The Goderich Star, 1936-12-24, Page 50 ft! CHRISTMAS EVE t04*bintug When 4 11, urizt Ivo 044e4a are1 ozuse:, " Votm .10,1kIt t11 patIent aVireapray• Can:,Unders14,04.,thelr 010444.: '1 can **IV the *OAS they aay. 01, GS, look down „ On Va. tonight - tWitiv-VitY iii Thine. Vet,: • ' ir Thou 'haat AtitIne we beg of '0404tif onr-ahOished uNot alwaya. are. cared or WO, , ..**1141 and .0114the*StniOeS we 11,* MOWof "*-',are are Vette* the '40147t4 ofen for • 'or,'.*0 have Stried elan, And Often ,the.WM0,0 'SW 'We. know _ , . 'Are more than *deep, OA"' • .' • . . • , tinder the,Oold 'and, Irostr.starS,. 'Thtnk of the cattle :Itnee1114,. Whtlq'obt1,0* 'Ong of ioYOU,s„,-_,. ,tbnigs, An t,1100a..bell.4 are ..pesillgt ,GODERICILMARINERS ON 5 BO When* ,Captain Wihiant A. 17111140: docked the lilirebton at Fort Williarn, on November .25;,he.heaved a Sigh. Of relief ...ten4,grigtitiOe:P?r, #4,:$ftt,te •:$1 dhis.crew an4.1k$4: Two, Ooderiell___rnen..WeX......„0A.:-....thq„ ,Fred Robinson, first mate; '.anivi4,ed, Sale, wheel.sman; and they readily agreed with all Captain 'nil- • -loch Said about, their runfrom the. Sault to Fort Williain.' • Worst Storm In 46 Years "That was Ole worst storm in the 46 .years 1. have ' spent in sailing • Canadian waters," 5aidCaptain Wil • liam A. Tulloch, skipper of the S. S.* .-Birchton soon after docking , ,at the head of tho Great •Lakes. left the Sault about ll o'c1o4k -Nionday.r.fa.'eneont.expecting toarrive in. Fort William Tuesday afternoon.' said the skipper. When about three hours out of the Sault- the 'Igichton struck -a .solith- west gale; Which mauled herr around - considerably. and Capt. Tulloch was forced to 'hove \to in themiddle of the lake .and pump in nearly' 1200 tons of water ballast as the Birchton was light.. Here the vessel was delayed seven hours. ° .Tirned Like A Top • second gale, from thenorth- lek * g1v by the Grad ution of can- PuUe fA rn eirer ie 3Ouie °'tt' greet‘AtiYetfWthic.; *Turkeys Bee • • 1,4 .0% 9, 2444 lz.,426°X413;. B..t014,0 per4 ..0944 , iprocatd by. =PAO, o .3,11,4yraen suo , U0 hoped r , ,.,, ,.. Oc.,,,-, turn, 5 S.ho1 were. not .- ovsk, . -Barley to the i."‘teriti., 'ocuoi. a ' -,Ve,,.1,37444"% Lane, O•or., S. 4, . , svg9N ‘ ', 4,4,.:,... ,:...,.:'' 3. TWO WEEI .„--,--. o,,* theY,would 'all Ivo* .. „. hard Itext Vesr. ! . ''.- ' ' ' .:. . StonelloAse ygeiCetae4' Out ittlfo 'VERA 00410,14s ,c2c.ter404 ere* will , no ' sorrowful slul IA ing^s to The fotewiriakUinteresbine progtain * ,. Oqing finest Or ,trotting , , doWtt to siVent \Christmas care*:list' Castle ReYn01d*. to spend Christine* trakited " "Hark: the .*rato,' " 1414441401'Sthill;.:1)741.tioatkills lit::11t; ga)..!a Ma Of ‘/Slfileld "Plity, Mr, Nand he dog Som his 'nt !Lthrt 1,,Y e se .,,,,,,------ officially ,Statild-that , Magistrate' . +,,,I,Amit ueu ararold. 'Aitken, BOO' TO v; '''''4,._,Pg` °int' will net he held this' after11004 -Warne; *John $011,kil'arie amfl Itel",464*-‘, or *Ott week: , knuraber,gt Plum! el • rt •-, dkjet,• by - two TagTO $108., owed tollais week, ,have Veen., Billie 4114 ,13,1nVee 7441}-•rl, '11- Vir1-41:, . °I'l,3141,4 ov'et ' * ze YOlitt5volas 1z Other 1.31140,,,,* pltPlia, • la Mkt WI,glitOW rOcAt.0,1 i'14Ano •algN Mol- ' '1,61-11eihrO.,kcPaliUgMaxineii s:;Pru11:Yb.lu,1.`7313161T474nIviabyt4,.74.111:Intiet7:i tp,al*:C'tAtileas.- 41, ,3,, 40. t ..-17.4.th..Ahia..fottrates: -,-,-...,,•...„-,,...e.--. ..-_Te;'oiuz-,,t)T,a•tte.,--outkc&oeg'ztit,',-?1'Ptio,*r• St., - Dec. 23.-- r,,and Mrs, rila 47 34'134 'uthq"::34.04v".1-1:0<%1 7,1etti Gordon asst and baby are IA X4011401 tte• ir, t, • *ho iiff,9,decl- Parent' • iheicgue ii.v6, ,-0.11,drent; 31/11.4*"G. MillsOniOt 14,11a°4 is. .1441t- totetinge# in her 'parent:3., qv/4m pobinson'S,..,JU.; ,„. , , ... west. . struck -the ,ftelitonrnear 401,1,sS, 04, 14s.4r.s, ges,;:Isob0 .144 Ast,of -London ' sage ,island; 0titaOng,'the•veSsel - 14.3„ .end 'er4.,,honae,.for holidays. by ,1;m4iti -an attenipt- 46b37-tiori; 'solor,. Jack (Arealle; Myrtle Cole,, the ,north shore, Capt.''''31',100"-Av`"tchorus JolIy antL Claus." .' by' Mss Eniily Scuton and Harriet 10101:e0y., .-se4ieree 04, re 7,cioasz 4:4811,0 /34,t,ty".and.%4 and .littra`'0; Mott .1yere in - saturday - , , _ _ , 0014 tdelie #0'lleadv4.4Y'' 71'i° *4"akx 'Jean* *lee- :and Marjorie, Vonerz-4-Strattord ow . ,- pletely around like ,s, top. ' , ciaesf. .selections. bt the. school or -n-- waiting', her, parents. . _ ..,,, -0,,un..%1 for the .detence argued tl#AS "That is the fir,44 time Izi. nlY sea, re/P..:chortZ,..bY Senior lit class. Ille Miss Isobel- IletittiCi' is 8,Pendi"44. the ar.t under which the.tharge WM laid ailing` life-Veieflifiethaf 'liaPilen, aoonn*anists were MisseS Vim” and :Christmas et Timmins.. Iv „said..,_-__, ,_ i, ____ : , .‘ ._ . ,,mcoollaul. , . ,. _ , _ _ ,vrri..aid 1.40. ierineth wateri are:: ,;tiee#PUI,ates. that the of/enCe must hue . The gale hfew-the.fsiremen out-iti--, The _.kirt, daiarte.„, -01Tss. had --e:. snow- spending "the-liolidayin Tbronto:*--- :. ccinimitted ""witliallt e$ittise ilt" to zthe Isice ..,s7iti :own .. *lc. skipper 41,4 th?,!1. own . 01 .mondo,,,, when they- . Miss vix0,11,,. has ..,,,,,,,,,, ,+,,,,,,,„ ,h.i.. defendant. was to be found guilt7'.6 —lie Isetelealllit4y4Lixfivebe711114es ttho7thiseiawnedst.ad leTtluTo\t,s414'nillalleedbyalltAderaSeEMvieve.st.11°s01;1-0.t14,°"; '"Ille..I'V'°:r. rt:°11igicatslit"iti23;e:;:g ;11,.rt.:t7,-. ;1:::eal'sa°°Iithatthatthe"th; 9.accatsh91111:raeattliex9%cus-n:t ' 'So great was the force of the wind, '7- vcrhith will MeV be cherished through , Inas in London. . . . be ti,ried b,,,r-the- 'MpOtitrate but In' a how -evert that he saw his heat .slowr5" thi years to come, by .the fond Mother's.. ' Mr: A. F, Harris 'of Woodstock is 1,...ve,...4 :,outt.- IToVever,"' be did not was'being.bloWn into. the north we - . ., in town with his faraily‘for the- Yule- °Ian, ens* the. Magistrate's • jurisdiction. .Tamcb -was forced to back- jut° di4 FORTY DOLLARS RAISED , i The mother called the boy to chase Fort HospiTAL, kuxuLmy udme'iss.--Itaririei- Hawkins' -.0f-l-Sirncoo vitheeNN;d4 ilftWalleY- •-,''as'. 7.1.d-'11?.4heis Wb°otralsr-,--h213 ad--nin' re; ,terty-tiP of Isle Royale, and Cap am wind, giving the order "full Steam,. . . . . ... and Miss Madeline Hawkins of To-, -.... ,, N . . • "-'...'"'"'"' - . ronto, are visiting their parents. torigh.gtoto. Thgoeia.neyvi foe re ntchee r 4taliand, ehhoewnwastaitoalcit, ,a,tern. . - - ;Waves Swept Ship The draw for the dell's house and The Clinton Intermediatft • hockey theAtag-wa.s given„ to the.__Tboras_ by, Mr. swept, the vessel from Stem to stern capital Theatre, Saturday afternoon, forth in the last week. In Clinton on gBlcigOttl'Itt.i•bCe,r nTthingistgra.bteut ma Indot4dg gr°011:4; -Meanwhile- menntainon,t waves lady's work -bag took place at the team. playod two games witli- sea. and froze on the, dEekir ;ifild 041ee- mr. D. E."CamPbelrinaltnirtlie 1(1707, 4 -Friday night the score was 19-4 fins, into people% good graces, -the -aanie as structure as soon as ft 'otruck. • The Mrs. C. C. Lee ,was the winner of the home teamquid in Seaforth, Clin- Any other animal, of which we are fond, gale blew about 60 miles an hour. the doll's house; Mrs. Dexter winning ton Was defeated 3-2-2, the game end- and its value to thera cannot be figured "The doors. in the fo-citotle , were the lady's bag. ' ing in `a 'Quarrel- among some of the in what they paid for it or what it% ac - sealed tight„; -We were. .forced to aubart Wigie won the prize for playerft.. , teal worth is." / zervice .W110 heJd' at On 101 y when the lioorhouse .414 non In Itee 4.1eltit tho rn the -s *to '4Tha a of 0,104$41 Dux Ice tbe chOfr sang an ,Thit onta nythin Ish‘ftsneled. iont)r gounhiing ITt Abet* money alt , yawls, more wit m. he sliolitest eu .1-.004tk * but hit, contrO ufloa, y as. I le ;b4r to gr teeted„hat She\a,17414 Pomeranian 11d een-a' nidaatiCe Omit his itoMe, wbere it had been deetrOYing clothing that bad been hanting*.; on the Most of -the (,)edest..01/4''`ivbett 'clothing '1Va*.-alleits(itY troYed :Cconits4.,about: twe .thres, year,age, '..eltlieusih‘ Ur*, ,.3aranden'aId ta'1,,at the- dog- v47 ,,thie act of -.5tIottiittfultY-Ats.4440. Th Ofendent. * =eon-year:ad sald that when ,his mother had ''t0104 .hlre has the dog away, -Irom the clothes,' he bod Pieked 'uP 41 tall -bre .'rtIle on his 'way ,out of the., house- amt had Ared' once 'up In She air to scare the dog and again in the gi4neta1 don direc- , 4104.10g when It_ was runnirvf in the road,- 10 . had, not intended timeS the 'gale' turned the ship cern^. chorus, Aiquintupletsi' by Junior OI *1`4104 Olive Thompse*ef Ottawa to hit nmal be said crawl ont Of' a 4indovi. " when 'we selling the largest turriller-of tjekets. :.-anta,-Clane-and---Mrs-, Santa Claul - The magistrate, asked tt there Waa- wanted to get otit ' of the wheelhouse- 'The s;um a $40. 'was realized.' visited the ;arions classes at the Col- any mummy of the dog ip,ing-rolated It was impoissible.to..get Out of 'the f- ' -* - Watt Orl tielid0 afternoon to find And was MUI that Brandon. could get a, doors," the skipper said, . PORT ALBERT -the pupils ,eating candy and. the Viip of the same breed in the spring. ,- • Linea were strung from the bow to • teacher adiniring their .presentm. The The case was .adiourned auttil the ' the stein and ' the watchman was , - * , visitors were , received with open secend Thurkay,in MY. 'I Watt you forced to cling to these when going PORT- ,ALBERT,' Dec. 28.'-~ Miss arms but Bonze, of the. more sophisti- to an finest effort to rOlace the from one end of the vessel, .to 13.',e Florence McKenzie .11.N ,. of Kitchen cated students . are still .wondering if dog," he -Warned Brandon. The WY other, . , er and Miss Ethel McKenzie of the thoeti' weren't mete trousers . peeping was allowed to so on his own bail of , Backs Into Gale Strattard Normal are holidaying out from beneath Mrs. Claus' volu- *too, : . gale, the. wind liming the nose of the Miss A. Barr is spending. her holi- ,The Baptist Sunday ,School held weelvdawraaresd............o*.a..• , . By backing„ the Bireliton .111.0 tall with..their Parerits. • • miring skirts? vessel, out into the lake and ,away .days it her hone in Myth; Miss their 'hristmas party . on Monday AVIIIMItit from the -treacherous •poifita _of to& Quaid.of RiPleY is with, ter pareats.. night. The Viresler.Willis and. Angii.. • --... on We Royale, according to The Fort A very successful school concertcans had theira on .Wednesday even!, ifi... Bruce Davidson and Miss William Daily Times-Journat- was .held last Monday night in the big in the -SundaySchoel,rooms„ Hese' Grittiiii0n, of Mitchell visited i'lisFrvbeniststpaisioPuitdathteheisottkihPPtierhorrookr .a.ohmootalslitrouensie wGirtahhaaralaragetheat.teenotidaeinidoeh.' ,iedTihne thWeei.Lervigeanntad8liferY, 9nee,Tguestshdestry. .with , Mr.' Ise. 13rundtitt.- ' . /Lisa Margaret Ferguson has bean Isle Royaleand near the, southwest Hospital ,spent a few days of last night for a celebration. A prograinengaged to teach A school "about four o'clock 1,4dnelidzi .1,00v3int, tintit i, l'491;41tiTfigbittlIt:er parents, Mr. and and Mrs! *air put on 44 the employes and =ilea from Varkhill, her duties to everyone received presents, ondy commence, the ,;beginning of the new tip, ‘where he cast anchor from four , o'llock, ilktUe naOrnint. ' ' 19fr. John MaKenzie . returned on " 004. Other :g094' tbingt from the arA YOU terng - 'Shortly after- 4044 NA trulloh Monday front the GOdeOelt 1100101r tractively decorated tree. . ' A.UbUrn Schools held their' Chest-. ectr Bey via; ,)leck' Of Ages light, T 114, wag. tion., Mrs; }toward Barger and her went to London last night to attend malt concert in the,Vorresters Hall on weighed. anchor, and came in'hum. ... he underwent a ._,,, where seriouti'oPtra" The Itieliniend IroalerY employees the *ottani apPioitob, ', . baby daughter have also returned.. a turkey ado,' , . TuconecesdratYatevNliftlh'neKcatenitbeWr a2w2a' nlhoill ,licarritted in -Port :William sato on, lir, , vernie 'Willis .and Mr. Tom The beautiful grandfather clock -in prepared '1)74' Mist ,Berility temson being. on. the trip from the Silt Since:. • tbg Afternoon, of Novernbor 25; ottat :11....etriniogg.,.._ ,returne. ,d bone.tlast weetkiiefr,,oirm, twit:III winitbeo.;10:resw.ioitedtf ,ii,11::40Airt;griesiycusinai. ittuumireteiniOffientr ote, Wevageoilinerl.d tillt. stIl.eqlec,broqtr elinettljk:indtti montillY ;forenoon* ' r . - The .ueeeteeer ;Meeting . of concert 'skt t'he school on the Sifter* , It was expected the ' Direht04 14. S. of the IJnited Church was held Xervo Yeses Eveat the theatre: The no". of Ileeentbe-4.,.r -221,11, ' would .10aa flour octretarn vist ,ori limit alltingdal afternoon at Mrs. . BOY ScOuts'are,selling the civil for . Was DerOthy ,virlfrrs ',.;veas .herae ter last trip -At -0i season. •Owen*Moorits With 2/ present, Mrs.' the Lions Club. ' •'' esar_the week end. ,ii .0 . ,, strafl 0,, ; , have mu rnlght to tell. yaw, you o ,ob'4' allocate 4(14 -there. winkedriri •ItnewinglYk -4 hat you. might say kin n I left yeg:when the tta , m u nieglo uess oure " • d Relltnest. cthtit," extenthaorklottui'127itsi:Iti,:ltd144.4:mlsorRnIettitilman, PAa'' • -to0J, but,he:ontratie e-suld suavely: ' litinued) • MY -1,'QUIt NEW.YEAR BEL ow .i4aiip.km-4Goili 'tarkAatto,. 000; 'mom, tups,. and: • 1..1,103AW' wtth "mato znpirlitive cat:t ;in* new and port plus an enthralling make thla A:e8tto:i:oulisettt. ::47;Ihrisi.t7ctaEtYw:HeadM'ilspne°544ists:1:y.t4TuRa,A•1.01n4:Eica:t0.1:4 aohoti talent in pnAita:3300Atitove oisiti,.0034,;17tarloo- St.' S., SU:4.0)N teeted, gloms suppued, bilng use surgeon New Ur. : • • and Aural ;Ilespitat g, December 23rd, from. 2.t0- (4. only. _ - • Mown Atriise LOce Jas. 'MeKerizie lid the devotional Ot. Mroi..evee. Jefferson was a recent Mr* auct 14"' IL ' r ali0 Ur' tina and tlie R..11;00-64.1961iglit iihelter. In ent-lqight; Holy Nights -The" Ser1P-- Mrl'itotaiter Ariteltfisitiatm.- is --111.44-#04,,,,11ngli of near Oklied Were, the • OOderielti4,Marbor on Monday ture lesson was read resitionstrely spending his, **cation at lis home In 411421 ne*. U. 4.nd Ut-C;r3Jstilt-011 •night. They were searching J.,tke Itev., D. 'Pomeroy led, in.prayer. De. toWn.. ... moat fortwo *cows that Woke ..aWay, Netlimal, leaflet was read . by Mrs.' !.• - • ' ile$'' United:. Sunday &Wet willi WO' it social evening in thetesernentf ,fe,t tilt children on Venda* -,0,eiuningi December' 1illili.--; -- - - - - - The 'short teases closed -'en', the 16th When. the Mother sta Were invited to Meet With the.girie' and. see . .t..he 1 work they liaire done. On Thursdat, evening,. the classes bad i. party, in the liall,. i. Each els** member 'Wits ralleweitt two . titre tickets and with * 1 feir, invited gueitS, about One lien - dritl attended. • - .Mragl# McLeod .who lif stilt suffer- ing *Ott, an infected hand expected to return to Mitterten With her daughter, Ws., Smith. . The. ladies of the Community .gath. tbrectz*V-theiv*Mgte,0444.W a le*- evenings age, to shower hef niece), Vitt. E, McDougal. It ws,ts a Miscellaneous' shower, ata Among the, -liigor olirtiote,r Were * *ash -boiler, tia4tOrt clothes basket, A ,,vair of blanke4, tea -kettle, 'etc. ' EWE ' ; a annual meei- 1d s, d n. the -TVA) ,betrolt: tUri.,..", the. Wren:lint wises which. opened with the hynuir Toronto 'visitor; . Mrs. Howard Burtch okua Ontso, oily their *1i5 near the American Lane johnston, The treasurer and• she-re—on igiturdery and-',Werei blown :iittOSS the lake: One of the stows was said to be tiff Point Clark,- 25 mules -north of Watch; :the °the had not been:located when the' De troit tug left on Tuesday. The stows; and their loads we said to be worth; 4108;000; Thev were within nia3 miles ,of the pert to 'whieh 'they were heading when the irterni Struck them: An airplane VI* sent out te iciitst in tle VAtireett, secretary reverts Were read and adopted._ Itelt fttner037 Conducted the elec- tion M officers for 1937 as follows: Honorary , presidents, ,Mrs. aorckn and Mrs. Pomeroy; pres., kirk; Wilt, Crawford; let vice Miss. V. McMillan; -2nd vice, Mrs. I. Quaid; hemmer, 'Sr& Crawford; stoop Mrs; John Meltensie; Supply tee., Mrs, A..811. Missionary Monthly set,„ Mrs, - Graham; Christian StelvardshilY ,and Finance' sec, Mies E. McMillan; Mis- sion Band W., lit% ILLednor, flow- er fund sec., Miss L. Orsiliatn. ▪ Qaatb rs., A. Sillib; treato rot.. Re Reed. rile/001i of the W., X. S. wish express their appreciation to the retiring President, lira. Jas. MeKen- ie 10 her untiring.iterVcea.During, the .five years she was president ,sho had never missed attending* every 'Meeting of the society. A social hole was enjoyed. T.40,1420191Y l$snIleiraitiViy-Dee.. -2 "I•Att wkendTw1thM 'Toren*, guinte A.Newben Of Tobtitto. otnidd Sehoot it spending the holi. h ifr Ent Mrs.G ,A. Newton. ▪ rt. A. W. Ilarailtoti and I andIrelen spent tit the_ ;e0ritorli Ms nun of Sitakt*