The Goderich Signal-Star, 1949-05-26, Page 6ANAVAN .I RMY+ ,"INS'URANC: 'F-011 , AC
high spots ixi Reserve -Force training
are week -end • maneuvers •and sum- :
mer camp periods: They give Canada's
Citizen -Soldiers a'chance to enjoy opt -
door activities -- a chance to put their
training and equipment to the practical
The importance of the Reserve Force
cannot of b
est .mated:•:In joining the Reserve Force,
you not 'only play' a vital role in
Canada's; security, but you will enjoy
the-- man -;benfits of f aiiiil and
The new _Reserve Foroe,offers trad
and -. tench g .
nical . trti3nn•= --
Hammes; Active Service rates of .
tcit time spent in training. and summer
• camp. Visit` the Regiment or armoury
yoUr , choices for Complete details.
You can help -yourself and Cancidaby
`- ” ci n R`eserve•�Force. ._
A1,p41.1RN, my moi. - 'Recent program. and tt ru h,Astsses,• who
were Mrs. h' red Ilnetzer, ° :4.40
Gordon McOlinehey, , ik rs. Donald
Fowler, Mfrs, hied To11, and Mrs
Harry Shin` ;�, ° p
visitors with. Mr, ,4ind �luxs. 1w. �,
• .Robison were • Rev, and Mrs. F.
4aselW 9s1.. and. Mr, -.fin,c1
v: ^4i.'; „Shouldice of Toronto.
" It . and, Mrs. Celia Ctmi heli
.,and son, Bill, oi?' Ottawa,, were
visitors with the Torii ey's brother
Albert and Mrs, Canrptie1I.
Mrs.. . lc)ird, Mewktinney', . of
Crewe called Oil 3 •rs. Fred ROSS;!
NILE, May 20.—The play "Thr;
Dutelr• :Detective;' was successfully
'p es! nted. , here last eve&ring 1 y
List three • weeks. ax fair „attendance;
lir. and Mrs. . J'oseph. , Scott, oaf? "A vote will be taken. on' Sunday
Torontq, and. 'Mrs. Jewell, nexti, May gm, on: the cluest an. ,Of
oY Goderich, were the guests 'of changing the „hour of .service
firs, C. A. Howson and Mr. and Nile church ta. 'the evening and•
, Mrs. R. J. Phillips, having Sunday school in the morn -
Mr. and Mrs. Donald _Fowler at- Mg. it is hoped there'will be a,
4 ` tended the -.funeral of `\Ira: Fcrri lerrs -good -representation ' of the p eongre-
uncle; William Henry, 'at, Flesher-• .gation out for this. vote. ''.
• (Intended for last week)
'FILE, ljay, 17. --Mrs, Roy •Girv'iri
held a srireeesst.11 side o1. n n
• stock. last week, realizing,4v�ery, high
price Little pigs, a litter of.
thirteen, went for ,$15.5tl each;
"Mrs. 'Pfrinuuer, .of (aodericli, was
.r recept, r-rsit rt with Mr;--t�rr.ct \yrs:
• '
J. 1'hrlliln.
Ander•son, • son c)i; lir:
and Mrs, ()liver •Anderson has re-
turned borne from Alexandra lids- young cattle at 'a Lance tstivaaate'd
.pital,'- Goderiela, where, he was a' over 20 cents: per poured,
patient. .• ` :"t'ligirt Nave Recti 'rit'grse..
• Mr. and Mrs, .1-ierb llogriclge narrow escape, from being burned,
visited, :at Brion tou' With Mr. and out was the lot of Mr. Omar Brooks
Mrs..-Gornnley Themiison,, • last ;week.- Children playing with
1 Mr. and :lIrs. Itobert \leIiveen watches stuffed fanning•
and slaughter, of• Islington, were ,vas 'standing outside 'with hay and
guests , )f the former's parents, Mi. Mlit.'a Match to it. The fanning inill
an•d Mrs. 1�'. '0. Mellveen. of course. fanned the flames, setting
Mr.: and Mrs. R. 1). Munro and I'the burn on fire. Neighbprs came
Mr. and Mrs,' James ,Roberton
• T = t c rt1�
Fergusun °art ':Waterloo.
Sunshine Sisters • • Banquet. .Tlfe
�a highlight of the Year, for the
Auburn branch of the Women's'
Institute was the aunnal Sunshine,
Sisters bangs et held in the Sunday
school xoom, 'of the 'United Church.
The tables Were decorated' in *the
Institute 'colors, blue and gold, and
.with baskets 704, spring. fluwerS.'
After the�..clinner the regular meet-
ing was held, with. the ..president,
1Frs? Herb.- Mogr•icjge,'�: presicliug.
Mrs. Mogridge. Mrs. Albert- . Camp-
bell, Mrs. -Bert .Craig,. Mrs. Edgar--
.a,wson, Mrs. Gordon McClincliey,
and :Airs,. Robert C'hamney were
,appointed delegates to • the district
hnnual meeting at St. ' Melena on
'or quick results try a classified ani in The Signal -Star
•.lruiie -.2nd. , The following program
t�as _en' v
__ .�� fid.;. '. Comrnunit .:.
y singing.
with Mrs. R. Phtllilis at. the piano.;
reading,: Mrc.' Harry Yungblut ; solo,
Mrs. Willia,nn Haggitt ;- .duet, "Mrs.
William Anderson iui•41 lairs _Gordan
llcCli.nchey ; reading, ,ylirs.:Titom s
Mc \all ; solo, Mrs: Gordon 'Ta3•lor
talk by°. Mrs. Albert Cal ipbell on`
her recent trip, to •IEingsvilieu, and
••the Jack Miner bird sanctuairy ;
duet,, Mrs. A. G. Hewitt and. Mrs.
Sicln.ey, M,cC1"inchey; solo; Mrs. Wil-
fred "•.'esterfelt:; ' 'number • by the
orchestra.,.: Mrs. W. J. •6raig•. Mrs,
Sid.: MIeGlincyhey, ' Mrs. W. . Itoini
-'on; ;aand'11i -s. R. 1. Phillips; .read
ing, .lbrs. Ted East ; trio, Mi$. Fred
Plaetzer, •Mrs. W. ':J'. Craig, Mrs.
W, .P.. °Robfson ; sole Mrs. Wesley
B.zacinock.L--A draw -was made on' a
irid'dle, on which. tickets' had been
sold, (Md.:Mrs. William Cory. held,
-the lucky .ticket. The toll call Was
answered ' liv. each member discl'os
,ing ?the rime of,. her ":Sunshine
•Sister." • It . was decided to 'carry
on with they satire plan for -.another,
year, and namesnwer4e' drawnP• Miss
• Elma 'Murch moved' a vote of thanks
to all wlio had taken part in the
• • : •y ',:f.^.•Sr• r is r• ieli.•`. `ti R.,!YF;'�(;iii ,'•fin .}}�!n�r.�•xn;-r • ;y.{r,.}•.;m;.•ir�.:Y. SE :M:k:..:! t • unnr E IV. • i r
haskcc5�r'n`vti,,LS`tfv.i',✓w.srtr�.:vn•�tsi r is 1....«t,rt>N•:c Six•N':whu»:sr:::•r:rr:•:.::.•:'s:,''•�3<ri.�isy�`:yi,^:v�S.f:r •
•4. • NK , •
to the scene with a, fireeN.tingtrishe
,00,4,14olpeE ,to step' the Mage. -Very
littler tltunnge--'l�as �cldire:_•. __ .,.__ .
• W.M.S. Meeting..—The Nile W.M.
S.' met on May • 12th • with an at-
tendance of nine.After the de-
votional exercises a letter ofthanks
*as read. from Mrs.,,.,Potter; also
two invitations, .one from Benrnilier
Mis•sionarry Society, to meet with
them _ori. May2Uth at 5 p.m., when
Miss McGowan will be the guest
speaker, ,and tg other from" Carlow
W.M.S. for. June 14X11, at the home
of Mrs, Frank-reJ1waTiii at "pin.;
Miss- Irss Hartwell Ian
tit ell w'
ill be the
Speaker. all
pe er. Bath. invitations were Miss Currey gave an in-
teresting report of the WW.M,S. con-
vention•at 'Hensall. She read sonic
startling facts. of tile_ .need - in far
countries. The. ' study book ,was
ieau1 b.,Mr: a
y .. s� 7.hos:'> \IrPlnce- and
lunch' •tvas • served by. Mrs. • Me
Ilwain. a;:,
County: -old Oistrict
1)4 W. 'V. Johnston .of Lucltnow•,
has been elected • president of the
'Ontario \iedica1 'Associetign,,
VtOnlfiw- 115 "purChnsin' ;ar ..,it•'
France lire engine, but"'deilvery
• net-ex1eeted until late suninle or
all: a •
• Yee,, lifelePg reside
of T•rtrnherry;, township, felt' down
pthte L ba. lueirtas set:lfistdx,coa.rsfueowefdp.`1lriyat :
u llis UM:belle '„inckenzie . has:
resigned her position aS •seniort
health Bane for the County and
is! taking the ,positionsenior
health nurse in. 116r Ample cite -ol
Chatham. She will take over her
new deities :n,t• the hist of A.ugdst.
+Stanley Stewartson,, lias
pur'ehaled ' the far•in ' cfihig1i yay'
• tar? •Tr1'c1 a:hgi:t ' nrifes ' west
of Clinton,. belonging •to W. oBroel.,v
Thompson,:'lrnd gets immediate gyros -
.session. Mr, O'horupson bought the
fart about three years ago from
red n L, .Potter. Mr, . an4I" . Mrs..;
;Thompson have taken up residence
in „Sarnia, ' A •
Dueliatrine—Hoffman •
The marriage of 'Doreen `,Tose-
phine Hoffivan, ' youngest daughter
of ' .Mr. 'and Mrs. Simon. Hoffman,
Zurich, to `,J7cininie Andrew Du-'
ch€arine, youngest -son of Mr: and
Mrs. Oscar Ducharme, Blake ,'• took
r glace in : St.:. _Bc»1 4,,,Chur:eh,•'
3.. lnrich, on May •14th.. The sere-
-rmny---was= perfor'mec'1 . by Rev,'
rather Lueler:. After•warcis dinner
was 'served at the Dominion Hotel,
Zurich, to' some 'forty guests.
Ratz Sawmill at
winghan Burned - .
The H.'E. Ratz sawmill at Wing -
ham was burned ,down early' Friday
morning last, ••with an estimated
loss • of '$]good° . Logs and lumber
worth from $12,0,00 to $15,000 were
nnt?nnched by the flames. Lloyd
Ritz; manager�*of'tbe- Mill, said -3t
woul 'be
d rebuilt. lit.
t A
fire i
destroyed the mill, `Which Was then
owned by• J. A. MacLean. , The
present ` owner bought it thirteen
3•ears ago.
• "PORTER'S HILL,. stay
and Mrs. Henry McGutiin, • Stritth-
roy, were Sunday visitors:with \rr.
and Mrs..It. J. Mcilwain.
The Morning service in 'Grace
Church on Sunday .was very Well
-, RI.NGSBRIDGE, May 23. - -Mr..
Vict4)r Fennie and• Misses .Rota and,.
�_1?„ . ITY
w *' *To Ontario, motorists_the
' uame Reliance' stands for
, more than 30 years of time-
- tested service. Countless
„ • thctusandsWi11 vouch for the'
• outstanding quality, 'and
,,„complete satisfaction you
'Can expect when you pur-
.---.:.clase'products bearing Elie
' - • name "Reliance"..-
Every drop,paoked with power.
Trigger -quick in starting. High
in 'anti-knock.Grest for mileage. •
Lower priced but high inf per.
foimance, Gives .you lively;
economical -power.
More than. a lubricant -- gived
.. youi••mptor+P,os3itive Protec#ion.
against ,sludging'and'engine var-
nish. `U
' Stop at theSTATIONS
•Within the RED BAND ,
Mrs. Thos.- East was called to the
heaSide: of - tier Auoti7ei _ o>r • Fri-dity»
'Mrs. Pocock; who was „fernierly a
resident of this district, 11nSsed
away at •Caledonra-on, Saturday
night: SymZiathy - _Nxtended~tb-
the family,. •
tolrununity Club.--Tlie Coniitilin-,
ity Club' held' their •-.flay sheeting
at the borne of Mrs.•"Geo.; Colek uglt,'
with- a good attendance. • ►tufting'
was clone dowing.:the early -part ,.of
the afternoon, the business follow-
ing With "the president, Mrs. John.
Torrance, bin the chair,' It was' de-
cic°led that eaarli member should
hand in a donation • next rc;pntli�
inplace "af, the bake sale. .'`There
was• • considerable discussion on
where and when the community
eicnie should be. held. Mary Tor-
rance and ° Mrs. Don Barris each
gave at reading. Next meeting will
be held at the -hi -me of `sirs. Morris
1•,rttiue �„
- 'To -DAY, WE- HAVE twice as many employees as five years ago because
more °peop e want more ,service• than ever. before. -Eager, capable,'•
courteous •-- our operators, ilastallers. the girls in . _our busines'
offices — all bring to their jobs the same friendly spirit' that means
better. telephone: service --for- you, snakes it of greater value than
most other things you buy..
• :'. In the past• five. years, our payroll has gdne up from 20 million
to over 50 million dollars. Yet, ui to now, despite higher costs on all
sides, there has been no'_ increase in the :'basic telephone rates
established 22 years ago, - ''•
Ta -day's expansion prograri is breaking all records, but there
are still orders we haven't 'been able 'to• fill. We• will keep right on '
ci -working and buildingto •n.ilake yourtelephone Service a bigger
• bargain than ever ---,.to continue to provide more and better service
at the lowest possible' cost. . '
TAYLOR'S S CO,RNIR, liay 25,
The Ladies' Aid will meet at the
home of Mrs -Lorne Bodges on. Wed-
-nesday •afternoon, June 1st,. at 2
3Irs. C. A. Whitely spent. a few
days in;Teronto last week.
The Misses' .Helen and.' Jean
Whitely; of Toronto, -,spent tl)e holi-
day week -end at th.gir ,,, hone in
Goderich, township.
• Miss Anne Carswell, of Toronto,
spent the week -end with her cousin,
Miss Marry McMillen.
Miss. Vera . Wilson has "'been a
patient • in Alexandra Hospital,
Goderich: suffering from an ear
Miss Ray . Holmes was - hostess'
to the members of the .Beta Sigma
Phi • Sorority • on • Wednesday : even-
ing of this .week. • , ;. ate. •
Deanna Durbin;', stair
of screen
and sang, first sting in the Salvation
Army's '• Grace Hospital, Winnipeg.
She was born in that institution
Eileen.: Wallace, • all of Toronto,
were *visitors over' tie week -end
with Mr. and Mrs. James .Wallace:
.;Mir. .Gerald. Garvey of Toronto
visited ,:his brothers: here on Sunday.
Mr. Michael' O'Neill, accompanied]
by ' Iris another .' and :Hiss' Stella
Dean,. spent Sunday. in Jngersoll'
visiting friends. ' " .
Liss Sally, Walsh of Toronto,
whose marriage takes ,place on Sat-
urday, May 28, to Michael Martin,
'at .Holy Faintly •Catholic, Church,
Toronto, has, been visiting here the
past. week. -
It'saves time and trouble when
yoti.familiarize yourself with the
tegulations regarding travel "to
the' -United States', before -you
set out on 'your' trip. Nese are'
the facts:
1. The allowance for pleasure
travel during,the current,,,
ration period of Novem,her
16t11, ;194$, to Novernber
111..,1949,. is
11504.1Sr per
person ($100 iin the case of
-children •under 11 years
2. 'A o rr "H perfnit,"obtai
able ;at any. bank, is re-
quired to'take out -of -dart
ada.aknounts exceeding$1O
U.S. or $25U.S.and'Cana- '
digit funds. •
3. Special,._
granted for strictly busi-
ness travel where -your ap-
plication . is certified by
.your,,employer. •
4. Application's , for larger
amount of U.S. tunas for
travel for health or•educa-
1 tion, i purposes ,may
mead on speci,al.forms ob-
tainable at yourleitk•
BANK CREDITrrn ois,the d
--g' gears ofprocluction,
industry and commerce. It. helps to produce the goods
and provide the services : and jobs which mark the
Canadian way of life:
"Money in tile bank" is the foundation of credit.
You and, some 'seven -million other depositors °have
nearly seven billion dollars in:the chartered banks.•
To.:pay for work done, goods produced,, bought and .,.�
4 " •
Sold, Canadians issue - every month—upwards of
on, . o i• ars in cheques. w
' CAM&
44.11141,61, 1.''.://
Cashing these cheques making loans, discounting
notes - in many Afferent ways your bank keeps money
and . credit moving through . x.11 the channels of trade_
and opportunity like oil in the machinery.
.This whole vast, private; competitive, efficient process' is
;made possible by your ,"mon y-yn the,,banl '
- and ....
by the experience and skill and .integrity of the
men and *omen on Canadian bank staffs.
Goi r to Y4?ue bank i n i!
�'Y�elrav�"�a d4ec��w�rt�' � srfaf�
1 i,ieau b that'�ifowV H, iwoy cl