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The Signal, 1937-5-19, Page 3
la A stmqRZCE-E, ONTARIO, VIRDNBSDAY„ -NAY 191, Miciabila ah Cilem ITC 'IZIOS011t7 mil amp acuinvona and LTIrJE2 "Today we are here to pledge to our from their own free choice, but rdth- King and Queen that loYalty and that er -because they felt it sense of duty to the• great fit of the British Commonwealth Of Nationa who have Ing hiause-aaf-Bilititan. Tit Mit- data= sion, they, have wan universal admira- tion and regard, and have already eetablished themselves firmly in the, One cannot help feeling'that they a happy family environment It in - affection and a great love for our new House Park- on, Wednesday morning, homage that we So fully gave to the and as patriotRaa-brafferitMaaaitluens of this Worn mad countryside to offer our humble felicitations and good Ooronation Day." With these words Ills Worship Mayor al. J. A. MacEwan spoke to more -than two thousand persons gath- ered about the bandstand in Court -JJ IF) Gm_ 7Norito 292 t Gederrildp aaireeeeeee PigcfaLLOP MUTUAL Page loonvezrace Co. Townsbipa and Town of Goderieb, DU, SAJIMILIIi,-(aiiilferierm. -King and -Queen, We have an inatine- tive confidence Oat the British EM - the aceeasieh to the throne of Ring pire Is eminently safe ucade r their George VI and Queen Elizabeth. kindly and benign influence. And Most tm.pressive was .the ceremony, today we are here tO pledge to them which was not marred in the slight- faittAL-4-40.741*--91,10,0.-that„. tC,Peotrtim that loyalty and that. homage that we toe WAIWTHPAIIVTI'mlErt. while the"militia and other units wer„,, ountryside to offer our humble fela. on the roadWay between South aud citations and good wishes to Their. KlagSfon-Steeets: .Majesties on. this their Coronation Day. Parade Ry the grace of God, and the unO A parade, led by the reorganized. a doubted will of their people, theY band of the Goderich Musical Society, have been chosen to auk over the proceeded frdm the armory on Hamil- ton street, around the Square to the bandstand as the opening item oat tae day's program, and the various units took their allotted places in a roped - off area. The parade was a color- ful affair, the band being followed by the "Harvest Home" entertainuteuts that used to be held annually in North street ilaeiiitedi*t church bee& in the PSO's? ,They were a regular feature of Thanksgiving Day, and S. P. Mans, B.A., ofethe High School stuff, who was leader of the North street choir, was in his glory up ,these occasions. The other day- Mr. J. C. Stewart brought into the Sigual atike tral public schools and the Coliegliatt. printed programs of two of tilese ole=i- Institute on May Ilth, when acorns alettsetairafiltig"-opetatkina *tit -hitt Casthe-and- -two, :maple trees.- were home. One was of November 18th, planted. 188(i; the other of Novetiirg:"Iiii:Ifig-li The ceremonies were held the day &nue uf the names -on the prograzns before their _Niajesties were. crowned, ;Armstrong, Halls. Belcher, Ellard, (ha -orations of flags and hunting. Turk (Rev. G. It.) and Porter, veca- l'rincipal It. Stonehouse-'-iteted as lists; Miss Truetnan and M -r$, T.--Detr chairman at the vereinouy in the lor, reciters; Mrs. Turk and Miss An- tnorning at Victoria school, where on d row -a hist rumentalis-kl, the spacious lawn more than three Analltelawasratolatatartelleolea...agranat hundred -children formed throe. sides Caledonian convert" held in the Grand of a hollow square. With Mr. Stone - Opera House on the evening of July house. were 1)r. J. A. Grebe...in, chair - 1St. 18S7. The talent was chiefly hu- man of the 'piddle school board, Mrs. (ally local persen •the program. "‘ v..001rhouse. Commerarawattion el dm Cozemotion commemotation of the corona- tion of King George VI and Queen were conducted at_ victor:tit and Cell - O. Curey C©. .1Firei:Acthiclerat ama 'Rektor Cu Representative London Life insurance Co. 0 ice :-Masonic Temple, WeSt Street, Gederich Neilson 11111114, Manager. 'F'hone 230 Crra.11gile HNOURAITOE and REAL alkerton, Ont. Reduced rates on tcrwn property -$1.50 on brick dwellings, $2.00 on frame. LOW rates on farm property. GORDON gIVIEWELL, DilthVIICIPAILIMPTDS Aceldent, Automobile and OFFICE, NEXT TO RANK OF COMMERCE Mrs. Thos. Taylor anti five -year -01d daughter Betty left by train fov Mon- treal on Thursday to board the steamer Aurania for a trip to Eng- lan(LA They- will visit at London witn an . We hose not always had peece,,,Jhe "az" a" 1"111.114. ,,v la" reveked Ho. Isantifill iditil Stratheolia Ltronthm- eetlaseasa•nfzi-lieiffitle-,0464pr-A. ---tir,4,-41050..::-..11-Vavrwit:Dra tiatr ' vet."34-v 'I' '"'''''''.. '. qe .r.- -......,.p.1011VIC41MITht 11(' tV1` flat a calo'hilde ar th'at , pre.ented to fonrteen other boys ir1:4 attend the cordliation. They- hnve come to the throne, 0101 141reat NVar before ine, 1 ..feel i nipellcd !to offer to them our 1.1,ibute 0 1 Gatilev. Ilerbett Moody, Carl., f.pllite and the insidrailoil Willett their ii„, kw ii,„1,,r .iiik, ,,,,(1 inn ow s1:011, 1001,11 wni-kt,,r)... rtl(. j,,t,n,tio ; aiipr 'len r. 1,g three hoor.' testimony 'unto!, Cohn Campbell, Earl Rogie, pressnice brings to us. To them we , respect. .N.4 "soldiers of' the King; case he (Jennings) had the right to!oefelellenee nnd Ernest Saito -id offer them a Killite of homage and deep authority 14, 411-r.,1. and that being the, ,,, , , , they mtpo, today, be feeling an 1 o the north 41414. of the school. NV ili`r, tVIISO elnotinti of jay raid prioe Ili 1 do not think in this ease there was I., 1. m20.1.,,iiii: , 0010,1111m of Lip memories or other days enrne ceiling more foree 11-4041 than nyve.tiiry to , And we shall net forget today the will disml,s the charge against Jen ii,Tiiii.r pri lici 1111 I (bt 1 Ilfs ..viivaitil 4', 1% 101 i. ,ccretary of the board. memory of those whose mum, aro in- ?anat." "Their nettles live for evermore." (If Ilw ly.riefl to flit. as..mildv on "Uhedien,e nilf.41oll, hod been found guilty boys befote 111V to remember that tat* ' ln closina, may I ask the girle tend charge.; preferred against hini, and he .„ :u_.14,rity.., wag fiuN1 5g111 and eosfs for drivinz to .1 " without 'markers. Sentenee was sus- " 1 sti denfs sang "O Canada,- the Moore wan given thirty day,: to pay 11311SIMECT W, I. IVIEE.TING history, some of you, who remebaber and In default will spend thirty days 1 the coronation of King George V, will recitil the happiness and Joy of the in Jail' Auburn tee June 3rtti deuce of Moore. pnd two enmpanione The district annual meeting of the In the truck. ladward Cook. a (*origin. WiitIWIt'll Iro4tittite of West Huron and Weelee neater, that Moore (11 Id Will be held at Auburn on Thurgday, not offer resit:Mimic,. to arrest. Rev- June 3rd. at 10 thin The mirrning of n etrugicle In which the two men the various lircinchee and other huel- partielpfilted, Moore nearly upeetfins nerve. including the election of ofaeere the racer. "I muat neeept the evt, There will be n good proaram in the denco of Move mitoiliterg." mild the irivo Liatovvell, yontho who get ant torment, aino. other waiters. All 111- (0)1 -Ahmed o4 trzeo 9) dies altre-lb-Viteal to :attend. Great British Commonwealth of Nal - tions, with great possessions on every continent and with many islands and protectorates scattered over the entire The monarchy, ica our constitution, represents the very soul of the nation, Brownlea, the 101st and 10.2nd Girl and is a symbol of the power and the Guide groups, lst and and -Boy Scoot. might and the midesty of the Empire 41.1fferent nature. The (late W;1S May troops and a company of uniformed and the oecasien was II guests of honor and the speaker. of which we are so proud to form a :23r(I. 18S8. Collegiate cadets. In the second part. "welcome to the Rev. James Anderson MaYor MiteEwt1 11, at the I."1111"L 0! -part of the parade, which was led by ' „aa a ,a, mmita,,,,• . g,„„a1,y4, a, a„, Principal II. M.,,,Shackleten, 114'1 V11 AS ir/1-ST 'MIK 'NINES 114.11) Inn,111.44 -viol Today in old London, the very heart A visitor in tewn the other day pril- I the Clinton bugle band, were "CT' ' Hey. Dr. l're; held under the auspices eliatirman. i2701opitny of the mithitesex7thirim 1 ..a-nd centre of the nation, the great of the ladies of_ the cong-regation of 1 1 is Won -11 1 11 illtrodtulsi Miss 1. E. (bleed an ilio•ient copper coin whieh y of the coronation taker Knox church:. Ifoderielt. Nantes on Sharman, former principal of Central 11(1 nn4. Side halt the words "E Phil dian Legion. About three * hundred and fifty persons paraded under the liKings, princes, diplomats and ambits- r nisei': 13Prth a "fa" • M-leta• oat.' Frvan' 1 -}ii. iri-4-'"i-i-1-'`;--w41-i--- 4i-T4:111-"I't.'"i'ed '-'4144 siar---$174'4'14' - Pa TIMITITV til..0.411(C 11 d 11ii-. - sadons will be present fronz all the and '''-""ls. moor.. testa:0e, cooke. 1 1a h later was Presentee' .0 mar tenth, le:17." The calendar (le the command of .Lt.. -Col. A. .F. Sturdy: . great nations of the world. There Stewart and Thomson, 1114.:rfr"(1')Iy, ‘.‘411i4s. M. Bailie, of the sc11414.1 4.\11 1.1 1 V one hundred Velirs from tee wall shooed the date May 10t1t, 1937 The-, program, conducted from the These itrograms, which will brine staff, in ileilll 1 i' Of 1 11C 1 CH l'Ilv rs, tent, opened with the formality of AS ila03C4V will be scenes and ceremonies of royal date t.iii the- coin. Th. e eoial bore ;1. handstand over a ioud speaker sys- Wel: old-time memories. would make "It is very titling to have the plant - good museum pieces. They are It 11 In ing of a tree on any occasion," 6-a111 (holomination, but wag 11 11011 1 1 he ...37,4. grandeur of a great nation will ae ., $7.35 •gorg-vous pageantry, magnificent 11 1111 M 1S(ti S1181.11111 11, -anti it is pa rt it -tiler- 1.1 the Ill rrynt large one --cent piece a good state of pr.eservatton. soul -inspiring music, unequalled in . ,,,i. r ly fitting that the seed of an oak, from While of little. intrinsic value. it 4. the eountry:s history. With point) . . the Windsor forest, should be plante,1 probably worth ronsiderable in the and circumstance the majesty' and atm) gilally Act ,,,, thi, Hu,,,,h,ns (we„sien. The. 0,1, 1.3, or 1,14. ,,,,„„...i„,‘,,„,, (.1 display. It will be the grea tet•It , a, is a symbel of the solidity of the Itri(-- spectacle of all time. as aw oificepc, lsh Empire, stately, strong. and weittli- It ENMILLER .11 ering till tempests and storais. it is "-SEE us TODAY! But the actual cOronation takes entertainmea given, by the. High whteo will lte kept in the sehool u School LiteraP,V Society -MO' 14th, elocutionist, as the chief attraction.. Other numbers on the program were an instrumental duet by Miss Cooke mom OF "TPM'CRIG TOD'a" Thu "peeping Tom" who treeently bothered a household near Agricul- tural Park has btannue quite pre - has advanced a step in his tactics to take lu etecoad-otory work. Since the first report, about three ing a leering face flattened against a window, the tnisguided person he's been quite active. At least five homes In the district have been visited by this prying degenerate, whose closest escape was when oue woman set tbe escaped over a field, Oue elderly woman. expecting out• of -town vislters„„bad _given up hope of their arrival late at night, but took a last look out the window of her up- stairs bedroom before retiring. She Witer11 site--pushert-her-face almost into that of a man who Nvas on the veran- Pollee .11 ve been vall-ed on several ti occasions, lut the intruder hits always _ Illie.,:ingz.u.. railed home from his Tina etee to take the law in his own hands If tide- siieak Is- eaught, and ealrs. J. W. Taylor und daughter cfrOBA PtPg Monuments TO -THOSE. CONTIalitlatiATKM--- BUIL1)ING „A MONUMENT:- __ GET MY riticEA. BEFoRa ialTyING Cemetery Lettering a Specialty - All Work Guaranteed - jot IN GRANT, CLINTON, ONT. Successer to -& Zapfe for any corn or cal- lous which cannOt aesensitlzes cores and eallouses with Ail the -luting trees are hardy enatigit othera eieited 113. the prowler w 111 rer the first applioation. Call your drug - field crop conipetition is bel,ig held this year under the _1010 auspive, of the Goderich Agricultural Society and the Ontario Department of .1,gri- culture. the prizes being given johir" cheir,v,V.:'17rtIe Agricultural Society re• petition is In Banner oats. Secretary tisr„)irltsio. tett vitt ries. seven roIll leode- rich toWlishil) a 1141 11 rye from col - runi Prof. DePeudry ; a soh), Dr. Ura alld Mrs. Johnston and "Wiwu Mr. Nloorhouse led In prayer. The the Iteart Is Young," and another, Natioun1 Anthew anti the new co,..,„ "When Jenny Was Raking .the Ilay,' by Miss 'Wynn; a • solo, "Looking solo, "Angel's Serenade." by Miss Radcliffe, with violin obligato by Mr. Still, another 1 Intgram 44 as or a nation hymn were sung by the pupils. At (1:.entral. Scheel poi)11.9 of Central salon' galli- ered ou the la 41 11 0.111 Ile SC11001 T111`,4111 Y 11 n01'110021 11 11(1 formed in table and chairs arranged for the to -day and order this _WoNpER- Put, SALVE, 40c. Lloyd Chemical Labortktories. For sale at Campbell's Drug„ Store. the -Recognition," and the acclama- tion of the (new sovereign. Three verses of the hymn "0 God ef, Bethel" Mete -were sung and late Scrip- ture lesson, Romans 1 3:1-7, was read • Mayor MaelEwan's Address Mayor MacEwan then addressed tile gathering as followe: Two years ago we were assembled here in a great and patriotic gather- ing, to celebrate the silver jubilee of Their Majesties -Wing 'George. V-- -awl Queen Mary; and now, in the Inevit- tahle march of time and destiny King George V has been called from the things of this earth, to a higher, non - ler life beyond the turmoil and tribu- •Intione of -this avorid. After an illustriote reign of twenty- five years, lie passcs1 on, tmly' a few months after the commemoration of a British Empire, beloved and honored by his people, as no other king had been in all its history. - He was succeeded by King Edward VIII, who as.Prinee of Wales had en- joyed ;the admiration and the deference 40-40-2 1 Vaal SAVE writ, CAVAL 0 E CIS place in ,Westminster Abbey and it a symbol of the greatest Empir. or will be a Most solemn religious se:!- Watatelarate 11-11011d3 Ditil MOOre-Jen- the world, which has been. able to vice, and the King.and Queen Wild nisega .Cease --Big Seasion weather the storms of centuries. - them -selves, by the most solemn vows . of IlIotiice Court A dedicatory prayer was given by to dedicate their lives to the service Itev. NV. P. Lane, after which DT. J. A. Graham and Mrs. Johnston spoke of the elation. The whale .theme (0' any citizen may act as a self -appoint Rev. A. ta ()alder spoke in an inter - settled Mrs. Walters with a clock as the corona tiou sserv lee is t ha t "right- ell officer of the law hi apprehending 41)isitt,in(g.ort::itillintni(earl. on the significance of a small tok.en of their esteem. She eousness exalteth a nation" and the violators of the sertion dealing with . solemn dedication of the King and l'he program was brought to a hap- witt bi. greatly Inis,,,,I. having 1 i visil Queen - te -the service of „God. a zulotheir ueople. It is a s'ervice of profound religious and national significance. And 4411(.11, we find our sovereigns taking sueh impressive oblig.ations on our behalf it surely behooves us as good citizens to measu-re up and do The charge arose out 01 an incident our part in order that our democratic hist month when the constable ,,,.. of 0u -ceremony at the Collegiate, for Ma 3. 3 oungest daughter of ,kitthrose ideals, our personal freedom, and our derod muore 1,1 Ii(voillimny him t 0 1 be Vk II jell the students assembled on the Vanstone and the hit,. sire aneetone, libeTty uf. thought and action and of Ponce court NOlileA cbargos were labl• la,. bef".... tiw itritn'n.'.1“ r""(1 t'"- I" h, 'hail."' M 4'1`3" ‘1"rri", v'm 11g1 ''' Jur consciences shall continually he against him of driving without It per -H, 1 rail 1e4', wh 14-11 %%11's 14 a 11 occupying Ids high position for less Pre'4erv"1. N lb' II"' hlide aes littirtql in ,i of the world at large. However, after mit and witheut markers mo his truck.' with flog-. 11 1111 'In Ili illg• , Walters ham sold her store and stock non, W 110 111114 taken -possession. Mrs Walters is moving to Torino° to with her son lIttfidd. Ilefore her de parture the Women's Association pre - ost :or tin 4 nnuren when May11r here all her' Ilfe. We welcome Mr. 11,1141')W11111 announced that; with ---t 19' ' ' Warn goinery- atilt rtillitiy- Ur Itetrimiiier. vehicles, Magistrate J. .1. Makins •)41 permission „or the trip -11.(44 prvsoii., Niioniti___I'arimtonet,...__A quiet' hilt Thursday dismissed a charge of assault Were dislIll,sed from afternoon pretty W4 (Itling was solemnized at the preferred a ga in.t County Constable Ili." At the Collegiat,e !Institute on 'Saturday, .11)111 '2 1, %,‘ ill'11 Rev. Geo 1 4.'',.1 411 1 t, 11 meott AN 11.4 In charge NN'vlie united in marriage Shirley Moore refiv4(.(1 to accompany the ()in-! Mr. Scott sp))14.4. briefly and wits fol I tit Hill lilt! 1"11,0 1'1'1•111'. II 1-4--4 with 'than a year, he renounced his kingly mit. lido: iie,•essorh.- 'no. -old, In thi, 11100 or grave and disturbed office, and his Younger brother 1101V conditions; o11 the colt 1 illelit of Ellrope, (1'r 11 11(1 f()rriblv resisti.d Jennings' 1""'"1 IlY Si 11P". N1a0E‘vtin Genet- I, Repair Shop reigns in his stead, as George VI, and of, dictator, and firebrands. or ,aliro- 11 1 lenllas to Ina he him ;,!,) 1(4 1 hp court. .kil intere.ting item on the prograin , le attended. lo; Mr and Mrs Itus- we are here today_ as a community, junior mark- tlov 14 rl ,411 II -Iiiii'l Motor trip. '1'114 to honor otirselvek and our country in 4.i'l'. "" 4""'' kll'uws "hat 111'1Y '' ' invai or ilii. (; i..1. tin, Ham,. TIL,. ,w ',Ho.. -iii coition, rowo,iiiii a solemn serviee of rejoieing and ahead 16r the Briti,li EtnPire. she "",'1""!:,': '..!'"'' 1" "it.'" ":, , , IMy of Their Majesties King George It"' Past tvW 3.4q1 I... She lia, phip..! (.",'Ills4:1. 1'. J ItoRhY, vl anti Queen Elizaheth. 'the pettee-umher to the very Emit of Twuz.' found only in hiah-priced tiree are STANDARD CONSTRUCTION 11 in the low-priced Goodrich Cav- aliers. And other (*vim monv eit- pensive tires haven't this fea- ture -they're "Double -Cured" to n suzake.lthern tough all the erzav through. See this hiah-risitecte* tire now. Ita, a record"buy" at 1--1 our low price. °T,44-4 =Not ,tielet Detect -2k1,0 SHELL SERVICE STATION A'i.-=gloaeo ana low op- . ttc,.., oaat of thin =dal =aria 'rho =Hap la co tielit it la Or fmoc.v. o irkitrizoneRatiltoollne aka hind en tho DO.o4nro„Vets Got vg backa Ho= I4nizirovt,,ii-uant Ran. la a great and historic day in their liv,es, and 1' want it to be vividly im- pressed Opon their minds. As this Coronation bay pasees into ileopie at that time (and it is equally appropriate today). when they eang: 'Long live the laing'- Don't you hear them cheering? Can't you hear them alionting as f Ming goes by? 'Long live the Theta; the song they sing; ladd StaVe the King' is the nation's loving cry." And go today vve clay again : "God nave King George VD. God (011gatitaztvir ord ;age 7) GoderiA Old Home Week 15111 coioriiiii,‘e send sit imitation in due course kavercaczy 0 T1/4 iN11 ft( )N (41.., -IR cr. last year ii1011e1, roconditiotosi. like new E fiat .11to. silver. C4 IN N TRUMPET. last yea 1'4 mo4 lel, 4 'ON N. 41I‘ er, rec. 11141 t 1011041, regular $17,4 09 In lliF44. VIOL4'.%1. 'high grade French md te. regular $125 no PIANO ACCORDIONS, an low as Uri:Da in your Embalmment% for ail 00 22 (10 75 CO 125,00 15 CO CO CO 3 15 22 CO $ reconditioned C5 C3 111192trrl « Demeat Maude Sloes 242il: c::. S",ui" co rre EaQ1 . p C.C.S 1Zvc " Si