The Goderich Star, 1936-07-02, Page 6e_ , 4 4 ient0110f,• on .Saturday .Presbyterian Church • 4$ .ORTRUD.Z,WIABY.' WAS ,BR E.S.MAII , t e st;artinge';‘i'oOlf,:-P144* .44lCnoxibtlYrit.icict4)totio• !t"ti4lj'or, cireltstson'retror.":1:60iiirltdi":„hor eV:di.' of411. Saturday, 400431-.27tni,' 449 •• -1,--to- hitOriatt "0-1101*.,•or X18,4v Edith :M,..q.1.1 and a;uns. - thibollOY the butter. ' 10. ian:Roien jouniby, dauglite of mr. crigna , i 1430014 cf "nieltitig'ik. and Mrs. W,-(4-,' imnbYrSt-,,P4-Vid,',Sti, ' ... "rt -I.,,. eibOaN,M*Iti.;;171,T, rlcb att D 3. Lane ofti.:1:atItfoi40,:', , 7'ileve:inti:1011. .asitii,e4;17410.11 c,01,,cot:htare'-‘0 Jai:la:11kt -2teof.-141, 0,,n . ',XI) thnra=. - , „*E0hl they 441,1, v1004,110 , , - ,!rio, 4330- .. ' igflte * bride VS!41.1c. in; :110WP. red ChM': t ur. tbe-itio ties ' are ,Iirot otouVy **ter, it nil;,t11,1'etfail4i;so'P iy,Vit:' ‘elltiTe419 .01118%4 teh'7,,,t;t1:43*,1%Irr4:47. • ;crrselsedana4ti*bn;abliliedi"uoeniabta:414„Ietniii::g4;‘"dea I 06stli44,...A• , 00," • "vdeotT perfect-. eat.et - 414110t a' 4464°4 14-‘' W4ridesin.i414,,,,„Attl,_,I*4 '4:I ti*''' ' d1411• littarintO4 ' Gertrude ""--4*c-141t tottle,,, and ,,Vit , IA 4, •„ Of.uTaft=:: l ilk-floY.elered..944,sni---Fat leaspeore-ef. ni, u If tiro 14te. to a, leafy nest. the SrstleSa VieVe40# at xeEt? *MI 4'040 the littiumngt, , of a OEiow Often have you"vhslietl'404 could break' the \dishes insteS4 of ilia,* ttiehl 'after 4."01g. 000? • ; Instead ,or 461* tb•st. 11Mtevert.04 tan eat thatultOt des - WI, kink:Of AilaterZel_"'Inide' oX ,:s *tame witiOU firlit Sortie'as talrocILou are 1 'apOE! doors, , , oortilmoo,tx, 014104 .1(0,--501,oW-YOu ne tie** 44 rub' • thiz not only etlailree;•'04tOth runnin but It protetatelhe 11,0044,rom 05tto 1.111 'weather. tablespoon %16attlig 'tire cold ,,Add • • tessektonserated -Onion teaspoon Wt.! . UblesPoOtes lemon *Pope and hIfl roilg144. MOflIUIkb SuPreme pielan#,:teeamteratheore en, said - ,_,...._ , ' tthathree 'triiht.;:,gotilliet-Li?lart Just eted he 24 30, :0„ bettkr,dea Or: the derk: . s. i'''..1.. •C". operating .. 0.44 1110,ft 1, t. ''I'4*11• stated14):744e0,xV441.%g: -::' -oUT 1,0,`Ititb,!:03.1.0d,044,40.0mtt,th‘t-4704,004elintt,tOtt,"!:9:00tran4.4 t),.., , leerifkeepe.r: .7,. ', , ...,' ,t,oiei,„ , , ‘ It***er ( .,*ceTil ve • ) tie • and 30 ' l't*lebe P;'Llrin41Vi)ia'Prxt:"te;*:::tef.;lt'nit4.,t'',thPUi'kciul;:.••Ir0ri,titrt;p:6:ffel:'T:t44!:'rhl:'st' # 1: d T; .' CI' ile:A71:4e:tie°** tar4t-,ot'.e.'?D11:- 71e11'°.',14..aartrailthil-.' V' ,1111117111; II014' ;!".:117 rai' 'lis-Irilr44' ' '''01(.1cir'' *13:40....k:.-11118' ,iiiiiwit' ria.rt.t4'.•t,,,' :.*: 44*.nr: b"rienita:g" :int:0 two stores .. m no eha , . , felt' the * as ,a duty 'he owes 14) tilt- ebringville,., a--Inan-' . '',VintulieV: „ 0::.!..444;i0e#:.:10.":,,,,t4fli,;:6500,".:: *hie_ . monacip,_,i,ias sentjtioym:,$0 :t roo,:. *-,.:1411,40,04fr:41*, or.71--41-rWiloltesr-e7:WWig '.. ,4*. 1-1-4.1imii--;-241":71re"Pibe7itt-ilHi 7'7D')gfre.6i4hketr,' It ninegot fi!tlAbeo,Liftiv,,tr .*.i,tt 1!:4,....t*, ,8664.4; ,:vuove"roo, 'to:, iitt.!.fslittiolldagittr:. ... __•_. ate .• 4. . X.T'Xili'ili,'.' 'Oeninittee* et the 1,40.0:010.4e expres- sed ' - •-•••,------'''''''',. . ''', .:* ho 'icsilti0.14744100,-en4'.4%.'iti, ":arktallb:41rot u„,(1104,heik.i, 4.14„;...,': MISS VERA WILKINS Is-swRETARYAREAS. Six Ingroets ot-the:Bai*t, Chime n Young Peeple's :lose Wnharfl- on elle- grOiPlitg 'WAS toruied'boinPrWic VAn basst, ” Auburn, •Ialstotiel 311a. Podeiii" b. About OO attended the •IneSting at viliqh Miss. Vera 1714444-of•-•ccoorith- vas .olootoci seoretstrakii*" -the cari7frtretii old-fatiiOned.-09BegaY4. Of _00tittu co•'•ter; , Leave the. noturl., 40,40n, paprika, Of des,lred) _ . ' The groom vaS, attended ,by ' Mr, .t116-„,,,usly,-, TIMMY, rWele the %• • ., unspesons 'vinegar Or vsolePtork , . 3 4, , Y. f th brld ? ' 'to Plan drY. ' • / ,After 1Weerenion a luncheon wah - ._., , . water and itc44 'leaTe 11.P8)." • Wm. Lumby 'W. of 'Oliatham..- \ • ''''''' • , • ttle "-- ,if desire0 and csh4444•,-,,,,Icifit4P•" -!f4i'ved." at- !".P.4., ° 1„ 'when clean paper ta laid in draiveri .1L, . in414-0114.4-teraepoo*.'at -a"time---,. the contracting-, • recs., After Nvhiclii,..,...„,_64e to (flak *lie ,,,,.,,,,r,..,,,,,,,.:, a • lestiog, i-atver .vath additidn.,.. Keep, tbt,i- ihappy qupl left 100 a --moterii. larger than itt'ke;76•4'"itc. has:; 4.•', beetitur *Ma rotarY egg beater- during trip to Niagara rills ,, and other' 34•-• as a bower of floral -beauty on Yip- , ' oil hat been ad.cie4. /Amer smoutts side -1)n 'Torento , St,,,_ Goderich. Thia, 10 601n3,,.,,,t 06 bitcl "4: '5"'' ''''' ' "4' ktorticultural Society, held ,tfiefr ' Rego -the moat*, ,when about one-third„ of points, an4 oh their return "Will ie- .clIver'.1* that arall4"aarg..-Lix Is>,....i.1/111, dal' .411c1 Saturday when. 'Ma •Godelieh /- /- be oomeit „It 0 .time: mull Au of bride's going-W*0 costulte'''ws.:*.,:4 • 4 44 t It a firalVIIIVPD1 S aoll "ectIler flowers. 'beautifully "arranged; were -444.6 paper ,511°4d 4:4' fastened 4Sh. w ' Hundreds of niulti colored ahould ,•white.silk _raittli willi,„ red, -and winto it inplace. tirre' tunwci410 mat' 'on ilisftlaY. ' • ' " Grown• odetichGo tve the .Socifiti is prerie Inquentanddependent in Emmet:Years !tie -We- pu e-ilociet-to•-bre oisfalitp-Alutillary-- °vital VVeleovae,Wirst President • beatet. 'rho slams e/cldk' rents, to immediate relatives of k_ - • -after -theirAntt • been PUt,. in order, it is YS4-..gain3IT .that ii(as ote iiimusedrof •doittg: that, , rather It II the, duty of the Poelety ite.Sauttlets.•.etere,-On, West Street wrs• 21/4/ 0, ,,03313,00 ettinied simp lido homes and re-establish the not, a-dit,incere If too ctesso i•ne . to,prevent"4ust-tWorldniclUndtZ sy,eichee Anteing -add' two egg rualiit oititurgats,atd previous ere. . .(ed taTid tibbOnsfr W.3fi:aWarkd to the wok, ;bin ,with additional Vinegar, Tho',britlikaW43 ,„•016. P ,t.‘o tOitf ih, ' the paper' and eikeum otte-Whols egg her itemise was 'guest of honor at / 1 winners in the various 'claiSes,,— The, ,gteets, velvets, cut or 1041 124. skolsrer summer home Of tad that ,t0r0Pean, IltaNg • .„fc4:04rtnlieli,44114ivi,:°tAiiY°171,43.'14:4 iie to live. first- .prekddent• or the ',ViatOinen,A lletpittd ""e tr3rtO 4nalce• them Obit the i0005neitil.- NIliditarit the ntinifiers 'of that ixrci*nt. 416Y 011,1til* cili141;e1V! Ile' s.aid• katron tntertatntd, her on rriaalk-after.. . lie exPialned that under tI4 new reg - noon , at, the . residence % of um Ci. M. nlattone' they , have ' a '‘datywork,' sheet, If:re, vit.O•rrwe... 4teleiehre meileririlae ,avue's.taitie,_11.01miloretsorto3i'dalt tlY4.4.witioroz-nttti.Iv, 't. haat. been till -Amiss Amelia littliLean, the .President. 4, ove' wiii5',,O. rerdn'g, distriet auPer-. nstead of -9kiten• .1441„Per liligliPPte -« a shower given *t her home by neigh- 1 OR' $1414 bOrs stild friends, ,also a dinner' party calvoiCOr aun ,rernorte sods eaut ' 'MVP lard into the, akin on their feet be - Mae , *11 ' aoie IA cup ,boiling water. Md. • r..% cup trushol Oie4PPle , 1 toenleSpoetui chopped nute• 2 tobleepoons elioPped pimiento and - 3:-oatte Piddiffe ereaut icheisse‘ to 'taste. pepper taboo, *114 er-ln• refrigerator until, 1UUI Is bouts. Out in sheet 44.thr a *ban) knife and arrange On OUP !let" Serve with •ina3tonnabe **ea' aeret ao-thsk,theLttirfg edges' ire ,form i*Ings„ 'use the bodl, thin slime ot atuffecl in the vlulteo" of a pepper let the ,ofeival ani Veget046 5,14 and rut it deslred. .4$401. ST."'IIELV4S, June 43t 'Form 11,, in gt;,- Sohool, have been orantea standing on their year work .in, the subjects itidicattelt_Sonald Crinstoft it Atith., Bot.../whirsiog., Allan Miller Gram., PhYsiog.: Grace Weath- erhesd,. Grant., Hots, ' . Thefuneralof the late Mr. John. McDonald, whose death, oceurred in make an ut valise 'that feot 'soften- Ing--beantY Oattnentir arceinipe ant to foot 4:on..tfo 1101* a heautY Yon " nine winter* an %your feet dition, makes difference in'. look end feel; make t tevery fof two itiree tack, cretin or'lsoineof anklet, EfCcep rubbing until quality Of the flowers -display • wal, ex&ptionally fine this year, but the • entry list was it as -large , was hoped fer. There Wete'liunitter flow, era of all varieties in the7slieviWsogio of vihich were of an unusual fortne., tionlitid With attractive. Markings, The .priZe Winners were; e rose • Gotlerith `110,42111i1P tfallaliarst It tion o! thTOM *as a, 'Ark,aw-4-r; 'he' IV last 1116till.ancENvasIrlu'lh: iiiZed disinfectant for wounds,. s e ,taken the progress inat bee -teen gauze, eotton bat dages,' adhesive:at& 11%4. A *4 g sa.a. -agavita:-"bii TOE CANADIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION AND ups soosunatidit compoim$ IN naimapa „, • , • . Motoring Unite •.± At this time of _Year many us are 'taking long inOtor trips and may journey far from beaten paths. A few -health 'hints may be appropriate. Carry 'a.' first' aid kit it -your ear. One ever _knows when it will ,13e needed .te Saye a life—perlia4S—Vittr -own; This should contain at least-a,recog-' the ooderiell,.,T9F:01011 .1117.0"' courediutti:".tiMeron, and, expressed :the appreeiation, of tche Auxwary for thl invitation to he present at, the, bern,oiniis [cathedra. Tea was served in the garden. where ituturtor, but :rptu. rta bit in a ya,sev 147,70. g a.Q. 4,_, . . table,„ assisted by mfrs. lkif. 'Campbell, ttls tb4u y6ii did durog, the x0%15100,4 8rd ) R. Stonehouse. Three Three WM lietty P. »• Vass 4Otin <Proves, tre you ',.3.31104t,, .15,4 IK,A,tinikt roes in a 'rase: Itershavil 4., Chinrlsont Vas '0.„Nta-OVIcer, Miss 07741,1140thebt t t.pottiDscorrert.,ccocare. ,-2nd, Mitcheil;. Srd, Stonehouse. Mite Oeynoles ands Mist O. R. 1171gie; Six rosci in a vase, lst, 13. Nelson.; ..euxhig ithe 4i',orteon .4tunieten; Nine roses .a.vitseLl auxinoy., ttie „avesentatIon .borig 'made. ,.:."aiss .Vrouse,', Mr. Edwards said, a twist, otheavy cord for - applying 4went to Toronto this year and studied *lints. , \ • , Keep dark glasses in the They in , the system' tor''tork County as: ..practised in ,r4lorontof ..*e otta,alao in 1,,silnilon will save much eyelatiguef a split», 1. where the SodetY is.aittfed, sis Among the ling headache an4 'Perhaps it spoiled • laczt in the province. , -day • ,. ,i0'. ,br.. 'Barnett, 'hi' answer to a viestioii, ... that the. rmipartment .ot-Publie -Welts,* Is *vim that eltilifen, be:places:Wm pri- *ate' homes ;wherever ipossible, rather than In ignie instil-n*54,i These pieces, he -mid, were merely meant to be eleq- Ing house*. " ' ' 04r. Ibobertsot recalled that sonie. 16 yeas --ego the C. A . 8. teak Von• -itself the werk-et the Tfienitne SocietY Out that when the oOlmty Oeitt41. and .the Elocietbeget working together - about 'seven iyeitrS, ego the matter was vdroPPed. There ‚were milt a very few cosea to at- tend. to, be said. ,tt .is not general:1Y known, %fr. Veberteen. ovum:tented, that thee is gni such soeiete ill towil..... He felt that the work should be derma ,01,?. 'the Presideirt. iseuted Itt-Iteherteen iway, your, oet 2nd R. Sf111 onelhotistf, 'rd, F. V. lerehavt. the guest of honor; lees presented, with a tea • est By'rOn Eanitirium last Tuesday, was .t *11 all held front, the 'United Church berg* on. of it has been Abliortiede..- the ._ . Thursday lifternoon. In the absence. excess before golng to . like, Of Rev. 11. M. Wright, the sereice substitutecaratkor toe for tteaut: . was Conducted by Rev, Chas. Cunt. -I dilkiates end rough spots -Mal he 0' *ling of Walton, ail:listed by; Rev. tumid, Aftee * 1,)401. dip .,,ai tette Mr. Smith of Wingliam. The pill- of' pumice In water, then gentlytrub.4t =bearers were M ars, E. $. Thom, F. too the hardened soot for no' itiore 0: Todd, W,,,•' I. Iliere Mid. ifutoph. thisri thirty eecon,de. , MO trY, to re- rey; It IC, Rutherford and W. A. - ehe t or liiilletre intentent.,ste made in the Wingham Cemetery. deet-weatitaitleil-inuch-in,..ina •inithe United Church Oudot Party Id'igrihiattr oening, decided aticcess. After the supper Which ;Was served *.*rehilird .to the large crowd, the 'PrOgkern was. pre- sented it the Adjoining chursCh shed by the Young People of Calvin Unit ed 'Olin -telt. Their well ected;'7'itda4. tertitining.• Mr, tteily Todd wet, home 'trot)* Laden for the week end. Mist -Irene Woo& -who:, hat, baen home 'lora - -school -14411,- loo for .W/6 weeks :recuperating Xr an ,attack of the inUrnpio 4iat yeti* id to her dutlea. " and ,lasnee /toliOrtstt (formerly Mimi- Coil* McGee) 'et ,Seattlet were taller* -,in:the-irilitigfe on :Monday. •4 ' The ,Coiranunity deeply .,shock- ed On Saturday nietnine whit it 'wee thst Mri, James. Durbin had passed two atiring silebt, lit4 not been in the heat for some tit* Mrs., Durnin was apparently no livorsei and bad Obit to at.nd the ea more a hard leafloui even the fifth treatMent, ex, patient. It took plenty .of time for the ru• to do/Wow 1. MO* At in two atm toter 4o, porta* tixtr* ottsitive feet itat1.wtekil botch* bathe -are extefient, cnuolte • 44,1c 10100110fisodal in a box - in of *Ad 'Water and iota Your feet for twenty ..itsinfees. rr. Kit4611; .34 Kershaw -F. *lade ?if 'Mee. ,P11341S. `1611nst°11' The‘jil * `rig Was Alone Mr. Geo. miss core *stoat, ioectotio $tewart, lo florist. ,00derkgn77iiary,,, oleo presolatedgetithmer240. Ossiterot with a. bouquet mAsoss ATTEND SERVICE "ve". 11°4PPI -761)1Y:Iral made by .1)eliff" htlul Tea- At icontimied p.ie 1). . 'of iv -Man but Wia1e a. far longer 11001. • 'It is is .our watts frain"-dat-t0 day *hili make Aspour habits, and it is car liabitg7thatinalte-retk-livesa-flMep; Xleil his a standard. Re is the Grand behooves' each one. ,to ask our - elves, 'what is. thi tandard? isin 1 to , know this standard? Virhat is thething am to hnildI Thank God there is but one antWer.... ' The plumb-line whieh is east over all buildings- and it east the Imre gad. Something 3 lad Arid ynintet -- xie to the Q01Th ma/lament, lieu Asa, tbY ueigliblUr Dx iternett anstrenng- question,„ 'who is thy ' telghboorki• explained that *Every unfortunate son of Adam thy neighbditY',. 44-80 We are building 'upon ,a, Terr flrzsi foundation- if Voir ateept-the.tiech. Ito 6f. Our craft then Y6it are aq* ceptlng the. itan4ard. -Let us then so buIIcI • withbritit tom stone upon" stone. Let pa **ulna by gciod • holy words , and hoher May w. find our placeof*ores, t Ward.n in 1ty rn11t by God. ay -the" hitiudn t" upon, you and ' A‘sliver tea at _Voile's Rock.,,* the eurereterrtgielttbouseVc.- a=t004 Thu - day' rwAs generotieli:patiOnfsectIO, rich • . The functiotiwaii, held, /*U - de tilb ogoicefi 44 the, Atiltzt Circle of . In long drives, rest ten tomtit - . .every hour. 'Change. .driverer eve , hour, if mere than one can drive. Be eternally vigilant against ineldie drowsiness. .., • .. Maintain good ventilation despite dot or. fain. 11331,1SpeCted atb.0 ,. iiionoaide. poisoning has caused litany fatalitie4. Bemuse bf %the outward direction of .s6 -called "no -draught ventilation", other ' ieindowe should ' be open to minimize the dre*ing,in• • of monoxide charged air from below-;; Carry' thermos or other tontainers ' with your.water supply for loceasion.. al,•.ineels. This is safer that dipping: -the water from wayside stre**,. no nlauttnetreiliebcruistrisrtikvlie*goithyteruiv*dprlaititng slit„hattittoslutitt tiheeopmeettotitiatter., Dugan .,7.7 or olislAeoutt. tooted,. at water. NtznaLerts.:,..91: iheheesuit:lje. l':::_,e,,d,,,,f,,.., , ,b,:fore,,,,,*(7 or sterilixed. with the *thief drop' outfits now aVetiaPie • fr.0P1,,(14P,Att" ' „szalc,el., 'said that the work o! the outttitttitlitc_tejitro..4cti t , •1(2144,3001/14ittorialatin het heot-11-°-: t3oreematt always there either -.4 Is itnemilmon- '- .40., Um Mooteftli vim $ tittle' IA the eg Yet to fitd.Milittaetkurized",„ Ask -• arttort:tmtnehildit,5,4006 .toistishetactiwiwittist voronti:le II ilfid-uttelei,tiyetrent:yre", :enbehoreriteUlitifie' tttetin:tal). . reeverlie minitniii the danger Of 'f'-it*''eJaQ l•fluildettl'4° bat tileitj";w7"c° 1::' nichiiilkdtr6ehn'Quultidlerrstiltis 'kabeiveotuirlY 1°111141131peadect 0 ., tatit..offor:ithdet:hAmet,th.,:rwetectig6vtrikinelitor.tatratiobildret:tutfedra: ..ortr'has 1114mile:011u Itheitoottwglitth.ea:tstte yea ttlihee . - ' he had accomplished that ' he ' had boili .g. , point. , - _iffiiiiiiiee, :-.10,1re-V-had'aiorayt ice:, do not put, it :;clirootly,into liqiiid' it botatithat:-;theyte.lieoleforsat'idWrilet rotta7 esti: reitrlaidnriAtosi_ta, :--thr--. , •,--4-6t,-.*.-- ...;;id_..,...,ltd ,it7 nug,er. of otoPles, In the tOCitie 'V, carry et. few hatidy.::ineditines along 1,13%:11114tadvesitvill,kug,04leirent4k°°•tiere-'*Ing•had good1164. riveas7.1.1ittabilizebtrt151forl.rellstlacterir.."Itleie jEk.gg.tilitielAg,.*tirikol * for inflitillid '116ineti°4644-Z4 ili4s, _the;oittsooty,_ .151: " rue, ' applications,edropper.YstI i't coldbs ipnirgna itahi lio411he014441,:titerla:bil r A tei: coet 41.. child add it, One* via warding off ntestpilf4ea. , ,. ' ,,- • Iritak:is4litrorigAt'iottittlowterhtlit"t`willis'grOirtips,lung_:_1111rp :Pro,ft iiotaivuolfrg:fotiutevvitnisicies:, itototirtee"olltrint:rnoritese leontt‘,0,,ty:,,hattdifirtzoliriresetat.,.. _ : theory ua (limieroos dilly and it4s *itch -We hours: ¶[%e Thelocal iitiblie hospital, ebtilit - * stranger, than 4- -waste-A4irecio tinittion. Sometimes this inscy, itifiliti , .. . to consult ,* local 'doctor, exalt ifiettg aulimit. * list of . cre.alpeterit' vdtktto* igtieliti3Ous totieetang :Iteeltiti;ad- Ti v illikeil:03 to the tatiadiert Medical As- itociatien,:--18e Collsgo-Zto !,Toronto,. , will te,' atievrettial, ,. pe y '14 shot** beiter„ of the -high bac* ceret A brilliant sUn,_-.enhailQed the betiatt a the ladies' costumes gueetcetrolled., about, the epeciette Won. the lh1i 6r .was „freely toed the 0404 40, 0001 Cott. IPTV zc1ed 'They were aas15ted 1,y Mr. r44.12!.. al OW; VAIL y, «Msalifith Taller sad