The Goderich Signal-Star, 1949-07-14, Page 2.10.1141.41,tar
UJRQN IJOXINTr$ p0411/349ST lArp,I*LX
, Pubttobed. by' Sial-bta, Limited
PrViitiii.*Batea----43anada. and Great'Bribahl, $2,04)a yeitr,: xitteit
, stat#0. ;g,§Q.
MiTertioing- Bates 01), r,effttest, ikuthor#ed. " as aeeondrelass 'malt,- Foot
ROPart,14enti 044We- .Telephone '
enlber 'Of Pahadiaa *VOW V'ewsk4pers Affigmaatiob: ."
Otreelation Over
W.; H itQllti•rKSOl* • GEO, L. , „„,
.1rTi\.WA, SCENE
•''.Araine,;i, port!, editor-in-chief of
The,-tionden. •Viee l'ress, has been.
4it :Ottawa sizing. 'up the political
, .
. Situation. 'He says the Progressive
,9eryatives..,;yvere greatly disap-
pointed .iw their„'fallure to take
.f1inrwhete' from twenty to. forty
seats" in Queb'ec and. -were' Sall
h. . •
,more dismayed by their .tmexpected
1SsesIfl Cntalrie,' "Whatabout t.he
fixtnrer. he asks, and', continues:
4'There, is -the usual talk about
:the retirement Of Mr. Drew. The
airvilchorus is already at work.
,1T.4:Iwever, 11Ir. Drew will •continee.
aS , Igarder.''The- ",pongervativen:
Ottawa ,feel that tb inake ancither
•"'Change in the leadership. would
nake them* the laughing stock of,
emintyy. It might be the end
.Of the party entl„the Conservatives
-will have hard ..eildugb,. work in. any
ease la ye-eit(iblishing themselves
-4s. a poteb,t 'factor in Canadian
.polities, It Is felt that the next
feWpars' shenld deyoteci to-te-
log the ptrty undey Mt. brew.
ge will, :Continue' •as Teader. 'This
• aa. defiaite as anything can be
In 'political ,
, "!Atit:,for Hon. Tiolats se. 'Laurent,
•,, luta ' emerged- loin -the election
--one- -of 111e -biggest -figures in Can-
-Jadian blitory. It."7.7Wai-the
„.2.•;reateat vietory since Ohlifederittiot
_LaiiidIiiiteir-erthe-credit. must go to
There is..ntroales
Alan 'that his °down to the -Peentert
...„.ea'anpaign had a treitendbus
• enc.& on Ife.-elieteititIIIS
•inanner and genial. petsonality
Made 'friends _ and °votes. foe hide
• wherever he went He i the big-
''.gest• polifierd' find- in -.--modern Can-
adlan IiistorY. He bas nbt only the
--coininon touch, but he has treInW
dons ability. The ccoVernmeat :.tbatlY
As -Mr. St. Laurent and-lie,bas both
'a. great . responsibility • as Welt as
Opportunity." •
• ,
Iterna-rking that litrf S. Laurent
.•:.,iS,sixtyteight-years.ofia.Fe, Mr. Ford.,
09S-4oubtfu1 -if lie fight_
another. election.. The- future will
":have to. de'cide• that. tour or five
years from now. the Idhertil leader
Will still be in his earl ir seventies
• -
' And -that Is not...OA:age for a Prime
,Minister. Mr. Churchill is soni.-
,ivhat beyondthat age, and there
• are many instances in' Britain and
'thiS,,..coittitry.of older men contest -
'tag :elections at' the head of their
„.16.1c1; Mr. -St .Linr,ent
'oysiMix is 'a pa.rticularlY tough
policy of SocialiSt plauningb:aS
more freedom in. Working out its
problems,. A coaference o daaLeital
eXperta.* of the, C.6ininonwealth
countries *is now. being held. in
London in an effort .to,lhead .off
• .
Prellaer Smailliood of Newfound:
land hasrevived- the proposiu4or
the uniee of the ,13ritislii West
with„ Canada.* This was. a
'subject of discussiOn a quarter of
a century ago, but the Nroposal, did
not make much progress. , ghat
Newfoundland should . become a
part of the Canadian Confederatien,
•was. a 'laurel sequence of its situ-.
a.tion and the ehara.cter and histery
of its people. It was the "founding
out of Confederation." . The British
West Indies are not at all in
paralel circumstances. Geograph-.
ically they are not allied With
Canada. Their pedple are strange
tO us, and ,we to •them. To bring'
thein into Canardir would introduce
new complications intd a govern -
menial situation tivideh is •already
sufficiently complicated, :And ifOr
the West Indies people it would
dye even • more sertous con
jequenees. ,Guernment_tiactus.,tthe tree's habit ot-sending. out roots
s. we have said, this is •ft virtue -
on the side,2of-a.-steep'-deelivity,.-it
•mity easily be a nuisance on, the
level land around a toose and its
garclea., •Once •the tree gets reoted
on such' aisite as that, it IS ailmoSt
impossible to eradicate it. For that
reason it is 'one ofthe mest _untidy
trees ofi the rural' scene. Hence,
before planting one, we should
pause and ponder carefully upon
the possibly regrettable results.
• The Palm of ,Gilead"
• The pkilar ,neit. to the Silver
ill 'respect of* abundance is tile
Beira of Gilead., It is well named.,
.for itajausia.,and new have
•. the .pleasant-odor*e associates.
with :healing balms and salves. In-'
deed, the sticky. subatanee that
covers the leaf and floWer buds has
almost the consistency and- sticki-
ness of such substances.. Early' in:
the season when -the west winds
plow upon the high bank they carry
the sweet fragrance of the Balm
of Gilead with them and 911 9f US
householders- who live in that pa rt
of town' enjoy the sensation it- pro
duces. The leaf of this poplar, is
vv,ithOut lobes and is longer than
that Of any of the -other poplars. .
Sometimes 1 -have heard the
Cottonwood, the third of.ouf native
poplars on the lakefront,- miscalled
Balm of 'Gilead.-- How the mistake
Call be made 1 do not understand,
!since The .Cotanwood's. leaf is quite
•'.. . By Dr. W; Siterwood
Late last Onminerinde.ed,., b,,14 Mer home ot Airs, '09rdon. Little <;ku
late -and ,sinct) eoming to Cioderich 4Ssex street. - ' . '
tIli$ 4e4son.,, eyer,la, 61,04,1§. .4.4ve , 'Ilict,letSt of tbe poplars to wiliell
•14:hair ouud,o. now is the so -galled
aske,4 ,131 to say something about nabardY Peplar. ra: 'iratIOUS
the different kind,s'OT ProPlar trees PartS 0 Huron 410 BrUee •eOuntles
that..grow ,114rA.- It is very easy, it is a very.conspicnous feature of
the -landscape. Lang rows ot its"
to coraPly* since close to mY lives% towering s I s line -stretches of
P re .
whieh ahneSi overlooks ihe"-11141 me jnapal pighwayq. The effect,
hank "of ,the lake, at' least* three. espeCiallY ,wilea 1410en, from
spgde,s dgily • sights, "TO See twice ,across • Country,: very_
the . other three that ere colnmon Picturesque, but, I 'regret to SaYf
in the vicinity 9ue peed not die the tree as an vef3';
very far out into the country. untidy and, even sometimes dirty,.
' It is -to the poplars mere than %The *Teal Pune of the, species is,
to any other trees---xeepc,7perliapS, ItalIan Black Poplarl the real
the willoWS:---that we must Le grate- Lombardy PoPlar, .also,
fel for- the retention of the cliff- from Italy, is actually , very rare
like •clay banks which are a pritue in "'America.-,. do hot 'mow Where
featiire of the charm of poderieh. one; #ad SpeChnen
Their roots reach out in all dtree.,..o.utSisle.'qya,. tree nursery.'
tions like the stentaeles a aii - --;-
octopus.and. hold the eartivtogether: PRIM:Z.10N* RS'
in either clay -Or' sand, .Many'_of • SIPMEI:MistrE. DittAnglf:
as ad. They-:eftect this result -
the lakefront eottegers at Grand Following Is a of Canadian
Bend have' saved the saint dimes -
off' which their. cottages are built •Prime MitniSters since." Oonteder-
by extensive plantings of -poplars. ation.
The most conspicuous of the 1. Rt. Hon. Sir John A. Macdon-
peplars on the bank at Goderich ald, -Conservative, 1867-1873. "
early Settlers -the" Silver Poplar.
It is one of the. easiest of all •our- Sr Rt.' Hem Sir:4ohn A. Macclori-"
trees to identify. The silvery ""- aid,. Conservative, 1878-1891:
velvet of;, the und:er side Of the 4. Hon. Sir J., J. Ahbott,+O• en-
leaves and the 'Chalky white of' the • servative, 1891,1892. s
bark of trUnk and branches are 5. }Ion. it John Thompson, Con:
in a dais,' by therasel•ves-:--there--is--
nething else among our trees that, *----servatiVei--1892.1891-- '
6. Hon. Sir Mackenzie, Bowell,
can be mistaken for it. Actually', Conservative 1894-1896.
the leaves have a" beauty of their '
own, their shiny dirk_ green upper 7. .Sit Charles Tupper, Oon:-
surfaCes being -in .striking contrast seavative, 1896-1896.
to the bright, white of,,tbe other 8. Rt. Hon. Sir Wilfridl Laurier,
side. ' The White Poplar is quite • Liberal, 18964911. ,
Cotall1011: in the countryside;' one 9. Rt., 'Von. :Sir Robert L. Borden,
•r•P‘ConserVative, 19.11-1`01.7.. .
sees -great- clumps., ()felt near fafin-
houses and along the 10 10. Rt Sir Robert --L.-BordenT
thifftra are formed through *MIR -Mist 19174921.
11. Rt. Hon. .Artb.ur .Meighen„.
_ ,..._±..`Unionist„„i921*-1921.•
12. Rt. Hon.••W. L. M. King, Lib-
- eral,-,-.1221-1.9.26.
13. Rt. Hon. 'Arthur .Meighep, -CAT:
servative,: 1926-1926. ° .
14., Rt. lion.. W. L., At King, Lib-
eral, 1926-1930. • •• ' =
10. Rt... Hon, R., B. Bennett; Con-.
servative, 19304935°' • ,
16. Rt lion.- W. L. M. King, I.:ib-
•eral, -19354948.0
17. Rt. Hon. Louis 'St. -Laurent,
• tiberal, 1948-
*Natjonal •.Liberal and • Conserv-,
give party. ' • „ ••", '
Meetbers and, friends, Of the 3/1/0;.
inen'•',1xissionary c.lety 'Vic-,
lorla street United. Ohnreh.gat4ero:d
.• tlie4liome of 7i!ire JVs. Ormiston„,
Wiyileld road, Ortily Otb, for tileir
Tegular monthly . meeting. ne
PvesblObt; lam. Baecblor, *had
b• arge of the clevottona period, the
alone for the moettb 'tieing "More
Missionaries in Kyery. Land:" After
prayer by the president -a, short
period of silent Prayer was' Event
-Or the* ye,oung people 'of, our world,
Rgadirigrvirere givea by Urfit.**1.111ell
and Mrs. liarmer,, Mr. 13, Wilson,
„galt.O. thg *tory of •tbe p1'ibe
hymn, "For the .Beautt, of the
Earth." The commimity friendshi.P
secretary reported, calla had been
made by meMbers on tlie sicl; and
shpt -Ins, at •was decided '0 hold
-t, he Augnst- meeting in Ilarhor Perk
the last Tuesday, in August. I4uucli
was*served by the hostesses and a
sOeial Utile •eajoyed.
Is hot . native_ at but One
2 Hon. Alexander Mackenzie,
introduced from • Europe by the •
andTgii-clers., on
ands of miles -away at ,Ottawa
-Would have littleCknowledge,ofr and,
perhapsl_ _less '4regard • for, their
problemsand- there wonle be a
never:ending- .seriea , of ,difficulties
resulting from distance , and lack
of ' mutual understanding. As a
Part of the British Commonwealth'
the :West, ladies will have the co-
opeiation and proteetion which are
tb.e right of . Ceramonwealth
countries. For their own local con-'
'cerns holne rule,would seem Id be
the best -policy. .
The new House of Commons wilI
eve .four :memberS, of the WIMP
Of GAAthier. Pronunciation 'of the
hame. is sbniething like "Got -there:
' * • ,
gope, :With a bole in the toe
. said -to be the latest fashion.. fad
from ..Paris. The "SaltfOrd. Saga
observes pat be. is right 'with
the style. ,••
• consideration, says F. K. Stewart,
• •
-,exeCtitive. Secreta.tY, Canadian• Edu-
A literary critic says that Can- cation Association, wiiting in The
•••adianliterature.•is not as "Matnre" FinanCial .Post... For one thipg the
Tak_ next four,-arlive -years
'aiir that -of the United States.
great expanSion in' the edpcational
ing note of some of `the "best
system; and altheugh salaries are
sellers" that ha:ire-been' -out-generally -Tegarded as :- being not
,in the U.S. in recent years; perhaps plough. (but they are improvin,g)
the:prefessicin can. •be reg-arded. ns
the, word should be
•Well rewarding in otlief directions
* * '
---tn fact; iChas been called fhe
At this time of Writing no re ..• most„ rewarding' of all professions.
• port :has been 'received of the find- Persons•in other occupations and
professions* loo.k vvith some envy
Mg. of the eowboy hat that -Mr.
at _the -teacher's. allegedly short
,Muttart. of Edmonton reported in working hanrs-.-•-from to 4
laSt*reelt's Signal -Stars that he had p.m. _five • days in the week,. with
Editor The Signal -Star.. .
Dear Sir, -We. gre 'again going
through the annual discomfort and
dirt of, the laYbag of. tar on •the
Square-abif other street re
•town. Motorists . keep, , a v-hlY, from
the Sdiiare as Mach as, possible
while. the roads .are in disorder,
Which' means a loss 'to business
.and earawaefs, spend
thbocl scleal .of time getting their cars
.cle/in after running across a stretch
.6,f tarry road. .' - -
. Would it nOt' pay id -the long run
.for the. Town eaela. year to put
srplaneni pavernetit on fOge or
more rOads---arourid the Square.for
a beginuing--and in. time haxe alVdiStinetive iA , shape; it resembles.
.very• definitely the letter Delta of'
the firincipat •.streets. paVed, . and
save the ,alanal Annoyance and ex- _ Greek alphabet, in short, an'
penae of the present method? _• equilateral triangle. Par that rea-
, What does.our TOwn,:. COlpiell: son the Latin name the •scientists
say about it? ' ••have•.given the tree-deltoides-is
• BUSINESS, MAN. full of meaning. ,The large GOtton-
,..• - wood that. had- stood • for years on
THE TEACIUNG PROFESSION, the southern- boundary of my pro-'
When. young people are thinking
perty blew down in 184
abeut, careers, teaching is one that
. violent windstorm. floweer, the
Could well receive their...careful strong,.luxiirlant sucker s that have
grown hp from its roots bear 1.eaN
that. are--eareellent. axamplesjof
tybe. Tbes0 may- be seen at •tny
time by ,:Anyone. intereked in
gent 'lying • 'this' *Wei -CS -1a -
•The TrentibtingT• teplar
In the valley of the. Nniittand
our. two conim.onest native poplais
May be very easily" found.- -Both
'Ortheni /We' Aspena or
lars. Qne has small leftees; the
ot large leaves of tie .titrie
general outline biit,,,deeply -notched.
The tit*Al•Trembltrig" giiren thette
trees Vfealuse, of their habit of
trembling,or fluttering in thefaint,
est.breeze'. This effect Nature has,
Made posSible through the •wa k th
de their „leaf.
The stem. of the leaf instead of
being made round' and' thick is,
• made'llat and thin 'and lies at•44glit
angles to the plane of the blade
of IjigL:Iggi _The SIM. is therefor
•,,i4ftriMrd'ititr .
of • even thr"Sligfitest iii6V6Inent
rail% • . The rustle of a grove, .of
-Aspens has the pleasant soothing
sound of a Simmer shower and has
inspired many, a poet emnpose.
beautiful lines arid phrases to de-
aeribe them. Right in ,-town there
is nt least one good exO_MPlo of tilo
I o rger „Aspen -...-- the .Notch•leaved
Poplar"; it stands behind the anin-
A boxcar on the C.P.R. tracks
at the :dock--sideavviped a-. gasoline
tank .car 'on Saturday, *catising"
puncture. As gas was leaking out,
a aNlice guafd was placed as a*pre-
eaution until tie ta-A car was
• wan smavategv: Copt
Do ypa tittult It ean fbappeu., to
von?• Don't take a e'hance,
eeatlY* ,Clarl, ileupert, -health'
•officer' for „tbe 8,tato. of WIS'eoinobb-
PrOPared 'a. i'irigininiere code, Jr' *It
vroulst • bo', advlsOle to. StndY tjzts
code-,7and follow it. It is very
f3imple and. may save your life.
'Jere thW code; '
will learn to /flea. ••
•I wiA wait ter an •hear after
mealtime beforevimming..
x..7,7111.'11.0 enter the water. wtilie
.1 an tired arbd ovext6ated,
will. not swim, alone.
I not dive into *water Of
u,nknewn depth. * "
I Will not takeWimpaing lesson's
in deep or running water.' a
1 will not stay in the water after
- will.:•not sWini :.far _unaccom-
panied by‘ a boat.
• will not dive from a boat nu-
lessmy companion stays aboard.
„water.x -
"will not tar my strengths in 'the
I will net endanger or scare
others. by dares- or ,:pranks.
Bulletin) '
11.4eat..,outbrealtS- of ariny .wor
have been reportedln South Simcoe•
and Perth counties. "'This. insect'
may be .still More wideSpread-
Serimis-damage to spring grain and
corn may •result. Farmers are
urged to examine their fields in the
evening• -,for small striped cater'
pillars feeding on the leaves of corn
or grin .or 'heads --of grain. These
insecti can be controlled by poison
bran bait.. If they are found to be
present communicate with the agri-
cultural representatlie' at once.-
P•it4toNs nor''
_bap imp WEATHER.
/tad :weather -on. Sunday last
athala intellerea with the weekly
race • the Godericb. floming
Pigebn Club and the birds made
poor time,
Seventy pigeons were released at
8 a.m. from 13rockville, an airline
distance of 3p5 miles. The:; first
bird 'arrived at Wm. Pitbiado's• loft
at 9.21 p.m.. Percy Johnston. bad
a bird home at 9.43., and third
.was 13r,P,eachers entrY at 9.45 pm.
Spotty on is caused by adVerse weather conditiOMI
and seed. with a we* germination. No. I -seed .start
to grow but NEW.' vigorous Seed wi4 keepWo .groWing,
havte an option, on a limited olount of 1949 Iseed.
from ,the oligioest-ordpa of a Seed " CoMpany pro4iicink
sOanacia Hybrids,. At harirest tune, by your Order, it wil%
be Sealed in. acre bags dated. wide .and out for
protection: • . • •
eithtevre hteiddor ufgot 're:fee:1040:e " m4c11.11-4; fia_t
- rot' cOmpiete particulars 'irate
These .three -were 'the, Only, birda to
tittrive in.-theday.
Aa it was. dark 'wlien the, birds
arrived hells, pigeon faiiciers.
had' given hO'ne haVipg any,
arrivals, and were preparing . to
lock. up • their lofts for the night,
when fluttering:of wings could be
litho elua t let rd odbj,tds
:aljndle efitarisehiligghtil tflOw,,e.earei0614,gafektdi Ye-
Intl) their lofts after theY.
ought strong bed WI4C14 to .
hbe°111p4i:geon's will g'iv'en. the
supreme. test this Week -end, from
Montreal. • ' "
PICK UP AN Ditivgg
.wilin ROSE *ER171.0,E" '
WM A. CUltitigir
Extra large allowance on trade-in tires
• ' , 'left. '• iehind m.-. somevv ere •
... 4 Ihristnias ten
days at Easter, and two atontini. in
- Goderich. ' ',It cannot. 1 -perish . ., the iummer. .
..the though! -that somebody' ...haS These hours are no more indica-
foundit. • and ISkeeping' it as a_tiv_e; of' the time ,spent'-ait woll
3 for bank
. ...... eployees.. .-10-iffifiellirtf• ,
igent: -9n(111nr„d 8efliel.1 af ' m
h11, teacher litist • keep, thiety lively
• the. plifres Mr: Matfett, visited in iliildren actively and purposefully
his brief- atay in Goilerieli? ' engagedin learning. When. the
, 4, : • school day is.over there are reports
. • . topreptite, puOir activities -to plan,
• After alt, .It seetes,tb6 newn
„ and .excrejSes to correct. There are
CIontmons Is not to have a laclY frequently staff meetings to attend
'Itiennber*.- *Last week it yfrns re; and possibly Special, .s.ehoid projeeta
„,,,,,.„A 44," ,,,,,,.,,,-,,„fott• ..v 81.,,,,,,,,.,, tO StIpervise er promote-. ..
""'"" (:""`• "Y'•'' '''' `''''"'” , 'The fact remains, .bovvever, that
'00114 was elected- in a .13rittolt school hours are Still, . relatively
• COlnibbil :1‘10ng: now It .18 re- Short, and the'vacations, partietilitt.
, .
, ppitod. that 114 t,,l'ailtiiil,eattaidrife I.Y in .the summer, attractively long.
4h-, SS A ristubatantifil lead. The Senate Iiiiel,,EAN'S TILAIORITY.
.4 .
Itog Ono kooruen, mendiers' and the'y 29,0 IN 1{PRON.PEROI
't!sti,.154.00 encli thii.r .4trtilktly ; but . . „ ...,,
, .. ...
• . ,•
't6',I)e*Ahe. ,0111Y vv'O'ffiall'ettillong''ZI1 The official' COMA in the tiding
inal#,troitttiof W'oula; he.L.Weilet :,of-,,Ilgrotv.P.erekga.v,e A. .X. ,Act,e. •
.,a, :Iiiii. 4. , liogthe iirrii,80/p,, .h. .§001•41,,,o. Liberal, 7_,00.0 Vofes •;:,,ivieginley.• , 'Pre-"
. greS'SiVe 1-.JorktgerVative, .6,705 ; reterei
' Vale in- feY similar ' Assembly or. 0.0.1,.. 558, ,..1440aliII ,ottoority
•.i'v•or-Ain.... '-----.' over-Sfelrifileyrt2U5;- - --•
Of tile service vote 4,1! 167 •McX.,eau
ti6 trade Iola nritilicitit gtgotm:t reeeiVed .116, MeXitleY • 01,, Peters
,Arl '; 13ritttlit APPektg tt"),13 ,-:1'00111Alg • .', The. official ffgates. are as. fottoVisi.
an: acute !stage„., 'Al4 . tretbe- ri , tL. . '.." Matittley ..Uctetin ' retora
't,Inittates: nailer. the '14:Arstalt Filliattoti. ..... 384 •:.302 - : 30.,.
* Ilibberf. API) .......... .66,. 505 4.
'Oat •f4:, ro$1.0b1PA...:.0$1111,1030°11'' ,tl.sbOrne• ..',...,.„.. 446 .,,'"-: 32•ti ' •3.1.
nnd topiOrtS' frotn ArttsbingtOn In peotot4: - ,,„-„.,•,, 080- 54 80
. 41.Cate Mat:There is• not ttinch vros,4. '1-Itty4 ',........ 32,Z TOL”
,. 00.e.t, of.,ttie oxt6fsion. ,..Xt 1.4 tibitultattl"Ateptt4 44.,....,' 74,1.
Stanley ,4,.....,,..% 640' ".1450 •
•MeXillo,p ...........A.V 464 • y;•10
Tueltersmith ,.• 4627: 46/.. .:28.'
Ilensall ,.."......, 1:08. , 24v, .,,d
Seatortit ...,4.'. 480' 120•
West St., Phoae 5.74. --=or
, -
above Agnew Surpass S.tore,,
while you
've 0(141,,,4
DtiMite a n c
--Dupiate Safet)
Giastrisii al
•wake s. an4
(Or contact your local
Garage 'Or Service Station
` to, be S'eert chatltiaideie
Co'llopsik ttfoto h soritiroki
tioning�t tiritata's '$oe1.41,18t Wier
o, 1)eltet that' the Zritish Gov.
6ttiment "trlil.liavO, to 'flo Solifothing
In, ttature,, right4bout-tate
it 18' te'eXtriett4 . its-elt from
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Unk4 Ottastslo, initnlvea. tt*1M,
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Wotal „,rpoo'
13tirfttt arxwers Ana. cupooaras are no.
lAa:e;tot,governinent hOntli anfl Other yA141:116
• pipers when prote'dtion behind the 'itedl doors
of our v?Ailts ostts so .
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vitotani 4ctiocri9Iss. ports/tit,
FASTER IS„CeEttitikll
dfliiir qbsaline diVet
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don't di$3401 Sunoco
01/haiubtWWt bthet
*Wait Until $tir tank is nOstrii/
. put iu 10 gaJl.ons,"of
rquaruel. CoinpOe its Actioti'
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„attalust ihO best gf,f,..iptine Itx:
•usea:• •
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perionil Safety tiopoit -1304 tha.,
un.iiwci to 'their 'isfekeping neet1s.4at 41't.n4usinge,cliagt-dmiabs,
MERLIN J.'Enotto,
Exacolvt;11000140010; atbnitt .4121 inane. ,Ektilriciatii.MIailft On. I
E"V6 tails
tf°ht VegibTiliCatsteriAhnart
dees odvotgdng the
"Ten Gallett,Test with " osilteiorpatienvio.0,Sitieoceteat
Djortifuot 4 end,
ibe:eet:str_mteriedsr.rothae " Ytt:;:hnttooz tos:t1Tetamli:kreieurnid: oiteeeell lace;crieoed:p etioni cn :11.dergirmloi nodhai; 4'4
Mott tee:Weems test
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PoWee and StiloOthoW
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I)** tesubit Dragoot