The Goderich Signal-Star, 1938-12-8, Page 2/ 15 42#4nct4 Z,[4:1 00r,PmratO ,AtIPfli %;"";,4"2„ ,ftNtri0r1 31P$ tig.,Mor-at4a 04= 74,1m ttptalatat, .0040t1e1:10 •Oatairm4 (.0 MUM). 0,111 Mt, :264.7s ouvemoiaoso 0300411,,ta eteetiene keret e..r7o7tt Coaled! the °tele ate 1C4P ;OA 'the ,4teeption CourAicall tztitoal 4111aigneeti Ootaticliireleel Mae -4T= utOtca,to 411t .;,:z4tolat..k.7.• . . ,tm.7.4.*4 ma,r,m4 ho tr41,41,44IL — ..!, P6.0..e-4'.4411.c0At 1.11;147'. Ara '0.0Sttlaqe,t1-14' 002,11341ISII, reeVe 6re tiliflrehechOlra f4All4ePestiee 1T4Iler .44 theein4;41,, of:4 eizli ot4a-7, evorybodt itneee Elaci Zre`en it the Opuncll ' v* -4011u 04a*,.'tz-4-ite cni• Cto* cto .tottirt5ite 01, V416 fio,,,ro ffixo*?,11-:,0 Vo' Taer44 thht 4to l*Pittehg t-itta% 4zoo oteval1c4--ebrorzraopt tb0 .gentlinnee Wed ;that -ttec1fl °th CPI* =VI 4014 co WOL711:b thOC6 who ?zero hem entree -MIR With the mene le Ito taatz,„ comO711 tu4tweaugaq aniac%. 0 I3 V' ' 441. 9rPtde ree40 # ,o,474.00 ,z4r4itgot$ o':r4,010, at •=tt-.17',410., etit, opt- thp gzAloV !so - iraridor, t SO wit,7tCt ovo, 1704;c1.11,,47. AMA 4.40;014. /112.4F1 who waa 4'470 02 'IMO egg tf40 im"scp2 ha tenni? into the Ze.teitliaa tam, ozgart .ievanee Settert"eif: u tki4 Z‘lehon. :1;1114 =Or' tddeerith hOact VO04, 4tte hgelien ttebee vas, Alramoat st4hav t *tuv', AZ1r 1110 ItiMigt1 i‘ county Juidge zitinttenifil aaft ption 11 4 e. fantag. Chr#P441.'-14,1the'ptiPtelat4 4eenetderaWe".eeetiojia,_ ;"iLlte treebern ttio (Mo. iitterd with4#60"r' ba-pc.aziei tovwa "441aLt, t-Oakt.tpa,:.V.40-1-0t-00-4*14004,-1§±1a4okfittagalito; laatl havlat7 .4.4vent12 °IMP detia/92-11 aliera4P camx4taz. ityca ,voir agt414016.4. 4',41 eek4tter' eVeSalbly,14404.i*Of ."VeSitriteee.fOr e 40A°P.r4*-.01400P,01104thellezie4h stanka- aro efeat dm Act ie in force them, 00 thg '0417.4gt that the Canada 5t*peir--.eluda Tar. ittiervieed, 63, 40. "1?t,ie 'Stirred' i'O',4u.st tbee prem.'. Prepare sfenceeee Igoe:0e efegre eetieeeteee re. vlqtts, artie 94*4211.2201110411/1 uanzeq*urod tottoo co e '1,14:Irtittatteted31°444 i'rSi'4g111*4 l'IM*P.°11z°13; 141°' 14° 4444 IlitPL "eri' o to t o Iwo. Igor aot 44, drum Pae -initial debate. Mar 7 , co e stly, os moat ttlfeetoroit frosook igag' 304 14, Stahd,,,,eor leek et*ts41001,, et the rteP1:4b?:441,§1 447 Ir...larte, ait fre Ogler0 eadOtto 4);:e ci,411-ag‘,---",z17,fs 01741 t)o 47' a ,r7 4 1.4? -41 '.."412Livt• )1111.11T4 W41'gr"'„,D4 J:TX.7711.1 daac* .'n"M"4C:c e Mematt-. lt410g' A(14,4/.044,,,14 -'.'ilat0mlov4 •• • • • —. "ro TJ!i LZCZlfL)t' •.• :elerday1 he Pltile 991,,a„0 0,g4;. e0Iref itrO 'itet4r,1 tte 0.7,=,t1rIta ropt4,0, „ :cad .ovat 21; lat0rt, taow, I,latlea, P° 3'14' 441' 0 94. ,tot t!Tzgpt-,;1' a%t741-* itc'Z'''-='143411t3{7, tthP7t1:1%'t'a. a 4 t tre ,tt vy „ma: JontuP rl* t 411*11;A:tIttsiir,01 a at, Ada?, t t00 , ZelqopV1t1 'bIlaz317 • ibaa aelnoltg44 atvtc40v': aatt rlot0to.,%7 naa Zo„„,k„io54,' , VA,04,40 !tial • el*t IPerning tetele - -°*7;511471*4 ,V14-414 V-914 eomPlog.:Oy0... '410747740 Oretjtig Ocupti Al4Qt1i. Ja. the, 11.0. pa...'41o_1447..,thd tto,r41,i , Ili' 1741114` 1/14/14P-ellpt.,''',"1' 47.00,14-`43rqW;•;t0,,thelr -110, . e.pf.teir zi 04' tooree, 00434 . tz ld leeeihtieredeVne.ett*"(Plitri i 4,P4Tql. ,amt /4, gtzlOv;',-- .-.701171,aeiee-e,e0eg.. telp!, Os l'Iere::, retile, .V.rheY' A I - eleepeeert the re-011ga, iin tt.4-4.-: keeW..'t he. 4' leta• agil',,gaMilp z-iaytoi,:tbo,"v;fr,e,ti -m4 .PrAtgeinict:01141ttcio,410 01°7401* ,t4440Vie r vaP`4,at, II*tierooSt. ' • end 0 , Lee guteeeay ,oz, eh .. . , mer ean . - . .. , litinteb ,ottoptr.4, - '4'' '" .40tPAR07(44.1o5":;:, v,b4t.:- , 1 ,..„,1- 10, -'7;4,4v4.1)r -,o6 , ' att . tz•Ourao, '4 TOKlaral Attar 't,',,,,Ig'-, ' tAfitzpt. obtoo rpt,,-,Allpt.-4-.0-410121aa 1.00-ParliaafP# 0;14 lot Oaataatp toi,oa„ 1,t) 0:761141:9::;: 14' ae4attr1.4 btu 1111 7 )2 lit,ur aM-41 .4g0 -T7 'tb0,0 „b MiaL44.41V O. 4 a4,4 ,,44t0•'07,1,0r."0.o04 t band.. ;,7;ion, tho ,p* omit Zirta, toakc$08r 1101041,10 co le tzot1304 Itozq '',1741t -oat '•PA4 1144.-00,4104 0. baieettPled'ehe e7,0t$ r7ritOt',' eteWn)tt. 0.0rAleeelnsX'e: atali ltlaiva6b04. ad '4,7414174;!g• att, to.to„ ° )1P:4k1;' fhb nowo bat). lay* -414 44m O th rat, ' -04 Agi P‘c"'ml 0-,410 tor vtz 1111 -40r$911A1 1r141.Ge hel2P4N.P41 04 41,10; .or 11111 11111 ,14,10'4 .004 0MP ,Vglt s, vda Uti. 'crotm 144 ,I1Adi vhat t,til:4,'Vti174114474:Italt%;:i Q , ,t1'410100,, tax .41,7p':at-th ItigOttalfa$,, to at lea pi, gma - mon* RI •ornA'' iatiStek`e One at. Obveru. , onotOt 0 ilt0404400 fit6 re Vhat tho.43,t40 ZZW.11.0bt,T 'Oat tt*A11137i.± e es ctio: "Do 1180/go ltVe eeeark-difeg 4 ,O)M;Z.t MOtte),, 4gter.v014140 klen. *et e, smannOrM Aggran t ,tben egeneehleg 1 Ov 144 oitolitleo p. 11002' Aftdito or 04 Pd. clvar Du . parelvto 'Volt to- ao-Orm, tut t bvirt3 et Tine -UarDIA-P'41 StOr414 arCV. 44141:4ta ,4414t ,44 allagr?' 1,11a.3. btCar he tde.the entflaege 04.- it, I t -,04111,esS 11 -v4a14,TP-s'` lia-43tiOhe it/11a fuhlts-be r414,0 WQ Or7 t 'V thing ,Tee4det 041' latbr 44! *AV' inatt0s. ooteaz •Zave 'Oar Vtanalaa lato thql GrOnndo. 4' Jootl 4-wa • !lad to, ocv,trou fl I 1,000.y igt 'a rnO 0 hOS,/,,91111teVers.LOh "Oahe Aeardeln trilprz, d\e'tko 111 I:1 . Tkrzatt*org tkaa,cAnnooriced that iesetne-xcr, orowa maw onto to the eieetowa; There WM. Oeeasionai entOsei ske With' VlitKoZPeehlareeet eleeene e'teete, Olarleteig. morning arkimiy 111 ne;46,:e no egort to enforce Other the but In *Ito err tlile---or in:Thai's, °I'it11111/11e4"414 I/1410"OW tkrrthi7 ed.* tliet-Olre'Pnla nt- will qm, anted' -004a0 Wrnavitlit a Otlo tTlet „that Lamm. Oontrol Act or the iIanada II TemperanCe.' Act WM the Ou'Itreale was elec13 ted Wtith negority of ff..0119 v!ii!ooden SpOo The tlils were ditaz tlentitg rea"sons for ite itetion or 'in- eewRe °FLY 7hea "Oir-Oe 4•P 7 11.1e*t Of Canada decides which law la t ixan• ever With aito ma Wee year VAS threatened and the mo- e.O. .0. .0 glee vote -s over Witt% Tiee Ontario Prem- anti ol'eadY, shinitg 'roat,td milk action., **ere talOn off-tho rop:of bpi; to 6**Sve PreMdenee• The reshlt, na for erms /level.. to - ve heard the pee vmo - greased Wtell ',vthe Itlialcato 011amt,golia trod ,,4 'bolo briOtetteg,--,4* stow )ur neve deapatches from Mani- i_rere sastadlivat “Biletim gomeu,„ l'74th sti hritht bahlutt powder can lied he r'alti...Attbauflleti,....e111.4,0;--14. s, eee toulin„ is that liquor is being sold Ea , .0.1111.1214.7.1W101 4114110-0,44110-VittIV-hrititili vra..-Simplir by sittinwo tight loq 1011,:figat extended 001 as Or A 1111 .0 ee ----opetlyeaniVevitharrizeitarfkra the nothing to lar, ht 1,Viggins' on west street irrilw Y, e friends believe. t eir opinion, :had, xarmers- brought their wheat ale „he.getwilikt. wth weedeee rotrii-e& lake and-beteeeen-the piers lanrn - In he,batter ,potred ir bleed, and a most undesirable situa-i e rovincial Conservative conret- aad .staaathed"*at, end after 4 Vance tion meets Way at Toronto to ebotee 660. twill' the oven ls, 4,1nOte'hettedoliGh,- time has been ereat . lute varty 47=4 a atatra, Wittraraeelowleappoing oticee le the ore. The fifepburtt Girnernment. has ear box., the ho eemigeseeezemeezromeet .„ 1A,v4.--,Carrtii erea-ee'O-iltVIEMMITIr-4relMitiO-nesai IL -that eemains 'welt. tana-ar VISatb tir-tiame4are and -.16 Ool. George Dome, Wilfred lIelghing- Ien inV.,,,,139,t,thaLi441thvli li to 112"ton:1.1144 nit ; •vp,, nor - _ Io,L4 „gfantRuip it IP ,OPIY ,a`Irczipz °Welts ton, a for ernittrelier ef the reegisla- Ke.O"i'i:s"-In-t-oTierea-sTet; iong7 4's'i-olseretitiug tho .02.A. will!a- - twee for one of the Toronto Seats, gion, d ..,. ... • ever - .07. g41$0„ _ Ifn ,...,,u.r.ont ,4141 othev Earl LeaWebn,- M",P., "and Itev. .14itorm: an"- . al Wild llec4700 coUldn't tie; p me evvitY b-:0-CivElli'Eubjee-i c.T.A. totp,tttw :Phiro Mg he eotlf.uslna Itawsee, a Malted Marcia eadnister of ' wile° .1t4/3 "me te 'take' that e4he "t" under the former lElenrY and Vergwina, isan2iftion. of theae .47 far the moat of the _oven: 'itt's gingerly brought ttdortr:-t:-ttt-tthhoezeenf'tkr„.ti4ruall::tttrul!:',tao=osreotasztv6e is tijolls. Vizi „but for Vare.Oftobragan ,paper. e tin is retuned' alrjmoling, es they will, tb, forth and turoed over a waithee sheet 'time reieguireel the ca..i. to -the et - 1 ct' 1121.s"a '1"n grata b64 4.11t eav!!-:1Aelterieii‘na!-til''e 1114 ' 41414 .Jt W eW3 r ttal°'"tir '411'14iiert.17414454itx261-4," ott„Iti,,,:g0, .IVIAlgaRit.theFP-Iztly#-MErrith'---ere7-5.4' -- - 41, "ifiZte. . 1 11111( V .i,V''' ''''' f'^Ir'''..-.CZ&M./.174!tfttrYWIOTtOlgantiti4:' ; ',47411 1114;4 "e u.,,,,,w,g,,..4i,;_,,,e.„„ , of the , , a, '111414 ••• n 20376HZ'IrOifor-tifinf -ix a !et it h. jion , which I pre- perty,--7:144st Ye:r 8110: e-ar ''' their , -iituteve.--, e ! eeteeeeee e.,..........,,,cfteepeee..,,..,. - • ea r", 't 7 rt I :With eireee-eoerlItowe, whop leadership teed not to be watching, she looks up stand. ()Niers simply saidi nt they the 6 reale Court hoo alread7 Given General election hem =amble doubt about the law, for he deserted at the last lftovinelai triumphantly and I knew that it's a stood where they did before let it ee {mak, goOd one When_ she zays :, - "neat me, go at that -; -a &vision to, the effecr that the Oen- ment on the 0.I.0. issue. Me. Rowe tjuv‘r*nisit10221:LnlYg potl hrttn a ta:crukuessedwotuoi.1 a Jr ntesillzaaactio tle, ,the ada Wela,Perance At% is the 1t4C7 In these ly Jar- “weii, if erp:parhsoleir.171:111::',1 nestion willeb hether realized that he could make no head- Then let my taro to say: owlet/ea, and there is no- ralid4tY in way with a disunited. followills, and you had taken my adviee and put the the °mooed, naiTow-escia 4, War centention thet ao the (7.T.,..A. is a 1 wieely retired. Thla eltOit's coniren- rum ,i,n It, then you would. have had a well tend ile, nen b s by Meleml act the redone1 anthorttles, don bee the (belicate task Of elioositg7eaeL along with you, Phil,” she de- tinned prepnrations„ or II eon- ohould enforce R. The lava agaIngt j a leader who vvill have the beet piaos- re- Quebee inembera amid 0 murder and theft and other crimea are' pct of oarryiliag his party clares emphatically "I did put gard such,k,polleY -hifavor to the Eeederal laws, end are enforced by the rum going in my Christmas cakes.. I The repOit of the Mae I 4 hie in- to victory. spot of brandy In it, but there's. no event of an_ election nez ' Roorinee, ,an r't-,-.4p. the ..,t4„.1r.al liquor "11,5-1i10----"--ame ,,..,„. 101,‘s don't want that young one to be get- veetigatle, ..„.ekll be Wore lava under former Provincial adminis- e • , - ting the taete Of -Wand Maybe having thgni the tieen., Vitt 0 trap er*o AdVOCatO I /I 0 V nEk. 1' The beauty of the countr id a Mine for the vile stuff.' , ture of t *10 ditreeSIOtt. li are illations. The Canada Temperance ., n . And I Nat s Ile and wonder inside 1. deer'See'llieeptir he ppened. , they A woo adopted In Manitoulin, as It BaStern 0-Intada Is CreatlY entlane0d by the majestic map Inc whether there Would be a difference are niit tkaiorable,, it 'rail be hger- wee In Iluro'n and other counties, hv -- elms thai dot the fi Idea and atat717 ent. . , between rum and brandy. . - i -- - %Gip Ag the peeple,. and those who do sides., P - rePert; OWeitli:r84 are thus° uhalli- 1 The Christams cake is a family in- 2.2"0",;4,ttorrit gi nob? got litre it ahould go about tatting an- proud of these and would not think of y stitution down hero on the Ninth (5on- Perhaps tile More oreilletain . alt._ rote of the people to repeal it selling them or cutting th 1!-. cession. From nOW 'Path Clluistma is that 10,11)..will bring et gen, teeot Itgo. the Port Nbert-lataRE Pt?. 1 1 VerSi-iff "it ..might 440, commend th lain.settlenient'as preeervin aPparentlY offered no adV ranee. 104deerpro, no doubt totide..-jO7COMpletely rate OV haPpardng5. here, in what 14, palpable tlerpieritY. ,Interloeed- rdtir -ft; .be Oka, ileice`tee-estimates, amber.. ace but in ad - will be the a.ys of Y, flig and 0.fls of * 411 `o 111 • -then 41.arrp. .'zitlitiikf to pewee arid''jelatforndenonclettlen, .`" eleee an Spies tried In gt NeW 'Iteric "court lthia 'remit were ed..k.ela 'pet; COn 0entetaeee of two te sin years.. thirgatletlinip* alTh7eolaa,Itgboattirfdaruararertre'on. I ,Twoe or the meet& Inintl4 of the ring .4inifileSineatelPe&edetirifirtvin -Whiz spy-"Ortana,„aa unfeld la a ved- orai,000rt,, was a long-drawn-out ',story of stupid end petty doings that tanreednag.en.a*(47.141vilahlso,tlittelltet,dnbtreerjclaler 74, ne, 4 la artany time . . nee the ktfreat "IVeir. In the mean- wateh men ,troricing,. or ta., watch. .-:e e' rowd will gather la New YurlS- t*ainatuo-Amerkan _Peers,. rhtlth those Who, Hoek of pigeons, 1.3. .squirrol on a wire emele3, a .1104,7., , tvtalid to atm, - OisentIr denetiniee the 15azi governinent oe oythieg, -. it is peculier, to this "-"- eity..- .Excetiatioas for buildings ad the .American peoP et that - there is no onliwOe are the-greztestacagg, ''' Clerman-Ameriefin "groupe to clemocro7 _ Ida of th0. loyalty- of the Jaeger 0 ' ,weltors _remark on -lelvir riolela the eentlratentS Of our numerous Ger- me,- there is 2017 slirt0 cleavage- ie ever.„ A few dees age .4 'ey and to the United '.0tates. gru2fi7 ordora &An a Rockefeller to itivee-attitealeevitifelliteif Piilu eeeeeve,"weetteliW''teldtreikke'"WW 14.4„pr uted4.4hy-let 1140. 11 0,1011.,410„: • • YIP," n. time, every place you stop at, there is I Unfortamately no thoUGht is given to . always a pleee of Christmas cake pro- inctead vloXattag. the law, planting young trees that will replace' dwell, and you munch at it and loots Deepeatment--chouldenet. lead Ittelf lithia ',I 1 tnliel7 the Proirinelei AttorneyeGener- these old latedmarks when wind add plemeed arid Say : "Ity that' ay them on the around, to ite2atioe of the hwe of the lead. . Trees are not Ill[perishable. The end comes gleaner or later and unless some- thing Is "done throurrhout theecoentry-- _ _..._ - --.....„..._,_ Tsitteld Gated° the day will come II VrIpla tbe fields end hillsides will be- aOnly fourteen more oho d ye bare of trees and we obeli have a 0 dug before Christ no. Do it ,now., prairie landscape where nature has 0 0 0 made all the provision for Abrade and. Thia oPen weather ereates an illu- 1 bautY* ........................--„.... don- that_ the ceason is ot ao far ad -1 Invms3 AND rtmoveztvIrm ranee& ad the calendar prorea. If the I (Mirirland late News) ground were covered with snow people Sieeelal ;policemen are being trained would malice more <clearly than they in Toronto "because eertalu disorders do that Christmao is only .a fene daya are anticipated In .Nortixern Ontario" away, Christmas cake!" And the woman of the house beams.* And With rare ex- ception it is. good. No matter hove oerlyenewolleate may -be at cookitog, • ehe always seems to mix a good better for a Christmas cake. \ There's a friendly' sort of atmos- phere where a Claristraas cake is con- cerned.. Tea 'more, or lese of a hate !Anger of the*;eason-tiredme, and wIth a mot of a ie iaek there's ocithin5 more hospitable in •my -�p11o, Wo wrapped in a damp delheloth- (a clean oppe) and a WO arl la mighty glad, 'hop the OpportenitY et Mee along te 1 i t ttou. sat there is ho Vortaint It. snlie u6bCe &mom. La istrieo, --havfoo Lour yeats carries with i1. force end, forethis and other' i� some of theAtiapporteee gam' .11 pect le,401* are diesidelite, ever; some litho appraise bight ecoOnoic and political value '?,O trade agreettent will urge thatl tried out a YOU year, not a few Then, -Inteknal questions do -cape the 1:4*.al -members, from. tario Ad from Quebec. A hothr der the saddle is ler. Repburn Quebet, s theenoemb ro a bit apP enelve about lesi seemingly not t0e much so as they vkere. 1 The „-Onterto ,Premier mimed to f t 4 'View Aelee- bout 010 - Very tain 'ens, , the " the rbe tbs, es- Oa- un - In but 11 tio ne , . own at tbe otePortunity ",,ftir a eerbal stab 4g. oar. 0 0 'added that it would aecording to premier epeeburn, WhOtgettarritlettoYtnat:, e'd'vv many- piecee of tot to do vel.h eonstitneenye erg la often hear -the men Eingemod to 'doubt his cohorts Ve a in 'connection Okristemo eok A ,they",re. had, IteSeet -1;1- ephurt is eredit with with 1,4.0 hicoi get Am- iorr ten helpinY• areatt'' in, : it Iseillow'ht ilispozition-- -to- favor neWcomera- purePece, we can't ece 11- " barged's! In the election, of eivie repro:mutative° the wleiroth of ou h nubs? tatAfaija emit V= 6 might 'harm- gretitty In IlltA 'NA ne,ted AT01116 he do lo lu Wee? Iewha eoty. naciairltatlati,ittectilurees tie alittall6tat, was Toot la ,evidence tido year, ee twined, by all rectum. ,But doe't If tbe police are to- be needed, let *Mein m-tW--14!1Ik'g•t-w-l*bJaxobar 0 trinfaleilfirirIleriirot* Stoats- Oentre where another eloyscraping quit eltaifThe jiff 1.4 toeweller tZeitung, last Week, in statement that was transletted a quoted .by. all rkilm ,le to he erected in thatinePooleg grouP, Ireek .papers. In this article Ure Rid - 'See Mr. Rockefeller bad a proper .prono- der deeeueeee avh,iiinta. once theeete ered top, and Issued orders that Imam, .he liked to remember. Et was excavation vverk were not to PeoPle who liked to stand and vetch notable, tbo, because it plainty otated tested. This act gives a touch of dig - the tao- that there could be no eLivided alle-t nity_toeteefascinating-Pastime of ex"'ew- vation vratehing, at least. t vanade built, withe a substantial_ COy- taeke on clews as Unworthy of the Gee - 0 BUSineSS is slowly but -steadily Im- proving. It is particularly noticeable In home building, and in queens Coun- ty .especfally. tjupeus County,, be lt lenew#, 113:- the bOrouali in, 'Which" the World's rat Is to held. 'Of the eagtert. -Otoeo- Ott "dirts the „Woridis groialeds tide' rolling" land ef the 'Queens Vialte.7 Oith ittio inst been mild to aft' ringlmit ethlort that will erect IWO hoteees, pet hti ItrOns and trees. o * other claY--,. deOge the great onowfali•-• 1 he was storWil by' a Onard end in- forined that leo- vleitora Pere alloveed Inside the gates. On expressing elie- aPPolntment, I lingered a 'matelot to chat. After remarking that I pur- d vvriting a bit. for The Signal - tar, he enithly admitted: me. ho can .deny the -,prete?- Anywayeil-arandereCe itre snIbere you get the food - _ . 10 and out among the oddest and 'Jewett eel' sweem no . • vividly-coloredl buildings I have Over ‘Ehe I, set eyes upon. Odd indeed were the buildings, but not ugly. They ere to represent -the world of tomorrow. When your correepondent tried to enter the rrorld'o Valr groUnde the `117 I:I . ,w4114i7e ,141,eanitee, Igg 112ta• t be*acauec-4,mlit coeAlbzw solt/W r$11!.rg''04V2H ,plate -with ter. - • - illywood husbh 3.4;LltO as. hard to hem oecrotg. 4.11 'evelaalee ;4.041PF,4'; Fr! LJ Lax), •••,, j•••1.• 112C, 241 8:,$(1) - MTD -Op 1,00. 49 dot ior rais ,00..9. 9 eaudy doega!i exactly matte Ohristmest but our u ldinge .11 ones; yellow and bronze ettuctures. Maio heroic *allegories, flehes, oPraYs, the eleven catadidates for the Connell ,, redo polio) atrogth ,os,,, 0 threat the electors eheoe five of thin yearb wave them ready U needed and la the Council and. the sixth was a former CIeantinie do everything Possible tol eiroweeeelekeeeeeeete e ne-ringtb,„;--D,,,, etuadadtte for thevouserratire. Oauncillor ‘e,ith 06Veral Mire elrfgr,, mate -them- tanetaeleali Vite citailiancee :Armen ekeeeete . te eaeieee 0 ettaw:tfe Emote . anent is liable- to itav&-a, proyoatire water and 41 pont ,41niaer , . . . ' effect. 0 0 0 •................ffar.....a;...**Itio, tertiary Thane* chlitelh.Uarailtion. ne ' Counellior D. Sproul, tile only em -1 is 416iferilied EIS Sit Grater og tworauvrota iltatromv,• I , , a ew V! stYle.1, , _ , ?, , 113170111.out,?...0gabose -.the' Oorern' eirf, Irhat'Ise-P11- tlentlY vague .fer 4-wavice, 1 (611ingA"d 'Ian, ,tOrprIW.II.liet/15)-- SO 0 -Liberair .' embers Might i ! On I -ean (littera,. soinetinme, the, Corin -1 2017 The Berrie.Menalinee hail tlisoOttered Ontarici, liberal, ceats vow& 4*. ,b1 ed thisn: Itomenesque, Tudor, in buildings* LOO.41114,_-. - Tap:-.aing---Eititta10-',,;-$.* rd ea--hereartd there away irroin- trill; , UAW, be 11404 ' to chgretee feete WOrWerair architectural- orayi - bid : 11 111 .„ I, It leer of „thin year'r3 Council who wee ra‘.t 7/36,MMUID ability. Ille tells iii ',itself • that hie .......„....ee, .. -, ,mother waa 4 ato ail Oatholle, 116 rhItt) im, re.elected, has given several yeara of Ivismizzlks tiecAilaMr. and ;Meru talzugh,!„:„Pi,,,,a1,,,,,,:4,,,1411thil.,,,l,"'1,,,141.em„,044/1414N,4414 good cornice to the Town. This year e,e1Prtn11,11nrhouttli, of ittattZ4, ribited e' -11e-etTiTlelii;Ot4.7" e:-.1,iii" iert3,-74. and it Is to be tweed. that with releate he haa been hand.eappeel by poor health, iihntu. tillIttirel Ett7414 "r" cud' larll• Went into' the United' Chile& a lzr. and tie. Alva gkeDavaell viSited /from civic duties he Pala peeuperate and with iller. and Mite. Iner.t Vincent of inad iwve vigor for the useful WOr.*S, he gilekgrave• 420 been dieing these many years wit:* erd laZgl. IrlisA. C3raPai ell:olg-twoa- _.110.-tioato torta. -: . - - titiuft-01--4 --' - - -7--- • ' ,. 0 , 0 0 1 ' Itr. azal Um/. Alheri VItaisk...vis-ltid _ . IP. Iltral.!1' Orton laremid-Timea, re- 4. 57101.--121r. arta 'aril- .1. Oa ' ,pbell of eltilltine to the ctir eaneed by th‘e *Ha- 41",t'a Ito., trta• .pa6 gra. 02 erelgettet. ;VOA ,, unty COnnell'o retolution bare. XI'. end Mee tiotailon0talith; of.'icitra, _4.4igcr Ititler .zioar--14:1014;- PPOrit'biltat...erichr tr-ere --e, - " eat fila ,Iciuro pueh Java to latrell<4. I anti Ilts. 1 . V-telIOwellIe , meceo vhee,ctozzitet/ toz a I Ur. 1i col mitzurz'auo „cora- ,at-tVbk,„, , 2.ttp- t '0'2 tarkai the thee/a.> out Ltr• Wrtht dhilt tar.; Sohn' .:Z4,101i, el. - Wotdd iallOW to individual uttita matilc* lib/1441 v'/-411' . * adxot, tonal& or oiseciheza la '2°1 r1114.4.1t'th*244 .014z4 ,..„441041: tver„.04, Iliad of tko2c,reattilatte,a. ttri..-) o=044; liesnatyle or etalme, .0.m14144-11/4 V ers-hezii thido, PO 1,14 r'•V,',..%11 4ttord „tot .frlf i,,, , to 0.-auelSoztV. oT ov,,,sr.' ttt',.',Zttt*;Zv,'bt et wttltiar.t' tta..A sv,,,,,.,thIlp,c." , 4 , etoate4tat411643 aa ,o,:.t<gc-t--..4%..I , inm,'' ,.1).tti,,, ' . . ttlo .ealttatott, x41 -2t114 ' c e9r:la!O tticatnitim 14- t1.4 4, ' '.mar.,'..'zit. o2 itovity it nv ,,Eue.r, D. --z,,,,t4ft , do, .a,!.. tra 1-,,,.,..)','4<,,a, z-c';.tile,t,ot ,ott vit,,,..., I . voil tuto..c:-»* iib:ixiAl 14'i .4,..m . fit,7014. 4: , 'razt143 t1). 4)11141tra '14-n44:e*iee' '.1='. ee'ittee, 0 t'4'eei? ctritit4p*t.V4'2,---'ra 'q41-7 '4t ,tt0' .Atl& 4ae ''''Aetia ' ..Inretede , olttat,,tao to =0 t tvt,,:.z) .,t114 ,,,,,,1 ,t,..t.. ,..,,,t, a 0.,,,,,,,, v-""''':i.e 187 jeiVailait:414, 4 -,. ..0, , IO.'-eter Igt-'41 o1 ,11&,7-' b tnt,,.''=,.%::,1 to 't'45 ,tt4t roltb.-,4 of st-,24'.xt,1 a )Zx.*„-,..-t-', r4ta 6r..'1.1 ,C1t111 ' c 6,,,,,II,,, , ' - * , . - ' ,, ' ' • ra--,IxtqL,-..)--,,r,14-y- , Z -CN ' .r.141 Ot,t,142'. tIrltvlaV.:4 -. 'c.' .:.1,1414-,.....z r...",Ards...!...tt 1.1v,, ii '''' ,.114'. (....•Lio.,,,,, 7,7,,,31e1;j, .:.grIll :b pp, ,toi....,-,:x ,e2 .04* th4i, rio,-.•;1 la..'t .1,,te`e'..,-, ,e tee:1're,, e'ee tteep t%V.: t-0 tc:'.e9t" tt.4 t.e er4:1 , tt.t7-4: r:,.7 lk.IV,_:.a.t.-,,->„ -vg,,,,,v..:.'gntro•,0'04ct.,-',,l,', ---iii-f, '--•_,,,,,ia-'f;-,...____, - .---,7.-...).-,<_,--4" - - _ #1,,,T.:',01',A• ''`c.-...-1• 1,1.,t-b.s„.'`,-.0,L.t.,,,:o '.1*-,:',.. ri t,,--•,-,l'i,,t:pflf.r. ,ctz.,2,17,3, ,r,,z,14. --h.', sgl"-* -4-- ' CL„.""..nt'.1)..811,7,11144t4t, a int,14z1 Ilhott;•!'.-) ,I.,-.---,,,...,..,.? ..,:..1 ..t, ----,-P, - ,, . *- •,--It'4 ,t',./ i't'!"..!,i.:).veki,t,3, Eitt6,b1,1'..9) fitoi.14-rik .1'..,,,,, t.,,----.1. MD ,i,,41 --'hi. -IN' fZ rt. ir,-4.64,, v41,-4. „.e.-44,44-4,---,..11't-oti2., t!',-„'' .blio ,.trl .44,.. I 0 eeefeeeeeoe ontaricr lAtecatat; :tri I am simply Startled at what ,Orovor ,e few Menthe later, Ilrepburet 11''t Whelarl-hao laid out here to AttO1110/4 ,would need 10 (rO tti the .poltittry fot g, the MillionS of visitow tha1. are exc., reaarganked Oduvervatitre y, recto, zip 100-1ee1. DPW* 4nd %%wee eee,,efeeeee ;leveete of the mite 251Y4froot eave .thb 'Whole their time MU ,haVO tt, bOltOltIdeled,' d01311fianee fro what, viewed *we tho woo Nonp, .1,411 ,#.4„ or _node apPearence0 ' The iffeite-e-atillen"--lo 1§,10..lcoholuslal,abOUt an erectioif "has 111118 algOtef ganagi a trifle get In general to ee.,„,eor mho time,: itt Is tho :foe, triangular in shape, and aboilt fifty . a; zso tlhaister to decide but litneee ter a 010,1041 life, of coneee, wive one alWayo Aonsults-,hia lonee teemlbas -to .160. taufeldeda, ' 'oerelo aad the. leiter Circle are One , tett ,telth ptatits outtadte. AW1ILI Pilule Ilinistevliat5. the tlisit, to. the 41o, rtOblittiou -0Z-74 ANikeiplaVeg-1-$ feet velde 0111 each Side at, the: baae. 41,-"ellt. 'and .BIra; Teettle. troodie-sedeUrreH-4 Erehick4r, zelf,aP; vroit viatoro witthAr. aud ,14011-0. oio frozto 0oZtleh vtlit0 "4.11a:.-01kT,P44-..:Ztopichitz4v4444-4:7iliit.7 fllt146 ttito tw41.wtog- 104401 tolOVALla ct,13 'The ball—"perisphere"—Will, completed, appear to, be otiepended the air by .streamo og.,water froM' he- loir." • In froet.of these twe :coot eta . teramebts brogult-,serios--of *. • otilronitont eark mew, Caorea fottetallna roue Or live' huedred thantl'XieUttlt011tiezil atkaz - will htsit arid P,S.PIS lowlg to matiziftatatio--02 oztisr ur11 pa, rally event* ee.,,Lutva otty feet in diarapter, gehind that ear°. • Caviler. 1.g tiiintee the gate etee,00ee aoverement bitildinVte Of Vella 41 Mr. tfitiag pill be the sookx og Own, 414111g.ed tlit)Pe4rance- ,31 0281e the--.- - 4lata-4-zotav-ther---t a-tc .'"'kf4V01,7116eat -the-Pza0,, * V'ri4t-1110,ad,',04 rac* ',was dud polo towdra tha tr2led,and bullatrim aotoc.3 buntainbic $-,:-4tvIrtrzuto otz tN344.1kbo 464( ImPtcfava coin4,,04 tole camo, titaa, tra.go.eltat4to- kttItt .41t4 r.1(b .dor worat '.4datt?'z.4 to. 12 It ..1:4tcam-4 ha '`'.1 01,, rata • ,ma 'ok,,ttC-4 t,'7. VihtZt0,:.,1/ ,b7 (th" tt2 4 tel tite aud, tlro. cit10,7;ti;tit440, 'a. Maw noall6t:Ou ;'40• lhat. o LJ to ta* IPA00, .1Z-4 , c‘7114 ob olaeicfttf Oap0 L1 f.,10!): V.:=-3 bitq, tlt,,r4t afr ta09;_._ --tth.,1,-4c,:zzTa tf•,`,,r.rf,He.1..=!L aclin )13 otitr vt Pot 410ro, oad otartliatr. 41*MIZIP. it-Citelatir VIVO. mAit',,irtdttlx„ .Ahlt tot far rto4 thb, .•;rect. lie-orectathe...ple'otIttdt4oa* el, Ogg,* retrit ter'. tretedtte, toed 'One, ite”a pleettet4 Vi1hent;:,-Vitt4t VI eeettot'e thee*: iteho .tereh that sati GORDEZIROM 0/11. 410F, t•csb t.,,4 ar .00. Never before, have we dhowirr -weir Waal 1 Ifni) of tron'Ei *ear for Ohrianalan. We , feature_ MakiveTar, oo to oast 4t For - **Oleo, io :66 ioc-3t.' trarvo7 IttOod1/41 tinde_ret V7V111, nret3h2g.' tfzio. *mild motto Coat& r I ttlt 1-..)ZOK,14,70: 7C:14' ,P sz,'Izzr.C1(%, clt4 61,r,a .3 tt,t, 4?;41t.t2 ,40104'4,00. . • . +on.. 14'4W/, tortIrk -