeter are be confusedwith the Stillman' whose teeming with eettonetail and Jack 'Tab- matrimonial affairs received so Mlieh Uts, - ---Losal hlintemeare-having great Publicity: in both iiirattla and the United .sPertbegging the Cateho,..ltdp, Anderson -Statea•-a--4ea4e-Yearsligo. TherlierCor tells hew that b.e and 'three *there bag. entirely 'different' -family,- sithougir ged sixty rabbits and eleven leeks on a having the same name and being inter - single hunt, and only shot off two shellsested in mamr of the same Pu•suits, both He used a ferret and a grey hound. maldng a hobby of yachting. _ BARD LABOR CLINTON LAWN BOWLERS es -Record: Ate_ Clinton LaW11, Bowling Club was Ireld in. the blue eagle. Last night as we came down -O*M to the Office, at about eight o'clock, there board rooms of the town hallPonday e-__Hyd"washlady'. evening and the following ofhcers were ' _scrubbing away at the tub * the Hydro' shop. We elected- for the' eoinffig season: Ma, sident, J. J. Zapfe; president, F. B„ • HulIett, where he farmed and dealt in Pennebaker: vice-president, J. L. Heardj stopped to lOok, too, and, weuld you be. prelive stock and produce. He , carried on neve it, that poor '`lady's was chained to m, her job, so she couldn't even straighten sec treasurer A. M. 1{niglIt; embershipa successful business and had. a comfort - her backItall right to push the sale committee, N. Miller, M. Schoenhals, ',A. able and prosperous farm .'` --He was a . •'s genial man and a good neighbor. In re - M. Knight; grriunds committee, M. J. of electric appliances, but some things Iigion he was a Me M. later United, Counter, J. E. Cantelon, Geo. Turner ; can be carried too far. The Humane So - or 14, ,C4,41" „ Liward Cattet, an 04 *4001*At or 'cut on Took, 14 hia 0 (*ter Wota bern A ,ave, YOrk11140* era and was .0104044d at the W.sleyan UetliOdAt Olnleehi Oritidifte:-.4010;tf 'Caziads, **holt itt Hamilton Slnee that time. WW1. the :eicee Short, PeriodE *Pent at. wituoiv eMtt desbor0;'•OltUtOrt kbad been WS AmMe. '411* Wife. Who was formerly 'Ulu Borah Vt*n* oelka Aruotibe0, dled In May 1932,, :He ie.Surilved by One daughter, VAS Visaa beth. 00 had eared for her father dur- ing'11.*:„„deetinittgyears. Mr. Carter Md - heen' engaged in" the e004 Owihiess until *err recently.° He vtle •Oonneved with Ontario street ohoiolt and Itt Polities. was a.., Liberal. The funeral toot pine, Thursday'treat. bra late resilience. Prin.; ceas street. The service, WRS OQDCIOCted ,by ithe Rev, F. 0. Parini or Pritart0 street, clittreh and the 'pallbearers were Messrs. P. W. watts, J. $11. Nfoltnigh,t, George WOO; if. Hartliff. Wni• schf,7 and W. J. Plunisteet W. MARQUIS (Clinton 1,11)ws-Record) - The community was shocked on Thursday morning last to learn of the death of John. Wesley' Merquis, w4ch oc- curred in the Clinton publte ;hospital, af- ter a brief illness. mr...Marquit(Imd un- dergone an oPeratibn the Week before, from whicb he was recovering Satisfac- torily, when he suffered a, strelse- and gradnally.osankf only survivinre- hours. As he was a vigorofia, active man, and as xnany-had net eiien heard of his illness at -all, the neva of his death name ass, shock. Mr. Margins Was born near 'Whitby, in Ontario county;72„yeaat ago, a son of •the late John MarqUia and ,wifet,_ Mary Ann Phipps._ He7...came VP' to finial ecittfiliylinfirteints when he Was a lad of ten and had lived itt Goderich, in Colborne .and ever- sinee, for,--the-,-Past ten Years ---1 • 'OP Oluit • on Ure gr. 1111* Jubfl.e 14**0 negro _„L.Lr#411 elect4,1 _ 2., Oralle 00,041404 the PIA 0...Aetweet*,04,_00040,404,„,a0,6_ ered a fine addneaS On the MthliCt. ;:"The qUeSt! Or the Best," IroM the task Mitt. 1435,40; * • Th*,regular notiolt .s.4 the y Vt° br Colon church was held in: the fthurehl,T an Tirlday aventetwith eleven meinhet'0 pre - eat and Mias rieba; Volweit t charge, The Meeting o0ezied, with the hymn. Mord or ,tbbraortls." followed' by tha Lord's Prayer in Indaort. The ecripture. let$00, Matt. 22:14-12,, was read by Novi • Sower* The lesteler ii-ead, a prayer from the °Pattetirlder.° - The topic, "What ik true Patrilotisear. was read by Everitt ivollwaln. „Marion Colwell read a poem; "Lest .We Oortet." Plans were Mode to baye * debate at the mitt Meet - Ing on the subject, "Resolved that a, good-natured untidy wife is more to be desired than a bad tempered tidy wife." The affirMative-avill be taken by Everett Mollerain and Lorne Porter, and Norval Pocock and Orval Powell the. negative. The meeting closed with- the singUig of, the National. Anthem and the Benedic- tion. -ermine, , an. tbile ae to render two Otis it the '00 e e itt eiety ought to do something about' it. The "lady" is e mechanical device, il- lustrating the old, hard way of washing. A NEEDED INDUS1fRIC ? • Zurich Herald: Mr. C. Schrag, who lites a mile and .11 quarter north of town, while ha Our office the other day _advised us that he has an experienced cheese- er -on his farm- -at present, liddlph Thiel, -a natiVe-of Germany, who has many years' experience along this line of work, and who is away ta..a good Startin making of thtsproduct. -At pre- sent he is making a 'suPplY of the notor- ious, Limberger cheese, and befere long -will-have-some- ready for market This is chAstra_ol,Ter_onto. _rm.& _winners of the in a greatly needed _mum:yin _this cups were The Southgate trophy, ccennumity 'as- we' know. of aso cheese which. re,sulted Aberliart and in a . tie between Carl faOtifit444fir.tilitrvridef-J'Ifthle enter - Jack Iiinchley, was not prise eoes over goed. iti, Will mean a mar- #3._rdede. -miss •Allsr3r---stewlart- cAPt,;Lre,d- . ther.F. S. Savauge cup, while the Cress- TELEPRONVCO. PAYS BONUS :well cup was won by James A. Stewart. Blyth Sandar44 The subscribers of the Lunch was served by the ladies. 4 Blyth Telephone _SysteM. will be_ pleased to learn that they are each to receive -a A NIXED RECEPTION , $4.00 bonieir to be paid bythe secretary, LucknoW Sentinel: Opposition to the at the office from Dec. 1st to l5th. This .,proPosed sale of beer and wines in hei- should be- gratifying news to all. There • tels, restaurants and clubs, was forceful • are not •inany corporations or business. eXpressed by some 550 residents•of the men -who-carr show such- a dividend -as- community, ---who dining the past two this company fit-ditig, whieh shows Con- weeka have affixed their signatures to elusively that this system -have a very _efficient _management and should be a -et-rejig • inoentive ,tri keep- -the pa.. caaninissioners in office, as this is the 4qond- year they_ lisse-given. a reba last year being $2.00 but this year is ouble. • • outside tournaments. Revand was an active member of Ontario . . c Caryl Dr. McIntyre, H. C. Lamortstreet church. In. politics he ,was a Lib- , Craper; local tournaments,' J. Lovett, E. eral. He it stukived by his Wife, who was formerly Miss Martha Engler of A. Fines, Dr. Thompson, G. Lawson. -G The secretary -treasurer's report showed rey township, and three daughters: . a surplus for- the Past year and a mem- Florintena of Detroit,and Estelle and Dorothy, both registered nurses, rtt pre- bership of 48, sent itt home. Three sitters also sur, GOLF 'CLUB DANCE %rive: Mrs. J. A. Pickard, Winnipeg:- and Mis. A. E. Jervis- and Miss Janet The annual dance under the auspices Marquis, Nap,anee, incl.' A half-brother of the Seaforth Golf Cirftb", Which 'was held in the Legion rooms on 'Friday evening with an attendance or over 100, was provided by the Pied Elliott Or - 'events of the season. Excellent _music was provided by the Fred Elliott Or - DRUOMSS PRACTITIONER. :exnRo'nturfou-----h.N DRUGLESS. THEItAxvigtir,' OopEructi, „ Equipped with electro -magnetic baths. Electronic electric treatment and chiro- -practic-Chronic„organie_and ,nervous diseases.. . Lady, in itttetidatice• 0 ce hours 2 to -5, and to BP.in. and by sip- • , PoIntment, Closed Wedneeday from- 12 • A. N. ATE:ft:NSW; residence,- , office, cotner of South street and Brio, - tannia Road. PhOne 341. AUCTIONEERING THOMAS QUN'bRY & SON. -----Llve-Stock-ind-General-Attet Elgin Ave., Cloderleh. Sales made everywhere stud all efforts made to give :you, satitfactiort. Farmers? Sale Notes diScoluited. Phone -119. 1,, 0 0.1100,01••••••• .m0.110 •4 • , NoTwt runt/to, ETC.. • VeL BA;l'a* NOTART PUBLIC General Conveyancing done. Good „.Companies Represented. PhOne.298... - Goderkli, Ont; • • • • --INSURANCE - McKILLOP MuTuAL. VIRE INSITR- 445f, ANG% COMPANY • • Irma AND ISOLATED TOWN PRO- • PERTY INSURED. • Value of property insured up to -Jan- uary, 1910, $3,648,975.00; OFFICERS--43eerge VicOartoo3r. Presi- dent, Pe R. 3, Seaforth; Jas. Cotnially, • Vite-Iteildelit. '13odetleh; , Menton Reid. ose.-Tress.., 'Oestorth.. „ ntivorotts-LJss. should/cc, Walton; - Wm. Knox, constance; Ruh.ti Perris, irar. tock: John 'Pettier, stilettield: A. Broad. toot, seaforthl Get). Ltinhardt, troadL hagen. , • AOEN113-41; J. Yeo, E. R. 3„ Olinfal; Jas Viratt, Blyth; •Ed.. Ifincliley„ 80a - forth; John Murray. sestorth. • Policyholders Can pay • their ashen-, 'tents at Calvin_ Putt's store,. Goderich The noysl Rank, Clinton, or J. Iteid% EIRE: INSURANCE ..ittemed. to by the: • WEST itAWANosil Idu'ruAL Mut 011511ItAnult CO.' Vs/1004*d /WM flood. Officet Thiposmoti, Itobtrt. Davidson'tttuigannon. Pied - &On Ackert, /14trood, wet. Prelident; itt addition to the Preddent • and Vkc Vit4Iderfet, the tonowIng to ,Direants: Wm. Wat.00/ A 'Thompson, morn ; tacknoin. Vim It. $uples' , °bolo posticara addressed- to Premier Hairy and hisl cabinet, each card bearing the following protest, "As' a member of the- Preeffite of Ontario, over 21 years of 1 -hereby enter -an emphatic protes against any proposal to petniit the sale et -beer or. wine in -hotels, or resta KNEW EX*PRESIPENT WELL ants or clubs." ,Of the total number of 7- Clinton Newa-Recoltd: Mond ay% dal- 'these cards circulated by members Of the (110. 40eabranch of the W.CTU, a vast ma - O. Stillman, ex -president of Imperial 011 or y ifavelreoimaghtctir -The-ladierro corgyany, whkri :Occurred at wellegei somr &wagons met with polite refusals ilospitaleeri Saturday. 'Chief L. Stang, of and by some, were "told 'off plenty" Clinton, hada long acsatinintance with when, approae,bed, recniesting his or her signature. • • a --NEVER-HAS-- INDIGESTION Frait=a7itiv make stomaek like nag 'i had °twos been In good health until I be- gan having trouble with nrystornaeli. litodidift eat. anything without. discomitirt arid cottlo- ually bad beattbeise severe gad pains and headaches. 1 carttrotbfallY salt TruitAt.tives' completely restored tat to health." Fruitaa.tieee . . . all oirtig stores 4' r It. IL Wheeler FUNERAL AO/MOTOR AND EMBALMER • ALSO AMBULANCE SERVICE GODERICII) 0.1413103 Ali calla proittO _Attended_ to _day , • phones Store 335, House 355. CONDITION OF ROADS Blyth Standard: The roads have been in a very bad condition for soraW time • but the snow plow has been keeping them ope.n. We have heard a number of Cdninlainter-about•-thee-warthe-anow---plow- leaves .the roads 'with a ridge in the mitre which slews the cars or sleighs into the aide, in consequence they had to drive slowly, There were a ntunber of tars stranded here•for Game time, haying to be loaded on, trecks and hauled ts�ugnth bad parts of the roast die 'party of huntere. were stranded here. They had been up in, the north deer - hunting. On Saturday they had to get Mr. Rand to fake part of their load ori • his truck to London, they folknving in their car.. It Was the worst storm we have had in this section so early in the season that any of the old settlers can reinember. It was not so cold, as it on- ly reached zero weather a couple of EXETER'S VETERAN PHYSICIAN 'Exeter Times*Advoeate: Dr. J. W. Browning,. who siziee the day of the Con. federatioti-of Canada has been praetic. Mg medicine in Exeter, eelebrated his 90th birthday, on Tuesday. Dr. Brown - Ow is rernarkable• Mall for one of his years, tie is to be 'found regularly at his oftlee every dayit was on July 3, 180, tWo :days after Coefederation, that Dr. Browning hung -out his -atingle Exeter where he hits practised eontinuously ever since. He has many interesting dories of the early dais itt thie oeutatunity whetrtonditions were fritr from enie:t they are iioday. larcivAlitig was bent at Glastonbury. Boraerset4 England, and tame to Caliada at the 'age of ti,in wttli his pereires. *hie Willy eettled in SW00410 and later * Markhani, 'Here BrOwning.as a boy, rid one of the first telegrapets in. Caned*, assisting 1118 elate Oster, *he Wail the .lecal agent. loolioviing Isis kiadditinti M 'a' 014ok1in he llrst „settled in /lay Township *lee he practi*I2 for * short time before eeen. inttO"11M4,e're ifirliuitit *Vadat/ Wit tiaarAt4 to/ $ IWO!, tewvioh 4 the ;Wine, Ilrowning, encl. •sister algo survive,- Mrs. Walter Calder, Woodrow, Sask., and George! Mr.. Palmer Kilpatrick, of Toronto, Marqu'is,' Winnipeg. The funeral took, sppent the week -end at his home at plate from the lanilly •residenee, Base Line, on Saturday afternobn, the services at house end graveside being conducted by the Rev. F. G. Verrill, pastor of On- tario street. cheirchl Miss Marton Gib- bings sang an appropriate solo very sweetly during the eervice, Miss Wiltse ACCeraPanYing, her ort the Plano -The pallbearers were: Messrs. O. Jervis, G. Cornish, W. J. Stevens, W. D. Connell, James VanEgmond and W. Shobbrook., all nefghbors and fellow menibers of the same 'church'. Those present from a distance for the funeral were: Mr. Carl Engler, Ottawa; Mr. and Mrs. Richard Clarke, also of Ottawa; Mrs. • Joseph En- gler and Mrs. Thos. Kerr, Ethel; Mrs. Gingerith and Messrs. Allen, Will and Albert Phipps, Carsonville, Mich. In- terment was made in. Clinton cemetery. • CREWE -7 - Mr. Will French is engaged with Mr. John Kilpatrick for .the coming year. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Stothera and babe, Of Dinigannon, .visited Mr. and Mrs. Wil- fred Drennan last week. Sunday from his school, near Auburn on account of-, bad roads. an& young people_are busy preparing „a Christmas concert to be given in the cisurch^en-Dec. . 22nd. Mrs. Win. Durnin is still confined to her bed but we -all MO- te--).-,see 'her up and • well again soon. The depression has lifted around Crewe. Matt. Shackleton has- a cow that gave birth to twins last Sunday. Mrs. Mat. Shackleton received word from 'Goderich recently that her risother, 1Virs. Jesse Gray, had fallen and broken her wrist. Mr. Barry Middleton entertained number' of his bay4triends, eine evening last Week before his deParture- to hit home in scotland. r IC II • . • • An 0 hem ecry ' , alters 4t1 r J.; 4041110fles Thee'e notbinglik0A14 40 take the edgeoft iperintion. ,Mafelthig. He was actompanied- back Sunday by Mr. Leo Clair and Mr. Harry Middletion,,Harry going to the land of is_birth. He has been engaged with Mr. • John Kilpatrick for the past ftve years and has proved isimselratrust- worthy boy and has made many friends while here. We wish hffit aliappy and safe trip home. i*LFAST Mrs. Andrew Gaunt, east. of St. Hel- ens, spent Thursday afternoon with her mother, .Mrs: Sam Sherwood. Mr. Meier Alton took a sleighload or ladies .to the W. ler'. S., which was held at the home of -Mrs. (Rev.) Tavener's on Wednesday afternoon, Nov. 22nd, this being the annual , election of -officers. [ The last -yearts-officers weee voted- in for 1934; --"Virs-. (Bevy Tavener president, l'he hostess served, lunch. • Mrs. D. K. Alton spent a few days with her daughter- Mrs: Sans Morrison, east, of Lucknow. , • The Misses Winnie -Laneof -Stratford Wormal,-andIltida, of tioderfch IL EC.. spent the week -end, -with their parents, Mr, -and Mrs. George Lane. . - Matter "Albert- Phillips, pear Fordyce, spent Saturday afternoon at the home orhis uncle, Mr. Dynes Campbell. Cheapest- et Vile. -Considering the qualities of Dr. Themes' Ecleetric Oil it Is the cheapest of all preparations offered to the public. It is to be found -in every 'drug store in Canada from coast to coast and .all country' merchants -keep it for sale. So, being easily procurablecand extremely moderate *in, price, no- Jiaild..bezwittunitaLbettle.of it• The, uses of , the bare fallow and ferti- lizing the ground were lit vogue iss' More 'Or leas developed form Imiong'the great nations of antiquity. Broit• ilscpro$ Tim IstERAL DIRECTORS ' . sot& EMEALUE116 AO& 103titiANeS SEILI/16A Alai 11119--.4,O risatise 1404 21./. • . • 0ET •FOLKS HEAT tOiX•5 HAVE NE.VER.41 TAKEN vessom IN NURSINJ BUT WEARE WOHOERPOI. .'HELP IN RAISING THE ' SAMS Aor. For 30 cents you can telephone ..about • 100 miles by making are "any- .. one"- calf Wawa -- to -station) after 0.30 p.m. See list of rates in front of directoey. ..emles=alep.• ' • j.t•O lv • Lime is known under several names; quicklinie, burnt litme, caustic lime, stone lime, etc., _chemically it is calcium oXide, that itsese_coropound_ of the two .eleMente; calcium and oaygen. . " For the satisfactory storage of roots, • temperatures *--the cellara should .' -he maintained at between 32 and 38 degrees -F. Reduced by Astinna.--The constant strain of astluna brings the patient to a dreadful' state of hopeless exhaustion. Early use should by all means be made of the famous Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthma ' Remedy. which more than atlY other acts - quickly and surely on the air pasaages and brings - blessed help and comfort - No home where asthma-es-peesent in the - least degree should be without Athis great remedy': ======:3=3=C Z=C=C=OC TRUCKS RUN ON RAILS l'he Canadian patent oftlee has grant- ed K. L._ MacKinnon, of Kingston, a pa- • tent for :a device which its inventor elaims, when attached to motor teucka, buses or ether motor • vehicles, enables them to dperate either on the highway or railway tracks. 'The device consist.s of two flanged guide wheels in front of the front wheels of the motor vehicle, and two. movable , _and, independent, 'flanges attached to, the rear axle hous- ing., which revolve inside the rail close to'the rear wheels, guiding and main- taining the wheels and tires on the rails. . , Many methods of holdtrig roots ov winter have been tried in 'Canada, and, with the exception of it few sections in British Columbia, some winter handling Is necessary An all the provinces. ' 1 Mangers. sugar • beets and carrots in I storage will stand considerable freezing I provided- they are -not handled- _when -- frozen and that the frost is allewed to tome out gradually. Concentrated Comfort! • This is a very good natte for the coal we offer you. When you teat the Heat Folkit in charge Of your furnace and fireplace and kitchen range, ou can laugh at any kind of outdoor Weather, because of the delightful eornfort indoors. tlolver the question of winter heat today' by ordering a nupPly of Heat "Polio Coal. • . WE NOW 6A1tRif GiENVINE • 14e0Teli lif;TAIlil ctiktpl'Atil° •11.111110.01 •-• HOTEL' WAVEILET TORONTO • A WM, .MOOERN 410111. • CLOSE TO EVERYTHING OF- IMPORTANCE, - ATTRACTIVE ROOMS ANC SUITES -0000 FOOD UNEXCELLED:UW.4 WRITE 'Oa' .VOLOIR. , . , GARAGe ONLY . Otle 'WNW'S • WALK • Of OM PARKING SPAM OUR 1934 READING AT ATTRAcTIV CES Clubbing-Aates-of-The Goderich-Star • Save Yon money. The fist: TORONTO DAILY $TAR and The Goderich §tar THE GLOBE and Tile Goderkh Star. . - . . 6.00 THE LONDON ADVERTISER and The Goderich Star . . 6.00 THE FREE PRESS, and The Goderkb. 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