The Goderich Star, 1937-09-17, Page 6th184.w AlexanderYonntr of "ClatIOwi eati •i")it friends here' th1 week. ' Sept. Uri -and r3. /Xijq vegalfir- inoottik& of thel'..ittii;tist. 4, • ,701/010eir; 4•01/1 /MO 0)34' ;V; Vill.00 1)0.• held next NEN, -Garfield '.atirtibus aud (laughter 1,t .00 100 with usyrry tti,;fd, o Openian00110 taker' venatere ',that 'p , .10tinent'tefiti',F M ved to feriae*:the verionit;,egricitlinial•tairac now,: 4hr.'. 414 *04140:at ' „reaSoniler "thla `lieSsie. net •dillicult.t00001,...er,'Ifl 0. great.Inedante. it :14 400,10 ..the lag** • int' $14* -t,', taken, •ill life,..'Xiiihittone' by the lennit '..Mientberif', Of thc 00'0. nuti 01.11.K faintilithe 'or ','Veriade:' ": Mite; elf1.1. er ''getterati 4 Itaa: taught 'Me YbotiniMir 00.10--,;44,0.1:000eit; 4 ,,,,, , ,„ , ,. , . ,,, ,,.. . ., , ., ,, ,,geaer,iitio0, Well,. and the. YOnnger gen- youlitao.,,..0),. natiaiton,. . mos,, tei iii t.,h•titge. ..A.sotnis...w, , ilt,*: ,:ot,o, .400„.., with. -,.: 1ts*: .entlitiStasin, ‘. tO. • learn; . ... ., . . the"..-elosing meeting of •the Year, the iscin tntil, litterOting‘ Vs eiders In , Marie tiltaubo. -who was visiting her ejection of •onieers will fellow. Every- points 'that formerly did not teal t: 1 . a . o ":grandmother, Mrs. 111. Wnener,hire" re- one is welgArne. - ' • • • cell for deep. consideratien. trirrafti to hot* honle at Mtrett,, . . Mrs. A. 'Vox, of "Wititechurdb, and The Mementurti thus created lies 4e - Mr. •-sted Mrs. Zleyd (Ferg,nson, Ililly Mr..end MrS. Paton, ot ',mean, visited velopeir rt *tate of affairs in Which the and Lois have returned atter spending. Mr. and Mrs. ',F). Phillips, zeal efr youth regnietes the tempo of -a IOW days at Bogie's Ileaelt. . • The service In gitoX Presbyterian the modereagricultural fair. Nowa - Airs, Thomas ,Doyme,,h, ,stay,tag at the (howl. on ' Sunday .Inernine was coit4', • days, it IS ' 414:4 a it .10,StiOn•- Of Whether tomo. 0,,ber daughter, mi.,, wrni, ducted by 'Bev: A. M. BeYle, the newly- or not Aar )10130.Z.falille'ret* 4sik tarn).- Iiiiitt; lifeare.'Clinton, , . elected Mirdster.• ' He gave an inspir- e - may be exhibitors at tile far, but The sePtgerber meeting oAn-Ing sermon 'front. the teXt Joh4---1 :42, sel -they -are showing—. ...And".the ,inost ,t tlw . ;butt breneh of the ‘ Women's lestitate MISS Pleturor Wilson fevered with' a intemsted people la the exhibits of 'the will be peld'it rofesters'• 'Rau 6,4 Sep- solo. solo. young folk .are , the older folk.. tela1xer..41.. it will be Grandmothers' \ !toy. A. "iv''; :m4n1.6nn'Y'Przeunbed 41-1‘fate.' •• The 'high..'4Ahli•Attl of the Young pay ardthprogram will be resented evil' sermon here' yesterday. 'efternoori. farmers and rtatInelette.8 aeore-41)easible by the .4rrotnoathers. Tu hostesses 1.10 spoke from the text: Luke .40:g1, eXhibitors at ' Canadian.* agt'ienitatal . i:e:p ate'140o.,41401 Irithili Mrs.- O. E. 11r- mt. 5latereY leaves this week for his fairs .haa been attaiaed •gr;a4nally, and new charge at Lateknew. • The parish surely. A (iitaxite 'i)f a Omitury ago, tte4'ske and.iktes.,j, J. Washington. is in ahargo of -Rev. E. It. Bahf-rtst the h°i'ss 404 glris' 141111 °3it.) nlnyfr• •tatt, 4 igtt4 Wiii4 1{61480n; Mrs. George 31214.,Auttit.,,woson,...44 iNtriovv, Thom. wiegusin, during the vacancy, Mr. meet' in Canada -was intingtreated end. M 1 Jane been rector of St l'fark's .one et the trinelples embodied in dirt • • .ttekoWilsorQ'et .-Auburn, and 'lir. .and oney • are* • `'‘ Mrnd Mrs:11-1Unter, and family, Of ,gtdese ',extent) and the filet 'that each Terente, r$,It*.ditil -Mr. and Mts. eh* laleteher had to -Carry on one or . lifirs1Vtibi4tit'sOrtivrtetd; 'nut* Anglictie eiturelthere. fors twe years. and :work wtew• "Learn to do by , doing." of eleitt•d retitle...1de and ars,. j. Bee. yin •be,._,mueh nafssed. - This prineltple has been applied to _the , • --,(, %kat ' ' -:;the • • sefiter,tra. . 60"--,;;;. • ...-01./.111,1*. 46.011 eV ri?Itee tatrion, did not x)pezt mt.• ana .K;e7YeSiT,i5f-Viehw 'fere fehir-theyovehrteie",4e4ii. ktervrtelx, . . bourne. visited, at the horoe.ot Mr. and nilniorr-wide 'club work "which--7A0Vr, UtftittetTDOble heti returned . to m-1.8* italPh Stunr° an 8n -04Y.- fora* an lutegrale part in. Cantelitia", 'Terent4f4ifttettentling a fee' days - , ' -a;ricaltural" endeavor. The Ooleata: inelude-, live Steck, 'embracing.; 41*Y *Or,' Tbe 000004 0014 srl Is moot tavortltat. it'tto birds plaeed In 4144,•*44ag inraitifa: hate food In their crene they isibalig *Ise a peal And 40)014* fed_aigiV10.10 for 'Ova_ Ctrto: day. iinmediatelyon'h.elag, TWO,In feedlng't:Vatle''bIrtia, 00014; be 'given' ti* , feria: et ":'1000 salts:in the *Art feed, the• sl,oaitea 9)aln.g. t the ;Ate -of one vennttot.Poffoin salts' to (>0111.104felt Ords« ..1140*It 01101114 al* 418401,04 WOO. aid the siolution, used odixing'tho*atiott`teefL, ,• • will eat tti:er°Pari$\ttt!'414"t11".i.e4PIniricilliti;1.•10,01ier appe- tite ,volght. it is better to lettire the 1;44 vdtheat feed 'for the first tiventy-fout•':Irours after putting ' them in the eretes than to overfeed them: For the first'few days the (birds timed be 'kept fairly' hungry and (never Sate3,- fled until. they, 'become used to their confined quarters. After that as much. feed as they will', take-. may be given two or threetimes n day. After every feed, ~however, the troughs' ehould be cleaned, and a supply of ,grit should be aveilable two or three. times a: week. International flawbig Mat -ch ,rarther recognition or the ennual intergational plowing mita and 'farm mechinery 'deemonstration held; each year inLOntarict under the auspices or the Ontario Plowmen's Assotiation has just 1)00a announced by J. A. Carroll.,\ manager. • . , ThseAtialitic section of the Ameriean , $UUQRi�NS siomm., OR THE STAg M • TO,THe END OF 93-7 Will B -ACCPT- ........ .price named. :Either Or -both will' be sent to any address In C4nada- for the , 4 . . . , 'this Is. an opportunity to i keep in close'touch with the local • situation -.in the..forthcoming r4Ovincial Electicas. TUE- FREE ‘FREE No occasiop •to carry yesterday's heard, when you can shave every .mornipg and it won't cost anything,' • Every subscriber , , . . paying a subscriptipn for one year in Advance will be given a Valet . ‘ Auto -Strop K610,- W .. ith Stit..pp • One. blade will latt fa' weeks. You have tried other. Razors; now try* an Auto -Strop, quick, complete,. convenient and if , -Won't cost one cent if 'you become a paid.in:•advance subscribr to The Signal.orThe Star,. Only a .14nited number will be. given • away,..so get yours -while they lest; Add 10. cents to the year's -''subscnpti'on.$1.50, if you want the razor sent by Mail. , -- •:- tarre - *OS' te-VadAtS--ttriguat - 06neentiOn, 'TOO:to . tilts.' Year at '4:- muste tlinea'wheir *albs. devote • eenelderable ,Portion, Of their thee .to " he, thiS retrowned • itgeleulturah stii 'AvItil'IA*10ther. • 1141tiE' °I1P2661:1i841h0114°W148.11j/P' eettle, •beef Cattle; .swine, 'emit. year 15' Its '1.$6161011401P1Itheat ,hitivtitire,ady been .15tev,. w, 4,„ lifts .43n`n„.; '410 •tiollql:•;.'11°ItC,4):'1*tit*i.414.e'' fainej4kritki 'hither' afield. slolo Meth .0eeeekt. ..tiefere .haslieee• ,uoiOtaato foc .the 'T4pgisiittore,:by 40'.* epaoratuk. txhulr loibb tome. , , shokiiiws, 'or -vegetables- bere. cii'14eryittivo of Lbiion. Is 'tt native liutrRoil, .g.in*ning and Canning, 'gar- atioiskovelie- heti Welt Visit- Of. nedeteeh toehehip. He atteeded ineat 'inaeleg, home Utitkiner and, let)al year jef 1:45?' to -her Ll.„22 'RI at' l'rgt15? s. • Ire:kern ''Otitirrio, • titt ' leer. W.' T. Riddell; &las Ottatba 00140ate lio§t,4att ‘'and . the .x.,baderohip. •in the• .tkflroftita Okefoils•sinn etatieno '1i*66're' iblelogy At thiron taght ' A' Nvidoh,- -"the belt .t4lidOri. ion het way' back university of A'Yesstern Ontario, studied *•. da le.ritte40441 g 0 try ittirainet !Ogriti. • area ln „At. etl.,.)deorcesi‘404. ,,oarge. . .11ervio', Kuzma „and gin. A anbetantial etnount Money in The A.S.A0E. 'a'body 'of agtkfritur, -Rev, Hes% lkitliletlY dt""A*Ourn school for a time litld then tee the ,kkegh 'a9of •a„:/altatt, the Aog•up,,„ thejaggregate is 164 by fertneisS.every eirierts%Whiell 're is chemical, 'a eetrtc n..1,;111110 erV'etga11: eatieMending" a few • he was (stiffened on account* of the eplh ,r1e—ueation. Rev. W. S'herman, Nilo has been .on yea on, conduct6t1, • the praYer- Aneetint Im the Baptiet hiich 011 Timid night, spe4410g 011 "113168 ik- liever's-. . air., Mrs. Chart 14251cNell, ronto, •70 nt the weebend with' Mr -and..)1i*Charies Ateprith. Mrs....W. D. 'Robertson is. visiting ctt • Oromaifytwittt her. deftliter. Mt. XMI Km. Bebert Vetkini -Sum-mnethilli-visited4W and 31rs. SMIngten. Bev.'`Aa. J. - - speak IA tiie *004 41.von. Apt milvitt 1.0ons Ail"the West,: Mr. time triVfeiling through Weaterfi'Valr adit,anillitsows the onditions there at flret-hand, Mrs.'llitintrel 'Bisset and Mrs: -Thom - • aa McVhlie, of lloderieh,f and MTS. Teter Bisset. of U.S.A.:, Were visitors in the tRed COS.—An.enUrely 'ne* fri) ted wait tato at Ore', 'Med Cross: Scr: '0100 aeVitibri on toffieer'S.6r °,''1/41VOSitiOltt *4'.%7411.ei1:10-Or4t41; iva Orr •ti*td:eit;51iliddlItilinstott;c1:etinteiee wt. ;woo** 'trade $owertd...1" '4011W,00.A6109.*"*:1`titaxille'2 Mtiviliste and 'Itenne,P14•16wolsy . Drama* -"'itillbriLvite! sopteipber- ineeting'of the pragmatic Plifikyvae ea ey,_enink.,_'.arthe-honte of `-'13:0)Fpgi7WAllister. As fAtiktkini tiliOcniuktect 40fittmtittid JJ '01 • FA Ixindon (WeIte1n, Oali) '.1WESept..1348 .Sept..........,'10.'31 eardine . 'Pt• 16 17 Verton - Uiiuorer .. „., . .3................Sept 174 ),'S 4atford 2O•1.‘.2•. , erleh ., 21,' ildraay ;,• 21, '':,22 Harriston . . 4„. lit, --.234A ....Sept. 22,.2,3 istowel. , .. ..........:4Sep 3, forth „ ee' , ; Sept. 23, trair ',"-4.- .I.!...'Sept, 27;*'" 4_,,, 4.,,,,.„v3,,., Itticirt04 . 'i" L oSept( Al ..Sept. 27,,, Mitchell. Aso -geld ,:..Sept.t. 29;•, Sept. 29, Winighens. , 44 4 444 4 14 ottrussets.Sept30, Oct. hirkten 4 Oct. 45...% ., Attlee craig„....„...., , .. .....44 '.0404o _, ' ..Ai,. Weswater. ' 1. „:.+, 0... ,, 'Peet "0, for hIc1ril pr4n, --0"191)2* ithiheyeenns per pkmtid Wptud orr the. 1.4:Itier grades. • t' 'The eure.'and:' .bertain way ...'raise the grade is by. the • 6.MtitratiVely- Stipple-I:tete se of • trate 'feeding Atte birds on tiratioryotilitelground hOtalt, grainsei': teeilamil,sbar A ,- • Ther'(, are various fatte4mg mixttas. 'that g1e good iresults but " -the s to Mike use et the feki*Odneed and • polnt 'available 011 the farm. &Nit re-* • Vita v. 111 be -obtained If the birds_ are out in disinfected ertites two, Or ev:4 ;r4 week's liifore4narketing.•,-4.4,•The erates 28' 'should be"pat blteast*Ohly Worniiinet, go ", :Oro free from :dranglits.antt.the 'birda to rislitaii'd be fed MOreiteg. and evening. 30 The following ratIon.is recoirtheentledt r.T."Ainit paults of oat0.1141viiteat,.:4tift4 -64 *barley :,or l)ileitwhottt add Petntees at 'It' :the' Tate "of 'ernet.!third of the total ••Nteleht or tbeinfe- -. 'dnsjdeFlktg a IlitAA:614 ee\ter.the, rentterii..the (Utora ui ....111*.14044.00e "4411114 101.- P9st',g0fe'lttOoot o ,tho_netylutiOwla. , be ii- ftivafittMateil,* rgtls,q _ •• re th'et-Willi hes.able 4 I 4 gueitione of ta :AIM* eis3 rikig fo yellialLogert,o4tritrzialeh jar: 'rank 0! iecesau ti -At the ftiffit4A tewei:/ekh**tehplear een'AirO, ete iiittit;thez.44401014 rat4d,:bYt*I4bit0r8 as kleotid Iti'llori.On•''the/wezdlor , hibitione, of tb1e tOeiVitifil0.10k0 .turni estiaiee— re from thi,1-.14it4d'Rittites be -able able to see ithe :m agnplete iWIR n 1)000% wliici have ittlad.eii.1,04040..'truitlre„:nmetaraindottu: o"h:'nioe7itl':hoerrintliee-'-g•-W:eexklnzdi.e visit ed . , Mr. COW1e8 of XI corn -meat wde- inneh was servetL olield a debate 'at The debaters, Esther'Mellwain and *100, Harold Gar1- brter and Ilverett Me- et to *'..ehOOSO their ineeting will U. from' ;d1starice*were Mr, and 'Mrs. J. Ohar14s, O'Ciinnor;- lintgareit Cetchttler;.S0.''stud 31r. ' ',11ritril: • -McCarthy, Ireife:' Steeitrtiry, .Alris. M. Dean, Mrs, . all of • De- troit; Mr- end' O'Malley, Whig- .Vinettidine ; JOs: Xbrgan, Areeswater; 'ailiVMrs.- Peter •0*-3Citi ' ley 114:,'''siiii":Tisdhatis; Past WaWantish:; 41r; "and 'Mit. '0.ns Xitahart and Oen PBIY,,def St. Vriu:Stirtet :?•11r.. arid Wig., Pri,:t !Finn, Mrs M. O'Reilly and "gitaskY, Miss ..E.' 'Martin, ref"'"Gederieh; • • Sept. _IA. -7W. end,m-m. Atirry, Pree,man• „apd. four, 'S70Vxtor children, from Trainfieet,* near MAgara are visi leg Mrs. Preemiin's r- ents and othe relatives in our burg. We welcome thm. ' Mr 11114 Mrs. IC-McQuarrie and •son, from Kentville, 'N.S., are spending ' she' it.t time at iheir stunmer home:here. ' ' Anniversary services . will, be 'held at tietiern , Church on September 100, at 11 a.m. and 7;30 Pm. 4%)114,1r, pi R. Peters of 'Varna will . 'preach the morning "and Rev. A. E. 10'64:reuse 'vfletoria street,' Goderich,, will Conduct, Service in the evening suid h *S: afigh- Wr will contribute two solos. -Vhere. Will be special music also at the morn- ing service. • • . • Goderielr 'Rebekah ' Ledge- .NO,„ 850 , will meet on Wednesday eveningvAtepteMber 22nd, insteadef TtresdaY tbe.2).0t, ow- ing to' the Gederieh fair. 'Member* please note. Sept.tiGeorge bfr-latiiutreal, Is holidaying at Mackenzie has returned .lipme atter three' Weekes holiday in Toronto.and Cohonyg. '1104' ' Yitne. patheart spent last week e..Ofieleettleal-sed-otheeinaelifiteWas e thits.:Plizabeth MaeDonald; of Nile,. oiitribUttOfl thritiegheirt Canada, 'friends. in, Detroit last week. , • onottion, to Ow b." A. 3inettonatd; 'Lonise.mnobonnhi, or Wind- 'Vr(YPPEallOrl TOWA04.11.-, sor;' spent the week -end with Mr. and Xtr.ancrIfts. iirock'Orrr Dtmaid and Billie, a voroAtb, are srleiting with re. mtg.. D„ %..spiepohoid. MIssPOrtalda )Itte•Gregor, _of 13u- littiVee here *big to thee.Selioels inth, called on her many Ashfiell hlitogt LitlaSedeb3riirpat eit$' and lir. Orr friends recently. DVA.D FIdEiSES, AND CATTLP vs 'volt PROMP'T sEnric.iil cold and Ditiabled E4'JitgilfrOttI.[Pgrap31.i.;Tpn4,1170-07,4(1,1414UPT I r '717ARIP (00, Exiffiat 230 4r44 :At • 4' • , live4 ..4 IItc fl/_e . - . 3,11.4s - Donaltla tacCharles l, of Van- ., Armtipe.' titsalent Was 'operated On conver, visited with her aunts, Mrs. for pp aendieitiS !last Thttrsday orn III * ink ,- In the Gedericli, Tom •MiteDonald and Mrs. John Mae- hosilital. Iritosh, and her , uncle, Mr. Donal.] Miss' Marion- Colwell is,visiting with WeCtieries.' 1:efently. wo,.defillistkr spent the pa A -.Goo resses.--On Septent. her 11411_, after a very batter' illreas.. the .V ' week with i•eititiVeS.' death .oeteirred at the family residenee , Studity aftereoeri a atitte.-stitek n well-known citizen in the person beside the barn at , Mr.:. Fiervey t°i'6 14'46 fire. A of William McCarthy. Deceased 'wits "is8h/g 17"terist. Ihweonibre eeit.m je5otnhee, si.sslo5sn. 8a;, Asasahnaer,thoen o. noticed the blaze arid inamedietelylnt .atiel:dtutlitAreelosPorgelle:r,avolurhossiontit gatheredot th e McCarthy "aed Bridget Pilsen and *mil lot water ;kept ;the AreMcCaithy, plorteet resident , s of - Ash. under control Until it Was hauled away field. On January 12th, 1892.he vvas'united •In Marriage to MISS Rridgette from ;the barn, Fortunately no great O'IteillY, a daughter of the late Mr. damage was dene. and ,11r.S. Thomas O'Reilly, Ashfield, Mr, and Mr. Ernest Rosie, Made who eurvivep. To this union were le" and 14tIvint'ot 'e4)eht Sun' horn three eons and three daughters .410. At the hen* of the lady's'Par' Irene and Frank MeCartlaY, Mrs, John en,s1,rop 31, Der* nsolomilm"..0.‘f TzthetskatiSet litetarr_sites0 Mn1I0 (Winnie, of Detroit; Wil - red, on the homestead; Augustus, wile Bernice Itosseae, of Detroit, visited. on died •1n •and a daughter who died '$aturclay with Mr. and Mrs, john Johnare six gr antl- .01tiltlitooThered. •'• ehildren john, jr.. Toe: Den- 'st9811)lis A. IlatIva°4/ of L6.3 ikhgeles' WS WI Ger.ald O'Malley and William' •California, is a Visitor .at the Rout, '• vie home. • :riissfietiVilzahTt7 sisters niso survive. • MC and Mts. John MeMllieu have „ Petogirey. Deeetfeed wet -001/11;tetobilaSeilt04.40.1tugdieGatiebbohlivifgmtationsidtohre. her of St. Joseph's R. C. church. itingsbridge, a ntriewoi.is• rer!luriiintritnanydy:aores- able,tertevatiens made on the boildings. itt'Ve likatand CM1:141.1:1•IT'Notansaso'l)f 103•4:: 4ntenitgvitIbiottritatnt:(el kind friend, and he is Auburn he ,W1153n1110101Pai ittletitor Mat trustee have leased tik4 Moulton farm on, the of s.s. go. 2. AShfleld-. wits rt. Oth toncession. devoted, husband, and father, helpful meeting on Prides evening, ow- largelv-atteheed )nof.t s1neerely mou•rited by family end big to the rainstorte..... ...... 'Sgtentber oommtmity. . The ng'eting t114 'V-‘71*11'8' of tT'lleh ehUi.ell funeral took piece from the ' family litietihtleteldaatitvlbediaboodnattey.ostattrrritaan.t1 home ou 'McAuley morning to St. ladies.pitet.d at it tiant atoott, tbe josephiS elmrch. where requiem rnntas tes etiebratorl reotot. Rev. 1open 1;:i,hgbe;4"heithdi.• 3PlaeiClitterroliel'oft(. . n Tsvnit inavrtittre.anAo.': •lifteriteen. It was•detideft to WO an tonvion soecitii oleo_ tuar. intorintnit, took /shop in, St. ing of the Ounlay tehoa ()Inters jS ,at10:40tib's 0010,14•PrY. poiiiii,;(ii'vr4 lt Oa Salida/ VAS' (1661601, wilelet(""Ill)111°111' Tit(* • tataedemic:of Infantile vete.. 411 llov gevers. Inn e lag to the pi s Ito to 1,16:14 stit-do ,0,44001 pitar ItOrt0e irirt AMitin Aniclev. tovz LION' Ckpla OV H eN N . member g of the •W.St.S. tut " holding 4 toilet* at itta..$0tost Me - Mita, on Wednesday attotnoon. pot-laek ettrOr Willbe served after tho onting444.trute was74 Unto tow. ,bor of e6iatiatt1ottau at iTuleit.ott Sun?, day. • The paste!, IteV. A. E. Wort hot*, delivered a helpiul oteramental tertian from the,teXt, But thiil forbid ilitt 1 theta gloritr,aitte itt the tress of our Lod, Jesus Christ" Wauttlans :14). Wring theervice the'theit, ant an aMbm, *Wile ext kind*Y$ervice." ' is 'Rally and an '41111 be juee11t4d. 1004 - rersiir ay *V•1111101., • 1 ittit* Mas. AlirHua D'AXX, 'West J'eddore, N.S.; "X itaytAialmoyii and they were all terribly ,tieribled " with kntinner complaint. • •• • aerytbing I could titbit Of and I did not „„immy what to do until ei43.A• yised me to get a -,, Vatic) of,,Dr. rowlarta 31tti ' 1. -Stiawberry, which X;didi'ain), I only used one bottle and they 'were Able 10 be iti6tinteickaltu—'11'ionssfitor telt "what . , • : to " „ ' • mitinira tie. Toronto/1v Oat. "uxi:' moilg*Ial.tbk Past. 90,74, son. • • , . • .0ToitA 4/ los • 07.0 VERY MOVE NOP vto tpROTEGTS WITH, 5QUEA5 OR MOAN OR rpitrisEr• to' *MINEV THAT WAY.TOO AND 'EVERY NIONT LONO 1401,11$ VOlt SLEEP r sArrull ONL 11RD 1- YOUR IS