The Goderich Star, 1937-07-02, Page 6•
Lt. Tiinplr
Auburn 134cklborne 8•
The 'Auburn' bail teak plaYed eel.
AAIrittOrti Wori • Hig-T010Pfl"481,
---e-, Outte2
T 014
opPr t
•giel'AvliRNi, M Centmenity
aPitherieg Was 1*.keld. anThurSdar 2.11$14-
it the itome"of Mrs. P. Walpere-when-
, the presentatien of a -teraery„ a tern
etalid, mirror and tray was matie to
and Um 'pantries Campbell; 'wbo
..:21etc,e_teceet1y heeu metric& airs.
le4101001 Niltp farilierly Uiss iadi
Coo or -Auburn.. The addres.s was
• read by Miee, Viola Leatherieud,
air. tura Airs,. Charles Neilson, Mrs;
**We Darling end soh •Juek, of Strat-
fora, visited with Mr, end. Mrs. J. W.
4,'„larter of Auburn and Mr. and Mrs.-
• Nelsen 14111or Ootierich, on "Wetinete
day„,. • . •
nue* Wilson and
• 'Arnold PhiIiips, upile of Miss M.
Itedniond, tried their elementary exam- .
illation in muil9 at Lecknew on Thurs-
Alexander McKenzie has _made -a
/very fine job of the sign for the Au-
burn public library. The letters,
qhich are sie ereilin,bave ail been cet
CnoW Sig IV'-
. third rear,/,
A; very auceesatul: strawberry social
44. was held in connection .with , Knox
rnited Church oe Friday evening.
After ,an eiteellent supper the play
'"The Aitee,of•Leve" was presented by -
the ..tOneg people Of Wesley -Willis
',United ehurele Clinton. The parts of
:an interesting drama were Well taken
by tae different memeere of the •cast.
Messrs; Gordon *goon -and E. Craw-
,gerti,„ of refit, Mich., were itt• the
- bonie ofAlan *floe over the week-
, ,
May 2, n few.01(141Wera:`.-gathere4 In
snrprhe party • at, the boote.Of Mr
jne, Manning, terthe pur-
pose of celebrating with theta: their
orty-eighth nodding' 4tAoiverietry
and !UM. SattaintjveWlnarried
'18t49 et': • 'Ooderieb„ Ont. : The
41'0 'wCs4t iii 4010;, 1.ett11nitfour
miles sonth or :trotold, where they
)1:ved, ft
recently, wa': thmd
ey ae
their heine In JrnfoI4l. Ur, end; Xre.
Wooingliato''eitreed for themselveS
the' love and respect, of alt"'eltlzen
Two ,ehildren were born to tlidsliiion,
elifford, and 104, , Ifeetty,„, Los
Angeles, •'•
44 a SOON 4.4°
4$ follows: Atibure-.41, -MeDowee, haying is in full Swing end -it promises
,31).1 Bamford, 10),: °relit 00,i• .te be a- PO ?al wheatand
1,000 for I
She a
tdtdmoad Is heate from
sitmovr YaeotIon.
Pico for another
'summer vaeatioe.a The:'44111.01$°::')14%
been ',10111tY".rk last- few days trying
Wit eXalltina\tiOne.
and Mrs. Elwin Taylor **la
Ile, Xt. and Ur*. UoPowelit
and Ohatiee SOlitile"Akerge,
James. Snell; And Minnie an e'
'Seen' attended' the reunion held
at the home of Mr, end Tars. VV11111n0
Huggartt On Satardror. -awn°.
100 hlelllhera,Of the Snell were
preeeilt. T.40.4ttornooll was opoot in
games, races ethet Aports, which,
were le -charge of UgtO TAO'',
ad°.1,1!1:re100,40'.00:Betrty#4,r414,4*(;y0Atit,:tife 01980"•
4 I,
never AVIK.T.NT
son, 0. Oratineek,,, 21/4' atfitgOra:. ; spring .10414 16"1 better,
*Wetr, •MertoWell; C1ve„, frtlit Is- Plentiful, The. cool days' and
titre numbr-
raig, r.t. Coihorne--.C, D.. •10Qutintied- showers have '• broughttt 1BA0013NTT
Anderson, 2.1), ; T. Fisher, 11), ;•‘ 8, growth on rapidly. t our youngPo e r
I Jaded t tic*
RIotinfteld p, Farriall„ 3b..;" Fo. • Schools are closed for the: oeMuter.,...0° .county t 11 '
Lieklater c t.i IVelte, r,f,; holidays te.S. No. held, their,e0:: giogpeelpetit on at '011esley
on Tuesday. we .congratulate • Mr.-
A.'Fisher, e.e. ,
Passes in His 113rd'.' Year. -George
3.1areli, one of the Meat men Of this
diStriet, passed away on Saturday,
Jane 21:ith, at the hOree of bie:clatigh,-
. ter, Itrs. Bert jenee, :West •W'ilwanosh.
He was •ia-his ninety-third year and
had been in ill -health for about , two
mouths., ,_..,1*,4) to that time he had been
•remarkably alertand active, for his
age. He was here im England. °co,.
married there in May of 1870. Four'
ber 12th, 184,5, ,for some
year! In Louden, England, and Was,
Harry,: Minnie.'
J. M. McCall, Marian and Isabel, of
spent Sunday with W. T. Rid-
' dell.. _
- "the •Getpo, Four, a quartette who
bace been assisting with services at
Carlow, sang te the Baptist church
bete -Sunday :afternoon.. The quar-
tette Is composed, Of Norman, Helm-.
stela, Ohas..Lightfoot, Fred Gilbert
and Fred Bryant..
, Mr. and aiti. A. King, of Goderien,
visited in the Village on 'Sunday. .
• r. and Sirs. Jack Carter, of Wing -
'bon, visited at thehome of Evilest
*, Geraldine Nott, of Stratford, is with
• ?ars. W., T. RObison.
Alr. 11,0biliton were in
IStratford on*Sunlitit. McCool,
kwho hes been, Visitintthent, remained
with her . danghler,' airlf• .119t,4ti for a
Rev. O.- a 'Graham, of „Colborne,
reached in Knox' Presbyterian Oat ell
oft Sunda/.E.
• .Mi. and Mrs, '. 'O. Dui and sea
Artuto:„ and IGOrge," Hope, of Leikal.
:of 'Lendoo,,aid
lie Elsie Dobbin; Of KlegSVIlith, .were
• guests: of Ur.. Jas Medd 1,40 ',Mrs. iv',
nass-Ori, - •
Mr folikUrs.'Ad ifiewerm, Auburn,
• attended 4 ,Sehttel plcnlc at .Parkhill(
, *here- thar daughter, Mlie :Margaret, ,
Igo f*Sohing4: he ketuta .4ore
for 'the '4041lni; volition Oh them; '
• pattia-,1004'* vieitio. with Urand
isiti.7WIlI Afton, sh41e1d.'
3t1is 14.. Older is In Oteletich
- to nt-
teiidhit Of lieV -cetisto, Was
Mrs. 1,
to spend
Wes. 11 Ueilwain, ot Nilei Was a-
' .visitor with Mr, and -Mrs. W 4. Oar.
4.4itnia" hail'irene toTorono
time with her Son now'
' Wt. and. 1048, Wilt Vergittsoe, Or
• AVindsor,--ittnt-gw, Mrs. : Cameron
Oeiguseti,, of 'Detroit, were weekend
• rem); from here Attended .the anill-
• ersnr' servteel! at Olirlow- on Sunday.
*rail:shier and Itelit YSItePptiN liave
.been stiecesittil, in,obtaliting- their high
..schoOl entriniet, on their Year's work.
Aittuith,-toein Dealer, Ruth Av.:
thin', :Mary Untiro, 'lit Craig, rtOrts
• 10.1d. Bois, liatrY Arthur and Norm. ail
. Reorder% temived their.starelleg in the •
Ontinuation school' .witliont.. writing
. -
rtniental examinations4'
6.10: I1iii4e41.4t4tAt *gee
eon of Mr. 4nit •Ut$1.11. NV1113011
vt..151Int. )410.t bad. 4 *Olt ertfertun.4
. ;ate ieeltient,..ietitil. be was thrown Ott
# botse on- the' tar% iit` hia grand
ifoil)kr, 'Alto Wilion;: on the Sth ten.
Osslon tit,4,101hornie.' brother felt
on Ithu. Hilt ihoulder was. disiorated
tand*Aelteln.nis atm'fraetnted. Atter
itemaining Ink the, hospital oNer igght:
,,be44;ras taken to hI bottle onSatitt,
The foilOwing
• of 802 hatome to light In
90e'tku.; oats,
•Q0e to :00 to 04)e tn.;
tat oliGe bu.; her. $
ton; brbwn sugar, l'Od lb.; candle
440, e Yntd date:teal,
%otritt, Beek, Lteok, 1,0e; 2
lbs ,tee, 4,0,
20e; It *AS' a very
gatlki WintersAbout tbe' beginning of
they bad *bent .threeor for
'64! MO*.
t13a UUhUl1
then at cWalkerhure, 'then fcir thirty
ears ot the__ Deo -line wliere
Xing now -Alyea- 1'114 -thee. retired
to Auburn, where they -lived for seven
yeal$. Sit years ago Urs. tUatsh:
passed away; sioce widen time Mr.
Marsh had Made *his home ,wite' his
daughter, Mts. Jones., Servicing are
four sons and three daughters; Ar•
thur,", Of Matetou, %Mee, 'Harry, of
Boal: Oak, Mich,; William, of Col-
borne, and Bert; of Auburn; •Mrs.
Cowell, of Pickford, iieb., and Mrs.
%Bert Jones of West tWewanosh.
SIVEPPARDTON, June 28.-41r. and
Mrs. Prank Hawkins and faintly
visited with,. Weeds at .Preston on
Miss Dorothy Wilson gient -the week-
end at her home at Auburn.
Mr. Reuben Bogie spent the week-
• end in Toronto. •We are glad to re-
port. Mr. Bogie is progressing favor-
ably. . •
We extend congratulations to the
alis,sea Irene and %Myrtle roster, who
succesefully,paseed their examinations.
•Mis's Mabel roster • attended the
Stratford 'Notarial School picnic on
• Saturday.
MAVEKINIG,. /lute 29.:-81r. and
Mrs. 3. W. Alton ana faMilye of Lon-
don, hrepapending their holidays yielt-;
•int relatives here. - ••
Vise Winnifred Blake lies returned
liouie from Lueknow, where she had
been Visiting .her *nut* tor. a wed.,
. gr. and Mrs. A. j. Arimtrong, .444
Ititreld, of London, and Miss Margaret
„Alton, of Woodstoek, spent' the week.
ellit here.
Ifr. and Mrs. O. Brown and tennis'
returned sto London on ThersdaY.
Miss .Vera :Lazettb,y ilpent a feiv•dayS
wee.k la leetion.
Mranil Mi� Peter Lazenby,'
man and El•rtiolc,,Sorttli. were re*
met gueets„ot Mr. end Isaac
CraUston. '•
IE -Auburn
on Weithes.
Df lat Malt.
re wa; 64.
N. ter,*
• Ad-
‘1114NSIILLEite tune 28.4-Aties /to-
ilet MoutgomerY, Whe' spent her holi-
days with, her family here, has -re-
turned, to her, iletlel lit the' ,OVvee,
8°11a:hospital. .
Utss Helen Straughan, of Xitehener
hospital, is spending her holidays with
her folks'
Little Gilford 'Pfrimmer Is erious;'
ly 111 at .present In the lfltehenet hos.
- Miss Elizabeth Nevins, Of Goderiell,
Is spending it Ws*. .4r*. With her, sis-
ter; Ufa Verne Gledhill.
•Mr. and *VI; Harrooll Vent Idea by
lindas. 10010101 bounteous 11)tor _ the 4*
h young people fro W reh'
Pftimther were in tlinmlitort at the
weeloend. * ' 'w4t4, ivOl Presented, Witil;seVeral COCO
nalmbere. between. aets, • _Rev. , 13r,
The U. of Deratiller chureh held
.gual beach: on
810n -
day • afterneen:
Mr, .and 'Allen, Betties, acorn,-, , Peter r Oung,
spent ti. day at Niagara, -
-The yOung Peeale held their weekly
meetiog on Sunday peening. . Betty
Harris gave the topic, ,
Ur, :.,1:-.. • E. dotinstoni -of iporonto, Is
with his stater, .31r.s.Fred. help."
iug'-,her get eettled% le her new home.
Cebgratultitioa"to Wes *ttY New-
ton, who, 1448 *sueee8sful le 'her eoln-
lercial coeirse,,,haciegtaken two\ yeara"
Work:to one year., • .
It I;-Iltivaleni-ititee-beert
4*-st: tifT2,,T es;
Thee. Settler. and daughter, -Mrs.
Rhoda Jordan, of Morris, Sask., visited
their 'uncle,. Mr. Fred- Morgan, at
fnciralie." 0000 •
'Sirs. Robert talellwein; who under
*ea. oeeratien in i0o0erlell -hos-,
.pital,: is slowly reeevering,' -
The yoteig people are putting on,
their ay "Safety First"' tonight at
To 4 church.' This play, has been
we ilAed at the differeet plams.
and la an 411.4040.-100#1,P144.
CARLOW, Jobe 29. --The • farmers,
are busy „with Weir hay, which is an
abundant erop. The strawberries are
more abundant autilarger in 'size than
Master Bobby WILson, who withlits
mother,- aunt and cousins from. _blunt,
Mich., were enjoying holiday _here,.
had the misfortune to fail trete a
hoae on Friday and 'break his. Arm
and dislocate the shoulder.- - He was
taken. to Gederieh hospital,. where -a
east was put on, whieh Bobby hods
very cumbersome. We hope he makes:
a quick and complete recovery.
Mr. and Mrs. Townsend and Miss
Little; of Loudesboro, were guests With
their aunt, Mrs. John Young,-and.fain,
eti Sunday..
Mre, Zehri Mrs Ohns; *Arvin
and Mips Of • Goderieh, were
guests with, Mr. Wm. J. alcilivain on.
Sunday, and took 14 the anniversary
°e-Eirvialys-11*- .Anniversary ot Churcb.-'
A successful. sttewberry. festival. Was
-held hy &LOWS/lilt United Ohareh on
liteduesday evening, June 23rd; on the
Odra lawn,. The weather was ideal
and m4113' people Iron* the surrounding
district enjoyed the sumptuous,suppet;
and the splendid view of lake and 'sun-
set froWthie'point.: Tirograin was
put on in the etterch, by the Yekefel.,
laWs Male Quartette, with reader, ate*
eCtreet duets, iftraii Sttattordt, On Stin,t,
daY, Rev: Wm. Sreinner, of Brucetield,,,
had charge the„ services. the
morning he linik,-for text the
words of doly 28 :28,---‘Vhe tear of. the
Lord 15 wiedeite, and to depart from
evil Is understanding,'" • 'In the even-
ing Rev; D. W. Porneroy, .of arta
itev; 43. %ton, ,at Auburn, itssitte4
in the service and the. text Was 'Be
of good cheer," Christ's enOttfoitittg
Word to Ms diselplea and to St. PAUL -
Large tongregotions listened ittentlie,
le to these lifterestirtgaeWstlinulating
addresses. The VekefelloWs quartette
led the initiate and Were generetta..with,
-their' tine gospel songs.
Presbyterian GOO* oPortY4,--.
though, the deeds were thkeatelling.
and some tain tell, It 'eleittled atiti
people frem ter tkear tettterect,tor
the. annual `gardee Party Of /the. Oar -
low 4Presbyterittit tengregation on Ur.
:lietVitt Tyndall's; .beautittil tante", )01
Friday -evening,' and ,Pettoolt.
Itt mrs. yr. Pfrimuier end Ulss Ore • 117 the a°11*iatr* el/ti
tlaeir picnic on toesdat at the Slimmer ItIniett, ,fc't 004.004t111141 01141112mu,
SMgrottlid4 at the lake, ShOre., .
• XteNISttitiLtit. 41.1/Stl lin
4)er attended the strawberry'' festival
at Carlow' teat 'Wednesday night
ltev. O., Wylie attended the Presby-
tery on Tuesday of last .week at
ilirtiod Pend.
1?ratilt, ,WalterS, and ..Aibert Van -
tone are -Working op pie bounty toad
near Witignam.
Tattle Benson 0004 hat) the Mts.
fortune to step ofl a needle Whitt
broke and embedded iteeit le Ida foot.
Dr . Martin WitS, called ,and tottered
lt,kwith some ditileultY.
"nappy days are here again." WAS
the seri* of the 'school Children today
when school :closed for the Stinotter
voivtit; young employee
odeticit *Ming Work%
painful ,aeeldetit on 'Uoadat" morning
14ritleill. Willi one Web iaId hint off
tootle for Sons ,weeltse,last. year. Voting
POWell Was handling • bottles *tritit
tere being.,tilled. tinder present* teateit
One 'eXPlOtied, In hie hand, ,attetiref
Widen. in his tight 401404 4144
itii try .ganh. The WOUiti and ataalted
tendon were within It froietioott ot an
Oh Of the:Oteviena %fart
WESTFIELD, Vine o29. itt, A.
:Athol. or &thin, *Vent the week-
end' with .his sister, gra. James 1104
Miss June Buchanan and. Mrs. Tip.
of tondon,Atre violting at the
haine of the former's, grandmother,
Sirs.' B.. Solotoam
Ur. and Mrs. John ThieIl and
of (Windsor,' visited on ilunday;
the home of Urs. 000.4%rteil. Mr
J. 11001, ittni,, ettliken are remaining
for it few day*
• MrltileY, of Loo0Aorot 14 busy
this *eek Wowing the toasty of. r.W.
• Carapboli which he recently_ 1-4Ait,
liased, from Mr. Wm. ItkobSeiiit of AU -
re. 'the hebee` will be moved on to
(.Nonpbell.fs farm PA the Olt con
4101X of East Wawatiosh.
Ur. J. /toward Campbell WW1* ton -
*Ill ois.iriittort lit WitiOttin hospttatn
Saturday. tie Is hoptettot molts
att,, and ,Ure. 'Douglas Campbell We
lavlteil onThorodoir **fob* to4the
%out* of Mt*, 'Maw ot Auburn, %Urn
34r$, eaktaphell was preeeated by the
0,(.03itiktOtity With 111,14ftst
t* *ail Mirror' Sad
Altia tidiittaa 101t4
11* bOttUtit4.
Ut01 a1*i$44;tob4
Gioldie Martin On bringingboute tbe'.
stiver' given for the highest
standing, in' -3(nIgtng it\otees .a elaes
of Seventy Toting, men,
Jack : ifeeiliton was 4. recent
Visitor with her sister,„ Mrs, Charlet&
'Strathdee, Tapley, • - •
* rt. Lloyd :,$teirt left en Friday
morning to 'tea* at Kirkland -take.
'where Mr. Stein' has .secured el0p10,-
11111t." ,
Mr. and Mrs. )1ofilill Visited
with, u.f. and Dahmer, at Wit"-
artoe.., •':•
. Mr.; lobe; Martin attended the Strat.
' -44
es nu .
dui evening, more than two .hundred
friends said neighbors, gathered •in7 the
Paramount •hall : to honor the -newly.
weds, *Er.' and, Mrs. .. Airin -garatiton.
The hall was • beantifully decorated
'With seasonable itOvvera,Music was
811011ed Hogan orebleetra.
The bred* and .:groom receltred many
lovely gifts, including . a welHilled
purse presented by Mr. Orville Finlay-
son and iGoidie--, Martin on behalf of
teeir many friends. *r. Hamilton
41111.1).20,!:_•rePly, thipiii4 the
friends for their.' iiindnees and good
wishes, atter :whieli all joined in sing -
Ing "For they are jolly good fellows."
The: remainder of the evening was
spent in daneleg-iiind a pleasant time
wa enjoyed by
KxNGsBGirJN2 29 -Rev
Father Harding, of Washington Uni-
versity, spent the -week -end with nen.
;Father Quigley.
Miss .Stella Dean, of Port Lambton,
visited among .1,tet •KingebrIdge &lends:
last week; leaving on Friday on a trip
to Moetreal. ,' • , •
Mrs. Bellinger and 8011 Donald, of
Dublin, are holidaying in Kingshridge..
•• Mrs.; Feed- lioaiiloon, of Ooderiele
visited her.. Kingehriiige friends- lost.
week. 0
Mts. Walker, lot ,Guelph, visited
With Mrs. J. O'Connor last week.
„Iilessie. John and Norman. O'Conndr
made a trip to S'outherepton on Sun-
day. .
Mrs., -W.M. °Wensand son, . .0f
Saginaw, and'Miss Vivian Courtney,
Of London, attended the funeral itt
the late John COurteey. '
Besides the inimediate mourners
eenling trOM petrott to the funeral or
the late Mrs. -Origin. were 2,1esars,
Simon 'Styles,' 3. B. O'Loughlin; Len:
tea O'Loughlin and litra, tr. Ryan.
He Is Greatly rilaurtied,,-411.6 Origin
death' -of the late 'John Courtney 11)
GOdetteh last We* -brought , deep
Lgteere% to thls cOMMitnitY In which: he
MVO. The funereltook place on
11101'00 Verning;','reaule* illgh, :M:06
being eelebrated iat tosePh's
.ehurehl," p.444E1600 by Rev, Father
tlittrey ' of St.",ISfichtiers: College,. Top
onto,. who Wee led the Prayers at the
orco. Bev. rather McCarthy
if° fine sermon and at the
offertory 4 duet, "Heart of ,,,Tesuk we
are graterni,7. was feelingly, tendered
by Uattin and Mts. W. Late
Ilan; The ,palt-beerets. were Six of,
Ur. Courtney#s close 'neighbors:,
Niessts. 3. 3 Eerier John Cowan, D.
West, , it. Drennan; 1.11. IteWier and
3". Wallace, Str."110tirtneY IS serviced
,tile two brothers, and 'Allehitel,
Of 'Ash:field, And font *tem, MATT.
who 'Med blin," Uri, Thos.
Bowler; Ma Prank, Owens of .Sattl-
taw, otulltrs.''Stztoi of tendon.' Mr.
Courtney wlfl be,greetlY 'missed as •
good neighbor* awl it kind friend. ever
4,ready, to give a belplag hand or faith-
ful advice. .1rte hie &nth St. loseribht
010.0 and parish has lost one' of Its ,
best friends' and Vete/Actor* Many
were* the good deeds ..performi4
iniseett by Mortal: eye. there Isone
net Which Stands, vett PrpinroetttlY ro
his memory. the ptekentation of the
erneitly in the Kitetsbtidge ,teieeter,v.
t(e hid this, oreeted it rolr Yonr$ ngn
and na le,fettire ete :oat our eyeft:on
that beautiful Intone of ogOtt$ OA:
brehthe a oraor for- the 'repose or the
sold tit the .440, kind, Charitable.
unselfish.. 4tiek flourtneYMar he
rest in 00We.
iit ktprd6 to Itapettee horse breeding
in the Vrovinee itf„Ontario, ti* On
tole StaiLion EfirOlreent ,Att, Pasteil
rite Olitittelo tegislatttre on Anattat
1st, 10IZ oterided for The tit* Of Otte
G, amino*.
1)0 :,toe: rti?sideat_,In
...chariot of, operations
-,Calletta Air• 4008." The *POW-, :
_molt! of 7.,`Mr. john$0.11,' i• an • air-
executive with international
utstion .fornier:,Treeideet of .
'Vol* Air,'Ltrtee", weer announced
by Hungerford, President of.
TranteiCanatite. :Linee,'-' and -
Chairman, „atna. :president , of. the
10Wing a roostag of the director*
or Camadele new air ',titinisport
ro o
;Central *hoot.: .. Names are. to, .order
.".reilmid.00. are thoe,broMotten,lists:.of
Fp. tr,**H, , .,. „,, . SCHOOL: ' •
, . ...
Of 014 '
' .4.'.1.4. ,r 0 ' , li) 1r ,toolore .AX4.0;,
Ewan, 'Helen Videan„:' Betty "'Se.",
*alt'gr f'.:Ogii:4, ,'4Olig. Derkrker, 'Rttth-
:))ridge,.:'1,4ioan' Bnehnunn , :and 'wow
' jilnler;,' ,(tied),:. 'Agnes.. ::$, :4'.a
VX,‘0041.44, ..:1,44:FY .. Burrows, ,, Adeline:
t,44111,:llostlitigA,.,.. ,t,f°41cettylt4;.:Milet4irtrIli."4a1)1.'411'''''''
'.Black: ,:Medelfie. Viokerk end, .4erold
• ilien.:-.' 010)4 71110rold.'. 'Sgnire -',Tetin,
Arcling,'. .Donald calapielk. • ,- ma:
..uoaroivit„;,,,,..rteda- , 11r4ttei : : Waiter
3..1S,1°r.,..7.X:_l'It'''!.!4,11tt(P.f,.‘.,:.,1.1$144.'..b..;ir.21'1,-.;10'.i.41*.re,.' ...:,.; i'sS'et,;:.
...3Za'. L-'-.0ate,--....,-Marty,;• --.'041.9*,-,'---:.Stnni0.
'f'..reeMen, ...Peggy '-..1,:irepbey:k,' Gordon
.titellife-' LOt keine Allin, Phyllis; f44''
e,.- Irene ,Otaddevr,
eteg,',F,, Young,. Prank --Itene;
0444: ..ltutreu, Evelyn
see,. .1!Teritte. Uetelabe, P.ridhatn,
.$1.1ly . Sanderson, Prod' Dowlier, Bill
Snazel, Gail Sauuder$,.. Leoeard: Flax -
tee,. Ray Nelson, .13illte Wood, Harry:
:Westbrook. „Mart „Seilwanz,
311 Sr. : Ordain;
PhyIIIs.)!../irtglitan; .'010t6.7 :Helen
otiraham, :Jean -*Wilson, .Madeline
Shaeldetere Dorothy; ,Leonard, Hebert
Donald Mabow, Doris. .4,111,'
Marjorie Hays, Eleanor Donaldson,.
'Shirley Baker,:. Petet AttacEwite. .Dud•A
ley Tborepsoil; Gertrude,
Taylor, ,, Edwin Bennett, .Donakti
-Bridge, john. Ffelmese'james'Atlem
Ttoanie Atha,* 'Value. Vickers,- Newt
..Xvonne-, 'Sheaidown. Ja
*..Series,4ustr-./ifaineff..---Vovere,-4etimirtt tledgei-4.ree,*
4 4
Aducted by lifters of the •Department
of , National Defence in /Ow in that
'portion of aoutheir Ontario compris-
ing 'Vette Of the: conittlesk of Bruce,
Grey, Huron, Perth .' *14
have been used' as the basis for four
new 'map .sheets now ready for ,diatri-
'btitilolt by the Surveys and Engineer,
400 Branch of ,the Department of
Mines. and Resources. Oitese new
map Sheet*, which are named from
town* in the area mePPe0-tIotlerich;
'are part of the national topographic
series which takes in all ef the sentiki
ern peninsula of Ontario lying'south
of a line from Toronto west to Ooder...
ich. The Maps are, drawn on a scare
of one ineh 'to .one mile And are tint.
-fohn In. 8174 and appearance. Each
map Shows an area of about *275,000
The Country covered by the four
maps Is rolling land once densely for-
ested- but , now hugely cleared and
.cultivated. The God'erich sheet cov-
ers an ,area adjoining .Lake Huron,
and the territotfy described in the,
other. three sheets is not tar' distant
from the, lake. The town of Goderich,
.which is situated„at the Mouth of the
Maitland River; Bay.fleld on Lake ,Hu-
ron, and Clinton% nine MHOS inland, are
shown on, the do,derleir map., A nem -
'bet Of salt Wells'. are located hear (lod,
ertelv and the town .1s:the centre Of an
extensive silt industry. In,,addition
to .$4afortlr, on the map of that, nOlne.
are.•the Villagiaof- Dublin, MOrtkton,
Atwood, ettisseli, Blytb and Landes'
borough The The • Winghom ;nap" therm
Oluevole, Gerrie, Ferdivich,. Tteawater
and Wroxeter, •as welt as Winghtim.
On the mai) named for tb,s3 town of
PalmertsOti there appear also ,..krthor,
Drayton, ,afoorefield, Mount ,Forest,
Harriston; Rothsay, Cliffotd tted. Conn,
Other inforaiation clearly shown in-
eludehighways,. power
linear telephone andAelegraph
ethools, eliatelieS, farm buildings,
wooded areas', and lakes and etreamo.
The maps also shOw contour lines at
tWenty,41Ve foot Intervals.
CO10 of these rearia as well as
ethers of the aeries for ;Western On-
tarie, 'may be „Obtained, Upon avettilea-
tion' to the Surveyor General, 'Depart,
ment of Mineab,d IteSeurees, Ottawa,.
at a price. of 25 mete each. To en-
eourage the study of 'Weal geography,,
One eopy ,velit be stiepiled free by Abe
Departraent .to the prinolpoi or _Word
of 'trustees of' any school leeeted itt
the mapped area. „
bred stalliOnte only itt the rforince
after, the *MOM of 11)10."
TO trolitate futriier the, relative
merit* of stallions **lot offeted for
Publit servite„ etallion Ain't be
inspetted at least one*every threeVA passed by tI4 Stallion En
t Board. The tottflette,
On 4tatTvontrli
t*$4 4 L A.kW41000, TOMO 11. NUti, And.
• -..
.additlbnar holiday attractions at
the Capital; Theatre, and. to oho *the'
omiblottps Around different classes
of homes and •other ,ttnetnises, Ant -
Mated Cartoons will be -shown on
Thursday, Friday and Saturday even -
lugs of this week. ” *
These pictures are being'. 'shoo In-
emmeetiou with the 'Home Improve-
ment Plan and will be bothinterest-
log and su*rising„
"Among the v*ele.,end ;netts at-Itotel
Sunset was 4 dritit-halred, vivacious
yormg Indy tatted Orable Alien, but
she was not as these Who heard of
lier ptesetiee surmised, the. Oracle Al-
len of Autos all4 Allen radio,....stage°e°00dt-afraitte.visitor was -a..young
fora ,utittio, N.Y. She didn't
anted itt the least .when: approached
with the query she has heard so many
times: "Are you the .silly (kettle Ai:
.lertt! -Itt feet, Miss A.tlett tee a lot
Of ,ftin out et being mistaken for the
"Mite celebrity,
Otte- were nilateratta telephone rails
and visitor, at the hotel: at the week-
end ta word got. around town that
°Oracle Alike was staying there.
Other guests' at :11Otel, Sunset Were
COL And gra., Ontliffe, Brantfordi,
Mrs. Montgomery and IL A. Mont-
OtoterY; Detrolt; Mr. and Uta. 14,M.
Leith*, tPline Illuff, Ark.; Mr. . and.'
nt 3. £ WildWyn and, two ehlititere,
onto; 81rs 1*.. A. WilWYlt, r.rotentO; ,
Obit tot, Vorteettl; Mt. en
r 71.
;Eleanor Joinkom. FteeMan;
ISlirIey..Medd and • Julie •SParas
-(ec-1041.).,..M1trierY Black; •Edith-- Don-
aldson, liltfarkaret .- 'Morrison.. Doris:-
Squire,..,Jeen Kershaw, • Betty Du-
quette, Kenneth Prousel-Ted' Knitting,
Fred Brown, Marjory Johnsfor0,
Douglas' Johnston. 'Leonard 'Squire.
Stewart ,Oilders, :Reg. meek,- Charles
Shelton. - • • - „
.To Sr, IT.. -jack. Schwanz, William
Vickers,- DOnald, . Baxter. LindsaV
Burrows Betty Beacom, Brent
son,- Jenkin- - and- -Rammm-
Jenkin, • (equal),. ;reek " Meetemeld.
Jack Stoddart :Herold. Sheardovvn,
Bernite- White, 'Kennett% Dickensbn,
*1%1E' Man. "
First Book to :Second "Book. --Eliza.
beth Taylor, 'Sheila Hill. Mary Gra-
ham, Dorothy .Holmes, Leonard Mc-
Gee.- Mary irosee Strachan. Wililam
NeWcorabe, Patricia Choral, Ruth
Phares, Earl Young, 'Pare 8art14,
NancY Ramone,--
Laura Milting, Doris Mahlon:, ,Rich-
ard Weleb. Rayiribed Purdy', 'Kether.
lee Seidee....Ramon Curtis. Donald
Rivera, Lily: Oilders," .Verley Bell,
Paul MooneY: Roy Borree,- Brum
MaeDontild, ,Stanley Merriam. Walter
Fry, Edvviri 'Falloff newton Moore.
• To Sr.. 1. -Helen IngleS, Mary Teb-
butt, , Donate Mooney,' Palma PlaYe,r
and • Jim Sirtuiders (tie); Lois me -
Naw wary Latthwatte, Marjorie
Baxter; Rath Bogie, Mary .Pridhain.
,Joyes., Johnston. • Florence 4Sallowiti!
Joan,Bond, Males
Hawthorne, Barbara . Eastman, Vivian
Glenn, Verne- Porter, ., jean Virekiir
Bobby %Duqeette, Keith Diekineete
:George Ktiitipg, /*nom. Beadle and
Nancy Gila (tie), Bobby'. 'Prolise and
Harry Warner_ Atidrey
son, Marion- ,Powell,. Billy Beecom.
jnyte FL • Johnston; BilIy SchuItz.
Itecommeeded-31arilyn Batter ab-
sent because,:of 411100).
Orokle'l 171 .,:.4athetine
.rhyuiS. Iefterv Elizabeth Morrison -
-Patrkie 'Webk--.4opold'Webeter.
7Sr1I,A,Itttnes:.; *Baker, 'Gioria
Chlan4lin,„ Walter ,Uerof' Vincent
'Oxide vonnelly
deck tivaeSs. Thomas Rattner.; Geral-
dine Ihld, "Leapore .Rose
Tiartney, . . • :
Grede_ BakerVietoria
.1%age1delc.'jOhn Grate „Patricia MOrtir
Soli Madeleine ,seilth, „
Grade l'Albett
- he
Clalegher. Rita Ilertpec, Teretet,,,
Margaret Lessard, Willie*
14C558 rd .Gerald uero, 'J'aulea\,,Rey.
Grade Doenelly.
Grade Fellows, Patricht:
Rartney, Norine Rita .lifere,
Itebert Lessard, •,Tames Lessard, •
'Teresa Smith, Banana
/;311.zirbetli Chishelm. , Eugene' Baker, .
aloes flehows. Patrick igartney,
Barry Kidd, John 'Morrison, Audrey.
Sznithi 'Gerald Spain. Betty Webb,
MallY In Gederich are interested; in
the Marriage of -Margaret bilian:Sea-
ger, eide5t daughter of tbe,;Bishoe of
Simon and krs. C. A. Seeger, to James
Lauristpn Auld of Leaden; son of gxv:
and Mrs. W. L. Auld of Detroit. whielk,
was solemnized le, St:Paul's kiathedtnle,
London, 011 Saturday attareOPII,' 04, t'•
Bernard Johnson of Stra.theoy, eat.e•
ciated,, assisted by Very Rev. V, E.
jeakinse• dean of 'Huron and rector of
St. Paul's.. George Lethbridge ..(tOrme.
-1177 *IR
ger,, who gave his daughter In mat'ik
ridge, was eherueng. In her gracefel
gown of .White lace, on prineesaAn_ ost;.
theeicirt flowing, Softly Auto. a slight,:
train, • She wore the wedding," vat'
Wore by her traetimothet and her
mother, of delicate tulle, held. With A
smell circlet of orange biossoins and
falling to the end of the tralu. White'
sandals were worn and the bride mitre.
ried a ehoveer of ()phone rosea, • lily •
of the valley and orchids. ••
The bridesmaids were 'the Meath •
mildicantr-slarion•-•Seager, -- titters -
the .brlde, whose gowns were of flowe ,
ered• crepe in pale phAk. They wore'
O large leghorn hats and carried iiode-
gays of sweet peas and roses. ' Doug-
las McDormid, of ,Sarnia, was the beat •
man, and the ushers were Paul Rech-
nitzer, Jack McLachlin and the bride's
• brother, Charles Seeger, and ' Alex.
Oook, of Brantford. -
• The reception was . held at Bishop-..
stowe,where the bride and groom re-
ceiVed with their parents inthe gat -
den. Later Mr. and Mrs. James Lauri-
ston Auld left on their honeymoon.,
Foe travelling the bride wore pale
gray. tucked georgette .with redingote
of earth rust shade, and matching bat
and ahoes. On their return they will
ake up residence In London.
A pretty wedding took place- re- .
midi. at the hoine of. tee bride's, moth-
er, Brantford, when Helen Jean; young-
est daughter of Mrs..A. Ilougeting and
-thk'Mte Alexander MeLean of.
• `became the bride of Jack Leo
'Youngest on Of Mrs, Mulligan awl ,
they late Robert Mulitgan. The 'cern,
irony was • performed by Rev. Mr.
White. The bride awl groom left ota
a honeymoon trip to Buffalo and
other points. They will reside in
Brantford. ' " •
B Lo 0 D
. Alas. 0. L irlataavnatank Dung
,writeete-..atlifor tiany. laneinonths. X'
bad been IMS0rOg fompa* 10:- 0444 of-.
'-• my stems:eh. About half ait hour, after . palnawould start;:.$14;-.4eopite
• the axially' things 1 took t could obtein no
relief, . - ,
,FA friend •advised ma: after I
had\ taken, one bottle the pain* to com-
pletely...disalveared." • ;
. not; of he- T. )miw* Co,144,4 :Threat., -
6 telpplY- alt. the Paint iteedect in tiodelieli and the_.nearby-TtiWnshipt
Paint, net oilly"pteServa•braldings,14t, iilso ireprovee.theit epeariinee.
Lor twe,tit you Meet -the right,7sfore' tOteafat
rink doesn't cost MOI*6 bath if you 4.are bu34nfor
on,e„ #e -have Seine very. littertOive: suites and add ,pietsrltist-tx,4
all br1de are Wishing for* Let us ehow thein to you ,
tat one
Cteorgeand sent Ir.ondon;
*Ill it. tte, W. '41enitsi, VOtAntol;
orlee Outten, -fttosit'01
Dayideon, "TONOtOt
Canadian P
eet Stealer
And \Raton
During July and August
ter traisitig .Georglikli tast arta the great
frealtWater wins of Hntell. coll Superior.
Mde ma -.4 Omit*thOttlY 'and slmply-.
No tedious pert laiOvernl'
altiatairknON LISTS NOW
t1 of
Air out