The Goderich Star, 1936-09-24, Page 1round* on WmeOillek' n Induntrial .ExliThi tertainment ;had -inlet : neaday, afternoon."people, inencing1y. ..tott* e),4 drenehed the 40UP; was filled for Tuesday nigh *ville Comp**. 'ttVelnelY pou - Amerry neas, the Pent bootb .presence of t Wednesday eitrtiect of hoi with va 4trAnt!OintV. -.,-Ooderich and ..istougnii: .101 Makle • P.1,NY,Pd., to one' the -it' 014 center, tatting. --,01teitte of tho, afternoon, icxederich', wow iwo. pull8. The tearitie ere CoMpeestt as 'folki*st GOderith,' Oech. ikaconi;.,040tain),,v;.'Pio0Eievli. fliftMeni. G. WunihY. W. SheardoWn, Bert"-:,,IIX1/10. and 41tel. ffarhoitriT **oho*. Goderich Township: vig. gington,- H. voicing, • vonngo,. Orr, :}L lraharn; 'red Tayl�r,. captain, ,Goderich-wining in two strateit 4114Wed, the/420 ietaiii theMOCreath •.Cu. The winners admitted that they ..had never. 01144 against a Wither election' 00 Oct 040zt „Vont,. ott veior oI the jail, sv-identbr In Inoti' leo worried tha he id on nradar *Imo he *0* peared beforeMagistrate htakiirk4 CroWn Attorney' D1 E. HoIntes ex r .ript.V v6orpror.. .• 4 4 The ", parade .Of' the 'livestock .an - in'teresting event'Which; itieludetr, perform Once ,; by . two 'trained oxen' - vbfeb, 'guided only 4, the the driVer, - pulled. ,,a*, large • r-40.15-41ong+-the4rIciciere,-,Were---a-- „jarge number of ',Oattlezirithe.4)aride.,: The Robert. MacKay MemoriaI pic- nic fuhd was ;this year used to ithi-ebildren of the public scheols en, trance to the fair. grounda,Each of . the 600 children was ',Oren: in -Ice treant.00pe and a ride on the *lorry - ._he exhibit*, were, ‘-ef: 'hig• h tions, although .the nainber of grain . ex 'to' Tiltit **Der than last. year.. The shokiriit a cattle, -horses', Bheep and ,eWine,, wass.,xell to the .average of other .1,rearli, Robert William* of Ooderich, wen' firet ,prize of in the drAivi 11014 by the. Goderich Musical ,Society 134#.41, 11,144-rnt4,,I*1: insurance man. won :second; prize of 4104 J. Annitt, third. -0110; $15.4._ Park- er, 17tringham,'„foUrth, $4., and J. .Lil- Iey, Seaforth,' *24 -fifth prize. Mayor Mac EIven, conducted the ,draw from 'the platform and Mrs. J. E. truckins; wife of the bandfgaster, drew .01, lucky ,ticketz. - The results of the races were: „ * * wet Atolls 'Matto; J. (latotskr* .StratfOrd, 04044 •:.• • • icon W. 'Vomiter, Dr. *41,...as.* Ruth 'Peters, ,,/,111to, -1 Jan* Ooderioli, Royal Direet;- • Atc.Thtii „..„..,„. .. - '4 Time: 12:40% 444 Beini Whitely, itardety Oliver Whitely Davy Direct, , now, Shelton Babe Waken, L. W Ouy, 43e:14*th, 3iSlf . trait° 2114, tit& 44; 914. - vut fowers, F. &ricer, ` Mrs. R. $tonebottse; &bliss 4' varie4 • 1" Bilowri‘ Mrs Trem-blay; dahlias ' g varieties o Barker, 1-4011Attettoi- of salpiglossis, Airs. Treni. bley, ' ' Plume, 'on I Irow. 'Steins, Kra. Howrie, Mrs. a'renibla 4 co S. Winitle. uk; zin- get, , Tremblay • emblavi gladiolus, • Edwards, ,4"spikes, • Mrs, IL, •:spike, • tclWarcht; • ,eri„;:;441 single •Ponei fable •,hes, 1. Ztoneho F. Barker 1arkspur tie; 4 „or Aednin coroner WiUghim, Genii* of '*goderich,: Irtia called, D. 04110w. 1143 Orftereia- 4 ,h4rk to ;be emponelledal- theugh the' date otrog inquest " not s yet -known. af Polies Alien pT IV/ugh= and counts' Constable n of Ooderich investigated the abeiden . ..salem cherry tree,- N. Carter, , D. iSprotil;-; calendula, -1.2; Edwards Trenib •'.4400tong -teigonigg; Barker' oXeolithi. Nrs..:TreMb, 101' E. M. Living- stone,G. .be, ,itionia,-'.neither ex nor tuberous, Dr. 1Greir, Wmd een;.: fern, not asp**. agia'Thi, Wm: Gen,re. Tremb- house plant in .$10.*er,,11. Bark- er, *Ire. 1/0ivrie;'.hOnse 'foli- age, . age, Wm. Bolton; G, P. Gould; hang- ing, basket,. - Gould, nOW.P. ..,e'ole.ue, .0 Gould, F. ;Barker; novelty:- pet plants, F. parker, G. , •- JuIges-4Mra 3. C. Stewart, Dr. , . • :P1$0. mtts Paintings Oila professional; 'Iandeeene;.lifisa•Lo 'Grant,. Mrs; J, A. Miller' marine. 'Zee L. Grant; ,ani. water- colors,Miss LZ Grant. ptoestioludir, landscape, log: al,' Ifte; j. A. mino,.igigg L. Grant; incRigoapi, .2ctaring-anct :tio-ogigi. Mist L. Grant, first In eael;1. Painting* In oils, amateur: landacitx Miss E. M. Wilutitone; flowireV1, .,144 • ;to, 14; 'Livingstone, Dr. thieret.',. AM* wat- er 'colors, amitetto,* M. *itone,:iiret 111.1)aeht Praikialltial or Original,r4 eQPI: any 'sub- aiyoit„ and pen and Ink, Miss L. -Grant, first in '',both; **hile.eto moil, 'Miss le, M. Ltviziotone, miss, L. ,Orant, Painting 64 hina, *11 to be &O.' old fittished:; 'tined place, conventional, 'Ora** Dr. Grieve; Angle fiersti,-. Miss ,E. M. LivIngitteue, Mitt Grant;- a. cup awl.' tanners., 3044, 3; 1Low1e, , m Livinggiongt tilatea TO- math; frPr4Grieve.' Photograph: of iiiitatettir -photographs_ Miss. gine' Miss A. Wurtele Mier S.• tidgeolis 'Ataryvtliovrellif -Mrs, 'Adelaide. tliOti Mite- • 1410Tellaugh., — — A4111X01111/1MALF'afl wheat, „Alt* for red or alti* Ur: Trxteiutiort M. Rader; *Pring Wheat, any variety: M. Rader,, H. 'Titerimerry: barley, Rader, tertle• peas, :vet. Rader; . 'et ,iinte, any variety: Mrs. .041tar',..11Orifig,__SaM, Alton; timothy4444- 'Alton, T. M. Snowden; white beans, Carter; IX. Trainntier., red pian if. . man - olds, White: ntgonfory, • t4n,r*--,;swede turnips,- Wni. Bolton, N. Ta,.,C,Aiter; any Allan Bettlk4John 'Sowerby; .rgeatpumpkin, -N., 14: ;Carter',H. A tier; squash, Ocalt and -.best-eta*/ a field torn. A. ta 8t1. Brigg'a eeed, M. 1444 gala (lei bideed. There was a ltinonga 466le h trueottielx Sg* Annie Whittei -Ann or ()digCounty' ktri- the pitles' but every "ruddy tate she has be ore & Warm, frieodliteilkile, which could and she's he1p but ',eationatAitiek".,T The fair, alth�ugfinot as. lisisle:ai 14.t. "entered high achool, - will be in tjiere .-ears, was well patronlzed and the, 4***,-.' and,will probably string mor tie'orvia,aiiitgoc.*)**coelletitt'''.10ch' aeroaa'fhiariheit,','Ifie!'..hrOther ' P*'en'. 14146 0,14d0q* Telr14 jert4(.404,1)11110teln't11.4 .,A4e'pow ;',opeakio:riH eouteef the d PtilL tha, ,igoOds Match and the -ineti-unitiitat thisyear for „the: Jiitltrinectiate '.,boya4 ene '-VrOnld thinIcint4.-oult;.juat, .444 enviable spew4g..mat* On* 0", Other -14** ' etie,.40Corda..;40,Jhe: neheol ..y!11/ • their'ichool'Oareem, stood 111),,end, .41106 be competitio-n this Year. ike-ligh,tnIng Beth ordn as tor ...They..arellurito.14nogensikto.vito.le 'relative; dietaphone - • now at riailirarY headquarters -,in. IA011- ,4 .warm sun' Oct 41014104 aktO made {Ion, and 4iin Ooriotkiat OtrOng threat the d# an etcloyable one for 'hot?, 4PeP- to other school*. it last year's ,county' tators and exhibitors. • , meet *, grm la milting in Tibbilen (Lt of winners wUl appear 'next llordware *tore this year: ,t0 r 11Ads . and was the title gliten'lask:Priday evening In the lecture rocen 01 Knox church:1)y the Boye,0844. iOnark,,..Club,. under the .direction 01 'their leader, Kiast *llth taYlor.:, tile egroin:4- was ;a varied one ,ond . Com. Melee& *with the -"A kiaPital -tship for an .Ocean Trip!' by -Dan: WA- ter;:tiobert Matt aleil.*Thompson;o0roxit 'Johnston. Pat Zone and lint twitict was • followed by .selectietie ott '.146wir hope by Prank Voting, Mtrold Deer, "eant,iatobort and 'Ward Barry i 40.4 •xmpa1i1e4 by Mrs. Oirvirt Voimg. under *whose direction the boys 'were trained. A piano duet. Was. *Wen. well by Din *Walter, and. Mr. IA*4. 'vlittaituanr" Was: All _,Itng4tious number Well „done- by* fttila Plrikbarn, Vot Douglas Orr, Bott gibbinattat and its,roki Doer,'ln whicif::they polled. IS oFaith, FPO "The Three P,'Ates" and 1.41ors#0..” Was -Sung, *Thin NW- - oo-slitinCe lovrett-b$ a,-,vloitli'ealo by Robert ill* viakere Jim Pirtorniiiikte on stilts executed by Bob Bodkin, and out Walt*. A guitar " and .plen0.! duet. was .pleesingly rendered -. Abell' Atid Citing Johnston. ' °Ana , OW* -PhotOgre..pli Albuin'* brought the Tatgrani to .* close. Miss „• Taylor as "Aunt' Belle in *kb'. time Cost!.une, turned the leomit 01 her !ittthinu,..the Oicoss_sooearktg in Irving -01,0-! owed on the Platfonit; It wu * clever and ,hunfouou.s prognigoon. The boys taking Rail Were in the Order Of their opearanott Pinklianit „gut John- ston, 1.1ack. titer& Johns litonel,,Ougaiertsoni-eud--Johnatour.Atsent igeboilt sendr inne, Nell ThomPs-on. young, ..air*"Abell, rl Bogle, DellelaS Ofti Oat Vane, Varold Deer, Wird Barry, Nil Duckkorth, Robt. Bisset 304k-Dileketortit-1/0tigktt --tfatDotial *nerd '1'neitilieono Frank Toung. Seri tit. t. 'Wardle* Paylor 'was thalrman in the Ow** e.7121:W. arsyW *Tiee *AU Ovine and 'Mrs. ,,Ciirvirt Iefing -musleal 'niunbei*. 'There viks good it.: 4 -nor, of Colborne Township' , Were (Wiring from '00dericli. north ,ot &deer& on Tuesday night. When their bis Was struck by a Car driven by D. nell. The Impact, threw 340./onsid" from the ImOr giving 'Wm * slight Shaking, up,- Alb* was uthitrt. The Ingo ivggitaggliga and the harness and shelf Os -horse was not 1nnied. The ramined into t 4k, -pretty 51120„ur- . Attiiii:ko-Via"atheiletic 'Oct -Otte* At the school.: - th fteia,..viebtis;,'Tbey altow *. ipOrts manship. that Is altogether too scarce in sport today a4114the, sktizena gkonit show the-studentis:that they are in -r, iodated,* their- doings 4thd-tittn-r.ont. in gOod,nuMberit for this Meet.;If It Isn't worth While to 'the4:404.1ille to 'go down and 'ivitatch theae, events, why 'should it be worthwhile for an Atli,. tO.train'tor Weeks, take a chance of 1.:Itraiiiing ;iiiusefea and turning anklet when those effort* aren't. ',,tp- '14'eclittect. 1'.1%;'0* one e'er made sa suc- cesa of anYthing"trithoire receiving a, ,eetteiti *Mount of eneoUrageinent. ...Bel let everybody turn Out **Morrow ancl, give the kida the, boost they'need to mike -theM--ready'for a 'elian.lip at Exeter, two weeks from tomorrow. .,,at the County Field Meet, Don't get -to .take 0A bit of thing. along .wjth you either.'YotrrhartIrlior. dog, a chocolate bee or a cup of tor - 'fee at tito-boiath that will be run by the students; No charge will be Inside for admission to the grOahat, Ace "FoiAlliii IC-1111-54I;e4-Ciiiiitiatiet at 19i Per Ctlic Vsixt1 ENT: AGES: ON TAX EA * :The ital.:111mi. council ;Of Ceiba:Ile met...-$0--thie,-"rtitriiithfrfltalf-siwattli I p.m., with,,oll the met:Mimi* ..preaent. . 'Reeve IPeagen was instructed, to look ,,efter tar Sale. . ten on -unpaid WO* si folitm**. DecFroni o 4444:1006, to Peb. 14 11037, 2 per t; •fter Feb. lit, 1931, 4 ' Ver' It wu agreed to accept ten- der, Ise pee+cuble std:,for tbe. Mi dra,IL ompleted by Nov. 1st .441e, *ICS was donated Fa lRoadituOittitindeute-ttnic folk/wing ',accounts were inlanitted -and paued for Popient: Rood eupertriten. dent% vouchers, $35L16; deo. selecting , 83: hig *ding Juror*, °J1i$110. .14 Wm, 6albcwi tritOost feet, eouut# *LSI for fiCt511, 4667:Vi ataI aceident occurred -010m** ,44401-Wkrafeizi47„.'61-is :welLae ee,ANn*thalcinirup, whieh r **Ito& ,4* hor desth in a hopIta1 in, that Sunday. Her body was ,'brougbt tG Godertch -train, and the. I took pince Wednesday. -.0 the lateJames Dean to e Ronian- CMholic ' IOW Fr. Nagle. ,'Interment 'ii the R. C. cometery. -The pali bcar- ere '4iVere'4, Frank:Phaloni-, Tames White;,, est Crow, Sennett 'and. Mr. eOet4ea.i.045%-in. her 0401: year and was tn. dautlitar, of the late: Mr. ifid :tar, ' She Avas,..iiiitriled 38 *years ,age to Mr,'gugitieirleait'VMO ***.fatally aa1ded in a train accident at, 00104' :116,44), yeti*. ago., After- her mar- riage an, lived Toronto, atid *ft** the -death- -of--he- husbaid,-he -eante- fl,nd• lived 00.0'.*- '10.vi-,year*4,:h0fore,"*,*king har inn** in Detroit, Vitere",311;*:' has--Sinccrrir's " On Saturday nig*. n "irnok :driver was baogi*g hi tniek Into his own attie*sy', And, **II ma* crossing the sidewalk, Mre,iDian walked plat,: the truk.knocked her, down and, she was Iiisuga'*-13Etz utpitwwhoresho auccumbed on Sunder! ,4'.' . 1$11r3trinit'04k .4aUghter ,Itn( two '.1011g, - 411 of Detroit: 'gra; Pow. ers, , (Olive) ;:losePh and 'James. Two sisters and three '.brothers, Also 41...W, 4ylVei"Mrs. page an4.14%m• Itoblaltio of' Detroit; and -Albert,. William an John 'of Wirideeri7 ARN OF REEVE'FIACAN 'STRUCK BY LIGHTNING Lightning struck the barn on the .tarru occupied - by Mr. .Geo C. "Ireuv, an, reeve of Colborne township on Wednesday evening, duringan elec- trical storm In tills district. -The Mate could • be seen -quite 'readily in Coderich, and many people started .for the outbreak, but owing tothe vi.$14,11ghttning and heavy' rain, most of the drivers returned to town. VS,S14441ANTFit40-KNOW---- • 410.RVIBE.K OF gvsstAtis "stugilA is oln to tiii to count all its inhabitant* in one *0,4 . 'Mere' are _i14o6,000 'registrars already being trained -by 110,000 instructora or the third aliAltion: census, to be taken 'Anne*, 4, 0*Pertit believe the papulation will elk. eeed, 4/5,000,000, still far short of Mu. tit#401r the „ lest eencie, taken An .11.02541,0 ttie .. population. was 14/,013,400. The onteiai estMuite ofdimgary; 4,1034, was kea:oomixt, London, driver af Lug oth�r car in the eraili. V.44. 41341 to leave the AdOitlioVII:nt litter theIn3urles to lile body and Aist, had been treated The car Containing the pertr, bound or Ooderloh "Weii Proceeding north** on No." 4 highway -between the *ltith and +14th cOnotasiont of London wben It collided*th- the ear driven :.bY Bowley. ,Ivoit.eheOured thtyview to aoai.e extent; -• ° * * Teter the collisIon, the Dodge car turn. .1014):A field; An the occuPezte were thro-wm out, 24".rs, ,Nattery belng -hurled t found tor eome mlnute.i after bb t trolt• el/ „WI re,4 Mrz,114.*,101:00..ozsb' ana two oth,ge s. Mr. 3gmeg: whit* with 43040,:$61.,, TOWNkiii, 'pother of the infurect. boy, Ond Mk* Miry drOwe.4ft at ojn'oe. Zor the scene of the eecineni; Which*** 'near !Dirt. •' At that pla)* lhey 'learned the: '?injutedhad beet moVecr.V.Londen kao-, aa4a1ancee and they iproCeeded on to that lity, Two youNd digti - IN CHARGE OF ARMY , Two Ming girk, one from (Minton And the other, from Cioderlelii were LA - the local Police Ootirt ' last week, one .charged with theft, the other as an .They • were given their lib- er• ty in cite of the localbranch of the Salvation AMY. . 'MajorBunton .of London was present In behalf of the girls and It ivraa.On. liti reiteeet they were given chance.- . -34ajor-3iinton,--wat--4404te&-*-4. Years in."Ibrotit4i irt redemption work itrid Ivserecently-trensferredi.ln,•sPite 01 vigorMukobicOtiOns blY the To.rente•ohtir. ches and police, to London. KNOX DROPS SECOND Victoris t.a1i4411 d4festict Knox • cereeh*iiiiie 144 Oil Monday night in the second game a the five- gintei thainplorudilp.aerieS. Thla-* the second game too* has lost to VI:0mi*, the first one on-forkay night being lost by one rim. •* Items of E.sifr)::*'s -Recalled in gootor "echo* settoolinsgtent and Beholar*" as the -title 'Of an, entertalnlng address' ,0-yen'ou Tr -um* evening by :Iratition it a Mtithig a the VlOtoril :11.otie and leitthool Mn. 1obert '.111)1Wir nee' was beth large and appreciative, Uri. Albert 'lloYler. P'reeldent of the Unroll Oen* As' Mho." COUticir,otitlined ton began her addreit by ,aylngshe 'irmild 'hither talk shout Seventy rests ago thin -f.t.fty,, es the people of seventy years ago. 'began irlt$ ; we' Are 4111004 built * iihantiek and datelecion ukrvfo&e 01 worahlp isa•• the.'mlnkter trave1lIng from Para" Sound to Cloderich. MrL Handl- ton told of how she:,0.h!ettU')Igket 4.4* - the *trap after one of her early child- hood teachers had been ,too liberal. withthe hickory etick. - . At tbe time she '';',from' graduated zror- , cte,. Nor- mal ft.:was not tustotto for ivonien to attend 11nkteraitY, So she entered the tortlee ()Wiese at tentford, where she tut viort4- -Atter abe had been sccepted as tescher on the 'Ooderjcli she lemrned she Was chos- en front two AlOttleittite because the other applicant lilt& 'spelled •Peter with 'tad' t'e Isa addressing her Application to; the Secretary of the -.school: board, Ur, verho4daintic)%hAid the prIvIke, g In h, to,be t titrigvinh Innisr „ ti44*:104,q110.; the'bOli rolllng 'proper," sald Mr. Hum' Is :00 ,:to•ehtersrthedi:',,41;, inoVect that tbe ce3ebratlon ib� beld. Tho : motlan wu secondedby ,74r. 0r 9 -4. r )17 ' Of 4Mr. 0 I,. $.44100.14 r. '401t- 4v�tms3a*ersof the ce-;u-P4- a"PqrtIng '114 la*t1°.*-1' was . eekt , trcAvor .tietligon# Ur. J. O. Vett *leo endoIA( notice. ..• Mr. W. IL Robertson atatellbat the number' who hod -ttirtied, Out the meeting vias mn inclicotton that . the people of the town .bsid been wattingfor . this ping to collie tO:1, heed. Ile eald •that 14r,. Alex, tf$1,4*.ron; prmui member of . 'Lbronto 1fflbit itore:„. moolit*11" WM, i:(ihrintillY 11414 When the reuniod*WOilld be. Mka t Sherman' • said' that she, wtgild Ore • her support to the motion and. would 40 ereirthirw,fhe •.4'0111C 40.11e4P. • , D. Drown was the .tirst one Present to dr** -attention to .,the feet thst it might bet* little eatir:to • held the Celebration. %le pointed out that in 101 things Were at a Peek end that • 4expenses •,,might be found * Itttle hearty this year Mr. 3. Fraser enclosed • Iirewn*s remarks. ' Mr Albert ,doldthorpe of Colborne 'ownship said.that he had tome oniyto listen and to, lean but =added that ,he d4er0n1y,14,0-00-40-,help 040' rich. ' • , • 46.-101111am ttailliei referred to, later * Mr; ,Robertson as the petriereh of °oder/chi Saki that we Mit AdDlit there will be ea0ensea but, that the expenses wouId 'be Ott. , Were oni et the toms that ntet.oveusts And had a AO. Plitt the -hat WAS," b declared. ' Itia. A. P. Willie* Mid .that at tar ai he ,knest tioderiCh Ina the mil7 ,near hoe that was having one next year and thirthli-414 70-0-01ewell for - the success elf* reunion, Deputy -reeve Robert Turner ',mkt: HI am heartily in 4,11t of it It * time we were liavirsr • another one. We niust keep Ckiderich on the •map.''''-". - - iCsouncil1or-4116- after....stating_ -hit heIn fait' irof the filtpreesedvttievePhtiork,Abst better to soywhether it irotikt , succeet or not after the celebration, was Ott because if the people were to be worried- /,,re&-ther- *locate- cit -4 it-- - beforehand it might tend , Create * pemirdetio attitude toward the *hole thing. • • ' Ur. ,iames-Reytiolds,--a-membe the 1121 executiliefwas or the opinto that the same type of entertainnient -,..•-•=c1z4Vr,== it° POIJND PORKER • PITCHED FROM CRA: 4teivre- fhtta slone- hornet nisi hive been . apply to lifsn's sheet', .but It bamn't worked Glut, in She cam tiet ptg, whlch 40,04 ket 'OS the alter- rnath Of 1, peculiar hignuray miehetp last