The Goderich Star, 1937-02-18, Page 7•
-eaten(' When tile 40e1,180d, Saki' tha. -110 ceeetney On rxiclaY Inghtt 4 Ultra
„tbaUght be load gOt` "*`41°1e4-4-11"' augbter , and ).14eepli
"Otmllotely -0euld get Aut, ,c94#1107,,,-;11ar Ott*i' Seh60)* tOth
)aticl, had tootnetplaee to Oay tort, Wh1191 ,00rkeession is sioeerei3t regretted. She
ed lywin,..father Oft ,ftcqw,t7 -lilac boon to t4e, Londort.'hoSpital, for
"t 41•4 out'°t' 146 /14°14t 4°Thei' , some 'OM% -130dV • *sllt brought
had week:lame beetense, 00144 hie tan lionte,,, on ,,setweeote teeeeeement thof e,
14t4len'r9r1111111.4 114 h44 134,0r;e, trt'liontleS. rerr
this beteevirs The father .0'04 t!4‘ teen ee Kticesebridge Ceneeterlt.
otql father last Week et the death, et his °Wed,
lbs and Mree
th her
les elt
11 -
.kin:after he* told 40Urr sr. Roy Aitcq tet
i!nteee toteoeutertedaentdideliedttorttaesselthre,4,0!: vilMeortissalengb, ItAwitora"nr*'0014"1: Mls 1,0
'that the btk$:1110:13 _"te.1.1e4 mf, mitt Oampbell,;-recelved IV;
ire*, 43-91,11g OVIkiiM his '• dor, itis,oeite. eve,. j(teepte Vint, 'tEliea
nee ,Sahl *Obit naybave Ithregell't•ateiktetein` heregist year. ,18110 A11•0
then), 'W.1;1* they retaliat4d in the ittote ,tkowie„ of hr„du -
me manottejltet'lltf"Iseen- 14"141 Smith, on Vel)04firr ana
t the VreeerttiOnnida,'Plout Wried oe(relt etthe at, .Neeltitt,,
didnIt SOY hoMe heeaufte
She 'este tees; - were here ,
wan( ,:ebettiatt 'VA!: .nainher of vititra,ag0 Sur'
n, effort vas made to, bring about A. avo,fiter tusbanoi Atughe
ettaptie.,Sttakina-,adviaing M. Irwin:10 • 04e0, otrain, garopbas and One
attetaOkhroyovof Not* 11041' Pm17.' and Alora* 441114. 634'
the harbor 04 ,sin be kftt it6ine•- lytanitoba.' 'Mrs, Vint was born here.
reeoneiliation bettveen•the'Ute, Magi- vivrng toile -and twin o Sons. One - Sitter* WS.
....4the 101V9t-,094) ABV$”` The onirfeault ee )04,0,14r, mr, ,c,anotete, near Belfast.
Vo'W eonrtroom. lotio, son; Murray,, oth. Nsro$
Gordon MacDonald, „Wile two weekt, witwanteellt spent Sunday :afternoon
*4° giT43 evidence in the ease Qt"I4M-1 mother f 'Mrs. Sant.SbertveoAl-
Elwood, Charged With tlrit10,' *bee Nue AndNes. Will. Alten speet
'. ''
intoxicated appeared to teneWer,ehartst* seeeeeisty afteenoon with his IntaitiP4
es tdildtd must, wese,toeS,SVIre. John Beattie. ,
antzteeident. and reeklesit driving. g.1 , Vielet Sanders, Mefeking, is
pleaded guilty the. first -charge.-and aseisting 10$. Xsaae
was tisSesesd $20, 'land postki and 01, miss' pelis Reed, Zion, *603010
latter chargie was tirsinissed. Eleitoatt ,mrs, volso„ Anokett, - • .
hr te 4 tbalttre' 61 "Iltfri; WesleY Sherwood • front be
Irunk 'i aria couple of ..eeteks
. 'rniniteeeree Of $1,0„,i, 'On4 Withiier niethereinslatt,' Mrs* . Sante
'eel eXr11140.11ig'• dalnag,Ys to the Sherwood.
other; eat involved in. the 401464 had ,
ben, paid.• A. seoond charge of -1041_1.
'Inisded with theeoneent of the 'Crown
• after it had been ',explained that Els.
wood was ,,fee drunk to realize eth
was 'taking' plate that night. •
. '
lades, , AM,' plug, to, sue • tni,*hiis
band for iliYoree: and -I ,want you to 'tell
the 'eetirt ahOUt.his •charaeter,",
Pluene1qes4" !gin; Win 9,-
Pr012114 and Til Zie1 .the hurnps., Ills:
Lady: "That. • ivoh't „b ne:essary.
The bunete are On: nlY
• ..
-...7 .t...; _
'it -...... r pot E re!, ,. ? „ 4
Ittit itii‘,4AtciecrtuErti,,:e00' sot
. e
X•10 11°°
• ,'
Going tothe assistance of. a neigh-
bor, Mr. Amos Ball, whose car was.
stalled inflood water "overflowing the
„peso 'Line, six miles north ',of here,
where a bridge spans a small stream,
Mr, Andrew "SitePperd lost a vainable
horse on _Monday .night and narroVIY
eseaped losing the -team. The ,e'lcst.,
while' quiet Str941 MOW swollen to
fleod proportions ewee over the road
Ito considerable depth and . on up.._
ttiFit'aeltriertlie car, in etifer-iiitiie -.650-
zing boards, the 'tear -took 'fright at
the fisted and in their Stampede got
off the road and; into the stream bed,
one of them immediately going down
one of The other , struggled
loose and was hauled out of .the icy
limed in a, perishing condition and Was
hArriedito its Stable. Obrtunately,the
team had.not been hitched to the sten-,
ear in which Mrs. Ball and dangit-
ter were sitting for they, tete might
have been drawn into the deep Water.
;As though eatisfied with the damage
done the tar meter, when the "starter
was tried, consented to funetion and
nylas driven home: -se. Clinton. Nevtg-
*Record. •
,0111014#11010 —
*-Rebertli0P1 00,•;$0,1istreir* 11*.14" 4911,0114410.-.7eti&veY
111 i, : • :aif-l1oS
• 001bUfete.;14,140,Z/Plsyi164$014
nestoseevitneeevere erectoorute good exeroot Airieittevel lerte ter gore at 'Tor.1120
fie stoueltretsiteett '.atet whetve, Itestrist ,seepOes 04wie
. k arta et eseet Out ttla
.01114- ,1110 iitthe Ma*, .11ratei: 100111.141 *HO* 'MEOW' CiesaelgOlkef
.the7',.eheert.. octeeeta ..restrkettledteltrootto, sOlio at Arittibti.wora nrat'airatta at
untodon* orgarr, lisakstssios. stastaao.'veassiiteri,. vretstak‘.iatat 'Tarants,..,ra.
thotwoolearlold'clfts**. wit wow ..nkode‘ Seeter.. einametooent ese: nee*, f$htete
. _ .
114 ,t ,
0.11,g, Wig?
And tioly 'Oailftliv,1 that ,deati ma
there's, . •'
In the gountry ehurchyard taid.
Oh, he? He came from the sweet field
• air;' •
He VMS tired of the town, and he took
t no pride •
.In its fashion or fame. He returned
2. and died' " • •
In. the Pittee be loved,' where a cleild
' ho played
With those who have knelt by his
He ruled` nee eerfe,, and V6.4irAd
• pride; ,
:He' vas one with the Workers side by
He hated. a mill, and A mine, and
ttown,. -
With their' fever of misery, struggle,
r , renown;
He eoitld never believe but a man was
made . •
For A nobler end than the glory of
trade. •
p.m smog arm rem
en seilffeezes..
Then the id- Begins'
, Yea- eneeze-atlew- ea, nose --starts
tastune thenecomes' the cold whtch, if not attended
to inimediatelY, shortly works down, into the bronchiali;
tubes, aa. the cough Starts; s ,
On the fluit sign of ti cold get ti bottle of ,Dr.
Norway Pine Syrup. . •
4. You Will find it to prompt, P164411fl.rellable
and 'effectual re -nicely for your trouble. •
It his been on the market for the past 44' years*
Don't experintent with a. Substitute and be disap-
pointed. Get "„Dr: Wood's."
heeee,....,/, •
I, •
It Y.
i.Olantsei oie • ob"
-1 •
RES TO .PACIFte. 0.,/kST
Indulge toroiita. &unmet spot
Winter—in the belnieteineigorats
lag • 'cliiireabitetConsetottlEvergreeratlaye
yachting, tenni . enjoy majestic- -
„motintaineirAmery-lwaste snoW,.claci '
Cinla4an PAselOaftqoilte* •
• lrintrnilithOattiotela.Sfilliowor
fritaiateiiiewiiteiSeciandttatil May 14.
%Mtn rtinit 6 enonthee Stopei'ventale
kited at intotimetlitittopeints..
Ralkoliateal‘sot.**t •
Lot osatiatssaa Wes
kit a0i.014MiltfEAMIENT
iflatArlo , Ntersh 14.0,• 12,17
PttZZ ieierbietton frent tiamit' APO
For the youth . he mourned with an
-esendless-pitys- -
Who. Were east like snow an the,
• < streets of. the -city.
He was weak, maybe; hilt he lose no
friend; • •
Who loved him once, loved onto ,the
, end. ,
He mourned all selfiah and shrewd
• • • endeavor; •
But he -never injtired a weak-.
. neveret-
'-esteeeceettots also' wee .
..sietutiSese.s .eotieeNIeS
• -
Lintited Kin
THE 1‘.! Or
• ellma voce rang for the _vi o
`toWn to htar. Parot.0 ey(:3 biazoit at
the tinfairtiette of itHe knew that be
wee eine, exiled because he had
fleeee a runken num at the
poker"table, and, beeautti-ho hest;
od. to stand '0140 nd 1011ellMan-
n the ',Woman he loved, Iseritspe
e t :1100160,00;of t0.04' .1ten
man had 0ome'1441Athtf opo4 vedsouTtor
protecting that, disappearing friend of
hieewho,bad killed 'XiiuMond',Den, 4nd.
'Reitman Might''fear that Jint Darcy
Was getting too close to lithe truth of
the killing, matter for eentfOrt; Jini
only wished that was true,. And now,
to be driven from the town, he iwould
lose all hope Of ever 'running Dan's
murdered to earth. . All those real
reasons of Rellittall'O-4,14 there was
the man shouting out, ,tryingto ruitUe
oiterybOdy billevelhat Jim Davey was
being exiled for diehonesty,„
'Jim:1'014ot- the gun' in. hi e back xis
his eyes' blazed. . Pt•ee
"You—" he began to , Etho4t.;
• "Better not do any etilkin'," . Joe
Gooch warned, behind hint 'again in a.
quick whisper.. He jabbed the Muzzle'
otitis gun into Jien'ot spine as
, • .
StoTO.rottt 4110 D Qt AVieultAlt
Everyone realizes. the need or a
proper amount of sleep and at 119
time is this:more necessary than dur-
• ifireittliihttairetteeterianxietyetoeget
' arallgopinany tainother
has,..01.1ced the- floor -Ter hours, a
Praettce which is not only harmful t&
the infant leit which.may dtsturb-
ing to the whole.liousehold.All this
can be. avoid,a1 if .proper habits of
Sleep are instituted at birth. This. is
best done by /Ageing the crib of the
infant in a room of its own which is
quiet,•Well-aired and easily darkened,
. After a dry dial* has been put on
and the infant ,placed in a warm com-
fortable bed, no other device elfould be
necessary to induces hinteeto goto
The child should always be put et
bed while awake.. In other words, he
should learn to fall off to sleep his
own bed. - If the child cries, see that
he i not too Cold, or tee hot. See that
he it dry, and—if a young baby—that
he has no gas ' on his • stomach,. and
then leiave him alone. If you pick him
up just once or twice,. next night he
will cry for the sole purpose bf being
picked' up: It is essential that when
you put' your child to bed you should
leave him alone,
It has been computed that while a
child is exercising he is using ovee
four times more energy that while
eleeping. Keeping this fact in mind,
it is apparent that over -active chil-
dren as well as undernourished chil-
dren require longer periods edr more
periods of sleep than other children
do. - •
Sleep disorders in older childlren
are characterized -by difficulty -in
ting to sleep at night, restlessness,
tossing, talking in the sleep, grinding
of the teeth, nightmares and slee?
walking. As a teile these complaints
are not due to physical causes but are,
• seen in nervous or highly strung chit-
dren. This child is unable to sleep
properly and must not be confused
with the spoilt child who is unwilling
to Bleep. -
Regularity of ;sleep itlenty of it
and no fussing With the child the";
just wants to be pampered all tend to-
wards making the child healthier.
When censure was pashed, he was
• hkindly dumb:
He was never ,so wise but a fault
• weuld come;
He was never se Old that he felled to
The games and the dreams he had
loved when a hey. •
.He erred, and, ,wete, sorry,; but never
drew .
A trusting heart 'from the pure and
'true. .
When friends look back from the.
- years tole, • . •• '
God grant 'they may 'gay ,such things
of me.
. English Oaks, •from mime from
•;ancient trees on historic English es-
tates,' will soon be growing in the
United States. In response to a se-
gued from the .United States -Depart-
ment Agricuisure received through
the Boy Scout; cif America, Enesh
tBoy Scouts gathered .acorns from 17
• old , estates closely linked:with tng-
list& history, and thettelmtte been for-
warded by the . International Seed
bureau -at London. The estatekinclu-
tied Windsor Great Park, the tome of
the -Xing, thcise of Princess, Wiery, the
Princess Royal,- the Dukes of
Norfolk, Portland, Newcastle, Devon-
shire hnd Rutland. Acorns also were
sot *Cm the forests associated with
Robin Trod and the poet Byron.
With Lord and • Lady Baden-:Poweil
..preient, the Scouts of ,India held Witte
:first All -India • Jtubboree at Delhi'
diteiti-gt February.
The gathering of 20;00 boys and
leaders comprised 'Semite of evert/
icaste and treed.
The Tributaries
• Teacher: "johnny, you were not at-
tending itutt uot*. , What is the chief
'river of Egynt?"
Jalitiny;' -me .
leather: "Yes, and what are its
• Iehnny: "Er—theluVettilets, mita."
a retninder.
ereeto-prevent 1m -telling -the truth.-
• Anger at his own futility made the
*world black -and red- before him, but
from somewhere deep' down in him
ctentrion sense Was warning.that a live
mein, Might . settle day do something
about all this. A dead one. never
Pete Reitman stalked forward An-
other eouple steps, • -
, "Get off yonr coat, Darey!" he or-
dered peremptorily: "And be careful
you don% try any funny business wish
thenr-dereingers ineyour sleeves. -Just
try it—just once—and yon'll be blown'
to pieces!" ,
Darcy stared At -him. "My coat?"
"That's. -what I said. Hustle up! -We
haven't got all day. And you can be
• glad you're allowed to leave Gold
Rock at all, even with a searred back."
"With a scarred—" Full realization
swept over Jim Darcy then. Rellinap
w• ould dare inflict on him the violent
expulsion in disgrace meted out OnlY,,
to. thieving gamblers and sneaks of
the lowest order -46 lash across the
beck, given in scorn to men deemed
untie:welly even of being hanged.
He saw one of the hooded vigilantes
standing aside with a heavy • mule
whip held ready, saw the twist of
satisfaction at the corner of Rellmant,
thick -lipped month beneath his brist.
,ling gray mustaches. '
"No!" Darcy howled, as he started
to fling himself forward, regardless
4f-theeguneinehis- -backs Both •Ing.
°Gooch's arms flew otit to pin Jim's
arms to hold •-hini as struggled
"No, say!' You and your scuni of
'hirelings can kill me, Reitman, but
you'll not bars me whipped! I know
why you're doing this! Becituse--"
But be had 110 opportunity to com-
plete the sentence* or to make'hisrde-
nunciation. Pete Reitman made a
quick gesture, and men hurled them-
selves on the man 'struggling with Joe
.Gooch, to hold Darcy helpless, to
choke back the worde of accusation he
would- have flung to the winds, to
strip his long-tailed black coats from
his back andth.row it astde.
Be made a wild attetapt strug-
.gling, fighting 'with all the 'strength
of his wiry body, bitt he had no
chance of even the elightest succese
against the overwhelming number; of
his captors. While due tnan choked,
'him, others gripped' his tarms and legs,
and held his, eboulderee Another man
began opening' his fancy vest, prepar-
ing to tear off that and hit shirt and
id expose his back to the whip.
Above the ttimult of ninny cursing
voices and a gun .cracked suddenly,
and a bullet whistled • over the heads
itelletitint Thetete t what
.fool 1 wee leat nighttand how Lord
,441A refused to ohqat.rolipi be had
.every ' eitit047Ter:And even NOWA 1 W,s
tanntins: JUN • honest Atria-
:gentietri44,' lAaat;iyM4.*"ote-,*thii4,4
And as for $en,74
0n0iikh',. • Stgiontk0Iri,
In **Wipe front'. $90' spree
Oit ldont understand every
ant 4
thing, outotinst eoneerned . this
kW Antall" sittet Stand ssidrea
Bert Stumm ite
.401 Sereitim, "Don't ttlitot •
tordsjint the WbiP*„ eettellint' youl
.Send hint *WO, if .YOnliet .feelire
it fett'SOMe re4000i but he. gee* *the
out htiitt',htirt end: insultedlikethltv,'•
ISA 1011 any ` Matt if be Oared out, i)
40v484 14y back, it had to. it viol. 8110,14i
in bhis
oa nitridat Yeah, liod,by tie 'At'esb 'warning.
she a
ti •
flEelintan," Darcy 'Sala*
te01.0ei'VOiCe that tad more
".,00 -td$ of his ellppiyalled; even murder
41140tionSi it's thole'
as if •the whip had .beeet,'
aer0PA batk..-Understandl 111 iot
forget' that, either."
The dat(1011 111111114 904 iNaS $149,S*4
tooted, his voice. Oontennitnene.14,YOur
threats don't scare 1A0 &
Jim Davey. Get in the ,istaltt and g
int." " ' •
Mercy ahruggedt: "if it' it tbe
soli) .t.0 you, sit op betide:
driver an admire- the scenery."
.°144400 tilm;'1°.talugiltisnslt-t6abalindt fightfor game
VlYselt4fOr man as treated me fair
a,,t), '00001 shore stein' to it that
:iitelitgoetaurnaan4stib::ta. dtetaa.1 «istspeotnalo move,
Reitman!" , ' •
that he feared Bert Stummel's one
man stand against his crowd ready to.
kill at the wave of his hand, but he did
not want to go tee far and .malte fresh
enemies. There were Men, in this
crowd who did not belong to him, boss
M' Gold Rock ias he was. He could
vith. Stummel later for tide
tie , • • Aln "Snorted: "nta lea 401*
. withi el tenoitezerottrtete'-roletsteesse
playing game lieselettetlianethetet --redetette too -Amor yeeletnetteeteeteettesesestese
ers knew, 0W11 vigilantes had Chuck Benton soldiered for Neter tor '
exiled Darcy at his request, and 'nen- hurry.: The four black were yr/4min
man had suggested the whip to which tind eager to get started along the
they had—sorne of them a bit eibice trail. Dam itieunted to the high Seat.
tatitlyeeigreed. But lie had '‘ truide eetteent „.0.0eattinggloatin
again; He gismos
,n1301141e1Dth4t. Rellmen's eyes,
doWn and saw. the -g' IA,: r,
and • then Itell
Jim could eve t have , imagined. Ile could not forbear One- Parting :
considered Darcy a
whith. was understood by hire and 410*
inert:ice as long sae
he was alive. He was wishiegenow Darcy alone.
that he bad helped Slick Townsend, ewhee you atiptiesoteiteertain pet* .
along in his plans thst long time agowould think if he could see his fine
_ _.
then. But Slick had always been a Icily Darcy answeeetrliien: "it ion --
fool.;' didn't know how to go about you that,: Reitman, just before lesee
things '1.vithout brains behind himthe trap deep under his killer."
- So Rellman teak a 'moment to on He turned his eyes :time? from Rette Perhaps, after --all, at this stag e man and from the gaping ierowdort<
of the game, the tv.hip Would be going /the sidewelk. His glance swept Op -
06 far. It might be, too, that Reit- and down the, streets tekitig in the
man could make smite of Darey's familiar scene.
friends his own, and use them later, He looked at the towering cliff
if he made a gesture of °mercy. He across the gulch and at the unbroken
could afford to- do that, for this exile skyline atop it. He &need at the
move was but it trick to get. Darcyturbulent, rushing streain which meet 2
where he could he violently removed utilized to wash out the 'gold *hide '
,without his removal being traced back had been deposited theist ages before.-
to Reitman, Irhen he straightened his.. shoulders
Pete Rellman turnedaed pretendedinand lookednkaenadd. gave a eta.-
to be holding •a conference with the Chuck Benton released' the foot
hooded inen behind him, While all the
. abgroake
with . tirang
ahem waited, and Darcyto captors torian yellThe four blacks e
held him motionless. After a moment into the harness and eaught stride. Its
Rellman faced back, and there was
down the crooked street and turnei.
a ,clond of fine dust the stage rushed
resignation in the shrug of his. shod: -
into the reitgb trail, to commence its ... .
derse he :ERR, Jeurney down the eanyon toward Ear-
-"All- -right,. Stuntmeltt_ _ elevated otrteward•Sietrar City.
"Have it your own way. I've asked
„ looked back a, inoment, Reitman' was - .-
Darc'y tuened his head awe,. antis '
the vigilantes to forego the Whin, and
they're agreeable ds a fitvor to me.
His short, leugh•held sarcasm. groups on the aidewalk were breaking
up 'and- scattering.
,,Buti just entering the saloon, and the
didn't know that Lord Jim was such a
The story of what had happened to
friend of yours. In fact, I'd believed
:Lord Jim Dargy would spread like: et .
it was just the other way around." Ile
prairie fire before a high Wind, andl .
tumid to face Jim Darcy, speaking at.
,,The on,,, possibly before nightfall wonid get
him indirectly, though his words were
over the ridge:arid read' the floit'C
addressed to Stummel.
Ranch, and -Natalie Craig woud hear
order 'stands. It means brawl& for
it. But Darcy did not think she .
Darey •if he ever shows his face
around Gold Rock again. Give Darcv would believe in his giiilt.
his coat. men. Get in the stage 'Lord'.
(To be conttnuedl" •
canadia and .
Jim, and get goin'."
Darcy was facing Reihntin angrili,
Ws whole lithe body trembling, eager ea 11 Amertmg at7115t3• rat-
. tormentor. But he knee/
-e popular; women's sense of ffeedem
to have tartest petticoats become
to fly athis
that it wottild be equivalent to-tiiiicide
probably malting the reviled of . ei.
to shout the truth or make- in tattack fashion very much in vogue in the
on Pete Millman now. ' That would of thegeneration: grandntothe-s of the' prese* '
have to wait for another day, but that ' - •
day would eome as eurely as the Judg-
ment. Sowly he picked up his coat, EASIEST VVA yr
brushed off some dust, put on the get -
merit, and slipped thc. derringete up
his steevee again. •
He had'to fight hinteelf to keeo
from using the deadly little weapons
on Pete Reitman then and there. But
Chit -Chit
Officer ,i(to colored driver who has
been whipping his hose): "Don't
whip him, maneetaketo titre!'
• Driver (to horse by wa). of openings
eovertation): sloth &inlet from
A.Wleans, Wheal* "does yon -all conic
„ ,
10 AIM sTAfloN *?
Going Dates t
Daily Feb. 26 to March 6
Return Limit:. 45 days.
ex* in Omoluot stay.
;,..starzserNo_cit'g ,pittOnarAvos-
Passage Tickets alawots site,
good in:—
(a) tenzikt sleeping tate at apprall-
mitt* 'No pee mile, plus reguitkr
berth fare.
(h) 'pottier out 'standard sleeping csas
at approximatety Stio per mile, pies
reatifir- kat or .berth -fare. •
itOtrrE15,-.T1eket8 good going vie, Port'
. Arthur, Ont., Armstrong, Ont,, Chi-
cago, 111., or &nit Std. Marie, return-
ing va same route and line only.
Otreroustoptienal touting&
STOPOVERS—within limit of ticket,
, both going seat -set:innings-text Fat
Arthur Ont., Armstrong, Ont,. arat
west; hlso at chleagts 111., %tilt We,
Marie, 'Miele, and *est. in accordanpe
With tariffs of United,„Statti &W.
p• artittdirs -from any lent..
Canadian Pacific
of the men who were struggling With , Darcy kneW that such a move would
Lord Jim DAM. • . •• mean instant death for him at the
----"Stotrtliat°--ty peremptory --,voice jleendeltof Itillsmatitk friends.. and -
-howled; lurd-thertf-rettns the-sound
pounding, heavily booted feet, clatter-
ing on wooden Sidewalk.
Men fell back from the scene of
action, scattering quickly to whatever
cover they ..etsuld find. Across the
walk lurched 'tett SU:nutlet smoking
'gin in hand, his face white and his
eyes bloodshot, his bead dripping with
water because he had been sousing it
in the horse trough, beside the black-
smith shop !Iowa the street as' part of
a sobering -up process. He Was
wreck but the smoking gun VMS trieln•
ed, with surprising steadiness full on
the pauttehiness of Pete, Raman.
"Yptt let Lord Jim KO" Stummel
ordered, to the surprise of all woo
heard. "I've got the drop -on youeltelle-
mate and 1 ettn tend you to hell before
any Oi your men 'ctin touch a hog-laig.
I've got some friends around here my-
*TICK:11CW. eftiCttel-tc,,,i(9.
754E34 rr• G60.:%
wanted to live: -,-Neverntere-thatt -now: •
Re would be eompelled to leave Gold
Itock under this ((loud, but he was
swearing' fervent oaths that he would
settle this accounts--alopg with SOM0
other—if he lived, Just one more
acocunt on his side of the ledger.
Dislietelled but dignified,- Lord Jim
Darcy turned and bo'veed ceeemonious-
Oy to Bert Stummel.
"Thanks, Sttnnmel," he said. "I'll
never forget have done f or
me." , •
"5 oil right, Darcy," Stummel
etammered hie reply. !`f like toefight
faits and you're a fair man. Thanks
for heldin' your head last night when
I. was insultite." • •
Deny turned again, and walked up
to Pete Raman, hii eyes flaming.
Joe Gooch promptly shoved the gue
, tar's 1.14A-r-
•"GRAP,skumpti I.
Bus I MGSS ;114/47" 'Z ft*
tx,N,C-r ci.Wrt.
VT rows tianiat.
gator 'Otto $
"esetteel toilette
elms ct
Take 2 "AssoirlIr
1st:lots with he
tessa et water.
The modem -way to treat Irtnitt it
this: Two "Aspirin" tablets lite
moment you feel a cold coming an.
Repeat, if xtecessary, in ,two houre,lif
you have a SOO throat with the cold,
dissolve 3 "Aspirin" tablets in 3i
glees of water and gargle with this
twice. The "Aspirin" you take in-
ternally will act to combat ;fever,
actress pains and the cold itself., The
gargle will provide almost' inant
relief from soreness and rawness or
your. throat. YoUr doctor, we fest
sure. will approve this modern way
of treating a told.
411 "MOW' tablets are made it
Canada by the DWI' ComP$4,0
sort Ontario. •