The Goderich Signal-Star, 1951-03-22, Page 7ti
itov ,�e We.
andIt talk
a d
saw that the. high cost . of
living these days is crowding.
us plenty. But we ' decided
that the Red Cross do.s too
much good work .to ignore
its plea for funds. So, we
are giving a donation, And
Ill bet lou and John ' are
' going to donate, too."
(Goderich ToWTPIAIP)
19.—The March meeting of Union,
Social Club—will, be had at the
school. on Thursday, March 2Et13,4
when films will be "shown .,by air.
Brock;''O r 'of Toronto. Everybody..
welcome. •
The angle quartette of Victoria
gta•eet United Church nil} 'assist
in the service at Union, on Faster
Su. da .
n y
- Limon W.M.S.--rhe 'March meet-
ing of the Union W,M, S. was -held
it the home of Mrs, Stanley` Mc-
Ilwaiu. The service was under the
leadership of Mrs. Harvey Fuller,
who kiosk as the theixte "The War
Or Love and Peace," '.lhe, meeting
opened with prayer. and the singing
W the hymn, "The Head that •Once
Was Crowned with Thorns."-
horns."'Scripture Vas reAd responsively, and
the hymn," for.. the Laster thank-
offering, "Take, My Life and Let It
Be," was sung. Readings by .meln-
bers ,"were given showing how the
could work for peace both
at . home and abroad. Rev. D. W.
Williams; of Victoria Street United.
Church, closed the meeting with
prayer. The April meeting, will be
held at the home of Mrs. Forest
Tom 8FI ,,LDsMare 39. - Mrs. R, M. P. Bulteel t�f . 'Si. Pain,':
tz Ilett of Lonndort and` Mr. Church, Clinton, will have charge
and Mrs, Fred Davison of Detroit of the service. The Pttlibe4trers w
returned t'o their homes on Sunday be Fred Weston, George Little,
after spending ,the past week at Wrn. IT., Joltntoxn of Bayfield and
their home hero owing to the ill- ► Villtam, rred and John Middleton
nem, of their mother, Irs. Kate• Obderich ,tgwnsbfp,
Iiavison, • Death of Mrs. Fred Baker he
Airs. Beverley McCliiie) eY, and death oceurred.early Mohday morn-
babe returned to Barrie on. Sunday `lug in Clinton. Public Hospital .of
after :`;;pending the past few • weeps Mary Jane iioward, wife ,of Fred
with her parents, Mr,. and Mrs, Baker, Bayfield, atter it short ill-
•'Waitte Westlake. ness. Mrs, 'Baker." vis born in
Mr. and Mrs,. , Lloyd Westlake, Stanley towr ship, January; 2.7th,.
of Mount Forest, spent Sunday with 1871, daughter of Margaret" and,
:Mr.„ and Mrs. M. Tot,ns. .-, 'Henry Howard. In 1889 she was
'Miss Beverley York', of London,' married to Fred Baker of Bfyileld,
'Spent'. the *eek-ead at her 'home Besides her huilband she leaves two
in the village. daughters and gine ,son Mrs. Lulu
,Owing to the i)•tness•:of Rev. Mr. Burt of ,London, Mrs. 'Greta Scotch=
Webb there was no: service in
Trinity ,Church° on, Sunday evening.
1%I i '-Oris Miller,, who bled been
in,,Lendon for the past threw:w.eeks,
returned home on Sunday.
_ SHEPPARTYrON, Mardi 19 .--
Mrs. A. Foster returned home Hist
week , after spending some • time,
visiting with her daughter, Mrs.
Pitblado, and Mr. Pitblado and
family 'of St. Catharinea,'also'spend-
ing a few 'days in- Kitchener :at. the
borne of Mrs. Wm.: Foster.
We are so1'ry , to• report Mr. Alan'
Schram is -confined to, the house
and under the doctot'S care• with a
sore back.• We wish hi:m _a speedy
ieeovery. -
Several members of a, number of
homes .in the community have been
victims of the . "flu. We hope
, everyone will soon: be.again.
During the last week. in March
several .in. the community are cele-
ibrating birthdatys. To each . one
your • correspondent wishes "many
happy returns." -
Mn and Mrs.• F. Rising were in
'Teeewat•er on. Friday, March, 1.0tli, •
attending. the funeral of the "late
Mr. Richard Paterson.
Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Brown and
Edward, • of Goderich; visited on
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.' John
Mer of Bayfield and Harry Baker of
flay afield, and three ;brothers,
Christopher Reward, of , Windsor,
'John i3f JBa.yfield and George of
Regina. •Mrs. Baker wtis a life -
An 4,I,d Citizen Passes.. --William long member ,,ot Trinity ,.,A,ngliean
Robert - Jowett trf Bayfield, died • in Church,' Ba y field, 'and a faithful
Ciiuton'Public Hospital on Satur-, !WWorker in the Ladles; Guild' 'and
dray, March ° 17th, after a long 111- . the Women's Auxiliary,`, where,• she
ness, Mr. Jowett was born at the field differentoffices during' the
family home,. Bay'ileld• lin`f', Code years.- • ,The funeral will be, held
Mich township, on August .3rd, 1808, from the home of her, daughter,
and resided there until moving with Mrs. Lloyd Scatchmer, Bayfield; for
his parents in 1887 to Bayt1eld, service fn Trinity,, Anglican Church
where he had since. r`esided. Be on Thursday, March'22nd, at 2.30.
was. the 'eldest son of Thomas and p.m. Interment will be iu Barnfield.
Sarah •Middleton • Jowett, In 1898 cemetery. ..• •
he married Blida Moorhouse of i
Bayfield, who 'surv'ives him, with JOHN JAMIESON. LUOKNOW
two daughters, Mrs. Leroy Poth • PASSEPN HIS' 82nd YEAR
t1thel), Mrs.
Kitchener:�and ;Bayfield - ,
and Mrs. Ernest Kendall. (trace),,, .
of Elmira: Mr. Jowett was',well The .death of Jolin Jamieson,
known to the., public; as he and'wliieh occurred in the Wingham
his father ' established Jowett': hospital on February. 27th, removedGrove in the early 1890's and be
operated it along with the cottages "a lifelong resident of the Lucknow
until early in 1920, when his bro-,, district. 'Mr; Jamieson was born
eighty-one years ago, son 'of John
Jainieson and Margaret Scott Far-
rish, Ashfield township, and farmed
in his . native township for_ the
greater part of his life. Ile served
on the Township Council for some
years and after °, his removal , to
Lucknow he was livestock shipper
fpr the . United Farmers for over
ten ear's and: later M!Inager ur ferment was in ,G> cenhill' netsry.
the" ,,ekn► w . District Cowerative Mr. Jau$ebem wary . a. man . who
until his , retireMent in 1949 owing was • highly regarded A In the conn•
to #ailin'g health;- :. ;an i`I`ty ti;` i`h1+ ` e'1iVed end who
InFebrnary, 100, 'A7iCr. Jamieson deveted . himlielf to the !a1tbful
wedded Ida . C Finlay) and last .,disehat e' of hid y 104es.
n h h ha 91 celebrated ;true
ntot fey PPy
fifty-fifth. anniversary 4 thelia • ' C LOW
marriage• .. „
Besides his wife, Mr.,. Iamieson. �" A.
rlc . +CA1+SV► March`' 18, `�(i" and
leaves a son, .(iordon, ef. Mode h,
and trio daughters 'Mrs, C. dJ'. Wil- Mrs, Olive A,l,Un spent Sunday with
B ane Saskatoon' and 11 ,. and. Airs, . Charlie. 'Wallis of
( ._ he), frf >
Mrs. Howard 13at'rls (�Marion ), of Ba Re1d; -
Holyxooi , also f(jul?, grandchildren THe Iut
itute are having a pot -
and four greatrgranlichiidren. kIe luck supper in connection with their
was•a lifelong Presbyterian, andthenewt ?meetingg whieb will be on
funeral service on March l st was March 27,
conducted by • .Itev. C. Winn, of
Lucknow, Presbyterian Church. In -
ST. HELENS, March 19.
Mary Rutherford, 'Mrs. F. G. Todd
and Mr. Chester Taylor have been
Under • the .doctor',s care' with
Mr. Ed. Purvis vas a patient ilk
the Wingham hospital last -week
with ' pneumonia. •
Mr. -George Stuart attended the'
annual—convention of, the TTnrlea-
writers' Association at Toronto last
week. ,,, ' '
: , Alum* those who ,have been quite
with ,;the "flu" are ,Mrs. Gegrge
Stuart, Mrs. Frank McQuillin, Mr.
H. D. McDonald and Mr. E. W.
ther Jack took overthe picnic park
and pavilion., !He was, a •mem'ber-
of•' Trinity Anglican Church: ° The
funeral- will be held from .the Ball
&' Mutch .funeral home, Clinton, on
Tuesday, . 'Marcia 20th, at 2 pan:
Interment will be in Bayfield ceme-
tery. Owing. to the illness of Rev.
Mr. Webb of Trinity '.Church, Rev.
Mr. and Mrs. lebert MgOIinchey
had a few neighbors iii last Friday
night for .a card: '*ir'ty
TWO . Will wllr .1*
in theOoderieb op hoat
eratt. "i. n $e d r rocav`.
Mr, aid Mr. Boy AlliksPent"
day With her sister stayfle d,
The, xt»titute held another cam
,arty' 1t Tuesday night with a.
fair 7att�yendaflee, '�t��,,y
W,M.S. Mectk g.- 11te M nerf1E
Society held their meeting, at the"
,bonne • of M. 'Arnold ...Young, with
a good attendanee, Mrs`- Wan. Olark:
was leader of the arteetL M.
Wm; Treble- :had the stuffy. book.
The— meeting .closed with ..prayer.
heate"...served .at dainty iuurh.
and a soeiul `hour was;,, spent.. Her
• next meeting will, be. at the hefts
of .Mrs. may' 414e'..
Bill and his, wife and John
:and his wife and every other
family can leave their dome=
tions at
where .they will receive re -
Pryde—Ii night • `
At the home of Mr. and Mrs..
Reginald Knight, EN'eter, their
daughter, Norma ..Miriam, was
wedded to Robert Bruce Pryde. son
.of Thomas Pryde, 116(.P:P., Exeter,
arid: •• the late Mrs. Pryde: , The
couple will live en the groom's farm
'north of Exeter: -
EVERY DAY .,wa'receive hundreds of requests for
service.. _Its -„cost .hasn't gone up as much as most
oilier things you buy;. in fact, 'your telephone bill
now takes.' a smaller _.part. of the family budget
than it did five years ago. '
With more and' more families getting telephones,
You” can now talk to 'twice as many people. And so,
• in that way alone, you get a lot more telephone
serv.ire for ,your money.
At the same timeua the quality' of telephone,'
service keeps steadily iihproving in many -ways, and,
as always, telephone people ,try to be helpful and
friendly. Any way you Ibok at it, today's telehone
is'big value!
11 you haven't yet got'seruiee: •
You' can be sure your neighbourhood will ..
• be served, and you place on the list pro. •
tected. ' Taking care , of'" people.. without •
service as quickly as, possible is one of our'
biggest and ntost important tasks. •
The Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps, needs, Hien to help meet the great task
that it `faces now =- the job 'of. keeping. the Canadian. 4rmy-Active - Force in
fighting trim and tip-top, physical, condition. Theirsis the responsibility of
caring fo'r the sickand injured, maintaining health, preventing disease.
Q.. -.-•-There's a place for trained Birditraiiied h in -the Army Medical Corps.
Y'ou will be trained of the, following skills: 'X -ray or laboratory technician,.
operating room assistant, medical assistant, instrument repairman, or in one of
many other specialist trades. You can acquire this specialized training and
make a place for yourself in the Army Medical -Corps now. ,
Act now! Joiq the Royal Canadian. Army Medical Corps toddy. To enlist you must —
1. Be a Canadian citizen or Briti4h,•subject. 3. Be single: -
2. Be between 17 and 40 years of age. : 4. Meet Army test requirements..
• 5. Volunteer for service anywhere. .
Wallis House, Rideau & CharlotteSts_:, OTTAWA, Ont.
No. 5 Personhel, Depot; Artillery Park; Bagot St., KINGSTON, Ont.
No. 6 Personnel Depot; Chorley Pork, Douglas Drive, TORONTO, Ont.
No. 7 Personnel ,Depot, Wolseley Barracks, Elizabeth St., LONDON, Ont.
For sparkling 'entertainment, listen to "The Voice- ol the Army" Wednesday evenings — Dominion Network
,•SHOP .
uw»EST :DEB1 lia1,.
Guaranteed workmanship at
prices that will please ' you.
t3sf 'at' our ,oDlee: or drop us
IIne to Box IR,. Ooder'ieh. Ws
.will be Pleased 'to call :_and .hell..
-hoose a 'suitable memorial to
Your family plot.
Mt. Ahtlrew i•Rt'
HORSES $12.50 each
ATTI.R $12./50 each
HOGS $2,75 ,per cwt.
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CALL °Sealorth. 15
;%, i I'it 1,t t,,,.
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Don'l letyesterday's feeding tmethads rob you of today's profiitg. Make sure your hogs go
to market in record time by feeding a' "fresh -mixed' well.balanced h6g,.grower made, with
National Hog Concentrate.- '
This contains, a high level of Natural sources of the Animal Protein • Factor for rapid• "
75 to 124 lbs,
125 to 174 lbs
175,10 224 lbs.
F.WILgo.. Your Crops Wig NA11ONM. wolf -cut° ci, pr'oj:isriy-hie064 FERTILIZER
gro vtb.' It is loaded` with vitamins for
health, and, balanced with minerals to give
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T-ipg Concentrate' saves you tithe, $av,es
'labour,' saves ,you "grain ---acid makes ion
&O rrey, •, -