The Goderich Signal-Star, 1938-1-27, Page 4• • jt- • otIe t11. . 7,744 # CM,Ititia0r:V.410 00,0* 441Le, i-mvalr • Ihtt. ,-171vr,Pala AlAt. TAO ,'S'Ztt,R potOlg1440.--,Mmloa' t10.0141 etiggiglza 41t; *OA Irkma 04"ai.440-.Srat 'a Iv/00a' Z4,0T21,..00 _b1,140041, -trotiw0 ,17.0;,-14 Dz+1‘ Of -1741.0' 1arat1.7 1Q Ayz1 Ifter170 t _pa autl .;x4tatow ante bto a-lvaoltat _ aiitodora „tpera,;(14,141.r t jritOrtKI1ots, to do Ta _1ZQi0-42.evota-b1P-' offZ-, 10.41 itipnotaar7, #1,440,vtdt- ,r..;:4-) 5010) 'WOW°, IV) on 1040t1 col° 0:004alft oeertrred. ia 1416110--Of'ThettfeAdo an elbows 45andend N.Itiott 1I ctertedt the OgirrY,in oalie it.rouch'e biteifiatta7 the, hi 'a the Vett, were "tat1ater- ta---4104::t4 Pteatt-'"4.4114140' cfipt;f2, r,:104 1.311.n,,', ft:1'77' Og •rx3 011, Cy,„ ,c;Ml•c'.3 c• -•-•/X.::', wizz,c4,7'4,14paZ‘fta aig$:4,4p:at4Ic40. a tt* to, to t -z-; 0 0 F.1Iot0uvo, Vattaio taoll tr,,atalt14.*Z, looma vt7t) Oc? t1tvot6tct-a ova, Viite441; =OA7 A.71,04 tho.'x'Av,11, ot, tzt'• dAjw, Vabh4rh govar.7 $oz,,gao, hpt s0,7 gta?lo $4,f0le'lgAg. vtltow, at„ tbp, thoinoqa* 'Vat liWthe taMi 14 the 44d -.1170.P0 cboeNA ORA f 44 tWo '0.1; ,01v20 0470.. 41V0 04'4 414Q -D,03 -.4m0,tr,11 4 dp ,t1iztog..tc.40reaftr..014Oi tt.q. 0)r1otlf_butcOnla.cgoth..*:',4t/0.0.(zglai it* :1,oal • 10110114 117eat, Z111 -;z vo- :121ak‘!;41,-Itlz0 ct-0.44' 0• -040',Irogt Ogg Nuanlea (were lai,.3.erotts lept, '4,40147,144 1414.:4=0- 141, tebelt,'9,13404411444;s;:••Ottr4 V10471, %Ingo. Prown,MillottOlteraattgok 447. ,coni.4?peei,341;10,4145,i:..-400404,411:00-00r • olael1elt-,...loa1i-i,w477-0,thrtiololsezultv .Stodcled, L ItObliagaie; eetare, Irt_avve; *UM, O. ITOrtV., Zerizateeiro4 ,e1ter., notes, 0.4-OrlePotald, 174; 111,vluo, Irouoi7, .tol\ito--e.aun0011.1i rttOrii-; 0114 Witelitell, of efingfahem, illoraten og' 417a VYLIO!I OE ASSURANCE 4411", L-4....(iNUiTIIS.ENOOftuirtrS CANADA trObonitrirrfiT 11.1. 111111111 cHitu EDUCATION , 141411.Y PROTECTiat • 4.1 \\\ .1.11110 , L X2111112811111111116. TC1-51-7t AM= .44 Rfk, 11,44 4444.4_ a 'gotta - is stpreci under •cover), tz TCorao-aprimed Anelinvacite Cangi, imczai107, goarropoira2, Paccihotataz Cooll. All Coat and Cdke-fOrkEd. We carry a full stock of the above, Pueland can - give prompt delivem. t7a709 PiluaiAta, iilectima9 nivat tr.o. c. eallL • All work fully guarariteed. 144.44. Yrk.srlt1 e L ll ea a S a a--COMVIELTOrS'EM° ttonil-Baradna L1Y' 0 eo --(Belo ma ronfliither 'priced groups-gnif ark -ed - ear... Exceptional value. SizeS 14 to 40. All colors. JANUARY tALE A o ( 1 1 vis •Sheers and Flowered Prints just arrived. a Am, signs of the spring fashion. JANUARY sae y, 90, V gt,:t at robee,d,, many below 'cost Thetrosi i)Ealstaiding In good Iabried and fin fun. T. SA• MAR? Sao Ili II +1k, , itta.1101,:io- • your- Wit&t, 'rc�u , Vidgtha, ata oilottag malt vrilu4s la good vatotztatua. Slat proiwol by yeara egferienco., ,Plnest'rio'ollanssi vo464.1.ams' ttyiet; JANUARY $41.15 , aVrir r) ) TWI( t=tizi,7 - tattifilig • tt .101#4*010*VP,441iits ***0401e iti1,C41111:4417 1,;41114,1*.111114114' 114.110.4*490,1*,.i1q0,0*,01.!,00,1,,,,:a moci‘olOwt. 4.1**011,011:*AVolot;0;4;,4,00 , Mita Zig' . , '14.5174.0r, ...ro.•.•,,••••••••;•••4...ta 141114 ••••••••••••••••••r•ri.••••••00, • sta*O". (30751tita V- 1 * Z•t. r &MOO= ZOTLIPIt4.,°' ..... ..... ••• • , BtP414-rall.111 . 4 uirteweT- rysiltatItiti%1° Ilezedsle VT T Pts • 4 ' 0• :0 )3.01Mailler 411.1 , 0 .4 Itzsehttra . 0 0 0. •Colle4.4.aup -N"k" ' 1 3 0 orm OCE=71 With a 44 win over Dradlers scine4 on Saturday in the .2 eider branch of 6-Llons--juvenliec•-boe-league# bet igles squad -went -40to,---a-- two, point lead as tie oray undefeated; 'NAM to date. _pan. way's. bop dropped to the eel- tar.- or the junior group -- theY took the small end -of a 04 score in a t.,---111Woesfigy. PLW fc ISI -115=13 .A.t tile weekly 4nplicate‘-beld , on - „047_ eVening by. the Go.derieb, Bridge dlub”; the folloWffe ifstorc,• Wij.. • t VS Fit litior • t" 4.4 IA 044 1 4 ' ,L,.+41,.."•44 . ., .— . . . • C.1 PalC;TP e.4`4-0VcaMo 3797z.„,,N*C:4-:,31Q boat 13', ,t4o Dts"-NolOt,7417 t,144?: -204k-'43' tr%rotoplole.br4onpt.0atboaAt,;11ftitlIP,,140. ;14 (744107-041,-'int"!14%.' t'..,24.,%41,11444,t17:) . 0,14A ttz'ott„.7"4 ty7 Itc,40(.1o41.4t $100-t14,02`900a.607-0,,AliaA4M., 100. t41-Ca'41,7•• rgAt'on Va _ ap 1,4 to: ibo5711t,,i -:147ctg th0 Ciwat 411qo ow Om ralteklAro WGth,t4 alO ZO.V-1.40 MttV34.'"A'''TZ,14'00 vgt4 toa rgv". it .ota 44-4 tz* v ,,4nia • 1L. 4P won nuldlo..,it 241g11441erm :. , ....,-,-;,4...1.....4.,,,..tau 3,...... a.... ,. ; ..,..1 TeePrI ' 4,ZrittW 111, ...vat. a' ilz,0 ITC' . poUpUs44itcroO, 0 r, 't IA 'Attar4-'0TVO t e.g. 041k:. , aZIWZO: ' ''' 113 ' :1(-47;1'41t. 4.4 Vp.0,16i24.447-TLOTIritte4414;i1.11d;%144::::44744:41;:iii'1'04-9.24:*11TILT+0414.14.4i' -thatIll 'WO la ' a!:' w x‘ 430- $1,,pitia701147'41 --441-67-aillovk4i, -_,-:,-177-4-- 14- ., ' - ..,,P. 10. Noovel;,,-0;;$ a. . ' pr.' W. t . Jtioth.:ovnta,,70,407 107.74*nion11.-titto,‘ 44.11.'74iitOu' Z., $.., Iti*Aold0, leo a; Ate1.4 It.' .5to.r ' X.40,Yer I 4-tteon,* e1u44,:to, _pix: o ,, u'u' a.. a. ,Iv_Paxouto... ..i0t. L. 1,,Ateilute, 1900404t -,1t Yeato Q411tilabeir• Illeshy: Vin:ge,r,, t‘van theprostod at the Inothi Ace mgrhpaomir.fiVleepwrAter., 174 gr,, tor,0 .rin ooet„ 0 pr,olpe o prs,-at 4. to hio. or .edit;r:-.1-- ---- 2 4---,-.,, • tur It wap, Tho-Dokete'fr4i - diEfpr, 0 itTerkehrera..reigiit tttseleted 1)Y.- oix scheduled statto.., a A. agoor00, '-tviui e4.5.9,.,„OrP41,01, Atm,' - vo.-.0-tystottoo-t-.4-4;,, T .41 enew,- ingi--L4.beiatee,'•04--$1Ww,--:,, - -_,,- - ,--.-:, ------ U. -Weiss, gegenae; *onto, owara ; • ---------„....„. wiPS0:43310•MVS-•,Gailagber; alte na,160,-Lettaellany-Ohnstoar ---StePha , --eithqr io 41e1)outtid ' ' Yo6ileg701(11173=•°;1*ce"- nfr71:50.441.11"41.6'.witemngl:.:'71:Itti7M.::..A.Mt,:.h.ittiel'":,:ipteelllaidt:1:11,--14M•uHPe4L-' . %i fott 10AS are as follows: Rost 91,001.-• NIViiati,:::174,WWeIthroorti iilternatest -0; ..0,-. soluetwoul 1st ma,.0----valit, -.-7 . -,7,---,,--.1,,---.,,,- , - - vu Weabrook,, McInnis, Bloomfield, rs. (1-,o3,bt. 3,(14}n401t; orild vi .pre,24„ egt,;,-..- _ onselkk ...,-7S,Idel,g,c;V7 Pe. ;:.'7"'(' „on ,Montla4; the.lunior Dodgers rallied tialiop,;,.auktanumexivim, t-6 win rfair ItoretilleNEr.„4„ -11:"i't'ft!eer;41''fidr.'0'i4ILPI Invil6g16411:1:21:e-c.w':145"-=';i7t.er 71.. tediu:3,11015z7,30,:trnii;p:treastiti631 rer„ Mr,s,x144,9:,L,,, lao,s,o.„. i.'7, , ,0 e "•-: , ', , V 7,zr z_Mt...."1.41,11' :".. 11, • 41 II eggitd cers-of- thViVanalit- , ft t, t4 •toll'a.,..'4%14, roxv,) .3rtor=114;,14. Y,-ta .4t27:47. Zre;e;4.. TTOr'- a. 1414Y4 , 9aq. telo.- tho lagoVtallogro 1314 aitlottlA .04,00 0114ta 10 141rj, citagO, tota4 vp-rAP,011,4 tor, a,7'ita,, P,010.,•-t,,op .00- 11000, :Ca )4(g.ttl'ot :t.40:-,0Avagoi or .o.0 d4,'sit.%i7frii47.utwt qaittat4 14.m*i 41,1)!Ubl. la ,v1idlir,;00-. •.v...0tOrkut" Walfa,114,'.11, 4.4m-rvi4 ,t0:a .1444104. -M= GracL'o- 1=ttlto. ozr, tamillgua nat10o, avd .tto.-zna • tal* ItmtlIttd ;hopca Tz,t-3. -.Km/1W 44 1340 oa Eltm • ;04 AotzzAlgo the ,ea.t.pt •ut7.-#411 tho )104 u4t.)-0- tgl, 41,4 'y cOholltAv:, PICO AC PrP1 TO*C.CO cocw A t, SMOKE LPUU"TOMO One.711 I .,<C;s4.' 17.0351:1707::.,,,,c.: ...,...,.......,..„ 7,... 4.c - lpii410- zimiivalent to Os:pi .-'-r:::7:2;:ilt.'1:::IF4*. :: '4,,' , . 44. Of :Cod 4vot on 1 * 4. content. - „ t,4ro .......„. _prR--etpaivelent-to--07110,. :1::41:714.:,174,47:01.;174sst,--Otaikllesin.. old '1) -content, also 74 oh.,,,040.•*10, 'equivalent to .one Ifieepeonful of, Clod,...141ver On ,p, content.. wad: Cod! avg, ' 600-4311.0• a:- =.114 -- 'Om Ulm' -Oomph en's Broncnitra litemedY,:'Gettifigft" 74,0 tO, (ino$, Inila to step, back'', che—ne box. • 004? .. eidypowder fOr gas end_ ..disoomfort after leathigo-,-t% 144,4. n OM4lierio .04 anglitoa ilr-scoreless-openingiterio 3rj21r.k1,-1N Jeh-P.25.7toll' yreot,4Ato,,,•second period .at • tekillic-Ififfe-:- be-ekliir-firOM Ne -nay eveningthebpereseladyne4nt ginning to- end was close and -accurate; v .piOSIAlent game hut Bazrager...oPenecL,the-seering-When and it la 1.143.1ie all tie inembere will be he 0..q.,...W.AtUlk.19,-.CIALhiging.a...telisuluil. otrinard-foorlixts-vrmer. from a ?het by Bird. Bill young clIA,0 NE1111 tie- the 'am' Peikod, but it remained for Walt Westbrook to 81114 the classie of the evening. Art NILE, Jan. 18. --The annual congre. Doak was serving his second penalty gational meeting of ;Vile chureh was of the...evening and in desperation the held on Thursday fiat. _Rev. D.. W. Dodgers were clearing the puck down Pomeroy was in the ehair and Mrs. the lee. Walt hoisted • one from his Pomeroy actQkee seeretary. W. Tabb own, blue line that Goalie O'Brien was elected elder in place of John didn't follow and it was in the net be, Tabb, whoilas, removed Iron tjaft tug: fore the_goalie realized the shot was trict, and George Rutledge was elected -en:- goal. The bell rang, ending the steward in place of D. meGratten, perled as. the goal was- tailed. whose term had expl-r, ed. The Dodgers for(ced the'play 'at the Two weeks ago an item appeared in opening of the third and were crowd • - this correspondence to the effect thaP ing hard when Walter Doak robbed William Finnigan had fallen, and bro. MeSween and went in 'an O'Bilen to ken a couple of ribs. This wall not score iu dose angle "shot - correct, the writer having been wrong- game • wound up with Kincardine ly informed. • throwing up five ?forwards in an at, Mr. Carl, Finnigan ited •the inisfor. tempt to knot the..score. The- efforte tune to Olt his foot with the axe While of Swiger ...and the close defensiv gutting rood, Dr. Yokes attended the tyntic, Of the Dodgers .staved off -the injured member and gave the neces. Kincardine lads until the end of the itr:32eattne4t4to--pircmen-t--icets. _ , "etift•04_ Offfirkgei • fe'i ocoAiddr. rilorc-.107 • larldham leade.r.gnenp • veuitirti-$714 Cole; oroup mrs. Robt. 'Johnston, KeTshasv.,-Urs.,-,2(4:-NE.,MoOret., • isnont.1-3133s-garl..w.eman„za ';1,1*. V. 4 1,41wt. MO . , r NOSIDIZIEW It. IP. U. The regular meetint„, of the Y.P.U. of North street United church was held on Monday evening. The meeting was in, charge of the ChrIstfan culture group -and was led by the convener of the group, Jean -'Hanna.- '- -Air. Bar. Mayer gave a- talk on "1:rown- ing, the Pea and ,uSiclan," taking one • of his poems and exPlaining it in a Very -elever -manner. - A:loam ladles* quartette from' Clinton Magi, giving the audience great pleasure with their selections :4, piano duet hy Mary, Hovia70 and Helen Arther was ndered in their usual -good . The president' then took charge of the business session and oil cers for the uext tiiree monthsi wer,e elected:. Mr. tesile Tan= was returupd to the presidency. , The mext-ineeting IS to take the form of a skating party at the rink. ( At , CPO; '0046A Of -the -Stutrerlited lerosS or the year en4'.--Graliatat leentre:•-d-WircO-4-1, .:12z161711461k6Cittagi1fIN cud= was held on 'Friday last, Wilma Pent- land, president,' in the chair., %,141 meeting opened with the Junior Bed Cros.s song. /A letter from Ruby. V. Hamilton, superintendent for Onterloo was read by the president ad:now- ledging-reeelpt-of_the_enrolment-tee A letter t ling or the veork of the Bed Cross wan rdad by Lois Ikagan. A story, "Little White Tooth _Brush:: was read by Miss IfaeDonald. rules, were given by Percy Beulahand eKnight, and Peeves Were given by Donald Wilson, Roy MeEnight and Bernice CilattheWS, The meeting eloZ. *with.. a gone, iT Antheia-- sung. • 011 wings, Barrager, Bird; alternates, J. Wilson, 'Linklater, Savage, Wall, Pot. ter, Buckingham. , • Coderich—Ooal, Swiger o defence, Young, Art Doak; centre, O'Brien ; wings, Walt. Westbrook, Walt. Doak; ithentate&lerrr sMaTimis_z_131_11 West- brook, Bloonifield. (Referee • eregg, Of ltineardine. RZAIMEIITCr .4,4.4,44444,44.4.44.• MAFEKING, an. 25.—Sol1so Olive Kilpatrick, of Arwood, spent the week- end at her home. gr# an,d 14tir,ap:t. llogattA of Union, spent Mionilay 'w1t Mr. and Mrs. -Richard slohnstOn. On Tuesday night at the annual meeting of the Mission Circle of Knox PresbYterian church, held at the hone of Miss Geraldine Saunders, the fol- lowing o eers were elected: Honor- ary president, Miss Violet Tepant; president; miss Geraldine Saunders1- 1d#nwilitalleteir-Maqlgtvair, isa Betty lohnston; secretary', Miss Maxine Wilson; treasurer, Miss Mar' istrie Dam. presn -ecretary, .miss Ruth Daer. The- topie was -taken by Mifs M. Daer and a dise=sion was con- duoted hy the president. Miss 'Senn-, 'dem served a lunch at the conclusion of the meeting. vinTorail 1111111Itaita9 ASS he first meeting for 1038 of the to rePori, tb4tUr. VietorX:Tiroloris-lcm0 ittemc.12, wand Sohnston is .cerfiita 'PT 5 reet tUnited-ittUreh'vita held at the 444 44.Witli---pneranon.011ka-- ttaitit lama, (if _ ST. mum% /an. 24. ---Word ;lad B. 1;4 of 'DLit -know, is iv, attenderte. torte street Ls. &Inge ot,ileatJ been received here of tlis death..ot 14Tr. -/gEalcOlM WcatberhcadTat hia tallnena Port Mope, =IMMO,- 012 Stutelalto .3anuary 16, Mr. Weatheriesad. woz.40-b14-444zOnt?it,,em... ter Vab • Ittotti etd-staelat tie early years o A11IV= .pwted by. his :brother -Lewb; -VgrattintIlrc-Ir-S-ego-he--weta. ele; the Whoo ho' konotfrat hlo `trade as a, thastattiu aieter lite Was a ,riattst ta-411 terrier, *Om wbith.V'0* %tem ,be- was magaransitatel "reF Ye= tOurtrivtag Ir4ides - widoW, otie tala, ond two AlatiCA.. tilSil! OZO.Sister tad tWo brothers, We hope tor a speedy ,recovery. Th :W1 M. EL will .hold-their---Vegit• oiattilY mating at Viraroder I -Atte -mom at the home- 4:4 zrra. -13r00ry 011011, - -7.s&.,uuTtara0k,,,04---02-11101011 *mat 400dAy At bete horae, rielOat. tier6' no="ez tau ib-mth. Of laitt: Zemes Trelee, ye‘ yes Agog With ,her daughter,- -Mat, lanza -14renZlei'--. •Tlo thown mad' eotittzttiiitOf haviloa tiew with 1TS,er lattaerid tioa taw atiid Lewis,. an of r0A0 VA" tho •thig ''fkrzl now. onto tlr. zoo mato, 1111 - V4W-4c4=.!z1Z-4'4:1.404'. t,the eoutest-ta-t be I; 4.44t4- ticfaleld bet' o'f! Maw. Grie, lova tatc!o 111' 410.4' 1.0-0:4110 -rOq totrorstal VI-4-tvibo :lit Staolo' ao, e4pta1eibta oommitutiag. 4.t PL'terlip4are. 1e#01Gt.* riid..s.'* totpathr. *to into 'Zettdv.2. . , r6-441 .-11ra: Vehb. .tZfs';'-Sen-titio—A apie,a(14 tont , ton '!•%Totraantn-tti, or ltoigorIdle! !VW', to - 0 tr4a totte4( 110 ZItaateY 'Add* fulad -Doran 1%444- led -_-art 'finte- atioedisietission. CLOVIS Ok U. 44i4;. zi1 Z(t:'corottisr .talid $1.1g0i toW: 144 Vaylov woro to.Sor.O. thia Avitgloa. gavctl; th favor ot- Oro' -13II wIth d ni,aSoiltY 14 voint .1m* USW thug 4f the oriWnzNt r..qtarto 40, lam 0 Vagap. outt:t. tatv c),ri SOVE„r1V8Z,V1 _ . Attritt.toa .1'' , ,(1txac-4,1,.,.0.041 riOqt*. 4 '..c.:..itt-Attoroztq4170 tziat4c. 02 41-=10 to714 =..t.,.!b tt,1 tt•4'`o c , 'b hotzni66 PUOtoET, napShOttl 'and- Wet' *thelOttitta arida wad We :COW, 2reillicd,,to, 71114 .-ltuot YVkz,. 0711wod . ,,,khozto,pltihotat Pactutta. 'llmo raoltWwIthotit Ikato "w&adorefat Vino of! ;14, latttt EiV4cIt`;t: t747,,1 Up. it LA. 11 4' 14fore 119` •.!••••-_ ^ V I 6 1. trAl tOolz place and Mra, rivink 'Thum wcis . teal -preski,ient-arts,-.- -Antof giatuao vietytreldent We'S'olsiatretit to Mr& frZ tbd=r, th 'data to be fleciati n 'the feattre.. coeld“tmo. th.l.idttaAttot oaft3, t4' 14 nneu wari zom log the aho.„--ttz.q. yormit=m1V ' 14. th6 avatlily meetitag..; eh. 17.U.,041:4 Was held or$ arstley titter. ,noon: .dt 4144 on oR Maio eiravfora Z416. 0=44;44 Crawford, read, th4 13er1ptOs l'44411b1t4 tr-1141;m1.: Wilie_te-tdelomeirt,42/a wt.; dnor.' volt 5v %i -1t ,the " word 'utove," The Ulto Annie and Erelert 4rielZ sang tr $leasiot' 4teto- Whieh-.‘r z%441fig elitifk4 -,Vor4Zvgliv. ttilatt. the, Ilew ietale vivelb rater ozt. uler411('O: 'was ITIed. aoPlo 414 "0,01,ey read fro M alulY tag wilseo wita t1tzlmc of a followed by. toit*vt byattet D.. repooyerdier-Whidtul.aayabie• niaSi! van, served' by the, liO*sni Um, Cratiorid.• 4. "111 Can.W. 114 lt;toro oltatt, 1'pat vitu trieu tattoo*. trowa,.1t.V.11% Ma at the be 'traoLoes aud CliUorp May -tveifiza`t tifth trtl, VA'er..444%.'40, e via): tami17,r4uota. L-121.ra • .vartultijr,413-7eT4-1, :6.cxy Cotoo,vtin VO- d rzd•Coa,.. c421.1A0 -Maserta1,?4'ota fatraX0 vIttb, c;i444. egt<ir tto PACa •1.1:4•,P 4741b. VIt:''itt:,1C5,11Z7 • - ,uat4 W.0-ato, cv.v2V hat./ olrg) • „ • 54. Special prices for immediate orders. A postcard Will bring us to your Me: -New- designa,,,,and new. granite. Free transportation paid to ---attr.,efoce: , 11 A rthiAta-,- 101 UT 74ttralek Inoue 9211.-W. SIIIM)FL1 3-tf. ---Asioadi as -they pre -to -look at. en- the outside, the story "BEHIND THE SEAMS" in PiCLARTESt tILOTELS is even better. PENSIVE? MOST OERTAINLI NOT. prdnlIQ .orgitscs,. RestrIlikm% Marina antal Pressing Scarviice. 1%d2 H:ilvfarrth-D )1Dilterme 31`3 .%fes'S ki"01 0 gi) P L E ASA T PE asowal, SE DVIICR • 1 IEE1 ij %Ado clfctilive - coVi Solt. cEobt, 13=11111PUL • NALV 1511CU vfail OM fa.- opcoortro-sMT:ititbt,40c,/ ey- oticio , LwA VC. wt:t2 P4C4c IFtAeztliez eze.2..tth (38-0d0 ;984 c7-3 LH! trati atItIrIttIa LAWd' tiz * Th 11V,amt];, sOUt i'lt.Ab;*frV 0 '11,0 6-0 rretr, � • , 62e .2)1e 'OP Utl