The Goderich Signal-Star, 1950-09-28, Page 9:Y 2�•+rfS"v .. tsps v , i . , i .`shown above. One of is>ar home-lk®,reception, rooms s Privacy forEach ch •a eerer• e ' y . Ii7. , ' ranston, Funeral Home, with The modern, facilities .of the p, C ;. air adequate number of reception roams, 'assure privacy for each iiecizat� family... A, private room• is also •provided for the immediate family's personal use during the -service. /• • V ffw'W5— '.-•� GODERICH S ORIGINAL. FUNERAL . H:PME 17MONTREAL TREAL ST. TELEPHONE. 399`'W"or"J" - , MON , and,FINAL DANCE ilion on les P aV fie Ba 29th RID XSEPTEMBER F Viola Fraser, Clinton, singer, FEA"E ATTR.�.CTY'O�NS . V Sola e , and •accordimnist ; Johnny° -and.; Maggie Armstrong, Varna, old•thne' m�usic�r Glenna Jones, featured dancer of London, ''Gorgeous Georgina,' • outstanding .singer, dancer and, entertainer: and FRANK TRAINER and ,his Orchestra --- featuring: Virginia Duquette. vocalis • Admission 750 10 p.m,. to ? , ' • , AUBURN, :$ept. ,tfl, Tirir. and ,s' von inmarriage by her father, Mrs. Geo. Pilgrim. of .anntngton looked charming in, a door l noth •visited Mr. and Mrs, 'Clasp Last of, white satin with. chantilly ;Apt the week -end. • Rev. and Mrs. Haziewodd{f Tor- onto spent the week -end with I1r. and Mrs. W. ' T. R ,bison. nti Airs, J. G. Stoltz, who , has leen a• patient in the Uodei ieh hcxsp> to , 'has returned home. `r. , '. St. `piss Ruth Arthur, O + Thomas, , spent the weep -end with her another, Mrs, J. Arthur. ,. Mr. „and, Mrs. Geo;,G1'ay of Tor-' Onto were .'tvee1-eiu1 visitors With the lady's parents, ,Mr. and, Mrs. A Nesbit. •The -third strut lit, year of bad 4 weather failed, tap •fl seourage the. Holstein, . breeders of • Huron county,; gowxt . as - twenty-three .eztdibitors at the ` lace inserts; hired trim.04 lace yoke � White hove at J3l tl, Anaher hoo�r4vngth yell• held to Black anti h sy t • brought out a trite of 101 /Send, ti 'c rovn She carrier/ a boli LEJ3II!�'�'�'. it; Sept.00.~ Abe s),"04' pithy of the comnmniti' i extended to Mrs, Harry tihle1"ds and 1r. Frank Shields, in ' the passing of Mi, Shields.. Congratulations to Mr and -Ml's.. Johit Qutriud, who . were married i r Leeburu • Church last Saturday afternoon, 4r. 'Harry Vel " is on; a motor' trip to points north' with 'a -party of friends from Holstein an4ir.wi1i attend the two large cattle sates this weep at Thessalon� and •Aluni- t9uiin, .Island; Leeburn Church. Intends, bokU g Stop" anniversary ser y ice otk tiutxd- October 'S, at 11 p.m., to commemor- ate the seventieth. year of services iu thea"e1 urch. The choir of , Nile Church ;will: be in charge caf, the music. Miss •O1.ive'• Miller of oronto Visited over the week end 'with Mr: and. Mrs. Andrew Bogie and family. Mr, and 11irs. Y. Papenhagen' anal family, of. Defiance, Ohio,. spent last Week at Bogle's . Beano and at- tended - the Quaid -Bogie wedding on, Saturday. �• art add n. and A r; • �3?iii. Stodd children, ' I,,ion's Head, • were \week -end guests w` Andrevv Bogie. satin A. Joe Carter has' returned 4'impe from the oderich , hospital, Where he ,underwent' an operation. ;Os, Marguerite Chopin. of Allis- ton'Visited her ,tail"eats; Mr. 'and Mrs.. J. tl. -Stoltz, over theraweek-end. 1?ona,ld' Ross of ,gait spent' the Week -end with his ,mother, Mrs: Week -end , trod Ross. • r. and Mrs, Reg.' Carter of /.sort Elgin visited ,i Mr. 'Toe Carter and ' Miss Sadie-Ja'rter= , over the 'week -end. " and Mrs.- Gordon- R. Taylor are obse wing their twenty-ififth an: niversary is business next week. • There will be no service in Knox Presbyterian Church •next Sunday, owing to anniversary services. ire' St. Andrewis .Church, Blyth. On the following Sunday, October 8th, an- niversarRy., services will be held' in Knox Presbyterian Church • here, and Rev. Mr. Bedford of London Bible -Institute will be the • guest speaker, Special .iusic will lie provided by a quartette front!'' the Bible Institute., also by an accoin- -plashed-.artist with hisFrench horn. Mrs- W -at..-_ Do"bie and •:I�Irs• Jas. :J011s-ton• of I3luevale_.vrsitell Mr. and 'sirs. 'J% C.' Stoltz on Sunday. World: Comntlinion `Sunday is .being 'observed .at the .Auburn 'clAtirge.p of the United -Church on Stitiday. next, October 1st. Almos • the whole Church of 'Christ around the world -will celebrate Oommtinion r� on that day. The communion. will be 'observed nt all the services on the charge, and every meiiber- is asked to attend. Nesbitt Harris. — Themes Road• United •. 'Church, decorated with `baskets of ;Intuits, mums, astersan d fern, made a •lovely ,setting on Saturday, „September 23rd, "when d. Charlotte Christine Harris; only. daughter. cif Mi:'itnd`;:MTs. J. `I,. ;Harris`; Exeter; became the bride; of Frank Hutchin- son Nesbit, 'elder son of '1r. and Mrs, Alfred Nesbit, MR. 2, Blyth. Rev. Wm. • Mar, pastor of the -Church, officiated at the double ring ceremony. • Miss; Elaine Walsh, Belgrave,, who wore 'a floo'length gown' of 'Fellow taffeta, played the wedding`. nius-ic and . accompan'ied the soloist, Mrs: Cann of 'Exeter, + who Sang "0 Perfect Love" and "I - Love Y'ou," . Mrs. Cann. 'chose a gown of cerise th a t . • despite rain and scow their forced duet ' of red rases, Airs, Cleorge the to • utovl the ud ring '41ndoors. Toronto sister of ,,,,;tire _ u j groom, Gray of . honor. in •Fieldu p J. E. Terry stated that groout, lit a1,9 matron of � h u, ilk � 1' � the ,cattle \vas. Doti, it ffiior-ien'gtii gown of peacocks the:114414y of e . g jersey With feather headdress, Her; with very few poorly fitted animus Was . cz yellow Mums. Miss shown. ,Judge was Hardy Shore, baucluet .� � Ilene 1'auson, Mixcite.11, states ^ \1i . - Glanw,�►rth, Ott. • •\v re bride$niuids. Senor anti. gi`fiM .champion -fe� t�ia4.e Z en.hale Avere 'Hiss, reason's gown. wee- in orchid 'matte ;was R1 en Sue -Posch Chaui- ss tin "'with , matching headdress, pion, shown by the. Huron, ,County kvltile Missa'Venliale 5 gown was ' of, Thuile, Clinton She', was first' is ;pink satin with matching headdress. the dry aged crow dads. Reserve Both carried. bouquets trf . yellow seui'or and reserve grand•.- champion fxnii`ins.. Noss 2Uice and Miss Annie was the first prize milking aged cow , tousles of -the !0docrest -College Vida, show " by 'Nesbit � t�f � Blyth,. -grown, were. 'junior bri.desnUkit.S, Jarrett- Bros.; 'b ippon. -':Choi grand dressed iitry',,�native and 'green . tat,' c'l1arttpion; \\nom the second prize dry feta,' gowns, respecVelY, with match- aged„ eow at the Western Fair' and in headdress, and oari,ying. nose- the„.reserve grand champion the ' g yellow 'Mums. . i1r; Jas.. , thiiyd prize aged cow in Iniik `at. gays of 3 X Harris of Lbndou, .brother of . the the sameShow recently, bride, i'\'as the best Man, and Mr. • Ross .Ma•rshall., • E irkton, had.,botlr Laurence, Nesbit 'and Mr. (:has. 'they. junior , and 'reserve junior Barris' 'ushered; The wedding, champion. females, ',winning on his breakfast and reception -was held In asst ".and ,Second prize junior heifer th-e church parlors; , which , were calved, Merl Acres 'Happy and Over- deedrated ,with aster*. and snap- hill 'Sovereign Dixie. dragons.. The .brideSy table tvts Junior and grand.. champion was centred with "a -three-tier. vvedding the r winning ;; senior yearling bull cake, flanked' with tapers in silver shown !by. Howard . Feagan, Gode- holders. The. bride'ts mother , re- rich. He was Rosshoim Sovereign eeived; wearing a wine • crepe frock, Duke, .who has made greatt progress with satin •,trim, witie accessories since he was the first prize senior and 'corsage. of white roses. She bull calf at the 19.19 London chaiu- was'as'sisted by the groom's mother, plot ahaw. Reserve .junior `and -re- • famine crepe with green •acces- serve grand champion. . was the top ':wltli seen, •acces-_ junior ,yeaUUig- �Meri • Acre faro.ci-ne crepe gx . sories 'and corsage of yellow` roses.. Sovereign shown bj• Rosa •lxnrshail, Litter the young• couple left on a \virile 'the senior champion was the wedding trip to Northern :Ontario. !irk prize two -year -bid O.C:'TL I'.ati•l For travelling the bride . (termed 'a , Sovereign, exhibited by Huron wine gabardine suit with navy ao- County Home. Reserve ,senior Went eessories and corsage of gardenias. to the •second prize two-year-old On their return they will reside Sir- Dixie Lochihvar, owned by Wm. en the groom's farm i.n East Wawa- Clow, Auburn. • nosh. Guests . were present - from Ross . Marsbal^1 mut the Huron !Toronto London /tache//, Exeter, • aunty .ionic; each had' Sia firsrs, lrs. 5foir,. widow' of the late Dr. .c'~lex:.' Moir,. #fen'salt; died o* 'Sep teriaber 14th after an illness of three weeks. Ilea.' husband ,/built• the first hospital in the Iensall-1Xeter,, dis- trict, rsxl: . R. ,1. Spittal, wpm fOr seve years was mannage1 of the *udnion Bank at 'Winghani, : before enlisting in the 00th Battery, 'has been ap-. pointed manager of the Seafort1 inch" of the bank. ' EMI:110rson F. Durst,, iA'tive ot. Golbarne township, who was ;na chine shop ,foreman with the; Robert.''a3eli Engine. & Thresher Co o t ;; eafort1, is opening a machine ne slop 0f ,his' own. in that town::. Lxeter T,s Grovvu - `he municipal assessor -'af Fixeter reports ;a population of 2,G09,; an inereiase of .•, 208, over°1as>i yesr. Assessment also sheWs. an increase, the., total being .b2,100175high;er : y'. $1$3,125 than last year., Two Go to Hospitail , fro '�Roacl Cralsb . ' ' rout P juuiolri; ICnglisls .t+l ri # ty-1 Yetalr o;t age, Kand &-o ntions aald he ,we* wort ftd bout Itdo job." 7 tis w hi$ finer 0osttion', bat 'he kat 'boor► a .1044,144 !school teachet* or a Alita'l Of years' ' He' was a- native of BOW ford and in the mond World, War �shir) Ladr eiso-u. H. wife stir, vives, also his patents, * brother' arid four sisters. The. Greeks were .shoeing their z'soo as" long 4;0 as `gtR B.O. ueIa police of G'roderieh in- ?estigated,, a ti s o -ear crash en high, ' luevale on • 1j`rida way '$f3 oder Of B y last, • as, a result of� which F. J. Walker of , Sttatxord and John. Davidson' of $L Catharines were admitted to the Wingham hospital:,. Both cars were eStensively dam- aged. Farmers Injured • in Thresh1ng Aceeitlents Walter McGowan, ••R.0-. 8', Blyth, lost the , tip of one finger on- the right hand and the hand \vis badly lacerated when his arm-ue:citught in. the separator during threshing, A similar accident -befell William Oruikshank, 1 .R. 2, 'Winghain, who lost it: Anger from his left Band in* Both men •st threshing accident. o h• e vc'ere - admitted to the Wingham -hospital. Exeter' Teacher Kills - Himself with Knife ` 'I"wo weeks after' beginning teach- ing duties in • Exeter High School, Francis S. Scott • died from a self- inflicted knife wound. • He was a 'WESTFIELD WE'STFIELD, Sept. 27.—Mr. and Mrs.. Vat O'Jialley•.and Maureen, of Kingsville, visited -ora Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack, Buchanan. of Mr. and Mrs. -Mac Ne\yton Gorrie visited on Sunday with \ir. and Mrs.Elwin Taylor. Mr. and'"Arts: Norman AeDawell were_vis-itors,'in Goderich on Mon- day. •, could' A Narrow L+ seape. «hat o have been a very ,serious• accident occurred ', on „ 'Monday afternoon when Ed; 'Taylor and Harold Bos- nian were drawing logs" .from the bush, with a tractor. Going evil. _knoll, the tractor wheel Struck tr tk Blyth and Altbttrn. • fretious to the Reg. McNeil, •Clintuu, and T. Hay- something, tbrowiag. Mr. Tay o f wedding Mrs. Harris' entertained <it a trousseau tea in honor' of -her daughter, when, tea was poured by: Mrs. Thos. Grasby, Blyth, aunt of the groom, Mrs. Agnes . Fanson, Mitchell, • and Mrs. Conch, Strat- ford, . " irunfis of the bride'. , 'rife, .trousseau and gifts were 'shown by 'girl 'friends. of the bride-to-be. •Rulihpe _ frour,..:Germ1-ny'sA war - ruined towns is being used '-to 're- build Holland'S'dykes and sea walls. den & Son, Gorrie, three -firsts, 'Jarl'ott Brc.s., Eippen. ,two" firsts, 1!uwa;rd Feagou and Leonard Leetn- lug, Walton, one• first each. 'Unusual evideftee . of type trans- inission was given by the co* •S`aily Tenser Pioneer, owned :by Ross r Marshall. A"'hood individual' her- self, having • .'alwa,'s. ,beein iii the money at the four championship shay\s spit which she was shown, she is the 'clam of the "Wad' ttnd:1iif•�-cf' prize f►rogenies a•t this show-. At >re;•ent .she is in calf to the`.C.N:k'.. grant/ chiUlIDlen, Spring Fariai. lfona Hope. ,. , The Jarrott Bros. heifer° Echo Teasen Marie, which was reserve alt-CanscTian junior yearling in 1947 and second dry four-year-old at the recent Western Fair°, London, won �I TR E MA,�REGI her top here and was a' top con- tender ritrr,ssr rtrr►r�nrrnc tender for chatrplenship honors. The &rand and . reserve . grttna sdtin. The bride, championsstood first ane second, rehpectit•ely in the class. for beste • �. uk1 I¢Iti terirales: Enjoy the driving, ease and Comfort " of GYRO-MATIC TRANSMISSION now• available on Custom Dodge • only, as extra equipment. IIOBtIE. ` R • t Denver -Post t . Since we ,were eight, .yeal's tl'Id -we have never. had :tiie desire to run, away from house a iid become a tramp.' I'erhatps that's why (ire of the nu st cogent a1tgunnpts . agaail`Cst rollarn1106ni never occurred •to 'ns until it was tpressea the .either tiny' by igen Ilenson, "king"- ioiieril115 Of Atncricau Benson •nrgeel all "knights of the Mien road" to give full support .to our war 'effort in Koren, Why? I V'ery,- stipple front 1ion,.oli's vies\'- I point You can't be at hobo in- I11as lei or",Nord1 Int\ren or any of the other • Russian satellites," he I the .ground: He had presence o butone of mind to stop the, tractor, wheel passed over ` his right' arm, shoulder and face. While -he badly bruised no • bones seem to be broken. 'There is a slight fracture in the head,. 'He. is a patient in the. Winghain Hospital and his many. friends hope 'for , a sAeedy reeovery. The ineighbors are having a wood o bee for jiim on Thursday' afternoon. n. L itest•report'S are that Ed. is°doing' as well as can be expected. .More Westfield dews on page- 7 tithe •/,+etters .stiwt., Then many readers . of THE •CHM • o . T1AN SCIENCE 14,0N008- • tell the Fditor,:how rutdll enjoy° world -v:1, e newspaper, . "The iklonitor it the most ' gArref ull'Y edited feeWS • paper 1,, the V.'S. "Valuable ' ',ski; itr tomb. is .. "News that' is' cpiplete` an4 fair.. . 17' ." s . •-'- "Tbe Monitor, surely kat read?s, ssecessity . .: You, r ie'Mon.to iaformactive, :with Com lett' world news••.... and'as steres, ," sary as your, 'HOME TOWN ,.paper;. Use this con on for a Special, Introductory • ory subscription --2¢. ISSUES' FOR ONLY $x --:And '• listen Tuesday nights over ABC stations. 'to "'thee„ :Christian • Science Monitor Views the ` News."' , The Christian Science Monitor One, Norway St., Boston 15,Ma,L,V.S.11. , • Please send me an iatroductory;:aubt; .•r � easoe . sctipiioa to Christian The. Monitor --26 issues. 1 enclose SI. • 'AiigusB:., MacKay, Lueknoiv's oldest • native 'resident, died on September Gth at* the age of eighty. - live years. . GQ imaf H MEMO ,IAL SHOP - IEWIST DESIGNS BEST OF MATIDRIALS Guaranteed workina:nship at price's that will ,lease ' you. SAVE' ALL AGENTS FIDIDS' • Call at our Meet or etTtrrtrrr on •," line to Ron 161, • Goderleb., We *111 be pleased to .call: aid ,help •hoose ' a suitable memor"1aI far pour family plot.. R. A. $PO TON St- Androw'e. fgt., '-�; -- a i i <.tY �,-- ., _ � � . ��; > -^` d'�' u{3i'Y {%a3n .,,R `..+'F�'f„ '. •.i.'F' �d�'�.i" �j'�``�•./i^a/:L � ,�' r �_ , i• S r - ,. 4.y.} v'r >?/• r>r>.yYd� y.., fro .... / ' :s•Av.. lSJ�tf;r t #a: •.rx{. 9i' /., . ° Ifa window' pan ohnny br�ks•th e_ Re nernber-time the pain assuages, asides you'll get ixed up ast By consulting '' Y i1OW PACES' By g § o Jr >� y}% i • $ f rpt, x'•"4' S>^":, h'" ,, ,,, tyYc..•,,, Y ' f .r ,�xJ °o? 'x# 3 '>y,�r�< �' �t {;' ,„ ...> r ,. ' a'ty -a , ,, . „. . <7 Y . u`'t�s�r;�. wk 3>:,s�• .:.t7Xa.r , ... v k.'.:s`f. St' r' . "'�3 .:11..L,E P O'N EA..,DIRECTORY •„� {rte At,. REGISTER IN5O YEARS 5 /ALUMINUM HAS .GROWN.TO ,. B� A LARGE.PAFFT OF • CANADIAN LIVING ' • • - ,,,^ :,>, ..,}SCA •N4j? _: BEFORE you buy a new. car, it's smart to test it ..: 1 , drive it...to prove the value. So take your first opportunity to. drive the new Dodge. Findtotit for yourself its ease of handling, outstanding performance and safety ... the smooth'. ness of its "cradled -between -the -axles.'' ride.. There's a dependable Dodge l'o meet your needs in t ' e wr • e range_of Dodge r ltsis front-the0odge' Deluxe in the 'lowest -price class to the luxurious Custom Dodge, lowest-priced.car with Fluid Drive (also available with Gyro -Matic Transmission 'as extra equipment). WEST -PRICED CAR DODGE SPEC11 DE LOXE'• CDSTOM DODGE `.ill PLUM DRIVE 'rfiARNESSED R/i,INDROIS, SONNY!" It's a •true answer ... , ry. In Shipshaw powerhouse yea! fire -awed by the hum of twelve gigantic'. generators. They', are driven by rain "and snow which fill 'Lake St. Jdlrn and poor tlown the Saguenay'River. . i-Tthepig-30.tex 41?annClleii tit a man-made lake o`rt top of a hill, Then it rish•es down-tutmefs chiselled life&gli 4;nliil`rock`tndastr ,.... against turbines like the model at which the boy is peering -- hut .weighing 50 tons. The turbines drive generators. The electricity they generate• -- speeds enerate speeds to nearby Arvida. There it. refines shining aliuninuin out•of bauxite from British Gtiiana.,, Over 100t 'Canadian companies torn alimninunt into all sorts, of "" useful articles. ,Ml this means work for Canadians. This 'country supplies, nothing hitt the raindrops . •._ and the brains, hands and' enterprise to 'harness thorn. - ▪ " • , The hum in the pi'wer house at Sihiisshaw is a :hytntr of •progress.: It is a sound of Canada's standard of living going up ALUMINUM COMPANY SOF CANADA, I,D, Producers and Procesiort of Afuminum kr Canadian 1ndusiry and Wades Markets= - Plants of 5hawinlgi n P IIry Arvgtlie, Isle MdIgne,, Shlpt<h°iw, Pott Alfrad# Wakettislti, Kingston, totonto; f tobleoke► r