The Goderich Signal-Star, 1938-10-13, Page 5,
ot4vica enceamcckzto.c-,,,,a
.tr4)'t:flpto,43' yzatt
nttaZtro,„ .,.4.4,1,41tat, 1'44(a
,gna 'tpu Z4m,
M.7,4cu tiAna, ,Targ.:,'LOa-
QM rtan4
,70t,nton,.,, -.044.10.7071 acmo:Cp
:Ana ntc4
cs,pt 0.2::f4ont4'agniv2o4.1,,.,
:ziZbto„gk, 440P:p 'A:
)70E ,,,,c4dtott x4tt.g1„!.tr,4
-41rt"an:34.tangPlA-t4Q';Itlga.dn1ca Za. -
Z '4Ar4q,:k'427>:t4,01WD.a 4,40nit3-
,.,,vopAto*i,.,04.010 100
ra4 7nttizt,
e4.:-Peel'e t'ox-cti, 00a ZceA
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• Satk,,,-.'"tmzrZ 4f,,7Zwan-Irat
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.T.4:V•em-tva ZcO%C2.4tZamt04, vop
ezniEr!„ .
OtIri tao.t0',1/4('zrtzl
ow*:4 : t04%. 41E3',"4°7c:::, toaitat„*.tt
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4 .v!4,44' " 'q,it14040 *,oee t7ilt4-,4T44
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.4 -Ann &at a'..; ¶ q 01i tb0,
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:t:Ingbttleo,,tp Vr. 0.3n;Vg,stto,.. Dv1rrc
onft Vf; ram one. 1`,1L,i, G?
'cvcp riltow zoza.
t1. - o
m73.86 wc.n, ,1,-,46t7p, 6 tt,41.1.C.c:V.V%0TOA:40rft4N
rzt,1 t=, v.ntorA, :t4 C233p ..0:10 1,104x,,,
toe0 1.#10d00- t0z4, tata.zvo-le710z
Q,2tari1to1 oVoralt0, 4 ota Zara. 4'arz,,'
*is; Tru,-,, ricotz
•Cd,ttfo, Vittraorq ot
01)44 Zato,,,•11'n0,
,Ant O,,z(Zactivite-,44. le.
z:6 ricg, -
Z37. ,
014 `zatr..tcm
tio,*0 '119'
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- ta141:1, nce,1-,u 3Qot)
z7M tant bY rlvcfl
nro, % , )1"
Witntatfit at'*111, owl. vc4dila •
Zarr30: Vginlk Onrtr.,
Nr„,tv eotz vsna0
t4r,lar t.140M0:
oor4T '02 T4arit,
iarco van*,41 Zzotm WCZ,L74-
ma 43lts70203?, terti=•., 413-
hnzi 010447*
•Ion tIar,lorto Vaigti,Ag.114, 14oniloni
vtolttntr%gir rirati% azd Zttrg.
A. 'Camp'11,
Ittnesta'At she home of. Mr, and Ms,
WM. eavter,-04 tlondar vidr04-St, and
Mrs. 0, Anstay, Mr. , and EIrd. floo4
GlOodelt; M. 424 Itra. Mervin Go.
W» a lIkeeterie, and ur, and ,Mra. zgas
Caldwell, of BlYeh,
Ms,* Vrances 'Orpater, of Crewe, to.
vidfina bet' qmalaparoato. and
'W. H. Carapheil, -
Anniversary cervices will he held on
Sunday at Westfield at 2.E13? le the
afternoon and 7.81) in the evepleg.
Itev. P. 0. Barton of Olhetoet will bo
the epee:leer. -
Gordo a Nethery has returned
home 4pm the 'West.
• Visa Grace -Redmond, of Linwood.
Was home for over ThankegivinG.
'The -farmers atee busy diggiag Pota-
toes. They are coming up en fairly
good shape but owing to se much re-
cent rain many Of them have taken a
second growth.
Mr and Mrs:- Dough's Caullebell
visited on Monday with Mrs. Camp -
hell's sister, Hrs. Elmer MelDougal of
* Mr\70Vehzto,,,, 02' rita.4:411.9rici ,
feland, ot
, 04nOt4tc oaa1 10„4011git011,01,
1-zaa t1,31t0v, :p. We&
' Alba lat p„
4,44. cItik42;BJtaU
alltdm, ran call 1044 0110, Zr:1-0ti
e* 4Zo
to s 4111, ;046. -
:a 0 rzas rt
- t It • ,ank
r., :M44%ta
n %tang ,og: 'QtratOro.
nt'Vtltima vAith,414 ma PP.
Wad 02 tirolyrood; MtaV,Vdith-. t4elt.
iSitorc sellands and an 404 OMA wpm Vz901.,gf. „veer.; eeeleeetelbe 4 ,r114e inetop, cud
Znano% 01atkebto „, mItt4V. ctp oe
1"`"- feta, tirt4 (01`..) VdUro.
icklA22/004, 404 ad,: antdo',1;Eainfonl, of Toronto,
fl 11.1
14, 1140,44 mt„,, dandhterRota, o com , and 10' ti,T1PG 14140 ZrOetor.: Toronto* vd4 ,r154 '17°448 17CD 41 °tzel/t at a
AIDerttlek, Uep;eh were Thaniogiving ,47004.0).,ata 4-,uopt ez Dar. ,tlad sv:2Q AZ tfroloo 3toundas on noway
0.04-40atz.„ 4toro ith 'Mr. anol, 00,rge,',41,neee and is opendini; the week with no
Thf4%4150 ,•, and ACrs, Makins and fare. he." -'1''' 11°'"*". *
t7e .04k4e,wit u4070t. !Harry Oav and Mit StOth- ailaa %/10. xeettilo Duna straut tho AueEiVeeearY cervices will. be held in
eide) ti 04 izath dr.7 atteratied the plowing match at 'weelr.end at ,Vitgara the fUrillt °1/34(1* aezt Saiii4a7 'at 11
st,„Wawan,0 Barrio, on Tuesday. aroid Scetehmer, a Toro to, 431312' 41114 7° /14 The special speek-
74„04,2 pato, ,02 acz tad umTO Audorson, 62 God. /vent the weolt-eild. with Mr, and taro; el* wilt be v' Mail' a Thwacte*
011;44 jui. ihor, momer Crieh, violted, the former's other, ,R. Scoteh
.v1,40 mom ;oho Anderson; on Sunday. , Miss Xergaret Vergiason, of Teeum- A cow= in heave nursing is beteg
held in the ciommunity Hail every I.D.eletiet 4,,:tolf, Ur. had Mrs. Harry ellareA or To. eele Was a weekeend euest of 'her par- afternoondthie week, from 1.8131 until
W.Innigr612 .ftrrier, TeronW, 'rout°, and Rev. Is. Bartlett, ..ctf BM- ents,•Mrr. cmd ilfro. W. Leekguson Awn,
moat, knear-Zondon, were ,Thankagiv. Mrs, 4, Newton and son Nennetbb of w-Ith ti eecAlpine, R.N., in
Meet Itinue Varier, of abet 1rawanosh, charge.
wad azz (1100 ttler /slatvaiin 'loiters with Bfr, and Mrs. Geo. Detroit, spent the week -end as guests
ter Mrs. W. I. Miller, Miss M. C. Ruther-
-44ent!_the 'weeltend wit their larents ivtthti• • : ford, Mrs. Tom Todd and Anne, and
a ziltr. ichard estop.
. eue.,,,vwx1,..0, - tiltor, ,_ . ..-Mr. and Mts. Ans. outeomery end Mr. Wm. Murray, of Detroit, is -spend-
. Gorden Miller Were recent visitors
, Al (Dree, Wilfted ohineen, ' of -On Bobtt -,44ve rented 'part of Utre, ,Tas. tug a few daYs.le the village. with , fis Dorothy Miller, who is still
me a Week -end gueat of hia sistets, a petient in the 'Toronto Genera/ Hes-
' of 4.1S. ilarente, Ur.' and ' 11dIri, ...., Wm. MrlaY• -
r..,'VVni. Campbell, of Embro, visited Misses e. and lil. rowlie. , pifal, and -with iss W. D. Rutherford,
'CrIPISt Z14/ese-Thia COntrattrilitY leered Jur. and Mrs._ Thos.' Dimcson, Jr., Over • te James Cameron, of Toronto' °2 Kirkiand 'Lake, iwho was a holiday
•Wit4,,,,,moot.m,:millveldam.140.„,14, ehe. week-eed, _- ,.ee.,gogij,t.0#,yKkg#4,enly„,A,t, eat.,,,r4 _,,,,,, yor in Toronte,, . .
oW,Iv-.4fr,Orw.-.:,441,m,,,-tsitstort,Tigoit*4?1-- L.- . - . ...- „...- _ ' _wk"-lorigifitata0elsktnewlit,:;41-itwwim*,--- 7--': ..7.771_,-7.- 4t7i*A741,!, .:::,. 7..741-fr--:.:4.1iftrlir -
',ran: were eueete Of honor at a sur -
o IliCeiTiOr: '-iiii, .0r4iiii; vow,, pased --eliell,-- vislteu-flie tatterete.beatliTer, Mr. ' -MISS ' Lottie faiggino returned homeDonald Fowler, on -5unday. ' '`,prtse party oIreleriday evening, when
•away twenty -pears ago , nd` &an hter' ' friends and neighbors gathered ott the
occasion of their silver weddrlig anni-
versary. A 'very enjoyable evening was
spent during which Mr. and Mrs. For-
an were presented with a purse of
money and a cabinet of silverware.
Wertnettlfs 'Unestitaate.—There were thir-
------4n,etteeeleeree-ext- tbe-Oetab
Drylien, opoolt the week -end at the hotne Stianelrouse s house and moved there on r. Lavereace Povelle, of Louden, -
Mrs. Haevey Webster and children,
of Mrs, Alexander',-tergusan and. the
of Gederieh, spent the week;ence with
late Kr- verguse
lin. Outross. 111 a Mrs. 0. C. Brown.
little -o'er ,a week, she passed awei r. and rs. Joe Prior and three
after a .sfroire at 'the age of fifty-two
years. lie leaves One oozy
daughters, of Guelph, were Thanksgiv-
.', ea, in
lagt year at Toronto Unteeriltyen
—er Ing visitors with Mrs. Stanley Dennis
tiA and Mrs. Ilarvey Maize.
aged mother, with WheM she resith`-',4 Cal
--Meeeeetti-elee-eleerthad e -
,ee-- —
zirs.- Sam ongrum and tvvo d ughters,
church, and 'ono- beother, Mr. Walter
of Lueknow, Mrs. Wm. Hill and Mrs.
Gergueon, at home. This community
ThuelCof Goderich.
extends anaPatitY to the bereaved
The Home and -School Club will meet
at 8 o'clock meet l'eteeday- eVen--Iffgitt
- -- - - - ---- ,---------- - - - - the echool,-- for the Oetober meeting.
The world has now divided itself In *It the parents are invited to attend.
to tveo elases of peeple ; those Who get u r. ewe Mrs, _ David 8. erringeen,
Sale Alia- those who -have influential on the i 6th coricessieu of West Wavva-
celat.ITM nosh, are malting plena to leave shortly
Must be made specially for ydu. Modern eye service is individual
If you are troubled with your eyes. Come and have them examined
111 you are inn need of Glees they are priced at
$4.50, '37.50 Emel 0.50 colii pieta
1I1F IIN N3D IETD-2.14
Ph -one 91
A. CO- 3, :Df
Wicfla 4ppeollize PvIces/
fee 0
ate N.17jbE 14th o21.14 OCTOBER, INGLZION2
VW° V2.:30 nto, .46e
Uareiele, /LIU. a
IC 4
`4:117.1t AtLA
Babyt CVO Iftle.`,2,1„.1
J. CS cl Baby Take=
'COD foe 25e
on Saturday after visiting friends in
Ingersoll, West Lorne and Windsor.
'L'S. 1t. F. Woods is spending her
holidays at Port Credit, where she is
the guest of her daughter, Mrs. R. II
r.C, Irvine returned to Toronto on
Saturday after having spent seAeral
the. weeit-enii at her hOme here.
Ur. and Mrs. Norval -Gemeinhardt
and three daughters, of Saginaw, Mich.,
Mr. and rs. G. Knight and two child-
ren, of -TerrontOT-tend Mr, -and Mrs. W. -
:119f. Graham, of Goderich, were week-
end guests -of Mrs. F. C. Gemeinhardt,
r. and Mrs. Everett Robbins and
Mee ani rs. C. Robbins, of Detroit,
were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. J.
MeLeed on Sunday.
: r. and ra. Hugh McLaren and
family, sef Port Elgin, were the guests
of the Bffises Sterling for the week -end.
Mrs. M. Prentice, of Toronto, was a
;guest of her mother, Mrs. W. J. Stin-
son, for the week -end.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Ross spent the week-
end at Woodstocee.
Mr. and Mrs ,W, J. Stewart returned
to their home in Hamilton on Monday.
Mrs. Stewart had spent several months
In the village with her mother, Mrs.
J. Pollock.
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Gray, of London,
are spending two weeks at the Law-
son cottage.
Among those who spent the holiday
week -end at their cottages Were: Dr
and Mrs. W. J. Tillman and family of
London, Mr. and Mrs. E. Manness of
London, Mr. and Mrs. Thornton Mus-
tard of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. G.
Ohurchward and family of London, Mr.
and- Mrs. Pounder and family of Strat-
ord, Mr. Roth and Miss Roth of Lou-
Mr. and Mrs. T. Mallett and child-
ren, of London, were the guest's of
Mrs. J. Davison over the week -end.
Miss Elva Dewar, of Torento, spene
the week -end with her parents Mr.
and Nee. D. Dewar.
Mrs. Eric Oarre, of Toronto, was
with her mother, Mrs. J. F'. Parke, ef
Paradise Farm," for the holiday week-
Mr. Ben Spencer, who has moved
from Saskatchewan to Rockwood, Ont.,
Is spending a few days in the village
renewing old acquaintahcess
Mrs. J. Pollock left last week to
/spend the Winter vvith her daughter,
Mrs. G. W. Holman, In Goderieh.
Mr, Frank Henry and son Willie, of
Whitechursh. Miss Annie Henry, of
Winnipeg, and Mrs. Mac Itto$Ft, of
Whitechureh, visited at W. 3. Forster's
on Friday last. -
elatsseset, an A. Dronen, ofeDetrolt,
were at their cottage over the week-
ST. ATIOTISTINE, Oet. 11.—Mrs.
Mark Armstrong, 9th eoneession, Weet
Wawanosle local leader for glove mak-
ing, conducted two classes in Donny-
brook schoolhouse last week.
Visitors over the holiday: Miee May
Boyle, R.N., of Chatham, veldt her par-
ents, Mr. end Mrs. J. W. Royle; Messra.
D. and S. Kirirland, of Toronto, with
their sister, Mrs. Wm. Wileon, Mr. and
Mr, Gordon Stehle and daughter. ef
Teeewater, 'With Mr. and Mee. J. K.
Wilson; Mr. E. Duff. of ,rseamington,
also Mre. A. Mer and daugbter, Mar-
garet. with Mr. D, and Mies J. I. Me-
Aelleter ; Mies Ieley Thompson With
her parente, Mr. and Mes. U. S. Thomp-
edratailig—Lasonmby......./1 quiet but pret-
ty wedding wag =solemnised in St.
Auguetine ehurctal co Wednesday morn-
ing, October 4th, at .1) a.m., when Ptev.
nsther Monahan' united In the holy
• bondof ateleone, 11r. john .T. Oole.
• aelle mei Miss Yo:aaphine V, youngeot
(14th:titter of Mr, and Itro. Lt. Murphy.
Oho bride, who Wan given In martiage
by leerVatiter, wee daintily goWned in
a Ora -elute* of pale tam velvet,* stele
•blue will caw it ate -1140c acceecotiea cud
. +tarried a tranigtot of natture I'd=
lit the Colin:nun-10 :hall with Mrs.
Lorne Woods preeiding,. The roil call,
"Don'ts- for the Sick Room," was- well
responded to. Dr. W. V. Johnston, of
raticicarave, was present and gave an In-
tereeting and plactical talk- on health.
At the conclusion he gave much use-
ful infornation in reply to questions
by the ladies. Mrs-. W. A. Miller pre-
sided for the business part of the meet-
ing, which included plans for the health
course 'whieh is being held this week
with Miss MeAlpine, R.N., of Toronto,
in charge. Mrs: F., W. Rice gave a
:fine report of the officers' rally held in
Auburn. Lunch was served by the
hostesses, Mrs. Allan Durnin. Mee. Earl
Durnin and Mise Mildred McQuillin
With- their- diiiighter, tire.lifurray c-
Dermid, of Hamilton.
Miss Mabel, Bostnau has seeured tt
position in ,Goderich.
Mr. and Mrs. George Cook and fam-
ily, of Blyth, Miss Florence Buchanan
and Mrs, iitracisan, of Brussels, were
visitors with Mr. and Mrs. JOhn Bu-
.C47EORM4) f;C3 xav,
(mit a',v,Iatlt:04'''4
33(11 lt
:0 , tca,,sra,'
„ # ttY0
),7? ' 4'40 ‘4 .s,* ,
.,,,,,,, . - ' . ' :-..%•,nel).11.fott. ,
ot.:4; .it7,-7,4(
,. ,. , , ., 0 .. ,,,:.'.4otn.lit-: .,/ttf 'a, 4
.g. D4 ,9,e,t10e*:'0, VAtt(,(, '41[0,a;t0,;:
arbV,54204. OttrOci-, ,0,010:k -•.iVot:4,:,,,ri,c00#
m.o. Ititta 4.: :V10.,t i a" ,1411.:414,'',. ;N:7 :0 ::ovot,,.0,44 ,, '4,1. ,
• ' V' '1100,0# tk tItta. t7,00''.•,, t''.: .k;'t..100r,-/ri-,,-14t. t:g„ 1 '
.t , '",a ' .0: ' ,r,rt.:0, 4TOrP.a..v 14,oliliAta-. ti,',0,-0
11.1I3 ,, tz ' te:.0.0Vo.•., ',, ;'#: got 10,v0.110t1.1 irs.7 d
tboti ' 4*.ftlilatiltot,, -0tta40, r :: t,,, T;,\71;:t* -17Z.,',`,-;.C' 4 ntl: .0.
644e. • wz : • t0r .0.0 go4.000Pr- .44 ..,•trIt.IWIt 4tt- : .
CO stho .q001.0t1:' t , .M111.04% tO t:t:Icl. 40 . .4 .o.a: -0001,1110v.,.-atOr.,.-40.':. ', ,
0404.10140.'4, .tf,t4t-o; vZ4orq .0 t10441101: A.*41. Or40,:,tg,'1,440, . Oti tt#,r.'. ,
Ott,:p0 rtraa,,O0r74 to' Itt41004.tat.e. Wo..*- Ogden, plii104.'
Itta 411--ttli:W:.4wiltt* -----trato-Ita' 'a Toro -3r; .0410 otAtk, (4.0a' 0' P.0 r74
0440 loa. 94 A -.44.M1. „ on to bo agmt ea.r.4114J ,i. {04r ,t14 2*00,e,,r,:-.',--"-c.,‘41Ust4.
tit& , tbO,, btAdoatoftwo °Iota. ZIre.,_ Mob., urj ho004 . Anzokla. io,t1t„W.•;74t.):,k-
ert Daman, a4t11 Zat..ILIo.77on Pcwo..400 ttivo 110411,0 tot$, 4op436,014 '044,:;.-,ort:41' ,
or roto -coo.. 41,11to , Ca tlaohb ottera thoY the deaceuero. la zoes,,tr 0,3R0;4,:. ' Ek.
eaot of Auhur ..
win rastde on, • ,,..e.,laridearOom'e farm, las 17aegan ittadQmli 0-.: sot%
Jesus ro,. zp, mat04," :-Z.Tci_tzt,: -ttitinlatut.:
.cliPz)114 02., (16;4170- (0=U-Jeligo=4177ocala he bovvest thonUocaviliC 'c'Z'v-ft4 vall:,' '
olobnod one of the oldest residents of he held. with Services at III a" oaa
thio district on Sunday morning in the 7.411t pan. k:e14e '4.110,...iiiier Ahstrs' .t7nt
person .of' Mr. fteeege Cantwell, In his julve charm of the tninSte ataa the rtata,
ninetieth year. , Blio dcakit occurred tor will preech-at botla cervices,
et the home of Mr. and Zif_ro, rgaert. - - - -
Seel! of Hallett, with whom he had
Made hie home for the last eleven
years. Mr. 'Cantwell had veep" III for
over a week- 'with pneumonia. e wee
born Peat Toro to, con of Mr. and IIErs.
Patrick Cantwell, and in 16E72 eame to
the 12th concession of Aeleleld, %ehera
.he . made his home prior to "comine to
the Snell home....,,_,Mr,..Vantwell, -wee-
Wert ' !Mown - here end Int eptte of his Ot al timoo. ,
years was Very bright and
intelligent and , his' interesting reed-
_ No 04tru....-sairatrge.4.0P444LM----
11--- ,..,-:, - i it ,. ',..v.•, -.A„ tt.-
0,,,..1,,....•tl--Vill 1,10411',.Centalett aid- social tune-
titans will, long be remembered, it
W5 s unmarried and he was the last
member of his family. The funeral
Was held from the home of Mr. and Mrs.
'Robert Snot Tuesday afternoon, the
service being conducted by Rev, Mr.
Menzies of Londesboro United church,
with interment in 'Westfield cemetery.
s prtren s, and M15S.- -Thomas
Bamford.' eee
Mr. and Mrs. W. J, Stewart, of Blyth,
were visitors with Mr. and. Mrs. Wit-
liam Carter.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lockweod, of
elinton, were guests of Mr. and Mrs.
John Carter.
Rev. William and Mrs. Taylor and
family, oft Dorchester, were guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Walsh.
Mr. and- Mrs. Cecil Webster and
Kathleen, of London, visited with Mr.
and Mrs. Alvin MeDowell.
'rhe farmers in this district are busy
threehing buckwheat.
Mr. alit! Mrs. K. iNethery and Mr.
and Mrs. Jitrees Mobeill were guests
last rhe home of their broth-
er, Mr. 'Alex. Nethery, and Mrs. Neth-
ery, of Sarnia.
The many friends of Mrs. David- Mc-
Cullough vvill be sorry to learn she is
IGIODERICH TOWNSHIP, Oct. 10.— not recovering from a stroke ehe suf-
Miss Helen Davidson of Southampton fered last week. .
spent the week -end at the home of her • Ilnentred by Ilffeeses.:--Mr. Hugh Blair
parents, Mr. and Mrs .Robt. Davidson. happened with a painful. accident on
Mr. Norval Pocock of Hamilton Friday at the farm, of Mr. H. Cook.
:Tent the week -end at his home. While he was driving his team of
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McCullough of horses, helping to take the threshing
London spent the holiday with Mrmachine out of the barn, the animals
and Mrs. Wm. Fuller. becawe frightened and ran away, jam -
Mr. and Mrs. W'. J. Steeveneon of ming Mr. Blair between the separator
Windsor vent the week -end and and. the silo. Ile was Netted to Wing -
holiday with Mr. and 'Mrs. Robe' haw tempital. where he k doing as
Davidson. well Lis can be expeeted.
_ Mr. and Mrs. Percy Grahant and Social Evening.—The eVoman's As-
family,of :Shepparilton, spent 'Sunday soelatiob held a social eveuing on Fri -
at the horue of Mr. and We. Gordou day evening.. The program consisted
Orr. of piano duet, Phytlie and Arnold
Miss Mabel He eel ef Mee i peg lin s '00.k olo, Aubrey Toll; monelogue,
been visiting with relatives in the Marjorie MoVletie; junior male quart-
oom-munity, ette, Harvey Mt -Dowell, -hloyd Walden,
Dramatic Club Entertained.— On Norman McDowell and 'toughie Camp-
bell ; readings, Mrs. H. 0. Wilson and
Friday evening of laet week Mr. and
Mrs. 0. W Harwood entertained the I Mrs. Will Carter; violin duet, IlarveY
McDowell and Lloyd Walden. com-
membere of the Dramatic Club at
their October meeting. Harold Gard- munity singing was lied by Rev. H. C.
Wilson. with Mrs. Wm. MeDowell at
ner was chairman and Mee. Harweod j
tt piano, after ' which 1111101 was
prefdded at the piano for counnunity
singing. Marion
served. The proeeeds from the tra-
secretary pro tette The roll call was,
"1"11 a(*tell —1 yelling box and receipts of the evening
answered with a eonundrum andamounted to over $21.,1.!
many a hearty laugh was heard over Smith-ele1cDowell.—A quiet but pret-
ty wedding was solemnized at KINIX
the various riddles. Plans were made i
United chureh manse, Auburn, on Sat -
for, a masquerade to be held at the ,
home of Mies Nora •S- or-rwe bv on urday morning, October 8, at 8 a.m.,
when Edith Irene, second daughter of
October 28. Gainee were played and
Mr. and Mrs. John L. McDowell, of
lunch was served by the hostesses.
Weisttield, became the bride of Mr.
Union Church Notes.—The anttimn '
Gordon E. Smith, of Goderieh, son of
thenk-offering meeting of the Weel.S. Mr, and Mrs. Edvs'in Smith, of Wing-
wIll be held on Wednesday afternoon listn. Rev. 11. C. Wilson offieletted.
at the 'home of Mrs. Gordon Orr. The bride was given In marriage by
The members of Victoria street aux-
ther father and looked lovely in•ft eos
teary will be guests. Mrs. C. M. Rote elute of green and brown. She had a
ertmon will- address the meeting
The regular meeting of the . p. pretty eorsage of Briarcliffe roses and
Y 17.
fern. Immediately after the eeremony
will be held on Friday evening. The the young temple left on a short honey -
roll call will he answered with thel
moon trip by mbtore On their return
text word eThaneegiving.".... _et v
W. E. 0111 of Dungannon occupied the
they will mottle in Goderich, on St.
Vincent street,
pulpit at Union church on Sunday. Gifts Preeneted.--The people of the
preaching a sermon in keeping with We eohimunity along with the re -
the Thaeleegiving season from the sIdents of S.S. 5, Ilnliett, gathered at
text. "Lay not up for yourselves the home of the bride's parientn, Mr.
treasures upon ea rt h,...... for where and. Mrs. Pero, Vincent „Led pr,,,,paed
your treasure he there win yourlevart Mr. and Mrs. Lieesd Miller with a
be also" (St. Matthew 6 :19-21). cellaneoue ehower eonsieting of many
During the eervIce enthem. "What pretty and useful gine. An address
Have You Done for Jesus?" was sung was
bgiven by Mins !Evelyn Plaetzer
p the choir Next Sunday will he and the gifts were presented by Mimes
anniversary Sunday, Rev. E. P. Elsie Snell, Gene C.pok, Fern MeDowell
Chandler; B.A., MD., of Kippen. will and Marjorie MeVittie. Itoth Mr. and
eonduet the servieees at 11.69 and 7.30 Mrs. Miller thanked their friends, for
pen. In the morning the choir will be their gift); and good wishes.
Desisted by Menem Floyd and Glen wieepteefebee e)et. and Mrs.
Lodge of Goderieh. At the evening Wm. McDowell visited teat week with
nervicte other outside talent will Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Seal. of Glencoe.
osdifit... /On Sundey, October 23tel, !are. W. H. Campbell bed the mist -
the service linion will be with- forting) to fall an Terlday end fracture
drawn en necount of anniversary cer-
vices) ,ee Victoria tercet, Got:Beach. her right area et the ahoulder. Site
In confined to her bed and hag
her arm and ehoulder in it meat.
Itro. Y. Vodden, of Elulleit, was the
eueet of 13rEe Aide McDowell.
1=11aze-Via=3,-A quiet.. wedelise
woo coleranzei at the United chureh
mance, Aubeen, ot hleh non on Wed.
gaes44y, geptember Mth, by Rev. 1111. C.
Wilson, whet) Verna Ifeabel VIE:tent,
ittllI New aoolta (Polittiea and Pinanclale
"Sew to Skin rale:ells and acabocele
nee beiele=cal, take A. tonnellYsma '
dre(=4, ttiktaterat title Velvet. 'Ateis Cy hard, wog* 410- edge claw -alien
ehoet Loneymdon, trip Vt. 4tad Mzs. ve may in the tent foorWaro get beet:
Connelly' win reside in 'Guelph. to where we were ten Rem deo.
CARLOW, Oct. 11.—At the regular
meeting of Morning Star Lodge on
Wetleesday night, October 5th, Rt.
Wor. Bro. Fred J. MacLeod, of eillse
'Dietriet-DeptitY Grand 'Master
of Huron Mateonic dietrict, paid his
official visit. Visitors were preeent
from Atka Craig, Parkhill, Luettn.
ilensall, Clinton, Goderich, Tavistock.
St. Marys and Stratford. Many line
addresses were given by visiting
Mee. R. M. Youttg, Mho; Isabel
l'ounz and Phyllis Waiter motored up
Saturday tuornIng from Toronto to
epend the holiday at, their cottage.
Misses Phillips and Mathesseem end
Christine ;Robertson, of the Onterio
Hospital, Whitby, event Thanksgiving
at the home of C. A. Robertson,
M.P.P. Christine will remain for a
Several, from thies neighborhood at-
tended the funeral of the late William
chisholm oh Monday morning, with
interment in the R. C. Nimetery. Our
sympathy is extended to the widow
and ettildren, who have lost a kind
and 'loving httebend atet fa tete', In.+1
of our Funeral IzIom
241 -hour ffcntrailtfl (06..7 Danko
Calinstom nanercall
HI am
-1- -
17 Mentmel St
Inter40 SOD
are invited to come in and see
sow\ of the newest ideae 114
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Something new is coming on the
market all the time. 'Some of
these Fixtures are
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Pleasing to the purse.
Estimates on wiring or 13-
stallatio89 gladly supplied.
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Volley -Ammo 112, Goal3er1et
-2a-iced far Savings
2 lib&
Quick Cooking
lige pkg 19c
lige {pkg 19e
Standard Golden
Wa.X Ii2emn.o 2 tins 19c
Illhalirnot Corned
Beef 2 tins 27c
Pork Cs Beano, 2 Io tino 10c
raustard 1/2-1b. tin 490
COOLT100 • lb 17e
lue Berries.... ...t 10e
SoapL bars 23c
Facial Eloap 2 tithes 15c
Floor Wan 1-1b. tin 40o
Jolly 113cano 2 lbs. 201
MEL Prall$
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Canada Bmnol
map 12
tilllt 2.0e,
26-1. Ilmgo Ocat,
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Peam-ao 17)10-2lie
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