The Goderich Star, 1933-11-09, Page 6In reAdioe'w
lot;whV2c even, pew "of .trialgo and
s tofell before the 'axes of,Code,:t 4, unemployed "ih vikutee.
fat as r4citOd to -0* Town 0040P14,
by *the re:let POunnittee
, . .
Wished .at the' fain leCated c4tht
„mlleS trent" town, the axes and saws hait
thar.inned and the oys are "all
Or" fo• go. The WO Will•Payt In toil,
per ord for taoh cord of four co
wood ent,' and $5 cen* e per Ord' for emelt
cord of one-toOt wood cut. The wood
11 be sold at $tt and $3 per eord, re-
spectiVely, for cash only. '
The only rdt in the lute so far. are
protests • Which have been received
I, t.
-hal kd Th*
1 AO * tilt, V t44 . int.,
l CtOr'
,..010411441 t
are 1414 pt,
.those Warr
ParieeY,' Xo1le1te0.1Or MLu. Baker,
wrqte that Action V1411WW.O., tit
ehef of* detective'Sewer. ion, If
attentiett to, '
Mrs. James Stewart's regttext- for Vet*
upkeep of Sett in 'iCaltisind ceme-
tery Vas referred. to the ceMeterY and
poke etnuMittee .•with Rety
Bylaw eutherialng the puer
clisse of the farm Or Wood lot, was giv.
the last
Nhich 364028
**Slade' to ent
'001144 tee
en the requited Mimi* of 'readings And
pasied. °
The reports of the standing • ComMit-
teis were adopted as 101100;
Finance CoMant0e
We reeemmend • that, the 00derich
Musical SocietY be paid the stun of *100
balenee. in- Init of petit tor 'banal:4W-
poses; that the rent •the town dwelling
adjoining the Wire hall, now eeetiegfct
1e indistrirenate eiashing into George Beacom, be reduced tract *15 to
the sum or $1400.05 has been 'reCelited 111,POY Event. Is .Fito,ady, of?!
'from theiToronto General Teust Corp*,
'Won as thellownet. pro rata share -0
terest on Victory 'bonds As •heid by the
Trust Cerporetien- to'r the Ontario Wed,
Ohre Rellway Funde--Tla antotint
-elved has .been .rplated, In the bank to
the credit, of the 0„. 'W. 13. 11; tnnidti.
, ,
The .Public *arks CoMmittee
.,WillYiroittringeomipla0Alpphlvese. on WilLata..44,9,,bout 'Water In
of this bush and denuding a fine farm
of its trees. 1Vfayer Lee read a letter
from Charles Illarbour, a forester of
Guelph distrtnt. strongly advieing, selec-
tive cutting and ' pointitig out that not
only will the farm be greatly depreciated
in value by -the indiseriminate cutting of
• the bush, but also that the productlye
qualities ot the •eoll will be seriously jeo.
rd:zed. The letter eaused Connell to
that the ElkuttliA4118 Offered -will be
acted upou.
. Seek Mmenin,Clartere
Aiid*swa dos. or you i (0 tis
roaolii.iotory .01 iii+44-*
dlisilartae end you _'*rii."40,7437.”4,47;$144
talloitlitio0 .644k „' sonOble', kadaval •
141•N Oetaidraforstavorgatkkota your dzuL-
la tioe y034144 6004,44stet
75e. Bolo some; 1oaa Hootoe •TA.4.4
$12 per" month aS and from -Nov, thet •
Council was In seeeton for less than an
hoar. An Invitation was rice:Ned troin
the -‘enadiati tegiou-fer-the-Counci
Part'aspate in tiee Remenibr4nce Day
.IeeS ei151Ofl was gradt6d* -the'
Leglon to' lipid a "Poppy Day." A letter
frem the Seaforth Post, sent to all muni-
*eiPal cousieds In Huron County, stressed
theAMpereanee GI in all -day recognitkon
ef 'Remcmbranee Day, Mayor Lee had
.already issued. a proclamation declaring
ilit--daytt liondays and calling on--eitizens
to *observe It ;le
The quePtien of securing quarter s for
a- museum which to permanently
house -curios and relies was ra0ed by
Councillor Humber. Re sad there were
Scores of citizens willMg and anxious te
contribute valuable articles and reetirdS
* which they now hed in their homes, but
that they 'would not do to until a suit,
, able plate was secured. The ten floor of
the ...nubile._ Verlity„,,euiv ooettpled
Ing quarters, -v•-•a'7--"t-ituggesteil. -A commit-
-Ate ithrre..pert: -Both -Councillors-- Bum-
': bqr l4id Bieeiva advetated the appoint-
ment of a perinan'ent committee such as
has just' been e:tablislre4—'4 =at
oCounty. •
Irs-he parka ecnunittee will deal with a
-tette, Hrom the' britario lialnor .1000 or-
eierinuthat-fire escapes, with individual
- Poadtryroen Attention!
n price*, ;re Tadvineinsi
- ten,..aliOrt4la -
04 tde -niq--wifirry-tnt -iiii -have-444Y-
took- - of l'eerre-- culled,- tree '• of.
charge, by an aliert ielth. years b
xi rknee end hundreds of sistis-
Zed eustonwri-to his, •--e-i-idltI—Xr-
range' with yetur neighbors' to have,
'''•oivr Rocks culled the time day.
6iffr-pritervai4• -10----,the7--enit.
hens. For -partieulars. tft, on t
i)fingarifien 04
„'DERICR ih),
LJ 3etn, Minter. Pt ;Corobent 100Wrio
spent.'the,Weeltitild VS4Ung at t
,Tiiii,Q(NolletveXtirr Mod'
heid, et the
!hen* of Ittes- .4rthitr Tichbon.*,08
Wednesday afternObn Pt, thisweek
te'.14tide' 114" thl*e' ;411,41eileitei1H1 Irte.fhiel:ktr,Jobn
$i/tinet-Orio' of Stanley% to* Pi, 08
w%.1N.„toyttea hirnber ltion rervlce l)441tiok4. *ph
fer -any new poinbers,'Wleinnit. to.
RevF.W.s Ora* 0=1401ed the Pulpit
Of 'Cigna church on StincisY and deliver-
ed ineeesge On tiie. aubieet,
ri;tvine *emits," from the 'te*t.
Udell 6, verses 1 and .8. •
Theregular meeting,. Of the T. P. -0;-, •
W.01 be held in the eht,irch PO 04(10
tiventhif 'With Mid ,Itena ColwelI as lead-
er. The meeting w1.11 be •patriqtio,
keePing, With Arinis't1ce MY.
Next Sunday, Remembrance Day'', the
rierinee will, be appropriate to the day:
Rev. F. W. Cratk will travel charge.
There will be special music. Preaching
service at 3 p.m,: flunclaY school at 2
October School Report
• School report of El, S. No, 6, °Ociderich
loWnship, for the months of September
• . and OctOher, ,,10/10wii.: Those marked
, with at aSterisk were atOsent for one-kske
On -Sunday -last-the -home of -.Mr. and' more- exaMinatlons.:: sr. .1113 *-444414riel
VW. 'I. S.' Kelly, Lighthouse street, Wasl'ilarwood 81 Per cent.; Orval Sieling, 09;
en fee, ' the. Occasion* being tile golden 1 Eric McAllister, 67. Jr. rv.--*11,42kland
wedding afintrersari a yr, • and mri, volier;_. 74, arc rit----siirniand .1.0aSsa1ine,
xtepa, The, children, with their wives! 12; 'Lori*** Lassaline, 644 .Dan Bleb*.
find Inuieterielse werisrallsaiiiseke3SMETOO* `64; ,, *MglarA.-0.--417:771:10107.Tlehr-,.
ation and---nanotous-eitisertit • took' ad- borne,-471-11arvey Lassaline, 26. Jr. M.
tier cellar, we have had the .engineers
Vantage Of the: reeeptionslield to oat and ,--Jeart McAllister, 60; Arnold Fuller, 50;
took into the matter and they iepcirt trutt t.
the sewer .on Willeam street is consider -I lei, and, Mrs. Kelly
extend tellcitattons. .' - Arthemise . Lassaline, 671 Betty ruller,
were, , , . .
married on 87. MaryHarwood' 51* -.LottAie Powell
aoly lower tnan Miss 'Baker*$ eellar; but ij,ber 5tfi. 188,3, by ...114,i, 1,r, Jahn .48, 1-L__Bek everan, 81 Elva Orr, 15;
gest that A eatch basin Might be he. .4"'''''
t:Connor --in.----:Ste 4,-Atlehaers2--ehurcht Dprothea-IrtchbOrner- -62:- Edna _POWell._
stetted on Britannia Road to take atm.', tyth,:._2.- ... ,.,._ ....;
Tne-oridesnitatt -wax Mits-litarY -37-e---:Reiddle- ---Jelinetorii: -..-36, --1.-4Bnece•
! Ear face -witteg which, Might.be_ieepine.‘a
7 'Istrie-tolfatiiii-Of Stratford; Sister -of 'th Sowerby; -•435'... pr.'---,Paiilinev•--Lassaline,-
.hrough from that point, and we recom..., bride, . who was also present at the IV- Iternite Fidler, Edna -SoMersall, ciladys
menel that a tetch basin be installed in' ,
tieth anniversary ; and the--tiest.min Was Sidling; Xorekla Foy/ell, Barold Johnston
Britannia Road as suggested by the en--- the late Robert JamexColloton of Walk- Lerma 'Wilton. Ruth .
E.',',,Evans, teacher..
sincere; we.have received report from
Messrs Carey, Kidd As Co., that sewer,
could be constructed. on 1VIcDonald street
diirerting -Sow /rem: Britannia -Road ,
S.alte screet en a 0.2 per cent. grade, and
at an est mated'cost for a 15-mch sewer
of appreximately $5,000 an4 we ree0m-
mend' that the matter be left with yoUr
committee for further consideration.
The special,- relief aril reception com-
mittee recomMended that no .licenses be
Issued to peddle meat in less quantities
than defined in "the market bylaw and
that the deposit, of $10 as made by t.
riP111.2.nd 1* refunded.
At the invitation bf Lucknow PresbY-
terlan Young Peopiet Society, some forty
of the youth and maidens of lrtbOX
;Orville,: brother- -,0f- thehrklTheirs efuevesignelgeent, -
happy unton Waa 'hieRe4 withshtT'ehli''' A mast suecessful event was the oyster
•dren, five et whom are stillltvbig 'Mrs.
_polo _Ti.,..craigie mohieenvtisa.; Boyer held in the Orange Halle 4th con-
icccession,- last Priclit'Y evetifrig.under the
'rich : Miss Helen Kelly, ,Ooder2c1u Mrs. auspices Of Riverston L O Z 1,45.
Harry 1 Striler ck(Marjorie), Rew York;
L. Kelly, Thepituktdapbut, pub_ About.150 sat down to the tables and en-
Basiloed the oysters and other good things,
12e Ledger, Philadelphia, and Joseph Col- Por those who don't relishoysters, ham
manager „a MO' on the Menu. • Atter the_ suPlest salt
lame' Kelly, advertising,
--/- 14`" repaired to the auditorii'm and liat,ened
"Vown and Country," m n
york, nitro is one, Fgeendenildi Johns to, a _sp1erid4d7pragram, for whiChs Brti
�f all e servkes Ihat. weare priiiii3Ogect to
render, we can mot ' heartily commend our
,One.Year Monthly inccirne reLi r1 •
Aftier'. the, cieoth of the insured we deliver
twelve, thecks,, one ,every monthfor a .year.
.A favorite amount is .$1004n,iith1Y..
These ready dollar's inthat trying first year
are beyond valuation . They furnish comfort'
and assUrance;-a chance to collect thoughts,
:revive courage . andlay'new pEans
Geri Kelly, Tson -of ; Mr. -and .Mrs. Basil Rev:7F, "Virs'Ora,isk. was thatrinart The
L Kelly. All 'the s chidrine-•••and the
prograin Was ‘,.• as' 'follows: - Selection by
grandson were p,resent at the golden an- tire harmonica band, with Marion Porter,
triversitry-as-welt-a*-fargaretely :;.-„--.04-niztr-..xv--enty Iit.eurra.... ,„
in, At-nod,„--port--
of Toronto, sister of Ur, Kelly.: , "'''''''
— Ore Orval Powell; inoutlis ,. organ, glen
"?.---Setore- her -marriage- -mrs4 --ItellY--wiza- uckha-rt, itd.4r; 4ncp-ortfe-rorter1ewe
Sarah Elliabeth polloton, .and was born harp: recitations, Everett ' 'Mahwah";
at Toronto,' daughter of the late Mr, and wait- g
nn soles Dora ' Harrison:, the
Mrs. ...James . Colloton, who came from edood will,, Que:rttctoei erten., NictoriaList.
TyrOne, Yreland. Mr . -Kelly, well lm
' •Pvin chureh. Ociderich, -ooMpeseci -.of 1Vfekirs:
00derich WS superintendent of the Chas. Breckow, john Snell, John Sproul
Public Utilities ComMission, was born hi and Carl Clark, :dressed as darkiess, en -
township- -of Morris,' sort -of -the late-teitamec, in_,a llicaeing :manner lw,itti,
uktaday eventns last. ueir„,_arrd axe, Ireland. 'For years Mr. -Hay moonnon' pit-modelle/1i plaire4 04 -
the ,00derieh Society torowrge-ot-wei engaged ,-in- the 1lOur LmIlling-frusiness_
Kan D. 90.4.14 - „Lane a0cli. Jack lgelgehen. his ' Present positiOri foe thirty-six years. :71Miaeorkg1/11,1#1yaleannelltb: aYen4:4;Q:a4uirathote;'n:Trii jaa:e1:71.:raviiatiatidiin:ffn:
.:erviec vietiderr ovak7by-mtss wry,44-40. littth- -his lather at plyth, '•He has held. 'iv ' ',Ernest -Bell ' violln los by
' Spedial niussOal humbeee were rendered- -- -Pcbt-the-teCantleti "the hOttleVas beatt. ,44A.uilt . silaocivs
bY !Herbert Oreene, . San Niralter, and ti-fUltY decorated. WIth bpi -kinds 'of yellow
Colwell; vocrii, duet,. '‘Pal of My Dreams,'t
Ustgaret Barnett, and the Orthesetra...17eses jact---chrYEvitternurne. . gifts -to 4*- ..."- grs. °croft „ Orr and . James Young.
noevotliyees--w--ele_soessAbe_young speopie . bride and hrldegrOon" •bf liftY years Ago, . Itobeit Davidsein plaYed the acorn. `‘
and the Scripture, leggin by WS - Ella . Mrs. : *Keay received wearing a dress , or
with a .6n.,„, Parament. A .gititar selection by. Olen .
.8ockett,. Was follOWed by theblaek sheer crepe and velvet address by 7,4oelthart, accompanied by Orval Powell,
Ntr.- "Ted" Smith. An invitation WaS -8age' -.a. "chide- and- iii-T"-ei-tile'3r-a"rh.„vas enjoyed:. 4.Mrttaiir gave • -a-, brief- but
extended to ti xo Litekhow group to, PO 11 Til:- telt ta4le Wagi ld'VelY with" Yeiletw 14teresting address On the abservahee Of
retitrn visit te_Ooderich, after 'Which an flittclie5 and iage4 and a white' and . gel.° Arm-'-istiee Day; November '11. The pro
all, and lunch Was terVed by the LUak-
hour ,------dr-rierdrIKt, 176.11-diti tilke. ' ' I gram -was fittingly-tkrought-tn---a-dos
The children Presented`, their Wither'
s • with fifty golden roses and it gift a Jew -with ,titne 61410blingb °cittr theiabTati*tatn*",1 njArdild"
Iwo, young people., . , _
er. w c ne g a e aye
e- premium, - aid tititeTtWice-ot four tmes.
, ,
year, , runs about, a mcKei a day -dr-age
• .twenty, ct, dime in the early forties or a few
cents more if you start later 1,ife. •
• Larger amounts or longer j3eriOifS can be arranged.
• A -choice of p. forms- is available: 'Premium
• , referred to above. is .for "Endowment at Age 85."
Set-up this7safeguard for your-herne--drcie
and they'will Oever be caught Unprepared.
Itwili make an ideal supplement to your lump-,
sum insurance.
For particulars„ ask a Prudential Man—or call up a
Prudential Offilc( e -
NORMAN, K. Mcii01), Assistant Superintendent.
71Wasonfic Temple
• • L •38 14$141)$$En elry whIle shover a letters,, cards and
telegranis-_testifted to the esteem in
tri. trete court on sawdarintiening win& Mr. and Mrs, Itelis Are held; '
a eharge of leaving the scene of an ae-
cident. against 1004 Scrirtogehr,. truck
driverir, Was dismissed. Alfred_ChArt tee._
titled that the_meert_gdn • of °etcher It
between • 2,30 and. 3 a,M. near
when_relorning trait a dance at Auburn,
-truck driven -by, ScrinlogtOure and- whieh
he.clahned Was without aIt light*
Clinic says he was Vireed ,into .the ditch
and- his car badIst.darnsig
ealti h knese nothing of' an tiecidenty felt
na Impact; and as theta were no Marks
dthe' eliSe. ScrktiOgeUr,- how-
eter;;was fitted tor not bath* ..rear
to'Which ebarge .titr Pleaded guilty,
Worni l'OWttera. act-,MIldly and
withotit Anjtity ,to,' the childe; and- there-
opoti._ worms.. ototrikett.,..sin_sist,o,„ „.tOriksdititrietts.B.c.s.„ : „-. • Nie: zassen attctims-wife-are,-.16-440.
till the wee enia! hours. of • -the morning.
the proceeds, for the evening •• amounted
410,, - • _
_ •
Earwigs. loolcing foe. winter quarters
'iN-HOSPITAL...4o, .skatine-ori. the Aga.' hind
sidesof the highwaY,. The ear tkidded_79.
'feet along the highway„then rah about
80 feet before-AttrnMg iritc the right
hand ditchLitrayeling 71 feet in the ditch
,before ,Mashing flute a.tree. Mr; Colliton
and Chester Bruce, who, were in the
. • riint.---seatm•weze-tuthurt--*
sensi-tiVo- ciiiidien;',although thrifivir out
of. the ear, also escaped injuries. Mr.
and ?Ars, Hasten reeeived, first kid from
G. -Thompson,- removed -thein
to the ,liosPital. . • '
• Trate Officer -Norinan Lever, tif
Offleer Paxton et- , chitege
probably be laid. against. Collitme, •
NcItbet MSS Frazer or miss; Ourrnore,
who aro teaehers in the, Olnitori publie
Tielleol, Strnelcily-tlit tirowlt
total wreck: -
Myth Car Takes to:Bitch When.kasidne
eait be no, _ doubt
_01,. that deadly effect intim Ittert invading houses in the Vt.,. ,skucc‘44,00,r_clinto
eesittil use for * long time and are . • , _ Clinton. hospital snItering• -front. head; UV.
•liihrlewling-prepatation--foit,th Eastern jurtis.lixtferetLirelLeareatnaShLvi
burpoee, They' have proved their PoWer 'anacla tot.1w34 uir to ,,."0orredr MondaY710
'south �f Qllntoti On the 'London zbad.
blyth, -owner And
,driver of the ear :involVed a Ann
last- control. when. Passiti011ass Viola
Prater and Miss Margaret. CiirMore, Who
Zntmaterletts taiiee an& have given re.. eluded 61I --cattlef -1.305 ealvesi- 234-0.
thousends Of children, who but 161 hogs, auCt 34,931 sileell
ter 'lb
OW(14 would have continued weak and I3YdneY.
enteehied, - ling centre the Werld,•
Exports of Canadian. apples for this
ISea,sta to Great Britetti un to Octetter 10_ 1
increased 101 per cent on barrels and 5'
on_ boxes in eampariton "with '
_th.e_corresponding-datc- -last'YeVit--,19?3...;
794,108 barrels f 1932, . 296,1604 Mitten.
shiyzne.its for tilt eealenlips to
CietObett-7--4eeslined--$6 -pee -eent
rels and 52 -per &tit on boxes.
fli-theease--ot alieepilthe-appaient- in-,
cornpatability of achieving",optiminn re-
sults in Seeking the- dual object:Ye' of
good *tool and prime Meat has for the
rast orty' years hatripered
Value of the research i•orker's .task,
For the _first .torty-two weeks of 1033*
ended--Oetobet49) •2,450i. 883--hoge- were -
gradcd in Canada. •
treit- Forth,. `Vettisktwity, Alta. writst--"I
wish, to you for your Medieine, Don's,
FOr iieveral years -I had. terrible barlme .WM. that were
So had 'I could not sleep at *ht. I tried ail kinds of -
medicine.vvithillit getting any relief..
One aaY.,..•$ Wend asked „rest t tty Doan'ti Kidney
Pills and Otte .1'1514 . one box 1 felt much:hitter; atter -
using two hoses I was coniplettly ,relieved and could
, enjoy lc full night's aleep.-
gijudtoimptedad„ v..4o70.0.4 0410 calr
We 11 line of coil and
can e ,prompt de1ivery. The
Alberta Coal we have is proving
very popular and we are getting '&
number.of ,repeat orders for Santo.
ou lour), Albert* Cool you aro fornishin
work for Canadian*.
Th employed 'to:Uinta-
their arrears of "rent
so from the leker,
ptoprtY 'hi* *SO tootle'
t * ritOotittble
vivo no idling
»4 eisryonvomited
that it
.e4 tbat *11 tb Went