The Goderich Star, 1933-11-02, Page 24.4.0041 „. I ‘-41- (Ft0 Vita " Iitdietrin) , P lAilitnatietie is • h har, raft Oriie Mayor C. C. Lae ;NO iSeued PrOols, ,mitien, Orin_ ted in this bane Of The War, declaring Saturday; NOVeinber lith Me, membrane Val) Pnblio holiday..Ufl • der The Staines Ina 'Worship *kites -the -he liad no • other alternative, Goderich merchants heve so far failed to agree on ticaing, just se have those of other t-OWn4 • and eitieS0,-, SOMe 'would close for the mtiningi ethees for the,eenot*Pli service tfl &J Its infirm ,of 014 age hu b.cons *.riteniCet0 , If and 'Capt. '"giolt" Reid. 100.21 fittioMa4 1#1ties* owner of the sh&p. pervised the "last sad rites" 0 the Misnistique, , To Capt. Veld end Se brothers, who are lergeig Interested In the ' 2,4000, -Wearing Ven1P*1*. nod 1010 - Prior tO orp.ulaation oOnthicied: the Reid liceOckinit Company for years, the Atanistique we* tradition -0 Much favorite as *AY fatally Pet. _ With her strong hull and pewertUl en- gines they had Settled Min/ ship aff ,the rocks and of \the Great Lakes and had selvaged ming thousand dol- lars' worth of tatflO?, She bad ridden, • only ind out ethers veuhi close 0.40/r out storniS which had taken their. toil of lake shipping and never lost 4 Man SW* bUsiness all day. . • Capt. Tom Reid. of Toronto, Port Our. 'The Star *Attests that the .res.ionable on and Sarnia, one of the brothers, had to settle t isr• con ri qu s • h te tin e ti ts' 'planneil on being present to Witness the -the- merchants to -mate•a - -poll of • '-optoiow•nei lutee-the InalOritY, opinl�n --g•ifirti*:;.11.104:- slieit1d be given fair 'Warning. It is .on1 fair to them, .As for manufacturing, plants, they are • taking the Position that it there are or- ders It band the Plent will run, just as Jim in the County of. Weilingt(nu *Often J.**4 'jot come to our desk. , •It ie besed on a pieper-reett-before-the Onte,rie Historical SOciety• at its annual meeting held in :lune of Abia year The article is parti,. culerly 'well written and is rieh in his- lhey-have opersited,parlitictoriii,and-tiom,oLWnf0rfl1 4d4 Wien Days in y:ears past. "Ruthless. .volved mueli.researeh and a great deal ot too hard to get these daYs." 'one manager herd works, reviewing as it does the :his* retorted. However, it is likely 'Wittiest tory from the beginning of the Ilea*, • plantar "will claim, but it should be 'kat" in papers of Wellington County, past -and --01141 that noemployee can be fotrd to present. Work on ',this day. The Statute readev ' • 40. .* oats majesty, :by and with the 0:meat 'Ut-the 'aim*: and the ROtese • of ComMonst, of Canadaenact** aa liteetskin Two and -Three tit the -Artnietier-DarAct .oltapter 9 of the Revised Mantes 'of Canada, 1027, are repesied* and the, followinit•-ls_sUbstituted therefore: - 41, Throughout Canada in wet and,_ _ every year, the lilleVentlf Do .01 *01/embers being the:day in th.e year One .Theutind Nine -Rundred and ,Eightecer-ori"---which-the,Oreat- -War • Was tritimplientlY coneluded .41t AunlsLke shall be a holiday and /Mai be kept and observed as such • under the. name 'ef Remembrance • • -.- ThereCan io rie doubt but that Nev. • einbei 1 Aix ii--heliday- as la the .24th of MAY or July ist, but if People tarrl to work ,oti -any.01 theie holidays tbey tan 40- erri.-StInder --le-the.nrat *Ai , Which yott can be punithed for 'works air **AY or our oltitene who -cen tiocao. will *obierve ReMernbratire pay as a /al holi- day, ;With dug regud Soto.* st nillearide-and all that day Went The Eitar in reeeipt of siage, bulici envelope from the DOininion f*resi Clip- ping Bureau contaiiiing hundreds of clip- pings from newspapers from colit to `coast, They are teproductiona of edito.t.',, lala *and news articles' taken'from the.. Ooderich Star, over A period of "inenthie and cover a great variety of subjects. It is most InUresting, to the editor it ltut eAliterisl Comment and !news item iriterests our ex- changes; Sortie tithe' ago When Hydre•in- -trodtieed:hot waterh:eaters -*fiat rate basis The Star sugosted a list rate for J„lightingand power.also, with a view to 11001112,11$1114 4). r: 'atore,_ evett theme throughout the Province,* This "Allele rePzOtluced- acores .0„1 newspaperi and irk, irianj inetviees was- ommented on faverably. A news arttele revolving Arciiiiid-*;- tater otqov eriy on; Ito •• pro - pr procedure Of filling in a post hole was reproduced by newspapers Lnet, The $tar Owes. iftd the • Opinion that oitnty eouncillori , AO* AO ***r• itenetally deri400d •er appreelated by 'the general to bale eheque without-tuffitient fun* 1n tbe-b*Aktfp:mtitiLletst,,year: this. !et_ yea 0100 antir:Ananys , the man wee in the habit: of WO* Nueeltlitt4tte---1-• and' tittit't 40e* he hitd nk."ihe Money- the bank' 'With which to PO Stittetv Week sties but pot, .4i -is pt. thi$ gort pollee e,ourt,,, 'They „totefttterfitittli,:f. ittlawfUl *et la c otrunitted In c;.", riettlon '40$ of the prinvi Cede, Clittpter ,of the Revised Ofiatitlee Cariadii, 1927 Itia-tieen to -readt • 'lit any „posedutIon ;Under thle tis tion, If It beshown that itnItr. tbto pable lieu.* *ten. Ob - Wiled bY -the tedused. *tine of ' ,theeitie -When preeent tor. psyMent remonabIle time, Was• dithonored" en the gtotind Uukt • titer; Wee no ,•fttrite or net atifileient • nerma,ithee,r- %iroronto ftelegromw pot°. fends on depoilt In the 'batik #0, the It* ltdvertiser-Tol0. VaileenVer favored redueing expenditures 0.1 eye** thitig,,b,ULtheit. Wri conies and torero 1.61 .nekVapapiii.lerire4 duced this artiele..' Terne on' '41oderich's elide Woodpile last *witticer--Preyed, iN01*-• Sale agent for the celebrated Morgan, Ltd* 'tiaras!. teed- hat. ler taotsorc Sits from L$14.7 it a 'skating mad" in our" own • in chart* Jain MO" i1 enjln.er of the D.psrthi*nt• of ' t in- to *AY • It, Orn, 1$41 ed a. ity„ .4414 .0e nO' .ohance of it 40014 'sod ettilmith, SuPer. ture hod been removed it WO 70 tOrt: ot'Avater was' 144 e esSopn Ivo deelded atiltable.1,0cittion had • h east of the RUM% lightship, that it s .4 found. '•• dordon)- "Oen *baud the lerimistique sprinkled her with 6011,011, tot the torch and OW.; cri„the sesi cocks which allowed the water and the fire full sway in their ,race of Do not destruetiotte In two, hours' tho work of rdeetruction was complete and 404 the boat eettled down .0n an even keel the Are and the Water combined in one lot sickening b4ss, th4 Mardstkitte. suddenly, disap- peared. :rem. sight.. • , that remained as a reminder of the granistiqiie was some loose planting Abating on the siulace of a whirlpool of ectifea, lietsom. `** The teWri boa *tied 'A to pay' fne electric, neters *, the: Collegiate, dents Jubilant. The completlon 'o the. (XPAt to, 00de., ee able to, he, hone later his Serlotii fard4irritr°r°t"-)**" 4°Int tfP' • . PORT 404tr4 RT wIUi A ;*4211Cd11 tO1* lIkely tQwntr:ttec44710*Ileill" ItiliCe414* 4e'rberaet444..111*-44‘1071-' tat1:44:3$;;:illvt-d141::- ii.hrist."1112'rtrue,,:::1211114:,!w•:rtiWrills:1*:;:t.11::1::1414$4:3111144C:n'trelijnlr 4om ;er' re4thj::: 'within a few years. churelt, Tort Albert, will be held at ,the *4' * 1"6"wereituinevntriinfztetm tetprItneon'Inditiolinn and Tawnier* Say alrarist any sized, load can'his hauled now hOMO Of ROM TiVirt" on: 'Wednes- do oternoon or Ilext week,: Novenlber ' sou . The Owl PIPPO which wu ,held in the barement fof Chtist chereb, Port .41, . bert0 On Wednesday evening t)r laitt week . Often Misueed * . It * * was A 'most aUccessful .event, and in the not ine.40.- ,Iski4,:lit.'st 4111i: that = tr Iv: lan Hallowe'en- wire was stretched neighborhood . 92 $00 was realized,. there." olohn and 2 were there." °mild be rni:leh.es,' * * ' PO 44 "Y., V°114' alitt 111314ilt wtrii turreYe4" 'WdilY-- iniunt* The ulPtit$ lastw itwafreekchf°9rtgert8ft'Sr•inritirk$WAbnerlioallne not :4,, .4 , , , , ,. 44.cro% gate entranced abd some citizens e045tam •412.114 ligt °II Itursda•Y *°‘;' chilrch. We wish theiceptain every sue- :41,1)271141rotatillteASIV: salla"Ye3rS1:1114gle4Itre:all'IS,terlitiTtlilitohe vunandl: 9.1i.tjva,d11-11:drae:esulletswinitirbbatlilepis.lizinetasikingoffiurpceathereePti:Pe.ineotrn6e:- Mill:"WIT)''. Gray and Iviiss/ Tena Haw •exed.pound weight" is correct, ini Sae'. "ten pounds." 'utre 111 ted tIle'llbuenr; sPlorzek---': loanlydivi4t,9hutt.heoninelevitiatyioniup._et making ing 44 . pound is an adjective. , * . * ' * * Do net say, "She looked beautifully." . SAY, "She looked beautiful," • David canteion - of Clinton shipped Do net sa-,"He-was Injured quite SO- 5,544 barrels of apples to England. They erely?' Say....-"Ift- taf-ttijured--.rather realized -ak714, -but'lle-reeeived in pub ,--4--4-7777-7C-7.-ziso ',..$3 7.-•PInite;440A, _ Sens,. Liverpool, for the. .b0,141,re0. worth orton maws uncoil • • Crondola, Prenteince go -do -la • first q , • as In on,, second o in .ne, a UnstressecL Znsign • 'Brindle)** 4 Sormer Cioderich 'And accent, first syllable, not the second, 003r• noW one Of the lng Salyatton Retinue: Pronounce ret44m,-C aii Army workers In the trulteestates;„ will, (V:erguS, ews use,: aecent, „lint • visiL poderich..J. and „conelue4vicest._ There are'Pleitty"of-optiliiittS Tic?'frneyilible, • • Ve bari.acksyhereon aati„40,41, and Sun!. Drayton. They are having their. ;Irst lotlfiable; Principal accent is on first day. • Chatitatiqua soon; arid they intend tO'ilse syllable, not the third. • •4• *, * • *, the,pn the ' Preamble. +Principal raccent is On :MO the Stratferd-, Rerald has grown rink,_iiotita to pay .fffr the deka 011 osoiable? wit the r4econd, ' • °wolf' proportions that a Modern :new Detainatory. PrOnmince first 0, as • in, press has been installed. It is an angle.' maN - The total .municipal asseta 'ot the 00 on,. A as father,' print:1par accent on uNFoRTuNATE.VoggIC .C41:INTV accent 'second 'Syllable. • , 4barea:acupitylexollaot,obooedw; tpier70. ting cvvagbn Advaiicejrimo • promnade. PronOutice the 0 as Uzi chine vithich Prints froiri 'a web and hiss • , „ tetnponetit •municpa1IttesOf York CountyT last syUabIe 3.a.„ , are $80,025,000 and the liabilities are 11 WOr410:often , Marine litattere.,;-The schooner Ida • $60584.000. , Murilcipalitiee that lia'Ve fouowed a carefulAinandat•$119,41,4 Collegiate:- Observer theAl--and-t110-4,, 'Olson is-in-port-with-400-tons-ar Trateable. Observe the ea. '111/110k!-, With. the advent of the 0; 11.. a big be thankful alien they see tlfese figurei. tOMO. „Itetitbrthe--e- -atter the -I. --Inenr,,,shipyartt--and &vie& should:be. a sue: :able; re, • not rea. .Waist (part , the 1: cess in OoderichTbe A�t took' ,hunian bodY, als0-4 ferment), Waste 1.'30,000 feet tif ,itunber to Chatham' on, (to spend unneeestarily). Sylvan ;' vourdstis &edge Arnoldi„has and. an. . ,.• completed: th*.,...SeaSon.,._at,lcineattlitie and,. Synonyms ' • 1 the tug Huron, CaPt, Malcolm McDon,expeeted-teroln*Iews.,_4_,,, cheering, cheers-, eulogy, praise. The Kelfage, Capt. A. M. MacGregor, Enthusiasm, ',eagerness., earnestness,_ sailed into .0tokesr,Haya1 5 a,.m.zion Toes, ecstasy*, ardor, devotion; zeal. • day, having been out ell night in a big Entrance, entry. ectess, ao0easion, *4- t?low. The • veasel, had- 'a, few' split 'sails inittance% 04iniesion• - ' ' • - and lost a- fe* pieces nr‘•timber, but the kind,-kirtd-heattedompas- fact that she- Made the port solely in, iOnate,„tergivitigr_gentle,, ,tenderthe nial_it shovthat the c_aptaln has 1t ,Appoz'tIofl aflot°asslgn ,d4tribute, lest his grip .- csi the helm or forgotten , the circuitous and narrow channel thet lead 1 tflt n1trdg Xt Is licit, Often': that. Stokes_ Bay Is made' at flight, parti- cularly in , a blew, and we congratulate • the- fatheeief-- skipper* ieth year, can do* the trick. • The elevator had :300400 bushels of wheat yesterday, t,hioUgh •orders Wire irt the, of; ,6N rikrimo TAXES (Alvinsten Oros Press) • The Listowel Standen), reinarks that no neelainui...it' fair to these who pay their taus, to allow...others. 'not to. When ail Is lead and done, is .1tr,sh act kindneet to an Y ratepayer to permit his tants to go unpaid year 'after year? The -Penalty _charges ,amount very:rapidly.- -The taxes Atist be paid some time, and when the 'day of -reckoning toinet- as it AlWityii does, the amount to be peid-for • taxes, plus penalties, -ix "'much highee-than would be required. were .. the taxt, paid When first due, Th,44eraOtt.-. whe.,pUts oft -paying,...,the..texta when due * gen* • sPeSking, inviting trouble. Tor foree, __the paytatut may at the tittle seem unkind, but gen. erally it la an act cit Waft*, fn most itsitivVAT sutrox • AVERTED The country breathes „it. sigh 01 relief upOnilearning that tot two Irreat railway. syeterris sire-not'ro belied -up bya4vide,,' spread strike; A abort time ago Premier Bennett intervened in.. _the 0.4P4te. In the 'PePular in Quebec, Where ..wood•7thOPPhIg hope of 'bringing the .tempatiles• and their r7t)Intitilnirlitmieltiettalethrition4' -IgniVnitnet0,4,44..iegteetuent,..211AttcAlltgr- tier* led Itirther .coriferei tbe resilit that tompromise has Veen -rreitchecir-on the betii-rof---coneelisionitby - both aides. A strike the eve Of Win- ter tithe when Vie prolonged norillez-Aeloreeeteri le-beginriing-_,' 1 Reviving Industrie* would .1titire suffered a -aerlous setback, and unemploymert *mild :have inereased. ,an OUtCtune vieuld-liave-Proled nothing botfut counties, 4ter 1,110, uait and ,..ttr,i„, short 01 filetela--„roua. e nation, there, • fore, °Wee.* 'debt of gratitude, not. e, Toronto -17W% On ftet to Po latilvar managezaertt no St o en, Init, also, to the- Prime Minister for Jon, ojf*. tea*er..),tail, ,oratibyt the initt that he bas 0100 In the 'settle. NirooOtock. Sentinel -0, e *IC- trit• titielPh • Mercury, lxitulon Adverthen, .Owen Seend. Stin,Thnes, MOUnt leer*: Noted for. hie :retrett on the intb, tetifteleride and 'lloPresentatWes Kings. ltu 'Platform, Controller Stun AtoBricie vige 'itet.erter, Mikrutera Afraid, Wheat*: *at; ItOtietth*t dheni,reerted' at an: "titer- 7-akelleld News, ' Itatirtet l'untle'n 4/144i °t°1311*Irivh4 be lkddill'a ted 4 ratipotere trifttirut 'T6ronto ;re. 'Uoith-Sattietord, - Soudt,' . )41trid6.'s'itt he wilq tit '11)Ples tata... Oulibt ,athIch News; Porest litikodar& Watford 00140. 110 teitteti why inar7411,- ',inert-Sinn:4d not 'ViaOroionald: 'not** On-4,lit-tref; Veldt* AdVetatt,:' 'Otto* Journal, 8t. !hemp Perniitted to, jetti the parties -of but bushels. t'tto*tytt, be towered. :iritne$40uraid..isokyno ,tito4ktiton emPlOYed a"-itt north tO, work in the *orogen 'cheat In payrotrit --ot the the 70eVernitient rd omit* and Nes In. 011, oontraet, taking with whit, be the'Middia• of orolkinint how well looked had pIcked, The thew* timoiCedt back, titter they .wotild--!te ',when WqtrrIti In . and it was with eopie dirtioolty, that Mac - the andZotee shouted hoarsery:. '41,A.-Portald vat located.. He Is in tke totinty, harte, Wteekerv,I, you. lust artome ,tt wrecker" Needless to say the speaker': heti 00-tonleblia. .6totaititt *t6i ietoroo amid., 0410 potuida.tof unsweetened Ystetn, •ctiliel esiti be lititift 1g0t4Aer 046. poods• out ttie United Itingdont 'I:44"s' '1°111)4 -E°1'expeeI tzttn Iht. to Ji4uikka, the' United Matti Jimilying OraVei* ,Werre titernaialater `.4.0. ioit sou eelient Medicine .t0,destroe *orate. , The feet thilt a 'bolt of etrawberries, tot Weir- 3 -eente-Avii-"paid A1ainutiaj.-410/4 for 29 .cent* in ,tiotterichr at And wide. An editorial colintientin .:44,41031:41a ve:Ilhag qt'a cairn at Itayileid. Was g publicity bY bah •Weeklite` and dailies. 4 Newspapers quoting. rise other- other'llion the,se pi Huron 'and *ish!, 7.-...AaraF*,rea ,,ER-`4614'rrAl4E-D' A-Ple Aft -OR PRESSED 4 " EVERYDAY SERVICE GObERICH'S 'EXCLUSIVE AGENCY Repairins -Altering Reiining--Taitoriag divide, „share- riikfaris,4,•Teinei4,"•7;!'itlpictitti., - 'Word' Stud, . a„,. word three times, and it is yours." Let us increue our vocabulary by by Mattering one Word each day. Words �r thleressOn., , STENTORIAN; extreinely loud; Pow- .. lice for 250000, for whieh 300 tars were erful. ''His .,sientoriiin voice was hearut d - above :the clamor , requ , cod not -up gob. , , • INSENSATE; wanting sensibility; des-. utnte df tense. "The silence and the -cairn • of mute, insensate t gs. - Wordsworth. • , VtirfpNEst; realism; luciditY. "Tbs. story -Was tolet_with drainat,ic -vividness." D,151,cflimpti$,;, characterized 'by *Olt STOLID; ',not eatily arouse( or excite* ,face .gaV..0 fie lbdicatien ,any emotion,' port:gilt* to a WO WEA RES M YOUR EiVJOYMENT e u 0 :kograms ivinv on theAir. rOnti.Aft. Po= PRODUCTS . pepulatity-of -pork productkilat_ a sound' basis from scientlile standpoint. Inveetigitiens ,have shown, tcr: example, that Meat proteins When eaten with' ter - eat rtittettit enhance- the nutritive .value of the' the -proteln In the k;read6Vfrir7hani'sendwtclreq4eo'Mea more -,.7 .nutritioU when- eaten in Combination d: 4u11 1nipas1've. - "His stolid with. the Meat. On the ,ether band, a 01 comulti,k. flistliqb*r,‘,1"tef only referred to a'1:16ro bleits with. 'whith ,the aw)ne and, meet Ornier-41111e; -014-4-arehtwleCtr -ndusVr1eshave had tcl. years: pailibleTOrdeterniine • fore 'slaughter and chilling„whether. • hog Will 'be bard or tett. Certain. -feeds p thP most ilupottant-cattse and while - the otigility or:Soft:pork may'not be in Aktel- and. D('''" question, it is °ejected -43- both -bY the ,AyamptA. vow Aoptca irn trut rge e .ttaotonaid, 44; glititiit bus kft0e804._, ' The destruotlon af ttmber result-, Waterloo,. street, Itoition; was -ewni,aY ed chiefly .freia• tive catitiSt" the aetivi- litSt. -remanded to 401 X017..010 ..002 , ties.. of the. Settler and lumberman, from magistratm---Ret4-14 the-Ponec--311 -ffresr,.instettivflingli•-and--traii--witidsternas4 make some Irotoldesabout hint Mae, and .fieiv# snow. Was arrested at London ,after he •had7,4ivert a wortlifos check in -favor„ ot le; lidlitiOttito Hogsrth, xeter. ter 40101, .0tairo on the Royal 111014 Lee don- IV.** In,040ment of 412..b.ushebt ctt"nt the 41" be P' Stirling $04-ittituah *OW116 **toiler eirealed, that • such things was obtain' 'and Times, tanbark ctlit,, teatiero Witu„....' fraudulent intent by * false 4„ I nipele" Tribune, and Stores Of Other*. An Otetente, ,Uniete it be established to the astistatition- of. the 'Court that - when ,the *tensed lattied***It cheque he had 'reasonable grounds for he, •Ileving that 4 ittio be bqrAorta Ir j.reented for Payment Within area, • ble titne after At 'Wet italted.9' cc/onkel offetitel n Hut**, 'Oolltt aititin4 thlt section are Vitt* 4.dall ourreswe and ore caused muttt* eta ft editertel acOring„ frresporeilble eritleiso :of the govttnylitit$ Of -the diet Wike repro, doted from this ninetelgoted newspaper by leveri -dillies and litirtierOUt , ttray,"` gai4 "to Save Inc the labor cof mt. ,Ohing, by handis'wofth at least a dollar 'Week—and everyon- r.„„ nor is guaranteact for Year" iheretoret. 12 Years 624 Weeks ,at Si' $624., . Connor Guarantee to make Washer as 'good as new any tithe 'within 1* Years 5 r SAVING $599.00* The 12 -Year Guarantee EverY,Conn6r Washer -is madeby Canadian labor, of Canadian materials, and. it backed.by 'the experience of 5/ years in building better borne-launderingequipment, No otbe aSher kives you such broad, lontiaterrn gnrzntee4such value for your raortityl