The Goderich Star, 1933-11-09, Page 8•.46.06., ..dit." woo .4•4110-0.- rArrib.rer".r.04.¢qt, 06A • • grill • r.,41 114,H, eiv Tits. Ilu eilo whOh/p. Hospital '42k • it 'regular inonthly u* ,the_Misses_ Ctuwi . • 'At the 'Perth...C(014y POUltrY Sat :OtrattOrd reas-VoWler, thicken fanM •:e.er. and -exhibitor,. added. further to, ,h.is win*,g two more 400310. One flute was .for the :f.b.Ot pal!! 41. Pinif.w. ••"tonsIn the %iW. tl*,b0e4 01: Which he inshe4a specie:1W,, ' • •The •rta14:27••• Monti* ,Yaceting of the. • • V10d4r, notn,e and School clor).4,01.be hCd in the kindergarten room of Inc.': tzria sehoel; Iluireday, November •teth, .0.tiock. Rath iricinber, reqUeSted • WILIL r***1 TO JUDGE itulge been h ' Mont rir .0 1 �ie ting,.tk vIU , ,..,,w'reh,Ows, C11,-,,topH:07,40Hwit 4, .044 _.oat,„...int_e_r,•• ,PPII Y411°' .10Pult'° Ourrt ,*SOO .en Ilvt•VsPee4114'• .ot on succeeded The he" lekreer het • On:,:satuov: by 11*,'APPellantit ' we Ph fiecb1*r, Wrent les Or Vietokii„.stree, onnett.tehorott)' t.i.bet00,01,' n'''' er . 0 illi,0104t-atiettas$01 a,trodr. ' irkie, men,,v. 'AAn PconPAnt AS' 'Prortfl, 4t,'Sk 144 ted boitY4,0e, loktes" cfildv. the **Oka Oktea,i' clihr42‘'' *hloh appealed • an ' assesim. he :Vietoria, HelPers 'MC . the i".4 or 0,00,•. ' 04 . :Po' Plot .90140'. Class -united later the leattershiP,0 'Mrs, sivr, :Aeggigt$0, IN gtionititiCH- WestbrOok, Miss Worthy; ikru, litrs...141/:, la, r ,,, „, ' .,,, • - ' ,_.- L•_.•_,--. • ' ' ' relic: 'Oblet•Or, fancy work, candy, ep, 0.44 '',,P41r44 CohlitY" UMW /14i4d WW1 ;ens ,$)stkrbome,ots,de .botioic. ,toade ,ort Msociation held its autumn meeting AttrattiVe display, "Tee WO 'eerier:4 in: tti° ieltelnblY "414 otthe vollegig6 10.* the ettotheott. •stittite last week. RePresentetives.'.frOM • the AkseocZatiOya• Ooderleh and, Clinton were Present,, alSO were large OW* tIONS VirAin'likaingtr ber from Seivforth.-A, ',Most intercsting. to bring a new member, Bev.•14,fr.. Cralk, The 00deriCh tiOns Lll celebrate ol program will be the ,pealctir of the 0004. ladlea" n4ht on Friday,. Noverriber sin"! .givelneos•i4141'34 °°rn't um Dr, *came E. WS -5, who rhaEbtOn-,ed by a dinner, pregrxm And dance. Lille or .Clinton;,* piano Solo by Mrs. Perdue: • ' • at the Bedford hetet will be •teatar. $4.11r2 el, * the PlianO; WO Vocal solo.% by Mrs, Brakine Presbyt,erien ,ehurolt, Ottawa, wni, -have tieen fortunate in. stoning, kintle „192,8,, has aceePted A tall to Pt• Andrew% Cluireh, 'Pretierietort, 24.0.. wilt _peach • his farewell °sermon met iSantley• iii :Ottawa .04 on November , his' first in Fredericton. . Rev. Mr; Ross is a fanner mintster or Knox probyter. cburtir here. • 'alt anneuncement .of the, Carte Schclarships was. made TtiesdaY bY erlu- tiple J P4 UMW of the Poderich CoUe „Ade r.tristituW- The-Art--scholarshi Wes *Warded to Mlu jeanWebster,., Of Winghain,vaae $1.00; 'second, Alex. a. ,Goderieh, OW: 'third, 1Vtary Sueston, ct_oderioh, g40. Alex, 0. WC- Vla-..44-,,,aWarded alo. the 'MacKay. morlal'Salitnarthip which has * cash -a*arded• to,i4)*,stadegotng to: “1f4A adian,„University -who makes -the Ilignest *landing 'la eniOr'-:-Intitriatilation. ftt • . • :41tA441C)N4tig- -11AMILT0N STREET Sells Insuranoe of ell kinds. Oet rates ifrom him beforo renewing or.planuirig new insurance. Mr.. A. M. Sorsolerl, Deputy Minister of Public Welfare' air guest sPeaker,.Hia subject wilt be, "the, RedemPtiell Pt a Egoi;" -.4% 'Witted nUMber of tickets will be aVallable to the nubile upon request to Chief Robert Johnston, or the secre- tary. S. Tayler, *dial * g is itoiru iSacC:tiSrce and 4)4t each ou will Le surprised at tile thin -40ality far the price. a reading • by 14rS, TaYlor, or clocteriob,. and a short OW,* "Crossword f wades" from .tlfeaferth members. ,-41'11040 taking Part in the play were Mrs. Charles Itty"nies. miss Jean Snitth, 'Miss, Helen AMONG ,TRE CHURCHES Lane, Mr, P. B. Moffat and Mao South--' • _ gate, At the women's .mee. ting of the eV' D. 4.1"4Ilia Will OCCUPY' the 13e4Pit. VgID611 it was deeded that 1 terct-you4 --074tOlab- .church, Hamilton, -next Sun- day • ,officers shOuld etniseri ;rein the asr,fro-,* The YoUng reoPle's ,SOeiety of Knox _ church vislt Seaforth.ScOletY NtOntlAY, llovember- 20th•„, at the request of _.theAatier , The V/ M. lprtit etteet United uroh:lt. •the November rnee fley,:alterno.o444:4n4ha=41.0041047,Z004 p1 tbe ClArak, tt4t. 'Preektenti Mrs. . : ,Rether,ingt0040, eqeMpying the .0104 A,:very interealug. and coMPrehenaive report Or,:,the seetival meeting' at .,BAY4. eld was,. read by Mrs. ,Wm, Strachan. Mnong other interesting ,•naatters- -dealt wittr• Were t.Wa Outstanding' ,Addrease*, 'Wet Or t.tei. )34 *ward on the need Of Saskatchewan and that of '14(rAL, (Rev.), It TOUT,' of China. Mr. Howard del Aoribed, ViVitilY,.'the • desperate situation Of the: sufferers in Southern Saskatchew- an, the stogy of. one family's privation so touching the ,congregation that a OODEfkil:f1,, ONTARIO. Oniabing 40001 that difterent, cornmergalsin4 '10.144. SUNeari eiteiVutii'r#ught,' ' Individu*I.4teth04 of ilistrUpOon .and supervision. Regular. day frOirc, 0 • , erlitli„lassearlitond*Y0 Wednesday,T 740, p0 now in;Progresa„ , • Mett* efficient, trained ot11,00 •woryet4 , will ear , hence. egrtrol ' elm 429) 'or write Ilez 306,,Getleriek ' r , • For further :particular* vall the,aohool„. ' MISS it.000.4(4.0(E 0;• STBWART, .CoMmerchtl Speeialiat, tion.was taken at•once to Meet Pr6a- Courit ous'e ting immediate need. So generous. was the response that the realized yes • larger than Was required for the speentli emergency and the sum was left in Mr. • - :(Continued from page 1) *11,000 shortage in, the treasurer's et - canal,. repeated his charge of °Write.- tiOn. Young, the treasurei,, he said, leg iihn. to his own resources to find what tonipg____ to make an audit and isalci he • didn't 'see the need of it," said witness, When L A7or-m*Ixiiiiitql$0a*ttreili -He usx.c-4 bincLAbotitAbo inisSing:„.reeords he was very- evasive," , Auditor Gibbs 'saki -hia investigation of' county books was "unfathomable." , "The 'amount of money which Young took in and-t-eVer-accounted-lor- is so nut ,iny_Linger,„„on It." he said. Howard's care:e be applied to other exr 1 l*h8es• 1 , , ' ' , Mrs,,.. "rotor's address dealt vartiou- laxly, with the: condition of -womth and ' girls. in China. ' Of the older Woman 9ilt, per---centiiire ' filiteratc,..-but -among, the •Yehnger, Women' eclueation is eagerly !Ought Sild they .prove quick to learn. .,,POILIEGIATE, MASQUERADE Platten Of ItietOria street school Iti, (lodewilI - on OWing to the fact that,opportunities, ter annual 'Hallowe'en MA5010000 rzb. Plans were made to 'interest Wing, :the education ,of Women are becoming ' polva;t4,046,,74,00 thiipOonsilsctleitiaffuteJapnInss;_,,titThntee_tels'74- ITtimotia*tbioritml?, ,_1thetert_.:texrern'ebertttbdriot 4)41 iiratii _m.s._)re common, ,tbc• „old seral-slavery is ' _ , , relation to the gala assembly of nation' I A • .s., nettdetri:011 #114:111371:0:11ge019:::T48. tt III of Nations. was Comparatherifir 1 arrots--aim-ff,t_,_ antics 'represented there. Contests, pro.' VECTORIA STREET W,M.S. menades, ehoruses and tap. dances made , The W. M. S. of41(4.4coria Street united and Mrs. B. P. Player rendered the duet, i „ . , tip a well-rounded program. The prises chtiren man inert Ibbutol rue4etrug 14 - for, fancy .dress were awarded ,to 11,,ineat cue scnot,,,,roorn•of tne chureu on AtOrt- 813"i4 a°'tvi'" lit'•Vic44ve 1,i,!ta,:8;,tt*I.41:1.: 1.11,16:41___.eic''Irimeetnilg clmt1StePriris to.; interest decided on _Tborrnot -and Howard'. -Wilkins,- , .whilei cay'- artgrneou - at-- 2.so. ----.-.00-- president-,-.1-,„,church,._...,•:,-.,,,LSund22-.--1 • - 15:0: ,,,,ILtri6.9,- so. minder- afternoon wasthedate for • tut -4-•=• '• t " tunte--,went--te-Ittit4h--ears,.2-13.y.ton-Wilstelves,-4n- Ile-ollalrt-44-”:".-- -11?-1"!4-..t-g9I'Ce paeri and "Sarritny" Duelcworth, the leadershIP of Zr*1,- Zane, went pleasant Otte at the manse, Colborne on TueSday evening, of thi.s week.. ,atxturrin-thankofferl. 4enitts triet,44t: trio. brum, Vice,, Lest We Wets tr.orgetc;;:r7:cfit.,,,tinspapollifeL Glbbs said was deoldeu.- to• ,hold the, •eveninK Cuunto:tY'tclerlgrleb31;1111 audit **failed tO prodUce -Warden's cir- TX() COWS DESTROYED -1Aften-, therlieavily Bradley ran (into .0, _herd et cattle. on int-SatUrdaYltight;....*0 Lef the animals- siffered broken legs and had to be destroyed. The 'atoll:lent Via.1..„Xt most peculiar one, The truck, carrying' fOur tons, had just rounded. the sharP curve when the eatile, bunehed in the subway, appemed in view. llt was On - A43 tO -40raik, .Servke, o r* e„ regu XoVember the IPecial. sneaker to be e r7t e co obstructe ye. • d h 1 * 1LL L4 nt• 'Christian Service Group. sun ay sc OG _teec_woros,-__on tne-topleAmihe daY, a - •-•11 bertawho spending the -tall and win. (Ignen, led. in Prayer.‘ Mrs, Wilsui 4sPOlte t,o an , mrs,-(Relr.). 1-1..Mosa, of lyther .M- ••lat Boyhood 4esus,-. Bioie 'At the pailtiO elltireh Sunday Bible ter in Croderich. " • xeoding oy R., C. PoStlethu; Scheel will be held at a,m. At .the )31tObanat was appointed W, momperS, pi" -a standing- 7gedwer-arviee-at- 'kenresentative nn--the--11oNver- coin - vote, 'were ..(104t44 tn,ok stand for “EyAnge4srn 4 thawing. mittee the .eburch, and mrs. Ifetuer. amperance and expressed the hOpe that 'Evening subject, dirn importailee or 'tuition Vivi:: Strabhau 1Vfrs "W". j Chase's Linseed and-Arttr- • penthle :29e yet's Cherry, eeetorai.,,A0c Vicks' Drops e ..Stbe 13tir.acck akkuL.111.410„... tlodd).S.Adney Its Belladoina C, a sic Tii .25c IhtdottLia•PlaSferS 25c. Kidney Plasters $ai. HAptitica, 75c size. .59c , Col ,gatili'r 04) t Paste, 21ct 2 for. 44-4 • 4 4: .39c o1gate'shaving Creain a d Aftershave, 60c Ira; • Palmotive Shiving Cream ,Aftershave, ----60c—, value, for .39c Gillette '4 n d. Auti)strop. ' Blades . .5 for -25c Eyer ReadyBladi, S for ationding Values for baijwe.F the month; Note this interesting • GREY IIKETS largest double sages Weight, about 8 tbs. 414ted And Antshe.4-*Iniri$4 aIu* $5.00. Par aft r.. • •4, • 41AR13. WI014' tit410141;UMS 'Now, pittoont, loge choice at Ver.144u,t* N',1!11 • -the appemance Or Auditor 'Rooth fre County Council in .tithe last. The de- .Qcfertacesioarele ,Itsactluetalwprorv:pot14944.134potitztag'44)3,ljv - the .county 'S accounts and evideuee to substantiate ,this was,adclaced this'aMaxr, Ing.•• • ThyetlimorhaevehiaeftlaP.itiees you give th.b'' more • v.o'hen i'm afraid it's prudence, when he's afrgict it's cowardice - deli for lisuing of cheques., "Holman was very: curt with me,"' complained the auditor. 41 ,aeked him for invoices Yill".011,;..sheUld...hAkeibe.trt erder to pay. ' couldn't get them. 4VerYthing' was, in a Confused condition. ;tie • Priociple of the temperance cause ThOttght: The Pastor, 'Rev. T• • drew and ;miss /to., bertsen were. appobited 'handed bill4es Of papers rolled a tevonathis. enunittee to lirepate ter .r..,ontaining records of vari?us' years,", would be safeguarded tor the sake of the Htint, will -preach, at both services. young people ,or• todaY. lvtre, (Rev.) services, at North st, unitei ,,ehureti the *Duch cfefficere, m December., The auditor Ulla evidence contPlain- th k • d ti I r I h r Ile ha. been, Urrahle t6 get the War law Taylor, e guestSPea Pr, gave on, NaVember 12th , "bet 10 a•41., -a: very:, interesting' address on AlAte Chlk'stibjeet, "Keeping .Sweet in theextuing cansp Canmare. Over 31 'the Vace of Trouble," IntrOduced W. years ago.- 'Vie ,addresi was Instructive s. Bowden; fl a.m., Rev..0eo. T. Watts, with touches ,of humor. . Rev,- pastor:oir_the_ cluirch,'. will have charge,. Paster' 01, tbi---r,h'xuvh--§P-Qk--ej3_-x_g-13,Y-_auhject,-,-lteasonini_ -with God;" 7 of the work accomplished h3"--the7Vf-vm_ 0;-ShaV4.'S-4.7, l'1111; grea also of the saOrlfiees Made by our home On the Oxford Group mOveinetit. • onlisietysi.7erutixpri:Idanatp°rbee'labetibein4fol';hth: nt "1 Grabam and Mr" .13." /38quil" rage of, the afternoon. ronewitlit the Torontop ,asidated in the program of.*thp address, an appropriate duet,. "My Lot e-&-sbeletrot-Vietortrt7Street arid 1," Viltg rendered 'bY the pastor and 'united °n Monday evening" Mr. his wife. %the meeting closed :_with Carl Clark had eharge. of the nieeting, it prayer-hy Mr. Cralk;.•-• ".• "" AA* devotional night.- Mr. gia:hatu • favored the meeting.- with two readings Baurev-• Baum-tvro-sol R. Stonehouse Igave the. address-of_the e evo ona p oraltin was n c a ge - auctioneer's receipt book from the Clerlt„, of las. P. 1117, Currie. Prayer was offer. ed 1)y Um. Arldrew; the ecripture wtt, mho, had refused to lAve uP‘ Before read hY Urs, A, buchanan. the leafiet,•,,,'edeoharvteraeddi°41-71°cIthefclorrolativrnehAtttillSer-nbeoy,61.tbywatis• Jesus as. a , child in the Temple," was • read bY Mrs. E, SheArdown* four heraidi c:aurt - • ' Warden - Rallantyne and Reeve7-fr.-- J. attendant.- tteidanies Al trrt. lvIcNevi Goldthorpe were other CrOwn witnesses "ivf olYfcfcav and 'R-,• iiiritsOn, gave ...brier thii m9raing. ,Their evidence reuted items of interest regardirig, the antiquity. of 412ina, and ariline chorus was given by Mrs R Stottehouse, Mrs. Player, mts. oss, rs. j-Oht-feton, Buchanan. with Mrs. Henderson at the piano:. Miss _wary Biebertson gave b. synopsis -of -the-closing-thapter-or-Lth studV, book and the 0108111R Drayer' was offered-br-mirsoneslhoinil fkL'ebp- _lJ Mrs. O. vrIPPit, Newgate St., spent las week with -her diUghters 41 Mimico, -7-mr:74A11-7Mr&-er*Ileager -have--t turned Io Landon for ,the winter. • Mrs, (Dr) a Perrier and two children, .or Oshawa, are visiting the 4adY's par., cats, ler. and Mrs' Pin ' 1*. ltiCott *Wally and fr A,- It. derson,, of fietroit:,, visited at the home or ler, arid' Mrs. A„,L 01e last. Week., _ Mrs. M 3 Bower. end Mr, Lorne BOW- ler..are leaving to.spend.the winter with. members of -the IamuInDboik Viz 47 Cuiver and Mt. it -ex reIaUve n towo-at e vreek-encL, ,-14Urrai. tuscrimbei of Oda**, -ilia rotund.:ne: home atter spending- .-three months, wtth grandpererits,•, Mr. and 'Mrs, 0 Tippit...Newiste kik • • , tut-Aite;.:--Janttoittr and Mrs; Jack Barton, of Dettvit.,*** visitotV over the week -end .at the *Me of Mrs, Atte smith, Baitod, good, The autturitti,-thankoffering 'meeting, of the W. M. 0;.*.ht-•Nerth at 'United 'church will, be held on Wednesday, 'November 16th, at B • o'clock. An enjoyable pro. grit* Is being prepared, of which Mrs. . he, Alberta, Will be • 9Vest speaker. The ladies of 'the ler societies of, other churches will be made welcome. , 'A very great Interest is betp,,g taken -e--Oxford=Oromx--MoVement,"Lsdtillough I many are, confound. it with the "Oxford Movement" width stirred Eng- land a century. ago. TOY.. W. G. 'Shaw,' 'ilk...13:mi' who has: attended, the Group house parties' will tell of their work and explain ,.titetr methods on :Sunday even- Pgtat. North. 'Street 'United church. The-07th•-rinhtVertarr01:2Pre'sbiterlan- ism In Oixterich 'will 'be observed next „Sunday, November 12th, by special Set- ning_sind pulpit will '61f,,:iicOupied, bf the"iter; Bev- erley .Xetehen, 1;),,D4' of lifctrats, church, :twist -14010 Will he, ten- dered suitable to this' 40cettsiOn. On Monday evening, NOvember 13th.; at min. ID ts.40 Uctare 'OM, of the church ,Dr. Retelen, will deliver an illustrated -sildiesa---orr'444000tlantl,**--4014--it'ithert ,mtnical progrank will be given. by Itriox choir' and -other*,ntindhig. llarVey McGee, of Alibhirrrtiv * - "'On Thttrsday-and-Priday-hightit, Nov - Mr. D R. ha* Cpenedi ember le i001 17, the Baptist Is an Otte at Clinton. and willbe there,i.hayit* speebil--rev -ansallstin serilees'. three doe week,. -.MOridaYt Weelnearlai ::-t011osiuUp meeting/ Olt the reeent, coo and Friday, Vention In Btatittord.. 'On '17,MrSai --.14ti",'-and Mra.:Htrrv 8sIkthI„*e._,flaw night. the Speetiali'"aptakers will be rtet. octupYintt their hero**, *oatmeal *trot. "1”" Nrant*" th evlinge)144 and Ile** , Mr. and Ur*. Jack Salkeld wUocipy - the hmnesteed In Ooderith tOwttship,, Clintot't • .1e.ws-ttecor4:, gr, and Mrs. Ed. come, Who 111Ye' *Old, their battle On To*Pattend street to 314 a it Its*ke, ,D SJITS_ $-A,ST-gIt AhliED-jrridL TAILOR PRPS§k4D-- , • -, ALSO REpAIRIlsTG; A MERINO, RE.LIXING;, andi TAILM11110', by using th kservice the Goderic h French Dry Cleaning Works 0oderiehltes were greatly rshoOked 43,,,n: Saturday last' to 'learn Of. -•the .death. la St. JOIkreS ,Hospital, 'Terento,of miss Anne J. danipben, a native of this town and -:a member of one of itsbest known: and. highly :respected families_ Few 'Or her friends' -here knew that iitAS ,Calre. -bell was ill 'and much regret was expret.' -Pea on all sides on learning' of her'. pas- sing.lwAndwiaugnihloaer mofoientii4e.plaitrem,leel‘trancfl tt Annie was :educated in the hoolt-Of , this twin; - Por- a- short,tini she taught school but later tot* UP- Otnieretal 0OUrSe and. secured' a _V*. low. with--"thi"-OntarltrAturrAellIst" ' - -•• .-- Parliament- Buildings, Torenta,-.. „with. Whom she was. a -valued 'employee for over twenty years. ' She was of a -very fine type of weinsithOoti.. and enjoyed the friendship of , a large oitole of ;4014, with ‘ii.rhoti' she ,*14441d/07 :,*le:lite(t. 9.4- 01mintinte , on her tstattort .tripe to the old home town'. .Shils 'survived by fOur 1 sisters, .t4c.r. -44, Awe; Hamilton; Um I.:Robertson, °Ooderich; *lima, In the. Oftice ot the Hydro Viectrie, and )l,ifinnie, of theAtioderielt---0611egbite-itiff.'---4,Th° 'funeral was „held on, 'Tuesday frOila .the fauillY 110016 on QUebee treek Rey. ict T. Watts, ot North street United thurci4 ot-,whfett deceased Was ft member,, having bh*rite .,0"f"Alre, *0,00. . "40.„'SPbe,sters were Meesrit Hairy .1tobertstin, (Strat- ford), It O. Robertson, E. J. P11041,1E4 W. T. Pellow,- Harold, Muriel and: Jack Johnetorti The interment was in Malt. lau0,temeterti. Thoeilireeent trot 'obit Of tOtin were Mr. and "141„1. P. 0. ‘Itagle • and Mrs, rred ' Vokleyi of , Hamilton: Ur. David *atle and Uri. it E. Rogers, tit •TAirtintii; ttr, and Uri. Berry Robert- son, Stratford, Afoot the !„beautiful floral tributes were thssie from the mem- bers and stair or The 'Ontario litunleiPsji Conregia' telt4-°;', -thent;NietbOntinjitlitt'S ASO° l*MtlertlOttit!'6111:1 ' North street united church, and the obblen 'Ants Bible OP"or the tonal church; And Other* from friends at Tor - 1 onto, Thuniltoti and Detroit, . . Lister, ,trom the West: On reridaYi ienlhor, Rat John Nicreautin; who is the worthy sori of aworthy Utile, will he the speaker. The father was one of the early Baptist nitesiortexteri• in India *malt the.Ohltiu‘ 'John ).1CLIMirin has spent 'Not* India and•is borne on titr‘ their lough. He ivo honored. et the contest - Hon In trottord by being elected dent by itollintstion. ut-mvuturtzt his an onte,suoing mitrtbr opesrstnort and is * dee* Sitritlial minded man. ' A ,treat ter *11 etturphieVers, Dont fall to befit him At ,,frett-willthatik ,ortextfig *Vim taken. • WOl'otaN11 COATS Tosutthilly fur ttimm0 and lined 04 interlined. Oat* . clioko odul, „no' two git.rintititt Ike. Sties 10 to 44 Mr . Floyd 1.040 h** that he hat stoesatiroliy SAInations itt iieetuted nt within isevoin vaarU. ol There were 1.04 ishos wrote and k patttos. - ht titrottigh to the otdertol *tofu Ink Otata Over Illealt rkh4ZOnVill1th garentlet 'Oa ursut.* magnum. lon,I were *muting .With ti t Jiro MeMillen's On the si° the NW man, the hen bout*,wint itI�.te•tis• It *as early, bet, t 14 the sten**, Ite to 11410110$ but titf IOW 411601014 t You ate playing Safe when you choose .."DOMINION ROBBER' FOOTWEAR". No'l better footwear of the ,kind is made. For variety of styles -correct fitting, for genuine value and 'do- , • dei)endabie weato• .•". • - • - DOMINAON RUBBERFOOTWEARstands in a class IV itself, aild:is the first choiceof leading shoe dealrs throtigluitst Canadk, GEV .T.IIENLA.T..., • ern's oe Store AGENT' FOR Dommoil: ituBpprtgFOR GOtig, • Our Store iritt tie open rriday":, e.vetiing, and, e day Retherobranee Das), ov Uth' lalioiesorrie milk from our oWn seieet. eroe Holstein herd, A Trial Wilt Co'nvtrite You,. For Prompt Pellitery. ?hone 299 Vtitip hsv4jut receiye4 ice sissorioUiu of FANCY MIRRORS *0 shape* sod sift*, suit. sbie for all tOwitt •foomit 7,5e