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The Signal, 1937-11-17, Page 2
.411 Sess es- • ., ,u CANADA. 14105`. riPtien . Vic* tg.ea -74114-. 111 in advance, Gebeerlirere 0..,;14nt,041 tato rdu ramco ogal-E.Se roa 'TZin SIGNAL -VAS P.822D ''VedOetdp KeWeeber rrtb, - _ genrldialfITZ0400---that jet steriee 'OM WZAIFga© MGM about.Oanada--,-do not cell mil. Tee are eold, Perhape meet 10.anadia are too busily engaged in' Matting a livieg to !provide malt erepig r or wrItern 02 ro- mance or for trao deeringftle,' haveret even any .411'etceleee handita But c*ie of lltaleh.Oonteor'e hooks had a tremendous ea/e, not only 113 0.1111'• ada -but in other countriee. It bi stated that 2211) carloade of foodstuRs, costaining aeiproalmately WLr 147,1\ J 4v 2,110trillgt0:424 ,t1No tt3F 4A0t:conntv ittip zon0 4103nIteIly eFet4'. - • - A white deer WIIP ?).4 tow= p en eeturdayt 11,,he !act daY, of the Open =neon in‘Prnee county', Me wonder itte sor. .0 al ° s716 with anxiety after dodgleg bundrede of buntene all Week. 0 0 0 Mee Weodeetatir genttael-iteview,, noting the 1)1=145 of twert$F-agee-14- /lour Gigue on the (Square an4 elce- 'when about Wetown, teriii.8 lit "•a 1$, of troale to no feuree=, inasmuch te 0 1=1 Mutation cannot override Irhe iWIsodatocle paper is, of course, - clult0 gorngt„ tte latter PtateP2024.- epeed limit in towns at thirty midee, and no local authority. can al- ter this. The 'Highway Tra Act, however, provideri pasalties for reek - 1=' driving at any sped; and the T'oevn Coned' probably. considers, that ""----ilbsaMW-11-MirrilEatteeireetelecime1. hour it 1.741.6 1861111Ba a warning to alio. ,,...Jotheje, that that cpe4el!,,vras the mei- tinte3, however, when a ayeed of SS7e1:3 iv Ides au 'hour on the Square "Verektetny the beight-of. reeklessnese.. ---Mde-tiar.rno tagal atilhorityiA,octgat- have been better to post signs' "'Drive - —••••• • ..,-ZarefulleregOehil_W-9- ...thALikgeel• • . t aio. g mot, UeStrto477.,14L1raTg3!lkieV1P,-••10144. IDICAM down when caution dementia; but if they ,are brought into court on a chnrge of rectilece driving they can not depend upon the signs to clear them. 'Thl---c-Sighrhave-ntriegal-auth- ority. • ,* n• --WHO-ALIE THE GMAT ORIM lelettIDAMetountie. hao-W?#1-0.-4404.- Saskatchewan fro L Ontario eince Sep - tether. 'From all of calda t1i0•CWiSe ments totalled 1,07 car1oa10,„ Thie sects quite a lot, but when It ic; con- 07.44:4py (M141,1t4 „ - -4c,04q41.a4,0ntele,:ttv-.q:,41.414.P4 07 4P0IntlpV t= " deiV 00.4.'are 4:1111$ *r- 1t 4.1tvW tOtritlaxiti At talt*Iglitb •Itit e'110:4. -"a rrk WIE.MY-TFilratIfia*7,16:- pirvIt'..mtabt r 4,13zrp„. 10,r4„0.4. watl tiv4ar) 010 ladV4 #1,ina.g" ,Ikrfsy ngt 1;:g.glgo, tb00am-1001.T war01141 the. deer 10 . to 4 vaco4, r6140.4 t; a 1,104:0 a re I1 It (Whop -k'411' otit Ito neO4 e01,14. eow; X.(if honTla 4A00r4f4117,, that' votild 140 a "att.cr s4dt„ wow!" irit 4 buigeg,..124.0 enetlier banter lt4P- Iiiit).-INir•"0'W5ratter 1151.4 b3,-abotitai, not Vaote ti flasQl1f3 deee." tBee).r, ,huntere are lea/ and 000 Veoilld'etetelsr thinh deer wao r -V4(1,,,b;:tot, t no do go mpg (cmtgt" and/eta/to nolq0.P6 • A, 4000 tvont0g, 7/ig.11111: --k6.044q4.704.1t414111;',4..0,610- ';•P eo 116‘,00414. P...t,0°.',OP40t14 tWFAMTPF:,4 -162 Ilm g t 4, 41 1111, to I WaX100.0,1,,,C4P • . czone anaz' •=, 7/171!"17.7„. , Sault ato.-Imirtc lates„ v. Great Lateee mariners Cot a it4:11 the weather ,enau yesterday that the 1 7 navigation-seacen on Up* 14ares may close four deere earllar sidered how much ode "healthy hoy -thano tiovee4 . • girl can, alispose of iii a 'deft? it see Prim ppeoltetwa beset/ 04 a 0614* 49-3tbefmmtrawm,zort..2.113js r4r16621 (D/Z =Oa riatOW to ma. ,A•t• A tykes before anal-W-11tto eraille comes around. the -oatetb-dEg °V- the iV103 70arc • . areal -eV 111. 0 311. red 1. I • , ?pit oiasaow wanein s te Dionne quirtu- Mt Art. • plets for ha International Fair =eV The =tee f-t.enVeerattlre reere4ing of 'Si-6dr, but the Ituardinns of tikla tants201 denaf, inee-em ,°° 7,-,•?„t,„fre,rday remtento a 7221eaterrirs ,tzlanr4 ve:r1g02.4m,,InapefataLrk,toioyT,,, igiftteTt;etv---; a trip would -be too hazardous for ornirl rtaasaia't/iftFtdett about ecember 11 instead -of ...wecem- etka2qua..10 aVe--truste-th-Oligl"' ktaLeven 11 tte en1 — teedyeebspewilireeetsemesitjakee'''. tions for any show. 'With the edtreaL. — Merin . • „ RT. 11 1 - , POD late' zfr (Q) 0 Ise *C). ' 4r4' ,Talucap IM0 rqvr-lantItgat, ot0.. .s.sigot" JP, TrArm 44 Vt Woo tho tit U6,0* lim tad 'eee--4piele e l' -ierA-Mritietr•-00111 . . , * - t, le in th0 ',..Mitot V0171." arril .trioteb sa. Icr,4,-;4-4;ciiiO4.0tiito, 0 110,0gz,?•, 74,v,,,,' .p. ztioNgzp 104 IN,,„,-*Iotpittlo .decer- , P4no-o• 00#4, '•:'). , a -U(4, P$ -0' vit ,P,4' , osna 1444 n.grown , . f . ... tgloP; 44,040oetic too*toi lyatt; illotik,i, IVA •04,; ' U0. • 00M, Wt,ttY gloA.:„.____:_, ..,... ' :i. 114 ,atir,O,51:444, In tog:0 altnontio 17'1 1,5..110;i ttc,,.,"*16 kg alb ratio 4-1463 VhMaitfti- -gaMttetlei aee tata to. ihe ear was oggt44* 4t117e Ye' Plrria,tLL (114e41,7 -Nr4c4: hOtr• or -..t6-7,V00-1A:a to -a01 elevator' o44t. „ wey, the I0-0; tlee' xees tatio ,11)0/14 4110a$ eald „, I 11 aroa; Int4F,04. suit Atoano:,,Dtgax,_, 1,444. trbot (ear It 0,04 o t41, ,A17-); .-970.45f -Qv o' • •Ozrztbliar'. °cIt'LIZ vlittOh `,h10' *, o 0,40; '0„,aa„ • 04, tit4 Zva inx 41.qm • . it0A •iaigottP.. •14D4tit.A.,a.m4t 144 taw'. tl WO: 10(0%* Pitnioalt '•f)2 oralom--4*ifto • • - tie, le••' • 11*ilagtet' il*Can140e.tii,Ateing- *volt!, lailtiOkini, '0170: 02.101iint4t71041" El° oimitalherey oztovr3,„, taoined• calmen„. 11* 1 .30, a ro ,thetic ettd constant v.oupporter of this cause. „OulY -ten days. ago, at the a - Onizention11oti1 atc! Mikt 140 o appeeciatiOn wan 'Oven and a glow- ing noMiratiurt Placed on the 1Z/flute bookne to record for all time the golden (Ueda and kindlY evere-OnalitY of Mr. Ipynas who •vas ituowfl to every• ember' as The f era, Mach' toett Nalco At I. 11 07-,,,ctka-rdattztIgm'zzirta brattnidscr tigots,--a to-t-tistor I in, t•Otttaato MO' 4,4 'apPle0„.. -Tho7Sta,Ven •ent had \trOrt given a list ot at 4„, #--1 "r,',-• -1/40-:741) ifAand, '431,11:4t41.00$0.21.0 as it went out, C01'- Ii 16110 tkotia:didir or truck ltO beestOned in Vie -rink for the far-out .00040 col= Co* tht direetlr 11110`",V4:d.00' trudcs and cana *ait.''!ii3 nem Nino .110 4 saint mad sinner shaee1:0libei 41ecordieg to the oire Zit:0 N"stls T.:11O it'g'otol,cat F0110.4:4 ' titli ... wee Fen? 14raeli#: .• ,rIttaiad • Be'14....e.easedse -„Foteeolisycreirea iNtopkitiy- lee:thee Maconfora foto -- - ' atamicep, v4th mei* ofilcial members vudow Job4 eleid defleg' eqeieettly of?,the4ereift In attpndanee. and gladlY. and the 'Id.4niater, 't o4TZ".1 °. I at A.P.gas " " * = xi) vja TOWNS= knew that the_iittli_MOF • Vegetables for gra-Vitie :a GODIDRICIA,„ADOWNtSaile. Nov. 15. boyeeehe knew the little woman in the ller-Anif6:4165.R/t. eviiitcw..4 that _the_ tow - age"' on - trent otntea couple of begs of snotatoes, a great squash, three citrons, a bag of turnips, o ew miens, carrots, apples. • . Cannte, end Mem Camto Carrot and Remarked smilbagly, "It's funny thing, but fielleve 'more yeeople are hungry for carrots than for WIT" ng e se. Ited-nlwarcle-gor carrots and more -carretss" And 1 believe. him. My sister -W- eave, who b %borne -through a very serious operation, mid Votreully -to me one day, "Do you knew I be- • ieve ifelehaclealletee earn& 1 could eat for three salad meow, rd be well again." Perhape there i1ii4 den me11ici4e in- the eirely Carrot, something the fristeo craves' -in-the vegetahlarlasseseecears we -have 1,1,0 to live through. At any rate every 0-4 seemed especially pleased to get them. 1 saw some boxes of -lovely green E RI ,i,r:glarqp41,..:_f_'.1"Turztatratavitt: , V1j o tOpoir Ostia_ e es tional- and otheradvantassea that are CARD:Ws Nov. II—Another car - theirs they should be allowed to grow load of stock and other eillects belong - up to be cultured young ladies—espe- ing to 'Me. 'Wilfred Quaid arrived at- lidGaw station on Friday. tar. Quid clallf rtitierNting,- 'of -courser TaleFTWIEllye-have--taken--up-7-residen of the conditions of their birth, but at Port Albert. - not subjecte for tEarnum-like publicity. Dr. J. . Barnett, a Goderich, had if o o 0 0 When in Endliffid people not infre- quently "run over to Pilfte".tor at -- 'Vino are the three outstanding least they sa-y they do; but instead of BMW), 'Statesinen since the turn of rowans -they sit in a train or a bus '"0211141717:=L ----sessereand eroes etheealmanel-2131Milire..4ges.Re e-Thbestvies-the- question recently nub - /MOW to its readers by The Otratford IteaCon-Ilterald. The replies were in- tert"4"ttnte' -e01140,121Esofettrenelent death of Right eon. Ramsay MacDonald it was not surprising that he was netted by several. Others named were Sir Edward Ures, Arthur Balfour, Lloyd George, 'Stanley Baldwin, Winston Churchill, Anthony Eden, Lord Birken- head. Asquith, a man whose in - on the history a Britain in the airst third of the century wan greater than that of many of these, was not needed at all. Tj period since the beginning of the eentury falls naturally' into -three dirieloni-ethe pre-war period, the war- time, 'dad -the post-war-Periad. „In .the first of these divisions one of the outstanding events, the in-' fraence of %Thiel) upon the finture of etbeeBritish Commonwealth of Nations fauna yeti bi;'ineiiiiiia; -Wan' of self-government to South Africa,. With this act of statesmanship will forever he 'connected' lifeletane ofSits' enry (ampbell-Bnnnerman. In the years preceding the rear there ewes a Series of stern electoral con- , tesis3 by which the authority of the m e Commons Wan established. Doting this peried Aequith was Prime Mielster, and it was in these' iaormy times, 'too, that aDavid lAoyd George won his way to the front rank of ritish etatestnen. Mr. Asquith may be blamed for 'mingling in the treat- ment of the Irish question and for lock of vigor in the prosecution of the war, but considering the importance of • the issuewhich were determined un- der his leaderafip hecan hardly be • left out of any list of the outstanding estateemen of 'the century. the etory of the Great War, if any, name stands, out above all others in the, rq11 of ritain'e crates en it in that of Lloyd George. iv "the little Welsb an" had died at the conelu- . thin 61 tire war lais fame:would bave In emurce, as that of one of Britain's greatot.,t mon of all ai0. rib crib- otluottit eareer has stimetehat dimmed r.Kbord,. • 'Zino th0 war what has been dono to mekt a,great name- for anybody in statesinatiehiP? illan4S-41 )14104104d vas c very able lnan oet .tvastizo. te,ad of Cam) GovernMenp, 'jolt lt0.11464htfU1 12 laitelary 1I1 giye ti? Ia:tAlteo., '43)0 iit „if ' • 4zifil o2 Itic2 =wart) Vim' dectechalr. Now, however, a man has actually performed the feat. He ran from his home in 'Hampshire to South- ampton, and-tefter-bourding- a steamer there he kept on running around the deck wale it was maldng the crozs- Channel trip. Then on to Paris again on the hoof. The man, named Bally. said he wanted to "do something to promots.a the anise of internailonal friendship," and The 'London Thnes. which- published an editorial about the performance, said be had achieved his purpose, for he had justified the Con- tinental axiom, "All Englishmen are mad." OgEOT tiLORV LIGEIgUa By -Barry J, oyle 1.1 _the_Prenyterian service on Sunday afternoon and delivered :a ill betteSqthellr, end Mrs. Mr. and Mns. Carl Seeverby and- June and Lois and- MUMS Jean and. Maxine 23cAllis1er visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey AndreW, near Dun- 1:1 OQ 0n, sdY &VIM& Etit week at Leetu'rn with Mr. and Mrs. Jas.' Horton. . Mr. and 'Mrs. Percy Speiran and Eric, Mrs. Mary Phillips and arry visited regentlet-Twith Mr. and Mrs. Dave i11liif-t7M Cencession. - Mr. and Mrs. Wm. 'Puller, Normah and Russell visited on 'Sunday in *11 ' strong and impressive sermon. VI. DI S. Dilczlirmg..-The monthly meeting of the W. M. S. was held ou Thursday afternoon at the home of arr T.Ial 1111 - ,201 401-21.,171 ,t0424toza. Won't co 70.Entla.go the ZO zonrc Trost 111 • iliterW,---1106bably; tectTeal event now viliep cr jar g mem,1 opened for SUndaY dinner, 3,1143,132, or to treat a neighbor when ehe eomea in. 4 I remember at 1 riererest voine time agf, zoy brother was elected tos help 10311944 a° ear born Ontario. ,ffie caid .tO11affrierwaral, "Wlolva I went I to tiat earit 'had up in nay threat •the oltey of your net. Think of all the -love -that was.stared..in With OR food : the molt, the care, the. thought': Think of them going down into their cellars and bringing up the atethey had Owed for themselves: uppleg4 honor* pot tfies, beans, oitternuts, even jams and jelliea, putting the in- to 'boxeg, driving to town and giving them te US,4 t was never se, homesick • etey life. The ear smelled like Grandma's pantry did when We were kids in 40-allingwooll. Boy! we ought to be thankful " .-,•.;!st rJrazt say zo much, but wordlese thanks) well up 1,141(le ip*Mrtiumr-weinft-a dish of VegetableG on the table, or wben we offer a child a red apple, knowing that jet° the tittle bon= there go atiength to carry them along life's their bod47-7 for winter days , and c maw% 7310 -Vance disease, warraLhtihno: telVe$teir years to come. • -j•We. may nett say nen to you who . P41,;„ -'74,4r11 tr-Q4 t1t‘,ttq'c',1,4"' avr71..k.,-4v4t, N7011V-.4141:I of114744-514.-- a,-z1 Pop 0 miri-Tiot otor,A van- bountutg, tvogo ot-4 14 - It tg thocelatt•Otz,, -1140 ttn seu41inathLeze'i:c,11iz,z1ag,01-t7:*.,a:in7:vertItne. 1;l74L:14:6 of feight,ktopa bind11:4tthT.,crr -ste1, ra, apt, west, 014 we, tke, °MO, ;02-'0qtatc0. 40- w1n, are eay _rs• `-1710,16' .00lt. It, .p. j. titouruuradro76mya.zorr40'.,t7,titZe,,megit,trl„ gin= in the treltar11TIe&-'11 less You every 1114-MThr an'n©u1121DalleVt4,11)O"f 111P4M.'51in-11-Tron OM Boys' .Asociatien; pOolcrZo be 2$the l d h,tit °11T2IthIlielge*I.eg'al" kllere; Mi drlieetth; tt: redlect19 an food former =Went° of laiiroP ettotlaPP renident in Toronto are nVited at- tend. Those reading this tato are asked to notify their bethiz.trkla*-4-4g two WIND, AccirE,CM DI= UNDEMINIM -REM WirEVE. Lint yoer prOperties with me, A good modern -hoe= for sale now, with extetse. - Phone el, - 24On as, • Goderica • .,:.--1 _ , - ''''''''-'77:7711.1.&at'• idYjC7grail-'7...=:::-- -Wichita SiSfil_'Siio--tit all ate .rZtzttr, +sir 'km NOV„ SO ram -ZODMMECM 17 , o _ i..r., ••‘..F., . ...' -.-Lj......:.1- 40,x,,,-.1 ..t.i., , TO C.1\1.R. ST.A.TIONS-- -in MARITIME r130vINCIES -_ --i-,-Matvgw,-scutmoll -7'0,11/atc,z2c,c,s57.664_,ApAgA„.....0_ Qacitaec day $2 11 .36 ; Sae. Anzuve de ikiW20 - 01121,66. ., MOUND =IP LTATIOS ?rickets, Fares, Transit Limits 'and Information from Agents. 484E Ask for Handbill. T- . -Nr MTS. John -A. Young. _MissA. Walternnon, _ Atteaiiett-Peof'llie--derotiongetelSerkger%-mtp.--j03... Leftrnviretrebsne and the gugaested"--91t°6-ram-In. the last weelteat-the fr-h da la ter, Mrs. Gordon Orr. . Umded Cllunrcla Notea.—The members Ofellee Asenen'e, Misi4lenary Society en - 67 tki-the--meini;ers of the -Ladies' Aid frem Zion church, Taylor's Cor- ner, at their autumn thankoffering meeting flu :Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Gordon Orr. Thirty five ladies were. present. airs. Mary Phillips had cheree -of the meeting and Mrs.. arwOod -Presided at the piano. The opening hymn was_followed by prayer by 'Mrs. J. B.„ Graham, of Godericie The Scripture lesson (1 borinthians 13) was read responsive- ly. The roll call was responded to tvith the text word "'Charity." airs. George Mellwain sang a solo,. "Beau - tire' Peaces" in her' usual lineestyle: Pe guestspeaker for the. aftereoon was 'Miss/Cs-E. __McGowan._ of lyth, recently returned from -fol.* years' eervice in China. Miss McGowan held her audience in rapt attentien for al- most an hour, and her address was appreciated by everyone. Mrs. Gor- iloresfirz,..andeAgjegeMertel Moorhonee anng a beauti2u1 duet, the meeting etosed with a hymn turd prayer by _Mrs. (Ree.) A. E. 001'- lidaiee2:114ui- acli.4.AR§,139*Ci 411d sqetir Mao enjoyed. . The ffiers of' the W. M. S. are holding a quilting on Wednesday- afternoon at the home of Mrs. &settee ' roang At a meeting of the session d 'Union gunday t- eels- decielede-to--bold-----the---annu Christmas tree and cOncert on Wed- nesday evening; December 22. A committee c'ompoied of^ Gordon Orr, Nora ovrerby and rs. Harwood was chosen to assist alfss Mcliwain with the pogram The register meeting of the Y. P. U. will be .held On 'Friday .....,.ipite the inclement 'weather, there was a good: Steed congregation at -Union on Sun- day. The pastor, 4ev. E. Moor- houme ee_elala/qkethe::-tr- a stirring address from. Missidnare. Monthly Was largely 2 o - lowed. Mrs. Marsh, airs. lienderson, Mrs. Mellevain and Mrs. Walter took the 'ScriPterin•antWifeetW Morris read the leaflet and 1 iss Clark gave the study book chapter, telling of the consecration and designation of the first missionaries in 1891 to Weet China and of the late Dr.' Jean Dow, who labored for many years in *Ilonan, China. Arrangements were made to make quilts and pack a bale for the West. The meeting closed with sing- ing and prayer. Refreshments 'were served by the hostess and her daugh- ters and a social time was spent. Mrs. Tait Clark was secretary pro tem. and elm. Wm. Marsh organist. AM3IFIMAP- VIISTINIDEMI had 1sit1 tb uilier'.dayr -and that is what got me to thinking of how visitors will make you notice the shabbiness of a. pLace. You go ot. seeing the. same things day tate-red , and you never seem to notice tha t there is anything wrong. That's ex- actly what happened after 1 had iny visitors. They drove in the laneway, two -prosperousslooetng blaca about a half -concession long. Now, I've been going fa put a load -of gravel on that front lanew'ay up past the house for ever so long,•bilt. for some reason or other 1 always neglected to do it. Of course, it means that we have to put the ear away about a month sooner and tatte,lt out a month later in the spring. This fine, shiny car SPICISheil into the hole 6. • . the gears growled uround for •-a wbileee s • teal: -Oen with a sudden lurch it -carne up to dry ground. The big fellows weren't in very good humor and theY looked- in a very sad way at the tor. Now, I just couldn't figure -Out What they wanted. They were -spreading hip smilesacross fat taws and both handed me cigars, and theyaehed if they could look aroviddthe •Place. '11 Gannett there would be no hum hi therWrids tbeY vantett-to seke elinttels . or something\ It started witn the gate in the lane - Way. I lifted it up oval the consarnA ASHFINIJD, (Nov. 15.—Miss Sarah MacLean, of 'Chicago, is eptending a week with -her brother, Mr. Donald MacLean, Mrs. John West and children, of WitrtMlifeat-elezeliteare Mrs. Rory Ross. ° Miss Mary Oourtney left last weak :for Saginaw, Michigan. _ Viso CatheritoentegEenzie,, efl 61-R1i-- ford, was e for the weekrend. The of Ashitield Preshyterian church put on a supper last Thtirsday evening which was well attended. Rev. Robert McConnell was the est speaker -- Mrs. John MacRae is visiting friends In Toionto. Mr. David ailarrish, who spent the summer here, has returned to his home In Saskatchewan. The November meeting of the viaa.is. vag 'held at the hothe of Mrs. Rich- ard Brown, last Wednesday afternoon. The vice-president, Mrs. M. 0. Mac- kenzie, was in -charge of the meeting. "Meg" tiontriff;027 zc*,L city.41,1e, Of' Or 'histories gni in 44o arnIngo and golingc t•Atitidas atvla atti 400d wild; that 3 the 10 '02 '02 the faculty, afill I t1)* 1 -4th ot t0tc.51 eLi vr14.3t c.,Itkr471X1t0tt0 tiltt-Os ift7. ap -11 11c)..,,AnClitt19, 1,341,419 -01,•It4rtt,V cove,1'''t .11 , _ gone oh '0 rampage with elight peev- ishness against everything in general and he had butted down a section of the atahlIng, tunashing off- the erid of a waterpipe, with the result thitt 1 had a lake on the cow -stable tioor, with Peter the white dralte placidly eujoying a mini. pew in the corner, Suchansuch, the collie pup, was having an argument With old flolorneasetbe gander. ease, We came back from inside the barn and went lip the lane. I Invited them to eonrat for a -drib* a fuer. but theY \ I likewise shall elfy heavenly, Father do also unto you, if ye from your hearts forgive not every one his briitliactheir tresrasses" (fat. katthew 18:85). IDttring the eerviee tbe choir sang 'an anthem, "'rhino for teriit4." • .armatIca remdar Pealuq 'Abe .11tinier: rad Cross Seelet,y ttiaf.,:beicX qt, oohork,on ,.tesidentie latetty Fuller: in the. e a r. 11.1-4-litedig9 Ooneisted of reading -4 "Aro Oingpier by: Vagina TICAllister.r!MOW. gate went sag in the taiddie. I eased 3ust sovt 'Oohed in gliat Ouperior a Peace Garden 11:1M"7." Veroieo it down and then tried to ateeport Its Way at Hie. 2 notteed that they itept "'Wild Aoters," 'by Jean lEtelfl but if beetled and"ll vent down on t00,11te1r hands up to their moutho and 1,,Horvent,wirim6r gio fjlarico 14134ljg:2; of it. It coUld see the Vg fellows teV, ,onte 1ikeitighti tr'. of a state. :0111f*' ort, tut; to 'icomont thetr Tato t dattned, .3ine that thOtt was (ID=de ,e*,-;;;a0.4-ri* oyster mom they did, the mattl-ller it otnething wrong and II trlit4 to ae0Supper azd'da *miasma( ',by Itlitoz-1 made me. • hat it Vas. Without atousIng thelrAltorat It4ilikle* L.(0%,iti.'1674 VW; held on ril'eti of all we went into the drivillg Itterest. ttly (log strara '1110.t74. ov.)-r ',•:rrlilaY ()Venire It? their hall on the theft.'Ina as soon as It Opened frott t6Y. elothetv and. Om mule Ath toneession, - Vlao ,tittendato ttas door, Old Biddy flow out of the M40- to rot on the Sight a Ins. h4vhartwo; ; not aivlarge Zttppers' was window of the ear. Both' the ,tipitOVA for the saline fOot 00. rnere'had :RerN.gd 10-thkeltrato-0044 412.4 C41,,tr=0;14.41A0f46::,•10.1qt„-,c44:413,11- at•:,a• .14ditthicntliL' ItciOre* 1.11 on the seat wai 0 finii, big, ve late oiri3i 1114't'ditteR10. and I sat40-'a .'-'41tko, (Wise' tretM :d EU for 1111' upt Soviat, otta 7it1 I1 hagtY grab for the egg and Oineboti left Mt - -,Oer,readF It. 10 LL0 9U - or other I grablml it too Arral Zrovr, as a tli,doi roottlti jilmt don't asted of rodlogob 11ra. Wary• lEkb,11- went valiadt 'in $,• hand. INaehod tot -One* 341$ Data 'vat lam% but ),140* ZoittP,Igarr19# ttr6UP1, Wtodgt-leall EP to %elite off the oga olutwolt onto, laughlug tra$ Elllott' 111111104 Of ZOOM' .liontht Wag 'en 91(1bag, tivid -tsvadual .cao,:t.Ildt3 iote at o1i .of -p0i.„,;(4extIliva---Vat4tc-G tra ,tolo V,Vre411-.. golf qovqi. frotn hole' in solo by .alanriPe. (Harwood ; voal tolOS . nay , by, Zoan 111ott,a44 1,1r4, Oottlon V'o,povetil Oti to the barn f, go‘,. 4vitrOttita11ki1-ti 1114:j" 1431rti 4t4tIgiA "the to') of 4110 bo,h.,e,t)table tloA illsiterleir,„ *After the, r..tartan, date,. .hatz Weal throatmIng, to fall 14. Cstok,0' tag tVa4 ,g4(1°V.11, 'Tanta tht peo, WW42 4411la [FAQMEIZ-.!Aar—trENsualy:DN WE E OVE BAD HO ei 0S AND CATTLD ---------43,M,17411 FOR, c* OMPT SE our en_ Ill Shoot Old and laable! Animals TELEPHONE YOUR NEAREST STATION COLLECT iNFARDINF1131 15. (0). Erik4C7 Ai 11'2131M6N2 A. N E WATSON 'n 'F AMEN, 1„ • g,t) Fvfrieeaels.V2111;11coa, i,artIce call. Prompt. ly at eiGlat the telep'hone be --zigslerl,.,,,kv31 Bob%) hearty Nroic9 cornet) booraltraj over -the-1AV, :— Atm Silurian and the youngsters- T —, who are allowed to stay lap opecian- y to cay " ' Olio", too. "Long Diotance lieepo no young" oay tlielir grandparents. "it's the -tihinpest eaeure we 'know of." Like the Flatsovi comity, you too wail find Long Distance the Wed way of keeping in touch with Mar taf-gown relatives or friends! The love -cost will surprise you! ' ------- - rao,sk tt,t Lit vilitigue, it ,olEli 11 tri Ejtist tevt4: too .tt• t1.4to,„.. 1'itto1.1i4 tO 'ibt'311tlia,0 ItOZZ 'ttlt 11=0tAw atots it, hoard vAto, fOtog,74, rioo ittotszg irk tza tr,o;i0c.1 .140St t'tkv 103 1.I1 Larg.11,%' ;ten. bla tIvIt4 t4110, ,d4t1,racio, Voz tb0 tv,a tho 4t0.71. Ptt'itei 410 tt* 441,47. , • c2.t.1 • ,,c1" , 4 re. •r, hio 0' • -t74fz"1 , I:7r; t,7.'4101 • .611 ,i,010iit c:.!;Tritztt- ttill'At •s142%01, c°;•7 --.-t: 1'11CttLL- -