The Goderich Star, 1937-07-16, Page 1• 'John Oke, Goderlcii yoi th114ren.Zen *id, ncow • aeo.flay after rtod.,troni th rough!' 4 fen buzjUg into ft Oke bOr ., ' , : ,doo of the. cai and aEi cr&w , attetr throng sal* ames. A, OrosfitrctruelOrlitor eV* re* ,E., discu tog wttb the g O Uottlo The 'POW wil th tion boo Utd ando'OrOk1urod- Aro. *iththe ip ot...wet* A(rxrkera-tUe# gatnes...000n:,.zere,..ettlogniah bob ,*heit. the, ear leari'being*.fred' to erica ater,e Wan, an hour Omen :1).4ret .4124,tlie,rar watt te.„Of: the effort Ot., 4.- ettlY** buolEet!br14' , .,-• ,140 'etas Arrelik!rhen, through t6nt4eet,,ditehi; flattened • .wire rope, and orerturneo,,,n lmniediately.bnrgting,tntO:ftgtt4Oo4 .A49•4044140 nikro*lt...O04 wben delayed by 140 Jathaia‘COor,,,the occupants of the cor:fOught their way. .oit. Iii-#0201,04,:`Mr. Oke oarhb ••movaoeileatera:, Atutt,. re4, , 6000 in- vestgated 'ainit'the ottieer riding •' when be ,g1kneedOiatir. 408 aaw the , Ur 14:-.401,0aoace..44ore4; !.. Ileved 41t..0Verl uoliteryt-wael,. 10 life bythevr-44: MO • BETIRES Thomas T. tookie of Landon, n, former 'resident Of 431odetteb, has 're. roinf,the,,railwar mid ,service after over -'reltra. in. the ,servieO, Shortly before his. retireruent he, was feted bt fell0W-eMi)10Yees -t4e tat Berrien *444 *reterktelt,t4t4 41.1,4511, steno • ,i.•14eeltiis. liter entered upor eterrtt 0*"':011':V1 . tOirlf residing during -.t s , ;inf.-044, For• several Years he Wee- on the iia "0Perated hetWeens•-tendnit NO1011164 • ;`, •'* Iitir,,,Leckle • was ,horn ;at Kincardine441)0OrCsenterhiCtiiO':inait,:,i;ersitee he ,en•ent the .etidt 'TIWACJOettid,, •Ateporter,for Arne tinie,and bitett ',was eeting..efilter,'Of,'The.„CiintofNew, Bra, lielidenlerente, runt' and, latterlY . he ..etqae TOO **pi. *Molt; -,Iihearibi.e; 'so', rai+td10,14.41witre. spread, ,at -the eer driver 'hastiltuubuoued the .hiazinuyetdolei.` ' esiht 'fernier* rushed " ,t0' the Seette. With. butkets Of vtaterOhnt:-.1i4was 'a b0001014. 411,4 .0* gar. -ivaa' ''tkara+ &telt . and of the'OorrosVO44. 1,41c oi last year e as follows:.. los . Sat; July 'Eton., July • *9•119, ante July • Wed., Ialtt Titarg. Aar ....8 Max.• iatta.. Max. Min. .837-2 08. 80 Oft 98%11 98%11 93 .72 TO; . 10 66 :i. HTHEg1G�!JW1 Y ,owly the harbor eariy s when,- on • Tetitraing freak ,st InOrning.010 oft the emi.' of the Vier, he drove higs gar 1-0° An ire* 'tlggOrlieikd.'' The lanky,' pito cher forgot he perked hit cat in stAt anci, *hen lirlitetPOse 041`."the‘eterter the' machine letPetlf against the two - 1 • nta,r feot heft/ The friont of the ear was 14141 deou WO rotate* for 'Welsh that the ear vaut sot headed to- wer* 'thoi, t \ Tornato !*$ beN�i4*t4 QC eatnival celeb -,. dot* •--troWd Galeria, that *git. Ibere will three orchestras thtl IteAndt. to tt, the merry -Making. and •Itt addition to the vandstill4 singhit Sh4 doting* whijs :the proprietor, the:Info, Robert: Ottawa. Hej also- ii.On4ve-ifir-r4eatirlis-iroyetat3i. ' sanatorium4,,Airgey':'1 Veaasy *a. • • A • Mr,.Zeekle continue to restdeiii Zondon..- • • , The rleh 'Bump* Sehool orthe u 0,f • „ttoraa Perth torte* htirch,i in or go The Shoed •I'fr*I!' son, Pha tt , es tne ant « , o the United 44 -stOte _ 0 'f .the 14. at t 4400'404. 3tree.„tx.**..-been •., . ged,, to • of .00, go n 0 • AO, , o1.441,0*. 4; .4.4'. ,V . . , _ snialler than:Astia1 th!s other -ottrposok t „ ”; .he. o doubt, tor the 111;iirr .00*,, rolurion,, I.:Photo ..,44t . otrolon' r Oit,AO:PatAt , ,113, there Or; attiLe SIiaStar : O'Mg0- • Or ' : ,:".' , - .' , .., ' • .. '101th,f; MLs' '' i street:, , - , cammittee fis *1- *ngemetits for eight: of ,the iead- r. ,.... , -.1x.'''thas ronnots,.' t ' 0„ Viittlig Utat they' must not et in 'beght1, -all; uuder the44trehfs, 'Ofenin...g...: the. whoOt ' The '400.Orttio openod an open-air ‘serviro'„On',the,:mort,0004 bank overlooiclng the lake. The young 'aro .peoUie of Prth Pte'bytery took eharge ing tro Ot the' devotional ',erereIsoiFiind ',P107`.. tion It;is aakecl go0,14 ;4ste4,,, O'ulting,•:444r*- *17,v;;;4414iteNt' beclainf,than 1G Orldint to the-,ontlino gr414-;-'Bev. 'EDEft&L :•17kPantekhoisi,ohar•Ofthe,,,train •,e0,4110, for 11010t and tbe *101,0,4461,4604, , Chhibn. Itevert, 11 T. Lewis gives *. 44,L . gai.poota.cit-Ohrtattaa-ettixeratt4... A:0* $001.116.;.:,0t`lbditt,-; takes. the schop • . In n; study- -of 'Missions In ,‘ • [-Colborne - street, frbo .,e0ueert.4*141.., -',Ore7',•anftered-,a :$4tect*0)1.-rriali.tfltight, and .a he tripped,' 04,'• ie. 'garden .404. 4xoritAt1493xt•0004... „04/4--:4124' :44r. 3101014* -0 tar to attend. • . hreultiug, three% !Saturflarr "• . "stunt night,” Auip. throt sont .t,triti to Okbeii. the PziOseUtfitio4 44 -the.' 'WOW satO, ixitogolt,014,•t4O 144,111,.;,0141,01,- a:B4, certificates Witt take .place., beneath • - reeLservicet„Will held 'on ,S • luerning WOloo/c) atkireeeed:, too .1";tey. B. 8. 4.'.0.04'iii'eiaainalataa_:._ e'er:via.) will be Bev, V. 'W. ,C,Osens, and the el6eing service of the school. wiil be held • ' ' , The " tOltowine.14,:xe.kiete$11:: 'Bert PUngenr464.- I*orothy..Manno ;'Vi'eSt viOnktetk• •Seen,llarrison, Itrusteir.- Madan '-Chaplatti-P-Oderieti. '13indes7":.-Areitsno*, ••• rogetter-Oire.`',.PainAireten...- ' itt/O'Re4-'ifa:tiOtk-*tehe4t;;-e Alinor „•.,TOrclOri, ,*-4 • Ifitintt. ;fliatehelit• -: Amelia MeIlwaid.,;41oderlek Rat. G; Alor., Won, Blyth. AlbertaItichntond, WO, , leitt „Victor Spam*, Science Jean ipWeitter; *tenet , Mart Snowden,!znettb, u.n,2. nen ,gaF:eelwooci, ICirktOtt, , liferia7-JRrOWn; - , "lard ItichardeOn. ICIrktOn., -• Rev. Lewis, Mary Buchanan; 'Walton,'" - • ; hiarY .Brucetieht. Doreen linteetteld. Margaret Brileetteld. "Cathleen Mustard; Brueellekt, Jean Stratford, - • :Edythe Jones,. Granton. . • Vinnifred •Granton, • , *trace Leitch, 'Marie •Butson, Rev., Moore, Grand Rend.. orma Steeper, Grand Bend, .11velyitJCorts; Arend- Beni *leek Sates, Brussel)). • - ,Betty• Best-, )3•ruseels. Itet, R. Turner, Oungs,ntion. • Rey, XL lifsh6nos, littuaels. • Rev. Dataeli,-rthrtetston, invelyn ',Carmichael, ,Oeafetth: `tiladys Addison, olden* • tt:1,'„, v. turvey,;16trentet, ieebet Millet, ;St. !Helens. ' Until* fieleue* 'Cathleen Taylor, tlyth. • Irene Taylor, Blyth, • . Ankii$.4.4010E/T6X 4. gut, et .Wedding-Wds*selemniXed in MetrO,POlitiln.:tratte4.- outta,.-. London, on tattoraa0a. July 14th, at , when 'eider litor et l'imv mr$,. John aohwi, ofitlotittlelf, became the the bride of , Arden ft eott,et:.:thetaate Mr and!4 4111c*,otiesoct. °tined the ceremony In • the oresertee Of 4 few jiardeatate relatives. . The, Orlde' witS:grarefoili attlted in *bite soede;ince aari.7perried Talisman roses • .and' gyPs0Philia. Bet „sister, , Miss Mary Johnston, as 'brideiniald; *Oro' Itiretloise blue etnbioidered net. -':.Ber flowers were. Amerlean Beauty roses. ,and blue eorniloWeri. The-brideS ern .trat. „aisitated by!, Mr, •Vlatelice Oham- ney of 'Whighant; • :*: • Afterthe wedding' eereinetty, Ate _ bridal party • went to Ilotel, London, where wedding dinner wit' served. Ur. and Ur*. Aitken left on a Motor trip the Atlantic' ,Ooititt, • the bride wearing a, eostttme Of triple, itseer-With• tape in Dubney shade With•, white hat. shoes and ••gloveti On their 'return ,they London,. -where the 'hest' WisheS',0f-a:-.(lia4 'Of -friends will tolloir„ them. • • Before ,Altiain's marriage,: she • visa the gueitt--of lierthr a4.nutabet of sholverst and presentations. • • " Atill*80,I444111.1040140) "Maple:$11atleg:" the home Of Alfi liVOOdr Attit0Oftottiut" t4e, scene. ,Of lovely wedding cat tiattirdaY,Atuty 3rd, at 4, o'clock, when tlizabeth Oritee, daughter' of liteltattOnohd. and the. late ThCSint nalantond; fernier., ly .•Stratford, was -unitect" inert riage to ,I$011 Carnien Matheson of Ingleviond,,,son Of Mr. and.141te. A. Utah*** Otitritord,, orinetise. of floota.„ The oreatont ..,per. formed ott :the, irpitelous• laWn., where, 404-11 0-00; 'Wig* bahkets Of or- ange b104$0.1**- *Med, 'Other gorier* plited, -01.001t, the law* were ibtut, rotes. Itet. McDonald et 'COttilloWers and •tAgincolirt •Pertotnied the, Ceres-intl. I Otter tuartlate her Iluel„er ,S. Hammond, 'Iltratfordi the bride was char attired * .1vtifte etabroiderad ,Or0,04Y redtngete. :deer length, over' white crepe. On •..11„ Silver .00P0 are tali* donated for tl* beSt *pair of Wails** *Ad fax trtitters „ Huron testify., 'In addition, Oecial •'•toonipetitioit for the..beet -01d4pne dan- eers and tennis Is bei!g. entereCtrom Asigicid,„ Dut*entet; Cetoetne and '::ttOd.etleU• tOwtithlipe,, and * *Mat rask prise It being glitti to the group of best dantero,., The 101a war •*111 aleo be ,opeelni rash, "pri*e. .-„ attisetfon„ 444 red aent up from tbe Coinmny ;if Toronto and be -***11,* able for 're•iihkete .of doriettelt *Ito destio.to teat „the* or * 41AY4. -0%, for , the wt k. 13peohit *toe 11*v* been ,seeurea. bust *11 the 'ditietto will be to be indttetunienfor the big • teat **ea be glit*: for the. bent ***In ' Una !,;01.1141 km:eV taratir .-tOttatikti :tad aa for the treitAramea iatal larthett..ermacto too:W. a*, vrtait looted litiooa be 'eight- , ten. The Aletitreint Witt be tett to 'tiodetich. Settee* dos before *be love*, Ing of the -reaaloat.omi Owe *In too every Ole tit What• . o'er 040* ileatted, &telt AVIA ,be * With *00 • ti head the bride wore' bandeau of daisies, She, also were * tear' sun- burst Which Was worn her Mother at her Wedding.. no 110Wits were Whitt earnittiont. and bottiardia. MI* Marjorle Hammond of Torontor'aitter of 'the:bilde, 'bildeitualti, the* 'A gown of blue .awite organdy. with head bandelot of ,d orillioWers and daisies. Slit,earried plat roses and eornhowers, Little Nast Geritkline Catania: . At fidwerliti was gowned -in 'pink 'SWIM organdy *with bantleatiral pinit:rose b-uds and Arnhowers..' bouquet was of Pink Siteitheart roses and corntiowera. .• Doutilas .)iitheso0 of otivatod, 'brother et • the OE, Wan ;beet Mise Uttilen Matheson of Otratford, sister of ,the bridegroom, played the- wedding 'mnele. After the tetegiony,* Weddiag,hteek. fast ivsa torrvett dike 'bride's aiitirei. 144 wittte itai Mae **red, sbees ,a* the her if the bride. uve•gued " ltL to the rtd, ¥r& theaen later left -s Ott the It*Wattliit 'end , The minittee charge Of the con* eert rhe given 'adring Old Maw Week are glad to Announce, that Ott have *Wed •toattene:,:,ot MtL Agnes Kno*,41114ck of BostonWm- Say to, ere some rodings thtt rasion. Maw Agnes ItuOt was at uue Mae on the...stet of 'Omit* iehool, and at thaftitue Wes* favorite•vrith 4:1,44tirlith-audie*Aott AA .a *Ado. Slit married trete/mot Blaeig• tilostua, but. ,tutioutted; her 'week' *nit now Is head of the *podgiest Of Istthile king in, Itoeton Thalvetiat:4 .and is inkotttetsity sts She $ APIstared in Toronto of late Y to Pecked andlesesis.- Gsdertcb be ,gtad, tor ‘ 11**#106 Black and Unit :head her " 11,10 01041140 COVIttit01180 itoowing .gewral practice, last imii" in iloderick- (*anti authorities hare coirimeneed, Wm*, of 'Ow Aetoratiett at the court lionsh. the Job• to be, Completed Were ad fro** Week, 'Work hi* he** cosaisentordoa theiloWer, WI of tile eSatitt WWI*. Paperlisg SS, paint* ow orito and wlJl b* cott1e4 lot* theltiteret ces fir the toot liouitNI ifers461m rAt'40 att. tAtte *Ork- hTew, Toroato treIIIag oharge4w,itwhal4tritovi 'drunk driving, or ter e .0e0e W. 006nr 'Regut14_ Re* we, iseatrort,h1 miaa. tingse. 97141r10 Ot- tawa; sulttsn oit,`Owa4A, Taranto; lite V. wake; iAmy lartom, V4A- trrien•dahlkukso usfAsuo piti0h,'411Pvt tueuluel; OM". s"auof ipirten4gto* IL; htlitrett• blis'and; 4711:04. IBereHlte. tandem att sad ; and London;-.,1H*174.' • ' The regular' month*. ' Meeting of the Women's MissiOnstry of Vlc- toria street. church was held in the church Monday. Mite Aid, vice-presi- dent, 'Mrs. Moothouse, had charge of 'thh baalaeas Meeting and reports were Wen, from the Seetetaties. Mies hlur, lel, 34006010e, leader :0? the Allaston. 'Bendi,had charge of the 'peograM With Miss Inge`..Brtechler, 0001044 in the chair: *Thh !SeriPtilterlestron. 'Was reed by' Jeanne .103404,-, Terae, bi Norma Clod; Clod; plane. Sol0:11*.tr$St« Wil- son; devotional story by Miss Worthy; 'recitation* by 'Auelrer itittget Vim) closing prayer wartirMlin. Moor. house; after Whielt Inn& Woo. served by the ladle:1.'4• , • _LP talet I tbinq MOW' Of. $2,24.0 eolleeted tiiiteS to latig' this year in isloderith, .Wisighain and Seitforth '1140 iCoUrtir $T,060 *Yews 'ciillieted at result .ot concentrated Dente attacks Oil bootterpts,' and- artiiktaileta; In- 'the sigie.'petiOdr hitt year 0114 CUC*.in eolleeted, num!, of Which •ipt.f5 was tothered.la.‘for infractions; of the „*. According court recorda•tt-tore. hoe been air increase in drunkennets, there being to date` this year six conviotiona for being drut4 and aix. for drunk driving. Last year in the:sante, per - 104, Although floe' were iiatt. rdruhko,". there' was Only orfe in the Wore dangerous dais of drun*,41girer Ara, one was. eoweleted,of"Ittiak rid. tottl', _The last-Mentiotied was *ON". ,handed, while riding a horse.TROV Eitir . Saturday, afteinoon, many Mend* f;,,Istise Lura/ohnst04,.. Alualiter of Mr. and litritt 1141.000A9ileire gate street were ,received at 4 trout - Sour tee. the . guests*ere recelted 000 bride -elect, her titter *arr./old her ntother?. The home was beautifully. decorated with delObluirma, roses,and sweet peas, placed' in. chtionlag ,profasion,lh too's and htlis, • , The guests were 'shown this 10fe linetiti, clothing* And gifts 4 10(5.0 Otlistott,, brideeieet, „The young ladies in. ehstrife. were Vises borothy Westbrook, Mart Adrharisis *ad Vero nit, Barbour., Mrs. W. /iteeltiete 4441 *ix Uri Westbrook ,poured land were slated- la the /*Irvin' by- Ursa Myers, loss Mac tid. and* last \ when -ha 140 . • nd'igovidoa Or' 1,oh hotelinan, *****Pprehentiol in De trott some time tithe 40 *04 brought to 0.q01.1.0414# week,e44,i,', When case waviAmprO• the • Court here -*tutor 'Teit.h44 •Obtaint4.*n',atijourn,,A. nnt;O4.„- 104d #1401,0,01100$7 whfte 04 , 41- 4440 rf. inxtuenes,-,„1 doeisteit. 4.•$,un0„1„)01.i. ,47",low ,ft***-•,,attorAie dts*PPP4*,,, trOin.'',OO4orteti, ' apprehennett at port 44044 on 44444' Agit egen.0: And: nititi*.***.reiSaed.„‘.611" bali.;After..thla no wad -hini.**c heatiO,,initit- d,*3t** - •• 'To* '4"us h#14,-1,* detentiol` camp at Detroit, for ZIve *oohs and -losclixtr 004444 4itriflit ,thitt OA*, ,'Xio-**8 OA& 1e plcked .up at Windsor, by Pro, vincfa refleved.rnanner- iddi obatge,1 declined; '!•however,-: to piend guilty toan *44ittonat, charge of. belng:ON*. '• 44d ..Peten0e. -- ounse1 8.branJ PO41/04 4rgited."theleaSer .0 fence was 401re/04'0'0e' .e.e0Als charge of..„dpink Opting, • Geti-41141ut4s*Peoillty.., '•,,Sentetide.' was 'Steed. on the drnnk sirtving eh*ge aio4e Hls.Wor041 „IDA, Sing the iniattaala at 4004 .; day* :loth, roots, or thirty ,days,..in .1nain from Toronto,' ipleadeth net guilty When faced with, a 'drunk * iirtriak; The etoe 'wit* 44$04rne4-4 WeekoCiatke being .re1etisecten,,It'-$500 b d . ired b ..0eu t the • r *letttly:. ineetiotw the Arthur te'lle14 in the lee. tart tee* of 41r.nox chart% on Mond* - 'e 'even -let 314 10th, ,at &cloth*. Mist Doom' ZAN groupwilt hare ehstge *no 4 M. Geo,. ,Utietwan wilt irt odic on miseione, The 144141ehlnitrfehineeliititi*to 6X day afternoon at *Vele& At of Mts. Ittordeir*Hi, a1tfiM neigh*: The Ws; *tools: ers' *tot trectory ltOka thurch„ eventng #4i,S • 0141440;P. elly 'deter:04 with long tIn, of nitt-rOlorett 001 tOr.tho,'*, uUal garden 30,:,•41034- eurntritt, presentfor tlw* Der sthedi from 5 o ft, 0444i 0440th� , *uspkes 0? the er01444*.GuiId and hthtdreds thronged the.„.carutrat „ iltla later • I 01044144Outtes were In eba,rge. ot Mrs. IL Tleh- ttorne, :With,: the *sslat*nee'of,2110. It Yoe,- ,hoare shout* of •buitera WNW* vdtk.the *Vito of the • Wid,.-of 'the 110400 Unatott. ,giOgietr and ,•,the undercurrent Ort 0444,set 40,„ by 1-44eWlitog, $1114 ilteSted throng *.ok,Olt ontorect tieartedir"., into the earat/at , The .-Wirt00* bOothsi:10/4.0*, ot for tune, 1eno, 0/00.4.144ent • 4444-1,tbe itsapOnit and tertuniuteittag. teht-"YOS: ttiroasof from S OntWafter.11. 00044 when thO draw Lo a 10,*elyo. lainp was looP1O., Mr. 1. t toon,,• who guper-, Moot the sale 0 eta ,404o4 Visa Mildred :VOW: to .44'01-.4' 0404- ' -4The.iceinner' 'w**,'Mrs,-Vrsinic *air; , of. Xast'-'stroetk,, - ' in titge--of-the-vatiOur ea -were- t1e--fe1Iow1flg__.WkeeL tune, A1!',;7,4t4rdiri.-dt •rineehtel;, Traitor iftint4,. .Unr.titon., 040., Xelodae, :. Bert: goal*, and• 0044 DoWiter,. 11444-: refreshment beeth, apoitt Taylor, 01411p.pii4or *na. 014 fithotO ;;;-10no,,. George )4ttlinbr,'44. E. ontt, sixtet:-:04x-,04447Mrs,,,,NV-Ontobt,:_et_ 'Mrs, ;II:Word; ilOwett, Mr* Jos, Juck, 'Mita Norah •J'uoltf 4444, ,*40. gar* 'Jeri. 'Calder, Mias tear Parsoasi:, 'fancy work, lira.- ..1.106; A. 043,--narettles.:..11,re...D.11,4141,04,L fortunetelling'..boot13,' Mrs Mac- Donald% , «4 urtil iigus ot 44/4 W.betng ::11:0004:*41414i4 we; Y h under wa and sledo 1st; Lilts tet4s*botWeek..-o"a0000 s worklng *1 In out)ne4"efamtneltent:14'ittolir:tilt:::Cr *n4 *III .rebottrfe- net*CT tke wentikwii, o'TI*10. iletty** alone will be eulhot* Of the frOrOti Regknent have *iiirork a Um), aptitude for the number a large t taet 11 istviave 040 eiWt ean turning n, andt. to. put this epic Into. '411iltOrt * t teals hY0 aapre 4 delight*. the ' have put • leketa are already ite, a-, greet,- demand for- igkiiiaritrgneen-- ha Prekvor: -*Sidera It .10 eXpeeted•thet elapse .numher yoUng..Ooderielt led*, will- pertielpa ikthis Contest: 06110SrAtik --EHEPOSMA., .44tareitia.t •t4e:404totra`, for tIi pageant "ilrttann4a" to be.taedi 011 .$0me We*. 'Agrteultura% Park be held detitilt4f. .8.,o'otook .0.1tax107 inust cleat mtiO have .0 tion -*--or In atiltodt•prompt , b On *Wednesday evening -.ter Yachts, set wore Wiss thutaa„liiss Csro stated that *that heO the et f the aehts- ocottue,..„ *twit.; It•Va"*.cititskitil; . 700th "who, two .m0ii.ths age. was re- the harbor thelr return soutuvriro, Ltu,tee*Vtaing 114414.111.14-1 "rat*ntcr Ieaaed Yl1 WA 0116 .sopendtd sentence to their home . tour400t-tiyouctiT'tic,,,4 .highwal,,,, • tnen'S 47.4.0PIelittitin'' Wit .41,4aOrt,ca Tor.M.to; 'theft Charge . visited, tbi*: .vort Oa X.ul,r7,8$ ,$axo,•.00a.100; Frank Drennan; • Atiftield.. to-wn eruLte to ag4.111 1.44' gigeingailds, 101114.'- 4/1-* '4144. ' '• • 1 ' , . y n , • And theft of- wool pleaded, guilty :to a.. *- tg. * * 043414111,be .c,•= Slu‘riretAtiteal4 PE4; #9.e.4 ISM; 4.1.,11780oromitio, AstaieNT—Thg irnytioix,Nor 4107 Atisses MandiL. Brown, tendon:. Ur. iirdr for'164D Iir°11" " ' • ihista with. Miss' Itinnie• DIckiton„. ristb/*0. W.eby* '01'0100, Nr -64;, .The theft,. from an abaaaotted taw' r At tlie liOate of her ,..iparents,:, &1st: 01204011, BOOM* gullet A. Mr,..A44.:31;c'Uslivigo plskten. toss? igames,?Ort 01044 &don. Ashfield, were:: MIS"' MiSaie • illisthir 'asiliers. TOKIO. Mliel abicolio Chambers, ILN., tioderieh,' het tiaterr.nutisbelith, Chicago; fOrter, Xtbil Doty 4:1blituberge,- Toronto, and lb -lido:. Or. and Mrs. . W. Z. Itet4trta, Mrs. Bradevr, of gest*. . Detroit; Ur, X...401.okinirn Mrs. R. Fitzgerald Was caliedg to end 440, ,Ttwonte; •Rtitutpton Orli*. to °the. serious : and Marion' Gersti, gess Wlztd- o unde, Mr. Tlkonies Agar. or Mr. and grit, 400*-, O. 11410,40:. ' The •illtisee Wilma and Loia'Ttelen. Vatic; :4410:Margar.t 7L vent are to be ceggratitlated. Ogop their WAWA, Oettokt: Mioste.00retiV, and Obti suotetsi,in their extgaination.1 mute, firo, London; gt 03.0. Ositit.4.T0004.' Miss AVIlliaa obtained liOnote •in •tritite -Uts, afers14li, • Tortonief'' r, 0.1101154 44, Piano, hattnuilY and history; and tototto; Mr. and, Mrs.-,ATL.,`Ts: Wier, Lon. 114,J.4915.! ektIlleed -hotel** In inter. den; .M1t1,,iiaries-,10:Wrgigknit; Toronto: Mediate 11),,ektl,SLr. Via Uri; 404104 gittM14##,,.00440 received it pass in 411 the other, exam, Pointe, Miett4 *OP:: eihes„, TOriatai inationifs tried. • _ to. A. WitiAls, 100Ato. Uiss'Oora, Dickson. Is attending, the,. , - 0,A,C, Guelph, where she is taking a 'itztvitzltiNf.'to' -006164:00 course in agriculture. - Mar31( .1011fAa1oArguAl %finer Mrs. Jewett, of Lneknow, is In cat.' .Orgasto,n, fitieral iliredor for • 00We Vet Arft '410,71iNtlk.94-0111., Brandon,. who With 4.1*. 00004 wife Sr,: who received il•iirfActa •booli her hip -when' she 411001 frith iv rag t*16 r tiirt* telititr,,Pf 01111114I le on a polished door. week's 1140 A140011014 tvheii he 'Members of the Dungannon Junior 'Mit. sst, up in tasitiese. for hiMself. ,Institute sponsored a delightful wiener *mr„ and, hits, kitittiatoil :hate titan/ roast on. the beach at Port 'Albert -on, friends here who will Wish them eirv)" Wednesday), wooing, About thirty swam In the Undertaking obnsinesS fti were present and the • evening Wee the 'Huroncounty teWn. • They will 00:40A1ti$ *Out lus glauftef eesonunitY be no, stranger, in .4101erick. its •it• is tinging, etc., after Which the 'wieners Mts. Cranston* home- town, 'Since and tolls were toasted around thetite. coming here Ebner hes, taken to no. Dr. gesepu tMr9:. iverttiteti five vita itt loeaI hiSeholl itaTIAtl OA XI% laeorSe Ilamilton rin4 and„he. theMber of the laterme. .00, Attended the.disailond Wedding et ditto teeth; fob mere *than one.4ee300 chine, was previous to the drat eon-, 'Lefton. against Drentisin 'and he was 'given another -chime 44", the Magis- trate, istittitutIon Ito beet roads. "..foall In the sum of $100e was re- newed, for twoki-oderIch youthe,eharged with the theft qf parts frour-an abalr deoed nutlike' for, sale• on the junk market. . the. youtha pleaded, not guil- ty and „the charges Were adjourned a week. • Eighty Lodi* Take Part in ParadChia' f 40.akir from. *Tomei eusTety; /uix 0. mos tho tirt thousandipeoPie from alL •parts of 'Perth and limn* counties, -as *ell As some from Oxford; and ". Sturei thronged Clinton on Monday to take bid nIn the greatest celeination.'of the (Aotions Twelfth In this' distrIctr,,Ip. many irestSi a What of oporoe trot/ lodges particitiating and.toproilmate- ly three. thototind Members of •Loyal Orange Lodges and their satillated or. ganhationt,walking Ili the grand par. Addressing 4. missit open-alr- meeto; Xt. and Mrs., 'Willis* 13tringhan of all welt its taking' port in TOW!' Leggiltr Iu taitt6tar-44::0411,740,10.40,0tisit.404,,,mikettair. , • • . liocker4tbe • - - streets of the tovm. Het W. Cr..4. L. tayr. reanntliceril..vrToestontti :hoz, patiteettrlandzt master of IMP sks*.bolVill 1440 ltod diattlhoted hi 'Canada with the crown of thee Pope of Rome replacing the IltitishkerOWn. "We stand Stand for equal rights to elk And special privileges to 'none, When the Noe dittos to be thier.ot Canso*, I -.sty that no Vope of Wino la ping to be Xi* of Canada," declared tte.'r, Vir., Lawrence after he had exhibited two noidsf ivith: the 'tlolott jack lit„the liner Sorunt ind the eroita of the nom** thith011e 4",linitch atop the Do- minion emblem, replacing, the ..CrOwn of the ging of Ztosistado. „ Oil ths• 0,1the CroWri 'Of notitin hit this dos has &ea remeileit and the tripicerow* Qsterktheurvi*.f06p:h414)Ht fa*O;:bliataig `17*hirbilECtaTO deed their At: for "that good, 04 tiag andeelgtathe the at t? e *4 rile tir,th,itt'td tAitetsin In his openh4 reniork4. -Rev. Mr. tstarrence congratulated *embers of •the norms, gtonpriettpousible for Mak- ing the artangements for the celebte- tion. 110 was Valte cOnvitited that the .014. spit*, Of the /dab to do What they front to -do in *MLitt existence. end he' spoke of the itiltnificatice of the Wile of the,lloYtto to the present Barbara Thortieod tlrae., • Eleanor Tyndall, • .,1006. "We celebrating the'Vetorit -for Already * lost latete4 *i;;;;* been Ode and reifalOilalibertl0. thilsk Oat 4urither of the eouWittiotti of what has been areotapiisho tkitootin4,0tord it etareptattytat throAgtethe Ages for the Vor4 Iodge,aniltott' ttiodnumo- ireort. iloost*Oiristti). *ttitta On teSt4 How CoottiOititt '114,ay °titan Coat huhdrett votes for each adult Vas. in tali. and child 'pageant ticket *Old. In addition, Ibe tontestints have the. ate Compatstmon portunit/ retaking si tkket on every ten sold. One, hundred *rotes on, task therchtnra COupott for over $1:40ot - merchandise boiight Ilona** wilt he given 'early 'votes stented. Belot book for . detxudting vote coupo0 tnd ticket stubs are located •itt all tioderleh .drug storee„, the post.: office and At iligeant hodquarters. ' **-Tickets may he seemed by - L-ontest. Ants ael*ageant headquarters. Miss %Oast itarrisoa today lead- ing the Goderleh, toputatity Queen, of the Pageant contest with 2400 votes., 311es Doris Ilawthortle is 'tanning a falrlY dote getOad irlth 11)00. FnU iituding of the contestonts to. day is as follows« 'MOO& 1014004* Doris 'trete°. Maxine mni„ son Cf;p01.0.0,•444,14014towli... ort Costelio tretsu Dreamt* Leah Oriff 'Monday tok thrIetkiniti Int BrI Kay Romans and, tortzlitt; Mildred Utegay Caraetuic. •before selauditia; 0.04„ Lucy 1-larrieou fred, the 'Civet; OM, goluttiod of Raleigh; Ate,. James 'Watt Marjorie iletheriagtos 'Tuesday -1.00, Prehistorto Marjory Prod* TAO," Zdward, the StArtir; 9.10,1 Mitt, der of ilsokett; 0.30. ging Willia*t /Re Weitheovieg titer leigh's Lig ; t0. rxecation et' IlAttighz: 810, Demth of eLemi; 93G, :Vititente• ttightirlit* Otcheettir t • 20, 8 p., 14day Ha