The Goderich Star, 1936-07-02, Page 2, \
Thexe i Ortune, periapL&:olialf **en fortunes
. - .,, ,
ie inap
, wbo .411.invarit:Oter tire that' willnot
you 'have a.4:40,11**bout it, ailik .tha 1adieir s
u: ,, 41 radiator ;war w.
o,. ' oi,Pilidedc . • f
-, ,..
0,00,1,01ln:0! Detroit and radio. tattle, ie,ip n
'.0 4'4 'POO te‘, 4(004: tUe ,f0311,Olnitili' 0 '
10 ;.„gt446.4,i.,;:116 calls it the ..'llieelit .Juticc
s.e.cial:bnainees,. 04$404000 teAit,„in W
, lit. ,least it haatq'prcwefl 'vey11;410i-04*
eenunuilty where traditions Ariiim
*,10rm fEnniatitI
, ,
tb&t doe net ,11e6r0,10'llkinto Tthe,-, -040410 of
Owingsii lArith zo niany young peel-fat:Ont. Of '!.'iina$0.,3tlfleitt
'h Iittle 00000 4.00Ork 0014'14.1f •-4.01.Y'occujsti'galnful
onp a Ireed9M---#,em Any land of "reatraiut
accompaniechy.a Asinelinatiolt to devote
*or* which in ,texThei ,41044.e3waijart ot-t
ly routine. .flL
ith nothing to clo- n the .way of .011101,11t•
at least 'contributimt sornething towards ; the ,11,otiii000.
ei:iperiges,.*40000a can be .for.004,for
tbOgiie in 'AU
\Woritt"..14e,theru*' .L.:They:**0t4 Ourae'4uiteng, in ,.
tir4 usuwptlOni as tbelr cci.nAlatki:410-11 *an,'
re' _
It ay be, that., that deep•roeted:fvalut to, their lioliteS,
• kes young peop1efliO or lesL thugbt1eM044 the
lorrner.*OticISof 10;7*44, one of the firt A*14.01:thet
110b, a etgaiOtto *OW
outliverd'otaPologY, an eat which fe*'-.Yearis
„ 4 t.
• .considoW one, of grOac rucleeeeeo and
would have beenby an intimation• that thehou*ebold',
'couldget along vert comfortably Withent
the,,honrefer-,--steeP have-014*ga,
:of changes, A amali pit'oentage of the rfising genera-.
tion, May ..devote some tline te„;Study.,,*nd sleep, hefoic
midnight,;:thongli the nuijority..does.'n6t hie*.
pressed with, these advantairetv-bjOreP:r
to 1iner
1974-10., *a in the -Morik1ugat".4.,,,n4 what' ***1 be done
about it, exceptlet_thein4eag Oh?.
e It for
*Wit for fodder
ehOUld not be wa
int • Owner-, of, .CC
bargain by
ld�teete, that IS If thetOWfl. 0
h0r0 it hart it0vm It }ookz al
t itis sUltable,Or -
Ann isher l fainilY re:004s .,914 414'' 4 ilie., ' 1*10
vox ihelill 'at Voilit0Vii 040 Ipviiii(14, .v00, nientioned 14r. .,
with ,4* Attendanee 0- 204):, The .1401waYs*. in a .ietter ti) 40h
:weather tcels delbtbtfnlp and tlie.'144 ,Chairmen, et the. .0anadian '
* - $eato I,t jer' 'Niro' -feStik rior to being placed Diu00610 TiOndont.0061.01, erci•°641,'" 1:4 1°14* t4'ui '
tori;',Undesbore, Xitchener, f Vet? train,. 'tine': :10'clini'itiVe ,"
1%Part5 Wa0 Car;104,:out 'Vtitlif,,the,.x0- 4141,04n ' eAld' St.W,Y,Mtee, telleVq;,4irlfs *we.' "-,71.-,1 road, waa..1.onnfied ');07. * .AtrO0
A ,E.14-si,I'leiee4bOy40-11**4.7- #itaisix busities.0.‘0.1.01 ,W00
0 31160i. - la, ,FiSlie-4,. Kit* -waY 4'f -7-03110A-14*; one of the eeiii,00,44:
frog race,•
anut"racei,-,Orantente-OftheOespUt: Canadian Nation
atatue, trial; ..,,Vgar .fiTeher, i • ginning 01 COilAdia*rA00.4 VA
c -enirt.s.,;4(' 'a 7ateli,And' jiiMpi-, !will oclOratekOin . ail .
--,etfaiit4ralier):" a voini'Oadis, 00.: aottpc A, '1,arig,a lrog#0000; arlr,..:
'Years 410:=0Yerl_ t....,T2,.- „Istr.-,:ya*a.i.: *hi Oant0017tgzeexOrg, 10k, inc1444
*to:00j balto 0t: • ,000. 05' inr,the .dedicati9n,.Of..-a;.eit‘e
rat1r40W1 v.- "640()"' type 100004'0:of
:Otani' 'a.tIOnat-Itailwaye
fro% Mortiieiil:''''fo" 'St; ...
nrday, July: 1,0;0 0.01Ton
IES -,:arla'S -railWay centerliii
, oibuitT .4; `.451n* -the
The 141
"lbetne, TOW40,10k; ' iast /.,:Daturdayi: ( Pr:01014. * of the ,,Cau at
lair Pr:,,,eir 'fi•Phil'''0000.13,TN, .-... ' Contenllifil Oiliinlit0e:This ii.
awes, were pregent,..*ro -0 et -the ra. ils,.t,now..iindergOin
„-_ ,A:4n1011.14140;;,,ZIIIt,.,lilek 44 lit, 101104.tin-lisAbi. tOrieiOUVne
141441° ''T'Incli '''' ''' ' '-'' . * ' • : '" 1030 '$.11$*1` Ueiriie- -to ..‘ t•
urmg the afternooroclirogram 0 • -The 'first , railway, in ' ,, ,:
ari.,,'131111.0.Vistlierferi*ra.,0*, ,ti.:-;_0011.40V.0:-.the;:rVailreaii.„...7 .
0;,reo'.,1:40trittre:',VAelierivbere 11.00;",vhenAhe.„ charter -.eights' were
0.,....y.04-4,- ti„,..;_.-Firotr,; T'e-qitired-- 1-*-, ..tlie-4,404wd,•-lrunk:"-itail.,'
:00,i...VOYS.--.04, 'igtvli ,:.: /4-43411vfot3i. _,
' .0.,,.:rieher,•:' 7';'1,4gef • V*: 1.900'-'4:0013rOrmoy!: Of, - be,,:
„with, gill the
do 0 -Judge there '
atVia t 111 vil/en are 11A.
presented 7, -1a. theY aretill /94
' older
lOYea 40eketatuey get ' the
they csn *earthem, but is
Years 4'‘‘.1aut, over), Jan McClure; monument _to mirk the cote=
*ring _conteet for • ehir4r_te JoY00• the Bari
' coat race, /stix.
Godericb Trio7.01- Club lost out b.ya spaillui:Ilority* in
their ittiiiipt to bring Vie---Lioi4 pith' -.Coirveittion to.
, this town in ign, when five inenibers of th-ii:T0-0a 61.11b,
attended. the- Contrention744:Qttawa, Thal,. distributed
,:ieme:1200 pieces of literature among the delegates,
verilAtug 00401401i> ',011,Ing,of lit unique ..f(31r,tation and
• ite.imittmerahle eltractiorie,fotithe to-drist. •411i was
3loble7iffertU a rod case..." .
The vota. was cast' In favor Of holding the cenitentiiin.
at 'tillagara Faili ani;1 *tort )Ceiborne',' .tihift'eene -offering\
this .delegates a hoot' trip which 1#04,Id take the loinifen.:.,
tion. to Detroit and Cleveland... A; trip of thie!kind !rebid
•4c,,ubtless 4004 to large noinbers of. the delegates ,
borne!" ere who *046m bave thef oPpor,4
put' $10. a xnouth In Central _
Ontario,ifl addit
rORQNTO, lune 29.—As many,as
Ontarlo citlzens,- Vilio;todalt Are
lly 'Making plans fax holidays,
11 be stretched nl on elibe in mbi,
e thxough�flt:“the provinee., during
s.„ ino xi
umuthanyc men'Is
5Egar. Visher;„ ladies' bag
Nava Fisher; men's blinOloal
race, rr,f4;",*litieliael; .ballaon rage,'
weekfr ,„,
hoot 'the country asking forsomething..,' to 'eat.: hid ; "
niesla linvitko,f,00' toles; fSrre„ :arc Beinethinzte re- n"Oial.'tn1-: of fatal ,n eldent5,. '
ten may week.
ca , au ere us , p o n uoi
d "rn t I job
$ ng p e
110w 'Who WOUI4 giVe Atheir;Services, for 4 .1a0rnight by 11°11; T. B.. VicQuegfeh* IN fR
thougif, little cash: wenldlielp,
howAng- other' atinti4te Meicle4:oecurre'd when 0,0 01- ralb014 sp rts comniztlnisheri,
'eseithefc at &flan. bor:VThf
**--. if .±hat every. citizen. 103/ reunion will held July let.
indite; Aver par areas
- '77 • tante-hod. a prOinee-idde campaign 'ivurt. • intorsii 16418tiate
'0)1 who now lives in Winali#Oytit efileivapaPerAidvertialq,, dray( tO 44114 au-tluredetft 'Olken a.,I0o04 won** officers
lonka ,t5LarOderiehy where he It allovaYS welOonit. sixth. the **Attu 'of Ontarielnoteriste.„ ives. .ehargeA‘ witiyossul ', vet. are; president* Tii0Ef.
Reid $11sher and 'Darl reaga4;• bal‘
ancineonteSt, 'Cart Risher.
prise: for the one ,.coining -the
°tweet- distance 'went to issue: Fish.
r of Flint 'Mich., and the prize for
fte"„,0144,at niarried-freoutle.,..‘ on the.
grounds went to Mr. and Mrs.
Isaac r Oher; ,
supper limn a bort pro-
was presented, Onsisting of
speeches,•niusieal. vainbas And read -
logs. The :history Of the MAO ;rain t
dating back 100 years ',was read
, • .
Mrs- Flet0ber Fisher.
the eonung year
m r rioidtut -at-4'61*, .nrriteriig _ths_windsor !tar mredui wktroulkeczlies --ve.,45a2 tim---defcnce,iiiou
I4uInkt. has an u
Gederieh. There Would howevai 'be
• no. oceasion liti3rtilni like the oUtlay,„.iri,Gode. Centre ttitiund the: alogau,'"T
tAA from •oluninuiti** Sind. , .toanY Whote
.kint cruise.
treat deal of credit -0 net only tor their' untiring eilorts
• (sio4evioit into the spotlight is a, place of beauty
fax ihe-oterttons. they put forth
Ia their -wilt of bringing sunshine:into' the, lives little
'crippled.'-'elillaito :and VeCtoring etrengtii.:and vior '40
*Kies limbs.
Ood-rielt .braneh. of the „oils u
on fhe'street. The orewed, came
•to, can her efintirea,--,/roniT
tux, (prom Ltisait 44,11, the air te-ok
'would study the advertisements
-both towns. evldeutly enoinioits anti -they appearid: Onta40., press, ,ion'ericen-aritique. 4eater as
rich a there 'would
appreelataa them. - ie to* be* 4 they- will ouid. -driov them to the •atte6,,
:FLIRTING titivril •
month* one. Young Min lost 11.S.
by jumping from * ritivay bridge 4#111en.alient, to
' oartiken'• by train, and lett ',wok. two ,1*,iyear-eid
boys et. ;IfOri, been killed 1'44704,41W*nssrof,
-*freight tratn_not, been able to stop before
•.t,elehthir the children 104
',Oa practice -0 walking 04 taill‘t,11101C011 it(*11110t
• 100, oetideirined, netit•1440it wit*
0040 May emne .aleng,::the'igh-firione of there MO
trains are That.little information mitht.
6 $: prove 'their 'undoing, as tritn* Ar*, ut .0000
- for the conyentos 140.210 **king -4000
*and tide %lay be ordered, Oa. the lines at any outi..
*ti unntnal. tight tole. peOple .
Iridg* nor
via tierigh. no fatalities reanit,
the Year, It 1* 40
.100 are ,0101* -104 on tha*PPre0400:to the btldge*,
but. ea**, eatnit, 0 n.
rail% with '41.4,th.
in hve *.eaPitalite4 in the near- fut:ure,. :Owl a their friends ' bee arrested' in New ur-rk for send-
Law Suit .Settled Between es„:
' • At -.$24‘
, At the .Bruce :aspiziOS:"Aw, futon,,L„
Schuler ...lorqu4
bweeL the parties -:13-0;•711i0',,,eige4tlatcti
pines ,godginvi-o; '
the plaintiff,. trilftid!,.044ilet;lartn,
brez- of Hinosrdi4e, taw0h*,.02.0.••4#'
et all .eleiMe, each POrt.,--40 defter,
.own costs.•
The viaintiff:Witfrod_:1P.ohnlar, Ateriner,
:1,y at the ohepstoso .dittriot- 'eltOrae0.- her
'had been (working during the summer
105 for a Xinoardine.''t0nilthip
named mired ilAraidei*,:atiCt;*,,...thti .or-, .t-
rd-on...thendioiniu„g4ari*,,hertinin• ,
tainS that the defende.P.t,
keit an otrtasonsibia .
pre4tet;s (0 the. 3rd SePten.lher, _
.he states: the 'bees of the 4.platitiatit, sari
twked him- as be.. wits
carrytng out his
.duties? at a faro, laborer; ,,on; -.„-Ncralden's •
property, and the...Plaintiff.-.:notiped
fendant of suckattkOt''''.-
•,1 on the morning- of .-SePteinlber-l'L.:.
schular went • to-ii,ts el:01°0es'
loading_ of the barley, and the bees Of .4e-
--tift-ttied to unhitch the'rtapi*T7.40that;
_they -could escape 4300 :'-attack,-
. ed: --the Plaintiff so -
came unconscious +-and
tense vain, and the pola0n- . the ,
_ithigs went through, bis .0101r1i- 00 thrli •
lie 1,8 unabie to Gary onrat-4ie 'ootopial -
tiOn. He claimed, $OO -1.01!•''Ve10;.' *OW-
-ing-kee...of_time,_loss Of health. el* 400-
• -40.tioftect RTinted, itta 1110.. doc-
tor's ' renc0Ter Peet,
h RebeF
--- -1440, ear• -be int ihreateningietterslo X T. Mot-
July 40.1 hoe were 218 Int) -a el,. fence Vitueseesi e. . • e•
The 'Onterig-l)cpartnient Gein'e and rishorkt is dente: in- Ontario, _aP4...1-W4' .31.°14 -bb°-- 1123."' dra- • val:111 Iriptifti°:voalihr!F4,4' ebeinegalues,-emilhil-oi-Y2for.°°ne
4. los to exexclse u n ,..and- 0 - \ lab= - toot that ti • , his statueSi
-dote e .• j. lgegilecten, , the
L1'hese figurea4ask:been onlr'average The poop t . e vas,.
fOr.that polo and there vi the e- ,i4c4*--ratzittl In action :....overseas cogaveible tulies;. fw)gch come snob
E.4 . - • .
take inkfre bass than they require for .therliemonal, use
• Only,_a*vealAzation of the iinportanee of. the x'egniation$*
is neceisary for their 1,14feervall0-04; Dp*,orfeniervtlitit are
e* spOrtstrieti, not the self-styled variety, ivil15:apPre-e
ode that tiiherylavte are 'nude. for the.perpe '
leii44116-„fiski:e9:0thers besides ffietriselYS enjoy
onei, of . the 'Province's .7attrittiordirtVadif4'
.iised fish Should bcitsretilrned ta'thel*ater with the least
V0010140 -and when: your catch hes 'readhed" the
laisrful number, tall it a day.
Isaberta'e teg iliture teMposed 'of mothers,
made up or Sskcjal Pre4Ors, 001 "ialberals, 0; 04?:115ertta-
tives 2, Might *Witt as 'Well call it yananimous. Prior
only dour Liberals. Such discrepancies. : tWeen.
partici dote not tend to the -Inst results. the Rouse.
of !Commons, *0, diff, &Once .in strength 'hi,
greaf#0 *Lough Hon. R. -Bennett, the Opposi-
tion leader* the .:Uottse ,hat .a; Whole party in
Of all the new letislatlaw$101ed, VY the MA** 4-104
the fasten just, clrfte4_ .the''eanailian- Nat** RaiI
ways bill and the ifferte'.to provide employment'lar:a.
Prepriating 140, million ilollere, were the 'Most inipor-
taut, The &bite "vtat. not particularly coheerned' with
the . party hicker1n$0, •
fere -0044 Xe0s.;11. ,to,lsupposertliat '9: the...tooth , es. he *4--hva-..#10#1.1...Pet, to-itisoloid,-,-e,threctio.:-.013 as ,. fahpi.4,6,
or 10 .-_,,Ontietio eitizons-rnoW. allye..4,..., 'you , toidition:_, Oe , stated ilia.' alter )c•Wiuneile,i;1,14-fortn-of -a-button et
.wonld, he dead ii weelc.lience,,unleAS- the aor*sed lie4 called het' olitilOen into , on ,.i.lo laxF 'or thleker than txrio cana-
,every, driver ,on the roads. Made a de.", the 'house She Hhailled off anct hit hirn." .
4 diart'..dve;-e.. tot -pieces., slot- a Wei*, .'in
finite effort to ted4g4 accidents, : 4- •Ire):4&ted "Mar* at the .q1414rell; 4`; 41he 044, 'Oval.'! ' iheeclire-extrudeil
Moat - drivero, obeyed . the- law, , 16. the defenOnt and her huaband, or at the , .,,
under vreistre of from AO to 600 tons
-Uceiestett--AdmittedOiutinly -ad- rift* ____hhor Who ,,,_1011,,-*Ve evide_nce for the clt-, , upthe • up th isictia of. a eted.rok 'thus teriehig
hexing. to. the, litter , PI 1,01C24,,. !Wife. "tesio'-",c•--341F-Aeulec.,,, '''-'19•nag141g5,77 '5,67.-bitherluber'-'11*-tubeis---.60-
and ehligatiOne did net COMPtlAte ,u screen door on, the '-hiiuse;', . .
tiltAt 100 140141',Ivelmitc.-eWn .9tita
12$8,, is in, uhatewerible argument irt5,,ror of
_‚ it4nimnc1flIttUCtO? at
xeqnested by,;:tb*-130310--ot:tite- Victoria Street g0Pie.
Wool ;Club. Young. tina.alans, iipend lot of, time in on iia .„
Ow *Tow doting: , 'taxon, sind\ are en,
Ude(); t0:119#14$ '1) if the ifirtanciat retittireruint*
lis arrafl2ed. It cannot be 4160ed that doinic toto
i)ui ill* tia* it* it,
the; , saving, a'-drOwning, periren Are
Shedd -he get-inte:ditticUlties- iiit.Urhok
:t I** it um**. if of* Council e
0 00 netestary lands to wages
e WO:
te '11164: the: **Yelled
r Uuighw&Y 0 a
• suie- ',-AISIM°Lwilsell• te4Vierl ill" the -172•1
fficnteontribution17 :
dual Vaterlets he declared. " veteran had Xstee4,214$ crutch, tts, it to
"Ablind 114* atoupon--all. ththat e had e strikcg6t.11/Wshbit him in
privileges of the law is only too of- Self She and;her neighbor both
ten the, cause of the accident) as frankly admitted -that they .01 neton
de -
then one -,driVer,ln01,40,41/94-.1115,1sett. (ote to hoe'the tPletflahlitet 11:43g,
ing 'hielAthtotmslay doubtf Inc salule etteet iikth. there. ,
PrOtr-_-311-0-'ef,,,Ifilefi--"41-ights'aYs' the eeee "after having been tailed to the
doesnoZ.meafl 'Wt14dNrflkeit-"- of stated. that
il eituatiOnr,1/11.:14eQuesten warned:, pant di.. a Twee, *lib investigated
only reckless *tiring; Went on. "It ,cotivelainant had been„.drinking to stiMe
4004114- SUM-theneglieitt,indiff. *dent,
ea, thoulitiess and disoOin'teons The Vaaistrate,l, 'dismissing:the case
tieus at the 4-•-lialtaellY 7, lew-dahiding as. as cliargea:•' assault, °mint' a
• wv ntajority's _ • -.- „,.,, disturbance •by 'ay and wilful datu.
44Thls latter category., pr tents a age of property sasAust the toropisinard
tableni"of „another' sort. InttOntiUfl,• In the 43090'esse 'Slut i'lpharge of caus g
ek -of-Oeurtest4lor _;,.othe faulty e; : --wooer .14 **mat 4
titbit' mikobe qui -off diiiiiits 41:-.'• "" ' Avite„siti‘tiThcOraii101.'
der certain cireuinefanetieTz-viit,.._.the ant is * ,CriPPle.-Itt, le That 1,171-eit-g: s'
,teelbardiTtrielie of the. most irres;,, tutu lwlio 'went' te vat, Ile'lL aOtliere
VOWS ltidiVidgeli.,,' .1tee0ide'libONY ,lealdil* frit sYmPeth.Y. Ifee,..11- owe men
• that more .thar`r $0per tent. of ' the Ilte th$s a del* A. debt that ,cfitiTtiever
clrlirere itryObted. In - 'accidentsha** be Tapia& t think- the 'neighWa,.
elr,et.--hefOre‘ been involved,, ocit ie _Aced or venting him, eft ' the street
evidarit-thav4kiestr-,-"aoitalle shotikt_ta,ther tonna Iatti***1 help htut.
lePees 00 rally of etiorrnoue 74,k-e-4Vdit .Ii-trterthv-VW-frieri
tante. - . -..:. -.. at* yew .% ani .net:Oztettlot flat,:ilite
. :fine., inti PreieMeni in driving 'bib, ,00mpiamaut us • fault. ' Bet-. who
its ..of such imilvittualo 2cannot be ,hoanitt. do home and try , to -' fort*
'brought about II legislation or by 'intro •
lawenforcement, becetvaa thele '01;)1". 11-....cieroften or Shceter,:,Viii‘ide tiet
*tient- . are inOte ' frequeutly 44114 vraz a4lOt,tneit Tot #..iprook, goift, atiote*d.
,selleetlianitgainst trate tegulationt; seat of whIh *es dretsrowded:, He
''DO it it alearr-elat-safety-Otti tali 1gdei not:guilty but :afterwards ,.dmit-
roade of..botii. pedestrians
'the lame i*Efili.A4-6011to.
„COW:44140h Ico: others. es,
bloatcd, heavy feeling attoionlealgii
thd empty,sinking, gnawing before -I -limas- --
the beiohing and flatulency befit** rflealei -
the Tieing and editing of 100a, ,a11,,these
end more fafl te-ihe-rat-Trttlioaa tiofferin
trem stomach trouble. ." ,
- 'Burdock tfidea. 13ittere tenet zip* the
taerAbriiie lining Of the stomaoh) , and re-
itoree the natural 'pro:** of digeotion.
'Pakeltt.13„ and et rid of.your etorateh
trouble, '
litanitoba on Jul
Verlety is tlo 10
. tetilive*
Wand , HO.. • •
Oti15,1.**.na telnitiiti4 the Go
ur1oiia to t * d
pais, tbatI'
, l' 111,
1 11 r �very
-ICU* ee, Of tiii
ery Of luttOriete using that hli
iind disterotert Whiel .iiaiden
Witt voutects. *IA arid $2 costs.
1 appeal 't°' Roo Vtiodhoitese' of Le114011, Paid'
— `01-.
?io, sien those who
"i*" --44-"'"'l and costs tor *saint
uz Inototeing v4011110*. to * and
ike•st-4pielal effort to be reti4fe ettivot 4„per,toit.
us_ and vonsiderate towardtweeortb,
*era. ter deep etudy, the Pleaded,
tal ste re4iieff .4:6,1.1#1t and
conclusion ttat MAN,” inci**
re of the
tell' field. Vtli 1914$41**tottrft: e4"*.:Irt:C.-:;
I • P
' fa
560 Ulnita In ak,,,e' tal
j 1g lg."
46'. on:- board' at. follaands whial- it 94
miles from Toronto tc !Boats leave -that
town, *Tay day on AvIps :among the
30,000 Wand* to
Psrry Stvand Ana otber points.
. •
Excellent Meat and 'cattfOrtokille bonito
on board, or nor/ 'eon -stop over at