The Goderich Star, 1936-07-02, Page 6e_
, 4 4
ient0110f,• on .Saturday
t e st;artinge';‘i'oOlf,:-P144* .44lCnoxibtlYrit.icict4)totio• !t"ti4lj'or, cireltstson'retror.":1:60iiirltdi":„hor eV:di.'
of411. Saturday, 400431-.27tni,' 449 ••
-1,--to- hitOriatt "0-1101*.,•or X18,4v Edith :M,..q.1.1 and a;uns. - thibollOY the butter. ' 10.
ian:Roien jouniby, dauglite of mr. crigna , i 1430014 cf "nieltitig'ik.
and Mrs. W,-(4-,' imnbYrSt-,,P4-Vid,',Sti, '
... "rt -I.,,. eibOaN,M*Iti.;;171,T,
D 3. Lane
ofti.:1:atItfoi40,:', , 7'ileve:inti:1011. .asitii,e4;17410.11 c,01,,cot:htare'-‘0 Jai:la:11kt
-2teof.-141, 0,,n . ',XI) thnra=. - , „*E0hl they 441,1, v1004,110 , , - ,!rio, 4330- ..
' igflte * bride VS!41.1c. in; :110WP. red ChM': t ur. tbe-itio ties ' are ,Iirot otouVy **ter, it
nil;,t11,1'etfail4i;so'P iy,Vit:' ‘elltiTe419 .01118%4 teh'7,,,t;t1:43*,1%Irr4:47.
• ;crrselsedana4ti*bn;abliliedi"uoeniabta:414„Ietniii::g4;‘"dea I 06stli44,...A• , 00," • "vdeotT perfect-. - 414110t a'
4464°4 14-‘' W4ridesin.i414,,,,„Attl,_,I*4 '4:I ti*''' ' d1411•
littarintO4 '
""--4*c-141t tottle,,, and ,,Vit , IA 4, •„
l ilk-floY.elered..944,sni---Fat leaspeore-ef. ni,
u If tiro
14te. to a, leafy nest.
the SrstleSa VieVe40# at xeEt?
*MI 4'040 the
littiumngt, ,
of a
OEiow Often have you"vhslietl'404 could
break' the \dishes insteS4 of ilia,* ttiehl
'after 4."01g. 000? • ; Instead ,or 461*
tb•st. 11Mtevert.04 tan eat thatultOt
des -
WI, kink:Of AilaterZel_"'Inide' oX
,:s *tame witiOU firlit Sortie'as
are 1 'apOE! doors, ,
014104 .1(0,--501,oW-YOu ne
tie** 44 rub' •
thiz not only etlailree;•'04tOth runnin
but It protetatelhe 11,0044,rom 05tto
1.111 'weather.
'tire cold ,,Add •
tessektonserated -Onion
teaspoon Wt.! .
UblesPoOtes lemon *Pope and
MOflIUIkb SuPreme
en, said
- ,_,...._ ,
' tthathree
24 30, :0„ bettkr,dea Or: the derk:
. s. i'''..1.. •C". operating .. 0.44 1110,ft 1, t.
''I'4*11• stated14):744e0,xV441.%g:
-::' -oUT
1,0,`Ititb,!:03.1.0d,044,40.0mtt,th‘t-4704,004elintt,tOtt,"!:9:00tran4.4 t),..,
, leerifkeepe.r: .7,. ', , ...,' ,t,oiei,„ , , ‘
It***er ( .,*ceTil
ve • )
and 30
' l't*lebe P;'Llrin41Vi)ia'Prxt:"te;*:::tef.;lt'nit4.,t'',thPUi'kciul;:.••Ir0ri,titrt;p:6:ffel:'T:t44!:'rhl:'st' # 1: d T; .' CI' ile:A71:4e:tie°** tar4t-,ot'.e.'?D11:- 71e11'°.',14..aartrailthil-.' V' ,1111117111; II014' ;!".:117
rai' 'lis-Irilr44' ' '''01(.1cir'' *13:40....k:.-11118' ,iiiiiwit' ria.rt.t4'.•t,,,' :.*: 44*.nr: b"rienita:g" :int:0 two stores
.. m
, . ,
felt' the * as ,a duty 'he owes 14) tilt- ebringville,., a--Inan-' . '',VintulieV: „
0::.!..444;i0e#:.:10.":,,,,t4fli,;:6500,".:: *hie_ . monacip,_,i,ias sentjtioym:,$0 :t roo,:.
*-,.:1411,40,04fr:41*, or.71--41-rWiloltesr-e7:WWig '.. ,4*. 1-1-4.1imii--;-241":71re"Pibe7itt-ilHi 7'7D')gfre.6i4hketr,' It ninegot
fi!tlAbeo,Liftiv,,tr .*.i,tt 1!:4,....t*, ,8664.4; ,:vuove"roo, 'to:, iitt.!.fslittiolldagittr:. ... __•_. ate .• 4. . X.T'Xili'ili,'.'
'Oeninittee* et the 1,40.0:010.4e expres-
sed ' - •-•••,------'''''''',. . ''', .:*
ho 'icsilti0.14744100,-en4'.4%.'iti, ":arktallb:41rot
u„,(1104,heik.i, 4.14„;...,':
Six Ingroets ot-the:Bai*t, Chime
n Young Peeple's :lose
Wnharfl- on elle-
grOiPlitg 'WAS toruied'boinPrWic VAn
basst, ” Auburn, •Ialstotiel 311a. Podeiii"
About OO attended the •IneSting
viliqh Miss. Vera 1714444-of•-•ccoorith-
vas .olootoci seoretstrakii*" -the
cari7frtretii old-fatiiOned.-09BegaY4. Of _00tittu co•'•ter; , Leave the. noturl.,
40,40n, paprika, Of des,lred)
_ . ' The groom vaS, attended ,by ' Mr, .t116-„,,,usly,-, TIMMY, rWele the
., unspesons 'vinegar Or vsolePtork , . 3 4, , Y. f th brld ? ' 'to Plan drY. ' • /
,After 1Weerenion a luncheon wah - ._., , . water and itc44 'leaTe 11.P8)."
Wm. Lumby 'W. of 'Oliatham..- \ • '''''''
• , • ttle
"-- ,if desire0 and csh4444•,-,,,,Icifit4P•" -!f4i'ved." at- !".P.4., ° 1„ 'when clean paper ta laid in draiveri
.1L, . in414-0114.4-teraepoo*.'at -a"time---,. the contracting-, • recs., After Nvhiclii,..,...„,_64e to (flak *lie ,,,,.,,,,r,..,,,,,,,.:, a
lestiog, i-atver .vath additidn.,.. Keep, tbt,i- ihappy qupl left 100 a --moterii. larger than itt'ke;76•4'"itc. has:;
4.•', beetitur *Ma rotarY egg beater- during trip to Niagara rills ,, and other' 34•-• as a bower of floral -beauty on Yip- ,
' oil hat been ad.cie4. /Amer smoutts side -1)n 'Torento , St,,,_ Goderich. Thia, 10 601n3,,.,,,t 06 bitcl "4: '5"'' ''''' ' "4' ktorticultural Society, held ,tfiefr ' Rego
-the moat*, ,when about one-third„ of points, an4 oh their return "Will ie- .clIver'.1* that arall4"aarg..-Lix Is>,....i.1/111, dal' .411c1 Saturday when. 'Ma •Godelieh
/- /-
be oomeit „It 0 .time: mull Au of bride's going-W*0 costulte'''ws.:*.,:4 •
4 44 t It a firalVIIIVPD1 S aoll "ectIler flowers. 'beautifully "arranged; were
-444.6 paper ,511°4d 4:4' fastened 4Sh. w ' Hundreds of niulti colored
ahould ,• _raittli willi,„ red, -and winto it inplace. tirre' tunwci410 mat' 'on ilisftlaY. ' • ' "
Grown• odetichGo tve the .Socifiti is prerie
in Emmet:Years !tie -We- pu e-ilociet-to•-bre
°vital VVeleovae,Wirst
• beatet. 'rho slams e/cldk' rents, to immediate relatives of k_ - •
-after -theirAntt • been PUt,. in order, it is
YS4-..gain3IT .that ii(as ote iiimusedrof •doittg: that,
rather It II the, duty of the Poelety
ite.Sauttlets.•.etere,-On, West Street wrs• 21/4/ 0, ,,03313,00 ettinied simp lido homes and re-establish the
not, a-dit,incere If too ctesso i•ne . to,prevent"4ust-tWorldniclUndtZ
sy,eichee Anteing -add' two egg rualiit oititurgats,atd previous ere. . .(ed taTid tibbOnsfr W.3fi:aWarkd to the
wok, ;bin ,with additional Vinegar, Tho',britlikaW43 ,„•016. P ,t.‘o tOitf ih, ' the paper' and eikeum
otte-Whols egg her itemise was 'guest of honor at / 1 winners in the various 'claiSes,,— The,
,gteets, velvets, cut or 1041 124. skolsrer summer home Of tad that ,t0r0Pean,
• .„fc4:04rtnlieli,44114ivi,:°tAiiY°171,43.'14:4 iie to live.
first- .prekddent• or the ',ViatOinen,A lletpittd ""e tr3rtO 4nalce• them Obit the i0005neitil.-
NIliditarit the ntinifiers 'of that ixrci*nt. 416Y 011,1til* cili141;e1V! Ile' s.aid•
katron tntertatntd, her on rriaalk-after.. . lie exPialned that under tI4 new reg -
noon , at, the . residence % of um Ci. M. nlattone' they , have ' a '‘datywork,' sheet,
If:re, vit.O•rrwe... 4teleiehre meileririlae ,avue's.taitie,_11.01miloretsorto3i'dalt tlY4.4.witioroz-nttti.Iv, 't. haat. been till
-Amiss Amelia littliLean, the .President. 4, ove' wiii5',,O. rerdn'g, distriet auPer-.
nstead of -9kiten• .1441„Per liligliPPte -« a shower given *t her home by neigh- 1 OR'
$1414 bOrs stild friends, ,also a dinner' party calvoiCOr
aun ,rernorte sods eaut ' 'MVP lard into the, akin on their feet be -
Mae ,
IA cup ,boiling water. Md. •
r..% cup trushol Oie4PPle
, 1 toenleSpoetui chopped nute•
2 tobleepoons elioPped pimiento and -
3:-oatte Piddiffe ereaut icheisse‘
to 'taste. pepper taboo, *114
er-ln• refrigerator until, 1UUI Is
bouts. Out in sheet 44.thr a
*ban) knife and arrange On OUP !let"
Serve with •ina3tonnabe **ea'
ao-thsk,theLttirfg edges' ire
,form i*Ings„ 'use
the bodl, thin slime ot atuffecl
in the vlulteo"
of a pepper let the
ani Veget046 5,14
and rut it deslred.
ST."'IIELV4S, June
43t 'Form 11,, in gt;,-
Sohool, have been orantea
standing on their year work .in, the
subjects itidicattelt_Sonald Crinstoft
it Atith., Bot.../whirsiog., Allan Miller
Gram., PhYsiog.: Grace Weath-
erhesd,. Grant., Hots, '
. Thefuneralof the late Mr. John.
McDonald, whose death, oceurred in
make an ut valise 'that feot 'soften-
Ing--beantY Oattnentir arceinipe ant to
foot 4:on..tfo 1101* a heautY
Yon "
winter* an
%your feet
makes difference in'.
look end feel; make t
tevery fof two itiree
tack, cretin or'lsoineof
anklet, EfCcep rubbing until
quality Of the flowers -display • wal,
ex&ptionally fine this year, but the
• entry list was it as -large , was
hoped fer. There Wete'liunitter flow,
era of all varieties in the7slieviWsogio
of vihich were of an unusual fortne.,
tionlitid With attractive. Markings,
The .priZe Winners were; e rose
• Gotlerith `110,42111i1P tfallaliarst It tion o! thTOM *as a,
'Ark,aw-4-r; 'he' IV last 1116till.ancENvasIrlu'lh: iiiZed disinfectant for wounds,. s e
,taken the progress inat bee -teen gauze, eotton bat dages,' adhesive:at&
A *4 g sa.a. -agavita:-"bii
soosunatidit compoim$
IN naimapa „, •
, • .
Motoring Unite •.±
At this time of _Year many us
are 'taking long inOtor trips and may
journey far from beaten paths. A
few -health 'hints may be appropriate.
Carry 'a.' first' aid kit it -your ear. One
ever _knows when it will ,13e needed
.te Saye a life—perlia4S—Vittr -own;
This should contain at least-a,recog-'
the ooderiell,.,T9F:01011 .1117.0"'
courediutti:".tiMeron, and, expressed :the
appreeiation, of tche Auxwary
for thl invitation to he present at, the,
bern,oiniis [cathedra.
Tea was served in the garden. where
ituturtor, but :rptu. rta bit in a ya,sev 147,70. g a.Q. 4,_, . . table,„ assisted by mfrs. lkif. 'Campbell,
ttls tb4u y6ii did durog, the x0%15100,4 8rd ) R. Stonehouse. Three Three WM lietty P. »•
Vass 4Otin <Proves,
tre you ',.3.31104t,, .15,4 IK,A,tinikt roes in a 'rase: Itershavil 4., Chinrlsont Vas '0.„Nta-OVIcer, Miss
07741,1140thebt t t.pottiDscorrert.,ccocare. ,-2nd, Mitcheil;. Srd, Stonehouse. Mite Oeynoles ands Mist O. R. 1171gie;
Six rosci in a vase, lst, 13. Nelson.; ..euxhig ithe 4i',orteon .4tunieten;
Nine roses .a.vitseLl auxinoy., ttie „avesentatIon .borig
'made. ,.:."aiss .Vrouse,', Mr. Edwards said, a twist, otheavy cord for - applying
4went to Toronto this year and studied *lints. , \ • ,
Keep dark glasses in the They
the system' tor''tork County as: ..practised
in ,r4lorontof ..*e otta,alao in 1,,silnilon will save much eyelatiguef a split»,
where the SodetY is.aittfed, sis Among the ling headache an4 'Perhaps it spoiled •
laczt in the province. , -day • ,. ,i0'.
,br.. 'Barnett, 'hi' answer to a viestioii,
that the. rmipartment .ot-Publie -Welts,*
Is *vim that eltilifen, be:places:Wm pri-
*ate' homes ;wherever ipossible, rather
than In ignie instil-n*54,i These pieces,
he -mid, were merely meant to be eleq-
Ing house*. " ' '
04r. Ibobertsot recalled that sonie. 16
yeas --ego the C. A . 8. teak Von• -itself
the werk-et the Tfienitne SocietY Out
that when the oOlmty Oeitt41. and .the
Elocietbeget working together - about
'seven iyeitrS, ego the matter was vdroPPed.
There ‚were milt a very few cosea to at-
tend. to, be said. ,tt .is not general:1Y
known, %fr. Veberteen. ovum:tented, that
thee is gni such soeiete ill towil..... He
felt that the work should be derma ,01,?.
'the Presideirt. iseuted Itt-Iteherteen
iway, your, oet 2nd R. Sf111 onelhotistf, 'rd, F. V. lerehavt. the guest of honor; lees presented, with a
• est
By'rOn Eanitirium last Tuesday, was .t *11
held front, the 'United Church berg* on. of it has been Abliortiede..- the
._ .
Thursday lifternoon. In the absence. excess before golng to . like,
Of Rev. 11. M. Wright, the sereice substitutecaratkor toe for tteaut: .
was Conducted by Rev, Chas. Cunt. -I dilkiates end rough spots -Mal he 0'
*ling of Walton, ail:listed by; Rev. tumid, Aftee * 1,)401. dip .,,ai tette
Mr. Smith of Wingliam. The pill- of' pumice In water, then gentlytrub.4t
=bearers were M ars, E. $. Thom, F. too the hardened soot for no' itiore
0: Todd, W,,,•' I. Iliere Mid. ifutoph. thisri thirty eecon,de. , MO trY, to re-
rey; It IC, Rutherford and W. A. - ehe t or
liiilletre intentent.,ste made in the
Wingham Cemetery.
•inithe United Church Oudot Party
Id'igrihiattr oening, decided
aticcess. After the supper Which ;Was
served *.*rehilird .to the
large crowd, the 'PrOgkern was. pre-
sented it the Adjoining chursCh shed
by the Young People of Calvin Unit
ed 'Olin -telt. Their well ected;'7'itda4.
Mr, tteily Todd wet, home 'trot)*
Laden for the week end.
Mist -Irene Woo& -who:, hat, baen
home 'lora - -school -14411,-
loo for .W/6 weeks :recuperating Xr
an ,attack of the inUrnpio 4iat yeti*
id to her dutlea. "
and ,lasnee /toliOrtstt
(formerly Mimi- Coil* McGee) 'et
,Seattlet were taller* -,in:the-irilitigfe on
:Monday. •4 '
The ,Coiranunity deeply .,shock-
On Saturday nietnine whit it 'wee
thst Mri, James. Durbin had
passed two atiring silebt,
lit4 not been in the heat
for some tit* Mrs., Durnin
was apparently no livorsei and bad
Obit to at.nd the
more a hard leafloui
even the fifth treatMent, ex, patient. It
took plenty .of time for the ru• to
do/Wow 1.
MO* At in two
atm toter 4o, porta*
tixtr* ottsitive feet itat1.wtekil
botch* bathe -are extefient,
cnuolte • 44,1c 10100110fisodal in a box -
in of *Ad 'Water and iota Your feet for
twenty ..itsinfees.
rr. Kit4611; .34 Kershaw -F. *lade ?if 'Mee. ,P11341S. `1611nst°11'
The‘jil * `rig Was Alone Mr. Geo. miss core *stoat, ioectotio
$tewart, lo florist. ,00derkgn77iiary,,, oleo presolatedgetithmer240.
Ossiterot with a. bouquet
mAsoss ATTEND SERVICE "ve". 11°4PPI -761)1Y:Iral made
.1)eliff" htlul Tea- At
icontimied 1). .
'of iv -Man but Wia1e a. far longer
11001. •
'It is is .our watts frain"-dat-t0 day
*hili make Aspour habits, and it is
car liabitg7thatinalte-retk-livesa-flMep;
Xleil his a standard. Re is the Grand
behooves' each one. ,to ask our -
elves, 'what is. thi tandard?
isin 1 to , know this standard? Virhat
is thething am to hnildI
Thank God there is but one antWer....
' The plumb-line whieh is east over all
buildings- and it east
the Imre gad. Something 3 lad Arid
-- xie to the Q01Th
ma/lament, lieu Asa, tbY
ueigliblUr Dx iternett
anstrenng- question,„ 'who is
thy ' telghboorki• explained that
*Every unfortunate son of Adam
thy neighbditY',. 44-80
We are building 'upon ,a, Terr flrzsi
foundation- if Voir ateept-the.tiech.
Ito 6f. Our craft then Y6it are aq*
ceptlng the. itan4ard. -Let us then so
buIIcI • withbritit tom stone
upon" stone. Let pa **ulna by gciod
• holy words , and hoher
May w. find our placeof*ores,
t Ward.n in
1ty rn11t by God. ay -the" hitiudn
t" upon, you and
' A‘sliver tea at _Voile's Rock.,,* the
eurereterrtgielttbouseVc.- a=t004
Thu -
day' rwAs generotieli:patiOnfsectIO,
rich • . The functiotiwaii, held, /*U -
de tilb ogoicefi 44 the, Atiltzt Circle of
. In long drives, rest ten tomtit
- .
.every hour. 'Change. .driverer eve ,
hour, if mere than one can drive. Be
eternally vigilant against ineldie
drowsiness. .., •
.. Maintain good ventilation despite
dot or. fain. 11331,1SpeCted atb.0 ,.
iiionoaide. poisoning has caused litany
fatalitie4. Bemuse bf %the outward
direction of .s6 -called "no -draught
ventilation", other ' ieindowe should '
be open to minimize the dre*ing,in•
• of monoxide charged air from below-;;
Carry' thermos or other tontainers '
with your.water supply for loceasion..
al,•.ineels. This is safer that dipping:
-the water from wayside stre**,. no
slit„hattittoslutitt tiheeopmeettotitiatter., Dugan
.,7.7 or olislAeoutt. tooted,. at water. NtznaLerts.:,..91: iheheesuit:lje. l':::_,e,,d,,,,f,,.., , ,b,:fore,,,,,*(7
or sterilixed. with the *thief drop'
outfits now aVetiaPie • fr.0P1,,(14P,Att" '
„szalc,el., 'said that the work o! the outttitttitlitc_tejitro..4cti t ,
•1(2144,3001/14ittorialatin het heot-11-°-: t3oreematt always there either -.4 Is itnemilmon- '-
.40., Um Mooteftli vim $ tittle' IA the eg Yet to fitd.Milittaetkurized",„ Ask -•
arttort:tmtnehildit,5,4006 .toistishetactiwiwittist voronti:le II ilfid-uttelei,tiyetrent:yre", :enbehoreriteUlitifie' tttetin:tal). .
reeverlie minitniii the danger Of
'f'-it*''eJaQ l•fluildettl'4° bat tileitj";w7"c° 1::' nichiiilkdtr6ehn'Quultidlerrstiltis 'kabeiveotuirlY 1°111141131peadect 0 .,
tatit..offor:ithdet:hAmet,th.,:rwetectig6vtrikinelitor.tatratiobildret:tutfedra: ..ortr'has 1114mile:011u Itheitoottwglitth.ea:tstte yea ttlihee .
- ' he had accomplished that ' he ' had boili .g. , point. , -
_iffiiiiiiiee, :-.10,1re-V-had'aiorayt ice:, do not put, it :;clirootly,into liqiiid'
it botatithat:-;theyte.lieoleforsat'idWrilet rotta7 esti: reitrlaidnriAtosi_ta, :--thr--. , •,--4-6t,-.*.-- ...;;id_..,...,ltd ,it7
nug,er. of otoPles, In the tOCitie 'V, carry et. few hatidy.::ineditines along
1,13%:11114tadvesitvill,kug,04leirent4k°°•tiere-'*Ing•had good1164. riveas7.1.1ittabilizebtrt151forl.rellstlacterir.."Itleie,.*tirikol * for inflitillid
'116ineti°4644-Z4 ili4s, _the;oittsooty,_ .151: " rue, ' applications,edropper.YstI i't coldbs ipnirgna itahi lio411he014441,:titerla:bil r A tei:
coet 41.. child add it, One* via warding off ntestpilf4ea. , ,. ' ,,- •
Iritak:is4litrorigAt'iottittlowterhtlit"t`willis'grOirtips,lung_:_1111rp :Pro,ft iiotaivuolfrg:fotiutevvitnisicies:, itototirtee"olltrint:rnoritese leontt‘,0,,ty:,,hattdifirtzoliriresetat.,.. _ :
(limieroos dilly and it4s *itch -We
hours: ¶[%e Thelocal iitiblie hospital, ebtilit -
* stranger, than 4- -waste-A4irecio
tinittion. Sometimes this inscy, itifiliti , .. .
to consult ,* local 'doctor, exalt ifiettg
aulimit. * list of . cre.alpeterit' vdtktto*
igtieliti3Ous totieetang :Iteeltiti;ad-
Ti v
illikeil:03 to the tatiadiert Medical As-
itociatien,:--18e Collsgo-Zto !,Toronto,. ,
will te,' atievrettial, ,. pe y '14
shot** beiter„
of the -high bac* ceret
A brilliant sUn,_-.enhailQed the
betiatt a the ladies' costumes
gueetcetrolled., about, the epeciette Won.
the lh1i 6r .was „freely toed
the 0404
40, 0001 Cott. IPTV
zc1ed 'They were aas15ted 1,y Mr. r44.12!..
y, «Msalifith Taller sad