The Goderich Star, 1936-09-24, Page 41tdinan�se r cent. In s' 004 for f004, tes, he s*i4. bybe•Ontsilo. SA r10*.ad1ed..grive :of roil ith& higher of lowerfiit. cOntent 0 figur.d at about a,.1)0110';'from tbe $2.10 standard. .11t, V*700404.price 1* reiee4; ?the:. 24c prlce of mflkto the consumer would, 21c neeexsarlly' Jump, a Mr. 4,4441M114. :ot prepared to say whetber es could'sin-inilk at 1e35 t.. A 1. i...A.,, : , ),71k114' '''', ,,, ,rav i... r** .... . .**nt.J-441,,,,4,-- - Olts.-„,,,;*;.,...r' ' 4 ,,•..,,,,' :„:._.,,' . .ng',13.arley,., .,..,: ittetilt htitedaternoon when, the thouie too fire, o11cAfl( *n •02c e'pIos1on. T. -M1_14* 45W1ttwere worklng on tb o the () house wltti a' ,torc •-the flsrne «roni egute4004,Milk- reufo,....R.., Clarke,secretary -"--441.14futrOUtarhs 'Whole League, :' saidon Monday an 417.. _increase of. 406 sk: hundred,. htin cost of milkwill be producers are..10get rodution this: Winter, of the. 6.6 ,r4e0r;.4rought pastureand ' crotil, has re tile" the outer wa boeeeee-* 41 W. Rinto *e. were smnt In; Aaren accumulaUoii of. th for, 44 '40141m the plaster off, the rlIe .nstigs, the blota CLTLTURAJ APP 10 varctiei nam LwAlt04- anit11; Wo -3, Georga Uitimate, 1.1011; 4444Orti' 2 sonmer or fall, and 4 Winter:, Mt*, •Snittlit Go. . ,4, voralte, 3. W. SmlkeId. Duebcss of Oldenburg, Geo Laithwaite, Alexander and Wolf oare4 Geo. • Laithwaite, 3.'W. Salkeld, .14014toli Red, 3. W. Salkeld,, Mre. . :Smith; Montgomery, 01,0=0 Laithwaite. Wealthy.; go. Smith, Wan PtiP010)..'•, 030, , 'Ultimata, 'Grimea Golden,Geo. Lithwaite; King of 'Tompkins. County, „_-'''tfontionferr, • Crati. botrY OPPin,.• Oeilkeld;. "$1*.R. Montgomery. Wagner, Wagner, Sillfel4 George ,01 „. Rhode Is1snd cotkitn101r. '• oe mit , -W. Salkeld. American.Gol- orktgoMery... Ontario, Geo. L*ith- -waite, .8alkakt. *Iowans* tO mio lontgomery,,, ern Spy, 3. W. Salkeld, '11. R. Mont- 'Montgoniery. Blenheiin Oranig Pippin, Mrs.,Sinith; 040...U10101 Stark, John Sowerhy; . Smith North Geo.- Laithwaite,- J... -W. ,1:0041ey„ •Slowerby;•3. '441.1ce14., Velicione, .11rs, Smith, t.eitliwititar'SalOrnerMrs. Smith, John ''S0*.fet'Sri Crab, . Mph .Smith, 'N. Carter. quinces, D. Sproul., •Spe- cial, ' hest clispla,Y of',..pecke4.'opplest, *heft atideintoish,•.sited, in, a,. gen inera,.. first; and third:Irises by G. LiithWaltalk Mr,04.4' ratiti Laith- waite4; .4 -; ,1%A:RIS , Laitbwaite. 3 varieties,-- named, 4,'Of each: . Geo., Laithwaite, J., V. Salkeld. Bartlett, 3. Salkeld. G. Laithwaite. .Duchosa 4*,Angoineme, 3. Salkeld, 0* Laithwaite. Louise 'Bonne .de Jersey, 3. Soliferby, 14.:140, .Carter. lieurrei Anjou*, P** Barker, Mrs. '.1t;""' Stone! bowie - Beurre Bose, Geo.. Leib - Waite. Sheldon,* Mrs 4 Stonehouse entre. Cisierireqn; Laithwaite, Mrs.*W.41.'""Trembliy.' Ilewell.;;Geop LaithWeite,".*- N. • Young... -Seekel* F. 'Barker, G. Clarke* .Psivi, G. Laithwaite* Lawrence* ;$".... W. 7,1.iwtlite7f,i_lts,0004.144.1fle, rm. otaiialats# 'PEACIO Yount... 0 01, •ram• beara and over, kaLving' . ::- eliestrung- , And* ali br 3. R. * O. Shear* and Rmi) 'Sfreet United church was graceful/y decorated with autumn floviere and ferneto Make a .Perfect setting for , the- interesting wedding whieh took place there on. Wednee , Pining* at 0.80, when PO; ane unittfed marriage* Edith Prt4de to 'lie eVIdtbeztthethie late sso,,TA„ Joseph on, All . anti rs. French oti The iiitathiS SO 'Ouch la.appearance_ and;warnith to Our; Winter''Cbat, • Just look at: the variety of trbn Iti out 04-1 ' ' , ,1 . , . 1,and :notched collars—.All on fine all -wool fabrics '10:•blite broVin , treeit navy and tile 'any of these aii'half chamois infirtinings. ° , ,.. . Enrrini;t1 WirthSt 409Ar, .over ittered etllettenteohdry7edini3'*InriA,01•879171.vin'tvt4tni:::::tter:07'ili4,11119:436:31.: V", yeaf 014 and over,'11* g lit-' 6Y.A..'"Warner. Grades—no Awe. * owe _IBIBTreTiosot; *ow, andover, having litter -in; 1036,-14440M, 'wore ,White 4 NeW, 11#4sed In 1920.t. Samuel, pe and carried a Shower bouquet of Alton.. brudgJoanna Ma roses vidth*, gyps:v*41104 * ..SCHOO lap Igulestneuk-tfiss Cranstc. 1:1M0, • midnight, Wire 11I velvet with is kar. a arm 01 11 045, 49 ti wedding mareb R. F. Player,. ng white satin gown 'ket,`„the, trL P.' R.. Ir. . ex t• MrL R- * Washington, . l$t on epenith4 a ,003ip7le*ft6tr'reit4:ks 1A'It°77ethet' after 1°4 , Prof. ugy4 _ ,7ouple o!1,40,,_ , returned to ' 'Me._ aim' Veri-dIns to, uined 44,,,,,•outefoTrnro,71:400 3YetiloayTt, oda snd her Mise Xsqbel Ekt, of Exeterevent the week-end.vhigng Mis. R."*OtOinner. Burris. of ea:vent taio* and tamer 13arileld. 03,ysician„, and., hti fiend, .Frank 13arelOo, at 'Toronto, pit tlie' welt -end at the,homo ef mrs, . • In Doeskin, Wocijk In Blue, Black, Pa* or • Maroon, a 1 s o :Fancy, Plaids and ,S*ay Back Styles. RI ' lister �f the groom, worn dress �f • me' Helen$144344' Peter Pat-•41PlIers. and oa rooeta, tosoni Ruth Allison. 1st owe: Don- .T0ses4o...,Littia,11,045::Ate, / Cranston, aid' Carrick' 3une.•:134.0ehieri 2-yearto1r1- daughter of Mr* and Mii. 4010 Znd aserdwhi•Bennett, M1vi1leOE'anston, * '4i.iCYel ow 111an elenxGriilcharming' atoi,gleerorc- a e19ialluue o or primary, atom( lielen-bre*",- atricia Church, Dorothy Brad- ley.et Class.; drawing and coloring with crayons, JO,yee 004404- per glindeireel);:-#4444' Thomas( -mount ,Toyce_, trodden,. Bruce ,MatOcinet4 *2nd Class:. . Zdwin.',..Bennett, 1.illian Iesifin; Slily Littleallild';',Ilow-. er ,s Edwin 'Bennett, Donald Donald Ainslie* Billy Littlechild. Class: 'Design for linoleum, DarbaraForrester, G. Johnston, Donald:, Virilliarres, 'Health pinAera. dlarty.,Iirallsell;131faxint 41ronr Tolinshtinr 'Naas,Willows, Muriel ___Leite. Motruseign--„focigiok cove1,7--kian Bowins,n, °` James 'Mime* 'Why Wil- lis; Health Vostere Min) Do11114 lielohrhig;„; Joan insg" ion ate paper, 001011 Toquest Turbans and Swooping ,tilitrisi wfth the height mi.pointed cisOIVIAS Arid towering the stay of new millinery fashions./ Moor&s Diamond Walden,. waite, 3. Salkeld. No. 4, wan, todger's No. 4, G. Lalthwaite, J. &ROM. Belem Rodger' taithilialte... Niagara, G. laithwiite, 3„,..4noltkittmtristititt*tit Wel* R. ,Winter., Laithwaite, 3. &Huta Wyoming ,#efil Laitharalte. * ' audgise-4410, 'Stay:fit Middleton; 3. e414114.'• Shorthorn (pureberd)t bull 2 yrs., old ',and upward„ C. R. M. Peckl,hull, 1 yr. old: A. Gaunt, W. C. 'Ositrisclier, 'bun* undo t year. W. C. Oestrachert A. "ileunt, Roy ,Pepper; cow Inv calf or giving milk A..-Gatint, W:C*. Oat”' Wier* 2 yrs* Gaunt, er, 1 yr. old,W. C.** liar 1141lat and 2n4, W.4 ortt 11 rodrisine, Olmston, Riitb-Cornfield. • Ord .01,1204.: iermatt ;oat and wine bat, 4100, ana, outgo, Ray.X0154:04 0 rushey,* 4th class •"4'44 Mis. Granston.wilI reside relief mop, ..00200 'no saw in Gaderich in --the trole xi-40nm and Ittith)Comill or mri.,--reatrrti'doto wittleavo• ***tit Jack '1:.(owardo alsO Wastavn 1. versity, was uzher T, purino 'the signing of the register, ••,„ 4ocononi.lid by liase-Apee.„:041., Ruth Potter; ,addresses 44, 246361:6i'V,., ribisieyt„:4$4,0411' $09t.4? *.$4961ttath • lespe, of 'countrY4, on ,.,w4onesoy, tuoy, ootter orAry Jeri* laughter pro- returrod to their hcane ,.Moorn Plea- voicing reading' to. the two Sung on, sent heoh;, ' 10* and -Mrs* la*. and Mr and . 411 g r Wind- ,an and kistrumehtel stun )4'''''Isfiesee G. Priltk.'-hr: tor.70::411a2;):. av:11re pre - t Mr.'114401,40ottat° ita .1,Ziand tears; '14$74r61:165'716r.':" t)it:•lioltrrriedejegellt Ona t U. litilx•allItanie :',L6e.Pli: 1°:4171.;* ;Clilt13;;.,tfess..be;'-11fthee urs the' ad4ressi'v/ ' A, 'gentle plate ,With idve And .10;tig1ter '-1.(615 Jack M4X.e4n, etW11147. •met • wiat: an.*Erailf—IrMige oteclan,cute,21 of Varna, .10rt the ,,.cltoSben, ran into 'mr. west' .0 oeng •distance; thought he ted1tune to turn ino eetet3r; but the onpnnblfroar',,ima. travail -1'0' at tile -174e weetly, "1 Love- ut sixty. milesan hour. Mr. cllark. the' reception at the bil40'4; ivas'.0$4,About. ,ten miles' an *Alt and )191116, • 1, '44(116 received : 00; ZIONC0n's 'ear full on the 4k14, akes- ets, work* , rust crePe._ witb inLit to turn Ovi:t three or lour times. h'OVifrand corsag1,$r„ mcxe-On'is"cli7ws—sTai*---M'.11504i1 'Of carnations; !and Mrs*. OramitOu repo' and he oipttirted '‘Itorieeri about •were.,bleolc.:crept., :oogiment-A mings IOW Shonlder bOUT1°t of Oar' 111.5 ear, -wi. a13114 nf vondsoe, nOtiOns.'•,'",, The "house r,.0.1abptitte*: viost ...a istivithiere;. 7ond 7401/0; l'aXge::•At it was thought,' 'that .zslis.s.';shon: white,:: bell VAS' •ospenileck.oyai 'the ...Iva ;Very bUtiste*.te-4 stable immediately above, the.•Wedding. ''.perfs say" her injurtes,;•are not 'of • AU& e.,„arhiOli. centred, the :,table; MI33: Aerial* nitri; ,*tetoi nnd decorated Pin And. .:euitered.•conslderable pain mt•Masheli4nd Milie„PhOlbt Jewell, ;m85,6111111 were token to Ws, 'chiair5,is ,eonishm df the ,i_IirAd‘--210rved 4he'-hotite-L.1,TbeeildeearAirj-0*** ear , •qUesta; . • ' ' was •rn 9 an one ked linine4iitte*,-,_-after the wedding IA, .110 ,the octupants,- Mr.! and Uri Isreakrastr-th-e).--1444-4,-"4. gm°16 left Jolsar;._end_dalighter, escftped gadth allght * motorIrip, the bride wearing a' seratehie, the ',10,oehen, whiiii717into Inte27.• not all And ove is: net Au gladness,.-whjeh ---- 'prayer -z-'--- Om keep forever. 'Oft with: falterZfr " • • feet— 'Thera 'Mil -be heavy burdans..70 *Lust beef— * $30.strogthen you v4ienlove. • . God , hoidryou fast *ben ditopPOintinentk ' . • ely, slds gew+Liiiiettand-troubre-hrair And shou",, nye; • tboUgli.., gortyne : fades -and- Atq ; .be wl.tb.4ou, if you're brave or , heart; , �cxvewffl teroilp if. you :hrCit,,, sto*; • - w 7011 -But never let spangs, shot taffeta- dreier grey- 'cirrlif,ur the sovy ittakea a nasty • oattar. and a slight--eievation I the ground sernewhat Obseurei the VisiOn• 'AirotoristeattOuld caXital to inky this 'scribbler* -Drwh & ;for Undo; ere she:will-nutke,,her Scott. o k 0erl 140144 hone Ifithlitir '03014' ;4'Oei, who is 'at- (*MOJA tending '` Y ."' Dangle* Little, dilated Leitch; 4th 'else*, 'work ectibbIer trelert*,Thon!as, Ruth earn- field,,VOnna Mobring ppecial,by 0. " and ' Second clase, beef0. 0. M. work soillAger, boys Donald: CP3114,1' pitroort first a *aeon& elms*, laIS;1q4ot., work scribbler, girl** Vane I4eitlia'filto (sp�elal); atti 0014 4th" chis*r, /hest 14 C4., teribbler,boys Morley.ploom- field oris0)1 $rd And *4-tla beet . work scrlbbler, (eau 1). Together you nust Journey ittn'41°wn the- -; mor, wlth bls grandparents, Rev. and klal52111):lrs*,/Parke.et frreAlmFthec:;appreclation of her' 1:4*:'011;%";Ihrlervit.1342:4111m: ti*cr - -- - ______ - happily, thnkhig them and expressing' - was aerved and the gatberigeP,s& by 4thelr ,appreclation 0!- the gifts. Lunch 112g1nt ,'"rbe Blacks, at4 Jolly' ood reiloval,"" Was held at tbe Mtitland`'GoU Omni:last Setords4 sittatitOono ,Pite We-4*r talied to' induce more then four or Ave thuisomes ieutsotre.* arin,0401Viort.17:00.03000,104teet. ttop-arnitsitt:vie. ticoarbt.i, roiigh hu,ibsen raised to the On 6atur- d�3' be made firellitir itaole In one stroke. is a, 14:orti• drive onit the 'shotteat on U he .3strik, A4 V, 1tOg !UM. :iottendsott Ms* WO alr*lvreit 190/1Wen*. at4 *try potion on OlOndeg. Ourriel „Were takeion. 4111stent *Militia4, 440404 hi Int been inatillatt 414 * new Vallodsal bunt *A Ohlitite, hie *ter, bon* :.-tar Grace .tilake of,. Arlon* , 'spent :the: week end with, her parent** MisS, Olive Slake who had been visiting Motives at Varna 'end 404forth, *co, 'conipanied* her home. ._, • Miu Olive Kilpatrick was 'home from Atwood for , the week end. Ur. and 31r0...Walter -Soo*, West*, flea, were guest* 'of Mr. and 1.1.re. Normim Sheokletouiover Studay. 'Or* 13111. Stotheri who liat been for toteral weikii.at the toterotre. notton# re turned %o London with Vraher* Mt; 3. C. Stothere on Sunday. Bia health is ,gradually nroving. It 11 bopedthe thange will further has-'" • ten his recovery. HOPlaa.V41:411- .,11e4/ti. *la Mrs; Herbert VP*, .0t ; 'Toronto,* hate :•heen' VeSinge 6.,felvt.days. with the hit.% :tea parent, Itteir. end 'Ailtsi Herbert;- MrL • Burrowa, of OOderichi spent the week -end With WS,' G. Youngstilute 'Mr. and litre. Er.,. Preentett, ,Of Wein, sato arr. and Mrs. 4, Cook and rdeughtero of LeebUril, lialt0 on Monday With Itr, T. 3. Pbter. • • .-. • • Ur.: and. COW; 1/0-061114n,' ;dotted T'en Sunday with mr. And: ..;.'141.3* There* Pudmore has returned froTit epending the suinmer at (*And . The Y.P.U. ,fin.kriday 0=14 Was hi. Ur, Cooper, of Meattohe; tits** been charge . . charge Of litW CIO 'Whitmore' end Urs. . *Salting -his slater, )aire, - Albert : .16ondi IL Gilitti Mil ViitinOit oconiiiiog the *hese btioath U. 4ThArteriott, . 'di*. At*, Singing the opening 'hymn *gat tkir.ed ' 'gee, with Frank i and air,, traitor; led in onion, Ur. "Norman 13*ek,, mote * few de.Ye' in, Toronto*. 11t.' .., .,._ _ Trews:rant reed . the : eeriltare lesser. tending the Wedding 01 the .fepteee - , 'otter -sad- - 1 1 1 . . ' . Whilitth aft.: ' v the last meeting., Mia. T. ;Clutiptitil ' Uri. Win: Ite0 bit Visiting' it . . Zeid **levy lactating story entitled, letirkham„, ' . ,illThe elliatli 100 the ' heart's &most," .0,trs, W. ti„ Hewitt, Of *forth moy,was- anise./ othitis 'no/004A and Viola '0114:1 e;24tent ittl,t Of titt, And 'UM' 1), 'Olid-- dini favored the audience . Wit ll. a duet, don. %Tow beauttAll Hatratt must he." `mon Mrs. Orville 0.o.does is Much improved, 10. wit* woo etmg, tikt the cloli of Y. P. Her friends friends will he , 0***14' to * her ,. a -*err ''P]essalit- etetiltIt !et*: &Pent *bout again a* *bon as 'she Is Oa* te4 10:101 raembeiz Of the 0034reitetiOri and "corsreci* whlch they Itruit Will be l'ert ttreatemt their best 'shortly, nertng tunk hi this sm*rt Sport ttes • Sletv ttesses for Pafl Wear,. Sties 14 to O. t )o- •INAWBERt'',.' • sa1ISuits. sound tailoring I lty vt,isavesp ve standtnt values. „,. The bowel eompleints o *Waren ,11111.-Irret nhnt allilat 010 hot *mine* mottle when diarrhea, dysentery; *tone; clioloit,- d61r and Other - !mauler tom ts nienif t themselves, and the., 4414.114'-lkitkORN, Z-3 a ,,i. , 0 ' 1 bowel$ '*o aa to foot; so trouble. All mothers, theuld keep O bottle of Dr. I'verlerte, Extrae1 , Wil Btrawberr7 haa4r.. in ease of ......„,.. 'le we eira-there 'iii'ao--reete effectual . reare4y. *domed by thousands of Canadiau r motliera daring the past 00. eirt,' ' Do, not i" ,