The Goderich Star, 1936-07-02, Page 8.c c th n Yiu Lru91 CEnulF,ED ycr,,qco QUAIAVIED yexpericcic, 4 41, Light. Jule teS• a from fre$1,1' ustpicked and of thenest Flere is sornething, that will ease every mem1er of the • this week- end. '(,) thit.' op- portunity /AO 01 Donnybrqok- \'',.."J'•-* • IL clt-01.0 Baxter, tormor Gpdertch axid san of one pioneerv-v ritarlo. on Sundsr, • • 47.4 04 • 4 'Pi Ira ri grit, 3aXter. fBta father w1ttio rlch -Mr. Baxter was ,i•si or, it here 101", 14,0 ,/elitp ago *the_ 04 to D- troft 'Whet* he enigaireit Vat - :t4110.. vepqt$0011, OtePtir,q ki> e • btkhit „ •1; a., 7114' lgotheroi- *0•1-i'' • Detroit, 'preetoo ei • Ve0.41, 4.1tamo, Ls youth;. 'Ottti 48tstef t 1.10' f JUIj'itot, r Roo* 'resu1to-404- q0 Proinotton:-on.ostarli wok e ersch, Rarholut -Ctorria,• Jr. , y.eat's liVahstpert Rivett, taverne.ouloorti tdrarierle Jut peat% dan Jr Wackford-,IIT '400IDON`Actora,-)recooh Junlor Itoinn' 2%. t • inding been .0 , ..thitt the 411 luta hot.- Oted. Jr, Xir,',Iaselt, -4:Jaea "01.)-i; Jr, Young, arJ,:.NOrtio'Brad-r: ,tord noss-vedy, TOte avenAAaraa*- ' vetti atildred 'Anderson 6r. L to Jr. itt.—Oerald: 'corrlo (ia.,•)1 ° teraoh- 00. *Allan Petrie, Roy pehtai--.140o1ut, Ix to Sr. iny BO,NItt Soi gton, 104, Atorris Currie . .. 'Root Vow*. Calder init- erfaia; . 1f. fl.-DorIan'Rilt1dge • 44104- 'Donald teatiord* <AM ,ItIr.); ,tt. tan (a.); ° *live Glenn, Pauline slOheat ,Ii4rold ,I)rimer-,;70-. First-40in *Mr ROo's• Errington 010 Helen anth lita"..,41tune-Itictgardson uary, 14014-Nkilic'es,' Ida: Rivett 'MO -Hwy- mat thipti (a.). dortion,Ilchults” 41.0Y00 Rivett Thoth% :Currie; 'George -Er- tingtoi; jacl; •Oleiiii; Bertha: Popp, 'nein ftetrie. June .•Rutledgea..."'Gztepdolyn Stewart Arthur Voting, tiuMber • o • 44., ;Average 'attendance 44,, RIA.$4141404, Teartter. reurs-(Antlimin.) Garden Party -:- 44V. 1001, Mrs, 43.,tartesrh`s, • 21 , The funeral ,Nc.** .ftOrn'• Ottert '•undertaking\-.04ors "Oh Wed- neday Vtaitland, -tent Baxter was -.a raczaber Ot,"attland %%sonic he therefore buOad:Ivittk•Hal04114mhp.4iito. AIGIE Iptutaxice eat Estate DOMINION,- PROYINGIA4 Ott • ONICIPAL BONDS Phone24 " TflE 6ALV4T1ON :Ankle* WI Oilier. /5111q43" IMMO& - 1400 -"The Feathered icsptesso 2.00 p.in-&mday School,. I00 etrengeit Mart .1n Ooderkilz" ttneeting overt,,Tiuirsday,. night •A 'WiOO1Z * Capit ec,oril).1)*Saneltetin 10). .,•.1.tiii..„,vit..14, o. 40&,,.,1,4:ext, 0 a oriireu' Ite* 4. very eemoill 1,4,,,*04. :.be4ittIng itioN4-,;g4,.. et 4. .. 1uniro,*.eroluts.el 4.0 .1.Vritopoog 4 , TAent a I, 7 to ' the ,*11044 40/r,-, lifile. was e niq-0: ''.1'he gueata:te$*•44-, oc.,,o't-#004,411#,,,,,t1,-404011.1* tl'-'1:*°!"' 4 't41:::$)*)., , , . li.' ei,t oandlYrilSt,t, '''' Wim orbes nal*: .0f, '.#iolrfOr • - h,°*ttiii-grs,!,4M/44:4441PF .... t 410, Nvftti,..4.0s.4*,; h 4.• , , . . , • Onight..•• an4. fainiii•:Of 'Aker). 'were fv4iii twit %WOW*, Oarents,:$44, :4q4 ••'' '7-.-0;•+t . . . _ , . . . , ., . Geine )30104t, Ovar:ttia*tekoshii.. 4See.„-',*-Barha.***nd Ann ,morre$ , ' troltr-eAsfsie -rtheir •:*tints'.. 41 -aft? •7.*Mis3 0,1".t ,P.....re).ree returrie duties Iocat st effOr Using Vent tvio 'weeks' Wan: .a,ut-her,h(rhi in !Rode- o. e W. a, A., '/OheliclagO'''of tend0h;,was: Opelled eattlIs: $‘0$12$ 4rei erting, follOtWed top& of Waiter " zead by Harold Gardiner. ho14 'IlitATter h on 104140,7 aye- 9tre heard •,encit t t at »lng Th. hym joyXul sound," ,meet4nitgetr Th� iun red by it'eUnion tAlrati ' Supper VMS Se oils* but 11.0 •Ta400,. AO% was a large rongregation., rose,* at Union on Suriday, when _Oralis-40ifOrott his ,late. tierinori•Prior to 'hie removal,to .Peterbono.• ,•Xr. Craik ,,o)rOoo'•as hit text, eons. Vhrist• the 'ewe :Yea slut te414% iancl• forever?' ,,(1-f01?7,, Ow's 4813). ' (oit: $unanf Lim novf pastor, ebnno will conlioa. tbe- .,14,1011 2 'PM; �Iss s. Olt*. 130,11•:.of London is spo.401g the hOlidattet her There be two taw tesoiters on the Pubilo $C11001, *tan ' n01* , Ifazd Watldns. and M.• Manning.ted- Dra0o ,11,7 take 'the:, Poo. nei,* ' arnhain ".Xles Zurich ,t0* *or): 141$4,14.ora to t . in oat one in the •Bank f *Oa, treaThe convonor-Of eandy If and gsai*tainites.. ta'tro's atratirbar, itoa :on the lawn, -of JPai*Ve ,.efiure4, was well attended Inentbarbiof the - eontregation and • others.---,Mre,G. :ffellovay poured tea -14 an: a 't•;tileitsits-eMt.t.tAllitia"-.1( i holidaying for two.,.wee Nurses' Graduate Laat aiJ e*atift the Ontario . ,-•"•0411,reh''' -Tfa$''' 'Oro:9004 friends and. relattoett*?,:q:wl*W'Ior .ponnit.., boos graduat.d as nurses rom the Clinton Community Hospi- aI. The .graduates were Misses Vinnifred Shaw and Peari''41L'aitrotri ' 040 ,oittS****(1.2P,p,.'ShOratinOtilitreroit.the: piedge.. Piplointis were : Pre ented, 'by ,111(abi'sOosti:01pOpi.,;-,;$st,toPerpailt,00:r4;ei!" in the ThOnd. four children, Doki". Elliott,lary Thompson, Bernice Cosens and, Tbe lnenth tng of the -• L. of le•WiPhUreli,::Taylor's Corner, will be held at the home of Mrs. Albert e;:-:iiett,Vedneedarcot:',g Mr. and Mrs. John Sowerby, Mr. and' . ROM,: .S.owerhyt Bruce and Oet.44. era: Ur, anit:Mrs..1,14.•,' *Wert Dorisby, Kennebh and - Grand- Bend on =_Sattitii.ttzs'jita0ndir); tii.o.ig#6*deti,;ily re -union. Fp"t14)*4tip#41:: aht." 'Mise Lucile Lasanlene o ',Weiland. • is spending the holiday at the hozne - og- • ,her X4Sesa1etzer r „ • TORONTO, ,a letter to;, shareholdersi of Goodyear Tire and "Rubber.:.0ompany ef Canada.Litiltedt -Kw* Yin -r r7diVidend. • • of.,192fl,.th -pre ideit, A. G, Partridge states: are pleated to report .,‘that-the'.frat: half of our -1986./nperatieni, has "heon: very satisfactory. - *.• :Yofte year has, ihipeed" Since the, Ire,10.1,411$0000„,9f-the---eepft41-. e true*, two-, :•,Of • iyatir. :Company, tho, -changes you 4ipiSioved :at „that:Vine showresults i,beneficial to, thesfilian. 144 Standing of the COMPanYr ',61nOo we now show, an increase in sionius, .an increase in.Working,capital, and ia! decrease in..capitaFliability compared with J'une, 1935., "The •objectives :to, 'Which"' these changes were . made, have been -accorriplithed and; mci- dentally, the *Cornpariy, now • ',has' • greater distribution ofitshnres than fortnerlY..iThis., shoUld .ereatoa.. wider interest -In the. affairs- and pro- ducts ofthe coratatiy;". " • . , WILL HOLD MEETS_ . SETTERS AND: POINTERS The annual *esti:1g: 0. the ort. Aerie Bird. Dtig. Association; enotiltors, trials for -.Setters and Pointers in the ',ProVince, Was 'held at the '60160. onfeakinfii& Boris, Itarailthhi at which the fCill0Avilig of;,. liters were elected.- ' PreSidenti, W. .H5 Singer, Islisiora On The Lake; let vice, A. L. Jehrisolic Undo/4 •• 2nd Moor G,. G. Vincent. POrt Nelson;, 3rd vice, •Islorinitn 'Brownlee, Ottaweq, dth vice, W. D. -Elliott, Owen Sound; 5th *vice, Judge T. IL Costello, Executive: Wallace +Brown, Toronto; Megan's, .Exisrard. *Coy and aiOr A. London; J. Rowell, New Tor. onto; Sep.-Treati.,,, G. ...Woodeterk ,Thilciteaeciation will 'run .Puppy,: Derby, and All Age Stakes' this Dates sen4 places announce:I. liters", Complete Planting .01' • . ..Orititrio"s""fgeout•Foreiit? Tree planting on Ontario's: fit -at Itinr-1101,--Seont-Teforestation ject "Scout Forest" at .Angus, near Lake Sime00, vote coot - pitted by . -Scouts att.ndingt OIL. 7th, .riktMtal. Stout Forestry- Camp over the, recent Empire Day week. end; The planting of the last vacant Area was Catiled 414 by 116 Soys,„rePrii. Stinting 65 Scout troops scattsea -0Itsr southern Ontarlo, including le? Toronto troops. The -Scout Forest 19- 29, on land leased b &out AuociaUon. Ths trees atatt- in that year ars now could.*** ttsller then the lads--nwito.„ tbiin, In sill a halt *111 -Pole trssm been planted In the Scout For zitarouby-atotalot •'v4th 51L14Vren.0 ,•Mot004'4.0iiarge, IXt is••Sittott04_973,'_thk **hoe 1property, lately,purchased ',trent' Warger,.'oolit, 6b taw nettit-,of viits.ge. 414 n Wel " lid- badminton '000Urts are In tlie'-cotirse 01:construction, L. W. pureh is IniProving' .the i3eyapict,' atikAluncis -,e.no`• • -,Onstffitetpit. tennis ,cOarts'aiid a.to*ung -wen, • opfe- members of the Choir of Trinity -°01hirch held -a..**.jav,-0-447' at the one a. Mrs, thiineraori • *WI on tivton4 daY-..ovehini to hid her on • voyage. The evehlog'''WaS 'Vent, in Octal: games, and ,before • hutch., Mrs. Beard ,V,a.s,iiade the recilileht. Of a tiarthig..gift: . f their;.* Igre, land on. the Andanialtrvieitil* Liverpool and In 'Wales,. and Witst g„.,111. Kendell, Oto of zhnire„ 7aiiie'.nt days with Xiand Mrs.. Um, It W. Woods-:aceothOszded 'vast Joon:1w; woods *.f.4•'-' 'Mtn:to on . 0,114ay, them.' Ws, **lode re:hotbed to •••visit, ' 41 few ,,etar„ til!a1/411147:P. Lewis. 1/1411 Jean Wo. travelled to. MOniroiti 'Where She -*led -ort.,-bcaftt..the•' P(o,ritTii* dor 'and Ireland. pn, tuesifSir aos. Woods returned-. home,. statordpenied by Vtre.:•0._100. Lewia, Whe will !pend some time44,510A41.4*. - - Itoit.' J. 041e, of 'Moncton, , Spent Tues- day w&tb lth parents.... - • , tsjsis mos, Aoki $ eoelittiro a ievr.days at; the . home of Mt duo; 'eakidieton. „ mrs, cibtarttotard-onii• two sons, ALTO ,OPe04111g the siuruner n their cottage.... luff.,Broughttel B&llett left on gest, tor .Vancouver 'where she tewill at- tend an Authors' Conieptionv._ Mrs. Bil. lett 1 travellthg an "the alnitveriari trahr and expccta, to be. *jay Stott 'air *tab. .Mrs. Iletleor and two children. or lit.' Oatharines; erre 'guests of Ur. and lifts. W. Perform. INsigurott ieft; last week to brother !Marks, Is wraith*, , %kW laver Dewar ieft �n OilaraNtt isboiat.ther-Mthenka tti-svend the awn- ral..r ...rieithfg in "Zogland and.elelteerliind. : 11,0004-1ktarrai Ithe mitedkre ot Lfllian Ma, elder (Youlth.ter et Mr. and We. tronal4 WIlliou Ootra atittreOtt,. •san of Mt. artil, • 40kenalsed at - PORT tv July 1 -Mr. anl Mrs.;aye,'Martin and thoir'.4a. z*.,'"§a.ral,'30-ft,--:$Eiturdity, to,* OW 005 in. Detroit.. and itirs* Roy -Alton of- Belfast spent. -8-11.4daST as 101acto of Mr. and Richard Reid - Miss Milne Of -.441Y;spoke to the ,OL„: og-throo-'0nor,01100,,, the United , Churoh 'T this community W04natidasi- • tternoen, She gave a a ec-44r-(44.5t0-1V';:itrx .sp en i Terenee• '', held,• at , -parnia, ,recently• 'Where :sh0, had 'been aant as 7o;',,406-- g'at :,* 0004 honr. was enjoyed 'ti, )ir .,50 ,,i4,Tho laclioa.,iseoi'ainurkeh,, ,•,•,. nvosotyo ,• .aunivefaarr . .,.$61co':! vre,0::,_1*14,.= the United chUrch-••Sun- • en.. when: Rev'. 47.,'-t1:1446:10-0,c-- of.Eino..Aiver,..gave two-seintensi And the choir under +he leadership . , . W. Sage ''rendered beautiful anthems,. iffizt,312-W.. ' Sago and. ,Illfri.• Platzer 0'..ao-ii,.iiinir a isolo;•, The', olivartli "yr e,..-• Vorated lox, the..,OecasiOni-Vo ' lovely, hvirerst-t1-11.76' .w..4s ,a :.wi. 0..*•-atten!,, dance 7ar * .. ° ' • ' --:' ' 3.E, ,At. 11 . present.- , It0, i5 o . a. on. t; 0. - • Y. P.. , evening with yir. .. held .at the home Of 1.VIF,.-7. ancl.,--•34ro.• The was and, oliedidAvith. Abe' hynino: "Abide , charge ,o 0 Xathleen'''•Criewford, Nvith„zne; ' fast galls VI* ,ey"Ontiele„ Miss Laura Graliant. ' lett in _prayer after Which Mrs. l'Ohier0. iii*Vthe ' Scripture. A ehortLifopio. was .given by ' Miss.- Isobel Polio* and then the hymn, "We've •aaa7Ory to tell," -- was sqrit. .,.. The. Secretary's 'report. Wati read ald. business was discussed. Mr vWh. 0 : Sage Journal we-, asis Irreesir,tilhyeamiutfiloriff,;.0att leen, Crawford ; Mt..•, Pomeroy gave the Y. 11; : some questions -t.'d think . about .and answer. The familiar and: lovely hymn "Day is let. in the , ' ____y -- ' - , West/ .. was 141141; !gnu 0 devotional Part of the meeting Was. brought 'to .-"etose bY repeating the'Lor4re-Pray. et in miliori. . Games were enjOYed • before the 13410 • served lulicii. ' • ' Many attended the -,., picnic .hold , in 10. Dame:1641h* park, Saturday afterneen. TWO. .gaines of ball were played:, and some races were Znii. oft. -puPilit-of The public 'ottliool. won in The ball game_agtiiiiitlfia ex-stu. • entit, inuok,4'lice-Ffirritte?driatlifac. 'Veil.. ,- .. . ii•-~W-It'riffifiterilliti- - as presented fir 1444 polite and latera reception was -held -M -the rooni.for. the nurses, dpetors4 staf$ and guests, ' R MAKING 1- rdcr to *OliZda ties or 1,011 'classes •of ,emplftift • 'Paola. ;The Canadian :tank ,of Clo'ionerce ,44hOui,Lt0. ,..tioStabilehinapersegari4if 'fliee• 414 branch. *-A.--irke**Ciat depSttinent • ha.;heehi•ePeheci tor*-thaphipose or 19.4/13' to 11004e/ earners and 'salaried and prcifeisSiOrOlhert• and - 111,0„ irt,•„'brief; that '2 any • i•paidelit 'who steadily ,eniployed and is accep- table ,to: iheisanicas_a_iood4C may apply . 71* 4*.m.c.:ifk-elX, 01) initt *ho.liorroi;er'inust 'goal chsraclek.; " •-• „ 'METHS • BLACK LEAF 40 foil, ileac.. hushes. 'Ode ': Phask,t's-;Kidhey":„ .Liver- Pills , NOXZFMA 250 size for 150 144',T4 NI:Kau -1,AsTo , PPOINTS REEVE I RIDGE - 't xtoove•*Pstiler the aloWn.4111P Aot- Ala has •izseen ,appolutob763*-thii o6tints? --0ounely at-the'0ountgt.or-ainatoe. company csto the uneil1ng oft,tito,.tidiatt,s, week or season - Apply atter six - V,4;k1r,_ Thnt 44,fl,W °-lisalat:Iteeve.,0a-hier ''.1h,:fhalatodt14$.74.' ,dlgnity of '7'COunt - cigargg ,r0rfor.7,0, i16!0.4",h4004- '744 • . ' Ik#5;'77A •. . Mb' (i..Dieset..,,riaginat'irhig,,AVOnat references. .1.ti'likveod.. ••,cliAracter RKiel'Ito,4„billit • 11•• 13,1e0-an.4*-:4atre • hieS4ani,.- •• STAR, 0040•, rlch.-474x relatives were advised 0:1 Tuesday that ---Mrs. Floolc o had that day passed away: in the, city of NeYV York.- 'The body 4s ., 11014, brought. to 'Inge:rep --6,laturdaY4 • Mrs. ,Flook-iii.Tas a sister of tro-rite Mrs. cformerly' of Dungannon, and t late -Mrs., Oeo. liVloods,.' formerly' of t4oderitiv-i: ,-.11/1r, and Mrs. - 1V.m. Beatty ith lifies-tdith-4OhOter- and and Mrs; M. Roberts will atts514,1-the funeral on SaturdaP'-- _ jtocattm(():68:} ,,tt.ihh::thtntehiles:0;41:ib,43.Larsotair.. ;7. 24.41...410 mitigs „utter ..reovoremell- a.riesa47,. July gterno Jr.t tolnhiy, mr„ ar44oDdolhmrs. subjet modification, liuider -cert - ncldnd "Tut tita% easpr Zaciputt=et th:rate-zr,skr,ittoh e Mr 6064%, 4,:d e4triaevit,eztrotharilingeorts:;, tett,h64,1ninb7nitiirm;1-10Vii,1?13.- ttertding on the amount oZ the ;loan. • ty**al,exaniple'of the 'test of the ser,, PLA'Kub `• .vice to the bbrroWer is itIV•folloist ;RAxamn.,-,Atf :earidWithi on, Sunday, $3;50;'-eervice ;charge, $AO; 4t4m110-10., ,,ivAID1113 LA,458*0t11,..4AYeat res':tkokie. on $.67- d:t.proo,eeds' oZ 1°atcpaiSe:to3)17eustlionnite'artt*'4!:- , .1:umitieda.214hv: ;.untliDe3 62,:t7T5factud'Ate.. Baxter01r' in- ` 87: =WAVY deposit required, $5. ' - dale, Eiloved.ivife'of Mr. 47,anies The -Bunks empheeizesthat it in no vas' • law; , ..tiedh•es to encourage PeoPle, to esewne IMU)arne' townehigi °it l'Pileceise*iti, �r kfordenlonle debts, but it IgatnrdaY, June 27th; 1938#: 'Elizabeth borrow irises- through unfoiseen, ewer., 'Wyllie, in. to' 'nth Yetr.• The funeral doe feel that lt of anod;wh,enh.:147tvne.edi zto, ' .Fici:Mreorht; 4ton wx:otdahey:azunto a201no:ui mai • end service took plate. at the united ing at .1Olw rates and on romin4)1° tbnIget, ..at 2 o'clock. plan . rott:_. !inept.. colborne. 1/4/WilatkPo on 'George found old mots .iitting MoHIsh,. belayed virlfe- Of• Clarence the sun iniokini .his day pipe." 1Te 'Nfireate. no, in her .014 Yeat '- ,said; "Telt' me „Isave, why you 'al, Vityls.enfoke. a. 00.440 ? ' ' says 1- -drop don't have, ,tO.bOther to, "lack it TAit;011/s cOlt1011,,-Znly David. Pocock is very ill at present in the Gozlerith - . *Mrs. Ruth ThompoOn of -Detroit accompanied by her daughters,Mrs. . Fisher of Colborne,_ d----Mrs:„--Itutled.ge af fmndear, visitors in thiiroommuntiy. William, Sterling who it con- flned to bospital with. a , eg 15 not Improving all rapidly es his isdoiny, friends would Wish. Mr-. Ilaten of tioderich -will con- duct tetVige in *0 Men United Church next Sunday in of Recir: Iforbert who!. has gohe mike* . thoniend young." tree. W thisspring by Old Ontso their lioqt4 b*Ven, pear Dzititaboi pt, courteous Servlee.. 20.21(nlable Rates. • -CLAXTON 'EDWARD Fj 41e tf TkrittlP,.-Jarevi manager ,..to lase tood .produate=ani(--distribute to grow Itore,s: Must have car and , . Ibtio4ar _ sox,671.ortfilB ooderieh. . , Dammokup.,,,,,,ox, 'size 'FiIrn.1developed ' and' border.. or "deckle 'edge pictures. for Z. cents. Aef.. ' prints I a_t.en.ts -each:1=11 us- your.. Mins. we p(return -postage. Prompt service. -Sigh-grade-.4ork-.-4Batablisheci-over 'forty yeare....pfuittiouse GrupIo, utt/then. CAEDS or tivimts .„ The teanily .ot the. late ,atra:, OSA-MO • Waiters •Wieli. to thank their neighbors andlriends for the mtly, kindpeeeee "ex- tended .to thein 'awing .lier long 'illness and subsequent death. , wish to tlmnk'those 'who, sent floral tributes. add 00so.....W,:„MiiiiKW.STAir tlie-xtrir; fold , 21.1C Mi -z TA Baxter and fainiky take this opportunity to _tWilr these Who ex- tended .ilYintiethY.'-to, them during :their recent bereavement, and tat. those awho sent tributes, and ,10ened Oar* for .'eho-tunetat They .ateo 'Watt tor thank 'Rev. D. J. 'Lent, who conducted the un- eal iserSte and the tiriOinilets 01 the eyfaitionkr *townie Todge., 21,x". • Tailtd OM* vigor to nervous, , 'beeddaches and-. genera grey suede Jacket; uiP••• • "-• per, -lasteoer, name in ipooket. Lost between foot ot lgin 14Fveand vic-- toria*tiO-Nelson..41.geave at 4.-.3), 4tcul,at•-• • :Cainbrla and 'Nelson. 100R SAI4E plit TO 'xisPu. FC?cf.t .felit *flitted, •spanple Suits at reducet-pr1ces lM1R. E. E 4.1ER,..AlaD, 42-1111arket St �1ione 183'.- 11341 * • SAT.k.--:. ige-stoek of 0Ood treed * . „. .. , . , To „lea; at bargaioLorices: g•0011 im'n.. • _WRINDELERS,, Andrews StFeet, ' 27x* , roR-0A*-1.1%, Burbi)-ean;inade-txokii-' bons, also- a two -Plate meet* •Iiumer):, write to p. a Box 094, Gede- FOR thirty acres Mixed standing. • Buyer to cdt and haul. ertce *2.00 per atre.-4011X-1110. - ClytTRE, R,,, -R. No, I; -Bayfield. , 27ox VOlt. SALE..-Onekfocit dry ,hartWOod., "a" -maple and tteedh:: dehirer to any part...of the4ewn.' * ,A144 n kitchen cabinet,. Phone : ase„flokn. • DOAK. • every *OE arA.1/00, Oc.iferle14 -2444,4, are:iynspare4 - to• make ' '414seta allowances to. _ JOR .8Air.it.--41vory bedroom suite (bed, dresser,: dresiiing t4010,:benetis. and ttri fket..-:.-piala,, condition. cost *145.00: willaOcept' $o. Phone' '0 7100 f31911a './14 it 84; ' .244f. .1taintuoixt5 Brs1n sui41' Nerve,- Pigs, 500 tex--4lites %:weeitit 'treatment. fEtAts0' raw Oeikleit byicansWell'is•-alriar store, g742 Az.vik-010.-,---mtsrisiiso nitwit herb remedy -Mantel war .to heslth,- islaansoktatsitea, enriches the olood, tit.i=oratesperrioairWoMen get Teti4 rnmem .044' ;tie. Odkis• Irglt 6"414belick% . • 2742 QMMBt ,COLVA011,-1.4: rbOtazt*'and, *,!74 acttaPi?Cd.. anntiner- tOttate,*: • MoO, reasonable rental, at Port; Veso *Metiers • glY to -nEV;- VV*' Rock*. ; Ont.*, .,or Port, A,i* ATTENTION-- .t.; RD M6- ,Coine,...oee our 'patented all_steel, TildWer .Straw 'ad* and earetter .can be..attaated to any threshing 'niathfnttoon teet40'. ':t.111143,t' 1:*,:bajn. 24itte*:.,70171,0tionik foi4404 the old *toe leiliger, *late outttr. threslierman 2a.:your *mod wiho over- *teelt.- Wee,sieO•liive.a-iiiii,- • TIM* *1)1":4iDOntt ' the at jilting.. '4,ddaosrded 43414. 00),ERAPP4' 1,0400- ,• ,C"4t.,vorioit* ill4""Twall4r.;01,4):* a., TIMM 4111.