The Goderich Signal-Star, 1951-03-08, Page 8f.0410 meow '• I I ASIIVIELD ASIIFIELD, March '7. ---- Sandy. .MacDonvid..likenA, the week -ed TortnAto. I, • 3"41)11 Cowan has returnecl home after sPendiog. • a week 4.0‘ Gaitwith Mr. and Mrs. tiam, Mc- Quillan. • M. Duncan MacIntyre Ids re- turned home after spending some time with, ,his daughter„ at Under- wood. . . Jack Drennan, who was Working in Oshawa, spent a few days at his home here. 'Messrs. John S. Dalton, Joe O'Keefe and Frank Sullivall spent a 'day at the seed show in London, 'Mrs. pop. O'Keefe is vi,siting for a few days in London. Friends are sorry' to, ltear of .the accident which befell' Mrs. D. A. MaclAan when she fell, injuring her knee. She is in the Kincardine hOspital. • ' Mrs. Rod ilartyn of Ripley .spent a few days with friends in Ash- field last week., UM .•At MBE AND THERE 161g gaps in the ranks at schools, 'Of6ces, stores and factories have been' made by the "Ilu" thi.s week. , S. Joe Moody enffered a hroken neee antinine stitchwere re. tinired t91,elose the wound when she was hit l'ky a flying pkiek ag she sat in the front rdw of seats, 'during, the G(xlerich.-Wallaceburg game at the arena on Tuesday night. that's a big dog," comiamited a Goderich heusewife as she looked out _the wind'ow of her home Sun- • day afternoon. it turned out to be a big doe which came into'Groderich from the north, jumped numerous • back fences until it wus near the 6.6 s..6.6 Ba field road and points 'south. . It attracted a running apdienee which ' admired , its exhibition.s of fancy fenee jumping. A pack of .ba • dogs also, wain On Tuesday night wild life was • heading in the other direetion- mirth. It passed over Goderich just ablaut fifteen minutes before the begiuning of the Goderich- :Wallacehurg hockey match at the ' arena. Some jestingly' suggested the "honking" was. an aerial caval- cade ,of Wallaceburg hockey fans arriving 'for the game. However, it wag tip aerial....ada of wi/d ----vvhose-swish,f l, wings. ;and familiar "honking" could be heard some distance away. tv Des Roche, 'who operated 41, groe. 4, *,e'y store on .13ritann1a road;,- has 'sola to J. J. Cook of,Hamilton, and . left on Wednesday for Detroit, after • which he will meter to Florida for a month's. 'holidays. He will -return • to reside in Detroit. , „ . • . -.--• - Every Lion -will receive a can. of , salmou at the meeting Friday night, the gift of Wart Henry • of Tor - put" of British Columbia ,Packers. • . The Goderich • exenange • of the Bell Telephones ,Company now Inta 1,880 telephones • connected, as ..'agulasi'1,795 at the .beginning Of 1950 -au increase of sri telephones. . Additional 'eable . and .central* office „ equipment has been added to take • tare of "a • considerable inereaSe • in 'local -and long • distance canine'', .accerding to theWeal :offiee•of tne . A large elm tree has..disn ppeal ed • from the flats on the•rolborne side , of the .111ait1and.. River , below' the • Sanford hridge; •victim • of ...the, • •-spring . freshet.... ReSicimits ..of . the neighborhood said it. hatl • probably been 'standing there for a hundred' years,* WANTED' BOOKKEEPER, " ,AodouNTANT. Male, • Must be. experi med. Apply by letter br in person to , The Donniu—on 1t994 • " Machinery Co., Limited Goderich • HACK. -At Alexandra Hospital, • • Goderich,, on. March 5th, 1951, to Mr. ' and 'Mrs, Robert Ha.ck, Goderich, a son, Miehael James. PARK: -At • Alexandra , 'Hospital, Goderich, on March 5th, 1951.; to Mr. and Mrs, Richard Park, Dungannon, a on. . DIED 71.'slarch 4th, 1951, Grace K. Goebel. MURPHY. -In GOderieli, on Sun- ' day,. Ma‘rch 4th, • 1951, Effib Gardner, widow of the late • ThomaneS Murphy, In her 73rd year. MILLER. -Suddenly, on Su turday, March 73r1, 1951, Norman • W. Miller, County ;Clerk, Goderich, in .his wth year. - NAFTEL.-In 'Gederieh, on Friday, ,Mar"Ch** 2nd,: 1951,• .Knyvett E. Naftel, . • • WALTERS. - At .Woodstock, , On 'Monday, .1V1a1eh 5th, 1951; Mary : Ada Walters; Of Goderich, widow_ *--'er-the We' TalItfri.7 V. Walters, in her,;83rd yeo.r.; , • (Obituary in next week's issue of this, payer:) - BOO "..01.1111.111" TO REIr, TO; RENT.4-MARCIf • rooms heated and furnished or one or. two people onV ; .atso a ,balcony rooMnot heated; share bathroom, • .separate private en, trance.. Apply .WALTER, HERN, .13 .North street. -7tf . • • TO RENT. 'A:PART:WENT ON • first ,floor; also .upper apart-. went with private bath. , •Phone 1118J, 10x• TO RENT:. LARGE DOUBLE 121,12• x 182: Can' be •equippea for? light Imasekeeping-7 , cant eat wa sh rooms' ,.-41,1ld showers, fbii' siZe spring -filled becLs, fulfy wmterized and oil -heated.. :Reason- ablos, MAPLE LEAF 'CABINS, •edrner Victoria and Brock streets, Gederich. * ' ••:9tf Court Goderich 32 • ,OANADIAN ORDER OF FORESTERS wiU hold, file* regular meeting In MacKay Hall, Tues., March 13 at 8 pans W. F. A. PRICE; gecretary- ELLIOTT RIVET'', Chief Ranger. v • or NOTIk;E. FA,RMEAS.---De sure to gee your help in time. 'Small and large Dtitch. families are available for next spring. Apply NOW. 0, deiIAA11, Belgrave, Opt* -7tf NOTICE -1tE WN •MUSEUM a,,L Partleis having loaned articles, to the Town for;display in the Muselim irk. the Publie Library Building are reqaested to advise Mr. C. L Buck, Chairman of the Special Committee, not' later then March 30th, if, they. wish..the artieleg returned to thein. S. BLAKE,. 8t2- ' Town- Clerk, TOWNSHIP OF COLBORNE. • A„'Oeeffing of tbe ratepay.ers of Teivoctship . will be held at the Township Hall, Carlow, op. Monday,. larch 49t1, at 8.30 p.m., to discuss a • proposed agreement with the Town' Council of Goderich for fire protectiou in this Township E: S.. SNYDER, • Reeve. • VNSHW Ob' 'COLBORNE. . Applitations for ..theposition of Warble• Fly Inspector in this Town hip will be re•ceived by the under- signed up to.° March 2Qtb. Ap- licants should • state salary ex- pected. SALLOWS; Township clerk, R.R. 5, Goderich. • , CARDS OF THANKS To THE ..1101IBERS OF LOCAL 1863 and to our friends and ueighbors in Auburn, our deepest appreciation for the help -and, many kindnesses' in our rent ,treuble. MR. AND - MRS. P. YOUNGBLUT. •• 10x MRS. • itNYVET NAFTEL AND, 7- family wish te thank their neighbors, friends and relatives for the messages of sympathy extended to them. in their) bereavement, and also those who sent floral tribute& -10 , THE,RELATIVES.O.F' THE LATE •Miss Grace Goebel take • this means Of .xpressing theirgratitude for the flowers and for s.the sym- pathy extended . them „ in. their bereavoneet. •' 40 RS., NORMAN • MILLER, AND family -.wish to• thank, their' many friends :and neighbors for .the• ninny kindneSses Shown „theft' • in their recent sad bereavement Their special thanks are tendered to the organizations from whom they •re- ceived ' natyssages •Of sympathy' and,' floral. tributes: .and their great ap: predation to the Canadian ,Legion, - Clinton ..P,ranch. No. 140, Godefich.1 'Branch No. • .109anthe7t.Lad1es"..! Aexiliary for 'thd. eir part in the beautiful. service. • • • _ THE0GODERICII SIGNAL -STAR For. Result, Briefs .,• The Mittister'S Ana," an awns- il1g play dramatized by the Lnek- now United Cherch choir, and von - sexed by Du.ngaunon United Church W.M,S., vvill be given in the purl...Sir hall on Thursday eiYetkingt-Mareli, 45th, 8.30 piu. APRs 40c, children 25c. ° -10 • le! • The C.G:I.T. of Worth Street° •United Church ask you to reserve March 17t11 for their 'St. Patrick'S tea, at 3 p.m. For your Easter cards you'll. find, a large selection at Cenapbell'S Drug 'tore. , -10 klood Quality Alberta iump eeal P,OW ill Stock at the EdNvard.oal CempanY yard.' A. REAL BUT at: •$19.00 a ton. • -84.0 (Hoine-bake Saie by • Willing Workers class on Saturday, March 24th. • • -10 The Blue Water I3and will pre- sent a second cencert in North Street United Church during tile last week in March. or tlie early. part , of April.. Watch for the date. •-Stf The regular meeting of the Legion Auxiliary will be held in the Legion Hall on Tuesday,,. Mara 13t1i; , at 8 p.m. • Be., sure to see "Ttie' 'Family Wash," a three-aet play presented by the- Adult Fellkship Group of 13rucefield. United Church at Vic- toria Street ..Church on Friday, March 9th, at 8.15, under auspices, of Willing' Workers' ClaSS, Admis- sion, ,50c and 25e. . • 8-10x- • - A nice display ,of St. Patrick's Da,' card at Campbell's Drug Store. -10 . For a short bine _only, bargains in Magazine prices. LfidieS' Home Journal, ,30 Months $5; Holiday, 14. months $5; Parents', 16 months $3, (t'month:s $1'; (me year Parent and one year Children's Digest $5. Phone your order now to '213W. MISS MARY 13. HOWELL, 4 St. Vincent Street.'' •-6 • IN MEMORIk4 JEWELL.-In 1 -Emory • of Melvon Jewell, who paSsed awayh ._ Marc lith, 1947. •• • • ' -FondlyreMembeyed by. hiS Wife and FamilS-. • , • 710 THOMPSON.- , We have only your memory, Reg., ' To remeinher our life: through; , • But the sweetness- will linger for, ' • ever As we treasure the image oryou. -Sadly missed by Nrother, Sisters' and Brother. ' -10 • The Eyerl4eg Aaxillary of Neorth Street United Church' will sponsor Miss Marjorie }lays ina red:to on Wednesday evening, March. 28th. , • • ,4043 - The regular meeting of 'the Gode- rich Reeretition-Commission will b held in the ,Court House on 'rues - day, Mareh, 13, at .8 o'clock. Every- one interested in recreation of ,any sort is urged to „attend. , • '.10 • • s. • PrintSDAT, 4,1ABOU 803, 10.5/ A Classified Ad • • " ,FOR ML._ Foit SLE. TIEREE-PIECE bedrotql suite; electric rangette. Phone UMW • b4weRn 5.30 and -8 PI"• 10x FOR . ,SALE.-AVPLES,", LAItli•E erop (d* .SPYs and' .13aldwius; good quality, waged and etored, X.or the winter. Can, get your supply • callifig for them. FRANK. XQU'N(J., .1t41.„ q, Goderich, phone Carlow 208. Nye' deliver anywhere In tewn. " . -47ti FIsQwR . 0 li,DER,S. FOR • Paster idelivetid through our telegraph niemberShIP anywhere in the world.. The earlier these orders are placed the less ..•the trapsrniSsion Charges. •J.A.ICK SON S vriourS.irs,, Phone 105. Local " orders for Easter flowers ate already being received. Ordering. early aSsures a better cholee for you. . -19 .10•It SALEssIGOLD 13.1.64, JUST arrived, 15e up; bench ciretilar saw and 11.14.A0r, eteetrte sewing maculae. • WOODS, 12 .11.41..it street. , r9 SALE. - ELEC'lltle RE- FRIGLItATOR. Phone 248. 10x FOR, S.A.L.E.PI;ROXIMATE1Y - -200_1„bags. ot _taele _ potateee. R.R. 2, Goderich, puoue 934 r 22. F1'OR SALE. -1934 PLYMOUTH. See FRED . WHITYPING.LIAM, -Wast'street. • 10x •• ' . R SALE, -LARGE WALNUT bookcase, sellable for old-style home .or library. •Write BOX 97, SIGNAL -STAR. . • , • , -10 • , The „ W.A.. of Victeria Street) United Church. is .. holding a St.i, Patrick's tea and 'bake* sale ond rch44TM.,, in the, .cherch base- I meet. 7-- -40-11 • • ' • Spring tea sponsored by St,. Peter's P.T.A. in the sch-ool aeditor- lulu on Wednesday, *March 28th from 3 to 6 p.m. te' , , , • •, All • entries for Huron: County Music Festival must` be in by Thurs- day, March ' 15th. Send them to the -secretary, • Miss Victoria Bskechler; Goderich. • -AO , Ceensplimen ts • to Mrs. P. Straughan, • Hibbert & Son's eor- setiere, who attended the Gossai•d School of Corsetvy at Toroilto last week and .successfully passed all examinations. ••• -10 • -.....,....^7.... - The youth for Christ Fellowship to be held in MacKay Hall, March, 10, 'at 8 p.m, Guest speaker, • Mr, I. G. Mind, new Baptist 'minister in ,Goderich.Violinist, Sergt., A. A. Person of the Clinton, Radar School. Donald •Haines,, an elevensyear-eeld !Soloist from Blyth. Come -and join' ono happy time of Christian fellow- ship, . . ••., -10 FOR 'SALE. - QUANTITY OF . yellow •blossoth and lehite lover seed. ',LOYD BICINDLEY phone 19,s 14, Dungaunoe. • J -10x FOR ,'SALE.•-s•A -GILSON. COAL brooder Stove ,and hoover . in good eandition.- ''Rekteonable.• MRS. .13Elte BOGIE; Port Albert, •R.It. 1. PhOne Carlow 2140. .• • 40 GRAVEL AND TOP SOIL. Farmers, avdid inedft driveways. Have 'ybur, road ;gravelled during the month of March. Orders taken new tor top soil for: later spring, delivery: • • B. H...GOLDTHOUPE, 9-10x • • ' Phone 705. FOR SALE 1-ri VE -ROOM• INSUL • brick hou.se: • Apply - HENRY KERR; Hawn road. .9-11x FOR SALE. J- MAROON • AND •cream Sunshine pram, excellent conditi(th. • Phone 1162R. 10X •,:, . • . • , FOR '841E. -TWO LARGE-SIZ.E1' ._ storm ' windows and , white ,enkonel sink. Phone 632: 10x TRICK,: OPERATORS TAKE NOTICE—FORs THE PROTECTION QF 'COUNTY' • ROADS, POLICE HAVE. BEEN REQUESTED TO SEE I • HALF -LOAD RESTRICT/0*S ARE.011SERVEp.', • T. R. I;ATTERSON, , County Engineer. -10 `mismoonorworrirroloriromoio. TRACTORS LIVE LONGER • The a"Yerage life of a farm tractor has increased about 50 per cent. during the iast decade, states. .Agricultural News. One factor beneved to • coneribute .the longevity of 'The modern tractor is the rubber tire. Tires re - duke vibration, which in thin re- duces tractor wear, °The Statute, ef Westminster, passed in 1931, stated that the United Kingdom and the Dominion were "autonomous communities Within the British Enipire, eqaal in status." -Quick Canadian Facts. FOR, SALE. -- GIRL'S LIGHT blue semmer coat, size 10 year, like new.- .Phone 179. • -10 OR $4i„,E RASS•rAitg .roit acres • with.'4 spring -fed. creek, located on :9th doncession three tulles east of Kintail. Make offer to J. L. Q'LOUGIII.LIN, 14555 Stans- bury,' Detroit 27. -8-13 R 'SALE. - PRESTO-al:1,E, diner's gone - See science's' new "Midget Miracle" fireifightevs. that ptite out all tre.s at IlLACKSTONWS kURNITURE: . • 40 R SA:LE.,-.TILYST .new 1951 Clare Jevvet; electric range,' with .`,visnlite"- Loven. See this smart range id many others, at BLA.OKSTONE'$ FURNITURE. ' 40 FOR .SALF4. - ELECTRIC brooder, 400-c1i1c1 capacity, thermoaat,. • thermometer, • cooler compartments, manufactured- by Wein Bros., Exeter, Ont., used only for one brood; disease free, priee $29. , A good brooder, a very reason- able firice Come, and get it. BOX 98; S•IGNAL-STAR. -10-11 FOR SALE. -"T W 0-8 T ORE Y .•white brick house, 6 rooms and bath,furnace, garage. Possessin immediately, Apply th MRS. THOS., GRAY, 'phoue 476J or 279. • 40112 FOR SALE. -$25 REWARD FOR selling • 1949 Meteor 'custom tudor sedan, seinti.st green, white wall tires'. air conditioned,., jacket heater and other useful extras, new battery and muffler, high:quality car In excellent • coudition, '21,000 mules, $i,68M0. SQUADRON LEADER, TINKER, phone Clinton 382, • local , 21; Monday. to Friday; or 8 Victoria Blvd., R.C,A.P. Sta- tion. • ,. .•• -10 FARM FOR SALE. -50 ACRES good land, nobuildin,gs, never - failing spring creek; suitable for pasture' farm, .81/2 miles north of Goderich. - Reasonable. • Address BOX 92,:•,S1GrNAL-STAR. 9x BUY BABY. -CHICKS FROM OraWfOrd's 'Chick. Hatchery, Lucknotv. All flocks Canadian Ap- proved and pullorum,free. • 'Local, agent, REX DUCKWORTH, Lake- side. PrOduee. ••• -6tf Spring Spar44Up, Be sure of quick , starts this spring and summer. Our irained battery men use up*- to - the • minute equipment. .put new life in. dead batteries, FAST. Let them put s'-sparlile in your. spring driving. today! • REdARDLES OF MAKE Si OR„MODEL AMMON," *. WE OFFER „ _a LOW cost.40ak with inturance.caVeroge, designed es- • pecioily for those who Wont the BEST Service at LOWER COST. clihisui.1* OEF014, YOU BOY iotnt PIEW cAlts alcol • athers °XlinItAN'ot AND*REAL THE 'squAta, OMER= PHONZ 11.51# rIoR SALE. -ONE USED BEA011 , refrigerator; one WestinghouSe. deluxe left-handdoor refrigerator. WILF. REINHART ELEC/rItIC. • -10 VOR SALE.--VURKEY POULTS and eggs. -Beltaville whites ma- turing fisora .9 to 17 lbs: Improved type froth Governreent-tested breeders. These turkeys of tomor- row are quick sellers and bring top eices. D. F. ANDERSON; R.R. 3, Lucknow, phone Dungannon 68 r 13. •10-13x Fort, "SALE.ss-KITCHEN' RANGE, creole „with red tr1m4=darns- azanlY•'-.4vood-rfreV6-WOIF. 'Vhone • -. ' 1.0x .•. FOlt, SALE:L-400-500 BUS. ,OF • 10.A.C. 21 Malting_ Barley for seed; also a quantity of gdod clean alfalfa 'Seed.,, Apply • to OHAS. ORAWFORD,& SON, R.R. 3, Gode- rich. Phone Dungannim 22 r. 21. • , • 1042x FOR SALE -1949 FORD SEDAls,T, metallic green, in good condi- tion. May be Seen at Gs PLANTE'S GARAGE; Goderich. FOR SALE - THREE-PIECE hedredinf.._,7„ktite. .poster style..;„, 8 -anti° couch ; 5 -drawer chest; bed- side table; chesterfield table; 2 de- casional chairs; .4 Windsor chairs; walnutgateleg table; 9' x 1.2! Ax- minster nig ;. 4' x• 6' rug ;, Con- goIetnn fug; lamp; coffee table; end table and other articles. • MRS. EVELYN BEA.TTIE, Salkeld Apart- ments, Kingston Street.. 710 }'ARM FOR SALE -D. W. HAX-. • ILTON, 3rd concession . West Wa.wanoslie Althorn, Ontario. Phone Dungannon 11 r 15. 100eacres of land,. 10 ..,ficres bush and*. 90 acres Clear. SOlid brick hou.se, steel roof, 11 rooms, frame summer kitchen and -woodshed -16 .2( 30 -ft: Barn .80 x •50 ft., will stable 49 head. of, Cattle, 22 pigs and 5 horses; a ,hea- -Wise- in the barn; 'nearly new, for 150 hens, also a 4410. One bee house 16 x 30, two stories high.-, A drivingshed and 41,garage., Artesian water in fife barn and at the house. Farm nearly all • seeded down bnt 10 acres. Hydro installed. through, out, Possessiongiven in • 30 days. . •-10-13, yOU WANT • MORE CHICKS?' or maybe you •.haven't ordered yet. Tut -tut. Then get '131g4 Chirk price Hat from ufk, -*Canada Approved, plus the intensive breed- ing proram. this 'Hatchery has on, its own *fatalist Wide ehoice, prompt Ishipmeht, Some. •sta*ed.. Agent, ItYANPRODTICE. CONTRACTOR% EQUIPNIIIINT , VOlt SALE 011,EXCHANO11.- One -34‘yds ,.Ilanson power shovel with back hoe attachment. Also 0 one domplete .gravel -crushing Plant consists of Sawyer-MaSsey ertisher, one link ,belt 40 -ft. ,'con- veyor, one 15 -yd. eompaxtMent stor- age hin. this tin° IS new and Ikea never been kited. • This equipment may be bought In one lunip sum for $2.000. Shovel alone „worth .tlutt WOuld accept „late model friek or rat. or other construction equip. merit as patt nint or '$vottld sell tiny part separately. Terms can.he trran nd •• • Amity eveningtpW, E Surf% • Thedford, •Ont.'. phone 283. 4-10 ..istklyr_PP • .?•• WANTED. -WAITRESS. 'APPLY " BEDFORD 1-1(Y,rEL. 1,10 WANU.`ED TO BUy..-RAGS • FOR a •liinited thee. woobs, 12 'East _street; Phone 867j. • -9 W ANT E te-LIST1N uie PERTIES for sate. • Q. F: CIIAPMAN, • Real Estate Broker. phone 18. 3utf wANTEp. ktOU$E OR ,5 - ROOM apartment. Please ask for -JACK C1-118110LM, Prkideatial Insurance Representative:, • •Phone 1190W. •-10- LB •"TI:IE HOME OF TASTY: PASTRy" is. featuring 'for your week-eild, clepserts.: PUMPKIN' SPICE CAKES . wtb burier ,creMe wmg and raf30erry fali30 • 35c each ;HOT:CROSS BUNS every day 'during the Lenten' Season except IVIondays. pREAIVI PtrPrS, 2 for 1.50. HONEY -DIPPED' DONUTS, 35c doz. Remember it's cheaper to buy than bake. • Phone 465. Orders- of $1.00 and over delivered, • TENDERS WANTED 'TOWNSHIP OF COLI3ORNE.,•,,.. Tenders will be received by_ the undersigned up to Iklarh 20th for the purchase ef the Township Fewer sprayer. For particulars apply to George Bean, Road Superintendent, •Saltford (telephone 136, Carlow). Highest or any tender nor neces- sarily accepted. , Township Clerk, R.R. 5, Goderich. 10 -11 - ••••4••••••• TENDERS WANTED. The undersigned 'will. receive tenders to March 20, 1951, for 16 cords of green wood, half maple and half beech, or n 11 maple, 12 inches„ long, suitable for furnace,. to be piled in penmiller church shed on or before the 30th •day • Of May. For further information con- tact E. S. SNYDER, R.R. 2, Clinton, phone 1626„ Carlow. -9-10/ AUCTION SALE. AUCTION SALE OF GR,AIN,. tractor disc, all household goods, ' etc. 'at N. B. IsleC0.14E- MAN'S, lot 8, concession 3; Ashfield, Thursday, March 29t11, 1.30 p.m.. Maw. GAYNOR, Auctioneer. Farm already. sold. 10ze .AUCTION SALE OF HOUSE- • HOLD EFFECTS AND .* EQUIPMENT the-Irtt e A.--W-.--Karschenn----- WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14t11• ' at 1,30 pan. • Two tables, chairs,, hotplate,.large trunk, bedstead', . springs dresser; .2 washstands, linoleum, cupboardl. 42 M.P.. electric Esiotor;, .gasoline engine, two ladders, four steel drums,hand forge, shovel, sPade,.- sledgehammer, -ice,1,42-keg assorted • nails, shotgun •qtikuitity 4hells, quantity of cedar poles, hive bees, one. . extractor- two eontaine„ra,• : e. quantity.of honey pails, 50 supers. • Terms ,cash, as the estate 'has been sold. • EDWIN ,LEE, ' • • Adniinistrafor for Estate• . MATT. GAYNOR, • 10x; , Auctioneer. ANTED TO liu-S..-ALL u.i4R horses and dead senuals. if suitable for mink feed win pay more than fertilizer prices. If not, will Pay fertilizer prices. If dead, phone at once. GILBERT BROS.' MINK RANCH, Goderich. Phone 'collect , - 936 r 21 or 936 r 32. ANTED. -GIRL WITH gOOD education, able totypewrite and with knowledge • of shorthand, for busieess office: Apply in first instance in .writing to MANAGER BELL TELEPHONE -4 OFFICE, Goderich. •• -10tf WANTED. - LADIES TO DE- .' MONSTRATil Tupper ware. No canvassing; ' splendid commiSaion. Write MRS. F. OROHAR,D, 57 Huron street, Woodstock. 941x HELP WANTED. AN EX- PERIENCED salesman with car to take charge a household appliances, ha large territory with modern store,. and .weIl-knevvn pro- ducts.. Salary and commission and, mileage. Unemployineht' Insurance and wOrkmen's, compentation paid by employer. Apply REG. H. IfABRON, Drayton, Ont. • Phone •19W. • •' 11)-12x AGENTS WANTED. - NATIONALLY -KNOWN, liquid fertilizer manfifacturer requires agents and dealer.. .• Only those willing to -vv-ork for profits need. apply. Write MR. O. WIIIITPIELD, Byron., Ont. . 10x WANTED. - A, IR FORC E C'ouple require an apartment, house or cottage, furnished or partly furnished, . for inanikliate occupancy. BOX 95, SrGNAL- ,WANTED.-LISTINWrire • • k'EIRTIES,for sale No charge ro' you until property -sit sold: MALCOLM MATHERS. „ „It 664 Estate Broker, The Square, tIode rich. Phone 115W. •12tf WANTED. -7:- PAR:11, rittirErt: • ABLY in .Goderich area. Reply. geeing all pertinent facts as to type, aereitge, Price, etc., to BOX 78,; SIGNAL -STAR. -5tf SALESMEN. -FULL ,TIME. ARE expandleg our sales fored. • New men given training. To all former canvassdis ,,we con show you a Os'. tion wh1ch pays the best. Fruit trees, ete„ and ornamentals growing In demand. Every home...owner a pmspect. Mod territories open.; ear it necessity. -Top commissions paid weedy, Relationship ;with staff „on the human slde. 1Vrite itomediatAy MITE cArtAroti tirtsiqty 0011VANY, Strathroy, ntario,. ..10-11 __________________________ 2 114* 'Canada hos. not had am an bits. Slider in /tussia since, 1040..---Quick .. Canadian ritets.• • Ilygenic supplies ,,I,CrUbbet gootls) mailed postpaid Pin plain, selaled envelope,,with price 11§t. 'S19c 1.410" pies 2; 24 'samples 41.00. Mai, Order Dept '7-.53 NOV-koimilll c0.,330ic ont, Th'e Colborne- Town.ship •School Area will •receive sealed tenders qp- to,,, March 15th for Union NO. a. 'SeheO'l hottse; building to • be re- moved by 'by' August 1st, 1951. This building has a good steel roof, the ceiling, is insulated, joist and floor-, hkg.,in very good shape.' The walls are, brick. • This building is on the corner ,of lbt 10, poncession 8, Col- borne township. Any • tender • not iiecestarily •aceepted. 4WM. WATSON, Sec.-Treas., Croderich, R.R. 5. ,10711- 'TOWNSIllp OF COLBORNE, Tenders will be ,received by the endersigned up to- March .20th tor the.. sprayingof cattle in 'Colborne Township under • the provisions of the Warble • Fly. Act.. • Particutars may be had on , application to the Iteere or tiny member et the Town- ship-Cotmeil. Tenders should state _remuneration expected. • . • W. T. SALLOWS, , • ' Township Clerli„.R.R.. 5, Goderigh: 10-11- • C4.0DER,1011 . DISTRICT COL- LEGIATE INSTITUTE .' STIPULATED SUM TENDERS FOR '" • 'THE WORK OF ALL TRADES.. FOR. •, IsfEW SOHOOL BUILDIgG • Add•reSsed, to .the Goderich Dis- trict Collegiate Institute Board, will be'receiihed by Shore & Moffat, Architects,- 79 Queen ,street East, Toronto, • nntil 12 o'clock,' • noon, TUESDAY, 20th MARCIT, 1951 Plans, specifications and "tend r form may be obtained. from the Architects by General Contractors on deposit of $25.00 whith will' be refunded on return of the drawings. Plans alsO will be on ;view at the Toronto Builders' Exchange and at the office of H. M. Ford, North street, Goderich. A bid bond in theamount of $50,000.00 must accompany each tender and inade payable to the Goderich District Collegia.te •Iiisti- tute Board. • • • • The -lowest or any ten,der not necessarily accepted. • , • A. R. SCOTT, BA., B.Paed., SecretarY-Treasurer, Goderich Dis- trict ,c ollegiate •• Institute Board, • Goderich, Ontario. • . evaameeseisesemeaess;ame • • ROOM AND BOARD, , BOARD . AND ROOM IN GOOD - ,home., Phone 1118J: iox • PERSONAL • FOR SALE. -"SKINNY!' GIRLS! Get "lovely curVesi Gain 5 to 10 lbs„ new pep. Try famous health and weight -builder, .0strex Tonic Tablets. Introductory • "get-ae- druggists, AUCTION .SALE OF" BEEF ..4.xp DAIRY COWS AND PIGS at let.No. 31, Concession 6, Goderich .townglip; one Mile seuth df Porter's Hill, oil • TUESDAY., MARCH 13th at 2 nan. . • . CATTLE - 20 beef -type cows, beteg mostly Herefords and Dur- • hams; .15 Holistein cows. •- Some of 'these cows are recently " freshened, some springing and dee in late March. and April, and are of good sie, quality and in goolt , condition. Soule young , calves. PIG8LL6--pigs, 6 wkoks,•pld. rrERMSCSI4A A. E. TOWNSIIEND & SON, Proprietors. " EDWARD W. 143I.LI0TT„7 • •-Anctioneer, K. W, ,COLQUAOUN, Clerk. -10. 10 - MORTGAGE .SALE. . Under and by virtue . of the powers contained in two certain. .mortgages, Which will be produced , at -the. tine of sale, there will be `offered.,for sale by public auction on Saturday, the 24th day of March, .1951, at th'e hour of 1 o'clock In the afternoon, at Lot 10, Conces- sion 1, in the Township of Goderich, by Alvin Wolper, anctioneer; the , • following property: Lots Numbers. Three (3), Four (4), and Five (5) in Lewis and Galt'S- Survey of part of Lot Number Ten ' (10) in the First. Concession of the Township of Goderich,' and those parts of the said 'Lot Number Ten (10) in, the *First Concession of the ibwn- ship Of Goderich formerly known as Lots Seven (7), Nine (9)' and. Ten (10) in the, Lewis and Galt's Survey of part of Lot Ten, • con- taining 60 acres of land more' or less. ,. Terms: 20% of the purehase Money to be paid down at the tithe of the ale;Sbalance to be paid within 30 days .thereafter. Izn- mediate. possession to be given. For further particulars and Coifs • ditions of sale apply to R. C. HAYS, ICC., Solicitor for the Mortgagee, Hamilton street, Goderich, and to ALVIN WALrER, Auctioneer; Dashwood, Ontario. • '• • Dated at Goderich, the 28th day •of February, 1951. . •442 Window Shades All colors'and sizes. ' Any size shade inade•to order. 'Smith's Ad st Gift Store EastSt. • Phone 198 • • erson. Corrier,West St.:and Squire Phone 45. 44 As handy DS the Post office" ALTH 'toojies, 10,000 units kyperis, O's • Aueromycin Ointment ... .... . Pencflhin Ointment fix Mast tis ' • Mastitis Blotter - Testers , SAVE EVERY CALF• TH Opine in, and talk over this proble remedies forboth types of scours, inf IVfore calves ate lost .vvith the infec than for any other reason, Scourex Tablets tote We deliver, 1 doz. $2.00 ..... - .$1.05 750 per box $1.50 SEASON *th us, We have t ous or deficiency, ous type of scours $1.76', 000,11.24,4x. Liquid , . : ..', .... - o .. ... , . . ., , „ . . „.. ,, 71$1,75 'Skour A.id .... , . $ .. -... .,,•... dnIfaguaniditte )1010,0 ,. .. ..., ., .$1,50 „ each 200