The Goderich Star, 1936-11-19, Page 6Pli-saCt
• 1,
.Y00;r1$ t.—a °leader moon
low sbOod and aliverhoon—
erom but a Titnintotvg Of, nlght.
payed cunon the:shAdoWa
peered -.'and saw
. onv' the -Silver grain& .
met'WA1h aitveri Sheen. *
• re a nilvr fiowing atream,
11W.nest brlde. tj1ing low to
Mmple Ordinary . things. :Unit the expc
ioedcoo1 :never WO* Oda;W.
, •
buy.01.04s. 044What the cuth look 1]
ekactly .how to .prepare 'fowl for cook-
ing sid
W'Jte.ntaiol NitsgotaMe'.10oces,
Sort* '$4 little .tricks that are .0010
eazy, but. 'com, PP 14,Ortant"tifilen you're
Pl'Oal'h*.' your /nit meal alone.'
luittting..bag 4e:* use101 gIft and
Is *We 'Ott a1inf.0.:40;a 4. .Yard,of
tem* :.Sritlx. .04Y.. 'ribbon. ties.
t 040,04 de therSejinniti...nOivi,
er4JOY, .Cbrlatma5..canich, tilOres' '
yonnot tired and ivorried the last
.Dickson • of it Albert
is isitingiriends in GOderielr;
Thos. Bell,, Angleses; St. Was.
called tOlifamilton. on4ifenda4 owng
to the death of his 'alSter* *1'04' Pt"'
TE it the`14
11,X, . P1 rt; and Mrs. Albert lireretonand
MOO., olau 14er' of , Calgary, Alberti,
are vi9itrn with Xr$, 13reVeOlei
.paretrtly,X and Mrs. Robert Doak.
Bee rs, Miss Julia
- Fred Beever. Were
recent yieito in, Toronto. While • in •
be ',city. they • d,...tht: zigeasure' of
'liking in the annual IX14491'40W1 '
and Mrs. V. W. LAW came over'.
.'from Toronto " 4$Pend SUnday,,,,LWith,
Air. and Mrs, T. Wilkes. •'„ Their
daughter, 'Miss Mary.' Law, and Miss'
,CTertrilde Wilkes Went' back to; that
44-Y with them. • •• ••,•
Messrs. Iiill *Gardiner of Ooderich
owns -hip, and ,13i11 Saunders Of -taw•Pc,
*,ved at theiereipective, homes on
riday„,from Monteith; Northern Q44.
rig. , their -way down they ,oied'
chains on their ear as. far as New
.Liskpard in:Order to 'plow their way
through the °deep snow. The, .temper-
ature in the hOrth when, they 'left was
20.helOw;zeroi bays are expect-
ing to retUrn ''very shortly JO the
oral,. •
*greaten:0,114n •
the et **Snits CO010;
g, t'swhi.theroie
!,nOkhing-so'depenclable, •
AP' .'COonomiqat and
,SO • -as these
04'0'60440 products! , , .
Obtainable ;at
For the ,loteat -0001010. •
.•Ath'''fr10040Y". talk, aSei tignefid
„.:111.0tles. lagoiS sack - Monday,
at 10.15 a.sit.,Oltos:CFRIL!-..
e conitOtable;
-boats 1..;:taller stiore' "W
dri,you ,knove. there .,stenied to 1e
et z1gtuft..46"4" the sea
•1%sie A.' Koefoed.
The ,costs of Zeighsh sohool children
* "being lined with "safeti-tirst roles
prknted on the tahric,", .so that every
uses the coak he will isee
ks,' -toOndrig 14040100Y near: "404044 by the numbcr Of dreadful
;der 011: you 'have to do scoldotii4 dn this count#, we ought to
; of,..-4)etember—,:.$ ylkii them
ate a effort and, Start
...r4er to fsh " hesitate teLrliiike?Ir cake lor
the 1at ute -thing& mot b0 800014 000.4400$ 0
u will ,Oegixt.'to Pick. up a- few ,Ing .failure and .the 'fitYraPteniS are :11ri‘
now, you wili;be.siirprised to see. sasteitabie, Vour '' 41,0:lenity may easilY
iuch hotter your values will be.' be remedied if you will cheek ,yourself
-•the: stores "won't, be
rl and You eau .."abop *rootlet" 'Uneven .'order to
y,..;and then, the olerke .4ten't • even aurfaee after lisildng, snread-
th'el tian g1v ou'Incire '4-, ter evettay over the athlete:of the Pan.
than When'there are crowds Of pressing it well into the 'owners; and
clantoring,lor their Iselp. having the batter a. little thicker
you ' are :ty6e of. these :Clever • aneUnd the sides of the. Pen than Iti
.who inake pb4Staisz gifts; or the center; as the tendency of the cake
the oer-.of suggeet1.011. • 4 hatter:1z to' Vise More :,ta the (*Ater.
IttS ei- tow ltiests whkh than nt the sides. /f..,.estite rise*in
0. if You are a 'maker or & oonteri &t may .be due ..t6 an innwer)
likes to have an extra bag.
ar t, nnd they4re essilY made front
etck of heavy material or
t golvelPly enough.
cij�t feWela are elwaYS Weenie, anti
•COflb• som goade op of' pi.
moneitratn or pretty
- 4n• on the !end*. Even kitchen
hiva4 .te'r'Ctcelae And to give,
1,41.***hlefe, Of toUnee,, ape s good old
sny, and Make attractive efts. '
icbeon Sets are soMethingelse
to make or- colored or natural
ot lirien. tiogiit energetic people
het thing., but, there's' hardly
for that now unless you're a ' very
.ker. Drenser &mitts and table
Aillistersi tome Under this.aleacifrif,,,o, tOO.
We read about aclever Pg.; re"
SOO IOC a bride; cifike her * Sec*
your wootitie and tried re -
rat them in, a *nail, book, and
14). by Palarof Victunsa of
looking dishes. 1
a. psge In mint; for the
Oft TO** t00. much our, „.gireadirig:
take .hatter..noienir3i 1$34. or an
4heorrect 'oven teniperatato..
'Oeigree "..kefore. Putting ,the
---ci-t;at4f-the::40;74rlg-A::'t--414tgcl,-t$4 lift*
abont, eight or , tea jaehto.,ompor the
table. 04' dropped to the -table, or 1!
70lieettle4: .the Pan, ma$,'''talipeil
ebeeiVV wlth* knife. ""fhis will break
.the large alr bubbles, 4011/cit vtould
ontl,geotigketnake A coarse oalta.,' Mame
'eake--Mat 4100, be 'ea:hied by
Osing._ toe. :Much • 'tow.�r ncorrect
'bOdnit, t,,tuitiotat*let,
.00.**'.or -stistegisi;44ubbles or blister
:. may appear On: tl*top of a
..TotUit tit " too. IttAlOhl.Oilleir*.toardeir. or
tOo inUOit beet when the ealte Is .11rst
Olsoed in: theoiten.,,' bubblei .ate
formed Oki Pushed to the top, 'rheY
:may:algio vault ;trout. .4romiticient :oak.
' '
cake••04,1404 4001: the
, '41-OUr Or by too hof: an Oen,
flike-400*. may be,'.0.
bp...ushig 'too Mucli• -*our, 'Or' bY.- too
RR 'Oa 2,000 familes,
been instrtimentiiiTii'esolillehrig-iOiriiVOirteaili Inca 'or eads-otfaIV
qtyklCtfittifai settlements adjacent to the hoes of tige.istational. System.
Vitra many er the large Canadian cltles "parties Of settlers leave... for their new
homes event few days,. The photograph ,shows, ',Director
of the Railway's Colonization Department, utic to little Vela
13erkmaos who is -leaving- Montreal itb her met er,,,her five brothers and.
her bos.pusiter.,fsik, the home_ her daddy has established for them iri;Abitibi.
. „ •
much bea
'Cake 'tanning Over MaY be
doe to 4-Pan."'whiel% Is too small Or
T641fCake—Th1s.may 1,e USedr-br
not ustng. enough sugar or etkitteniott
in-proOotibiz to the flour
Hard - Crust—If - egg,-4.alitea. are not
'folded In, stiZeiently they harden; on
• top OZ the 'Cake and • form .ar-orisP
Sticking to ratia. and Removing Cake-
- Cates 'will net °a* to. the 'Peg Utile demned die On the gallows . Was dra•-
, part thoroughly greased ,and'. then inatlzed at 'cuts.eXay Bali 04 Pride;
dusted with flour. A Colddarnn cloth rtight, by; the London, Little Theatre. ,
PleOed. en -the 'bottom of the.' 'inverted. ' The, play -which was Siamiserect by
lircsonIvilerithe etren's>ake.7°12% ,tiltlhoug/riPpele&a,tten(itideltdPtoteryt Drci
moved from the pan, should he put bri wits a brimpat 34ial funetiori; a' large
rack, in .61*r 'ito:)-let 4,,,,,adr number of .the. audience attending ,ln
• 1.''."Auc"""Ider,--12t-.17/e," " formal evening. weai.. • - ,
• 81401 of the` 'oak*. Ang01,1Q°4 1111'"1" 4Trmit Pine 46 'theplay. -was ealled,
1$7Ptitlillt 40`,71.1nOreaae(L pan -very was *written iby lien Hecht a124 Chitties'
Ifghtir, turning the pan as\ the 1fl1X McArthur atxt .31,rea chosen -by the 1.Attle
tare it put in, rather than •Putet.g it Theatres players because it depicts
In All on ,one Ode andthen having to Modern vutericalr:We In a gteat'metroi.
phsh it round. Before .• the. Pon' .4.! pats, It was. directed by, Mt. Vincent
put into the oven It IS given % serkrai refty '04 .the lpitqem dery e .-raw;11
- sharp fottPS on. the. Wtonl JOr tho °Pa- credit for., presenting this difIlcult • Alsi-
:Anis, t1,0 into ale'r_011.7aure_ ,enactment.on 4 84141f stage.
' tittilea to **Oak up ,e2r PW4,,U,„1"5_, play opens v4th *Wise -crack:
caused by the nir totalag between zoo. Ing carefree rePtirtertk, all reprer.ta-
IntrionS Parts a '01° znlxture ,811 It _113 tfire$' Micago. newspapers, . listlessly
• put into the pan, When 'beloen; .,411 remang for williares; to die
i'ead should inverted 111: tile on *the gallows for the :4111413 Pt
Pon and the cake allowed toi, remain nego peigienIst. ,,t4u1 flve have . had
in the part until ,Cool.'
ded when. the egg =.0iftes Atte null' 4k)
oream tartfir,Ixi sige,fooct att'got) throughout the duration of
strengthen the cell The eat'
tire _action „ot. Abo O'rearai.o; tartar in
angel rood is to ,strenittlita the egg
lalvgehlotz' and rot act *4. s leavening
"Front' age. .
" Of Rapid Fun
1,0ilt bittag0 • newspaper Men,
bluntle.rkg,, bluffing . and • beating their
.way through ,the story- of mart con.
In many * y, the wife keeps
the buagit.aaka gbioas tileftztancoo„
a when -thisis true, in,
Over pultdegbee.knalicoam, katolliieredvienS4abi
evening, , for , "Friendship
Zpresent from. Strat-
ford, ,Seaforth and Clinton. ' • One Of
the intereStint.eventaYof the Ineetin
WAS .the presentation
once, District Deputy- President,L'.
', NOS.'
f....ither,',,installing-0111n,-...* a
beaut ul ;framed picture ,of the la.. -
.stalling Team to the Lodge.-
gi ......AseemblY... Bali. where
*aids were played, Mrs. Albert Bark-
er 4214,Mrs. W. Doak being. the whi-
ners, and Zig .Elsie Elder winner of
,•the tonsolation...prize. • -
'Aftercards a dainty • lunch was,
Served' by the refreshment committed
of whieh, Mrs, C. Cat. is convener. ,
(continued from page:1.)
especially important for seaport
towns, Mrs. Ernst said.. They supply
'wards and homes for men.. She 4ahl,
that 1.000 --Christmas 'dinners, vote
served last year to sailors who were'
a -,great distance from their homes...
The Order now has an endowment,
fund, which will be left for "future
chapters to carry on their. work With.
The objective of this is $200)000
and the amount now stands .at ;SO,
The work, in India is another
int -
portant feature of the 'I. • E.
work, the Speaker said, There is one
chapter there, he told the ladies, and
the first regent weir a native wohuth.
That chapter established a' sehoot
there 'which • all. classes, of people
could attend and where they colild
the 4441 and they are somewhat Put ,learn What the British Empire Meant
out 4?e,ea:,ase ttio*beeutiert has been set, to their country. Canada .luta pledged
for seven a.m. and the rnust' walt for $15,000 to what is kniiwn. as t.t.e
Itie order Science Wing Fund : establish _A
.hargitigjin to be.ablie Memorial School in India in memory13.10ture of the 'cGtKietd1414
last Iraeritt Ort etrat. .of 'the native regent of the original
!The' bffilighlt otriet more diatt chapter
i'ryognineante, 1 -et. a on t* election r an bringing her address to 'a close,
it but a few days' away and. the returis
to power of both 'the mayor .and the
'vote, which -will be obtained as* result
of the death oentince. •
The central" Atm* of the ..Play freaks:
'Into Abe 4011 'Avlind 041.1, Johnson' or
the ,Tierald , conies tato tlia
Presa 000in at the fkiniirsal Courts
Building entl, announces that the de 11*11
wasIV With the *Vie racket, that
iMatiied-Atla 1 Wag-
settie down at ‘111; t060:' ViArtetAtant 101 in
Nevt Yotlt,„ oloWefer, the ainell. oX
printers atiea the' thrill or
"scoop" ha **tenter grip on 4ohnson
than he WW1* and,Ise As soon boot on
the .10k and Ais*Ing ,OVOloglet.,"to.-bit
ride-to‘be for )tigephig bor. !WO*.
Whet( W1ThWuiz Inakes his ispetaway
Iron the death 64, •,lobbeon rtght
;there with hie storr *n4,4* lima* getgg
the ..**hresik'" of hk Ittateer when *Sorb
trio to. bide nthe pre ot room.,
Mrs.„ Ernst spoke �f the Effipitt •
*study and urged the -women to bet!
leehie well *formed as to conditions
throughout the Emike. • 44We . must
forget ourselves in our .serVice to
others," she said; "and. I would, like ,;tto
the •
feet that e women of thelnipergal
'Order a.the Daughtera of tht Em-
pire• are the best informed itt he
World."' • -
Mrs. Ernst administered the oith
,whi*hAvas,taken by the regent:of the
ihiPter,Vits;."0.'te Catipitelt; and The
charter was presented. •
Mrs. 'Campbelf expressed' pleasure
• at having the regent, Mrs.- D. X. Lane
and other members of the Ahmoek
Chapter present for the afternoon.
011.•determined to get an exeltItive atOtY
of the jafl break and of 'William's .1 'id-
.ing aids the condemned Mit by getting
him itt uader the tow ! a U40.14)11.4
the press zoom. Ile. stall*
the other Obetta off for * lore time
12 intended mothlio-4ta4W„Who
bu raterred solos pretty roughtflost4
zne�lt a result ot tbe Hccl1s attice
A quiet bit literesting • wedding
was solemnized at the rectory of St.-
I'eter's Anglican .Church,..Lucluitivr,
at. 2.00 p.m: on Saturday •November
7th, when Miss Gladys Alma Free,
RN; Dungannon, daughter of Mrs.
Free and the late George. Free, was
.united in, the 'bonds of, holy matri-
mony to Neil Lester McDonald -of
Latigside, The -bride, who' was t -t
tended by .her, Mrs. Or-
ville Free of Dungannon, . was very
charming in a gown of violet chiffon
velvet. .,She carried a bouquet of Jo-
hanna Rill roses. The ,bridegroom
was supported by his brother, Wm,
MeDonaldz. Rev. J. H. Geoghegan, rec-
tor of St; Paul's Anglican .Church,
Dungannon, of. whielr the bride was ct
'valued Member, *as the of4ciatg
clergyman. Mr. and Mrs. McDonald
left by ;motor iinunadiateli, after the
ceremony on a short honeymoon, the
bride donning,. for travelling a seal
,coati..allvtlitone--hat and black acces-
sories. On their return they will re -
"side on the bridegroom's -farm al
Langsido.. 'Hosts of *lenti. here lina
elsewhere ,join in extending congrit-
tulations. •
The home of *Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
DayMan, Kippen, was the scene of a
pretty wedding' when their only
,driughtey Ileatrice Elizabeth; was
Colborne, sortqd Mr. and Mrs: Alex,
Colborne of, Goderich,
Rev. E. re- chanatii. of St. An
drews Unit -e& "Church, Kippen,
ciated. The ceremony tookplace-
high noon.' .
--The charming-bride,entered
• "th ofd
TOond Oil anti 4 e father an
took her place beneath an arch, of
evergreen decorated with a large
White bell and firm!, to the strains
cif Tiohengrin's Wedding. march, -play-
ed by her cousin, Miss Verna Squire
of Exetor. . , •
The bride wore a Tieing& chiffon
-velvet Annie frock trimmed -with -sit
vo; a matching tiirban Withnose
veil, and Aver slippers, .eemideted
her tostunie: The bridal -couple were
The extra ho it ays' given 0 sc !ro
chirdreit.-of --Ifolinesville-will soon bltr.--
over, Dr. J. B. Whitely, the Medieul.
'Officer of Health. stating eat- the .
scarlet lever e ideirtie is practically
over, although there were , 38 cases, ,
11 of which wen, adults.
Services in the churches will also
be resumed and .everything, will be in
Proper 'shape at the Township for
the municipal nominations -on Noveni-
ber 21th. •
fry 15 14:5-"'" tot
E 145
1,1 frtr.
R -moo
woottoo, who cloth*
bog/lustful well kept
furst4tutto., „Vaelt•of
Coosdiatt houses
WI*** trio proven
the wail* of win
thte. wetWatow
1,0oilw polish; 0.$
Fallowing the ceremony- the bridet
itid.-groOna led 'Ole' way to the din-
ing room which was, beautifult
cora*" room, which
gad with white.
The table was centred with the
brides ,oilke apci a Abet vast or yel-
low 'mums. Guest* numbering about
twenty sat down to * sumptuous
turkey dinner, served by three girl
friends •.of the, bride, brisk Gladys
Zarrot, Mies Edna Dikymati and .hfifti
The - bride '1;*At t tee) p'ieat' ef
many besuflful gifts, *moor lrlitoh'
were several lefiltplea* T b e
gift to the bride*** *
g sihrer bracelet, and to the
'bon, bon Ately.'.7---
weddineMr. and Mrs
Colborn idt amid a shower of eon-
otti and goodwiihee for an attend.,
colzip to *Antal* Windsor • an
The ,bride's therein* area,
Pittee red *oat suit." Shi
for veatt tribtor 104. 04
brown eceezorIee to match..
" thcy will
onePk that Is good
liked by
yo and *stilted by
3rt. l