The Goderich Star, 1933-11-02, Page 69
t tst,r6
, •
. Writing n tlie London Free Press os
delifthts on iftstory,'" as revealed by
the cid, newanfinerP of Weaterh., Ontario;
A.t„ ByerlY, 0,04- rezilirthe funeral Of'
Dr, William Dunlop, the greet. "Warden
of .-the lAtirist4r T•oirthe CatudivOcannintln
The account of this funeral. the Most
, solemn an intprasive ever held in 'Ciod“
each. was plinitithea in tbe-Oolt Reporter
et February 23rd, 1849. and was 'token
tom the Huron Viaslette. crily-theilbunderof-thilrsettlement- -but.
Dr. Dunlop, is is well known, ilia in' member of. the county. The doctor hav..
been Owed -in charge of the Whine Ooderich Union Lodge No. .14 it was by
the Provinee of Quebec, where he had Ing been the Sot senlOr wOrden Of the
Cost Ile bad ben a Member of the ePeelol desire that he wet buried •vilth
se te
Ili the
*Me all
4:41' Dunlop, with best-
tra, , ,,Sotho or the ol
habititti or the 0410, 4tosePh
John McDonald, ,alierlft'; elebotiari° Fry.:
!ogle, district colinctiOn cOnattInt Van;
,411trict councilor; •Oeorge.; Robert 01000,s, tlfstriet.
Ininellor. The deceased having been
he holt Warden of the•ilistriek,the diam
dot cennOit'lleXt folloWed, ttr*ded" hY"
their warden, Ph**, and the proces-
sion was closed by ir long line of „car.„
riagee, indlotlive of the high, respect ,in
which fhe'Venerable deeeaSed Wait held
• "Independent:of Dr. Dunlop's lOgh lit.
eoity At4innteilts. as, shown in his cow,
tributiona to mBlaeltwood"--bill
woodSrnan and other Works, he Wsa not
, r 0 I
i‘liille vento .. elle-,
'. niento 0 $„oustain
. ,
'Ve7.iii4"rililiii up—tr-tiik
and brain in . the 'itiest: ee
* ortornieel form.
Baxter's Dairy.
ou County
Auditors' Repo
0;ontiatioitirox_n pogo 01._
to s456.08.. and .111.1932 there Is cheque
of $100,00 toped to Gordon Yomig's oket-,
count. Theft were . large number of
missint 011ecRte* tbSt general aeommt
Home Of -Commons and some people Mason c no which in the aboslioe of further infor.,
'think `this position as- superintenderit of
' the canal was created to get him out of
tibile-lifer where -he Aras-eapable...t
-"in-inner, few eould equal, and- none out-
post!. When he Wilt slicit.x-the• widow of
his brother wits tent for and it vats her
mourntui Usk to accompany the remains
wa most ttnpresSivelY Tkrterthed to' the Rett., )1141°° wo quoit tO •
Alexander MOW. Ahlehget gentle"
men- present at :the Imposint spectacle
the 1411 sheriff* district Judge, tressurer,
and most of ,the ether •publieOfficere and.
'gentlemen connected tVith the districtt!'"
"An Item slipearing In the chOrtage
consists Of interest on twO $100.00 bearer
bends, the preperty of the Childten'a
tihelten—Oordott--Young--aaP that- th
PreldollE..arbditorr loht him -Wiry-this,
but„adMitted that he had never paid the
amount to the eountY., 'rhere was no
re tints to note sk tch 441/4 " • te`
L._ in the hooks w I could loco
„home. With theoe fog • girk _ itite_S , . n this e The behde ,emechting, 00300.too
Dunlop, let us see whot the Galt Report. that the ceintaissioner -for- the
Canada - round to -be :In„ 4We deposit „box
er has to say, or mere Tether Alio Huron Collinony attended the Notre'. „ Some Under 0 -Orden name at. the
Illitottet mi—whiett----Ithe-Fasporter.Ati• 'f too "roe tat August 033.
'yeamago,thez,peonle,44„..Poderiek, raised.
and place a -fenee-afoiliiki-it- .- was
own, a letter 'they ;received from the
Canad POnotail„y,j4, „t4VOrito. in reply e to
reqUest fon' stibieription And
fice said they had never heard of. Dr.
- The 1.4.t.e Dr: Dunlop .
°Gut totters will renteTther that. in.
Consequence- of the isanctuary of the Elea
having been violated, by'Dr.• }tassel' and
other Orenologi!..ts of *areal cutting
opm the leaden COMO of the above re-,
spected .and - 044041100' ;nito. in •crder
to obtain'a oast of his head, it was found
nettsgary to dePosit-bis corpse. at Ham«
Mon until -More favorable. circumstances
admitted or lts' being -removed' -wording
to his deart4 to 111S residence near °ode"
rich --with the laudable 4estre Of, earrY1
lag out. his lest wishes of being bitried
by his brother on 'Lege Hum:Mile Dub.
top (his brother's -widow), *caatnparded
774bYr-Iterettg- the:,
executors, went dnurn last week- to Thin.
• durn 'Castle,: the residence of
Moons% where the doctor's remains were
temporarily dep011ted, in order to remove
-them -hitherse-havIng arriv
n d wilish-the
-thWhog, naw44-0 1100
.."SO bold did the recent' as,, urer
that a• 4heque, issued for '8602.00
1.11.5 dePoilee,d In 'own' aecotint, $is
$051* 00 e S..bovsb, As net denosit, of
• MI •
Dunlop and his gatrie did not appear on, 027,40; kpe'ret' sal, of the supplementary
their record.' 7ret„,• in spite of this, ,it ls eetieduie$ ExbOtt .101 Will 4.110W
well known that he was the Canada :large nuMber of .Item; deposited With:
P.6111$10)" agent .ot Cloderich and refer... tniall C0,811:00,Yinent. deducted but
• ' ' g conclusively to a stroller odebit on the
enle to any earls travel book will d
him 'srw mentiOned. was widely
.enown as the_ Warden of the fatal tor
We Canada Company. and din addition
nis little book oiled the "Backioods-
men" ,was written to influence tintnigrom the Canada ComlemY lands 'Tr
me der .hy• the hank . to t 6- county
funds. It Mist :,r.emenibered . that
,clorilon-VOUng has pleaded' guilty 10 the
Items • in this lid with the exception of
those of the Yeor '1920- Which Were die-
•cevered-after-hlt Sentence,
"ohe thing however shoultt:te pointed.
-out and Unit -is the amount ,reetaVered
• ,W
or 4tc'
In It r can be
octt root ' :00v-, to
th Orden .104, 4 ' approved by
Witoten's ,
V, beett'',:givert -the .r
Sinai' Obtalit from biol.. wltli an
der , ktithorisint the Issue L.'ot . any
PIO. Oil Invoices. aueother vouchers
lativo tAfIret0.:Pld that she ,shall file
theze sti*toled. tOtether. With it, notation
of the roMiber of the 01teatie
therefor. We WOO further MOW that
'otoods' snail, be issded for all payments
whether atatutogo, bY.143v or for ordinary
iheidentalle The orders and ehequelt are
oehrig Countersigned by the Warden 40
that po, shall ithoW every , item which is
AM out. Plese inaMttetIons aka *OA-
PrOVialna that all Monies, reeelVed
are to be banded to the bookkeeper for
40040 without any deduction therefrom
aha that. We reeetpt, shall be Made otu
-`4*-Artieliatilher WoPltritre-.Ot
int suppnes and • nuiteriata sink no ,:one
thereflire Is '44.31e to State at anY., time
.lehav,ine iiabilities* of the county alhOnat
to,: 1 -feel • that an order boo aystem
*hold be insb4lied and that thele order
00O4s, 0OUld. be issued, ib only a, few
peonle, iWito .will lend * duplicate to the
'000kkeeper when the order la iSSUed,
*manic the or itortie 4%7 oetheir4 Oat, itra,„
agent but thii
4itizogoninot, 4%.PpoOt3341143ibietta,s,
'The clerk, not-
withstsilding Instructions of. the %WOW*
coriiMittee that X should_ install the new -
• system, low been , ordering reeelPt
further-ituitance of his Obetriletive-tat
etc.. of the old style and -this X talcs as a
De-giVen-to-the„presentoiericriwhis oftiee,
.1t in Snob- * confused. condition that even
the, by-laws Cannot be produced when
reqUired. __OrciriquirY Is referred to
the ' by-law -book ,tontainiret,-,ie copy ,of
the by-laws but this 13 'Ot. no ' value with -
Out being properly and leg* completed.
--Mich pay sheets AS X have seen for
the various committees contain among
them Some large payments. • This is an-
PairentlY due to ustome' „referring back
poszsoly to the old days .when the coun-
cil travelled by horse and buggy. r feeli
them is no,need.-to -Weems the details -of
thiss--eince it Is in the hands of .each
Member of each coMmittee to see' teat
the 'proper -fees- only are authorized.- •
. "I think have made it quite clear
fact, the. -document aPPointing Dunloo that no audit has been Made of the in-
rwarden. of the.ferests" the Caned fromtheborulthg .eoMPany of $7,750.00.
- and yo ers because f the con-
coin/ix-it-31 offices 'reitKM Dr;'Xnutlo
less the expenses of the InVietWillert be-- 'In Inn --10, -which-the, itre-----kent--ahri-L--,r
THUM" libita
C orkefis
of e, World
rime is a fat& f prime importance, to Imo
halms 7.10who bay" deafts t e trioney marketf .of the _ _
P110 AfErr the requirements of its customers, the Bank
Montreal has spedal wire facilities which keep in constant
;midi with one another its\ gicst important offices in Canada and
.zatitair or
By this means the Batik issenabled to provide all its customers
with closest rates on American and all classes of foreign exchange,
.+' wari.aiet
0 0--Bankrals ^
us service' all°"-ealurThlst-rjr`Ped'
ePaCtments of the cBank's affairs.-
Established 1817
• ,
,zza 'Yea& Su-cre-ssful Operation
Goderich Branch : WHATELEy, Manager
it bad uouoii whether they have peen examined
founded "the City- of Toronto Literal:, years.. Numerous ,double :payments.
Club" in 1836. , Ouse the ounty did not know'
been robbed. I must. also he regarded ti)r
,seem to have been, plaartd in fact
, .
at munro's .taverti, one .,ralle from here, 1411e1(110
_ „ifj'should 1 be buried with Masonte boners - a ts i_Life
0 on Tuesday night., it Was arranged' that . T k
the following morning, and- the oecastort . ,
.being -One which will long be remembered •
In Ooderielt,3te a. fitting one to be recOrd- George Aged 771;--VVas-
.ed by the Nvoirying Chter - Money
day the cold,st or the sea, - — Malters
min,- a cortege of sieighe' trona a quartet'
to half * trdle In extent. with the district
cOunolI on. 'toot, prOceeded •to
where the arrongernents:being CoMpleted..
the' Pretrzsimr-rettirned-alowlY-through--
the town; And so over the Maitland bridge •
to parbrold-,-*. dietance Of *WO two
miie We do not rentemhcr having wit
nested hi...Canada Mere 40400414 prO-
VesTion than this, 'or one better esilote;
e or t.
feury being below zero --the sun sifting.
'with darslitig brightheta 'oh. the, snons.,,-_
-the follower* ,clat, irk turs,„snd htirtalq.,
6 6 1
- :Wilt% YOU to.)4 have your
,fiapt hoin culled. free :of
charge, by an expert With ears 01
exfieriefite-t14-11Undreils: of sti.t1s;
fled ctistonters to his credit? -At,
' ge.with SoUr neighbor* to have
the table day,
as more or less of an ex gratia"1PaY-
mentor payment by -grace since the pro-,
visions contained—in---the--employers'
statement, and forming part, of the
bend, had not been lived up to. The
employers' statement- - was 'Signed by G.
w.:eroudag, te4- clerk- And bY Hayes Ite year been opped by tile refusal of War.
;tome of the suppliers. have ooraplained
1,nat wnen they received a cheque they
did 41,0t---110W„-Wriat items were inclitded.
line new almteni sholuid take care of. this.
-Tile custom. prior td, 2033 . the .
wargeg signing ,orders in hiShle has this , 4'.* °7419: 13111"EitHIEs
The manner in 'Which Moths,- butter-
- and other pests travel the ocean are
.many. -An observant 'purser on one of
theivats plying the Atlantic told an In-
terested passeilgelthatr.hiliitd-tijiei 10 -et,
dawns` of the Monarch %stinkweed or ,
Black Veined butterfly. come -over Vag,-
-land from Ills native America: This was
the 'iturser's explanation, , "When we
irk_tautumn there
are alWaYs lo6 these .butterflies fly -
Ing about the potato locker, !lb/eh 13 on
dear, and sonie of them get shit In and
live on suth tiournient 0.13 they can ex-
tract from the potatoes. When they ar-
.2tOTAL ASSETS EXCESS $700,900,000.
waraen (though Mr. notes, 1 *Itt
- b' Ial,nlaenyteypttoeh;a-te, oueaOnryt,hwirieg ofnor
The epoymenV.'As-tdt bfc-
414PTtellU7SEguatu°)' dne
ivnich lie has not proper information.,
qttegtiOnai" Wr1 intler.,1;3)-1/14 em- 94
1/iitIO3V-_,Alld*Ar41,1/Cf A14-14101"SW
-vat! qUestion4-40
"41'1 whether 7 Y‘46er was, 'no considered necessary , in many
woUld. invariabl be coutitersigned°1byeilarittes- and in 1932 lift: BniMaii• 'drew $30
- '
and Mr. Youtieitli for =authorized ex-
"Mr. Young openly admitted that he
was no 000ceper yet he ,Was an anal-
vcr before he was apPOInted treasurer.
in the absence of a generahledger and
of books properly kept- he sti:tcaeueliedarind
payment taking the ' ts ire
41,,1,11gers ,wrot „ttriletsulrettle' According -to--histninsWorna staattYment that he
watoTihene agnattres rilato
body of Geerge • A. Sidtialle';i7,. other .person after they are .drswn and
year-old grain dealer sand .private bank- Will the itonie precaution ''')e taken as to
littoknowir_ivas ,,recovereiLtaie p.rk.„1 notes or other evidence of indebtedness
tifiY" aftertleon Purvis. Lake, 2* Iniles I Ilusuetilat-Ine"4"1"alten-W th
". countersigning alters itee that tivo
1411P4*- of j4"1""4" WW4U in.10 atteCAOS or .notes are not drawn„ for the
feet of *rater. about 29 feet from thelh • (eigieiotee
shore shortly before the Orri'vs.1 of 41i WA
with "grappling irons- from tuclinOw.
oiler • hi the—afternoon-Aidditi
been driven to the lake by Hebert. Ross,
*he luelmow, who had been Instruct-
ed by.„; the former, Walt
jlika elap5td and
Mr. fllsidall 'retninett'.:10,0 -g
Out, of _ his and walked toward the
lake. He came across overcoat rest--
ing,'„,onAt.atump_Mit the lolteohore abd
, hat MinUtes, later, tOtietti ,rthe cap worn
by. Mr. 1114411 floatirm Oil the AVOWS Of
the werkt:Iger
'•assistance and tjhriearch
the body was recoVited, Connell,
, coroner -of tticknoVv, decided ,that an -in-'
qUeat,l-Waa,-,Iintneen.s041. -
Mr, -0,10411,, *he had been * lifelong
readmit Of laiektiOly. .110 been worrying
Over financial:, matters latelt At *Ai re-
• kati tisi benleVa to yans•
4 hint to commit suicide. ' sur-
' N144;14,„ one daughter living
1 Toronto, and One son in *Windsor,
0' I P1
hens. : Vet partioulars h ri
he pays,. by •cheoues,,_bank-
sttibs of cheque booksandre urn
.°11464144M3' has -already been men-
tioned, in this report U is eViiderit that
no attempt.waa made to Comply Witli,,,the
intent' **,61 tife "qiiestical"Orderr were.
atOned In blank by various wardens.
enemies Were bowed !Ohba- Orders"; t
andit,lijit,--.11106-1hplete ahd, vouchers
Wert ----eXimitted-Ot --bank---:reeertelliatto
hiade ,Several thataticel of overP*370104t4
have been fOilnd and there was
AtitlyAgLpro r• _C -heck On:theltelksuree
Another-ques - to - •
embrace the handling of cash?' 'Ind the
atisWer . given WAS Tea, but • very' little
cash is handled. all, payments are made
• oheque—and reeelpto the-sarne -
never gave a receipt Unless he was asked,
"There have been' many rumors pre
.valent AS to people who are, suPP,osecl to
have paid,-,-money...,„and hold ,:a-recelpt,
ve"opie aid, nos come to me and produce
thela ovitiente.- •
"In, connection. With, the ,primifial audit
some recordt should be Made by the
au itors -Of the accounts passed for-pay4
Meat so that the county auditors would
fkilOW"---What Atecout)ts, bed teem. passed...1
•o--130041...;tr, t.hastato
'council or ,warden to-.ptiss these ac-
count and so there has been no way of
telling whether' the accounts have been
regularly_ posed., They should form
part of the .tetinty'sliOttIteepitig.-
renly is :disproVed, by the intolint
. -
of receipts at calti.twhich the treaamer
is known to ..have pUrlolned.,_There is
oehlts unless requested and the ababillitit
thus received in -,tath cannot. be traced.
"Another ,mtettiOit, lisko, 'front Whit
source Will the applicant receive morieyi"
andtheatrigarer Aven_vate„t_Taxes_rejeiv.
ed „trent local munlclpslitles, *41101
grants and ell by. cheque.' '
' 'IOU b noted *OM the tt*Minatitin,
Of Schedule V that such itetna at tine,
tionots. riedlehra *ntipottitry licensee
1, were Wyly regarded by the treasurer at
rquitutet and their eintisSakt from the
plOte's stitetitietit IS.**
'Agam, TIOW much *tor unite* It
beld„ n rioitt' Ott the,ansWer given, 'No
payments made in cash, all by cheque,'
i on an.Headach'S.
uffered For Two Years ,
• 4414 itittot
, Winnipej. Mitzi
writeet.-.1 feel it, my dayto kt•Yott
know of tbe help. I received after,
two vtal* 01 Millttutt's
• For two yeini 1 Iiika suffered dread.
• bonrconstipation and beadattfoN
was tdrieed to tv your treatment.,
rously 'advise all sufferers to
Laxa-Liver PiIM and feel wAt.,,kvitu.n
stoe piat p 0111$
ntliraeite, Bituminous Coal p
We carry a full line of coal ait4
can make prompt delivery.
Alberta Coal we :have is provi
very" -popular and we are jetting
nuintoei of repeatorders for
to you burn Athertetecoal you are
work for Canattiont.
Per PIur6ing, thatint„ Tiamithin
troughing Ana Roofing, sike s
scroice,sinti all moo
om, #
rive irr dOck-ItC:England thei eseene. ,
i4tit_.summer We had two all the • way
over that never left tile %ship until we
atriVed: Of Tilbury, and,,,1 saw them -.11,3r
away. there,"
..•,,,.....„,..,........„.....--,:ritz,,,, ._...-A
. . .
. • Prom time to time the various clauses
of the regulations nuide under the pro--
V./Stores "of the Live Stock ,,Products Act
respecting, the 'grading and 'Marking of
ggga 'Come inth—promineuce. 'The refute.:
al of eseeesa to egg htspectors, tO .records
Loa ssorago vtg,hwdinta cOnstitutes a
breach et „Clause 10 Which 'says:.--4.91.ny
inspector. charged trith.the enforcement
of :these /regulatiens* Mak, itt any, -time,
!�r the, pluposi carrying...Jiro effect -
any of these regutitions, enter ayo' place ,
or conveyance to, inipect-eggS,',,or far -the
exablintsticu, of Statements pertaining. to '
. thoiielegitietiOn4 Mare.. to be
produced 'for,insp- or±for_the.„ por -
pose - of 'obtalnirig copies thereof or e1i-
tracts therefrom, any booirs, reports,
stateMentS, shipping las; bin* of, lading.
;or other papers.'
'The spread of the serious -brain ditieitse
'of horses, knOWg sts' encebphaionyelitis,
in varyland, Delaware and 'Virginia -7-k
'attributed to Salt marsh mosquitoes.
"In view of the State of affairs- shawn
to have been existent X can, append no
certincate. • •
"The new boobs will lie/ed.:to,be id;
Jaded es new filets, come to light and 1
wankiJitattestc_thit_the .oftee, 41 „clerk
and deputy -treasurer be separated..No
systillt is SUceeitetil Where,,,COUUSlort 15
possible and -the danger Involved of luty4
ins one ofileial acting in * duel capacity
shmildnot, lit t ountenanted;
'"t *Old PotlottlatlY `eiPrett ati4
, .
,priciat'ion of the 'treat asilitance ren -
'tiered by the Avarden,,ktr. James Ballan-
tyne, , the county, zolicitor.,--Ur. R. C.
HOS, audio the Bank of Commerce of.'
ticialt In this InveitigatiOn which, he-
lus 1*mucomentiktion to the cw:O4* cense or the conditiOn Or the books 04
lAtrir of the form In "(Mau M(MeY wU1 reeOrds, the obatrUctive tactics, employedi
rectivod 4,y' the treasurer as the qu
appears in that Part,,Of the queetion re-
lating , retell**. —
"An even more neintite question -
asked, 'Are0040 tivon to* the. 110011*
tante. every triottince lot thetas Who PO
hint money and is a ,titiphorte et 'clot
ratelpt* retained or "bound in book form
with, stubs to be Wed in comparison
when his attOUnta are auditecir The
arswer 11% part was i* teethed for
county partook* duplicates are ire$:
• think enough evidence lute been *Sent -
id to eh** that this ptoViatoa waseted-
ild * eeneitteriVe -extant. .
very haportint entettitet itted
at tallow' 'When audited, the cash
tante tinned 'to be On deposit In the'
bank ' at the time tt soh audit verified'
* statement of the matutger-of 'the
kr The , imetter being *tee: itte.
Failure to bete * OOPS' bet*
the detalla of ,the out-
atandng is direct viola
th t, with the bonding koratsent
soPtletrit ke saquired
Siren vat 'Yost though
this pt0k1iotz was not iretried
ot the introottan
In eat
the treasurer Suitt the clerk and pot,
moistly to the `destruction or valuable
rosord* has been rendered extrelhat
. YOUri Very truly,
bort% deb;Mnd punk hiproverottitrind
lower toes M tf*ek same breath,
tell merchandise Men
need Or Want--; IF you Warit
reach the largest number of Men
withyair sales talk .‘. ttien—
Vertise, 1
The Star is 'read consistently an
appreciated by min. Any niesiage
you have for them will reach home.
-Star ads. bring profitable results.
tionitiastittooltio,;uteptandtit °oust!
low rates phone 71,
in these
, , •
0 ,