The Goderich Signal-Star, 1938-1-27, Page 1to MeHet .141eHt),. 1w1 _ ,c1,1 V,-„kt-Ii21 - . • ' IN.'37,7"7,,;747,a T-,1cmtn eic7cv. tee', 0.01114 0 L c1Q4i9 W3 9 lAttlt4. Den tott -00 tr,e;t10.at4 t .f L01'.11 0 0 re' *11 t to- o i or • eeet 7 0 tp.11)1,0r tt-skt 171;07 4,1) i 7104-44n101,'.,. 9A,Ar,O,Alcw, Atie-4: LIA 41,t1,44,Q24;7#1,"gt;itat-c'7*1bt C'41.-11:;a,14:zVQt;Z*5:&-%t,11: ,:-.::,..)7 4, ny mia01zd .a,,,v4ttu. 4„tlzo rt -744.,<Im 44,. 'mo 42t3n* V.,1 ttqlL140 ''.7or..4)1,0,, '4'77 t 141 ms. 0 v, lik'itt a' 41.46' 11-044 'A I, 10 n, r„ t i v Om7. t' 1;?:.,9;4rdolcirait,„ 0.401N41"4t4 ,. .0 ,- I,* ''' ''' V141437‘11411° ' !zilki5 : ,thcANO¶liS AN*..., 'a lital-',• ,t1Adl.i. - 1114.4.441.44 0-'0V0o*:•.;-',W le, ,iiii- a . a•:40:Ill,the'.:014 ilL1,14X h ''.061•State0Va64,' gOg0.' 0 . tOr't entiane iti) Worlt„' Of. V . Ou 0. nvotrs, nit , et .44000. ,keet* 7,111103.1t,!,..e.'',40..9w; ," 1 IP.... 'a $104tAtat ---111..-,*130 hat:,,, *anti' Iblit- IA tie iii.*-thef, ellitionLo OM 4$00'"e0p10o. Will (00 ' turned: :06 more . gOeedllY On the "ritew" iptetm. i Le 1 oho 04.„ -4 1,1%.,4,:,verq not .*.,1 the Ilr0041:1;';',b1At , A nti.' *tfoge a deeltiOn. ty 4 03 waerVeted cloftm»,.' e ualitio en, -th unt' Iow 4 . 0,111,-.0tootoa. 'OPY-t _..11,441 that esitsidera t tiAtxVie , OigrelY, Srpg, og, prejnillok The . .1. .• .* -UPA---go.r,----4.1w-.171t0*--, - tr.' ; 1 n t00.0! li on , 40 5 i!'0,7.' tre: „,tiii. 0,',4::.1,04. an* cit 4c Wag in COO bgraer at 11,' eietiOlie;0444Oteh9 L1d* i j» 4p, . tinui ;tad .w,ith, the 40ouuty, fin- •RiPli;.'t0.:-• incite t t .Ont.,,Itiite--. , aneegt 11V.,bettArin4n11.o- xla lanerollUlft .:t PUI114 17`1 . Iii:, i 4044144041# 1140*1,100410- $lap.s.rElzilrilitohthe Clrk k, -,e, a. . fitlittis::,,I.,to,48,, tti -,,, i't ' , P.X510*.,i40-44.1**,-eer .4 ',WU* , n..rt,A0qco ilinjtor ',all thud, . -- j1J0--.4, ,vtoont 1O1v410, n. t. 1 . '' iabli.,'"VgiritketrItt- _._ . , , rgtoutio, t,,Ako,,.)1aor4„ j1,4.,41: to tgo.0 0 ilitittonlailid „U ti. '.. 'Itl,3' .'4VKI.94.gAteV,4#44114t-'9,111 •eeeeeee-4.4e4g,' .4etin,--a44.0teee,:ts /eti'm -,Itut* -1-ratavPat3iv°11111:471.45 _ _ ueor.4,01'..t. 0 0),.. ° -- - vcriololto 0:140trItIMY t _ . _ yoro '747".EriOiris. 0 41:io fle(1/7417,11.w1", hoz, mk tahr:V.1).. ;*:. It.:,7.,.,,. tli, In ....,anic 0011aeli will 1404ound in •- Unable. in . . ee „ )03-. ere P411410,,e-01-54,41,• !1-,..,7_ eVia'4UTZitilre , Alt6'etTetlier'', iligiii.,e , rg_e_t_ 1• --- .'t :-T-.74,Wi'a o ' .fi r .ritiraloatii'• 'Nina '''' ' '41,OttAitt47, '''' ''' "iitiedo.:hour mirlifo"Fer. ' ,,--7rfi' 11 F,;z;:0T3-apit'tree--.-b-,. ,:tygi:_,ais:7 limma--`11.414Otf.:410#.,4.PlentkoAl 1 ;as c7- P9gGlaWAttitiontft''''''': from the home ug fife, u0ere' Tii0 elkk*otal as ommuuleatiOn :Odin 11, and lErs Rxestit .setai . Rete OP loohllon ' Viallog hg David's street. ' -Rev. G. 7....,„eeee„... : .„, e edite*0-00.e.,0-W ;.(fitgrAteal- c;13*,ffratu,•4nitea.crtlautie-h;-,--Xi which 't w.; stated that ,19,90Ct,000sisted by Rev' ilA. E. 2'1°6 of treit-rha it ekstributed.litst yea ' - -1' Victeri,e' street tlnited ehu e • 111 ''POUn POlLing,..lip eeforestation. Pallbearers were esers. IC,10.__- t -, _.„a.r.'04!„0 aurett County soon orris, Vitae. 1,11itellell., "W, 4ble, wollitt,101Ree, . flit .0.10yebrit..? The letter Kenneth Allin, :Walter hu4hnd .'"viraelerefeeredt-,tee'the 'agrieulttlre eone: , irra, nk Walter. ' The inte0 P,evasi, rolitet*I.."'e e' -..e''. „ ' ''" • '' ' - • in. the Colborne temetere. Readliii- frioniT the' • iretioet of j. ,ll.a.thd The tregle circumstances, Onfleithemelidite/SOatfetette,Tretiae-yeltag maws -death; -as- thel-reSul -of- urer,.iZrelrifee tekealitl that ' although an accident, have aroused general ym.' ilitit41:,40',;!/1g$4WitnleglI144: pathy for the bereaved mcithee, rs- Of10,19 ola)litii4*, at the th'egmeing .of Charles -Allbreetndenther releti'.erip,„'fand: a large nember of neig , and e friends of the faintly were p OM .ColOrne 'tqWetejell), •Rev.' spoke fleelingly of thlie i e loss hed.' by, the commneity', in the re youbleiati of stfeh' flee 'cir Isclulto Inai '(to .11toqra vtt ' Teruor /40 thvZottv ' leund4I4 -14 vitolg 014A,,I. * _ 44,41A, tO cl. ' v a a t ai'oI le r, y 14 kl LIR 4' 4, 4---munz,zoopuma- J7U1P'Vev)4110 ;ion- ileW (tikloo- .(6-.11gakdo litat3109, Members of the Collegiate. Institute ittlfite4,,49,L10, Pet. With the TONyro, Coun- ell at the TWO' Thal ine‘e(itteidaY etitehtetee4centerelneetheeveattezeoSeethle •.ngrrgeineist of th,e, •sehool hUild.ttlej0 ceommettt4clueaes InshopWalt aita ouselteldeeremoneles.___,Afeee_eLepl *..tol.4.11,ekarolog..t.Alpa-Coanolizagroell- nimetistr-14-ir 150tl'a tOle,Tialeeigg!,,YZ • Tee_ tenuer-or a_ London- ierM, at 1.0004,..41,00.1q-Cons-tr-40.9,4e,n4,090e.14, tettavery.-aoepteff-. hearcheglie 1Depertment �f Oducetian rebtrteliftrfer-cente this -amount, and willealeo pay, fifty or .mat,. et the, cost ., ic4.uipments estimated at $4,060. • dt istintendedpotave the new class - t$7 141 thcoe'Y'”;eav,i4.0380 •,. staAidi, • ItonSideratidn,'`.'ehotild ;be rtvoii ki.;;roViding 'better tiling fatal- • tireclranattvfiagilP.g.eci:ot-' r 7 ^ C•r 7 fv..344.., •70RisT PiFttlei (Al fr' r s$, "f dederIch TowiishiP, Wiirdte-u Huron' County for 1998 es 1ll9 LL Bfies Nia 'Year irAirtiric....,93.••••••••••• NO ;MUSEUM IRATE IFCD111 EDARLY MEM- tre,9 ia 2.1,1ct _ V3tg,V tt 41k3tpl,c0N Vat= Mit t- 0m4t'la tOWIZ31441, '01 .1zo,vtihn 4Z LY *Mo.p itOor1b- cit tlItIttr:::110' * ,a1„tntstikv tt taZIlat,A, -A/4011mq ro and ;WO TUV, 4170141,14 7i7ot of arZtattot, 0.Nztort '0 ZIon9.43b*!,,W014.1. L�c1,01ta.*Oth ' ooter., rAitt Mork, un 11%,:;l1.1.1113n4lal!'4(*Zhilirr-6.1r- AtiMbet. 0141.4 ebnreb,Port 441=4 noted at the 0hur0h Priati$ lawn by Ott rector. Rev.; L. 'Zab- loney. Ittitarnaerat will tbe in ?Ort hen temetery.,• I 14 411001rAgerolrielogm • .1 MEM. WAS, A. SWIMON - IOU -.141,04ny -155a-0 ---Ethe_ --Web -Oratiaa-- rich, and wife of 'Mr. Sinap. iion, died at her home in Detroit la her forty-fourth year, (140. tilimpgon bad been 111 sinee lalt ;tub', She Iva %toted% "a -11Mtlit va1ey ,aud the' late Mrs. Foley, and Caine to Goderieh. with her „ pronto -When nitelre-Yeara. atm . married in Louden ha 1920 and since lived with her husband at Detroit., Surviving, besides her hnthand and lather, are Atree---stermono, Olutries, Douglas and Allan, at home ;.`„ a brothel', jlerteEeeletek Detroit...JIM - -two-siatee-47.72-Wiesonee reit efeulelettae-,eittelieifterlir teee;* W N , • rk r.,1a40 tfi zat01.41 AS( .240r,4243 701404*. •Ont,cot‘, - •" • Zge Pee' 011fittIt.;001ttadOt Og-.1ACAUZ Pa •rni 4.!*•M .50.. • dtV'tli*X0 Og ttrO4MtIla . Vhe cv.40,a 44' ttaltintstrif 000,11V sort011 -ealr tOtorg,c41,hi i:i'33tek Atie • tnento M0-.50* rp.'llot*on. Ciratn, of the Olgue „Ilrator i/V1114V: • rteciortootawataq,--4.0' ii- tha tOriuncir0 eliegne to2: ts4VPb`P- Mit ltkibliitt tenneetkett wW Asociation. ,24ffr. litemiloorl hat -he -vvao comp to 41extettalot -CAP, oak Just' Jau .tho 40 02 tb tion o the brit 'ee a 'Ste in oladO.o. %taving or tho ihichwaaN "Wo do much better woe; 41047, 'than ins-titg -.PAW 110-.0 A steepest for' a grant in did 02 rezone 'work of tho. glitatiela kt)er=„V wao referred to the finanee eetattPlikee -=liDettlli -• A Communication from ellicorb' e- ine CiederielrBluelearClietil ntvittlee'l ov110,11_41411.4):03ACIAtitiftilt,2M*,,J2 -- 0141 reference was naude-to the fleVA.,_ • er ch todayeand on iiieTiretietTraTtIT-reiTair—e-"-iir et:melee:11a: St.. Peter's) church, vale -re mass will be sung by Rev. C. r, Nagle. Interment will be in Celhorne It. C. RICHEY K. BURRY. The daily papers have not only put -A lifelong residentof Goderich 'rooms ready for' use at the beginning up their elates but leave cut off the namirFTRItr4.1,torwor,..rerEtift..7,..tektr,C,,,44,4.47, smor.rat,F,iwT,a1441,•44rir,WiT'W*,'W 45-rdifiligrvigc ift6,HiiiMi.4.:JUrruf, prominent Citizen of Goderich foi egents, so that "clubbing rates" are a EVELITARY \ thing of the past. The iSignal-Star flt** Over Siinty 1n—Former can hereafter rereive subscriptions fer eers and Mete of "C" Company Huron Crowei Attorney these daillee only at the full rates, $6 vest after Course of Standy Pp zalliebetieketiteeeetretefeeeRielig.eee41-,IWi0 patriek Burke,, died at Alexandra hos- pital on Friday, January 14, in Ids sixty-seventh year. Mr. Burke un- derwent a sedans operation at the hos- pital the previous (ley, lie was a son of Satnuel Burke and Eliza Mc- , for The Globe and Mail or The London _____ On .Sunday afternoon a group* of -Charles Seeger, K.C„ Venerable Free Press, $7 for The Toronto Star, in addition to the regular price of The Gee, pioneers of Goderieh township, officers and -men of "0" 3tio p y ' 131 -at" 01-tizen of Goderieh who lateerly •hatl and thirty-three 3 -ea rs 'ago married _ „Susie mii0tti who PreOceasted lam tt41 Middlesex -Huron Regiment, wrotei lived with his son-, Rishop -Seeger, -et After .Fehruary 1st the combined paPers oia -military tee -flea, &genie.- talon rate of Tile 'Globe and Mail and The and daughter,. years. Mr. Burke lived with a son and military law. The examinations London, died, there early Monday William Burke and Mrs. were held at the armory, where • the morning, In his ninety-fourtb year, KIgnal-Star. or The Free Press mei :interim, Hicks, on the hayfield road. men 'have taken an extensive course Two weeks before his death he suffered The Signa1-1gal a will be $8.00; of The Another daughter surviving is Mrs. - an attack of pneumonia, from which Toronto -Star and The Signal -Star, Howard Mulholland, who lives on a in previsional infantry trainieg. The presiding oftleets were Capt. IL A. McIntyre,"' of' Olinton;' Lieut., J. G. he appeared! to be recovering when a $9.00. neighboring fartn. Mr. Burke was relapse occurred. !associated with Grace United church, , eeemeteee,„ •Age7SAkeelgtheCilt-41_17aeer ordinary von:limn; of the band, and haa 0.1Te-red. toleadla leelleleMeat trae.41/- 'Charge whenever they were rrililna to accept his instruetion. ' 'The hand members ineleted on his receiving. trio • double pay usual to a bandmaster, but he always put devotion to pubHe car- ke During the year the band appeared at a total of thirty-one eoneerts and other ppblic events, of which twenty- one were concerts for the town. Re- ference Was made also to the gond work of the band in Olti HOMO WWI. 3.1e•Ssm, I). 13:. Campbell, president and secretary of the Society, and J. M. Roberts, treasurer, tendered their- ree signations, to take effeet DeceMber 31st. These,communieetione were referred to the special coutmitt The rlo Trtetste y Department submitted a :statement of the Town'o • f 0.,;:. Andrews, P.P.C.L.I., London, and Mr. Seager's caEcCr net enly, woe a THE COUNTY COUNCIL i,orte,,,s. ilia. Tixt:, ximal zegeico Itertie of the Provincial railway tau. elete:a0,- .,-ei i 5-0er1140-„,.. jut --10- there„,,e steelier,- -worth. - -- - - 0., lout: it---a-*Lnwibn, -of .01irrton. .41.1e.tOv.riting 'the examinatiOlir -w-ere nengL-0.4ee,:-JI'e4tndee:n__';ad..erf,Ld-tea-eil:eatltrsbiYsi,aKlic.e- _ , ....yrsituqed at the home by Rev. 'T'i. II. '1114 eiiitittirt;7'oaco, vras balanced tze• (-ha 111 v' for inniatemtnee of indigent To the Eclitor of 'rile 'SIgnar-Star, -.,„:.--:••••• , Gale, of Bu. fit on antiday, Junuary lit N ii ... e i."4,Tili..it s 'to ` iviiPvincial hcZepitata. now LI' ti.e.0- !.•1011:trali'v"Itlf"ettl'''' - ele4M114, those reseat for 0, WIti;,,, Capt. D. R. Nairn, Lt. A. B. SturdY, his retirement frona active life he re -1 '-----.'"*5314-'461114.Pr-42,., , t4707:-' TiC Y'll"ritIrl',., ,,_ _ ,.,, „,,, ,,,,, 11' W-- -Oki- "3114,7 u Warn- iiyer-frwfrafreinfri,-, neo_r_boutir _or 4.___.„,,,,,,,,,,,,_ ,,,,,44,40,2e,s4eh,„tp.a,6_, ...._____ 16, .was Largely attended. Interment ifir.,r Tyr -ffinTrrifff- -ce-fie,--fy--7,-Th-t... pfl'T'-. . --A-rearentitene-frotreereeetaltragnerne"'' - T19,.._ttrer-4.41,011-ecottialaaPtcwour.w.:.-"lar' ' :itt 0kikAlla.-:ftt:-.#0...A. -lita172fir "Lc -Jr sTtlyen-VOnar "Ii.'zitr AIM; 3ir°,11; Biarirre-, It., .Iiingswelle all of GO.tie--,.;.*---Itudi-of borle„ 'fleet ion with- the County (-,noneil. I Isir,--..kilow Ine tt little space lu eon- ibe.arpi._15.,,beiilt, c.;110:ro ctlis,th an(1,,...%01,0 tee --.0e.-ene-entrreie.'netingethatettee- -Ale - - - ifitoite4” 1'4110' - fiig•'•leffr'Irettt.11'r. ut''''' ta. 1. imorrith of..Zerautep a n richt Lt. Duncan, of 'Seaforth; ff.' Ile was born May' 17th, 1844, at Wel- In the past )..kar they were to he mental' .1'. '..d. entelthe - -"Ith' th9 Tea. " Mre. Fred Clark. of AtwoOd+ ' iCombe, Corps. Mutch and Holmes, of lington., Shropshire, England, the son 1 itaia $4..10 per do Weston, of hayfield, Le.elit. McClure. itairney-fleneral Lave legialatIonieameal . 'their attendnnee at tlillentle(1)kulink;igouf(n)r- of Seaforth, Forest McClure, of God- at the forthcoming sestAon of the 11.aU- a... - t; :Clinton. of Dr Charles Seeger, and came with ' urersia Office:' With whicli`I .41:tit "Mere in toilet; 4;4100:lent ' regtirat4ona- (Ad . . , . ,1, his parents to this country in the- fol- erich township, lien elibeni, of Wale -lb -eat un to have the operation of slot Their meetings began on the Toes- erton, and Reg. Elliott. of Goderiele !11‘4,11tii4t•111(nit(:(sireatin itiniebit171, avItiladn tarietnfti,lrareir it 'the special counnittee. statements'imulreezatiehtimare detailed' 0 IBIZILDZO DITRODUCE111; . . — WOILF "SHOT NEAR "LOCHALSIII lowing year. The family remained i ell' meetings. beekkeePitet than Was -10,rmerlet the. On .Pridey .- afternoon, wi. ir t ng , t eeseet, ,,, , .. • ,' . , a ceremony, niembers of the 0 in Huron ountof olvesPort Itowan and later to Port Dover .fle ,. Reports. received recently of the for a time at Londoe, then, moved to i day a Ft erie)on'ani finished Friday NV11.14.1ANI .1,011N COUSINS The Ont., where Dr. Seeger practised his In the early morning hours of Sun -1 t)""mlnicatiG" rrum the PrevIncial Department of Health with regard -to eepiirt witb`adOpted and ordered School_ Club of Centralia p ; ypn- ,:presence 'cy w, , night, or three tl a ys and a hal f, and printed in, the .nat1ntes. • ' trodueed the 'electric lightinge 44' i4liem ,particularly north of Goderieh in the i they received $27 plus mileage, or for dui, Jauuttry 16th, William Johu t he admiselon of a _patient to the On- . -Vrenatamtr aislAtit% . In the, village school. ''.',e+i ', kshfiel-d dasoel U istrict, have been given con- edi 1 . f asio til iti de th. hairea Seeger en remit the law offu - i six ll y- fraaee-regula r .-saeslear . Cut It sills 11Mb:ea le.„.bes eternal rest at ri , for the year. 3.2ka, With t4tinlated,ex-,,, Treaitudet.,gralgine.Apo, ,41,9,_.reitort_ Although BEydro has been lage _sixteeri years, it was a4;„ ., 1.1,,t.neret0 proof with the shooting of a C teepixty-pound bruelt -wolf near Lochalsh. flee of .11ereer Wilson, eminent lawyer I and first grand master of united Ma- ithee received- $8_1, plus thy nifleage. . , - • For the_three sessions of the year I the home of his ,,eideet daughter, Mre.-:111 mr1411797tililt, n t tionTla "were Deterred • - lohn llrOale of the "nd concession o',") tut' aPecti4 cumnhae-e' .. `I A note was r ived from Mrs. It. Peridlture4. for . 192Se, The report 'Home and School Club weer'', ei. if, rime marksman was Dan Rose, and the sonry in Canada, at StIllette. He later nsteadi of $47.2.) they were entitled Ashlield township. ND.. Cousins had; to reet le for the whole year. I, Knox thanking the Council for Itinde showed et 'batik balance qa "December lust November that :serious jejti t ,, ea.' bide of the beast was tacked to the moved, to Toronto, finishing his course enjoyed good health until about ten . nesses to the Town Clerk in his ilineez. 81 lea of $2,180.10 In the county high_ tion woe given the matter • . , Odro side of D. A. Melaninan's • store at in the °aim.. of jadward and Samuel If it had been their own money, days prior to his death. While walk -1 contract for c. it. u_er - nea gement; ways aeceurtt; a balance of $1,8132.65 lighting .in the school. eih, , e, Lochalsh as exhibit A in, the eaS0 Iliake. Gating to Sarnia, he practis-ed in the tbirovinelal highways aecount I a 'Speakers during the afteree rt pre, ,ftgainst the incredulity of urban law with the late Joshua Adams, Paying their owie hired hell>, they ing !dung a path he slipped on the leel would not have been tei liberal. 1 .have esked two _ex -reeves about together with the shock, las deatl; and injured his knee, and from this . ... ,.... Iliume, secretary of the Collegiate In - A letter was received from Mr. J. P: nutaince-Ot-V2052.81,,,tar,thee,..ceemes,e21,te.,..Andrevv, Mau. ex-Al.P.X.,', ., __,,_ :_, of He ,wase married- itt .1869.te .111se. Mar - this, but Conlii get no eXplanation for resulted. esilitile Beard, informing the, l..auncl,1 Home Actount, and an overdraft of TaYlor of Goderich, preside' dIglieS!Thersday" Morning a 'Posse garet Pndfield, daughter of the 'Itev. . I tt lt)t t (tint:1117nfor e tt nf: r ntehwe ereueratiesOn etli 0142.01-b the'teneral aceennt. ron Council of Home and ISc bse hunters from Goderich and vicinity James Padfield, reetar of Trinity the extra money paid out. MrCousins was born In Ashtield zr ../.13.tirnated eoun.ty zats* for 1038., to- members of the school boar .13F1,,; vforsook joiftackrabbits and departed on a church, Burford. .tin August 18th. . he extra payments would amount township in 1865, the 8011 of pioneer ,eilop work, 414144,..430010 egonoinim had_., . tallisfilelli2nita;,..eifCrialfe:ofierioird',. -11Yezn--"0014d40.."-teariwr. tie - 1994, Mr. and Mr '4't Seeger celebrated to 'ttheut c.): -"f° per Year. parents. He was one of eleven chit -t 'been awarded to the Potherb h Clo,' ary peirboleeee , i'74net 'General: ae- Young ItultY. the sixty-fifth anniversary Of their arden, Treasurer or a member of Nine Geo. Drew, of Pontiac, 'Mich., and struction Co. of London, at $18.= ..,I would like either the Warden, Ex- dren, of whom two survive: A sietere cottat, 1.13 Wile; ecemtziehighways, 1.9 THEFT OF DIOR= CIElIARGED marriage, o^n which occasion they were r'h , t •, subject to the approval of the Ditcrae t e t minty Council to explain this ' mille; Efovinclat litairaY, trinirrife- I'lliV- AilLTITMAIZA- 011tE ,,, , j'ames Adams, Hay tovinehip farm- showered with felicitations from truly 1 t a brother, Jacob, of tioderich. I r., merit of Education, and requestinc,,, the - Tile '‘CaantY Ilight2elsiotilinfed--rate - Watchful, lesidente of .Go etifth't on er, appeared 'before P. O. Weir, J.P., fsriends and citizens of all r-onikis M. through the columns of your paper. t, . . ousi us lea yes four children : M. 'rs.1 Cou net I to ma k,e provision for ---th et L e siialitIV'' bitter thettleet-rear,, WI= Tuesday night were treated tOlt al,le,011- On iWedriciday morning charged, with ea , ger died, a few months later Since I remain, Brodie (Myrtle) , MrsNh. McCole-IE m.1.4 required „i,,,c', ..- • it 'WW1 eet at 1.7, but tho general rate usually lovely and impresslie ggOf the theft of a horse and cuttertlie thea Mr. Seeger spent most of Yours tTAxpArzirt,, man (1'earl) of Detroit, Mleh in , Jaemj The. 1-Cpactr.neut„. it Ilt.aa.._.sitaiefl,_ _ reans;_.,the_narof '41.0*„., Impel -1y of _Aleyslus Shanahan, Elul- 1,,,_ ,.,___ _ ..___, _ rulese ., an. 0, + and Teefeld Cot -edits. His Wife dliefiwouid pay fifty per cent. Of the cast of Welty/aye mite, on 'CatitantOd,,, is, down from east to west being illii04444 'lett tOereiShip; and was iemen e un -r— ti"Hlif -at 21"11"7 - it'ett"Tag---"" 411' " - only son, Right Rev. Chitties A. • September 1st, 1937. i«aistruction and fifty per cent. of the train .85 of lagt Ye:az The total rte with darting, wavering liehtfeIte , tit \this (Thursday) afternoon. The _ Seager, Anglican Blehop of Huron, but Deceased was for many years a it•oet of equipment. It wee stated malee the_e Male. ' _,_ diSplay was unusual in that,the,i;bilpte 'eheft allegedly MID perpetrated . at . sptnding part of the summer season HAMILTON USENESS MAN prominent and suceeesful 'building and. further that the bash; of catimating : 4.:- ftort Alresentedliy•74; 31-, GoVen4 ern and western siry were lighted up nton or Friday itight, 4, here each year. Ills last visit to God- moving emitractor iit Sault Ste. Marle,1 ((10 yearly legislative grant to moon - stated there Were tfinety-tivo inmates tered Claude, while the 1181n11 . Wirt, , Impector of the, county Home, in blood -red relief against ,the gm- eetter being taken from a church shed erich was for a few days last autumn. To Address Dotard of Trade Meeting one, tele many friends there vvill!dary schools W118 changed at the last ' itt an ,,Ionuztoz 4a 410 MIL,. DeoeliC•tIti and greens- prevailed In the owe ,1/4vbShanat ile ahan was a hockey 'pane. The otolen property allegedly 1 . t. lemma' a militia unit to resist the While he was at Sarnia Mr. Seeger on Friday Evening 1441 rn of his passing w 11 (1 regret. Ile 5044-51(411..r k he Legislature, arid Ineteate during ',MI, 11101tW1taz 0 ttikto„5,,, 01d, azasection of the sky, The Noe e, ,i,V0)3 recovered by County Constable J. (- A tall hall gone out for a tne4 nag ' WY's ft incuther of St. Andrew's Pres.. of reeei ving $1,4447.11 ea in, lees the ,4 ' • T - • of the Goderich Boma" of Trade at 1.)terign ehurch for many years and a bottrll reet'lved $3,133./0 in 1937, CO Fenian Raid lie was one of the PetitiOlatlo 40 du, of jfixe'O'roalt knil most brilliant about 't o'clock. 'f lerguson at ttnas `111Y. last surviving netilan 'Raid veterans. , , the Town Cornell chamber on Friday member a the Orange order there, and the accused was brought to, the Shortly . his i 131 , county jail at Goderich. Seager eallke to 0,0derieh and entered Mr. Russell T. Kelley of Hamilton,' Nir. reel Nirs. John Brodie, wn, ,.ee I Hume, "this larger giant an the neve - that the year ended with a surplus of predlieeo WWII& ' 00-;64,47,40::;01- , , after s marr age r. e‘ening of this wtaat, at 8 o'clock. The funeral service. at the home 1$2.1131.144). 'No doubt," wild Lk. Into partnership in law practice with , pei o . preehlerit of the Assoelated Beards ' darted by Rev D. W. Pomeroy of Nile' biod4 will be continued for any ' EkGAGEMENT' ANNOUNCED a brother-in-law of Mrs„ Seeger, the of Trade of Ontario will be ptV'sen t l'ulted criturch Alla was largely at -1,14'"... Further, the Departnient ha° Mr. and Mra. T. H. leradl.ey 'ten- late J. S. Sinclair, afterwards Judge ! 1, " ., .,„' , m K II,. , , , by t ' 1 announced additional generous erante I s well qualified to 4peolc on the corn- rektirm. irtrit'oP.itginliz""nst't iffirie".14,011.814 an t111.(1 11 for thc Sinelair of Hathilton. 1 to 83 tireg'S the 1114 ( 1.114. . r. c cy 1. noeu ee trounce the engagement of their eldest ir,,"' daughter, 'Margaret Alice, to Mr. Her- 1 'Mayor of Goderich Fifty Years Ago I i. ' ,merche 811.1 economic conditions of the .1 a ugh t., rs. 'rhe pa 1 I Ilea rers were • of S100 toe a rds the salary of each of new cottroe.,, incluning tt grant 'i''' ' • t ' n of Mrs Wm. 1' (fl Jas. It. .1,4111,10A, John Fesa .1 n. lInrry Wate01, David John- burcementdia t124.07.9Cirk Willoh ' ''' ilDN 11V(1)&11ZID OV DIBInt0 prittelptil itditd vore- 8,e of thaintert -', 0 ante .,ee tee 'eteeeei.e0,00ot and, pure ,e.At a.,meeting at 'London on SW Ur, W. Pr, Saunders, of the Go Oritun Company, was re-appoint "biatileA Ofe gireetora of the- :Cita' Ortheflo division, of tire Industrl li .,., rert e, , He took an active interest in the ti , c i eii, „Attetie_ , ,, ett„ c it, ci4ent -Psevention Association,,,e4itre F. Bridle, of Goderich; the marriage municipal affairs of Goderich and was II' a ”4. — ". '''''.""‘ '''' 'W ""..." '' " " Satliltlet0 vir4.0 unable ,to atter 'ilie rutich Interest. t talt , lace the middle of February. 0 e p Mayor of the town In 1887-88. Thew meeting, which was-ndd/esserl .A. G. Wright, of Hamitton, pe t .14,00-2.0glatione,„e„ , , _ ... __. , e,,e,..--e0.:.eee„, 4$z chaa-11)i-4,ttolt-auta-Atell; AvIro InclUireat of tike.,lergre'tegi.iiiii4tii!6 dair sokt -Ault atit-;,y,,egetahles, and grain vv616 11110bUilaVak kiat Dr, I. 'W; rePOrtedi twelVe dentlee et' the goni4.•404.ng. tale Woe. tkaid tiliOittity name $2-,10.161) 'foe. inotaliiiiff-.deetrie ranged at the 0.100 that 'fi. new watet supply opstoca had bve* la..atalled at the 1,10.40,and.a wtoutht4forw. eatewaY plaaid-lit•:the'10.01kintiTanaa; • ardwo„ It:uit510014.1:110mA04 Ila PeMonac !Olt IMMO* to jail Ili igt Una there '--Muttera at tba', ilt0' 1110 gepa, wan' .0,v4euted. The'eaet.0 litI'dtatriP-vPrtroji' er vao iwke. c6,2401traoats vtlik ttere: Por,:th64 M,1111,0.44.,17, rall4 clalalt, voIthliry viOra f no, 4, ,Inratall Mvenlro, and' z.net11..o2-tt-to.,tplit-otwocOat. r ingoant erttz144 tmvom't=tird , All eitizons, whether liss.einted with ...ton and David fIr.s•rf", all Intimate were years of marked progress in God- ' THE TOURIST'S DOLLAR seager,s re_ • the Board of Trade or not, are in- friends of the ii4srp.a ,i.i1 in their esrlv• gfate that. the inuteeletat---eratee-eeeelee' el -Leh, it was Mr. it .(1 t • tt* 1 thl, "tin e 4 .1 r.„, n. %%ere a 11, 1t111,1 eetnetery 1404.0 of his ---te was 44444 r•Pit The hilri annual report of the To- eyetem and other civic improvenpt.nts THE WHATTIIER wire. Sc. tilt Ste. NI ri e Star ronto Convention and, Tourist AF€0- were inaugurated. ciationeehrhith has reached our desk, In 1904 Mr. Meager wap appointetI Temperatures of the lost weeic and collY-1 ph,ae ter_ in (08141) (IQ rafthfle CV -rte. t eat so t hing wrote ustting if the Council could do the • Of retary o the re epar ra is intereeting to anyone who has an Crown Attorney for Huron County, a of the correaponding week of last yen r. as recorded 'on -hilly, were 101 VESTlirti MERIN FOR SIXTY 17.ATIS at,out a whistling eeese from eye on theetourrst business. a local indtectrial plant VVIII,e11, man- her3,1 of tat! brigade eometimeo mistake for the siren fire alarm,. This Wan VCr ferrell to the fire comtnittee. communleationa with regard to MO proposed road to the north aide of the linrieor were received froth O. 'N. 'Rail- way and reder.at Public Wertz) Ile - pa rt men t officials, and the Clerit wan inetructed to write the Department of Preen. Works intimating that the deruncil proposed to send a deputation to Ottawa to ask that the Departrazzat Imild ibis 'road to peovIde fire poke, tion and other faellitieg. COtaaeltiee Reports •Irhe• illianee touralittvcr that an- ogreemeat te co Octal- .v,71012.. t 114. County naming the rondl Wirieh work may be done by the County to the Vairtre of the fifty per Ont. rebate on eourity road tax paid by the Teem. The streets eo to be de7ligt‘lated C'erabrite road, lls-itatatl avenue, A14,,lesea street, Neteen, 4trette (Continued on page 0), fineries pr,esent financial stabeni fore grants are made. Clerk fi rts remar1110 that teldem were th deelpherable, but Reeve ars pointed out the statement% showed the Ithrarie% svere "go orni." • , oranto.,wonimended by motion,„_ $4,030100 1 which eutri Toronto hotele received and' other 'businces groupa referred, to ,the Treeutive corntaittee, $63,009,000. Thla eAt ima te of the titur eiletTee'Htele ad to Week en 'rondo distrillution to beeed evidently on anl hrikle. :0,9re referred! to the road , conurtioalOn. , Isaboon's finding that of fouristimoney spent in the average community the ataoYa. V; T. rIcPictui'm *00 re' hotel' receive eeven per cent. and the aPPintOd to the, bierd of WinghaM geerchantsi ninety-three per cent. 11,05Pltalf or '0110 year, and by' ,nn- •Etere ig; the'wns, it goes: -4 visit - oilier %Oat the ',clerk, tretL,enret aild oi.! epoids one 4611ar in the hotel bar- eaMt,f4teettadi, Vere granted two her oh6th The barber. cisme...the dee- wee:Tan/4000i in, 11.18t the teachers of these eubjects. The County also pays a share of the cot of ..,n.triv and equipment, based on t114. of tenuity pupils at the (1441 1)1114' position which he held with markid ' It- estittmted that totrriets &Pent ability for twenty-three yeara, retiring follows: $71,000, 00 in Toronto last year, of in 1927. lite was a lifelong mettiber of the ' A. (emit b ti mt, boxing serytti 193a 1937 for sixty years without interruption as Max. Min. Mal. Min. veetry clerk of 14t. l'anl's Anglican chureh of Endiand and, Was for some Thurs., Jan. 20 ...el 11 32 19 elinren, Fort Erie. lin notified Re% here. He wa a an ent bust a Air ten- Sat , Jan. 22 time a warden of St. George's church Fri Jam, 21 33 31 23 2)0 rel 1,101111141 tlie poet. Mr. Cantlelturst 35 2a 44 25 itainon William Burt of his desire to 39 29 24 18 Is eighty-one year e of arige Ilis re- tieultu rist and spen t much of his Sun., .Jan 23 leisure time in hie garde, n, Ile was Mon., 21 __deb 29 34 11 1 cord !a long ciervi.v. Is believed to be Tues., Jan. 25 __CS 21 34 22 almost, if not angointelwithout equal the atithor of ceveral Well-known 1001 treatises, the beet know* of which are Wed., Jan. 23 . .21 17 72 18 in finnadn. Mr Coulthuret Is the father of Mr. W. A. Coult•hurst, "MagiUtiate'e Miteattl" and a wore mail clerk. of Gederieh. on the Divides Conet The hit- whose advtrneement he contributed so way ter Itaa,-been.„ through cetera etlitioua greatly during hie lease life. ler to tile elinteany for gasoline; and has been widely need. •Tbe funernl servioe took place on MEM. 1111.AMIILTO!il BEREAVED the oil company payo the dreier to an ra Thotigh big son, Bishop geager, is Wetimeraday At London, Rev. I)enn Ja tries; Hamilton reeei ved no- teteeler Mauling 'ateetie4eteeteee.ceemeThetretlay 'end eml)10,Yao; the ollOrlcV gives. At to the the onix,,ilaniedinte survivor, a etleee. Jefit-Itia offielfattig, oev,i-sted- Aeeite fetes- that her ete r, tfr. -Nett -Steven teitirglarl ' feeitielease eittelieese -the. Cleric' electric naht et r i ee1li1an3r; th0- :eleevel. Roberts of °oder/chi Iona- fdeaeate A. ,6 0 Clarire, of Grace i 1011, Burnaide Farm, Avonlyanla bed eampnny gives it tO a foundry, Which erly 'alga Grace kleager, lived with church, Iiitroatford, formerly of gt.1; taken 11 etroke on Sunday, January eigZe'eti IA caaz,,,g• reeellatiote from givee it to a moulder, who gtvea it to mr. and Um. Seeger for many years George's ehUreb, (loderiele Interment 9th, from which (-(14p4m-K.011 away on W. Vott4 the 471,141 atanotzta <,bialoalt 'lints -4 64/dill the Huron Count114 was In Woodland cemetery. Among 'Tileeday of this week. The frienda OOP 1:11.14' COVntaxottl, vv.). ,p,ttito 4-01111tirt ti)til11 to have the 114 10 wife, who eivee it to a otore, and untii aer rdarridge. wattS thre;IS,ol'ar41,-;csa$ - fleavr had. been a -reader of The the .tittmerotte 'floral rate -Inge was a f thew efercreeted Mee liamilton not to ceetetOtt. vci'alMtZ .01.6-V012Pi;147:,-0 culd " f10,.'inatter who. firGt ret o tb0 tOW Oienal foe about oeventy yearo, and beautiful wreath cent by the court try to make the trip ou amount of the. Wtatoz-3 1nta2to Zot416)&! „ ia1140. t17,;vc$, 0t1d3 Nazzklr• 1 it titivala",1 nut fi V‘Si'v iiiwreat bow,* Goderit h. eotidlilon'of the reside and ehe eeeerity reunify, mad evetibady ohare in. the in the artaira o2• the town In which he air. and Ulm. J. NI. Roberti; of of the weather. iThe la In Kinear- 1=r:7V t4,q' tir e VUXCar 14<.`114114.14, •IPUW' DeratY rVent eo thany aetire 'ear, town, attended at the funeral. btutgit oZ the littreaced bilaineta. dine with her daughter, Airs. 14forri- the cavt::..."`4,1ER7 1 , on14110 ittlontint0 ipcso